HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-23, Page 44 Pall taLAT. MAT* 1*11 4r THE SIGNAL GODERI( H ONTARIO News of District KI TAIL Dar, May 111.. DONT Miss Tars. -Don't forget the Women's Institute mestN t0 be held June 4th in Lakeview Part. Hiam&L A splendid prugeam is being prepared. Further particulars next week. SLY rH. WEDNESDAY, May 22nd. Bat D=MoN*TRATION.-A bee demon- stration is to be held in the apiary of Alfred B.Oarr,Blytbe on8aWrday,Juae let. commencing at 1 o'clock The purpose of this demonstration • to explain the nature of foul brood and •bow how to cure It, also how to save the wax from the combs by weans of the wax press. All inter- ested, ladies especially, are invited to atteed. MAFEKINQ. MONDAY, May 20th. News Norse. -Mise Emma Sproul. of Dungannon. was a visitor bete yes- terday Jas. Oulbert is pressing hay at present for Thos. Irwin Isaac Oauley spent a few daps with Crewe friends last week Kenneth Cameron, of tit. Helens, visited at Jas. Webster's yesterday... Ernest Blake and Wallace Twamley spent Friday night at Kintail catching suckers. They report a large catch . .... Miss Mary Culbert is spending a few days with friends at Crewe Alf. Sher- wood, of Belfast, was in this vicinity on Saturday building fences for R. Johnston and Nat. Saunders. NILE. TUESDAY, May 21st. NILE NO'rxs.-B.. Mcilwain, the Nile postmaster, started on a trip to the West last week - Mrs. J. Taylor, of Calgary, Alberta. is visiting her rel- atives here Mrs. Gecrge McPhee. of tioderich, is with ber sister, Mrs. R. Mcllwain, at present The best wishes of many friends bere are ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott for their future happiness and prosper- ity in their new borne F. Thomp- son, Toronto, was tbe guest of J. H. Pentland lest week .... The i.eague topic for Tuesday evening is a patri- otic one -"The Victorian Age" Don't forget the ever popular tea - meeting here on the 'lith. The pro- gram is an unusually attractive one. KINGSMONOOE, MONDAY, May 20h. The Forty Hours' Devotion at St. Joseph's church was commenced on Holy Thursday. The visiting priests were Rev. Fathers McRae, from Gode- rich. Blair, from Wingbam, and Dean, from St. Augustine. Yourto Foxes CAPTORED.-Jantes Sionett and Melvin O'Reilly were for- tunate enough to secure a den of .ix young foxes, which they will keep for sale. While tbey were being dug out the mother kept off at a distance, and when she saw she was doomed to pay for stolen fowl she gave vent to bet grief by sharp, weird bowls, which sounded mneb like a screech owl. Narita -Mrs. J. Young is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. C. Dalton Wedding bells will soon be ringing Very few farmers are through seeding, no account of the wet weather of the week jest past.... A baby girl bas arrived to brighten the bo.:;e of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Dalton. Congratulations l PORT ALBERT. WEDNESDAY, May raid. PEReoNAt.s.--Mise Orsce Crawford arrived home on Saturday from Alberta. where the has been teaching mcbool for the peat tbree years . Mrs. W. Gouley visited friends at Clinton over Sunday Mrs. A. B. Colborne, of Goderich. L visiting at her home bere Victor Green was home from Goderich over Sunday.... Mrs. Thee. Green returned home last week from Detroit, wbere she bed been visiting friends Dr. W. Y. Hayden spent fiunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayden. Robert Hoy fpund another fox's den on Monday containing five young foxes. This L the second den he bas found this spring, and be now has ten young totes in his possession Roy Fritxley has gone to Goderich to work at the harbor unloading boats. Tom Gauley,called on friends in the village jr.,t week Mie Evelyn Hayden is home from To- rment. where she has been continuing her course at the McGillivray Knowles Academyof Art. