HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-16, Page 7• THE SIGNAL Gl►DERICH ONTARI O 4444914 $10 •est+ !++ **•,+* +++4 ststi Th News ofthe Distrftt • 46464gele o * 4i 4440** * *44°454 454t 4 4414 DUNLOP. WeeniesDAT, May 16th. B btlRob ert y, t Siogebr;da. w v%s- Hobeyn on Sunday last Mrs. Muir and Miss Me Iwwsea, d Truro, were theKt+ea1$ of their moan. ' Lwpn oderf"Y Milt week McLeod, lasof O, Paid_ im re _ try R rise to this burg ea , of Toronto eohert Williams. tate short limen bethis week, en lent tt, Melford. Oat BELFAST. Mu$DAT, May 13th. weedhal retirr urocd home from Sher- weed sLe had twee visiting her eist'r. Mrs. Ju. McWbtfSey...N�:: all the farmer". in this localivtyn and aniseed seeding and the daughter. are througb with the house- cleaning. . • .. G. M. Gilchrist. of Tor- onto, visited meet, here eet. et to bear that Mr. Borisnd is not improving Mise Gladys Holmes visited Mrs. and Miss Mullin lest week....... Wen. Wsteon. of Nile. was with Mr. and Mrs. Huh McCroetie for a few days loot week. KINQStSRIDOE. MONDAY. May 13th. None,, -Willie Meyers is lodieposed I5C0wee k. tVWm. Qe uigleylleftstoy, mover y for hi" new employment in Quebec. We wish him every success. Miss Gertie Joye spent Munday et tbe home of her friend, Miss Margaret Dalton. .. Larry Wallace spent Sun'sin our idst Tbe scbool chil, to tbe number of about sixty, spent w rery enjoyable time at the lake on Friday Inst for nature study purposes. John Griffin, Miss Linie and Maui ice. of (;odeelch. spent Sunday at rhe home of .Mr. Griffin's daughter. yrs T. Griffin. ST. AUGUSTINE. TctmDAY, May 141b. .1NN1-AL Micrr1NO.-Tbe Women's Institute held it very moons/el meet- ing at the home of Mrs. T. Commins last Wednesday. It betel- the annual sc t out( there was a good attendance. Teeold offers were all re-eleetsd for this year. Tbe next nomitIng is to be Mid in tbe St. Au gust:es hall on May 31st. News duras. -D. Taylwra.d 1tlawRis- ter, Mrs. S. C. Wilson, limited at Wm. McAllister's Inst week Joseph Flynn left lest week for Toronto, where he is going to work this sum- mer James Craig left Ialt week on Dip to New Ontario John Redmond it busy making preparations to fix hie horn this summer life, Robinson. of Auburn. was in this vicinity Isat week buying potatoes.... The cattle buyers are busy these days laking in their cable. CARLOW. WxDNESDAY, May 151k. Jock Robert.. of Goderie}. was call- ing on friends hese this week. Miss Patterson, of Hamilton. is visiting :it Andrew Jobaston's. ' Ed. Hardy bas the best piece of fall wheat from here to Ooderieb. It makes Ed. smile when be looks at it - bot, of course, tbere's *bother reams. 1t'sa boy. Alex. Young bas a very thole field of area. it is fartbee she now than et the same time in any previous year. George Clark, across the road, also has • good piece. H. .1. Mortis' numerous Oariow friends are sorry to hear that he is very ill at his home ineeoderieb. We trust that a change for the better will WOO ensue. The snowstorm on Mooday retarded work on the land for a few days. Quite a number of the farmers have finished reeding. hat then still re- mains a little to do. Areh. Fergnsou. wbo has been in tie hospital at Goderich, is expected home today. His many friends will he glad to beer that the operation whkh be underwent was quite sue - mogul. 8. Andrews shipped a car of hese from McGaw station last Thursday. The rrrioe paid wan Sage, which is Oust a record-breaking Amore. In- dications are .bat the price of 11ve pork will soar still higber. Howard Walter was home from Tor- onto Coivereity for a few days. He leaves in the course of a few days for Willow Hunch. Soak., where be will be in theme of a mission field tor the summer. Howard is a clever student and has a bright future before him. His many friends wish him Godspeed ,n his chosen telling. Rev. J. L Metall, of Blyth, Prenebed ,n the chnreh bene ow Sunday. A meetine of the congregation was held en Monday evening to appoint dele- gates 10 attend the meeting of the I're*hytery at Brushfield on Tuesday. when the cell from Port Elgin to the Punr, Rev. J. R. Mann, was pre - owed. BLY rH. TUI SHAY, May 7th. How Is Thus ?-The book commit- tee of the public Jibnry have per - abased • number ed books from en American book company and these will soon be in circulation. It seems rather odd that this library lies to ppuurcbses its books from an American Lon. F1ther the committee have poet' judgment or our Uanedia0 book Arms are not up In date when a small library like this has to laurel:wee its books across the line. Flans CALDPOuNIA.