HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-16, Page 8THU*SDaT. MAT 16, 1$13 THE & NAIA GOADRRICH. ONTARIO 1 1 1 1 NO OTNER Lf NiMENT tl ya+ aro on the 1«r+e.ft /a. something uxftl for Wedding Gifz's we have what you want. Our stock L full of wedding gift sugg eesstione. We have made HPECIAL preparation for this happy sermon. Whether you wish to spend 50c or $60.00,ou will have no difficulty in finding something herr to exactly suit your taste and pocketbook. We shall be gled to show you our ntsgoltleent assortment and help 'rocking fled exactly what you are coking for. Walter H. Harrison Agent Columbia Grapbophoner On the Square, Goderich INIIIManimPIIIIIII v 1 1 1 I, 1 Could Do What AMrriscy'• Did, says Blacksmith. lit1QLLB Odra. C. B . Dee. 1.. 111.. -1 west Laid rep for several day■ with • &ever+ pais in the base of me rtsto art. sad was usable to perform my work. I procured • bottle of Father Morrtecr■ Liniment and atm 6 epoll- cations was able to return to work &n4 shoe 1: horses In one day. I cheerfully recommend It to all Vera Baler trete sore muscles. AMC Mahe. backache, muscular rteumaU,m eta. eta. because I know yon will get relief snit am sure you can find no other Liniment aa rood as Pother tdorriecy'a" Kenneth T. Phillips. The above prescrtption is not • ' '*re - A11" or se -called patent medicine. Dr. llorrlsey prescribed it for 44 year.. one It cured thousands after other doctors failed. Price. 25c. per bottle at Tour dealers, or Father Morriscy Medlclns Oe.. Limited. Mon trawl. MPS 'cold and guaranteed in Goderich by F. J. Butland. Subscribe for The Signal -the lead- ing newspaper of Huron county. the Y3almoral safe THINGS WE NEVER SFE A sheet from the bed of a river, A tongue from the mouth of *stream, A toe from the foot of a mountain, A page from a volume of steam. A wink from the eye of a needle, A Dail from the finger of fate. A plume horn the wing of an army. And a drink from the bar of a gate. A hair from the bead of a hammer, A bite from the teeth of a saw, A race on a course of study, And a joint from the limb of the law. A cheque that is drawn on a sandbank. Some fruit from the jamb of a door. And people who ate better ICE CREAM Than at BURDEITE'S candy store. Tomtit* sky Daley lewOrtaka j ,serv.d. Milliner For Saturday and Following Week We Witt be prepared to show an especially attractive variety of the season's best styles in Trimmed Hats of dainty material for summer wear; also a number of Toques and Turbans in black and colors, all at reason- able prices. MISS DONOGH KINGSTON ST. GODERICH ONT. INVEST IN Winnipe The Great Railway and Commer- cial Centre of the West Within A very short. time WINNIPEG will be one of the wealthleet cities on the eootinent. ![any Minimax opportunities on the main streets Dao i e • +cured 074 pTHESE-WHY NOT YOU MAKESOMEONWILL A FORTUNE Elmdale Lots for the small investor. Higb and dry. Pine shade tress. Only three miles from centre of city of 200,(100 population. One minute's walk from car line. Sidewalk direct to city. ONLY $RR$ PER LOT TERMS -146 CASH, 110 PER NONtH For particulars apply SCOTT, HILL & CO., Winnipeg. rlanitoba, or J. T. UOLDTI`1ORPE. Uoderich, Ont. RURAL TELEPHONE S r • N. R. -Any investor buying Winnipeg property throt►►ggh me wilt. K desired, he furnl.bsd with a guarantee from Scott. HUI!Co. that if in .roe year he M diaaatia8ed with the dial his mosey w111 he refunded with interest at A per event. .1. T. GOLDTHORPE SPECIAL OFFER THE SIGNAL for the balance of 50 Cents 19(2-40 new subscribers only OBITUARY. ' Andrews. After being ip felling health tar some time, 'Margaret J. Wareup, wife of John Andrews, massed away et her hove uu haat street on timidity of last week. The deceased was sieve nty- one years of age. Her tirthplace was at Le l'reirie, near Montreal, where she remained untilat she grew to womanhood, when toe family moved to Goderich and seted on tbe Hay- field road. Hera the *ubjeet of this notice waa united in tttrarriage about twenty years ago to her now