HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-23, Page 1J The Month of Weddings win -Moon be bere. An essential feature of a well - conducted wedding is the wedding sus, tionery. The Signal furnishes invitatiooa announcements, cards, etc., In the very best style. bIXTY.FOURTH YZAlt-Na W A TRIAL TRIP THE STERLIMiBMiK OF CANADA :ALWAV'S PAN BY CHEQUE The lady who pays her bousebold amount* by cheque on a 8trrling Rank saviors amount, hots a double receipt. to addition the batapos at the bank 1s quite secure, and earning Interest. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch—ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. a. NISBET Insurance andReill Estate i HAVE FOR SALE A NUMBER OF D1811tABLa HOUSES IN DIFFERENT PASTS GP IS. TOWN ANYONE WISHING TO BUT 'MOULD SEE ME Life Iesurance Best cad Fire Insurance Strongest Companies Accident Insurance J Rep•esrated Gyrates Nrx-r TO 11aN,tntse Beak or OOMiatic')t, GoDaateR, Over. 'Psoas IIh. P. O dor( MX Edmonton Moose civw Weyburn Prince Alberit Having recently returned from a two months' visit to these tour cities, i am in a position to quote dose prices on desirable properties in each one of them. i have personally examined the properties I am offering for sale and can guarantee as "good buying" anything offer. Prices range from $150 r lot to $5,000, so that i can supply the large or smallinvestor. Easy terms of payment and large profits to be made at the present time. Consult me before investing. J. W. e C A/L G 1L+ Real ,Estate Broker Goderich THE SQUARE ANNOUNCEMENTS. Coe Blackstone', delicious ice cream, in hulk or fancy bricks. Desired on ac- count of its purity, richness and velvet Smoothness that is en essential, and the delicate, delightful blending of flavors. —J Arsenate of lead is intended to eradicate destructive, leaf -easing in- sects which infest the orchard and garden. Sold by E. R. Wigle, drug- gist, Goderich. Pleasant and delicious in flavor, Wiggle's seidlitz powder*. Anyone can take them. WEV/:;URN Saskatchewan Real Estate Offers You Today the same golden opportunity that Oa uy offered ten roars ago. A lot was purchased to 'shoat that time for 11100.00 and was recently se for 010.000.00. The same thing will no doutt happen in Weburn considering what the railway development will do for "Biggest Little City in Saskatchewan "- W eyburn A few olf the buMnese (blocks and public buildings under ooh struedee now are New Postofflos and Armories .ousting 0%000 Melianoo Department Store ,.., 100.000 Three business Meeks 110,000 institute •• 00,000 " 110.000 0. P. R. I �oMaeda1 and Fnaght Maeda 80.000 es Medi as a how °thea, and two or three hundred rest` donna totalling mega than a kitLtrow Doti -Ana Ilse easFhjoe% time we neerSh lots in e towe- sare a/ i . elty VW eachpeels from . beset of the hobovines*RANT Tamara We have winds more than 100 per eeot. ptroat for ev*sy Investor dslrlgg the pat* year are vas de the same for yon. Write mat ones for map and particulate. of V. Campion & Company W=TSCRN SfacURrTY BANE BUiLDTNG W BTHCT RN, RARE ATOHB W A N GODERICH. THURSDAY. MAY 23, 1912 WAITED, The Signal for the balance of the year to new subscribers for only 50 CENTS TSI( SIGNAL MIN TNG CO„, Ltd., Pvausoa OODERICH MARKETS, WNTBD,-TWO DOWN - TOWN Ttguseo.v. May Yard room. wettable_ ler art studs' g� oars s�os�wh ereterred. NIBS IZLYN rr A Yntsf `ems, P.0 e'ae dr 6w bask.. e0 M te g 0 w k• "It YT I per be* �sri 0 6o to HO u aD pee lee de Per wane. ,ea 63 to YwNlra IMw �=.6sI*00two etrt.. feote Mrs psrssa r 00 x60 totubastikHMrrrawr+r t• ta~isw two 8 ro to ceater., !tee 11 6 w 4se 6+m --6 iso i *1 two A VDIve, far -"tem . ! 