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. urry and their daughter, Mins Huth. celled on relatives here on Sunday. 8T. HELENS. MfNDAY, May 20th. There is still a good opening for a dressmaker in St. Helens. Mr.. W. J. Todd and Pearl visited in Wingham last Saturday. Mn. T. Taylor and tabes ape visit- ing Miss T. Murray for few days. Mrs. Robt. McGuire and Horace visited at her sister's, Mn. Gillies', last week. The weather acmes favorable for hauling tile. Mr. Phillips is kept busy these days. Mise Grace Wigbtman. of West- field. visited Miss Lilian Clark on Tugs - day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Webster and children. of Locknow vicinity, visited at Robinson Woods' oo Sunday. On account of the 'wavy rein Rev. Was. Mackintosh did not attend the Presbytery meeting at. Wroxstar rte Tuesday. The eootJnued ream are delayin • few who have not yet fl tithed seeding. bat nearly all have their crops well tinder ground. daerwoteot waw di•pented In Calvin ebureh last Sunday. Five sesmbaee joined by certificate Bat sews by profusion of faith. Mr. and Mrs Knight and 4�y .rive, moved into Mr. Phillip ' hssssM the bviokyard. Mr£a{sat will en mist Mr. Phillips at ng. Mason. acne MCP N.a and Jade Qtsen visited 1►bagbars Aiwa s' p-i few Ml• (date week end etI•aded tl.. maMiug at Wroxeter en WESTFIELD. TUESDAY. May 21st. Wawa or 'res Wars_ -Mira Joaie Woodcock has returned booze after spending s few weeks' bolidara with Dundas Mends The Bllyth Tele- phone Co. is extending its uUlinee. and Kernick expecte to leave se in- strument installed this week An agitation is on foot to secure rural mail delivery from Blyth via the lad concession to the 4th sidsso•d, theme east on lbs 4th casements to Blyth gravel road On a000unt al the 000tiooed wet weather farmers are delayed in preparing the land and planting corn W. J. Wlgbt- man had the misfortune to loss a val- uable spring colt a few days ago Mie Jean Tuoaey, ut Blyth, spent Sunday last with her parents hers Gordon and George Cook have secured work in Cochrane. They like the northern town, although things are rather quiet there Mrs. Jeremiah Parks is still quite poorly Our old friend Thos. Woodcock is not in aa good health se his many friends would wish. We hope soon to see him around enjoying his usual good health. Mrs. Wm. Bamford Is also indis- posed as present. We hope for her •ply recovery Robert Buchan- an goes to Clinton Wednesday, the 22nd. as lav delegate from Auburn cir- cuit ifcuit to the Methodist district meeting. The rifle shoot was largely at- tended on Saturday afternoon last.... Lawrence Pearen removed the balance of his household effects to Wingham last week. He purposes spending some time with his eldest son in Michi- gan. 1AR. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF Lu.know, las mowed tea" outside points and will mowedl baeostorth give lois entire tttenboomn to tee boom ease, Laokaow. where hewill be found every day. AR modern meth- ods. PORTER', HILL. TUESDAY, May 21. Norma -Mrs. Jobe Blair, who was visiting bar sister in Wingham, has returned boos Airs. Mareball is spending a few days in Mitchell Pearl Potter M visiting at tlur- ris's Oroedag. Memee. McPhail sod Stirling were i• Forest last weak on business. LOOHALSH. MONDAY. May IOth. A.aYItrLD ParPTTauaa Oso ca. -Yesterday wag the day for the ea - adversary of Aabfleld Presbyterian church. but the pastor, Ray. J. 8. Hardie aanouuoed at the moraleg aar- vioe that be bad been unable to se- cure • preacher from mashie to take the cervices of the day. However, the congregation did not complain. as Mr. Herdic himself occupied the ppuu1- pitand gave excellent discourses. The Ashfield church is fortunate in having a pastor of Mr. Hardie's ability, and the congregation is flourishing under his ministrations. DUNLOP. WKDNs.DAY, May 22nd. Mrs. Hopi:, of Ashfield, was a t.ransient visitor here last Sunday. George Symonds. of Saltford, passed through bare on Monday with a cargo of flab, which seemed to find ready sale all along the road. Mrs. Appli and her sister, Miss Cummings, both of Chicago, are at present with their mother, Mrs. Cum- mings, who is slowly improving in health. Too MroH Wrr i .