bereft partner. They contluued to reside nn Mr. Andrews' rum on the Bayfield road mud about six years ago, when they moved to town. The deceased is survived by one brother and one sister -Chan. and Miss 'Warcup, both resi- dents of the Bayfield road. Mrs. An- drews was it mrtnber of Victoria street Methodist church and by her quiet, unobtrusive manner won for herself a circle of warm friends. The funeral took place un Wednesday afternoon of last week, from her late reeidenoe, Bast street, to Maitland cemetery, Rev. Dr. Medd conducting the services. The pallbearers were 1V j1 - son tialteld, Baxter Reticulate, Wm. Swaffield, John Salkeld, K'm. Bichan and Mr. Oould. Mr. Andrew. and family are deeply grateful for the many kindnesses shown them by their friends and neighbors i n their bereavement and wish t o mate public acknowledgment to t ha t effect. Hodson. The death of Joseph Hudson at Hensall. o the dhh ult.. removed another ot the few remaining pioneers whose character:stire of it,ttuetry and thrift have played 'so great a port in the transforming of the Huron tract into it rich agricultural district. Horn in Quebec Province .evenly -seven years ago, the late Mr. Hudson lived there until be was thirteen years of age. The tamily then removed W West t.willinthury, where they resided until I8 , ween they took up their abode in Stanley township. A year later she subject of LOU, notice was united in marriage to Miss Annie Walker, who survive* him. They pureb&sed a farm near Hills Careen which -was then covered .with bush, and by bard work rind persdverangq they succeeded in making a comfort- able home for themselves. They con- tinued to live there until eight years go, wben they retired . from agricul- ural ppuursuit& and removed to Henan. Mr. Hudson's last illness was of brief tuation. as just three days prior to is death he was stricken with wale- d*, which resulted ultimately in his each. All his childrer were present o his hist hours, with the exception of ne son, Isaac of Edutnnton. Besides is bereaved widow a family of four na and seven daughters survive him. They are Joseph, of Hensel': Thos. and John, of Marlette, Mich.; Isaac, of I3dmonton ; Mrs. Janice Troyer, of Sestorth ; Mrs. James Jarrett, of Hay Mrs. James Logan, of and Mrs. John Censor., Mrs. thy, Mrs. Wm. Douglass and liil'a. Wilson Carlisle, all of Stanley. e also is survived by thirty grand• hildren and thirteen great-ggrand- ildren. The deceased was a Presby - Melia in religion and the funeral rvices were held in Hormel Preaby- teriarf church, Rev. Kr. Smith, assist- hy Rev. Mr. Richardson. of Kippen,ti oducng the services. The remains were interred In Bayfield cemetery and v. Mr. Smith was assisted in the vices there by Rev. Mr. Johnston. Varna. a t d h Id 0 h .o A. 8 c eh se ed eo lie ler of Horny. The sad intelligence was received by Henry Horney, postmaster at We.t- field, of the sudden death of his eldest eon, Herbert J. Horney, 1 April 251.11, at the home of hi. brother Ernest at Gerowville, Sask. The deceased was born November 29, 1884. at Wellwood, Manitoba. At the age of one year his perenta returned to Huron county, their old home, and his boyhood days were spent in East Wawaaosh, a tew years In Goderich. and ten years in Ashfield township. Up to the age of twenty be followed farming, but being of a mechanical turn he studied elec- ., 1 tricky, and secured a situation with the Algoma Steel Co., of Sault Ste. Marie, in whose employ he rapidly gaioed favor and promotion, until be was foreman of one of the depsrt- meots at the age of twenty-six In June. 1908, be was united in marriage to Miss Margaret McAllister, of the "Soo," wbo with a young daughter is left to mourn his death. Beside the 1, widow and child be is survived by his father, of Westfield ; one sister, Mrs. A M. Harris, of BenmWer, and one brother. Benefit Lt of Gierowville. Seek., lied a large circle of rela- tives Bald friends. He had many warm friends and chums in Nile neighbnrhood, where his early youth god- young manhood