60 to 1 01M II 110 to q to to 4 IA to u6 to 7 re to Mto WANTED, - A GOOD STRONG the pl work bo about NI or 17 years of am, to Mare ally to W iyi Pa1Mf1>SR Heathen.ui I -tt HOUSE WANTED. -MUST BE IN Geed e•edltioe and hay. mode ra oonven- heeea�e Neves or Mast rosmr. W 1U law a Le I u'XAt.b.us.s ss year. Address, dos Nt 00.01 LOST 011 FOUND. Ver. -ON SUNDAY, MAY I9T'H, es 84. Lavers street sr em East street, between the Ame awn Reed Machine factory had Victoria .tweet Church. • pair of spectacles with caned rim The finder will please re- turn to MRS. 0. H ALE, Part street- �'IJTiCg. - WILL THE PERSON whop ..deo Use mown. at the audios nab ease mere It to the purehemr, MRS. Wednesday t� 041 BOARDING, WANTED. - LADY BOARDERS. Apply to lbs els. Godertdt. 04-fk OLD ORCHARD OOTTAGK-THIS frlake fronJ t, will M mum* bo> dens. mto ad &aa) eas washing seem modatlon V nuc ited 10appl to the anderemgned. Th. reps have all been rvesetly overhs. .ted. A11 modern maven. memos Meals rives whoa ordered. Lanett tram ISM to 1 o'clock : dinner trap 6 to &30. Mcomer RS. D. CAMERON, coer laws and Ct-tt Lessee streets, Oaderbh. FOR LALs OR TO 919? lR SA -A BUILDING iOT AYLE- se ?Nevem street Apply to F. J. PIZLD- HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON Hume road. • short distant. Prem town 4mfta. Lots cxntaise two aces with geed- orchard and small fruits. Prams house in good r•palt. Anyone *tablas to loepart name will be welcome at amy time. apply at THIS OFFICE far latsrumyoo, sett ER SAL1.-THE HOUSE AND tat oe Pslm.r.toa street, Goderich, be mg to Kra MacODUvray L offered formals, Pries MAO • the lot an the north reserved. Apply .t nig SIONAL OFFICE, Goddwf� cb. .- R SALE. -100 ACRES OF LAND li miles north of W town of Seaforth. d clay loam, all soder cultivation •� oboa•ns,k� barn, with Dement floors; latae bot, oewly painted, all in good repair: well u barn and bones. An Ideal bone. Apply to MINN/ 8C81t 005 ENLOCK, Seetorth,Out WOR 8AL8- -SiX FIRST-CLASS 1' balldlggcc late on Montreal and North erred& CHARLD3 ()ARROW. 5611 j1OR BALE, -THAT FINE RESl- destla1 property at the corner of Camerae and M�Ragtan streets, y known as the A. elght.ee7tloLawwn lots, led with the Mowedis tor mle. It embalm fruits of .11 kinrtThere are two brick hones.. each of two stories. one built only !a. year. and the other 1n first -claw repair. Both hoaxes have modern convenience., sad alto wrest the proper( is one of the dad r able 1n Uodertch. Wmost 111 be sold on reessearls terns. Apply to P. J. RYAN 0ideeich. • BEDDING PLANTS We bare a fine oolleotUon et Bedding Plants, Including the best scarlet. crimson and pink bedding Geraniums, canner, Coleus. Salvia, etc. Ales • 1>) good amortment of Harder Plants. Ram ons Ra.kete and Line refilled. Orden for tvent erne roar still be 4nsd. Nall or telephone orders and enquiries receive prompt attention. JOHN BTEWART ERI'ATI, Rural Tobphens er7 BsemlUer DO YOU WANT SUMMER BOARDERS ? 1 The Signal has many readers all thggoough the United States -- from Nassachueette to California, from Florida to Oregon -people who have lived in Goderich and who still keep in touch with the old town. Doubtless a number of these intend visiting Goderich this summer and would be glad to learn of places offering accommodation for summer visitors. Persona in town or vidnity wbc have such aocnrn- modations to offer would find it profitable to insert a small advertisement in The Signal at this seswon ,•ben intending visitors are making their plans for the summer. THE SIGNAL Telepbone No. 35 Ondsr4ch 0 ODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'buses meet all trains. Private calla brve prompt and careful attention. First - class livery oittllte at all think Reasonable prhl.s, THE DAVIS LIVERY r- t T. M. DAVrc t.Proprietors's% Routh Street 'Phone No. 6I Wood, per Old New roulades, Par wPotateseiyPer awe. 'z°•ek•w Biseen.pPer ant r elm sheep: tt ns ser 0 66 466 1 to 1 00 16 00 0 75 3 00 000oa 27115 12 us 8 oo 160 ere 004 Sal I In 480 6 00 6 76 8a 4 60 06 7 es 80 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -May 23rd Page Ontario'. Bert Bordner* t'olleg—(;entral Bus- iness Collers, Stratford 3 ReaderG. T. R. 7 Reward -M.0. Cameron Fig PLLL-The Jig P1111'0., IM. Thome,. 