-'Bain, rain, arra'. rain, to be expected about this thee " At present farm work is at a P. v. 4.t11l, Grain that is in the ground a., x great extent, under water and II•e i 1 'r crops will be practical! beell. f .t ••...1 by seven wet undays in sue- DUNGANNON. 1 s . ghee of a rain Easter le i y Y g ct e.wu, and thea forty days of rain, seems to be a true one, unfortunately for tbe farmers. N OTIIOEN-THE LOCAL AGENCY oma uBonham► d torn*Stemma to at tam Poet- eamer orders will be reove y whore dad- vertising and Job work andreoettpb - will be eras ter amoswta paid for ta. same. THURSDAY. May 23rd. A DouaLs BEREAvamaNT.-L1at week the remains of Floyd Bruce, the three-year-old .on of R. J. Bruce, of Prosperity, were interred in Dungan- non cemetery. The little one is sur- vived by a sister, five years of age, and his father, hie mother hawing predn *seed him by eight ssostbs. Mr. Bruce L yet but a young man, and this is, indeed, a sore bereavement, both wife and child passing away within a year. DIVISION 0051sT.-Judggee Holtpre- sided at a seesion of the Diviafoe Court bere on Tuesday afternoon, while Wm. Proudfoot and Chas. Garrow, of Goderi^b, appeared as solicitors for parties interested. D. Campbell sued the township of Ashfield for balance due on a bridge which he built; this action will likely be settled in Gode- rich. The naw of Milligan vs. Camp - ball was non -suited by the absence of plaintiff. in the caw of Hoare vs. BeN, judrmeot tun given tor the plaintiff. e BRIEF MENTioN.-Rev. L. Bartlett is in Clinton this week attending dis- trict meeting. The excursion to Guelph will be run this year on Juoe 8tb, ani the excursion to Detroit on June 14th.... ... J. L. Mooney, of the Goderich branch of the Sterling Bentz, is supplying for H. Staples, who is spending his vacation at bis home near Toronto D. Sproul is visit- ing his daughter in Goderich. The 24th promises to be a quiet day -nothing in sight except the enter- tainment at Nile. HEAVY RAINS, - The unusually heavy and continuous rains of the past, two weeks have luterfered seriously with gardening and seeding opera- tion., and in some cases it will be nec- essary to plow and sow the seed Again. in the village nearly every cellar was flooded, and at places the water ran over the streets, being as high as at the time of the spring freshet. Pota- toes were washed from the ground. and it L said one farmer lost fourteen bushels of seed in this way. The gram, however, hes benefitted to a remarkable extent and pastures are green and deep. WITH' THE RIFLEt ere. -At a meet- ing of the executive of the Huron County Rifle League beld here on Thursday afternoon of last week it was decided to bold the annual tourn- ament at Point Farm on Friday, June 14th If the weather 1. fine, flf teen or sixteen of the local team will shoot against the Paisley team In the northern town tomorrow Ralph Dither carried off the honors at the 500 -yard range on Friday last with the exceptionally good more of 98 out of a possible i(G. The other scores were: W. Watson 98, J. Johnston 92, Dr. Bios 90, Chas. Elliott 90. B. Simpson 89, H. Bellamy 89. J. Mage. 88, D. Glenn 87, B. J. Orawford 86, J. Elliott 84 As usual, Dungannon will end two teamss to the tournament at Point Farm next month Each year the Dominion Government pre- sents a silver salver for the highest score in each local rifle association. Last fall Harry Bellamy won tbe cov- eted prise with • score of 484 oat or • poseibte 520. The trophy. which arrived reo.at_ly, L a handsome, e�lv.rt valued at * 8 elaborately deemed and engraved. Credit L due to the Government which originated the scheme of local rifle a..odations fostering them by the grant of tree ammunition and the awarding of soca handsome pais..a. On ac00snt of the contemplated trip to Paisley to- morrow. the regular weekly shoot we. held yeeterdty, when mese re.eart- ►My good Boorse were dais. The feature of the day we. the woadesful shooting of B. amp a S[buea year. old boy, who snored I tin Pos- sible 1(!6, at the 80Ni-1arrd image, his Lally being 18 bulr.