were spent. He took an active part in league and Sabbath school work and was recom- mended for local prearbat's work on the same circuit- He was idenUaed with the Workmen Order, Dungan- non lodge, and WWI also an Orange- man from his eighteenth birthday. Thirteen months ago be went est in the hope ot regaining his health which was undermined by that awful disease tuberculosis, and the latest news received by his father acid sister was of the most ewrnriog kind, but a .udder change took plana and he died peacefully. H. was berried on April bib from hie txothet's home, nese Cabal, /task. We shall mists his cheery voice and manly hearing, hot our loss M his gain. The sympathy of many friends out to die yoon$ wife and baty and to the other friends.- Cor. PERSONAL MONT ION. Km Diabolism Wives seennew e. a .art le use... TVssder he r1.p "d a 'Masa 11R .a lave a hint1.1t11.1.1111 wi Sauna ttm•YMM ve vagi hM Wit• Mr .ed i.ta Mw sem fthe Me tsendkae &syswei wales 71:112 . Md a. TIAeres aTar edWy merely for AMARA s.j where are Mrgaee maktar their hems. Illea yve Am I/rs wWalser.elf e cgem tour bass+et Rev A. It. M. M M Mr. and Yea sem W aMplogiiker mom s~I tese L Is=aikyy. avers1 e =rive.- el.r Mr Wit)-a.s.*a t* we z . ..d twee *s.s IA WOMAN'S WAYTO 4OT RELIEF Taxa.. Pala P00 Lance SACK. T s;afng P. 0., OwT. • 1 rspelvad your sample of GM Pills and of using them, T felt so much better I got a box at my druggist's and ttuw I am taking the third boa. The pain across my back and kidneys has almost entirely gone and I am better than I have been for years. I strongly Adidas all women who suffer from Pain is the Batt and Weak Kidneys, W ttrryy GM Pills". Mas. T. iiAIti L . GM Pills contain the well known me- dicinal properties of Gin as well as other erlfative agents -but do not contain alcohol. Gin Pills are guaranteed by the largest wholesale drug house in the British Empire to give complete satis- faction or money refunded. Sec. box, 6 for $2.50 ---sample free if you write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept.A Toronto. If the bowels are constipated take National Lazy Liver Pills, 25c. box. 98 oily. We •r* stud to *Ay he reel. con.iderably Improved la health. narry h le confined at Alexandra aeeDn., in from an attack of typhoid. HIa may f hope for a spasdy recovery. A M lwata, of NIM. )aft ter Reeky. the sumatsr with 51 ot tsoo In-law. Y. Jhia seek. lie will errie eased t ala vIdtter ether friends M W West. I N. C. closed his hart Ttsssds a Mr lett ter Peterboroo.where be in a gee's wear Nteea M seMe °Merkel wt.L Nm stood lack in .. w venture MINA Lure mat to Detroit an Wedomday atomism Nee a asatbb reit. op losdkpat&yrat. win attend :sowat tires bees Its trail ef:tt lea 4.5.5ies and wits's. the is ham.. Elliott.egailk me Mrs. who irate aM J tlwit'rwW ter the hist Smyrnaarrival sk Orest ais cempengriest menthe. wb bow fe .p&e6 the merle Se.Me eeMesslett 0 m niva w the swedes et tall • BORN. • YULti-Iii Galeria. e. atodar. May'Rh. to ]u[rr and lies. Gra Kole s eon. HARDY. -At Callow. on Saturday. May 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. £d. Hardy. • t... Cox.-On T.Wa , Api l 015..5 7016 Stewart •Y••u• f'•rk. Cmipaso, Ulleeb. to Mr. sad lilts. Amos D. Cox • daughter- Catharine Margaret. DIED. HUDSON. -At R ..J1. ea Saturday, ARetl Both, Joeepe mason Rather W Yea Asia Lgpn, o[ 0odertal, in his T W year. HRNDICHHON.- 8ut.day morning it 1Ytk, on board the steamer J. A. D't*Has,. ,lsorrzaet nswa orb►i . ernon, aged is mats HOItNZY.-AL Berpwvllle, 8ask.. Herbert J. Roney egad =lean and b months, see of pease. Horsey. d Weeta0 4. Hie red terse tfrave or Oslo. Cade se Totem. LUCAS Omar . Freak J. Chaney a oath that he b sesisr plainer of the Orin at T. J. Cheesy Z Co.. deleef bardsens la the ty of Tobdos C*onty ord rias rialto; tray ode sum of ONi U N RID DOLLAIMH toe each sod every ewes of catarrh that menet be cared by the ase of Han's Catarrh thea. FRANK J. CHZNEY. &worn to before no and wbeetb.A M y pres- eooa this eta day o[Die&mber. A. D. ane 18sAy A. W. OLaA80N, NOTARY PvaNC. Hall'. Catarrh Caw M taken internally. bad acts dl oa that d amid reneooes foresees al the eyeteni. menka tree. Sold by allP. A. =Leo: 7k CO.. Toledo. 