3 halm', Scotch L`sboine-MllL, k Soo3 dwell Potato Prim -Howell Hardware CO 8 Spectacles Lahr -511.. H. Hale 1 Farewell Somal -North Street Church 6 Readers -R It Wigle . sees sees .....,, Roams Wanted -Miss tivelyi Hayden 1 Msotlog- Huron Oosnty Connell. 1 Winters 46.50.1 Real Esters -ii V. Campion tCo . ... 1 rim Wedding Beason- Walter H. HaXTWa . 8 Clearance oaf near Ooverlsge-W. Acheson k boa sees 2 Good Valuer --J. 0. tel nurse 4 Excursion to 09st*h--We4 Rutile Fanners' institute„ 4 Reader -A. J. ( apt 5 Note. -Mrs Leet 1 CiitVHd ea -Rita Jas. Stroegh and � 1 Cblidreali Weal•--11•Leen Brae..... ....sees . 7 Lady menlsrs Wanted -Box Ole 1 Bootee Ltnoieams-Hodgees Bros. 8 Power for the Farmer-Haroo Gasoline En- g'toe and MaokinetpCo 5 Reader-cuseseuse's , 6 Apprentice Wanted -W. It. Pinder1 The Best Moe to Town- Balmoral Cato 8 House Wanted -Box 26, Signal Omoe.. ..sees 1 BORN. HUNTER. -lo Oodi lob, on Sunday. May 19th, to Mr. and Kra. J. B. Hunter, a daughter. R(618, -In Aebfleid, on May 7th, the wife of Rod Ross. of • sea. MARRIED. COUSINS -DRLNgWAL'r fit .-Lo (ioderleb, es Blonder. Mee Ku, by Rev. J. Pollock Thos. Edward Cousins to Miss Abigail Drink welter. all of Goderich. STEWART-POLLJo'K..-At tae home of the brides parents, Mr. as* Mrs. Joho Pollock, Hayfield. on Wednesday, Iday 81od by Her, Miss F' H. J. Cond.11, Miloeenoe Pollock, to John Stewart, of Goderich, DIED. HASTINGS. -AL 12 rlshop street. Montreal, on May let, Helen Watson Hastings, eldest daughter of the Late George destitute. Petite Cote, aged 63 year. PARK. -At tis family residence. 13 McKeongh avenue. Chatham, on Monday May7 lib Robert Victor, son of Mr. and Mrs. WIllbm R Park, aged 2 years, 4 month.. 18 day,. STARLEKER.-In (IodaHcb, on Wedneada , May 16th, Emma Stableker widow of the tau r. L. Stalleker, aged 77 year,. HUNTER. -(n Goderich, on Sunday. May lath, Peart turd daughter of Samoa' Hunter, Gibbonsmtreet, in her I4th year, JENKIN. -In Colborne. on Friday, May 1704, Oraoe alernan, wits of James Jenkin. aged Si yearn, 8 months and 6 days. CARD OF TRANIR. t4 RIO. JAS. STRONGH AND FAM - MT, of 43 East street, wish to thank their many friends of town and alio trlends In Rrantlord, Ont, for their kindeem and eym- oathy shown to them In their sad bereavement in the death of her son Otiose. GARDENING. I188RS. TAYLOR & THOMPSON, Mefessional gardener., by day or week. Alixtriss to be sent to Me °fibs Of THt +169 shim. PUIiLiC xOTICE f1'SN wilt lead ithe oon DO(LVLpARS RRIVARD.-A RE lfor inform- oon t�t 10 �nvvtdJon of the parties who stole .bout 2110 tulips from the mita" d Mrs M. t . Cameron on t5* 2015 or let of May, 1912. M.O. CAMERON. ATIUCON SALE OF ENTIRE livery stock, the ROsrrty of 11..1. Blake, at hb barn, Looktww, w'ednesdy, Jam iIM, Bilk et 1 e'doek sharp Evseytuleg most be said without reserve, as the er easter b West J. PURVIS. Aadbomeer, OiSI 11LBETING OF THE HUjtON 111111 COUNTY COUNCIL. The esunelt of the corporatioef of the county at Hage will meet In Um council elmeaber. In sewn re Oodench. oe Tto edgy, lam 4th, at 8 also0. Aalonnaamino' the meaty will be coselde ed If placed witl*, Mark bears fhb illeDete4 May filth. M2. Isere t Oil*.('lark. rt CD(S- ENTRE HURON LIBERAL AOCLATION, easiest meial sf � ypest., H/fret 1 Hall di poi. N T..,Slay !a, lrq •t M. MU*D1IB,_ J. L. WILLMAN, di f, FARM $BLP AND DOMRSTIC e�RIA�VP gAtyNTa- �g4s L��IggNee�ws��,,DanHld51.51510 es�gms�st MOQUIle awit n. 0 et Besse. 