-gyre. Meat foar's wed nee tbree-. t • •eel y remarkable performance when Ili* Menne. sad age of the shooter are combined. 1). Olson also made • remarkable .bow- ing, snaking some bull's-eyes la rno- esseion - -s passible le the seven -shot Mclean. an. The seems were: R. sea 11. Glens OS, J Johnetonellila R. 8si1s r etI. Oumpbsn 01. . Disbar On. W. Waimea 1111. T. Allem Ilk O. Elliott IS, J. 1111 Ilk 1Mamae a. T.1>f0Oam J...sea lit MORE FOR OR YOUR MONEY. Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes cost no more than ordinary cereals, yet there is • big difference in the quality Aod flavor. Order Kellogg's now. AUBURN. WEDNESDAY, May 22nd. Mrs. George Plaetzer is en gat sick ILt. - • j The Whine serve this e River is considered safe. A ion engine crossed unit last week. Rey. J. R. Mann will preach hie farewell sermon in the Presbyterian church here nett Sabbath morning. Miss Mary Fingtand arrived home from the University at Toronto last week. She intends going West to tench during the summer. Howson & La.vson intended ship- ping a carload of rollers this week, but owing to the wet weather they were unable to get them cut, A. R. Oullie, of the "Soo," is bete at prevent. He is making preparation to repair the dam, clean out the race and make other repairs to the chopping - mill and get it into running order as soon as possible. The river is rather high at preeent to do much with it. The wet weather is retarding the sowing of the root crops. The ground is so sort that very little can be done on the land at preeent. Hay ought to be s splendid crop this year. By ap- pearance at present the fruit crop promises an Abundant yield. BAYFIELD. THURSDAY, May 23rd. .4rlwAsT-Pou.ocs.--CupW scored a victory in Hayfield yesterday when, at Use loon of Mr. and Mrs. John Pol- lock, their daughter, Miss Florence, joined hand and heart with John Stewart, of Ooderich. The ceremony was performed at 1 o'clock in the wee - soca of about twenty-five guest., Rev. H. J. Oondell, pastor of Trinity chum, Bayfield, tying the nuptial knot. The bride was becomingly gowned in a dress of tuseoire silk, trimmed with cream ovarian and satin. Her going -away dress was a fawn tweed suit. with a cream allover - len waist. After congratulations the company partook of a tasty wedding luncheon following wbicb the wed- ding party drove to Godericb, where Mr. and Mss. Stewart boarded the 4:50 train for a wedding trip to Stretford, St. Catharines and Rimier* Falls. Among the guests present were Mr. and Mn. J. Stewart, Oscar Stewart, and Miss Maud Stewart, all of Strat- ford ; Mie Evelyn Pollock, of Gode- rich ; Rev. Mr. Hinds, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dewar and Miss Eva Dewar, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Castle, Mie Maud Castle. Mir Myrtle Stinson and Miss Ada Galbraith. all of Bayfield. The many useful presents received by the bride indicate the esteem in which ebe is held in; the community. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart will reside in Gode- ricb, the groom holding a position there as travelling salesman foe the Kensington Furniture Co. The beide also is well known in Goderich, hav- ing been employed there with Hodgen Bros. for some time. The many friends of the young couple joie in wishing them a very happy sad prosperous lite. STANLEY. WSDNssDAY. May 2afd. FATAL AIY'iDEET.