0. Tab Hall's Rsmile Pille for eoertipatio.. NEIN AOVERTIDEMENTS-May 10th. Phan N0Noe-Thos Omits, 1 Steely et Home .tral Brudnrts Osilek...,i Tomato ...._ ... Summer Yinisory-taissCameron d Preeor$$Mnii-i. J.'Hid sed t Hooses for 8ale-A. 0 Nisbet ..w,.,.. 1 Drink H.5ft--The (MAIM lam....,...... Ptum Wear -W. R Things We Never lie- BaOmi t w...e, Reader -C. P. R . . ..... Weddle, OIRe- walNr R.erne,........ 1 Summer iesw&aters' axcu H.ns-Q Rayeae.-J. 1'. axe, Tore0M....... 5 'Mored barwisats-:Waltw 0, Mimi 1 weds+ sale -W. 4 Olt. 1 Reit..0. R Wigs. d Rtteber Waisted -r, O. Best Ilk 9.alhi Palk 1 Gsrdaems-Tayise i Tempera The Latest Nsrslt40-.ft MUL, ! tin a awe News -Aft. Ceetbee . 4 Hy wasted -chs& 511 . ,, 1 Summer ttoe4a--C. 0. w...., r S&tittec ion Ouara .ad-fast attest Matage s Portland Cement--)f*VM Marilynn Oss Tieter& Day trate+-r. i Lawrwe. a Wootton Lind ter hale -J. W. Omega. 1 Beettsg Phials ---leis Stewart lams 1 AseW. Rale -Thou. 0c06,y Old Orehnrd cottage --Tars. D. Omer*. 1 Anes& Meetin'--bDears Huron iaksest Aa. Reader-Meeketonsts To U. R. H. Primate Patricia of Connaught. .a AWL I coed thee Kern* vleisi a sweet WIWI N a y eta eiswiss sew : AM I sad Naw as a Meal tett Inman 1 mew thee set its. Tee Oseeihi. Pada liar elven Oise ♦ seal less,'d wised et Pesea VW talo bear ei edi..eeeesv whit* aWm'lthe* somas week AM may Meowed ashen N limes awes bowies Y* thea ell* skew ria. 'its see a peas M 'taw Mash lana," Yam titter tear lama -Maim A. aalmluw, Ai Mve iteeisai. 0.-L LL A pre IL teat The t isw/ns .sM was rle.tvel. M Min err/ter et the shove pima. se Nay hut. 0 v --seat Meson Map la ben teas& Ar4mya rear tat pm, P.til24111 ....rr' ew REFINEMIEN IN WALL PAPERS In seleetiog Wall Pa- pers do not overlook the fact that you have to live face to faoe with theta lot yet v. Simple, graceful def ins and ei restful blending of cokes will add to the refining influence of any home. We make a specialty of the newest and best in Wall Papers. witha wide assortment of attractive patterns to select from. Watch windows for samples. 6 The Celeoial Boot Store OEO. PORTER. Prop. Phone i00 UederJch JUST ARRIVED GEMENT --- A car of fresh Portland Cement. Be sure ail get our price before buying. PLASTER A car of Paristone Plaster. • To this Plaster you simply add two-thirds sand -no hair, no lime__ dries hard as rock in three days, no crumbling or falling plaster. Cost is about the same as the old kind. Howell Hardware Co.; Ltd. ?Se Best Place to 13a, Hardcore REMEMBER OUR SUMMER MILLINERY OPENING Friday, Saturday and Monday 1'1AY 17th, 18th and 20th These are the days set aside for this important event. The millinery that has been prepared for it is of a high-class nature and represents the correct and most approved styles for summer wear. We extend to you the freedom of the showroom for Opening Days, and we cordially invite you to come and examine these styles at your leisure. You need not feel under the slightest obligation to buy, but you are welcome to come and go as you please. We promise you the Hats you will see will repay the trouble of to visit to the showroom. Splendid Values in Plain Silks Three special lines in plain Silks that are really remarkable value. Nothing better to be had any- where that we know of. Qualities we can strongly recommend both for appearance and wear. A Black Pailette 45c Just one end of this special Pallette Silk. rich lustrous black, standard width. heavy weight„ suitable for dreams or separate waists, a tteautiful Silk ata remorkably tow 45c price. Very special, per yard Siltin Mousseline 55c Compare this with any 76c Silk that you hare been buying and you will end it hard to detect any difer'esees in quality. it is full stand rd width. beavy weight and beauti- ful Aniab, suitable for waists, dresses and trimmings. We show this Silk in all the