02 rel/ wmeve N pAPARRANGING, PAINTING sale k4 Inns. eta r Volk _ FOR SALL. R NA LR,-BUrr ORPINGTON 1111 'fes L sod Gem Steakpic dyed by m per ~ sad wssw►Mi�d edw wirtus9 wW lltr r ag st LL mer ebwse, C Y PRAYING OUTFITR, BTO. 4t better reccesPts 1.Wa the ease ,e. " p sea, WALL PAPBR - l 91 I WALL Bistrbeefps ee lase from Tees .1.71.784AVY:6P H. 1. BTHANti, 13. A., iL D., Principal Goderich Collegiate Institute, 1871-1906. AN INTERESTING OCCASION. Dr. Strang's Portrait Presented at Col- legiate Institute. A pleasant event took place on Mon- day afternoon at the Collegiate Iteiti- tote, the students gathering in the as- sembly room at 3 o'clock to witness the presentation of a portrait of Dr. 11. I. Strang on behalf of the Collegi- ate Institute Literary Society. The picture was unveiled by Rev, Donald MacGillivray, D. D., in whose career Dr. Strap has always•had a special interest, for the now eminent missionary secured hie high school training under Dr. Strang and was the first of the Doctor'. "boys" to go t 1 University, where he took a notably high standing. Dr. MacOil- livrsy after unveiling the portrait ad dreamed the students in • most inter eating manner, giving tbenn an ides of the missionary problem in ('hina in its larger aspects and impressing them with a sense of the responsibility lying upon the Christian peoples for the ex- ample which they present to the Chinese jn their national conduct as well as in their individual lives. Dr. Strang expreesed his gratitude to the students for this latest instance of their kindness towards him, and Principal Hume also spoke briefly, ex- pressing his appreciation of the occa- sion. Dr. Strang's portrait hangs in the assembly hall, with those of others who have been prominently connected with the school stall, THE TOWN COUNCIL. NO FURTHER ACTION ON LICENSE REDUCTION BYLAW. J. H. Tigert Resigns Position of Audl- tor-Pissident Macklin of the Board of Trade Suggests that Goderich Take Part in Guelph - Hamilton Celebration. The regular meeting of the town council was held haat Friday evening. Before the clerk had concluded the reading of the minutes of the last meeting of the council all the mem- bers were in their places with the ex- ception of Councillor Humber, who arrived twenty minutes late. Mayor Reid told the council that he had been interviewed by J. W. Craigie in regard to securing the use of the office in the package freight sbel st the harbor during the season of pi- senger navigation. Mr.Craigie told him he had been uoable to come to terms. with Mr. Sturdy. the prevent leasee. After some discussion a motion was made by Reeve Munnings an.1 Coun- cillor Vanatter, instructing the clerk to write Mr. Sturdy and inform him that if be is unable to make arrange- ments the council will take the matter p. u in a petition, residents on Brock - street made a request that the side- walk on tbe north side of Brock street be removed to the outside of the trees to conform with the walk on the south side of the street. It was asserted that "the cinders which have been so kindly dumped along the north side of the street is a disgrace to our street, and weizillygimst be rewo down hatrohe same on the outside of trees. The natter erlwas referred to the public works commit- tee. . Tho chief of police sent a request for suits of uniform for himself and the police sergeant. The request was re- ferred to the special committee. His Honor Jude Holt, president of Alexandra Hospital, Bent a request asking that the annual grant to the hospital this year be at least 11900. The letter was referred to the finance committee. J. 8 McMath applied for the posi- tion of special constable while the mil- itary camp is here. The application was referred to the special committee, Reg. R. Elliott sent a letter to the council in which he agreed to pay *25 cash rental for the use of the six acres adjoining Victoria school. He also agreed to repair the fence. On mo- tion of Councillor Humber it was de- cided to accept Mr. Elliott's offer, pro- viding that the fewer is flxed satisfac- torily under the supervision of the public works committee, Jas. H.-Tigert tendered his resigna- tion as auditor and the Reeve, in mov- ing the acceptance of it, PxpPreseed the regret of the council et Mr. Tigert's intended removal from Goderich. Two communications -one to the town clerk, and the other to V. M. Roberts -were received from the Bank of Commerce at Chatham, in referenoe to the assignment of the moneys due the contractor to the Bank. The lettere were filed. Reeve Munnings, chairman of the public works committee, intimated tbat the ,$ letters wage not satisfactory to him. He said CKt the town wanted permis- sinn to pay the account of the Lock Joint Co.. but this permission had not been given. Speaking further of tbe attitude of tl.c Chatham Bank man- ager, the Ree% .