-Mrs. William Leanest, living nn the fleshes line, le Stanley township, was fatally Injured et her bonne yesterday afternoon. Her btasband bed been building an addition to the house over the kitchen, and wbUe it had bees roofed and sided, the Snarl was was ngott in. Mrs. Lamont mee° way owls ed ho e footing. .(e . aand nd fell to the eo.nd floor. 'lire earp.e Mrs we* Iot ostaide beard her fall. tied os rush ag in hand ber 'moon - snow. She was attended by her sus sad bat devisees*�w. mire, regained eeseiou.saod died ia s about Mese. Mr. Lumen was la Smith wigs the sondem wee lleer(eed when he ssiiAa� to bear of bis wife's death. Kilns. La- mest was Sityy--itsm years of sad besides her ibsabsad 1. atttvfvedby three Mtn Janie, id Moan tans•- -NW Nimes Jus , ite boom ! 4ltbey. eft IrYlady susimo 1 k as Iter Host hatches (Liths Add 1st lane a bused by mend king lodges alone toe perm a d& bees ne hem tie egeem elle rehe•drnerd awns Aa desk le las skis elf Os mete. Tia geese le Ole same am la all dies dgad Ellbritre. Thsewbi . Iles the same - Dodd's Kidney Pills HULLETT. MONDAY, May 20th. The dam at Hutton', mill has been repaired and the mill is again in oper- ation. Some of the turners here are put- ting in largo plots of sugar beets this year, some as much as thirty acres. The marriage was solemnized lest Wednesday of Mise Katherine Gloush- ier, second daughter of John (Roush- ior, to Edgar Patterson, of Wiogbam. W. Monitan sold his matched team of heavy -draught horses to Mr. Swsrts, of Wingham, receiving a handsome sum for them. Samuel NeC ool got a good price for a horse he sold a few days ago to T. Coulter, of Blyth. PARAMOUNT. TUE8DAY, May 21st. NoTSS.-Mies Margaret Murray L visiting friends in %Vinghem this week Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDon- ald, of Kintail, spent Sunday at J. MacDonald's Owing to the wet weather a few of the farmers in this vicinity bare not -yet finished seeding. The Dtrkjority, however, are awaiting pc opportunity to plant their roots. .On Tuesday of last week Isaac , 'Ensign shipped some floe potatoes to Berlin, Ont. Isaac had a splendid, crop of first-class potatoes last year , and it is little wonder he receives orders from a distance.... .Geo. Mur-, ray spent a few days of last week in Wingham The Paramount cheese and butter fsctnty began operations here on Monday .. Mrs. McCorvie has left here for British Columbia to see her sister, who is seriously ill. We hope for a speedy recovery. ST. AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY, May 21st. News Norse. -B. Walsh, of Toron- to, visited his p•tsat# bete last week. Mr. and Mn. George Brophy visited at D. Callahan's on Sunday. Miss Lizzie Kearney visited Mends its this vicinity this week. Mr. and Mee. John McIntosh. of Clinton, visited at Win. Mclntosb's lest week Mrs. E. Fowler bad her household effects removed last week to Goderich, where she and her four daughters intend residing in future Wm. M. McAllister took a trip to Ooderich this week Owing to the very wet weather the farmers in this vicinity are unabis to get their root ground cultivated. 1'bey are all through sedleg Owin to tate rain last Saturday the attendance at the rifle range was Dot 00 large. Joe Bropby headed the list with points out of a possible 35. John Redmond had a bee draw- ing sand from Tom Leddy's pit list Wedn y Wm. Leddv is mak- ing prerations to raise his learn and put a cement wall coder it this sum- mer. OOQERICH TOWNSHIP. TUSIDAY, May 21st. 24Th of MAY SRoor.-The Oode- rick Township Rifle Association will hold a *boot at the club ranges on I. Salkeld', farm 00 Friday, May 2ttb. Shooting to begin at 1 o'clock. The competition will be for the cups com- peted for annually by the member's of the Association. DRAINAGE DEJONa'YMTIOle.