popular Medea each as lased*, tan, navy. Alice blue, Mack, cream, etc. It is a Bilk we can strongly recommend for a summer dress at the very 55c spacial price, per yard 39 -inch Black Mescaline 11.25 Thiele a rich eott Silk of undoubted wearing quality. It is only by buying in quantities and direct that we can get anything ate ood to mil at the price. it is a decided special. Will make a handsome and serviceable dress. Note $1 .25 the width, 118 to 99 inches. Per yard only Fancy Silks 50c A splendid collection of fancy Striped Silks in various popular shades and combinations, heavy weight, aced 50c will give undoubted wear. Special per yard a7Vl. Flouncing Embroidery 69c This Embroidery is 45 inches wide, very line muslin. Tbere are eight or ter designs to select from. The work is ordinary. We are selling this lot at per yard Wl. of a high order and the patterns decidedly oat ot the (i9c Corset Cover Embroidery 25c This is a full -width Comet Cover Rmbroid.ry, Inc crossbar muslin, halfdosen good designs, the work is of sigh order that will stand tee wear. Steal at l ee An Extra Havy Long Silk Glove at 11.00 Just in from t'witseriend this week. Ladies' pure silk long Gloves, extra weight, stroog double Sneer -tips that will outwear the body of the glove, black or *bite. Per pair $ .00 Another Lot of Those Special Long Silk Gloves at 79c per pair Ther we show le Mack. tan or white. vary 'trona, doobie /1 eu '.efpn decidedly prim.Per spenial w at tom' 19C Long Lisle Gloves SOc A big shipment of long lisle threat Gloms, white or Mack. elbowttt line timmerW lid.. limit well and wear well. At per0c pear °sly 1 i1. An Axminster Rug at 123.30 Or mai Axminster Rog. ales g t i!f{ yard.. two-tone gesso shades, se adess.heavy LKlish [Hake. Very special otsly Brussels Rugs $17.50 mow arts mar good= at lb* prise. Bet in w. 6rwwaa and swum Anise. Met. tasty designs saltaMe tar say Rug to leland a & room -fret of only tbe 517.: Reversible Velour 11.50 Jest ree.lvtd • shipment et =.valid+ Velour for swab and deer somal&., hall bre leashes wide. levy weight - riots finis. In abodes or tan. red sad green. Dsdd.dly upeiel .t per yard. S i.50 'A Clearing Out of Dress Goods at 45c tbmmaocing Saturday, we are going to have a big weeks selling In the Dress Goode Department:. As an extra special we have gath- ered together about two hundred yards M Suiting and Drees Materials in spring and summer weights. These am Lengths that range from t#'o-and•e.helf to twenty• five yards and most colors are represented in the lot. Regular values are up to 90c Per yard. We put this clearing lot on one table and offer you your choice 45c at per yard Short Lengths In Suiting& We bare fifteen or twenty short kr.ggthe of Suiting and Dress Materials to clear, 1 b. from one to three ;yysed., regular value. from 1.f6 to $9 i4 We offer you your choice by the end LIM ouly. at par yard. .. UaNC Hose Without Seams Perfect foot comfort is as- sured it you wear our famous "No -Seam" Stock- ing. No ridgee, no lumps. no unevennese of any kind to hurt the tenderest foot. Properly operly shaped and perfect - Ladles' "No-8eatn" Ho.e, fast back, 2 pairs tor. 460 Ldiss' "No -Seem" Cotton Hose, black, tan or white. Barra line quality, spliced beads. per pair 460 Ladies' "No•Seam" lisle thread Hose in tan, black. white tend tbocy colors. Special at per Asir .. 460 Children'. lids thread Bose. swan e.s feet, black or oolong. All sines. per pair....... .. 25o Our b School chool Stocking tocking se.mwfix+.Ash fcs.BLitrigibbd ArllJ ..,.stcrnopglneyr. 160 Ladies' Hose with wool feet. black only, feat of ane qual- ity batersl wool. Alt .dash Olt pets pair lige A Large Collection of Rugs We are 'bowing this sprtng itis Wired eoIMetien d Mutate* that has ever been In our ()erre( Department. Tb. amigos and ellortngs are merest and up-to- date ptodate la every way. 1. many of time we have trade message tames to procure any vise not in tRnek ata her days uetMs. If knn lay. Reg-bwytng of any ind to do, woes and look the Beek over.