• said : "We want him to ask no to pay the Lock Joint people, and until he does he gets no money." As he thought it advisable to keep the matter in abeyance Reeve Mun- nings gave notice of motion that at the next regular meeting of the coon• cal he would move to rescind the mo- tion passed on April 19th, which authorized the assignment of moneys due the Taralithic Paving & Construe. tion Co. by the town to the Bonk of Commerce at ()bathers). The Reeve Faye this notice of motion at the meet - ng on May 3rd, but he did not think that conditions warranted any action being taken : hence the renewal of hie notice of motion. The public works committee re- ported that a b0l�allofi watering wagon had been ordered from the American Road Machine Co., and that arrangement' had been made with Geo. Beacom for the nee of a horse on this sprinkler at the rate of fifteen ts per hour. The report passed. The finance committee recom- mended that a bylaw be passed pro- viding for the borrowing of necessary money until ouch time as the same can be collected as tales, to meet the payment of interest on the bonds of the Ontario West Shore Railway that were guaranteed by the town, it so was recommended that 8. Bisset paid $36 for gravel as amount in 1 that Lou Ma•kell he paid the m of SSD for 200 shade trees es ac- unt in full, and that a number of her accounts be paid. It was re- rted that the proceedings in non - ion with the sale of the sitmeser tel bad been completed and that the ney had been paid to the town. The port wag adopted. 1be market committee reported at the resignation of W. J. Tbw- y as market clerk had been ar- med and that (:apt. Alex. Mcleod he.n appointed in hie stead, Mr. Lend to pay the num of ii for the for ono year ending May 16th, 10115, n important matter whieh the ial committee was asked to report was as to what action it would .d to betaken in referent* to the tion asking for the reentndtng of bylaw which provided for the cut - g off of two betel liewws*n. The IOsatireed an ire * THE POINT FARM SHOOT, Harms County Rifle League Competition Friday, Jane i4. The match committee of the Huron County Rifle League met at Dungannon Thursday, May 160, to transact busi- ness in preparation for the shoot at Point Farm. All the members were present except the secretary, who has got past the age when he thinks twenty-four miles of pelting rain is good for young ducks. Fbe nett shoot of the Le ague will be held at Point Farm on Friday, June , 14th. Ranges, 1'Jl0 yards and 500 yard., . Ten men compose a team. Each' competitor fires one sighting shot and seven shots to score at each range. Shooting commences at 9 a. m sharp. Prises are to be arranged by a com- mittee appointed for that purpose. o Position prone, shooting off the el bows. A new system of scoring is to be adopted for the 14th June, and we hope it will be an improvement over j the old way. The target accomtnodation is to be doubled, so that all shooting should be over in good time. The range officers are : C. Elliott, t Dungannon; J. Webster, St. Helens; C. McNeil, Oolboeae ; R. Carrick, Whi ` b. Scoref�.. Bellamy, Dungan- non ; W. ompson, St. Augustine ; C. McDonagh, Lanes; F. b. McLen- nan, Lochalsh; C. Asquith. Auburn; A. Boyd, Lucknow ; Geo. Robertson, Whitechurch ; H. Montgomery, Gode- rich township. Ample accommodation for all will be furnished at Point Farm. Further particulars will be obtained when tbe bills are out. T. R. RUNDLE, Secy. H. l', R. L. ANNUAL LIBERAL GATHERINGS. The annual meeting of the Liberal Association of West Huron will be held in Goderich on Monday, June 3rd. The Liberals of the Dominion riding t East Huron will hold