-Then was a good attendance at the drainage demonstration on H. K. Rovelrs farm. 4th concession, last Saturday. The demonstration was gtveo by A. E. Mc - Laurin, of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, who gave • plan of • explainil ed rainagems b�odsfor a draining. and showed bow it would basset the property. Mr. McL urle went to Blyth for tie early part of thio west, and will be back here the latter end of the week to lay out • drainage system for Mr. Bicban's fartae. Tble work hi under the direction of the department of physio* of the O. A. C. and should be of great vales to the owners of farms. Seth Quick and Permanent Strength. Irou are run down or tired out., it you take ootid easily, bare no appetite, Makes Hair Grow. Dunlop has an Invigorator that will grow belt or money back. The time to take care of your hair la wino you have hair to take etre of. Itour hair as getting thin gradu- ally falling out. it Noma be thin, be fere the *pot appears. The greatest remedy to stop the hair from falling is traria, the Great American Hair Grower. first discov- ered in England. Salvia furniebss nourishment to tie bait mists and sets so quickly that people aro amased. And reconsbee. it destroys the lea - droll germ. the Mule peat that asp. the Iib that should go to the bait from the riots. Salvie is sold byDunlop the dreg- abe ostler a posive guaraetoe to crave dasdetd[ step eatihy kale sod noshing - be ten day, nr trasey neat st beep bottle eons worn. The word "gal. Mottle for sup) is as emery bone - l se eL e,,- 1-1` The careful buyer will find something good values this week, J.H�COLBORNE 1 interesting in our list Of Specially EMBROIDERY FLOUNCING Twenty -he ioabss wide. jest twenty yards ie this lot aad the pries ie ealy 15c. . Another twenty yards, is inches wide. at 80c. Four designs ie these two Iota wad extra vdue for Me and 80e. Peet/w•Mcb SidraBmhrokhr(re 864 elle, 66c. $S1.11,*1.Dq and - These are direct from the makers. The *1.86, *1-10 end U!6 are hard -aerie. PARASOLS $1.00. $i.46, 51.80. $1.75. *i00, *a*6, S*.* *2.75. AU new, direct from the matte. silk and wool ewrees. Pampa home, steel fancy handles. lot toy colored Parasols just to, a west nobby to ELS.*and oombiaation colors. Prime $1.W GLOVES Our stock is beteg added to every few days end is now the largest we ever carried in short end long makes. Short, 26e to 50c, in lisle end .ilk : long, 36e to 75e. silk gloves, double tipped. Our 35c long `love is a .ilk-linbhed lisle HAYszn. This is a world -famed glove. both for fit and wear, all finger tipped, 50e, 75c and *1.00, Patent Finger - tipped White Silk Kayser Opera Glove, 16 -button Length WHITE VESTINGS Fltteen pieces to select from, every piece new this season. Prices to 25c. Patterns choice, and cloth is ex y good quality. LAWN WAISTS Having bought oar Lewd Waists dirt trema the wa ars we got tbpm at Arai Duet and our stook was never so good to point of quality and queue. Hy as it is1!j°� ,baste and embeow. my trimmed sierras. �' e"' �i length sleeves, op in baak or d front, and e me price tam 16t1a to M. ' HOSIERY Seaming Meek and tan heat. 2 pain for 260. Some of three stockinp are'seesdo of 26c and Mc qualities. Thiess will wear about as well ae Ante; no imperfections la the feet. A great bargain at 2 pain for 26c. Ladies' seamless Hoer 28c, 35o and 60o. Radium Lisle Ho.. • new make, light weight, silk finish. absolute colors, 86c ani 50o. BOYS' AND GIRLS' HOSE sixes frRibbed. to l bseamless. Dolor.