their annual meeting in the Brussels town hall on Friday, May Met, at 2 p. m. As already advertised, the Centre Huron Liberal Association will meet t Seaforthf1 on Tuesday next, May 88th, at 2 o'clock. A special preparation for a definite purpose -Magic Corn Cure, sold by E. R VVg rutgiet, Gpdericb. Life on the Rolling Main Not What It Is Cracked Up to `Be -So the Deckhand Discovers. "What kindergarten lid you rob?" was the pertinent (or impertinent) query bellowed at the captain of one of the boats which wintered at tiode- rich as she entered the lock at the Soo on her first trip this season. It is no unusual sight to see boys in short trousers acting in tea capacity of deckhands on the steamers calling here this season. Tempted by the wages of S20 a month and the glowing pictures by deep-sea writers of "life on the billowy main," the boys leave good jobs in town, where ten hours seem» a long, long ay's work, to find that on the boat they must work at least twelve hours a day, with the probability of being called n at any time. day or night. to handle lines or sweep the hold. The work, too, is of the most trying character. Two of the tour dockhands form what is known as t he coal watch. Their duty is to pass eoel from the bunkers to the firemen, and to wet down and hoist out the ash*,. Rbovelling soft coal in the open air is a dirty job: down in the stoke -hold, far below the water Iinei it M a grimy j;nb-to put It mildly. The Boal at times must be brought thirty and forty feat, and the. teak is one wbieh wont tax the endurance of a husky man -carrying five or siz tone each weteh, breaking upthe lumps and shovelliag out the ashes. working all the tins* in an atmosphere thick with eoal dist, M no kid'. play. The husker clean. his Ates each watch, and when 5. rakes out the red-hot cinders" and lowing ashen the gmnhorn may well excused for bolting to the lad- der. for the beat. b intense and the at- moispbere very ain- p de generally rom"foggy." tP an end e the foot al the ladder, for the iron range are so hot that they burn the band. : ►crier. the Anker, as a rule, Ma thiek- skfnn*d indivldne who Insists upon his sadstent staying wiser* M belongs and doing his share of the dirty work. After the watch is over an hour may profitably be spout gouging the coal from eyes and ears and removing the grime which extends from the tip of the tallest hair to the extreme end of the bigthe nail. After washing up and dining, the "deckle" in free to wander about the decks or through Um streets of the town -or to t irn in for a well-earned ,noose. Tbi• latter pleasure may be seridusly int,•tfered with by the attacks of certain small insects which make very nnpl %sant Ibed-fellows. Very few deckhan.tm re- main more than one or two tripe on a boat, and this continual shining about flakes it hard to keep 'any boat en- tire' y free from perste. After one has passed the deckhand stage, however, conditions improve. The watchmen, wheelienen, engineers, etc., penally bunk two in a room, making cleanliness of person and quarters a comparatively simple mat- "8eeing the world" is a cry that has drawn seamy young men to the steam- boats end it is rte to as that the fel- low who starts out decking pars hie passage many times over in long re. arduous toil and disagreeable surroundings. Hang nn to your jobs, boys : rave your pennies and each year take a little jaunt to Detroit, Georgian Bay or the Soo. Put by a quarter each week and next summer you should he able to take a trip to all the ports on the 8t, Clair River and Lipka Inc. Ilse year after go no CO the Soo by the beantbfut North Channel, one of the most picturesque stretches of water la the world and one whirs you will n ever see if you week nn the freight ren el he fu su co of PO neer ho mb 1P tb ere. r� Me fees A aPoe n vise beats whieh generally son from port pati to part. making none of thedentate"' the mope by the way whieh e*haneh the tin pismire of a trip en a passenger boat.