-w Week d tan colors, all neat Stocking for everyday um and the price for any sig. 15c. Hercule heave Ohba] Hose for boys in black and tan. seamless, fast comet, all size. from 5 to 10 -the beet boys' hose made. any size 26c. The Royal. a girls' flue ribbed Hose, fast colon in black and tan -the best wearers to be found, all sizes from 5 to 10, 25c. LITTLE DARLI G HOSE A very fine all -wool Hose f children, silk toe and heel, sixes 4 to 7, Aare up to are 25c. Colon ., cream. cardinal, sky, pink. black. SILKS We *reoffering extra values in plain Silks, 36 to 30 inches wide, in black and colors. A black Pailette pure Bilk, 38 inches wide, 90c. A Mark Marrqqui etre. 36 inches wide, 11.00, *1.25 and $1.50. A brown Palliate, 36 inches wide, $1.00. A recede Marquise.te, 36 inches wide, *1.00. are losing flesh or have other evidence of lowered vitality, try our MacLeod's System Renovator under our gran tee to refund the peke paid it the rem- edy fails to give entire satisfaction. It aids digestion, tares uta the nervous system and give both quick said per. maetent result*. One dollar • bottle: Manufactured by MacLeod Medicine Godericb. Ont. For sale by 8. R. Wigie, dru ist. , CAuWI Ph IIC WHAM EXCURSION TO GUELPH Coder the the a-pi-ee of West /saga Posers' Waste Satrrday, Jue 8th Special Trains by C.P.R. Leave Thine Adak Child 011oderich 7115 a.m. *1.16 * .80 eGaw 7118 166 .80 Ambient 7:43 1.80 .75 Btyti 746 1.40 .70 Walton 8:07 1.20 80 McNaagbt 3:18 1.10 .56 W. Monk tong:8e 1.06 .56 Milverton 8:46 .85 .45 Millbank 8-.56 .80 .40 Linwood 906 .86 .35 Walisoat.in 8:11 .55 .3) Elmira ' 93 .50 .25 Atm Gueipb 946 ifs tease .etd•l meta wialgll alit u a�tstCN�riom�rtha alOetmen dRt` t. dada Hyl Yon privilege of remaining over t 11•eds a Jvr Wee regent crab A Trip Fee of Lisrest Ul. is tem awaits- tris ed tae tamssss.se wtMA�ars�faaannd, ran the teams. aaor hEall ssattr atiosir aerisairwl sad Yim nen iaH ll, two noted saw Basal sinus. of resit ►.$.rest a ow.neerost ao..tMyalyd RC the eisayeaessietruits tMsreet ems- wean bit. city .r A day et Education, tmmphrtl.s, Re- creation. De sat mem it. 1. 4. lrALLOU0a. W][. eAlL[s, t maSS...t Alan. iDusg.-.N . i To the Goderich Citizens Ladies and Oentismaa,-i beg to inform you that i am prepared to do all kinds of domestic laundry work at reams - able pekes, ( have secured the services of Mr. D. H. Rows, the former Goderich leen• &ryasae. whose fame yea alre•iy know sad le a guarantee for good work. The Fla greed ladoutry Opposite Orap ObO. (IltwitL1. STUDY AT NOME !fart a mow is a..aaeepi g StIllawtha_ or �muter and so • tali ater sid M w It at maw it you wish. Mia. arm tbIowlns talo clan, marble seesaw sed entire ready for a goad aim gU[ates. Weise es tet partieelara ?be gnaw Ourespeadaeaa titles ad The Om. teat Almelo.. Cemsra Bun amps. Thom and Owrard Stn. Toronto. W. L 811AW President. 1 Get Ready for Spring by leaving your order for that new SUIT or OVERCOAT with HUGH DUNLOP Weis St. Yke t seadele Tam Remember that when you buy a stylish Shoe you do not buy dis.comfort ; and also let us emphasize the fact that in buying the H A R TT SHOE you get both style and comfort. TRUNKS, ETC. -When yyou travel you will need a good strong Trunk, or perhaps a commodious 8ait_ase or Bag will meet your requirements. We can furnish all your want. in either line. All Repairing Orden receive ear prompt atemtioa. JOHN H. McCLINTON ON THE SQUARE Furniture and House Furnishings Soria/ Necessaries m Fbratvre aftd Furnishings for the Host Realizing the requirements of the people of (loderleh and vicinity, I have now a complete assortment of b m h-elwFurniture. All goods, including ordinary sed exclusive degas, et moderate Prime -an enactment rarely sea outside the cities. Oome in and see the Glassy Fureitnre you oars get at Hobmeier's. it's a =II to allow my stook ; and if then is something you desire 1 haven't stookad, i will get it for you. �'����.. Rugs s i have aim t very desirable aaeortment of Rugs. A variety of yualiist. patterns end colorings. Stock all new sod pelt** right- Tise Purser, �cturegia place to get Window Shades. Room Mouldings. res. A few Sewing Machine. at bargain prier. A CALL SOLICITED George tiohmeier Apewcy Noriaatw a Plsrsr 'Pliiown es Winn' SIDS SQUARE