-Mrs. A. H. Jacobs and son Charles and Mrs. J. Wilford, wise bed been spending some Uma in California, returned W Blyth on S•turday. The two former ars settled In Celifornla and speak very highly of tbe climate. They are going to weed • few months hers before they return. Mn. Wilford spent the winter in the south for ber health and she rewrite feeling much improved. We understand she will make her home with ben eon in Wtbgh•m. Peruse see AND Gionnte L - Jas. Barr, whose mother died • abort time ago, presented to Trinity church • beautiful memorial window, which was dedicated on Sunday evening by the rector, Rey. Mr. Farr... Word was received bene on Monday that 1)r Nelson Tait, who at one Uwe peso - Used here, but who is now a specialist in Toronto, west In an extremely,criti- cal condition from blood -poisoning in a bad form, contracted by his left band coming in contact with one of the instruments he had been using in an operation. His many friends bere hope that no serious results will fol- low J Coming. who bad a Anger amputated • week ego for blood-pots- oning, it now improving nicely Mie. John McMillan, who bas had an attack Of appendicitis, seems to be bow on the mend. At one time it was thought en operation would he neces- sary, but a consultation was held o0 Sunday between I)r. Gunn. of Clinton; Dr Charlesworth, of Blyth, and ber e ,,tber-irelaw Dr. Stewart, of Cupar, and it was decided not to operate at present Seeding operations pre flni.bed in this loe•lity and tbe rain of Sunday with the warm �n inthat followed G making grow Ane The Flax Co. ate busily engaged eretting their seed into tbe ground, but they are rather slow in setecting a site for their mill, es there will be a considerable amount of work getting it in running order, •ad although they have only put the end cote the ground the time will soon Ay around when the flax will be ready to be pulled •0d the mill should then be ready for the thresh- ing The Methodists are holding a box social in the Methodist church on Friday evening and one of the fea- tures of the program will be • debate, which no doubt will be very interest- ing+..... J. L Kerr, of The Clinton New gni, and Mri. Kerr spent a few hours in Blyth Monday on their te- turs from a week -end visit to Brus- sel. Quite a number of the sten and hoes are at present spending their rears time fishing, but as yet we have not heard of many trout being caught. Po-sibly tbey err the ones that fall off tbe hook John Stewart hes been engaged the past few weeks putting in cement walks to private residences, but ou Monday he left for Walton, where be has some large contracts. Dr. Stewart and wite, who have .teen'letting here for the past week, NA for their hope* at Cupar. gook., 00 Monday afternoon The ladyy de�m- nastrator wbo was et L A Chatiee- worth's b.rdw•re store deteonstrating Cbi-name) .net with great success and a number of the ladies of the town are engaged in enameling every thing in tbe house from the floor to the ,hairs E. Sbaefer, who las been visiting here for the past few months, left last week for Hensall, where he will be engaged tearing down the buildings tbat are to he moved bete for the flax mill. He will return with them sod set them up hen W. Richo was in Stratford last week on a business trip . Mr. and Mia Stewart, who have been bete for some time, Mr. Stewart being engaged in tuning pianos, left on Fri - da tor Hamilton.... . W. Johnston on�ppro •nae of p J Scotto t Westfordip on woday ear of ashes to the t3tates lest Friday. Mrs. Richard Sowers is et serer ant visiting her sister at bntceBeId.... Clarence Lyons and wife, wbo bate been tieing here for about a year, be Ming engaged at the bernessmaking, left on Saturday fee Weston, their former home.. E. Watson sbipped a c it of cattle to Toronto on Saturday. . Mn. B. loundy & eeded the fu- neral of her aunt at Wingbam cn Fri- day. HE iS ALL RIGHT.,. Had Urinary Trainee d DMhmise. Mat Dad's Kidney Pills Cared Him. Wellesley, Ont., May 19th (Rperlai.) --Mr. George Strobel, a b•rnessmaker. rf this piece' vely that, Deters Kidney Pills lls M,red him of eel - mit em !, and diaheess. Mr. Steep- ays wee trcuhled with kidney disease aid hetes all my life till 1 was tbir- tem yews of age. No nee knows who want "uffeend It. what It is like. Oer torten eould not oven give m. re - bet and ail eels? en -called special TMmMies were rteelee& )t lila in January, 1906, wbe0 i read to youta r aiaeae the ruin Tor alt -examination, and determined to fhetd's Kidney Pith. After 1111112011111120O1 ens boxes t wee eomplete•ty eared. 1 now nee n lghteen years old, and have enlace nay Ma. with (be linea, 27,1. EAST WAWANO$H. MONDAY. May Me. Mae. PitAaxs's SrDDnt DEATH. - Death came suddenly to Mare Coultas, wit. of Lawrence Peens, of $a•t Wa- waaesb. ()o Monday morning last she was in her usual be•It h and atter performing her usual household work she walked to a neighbor's home, where she was taken suddenly ill, pacing •way early Tuesday morning. The deo•ased was born Aft Ave years ago in Halton county, a daughter of the lab John Coultas, and cone with ben parents to Baal Wawaniub when • girl. About thirty-five years ago she was married to Mr. Pear.o and since tben had lived at ve cid W Ingham and for the last three years on the farm in East Wawano.b. Her husband and three sons iurviye. two of the son., John W. and Matthew, residing in Wiogham. John T. Coultas, of this township, is a brother. BeYTH. TUESDAY, May 14th. THE WiATHsa.-There was quite a change in the weather here this week. On Monday there was a heavy fall of snow accompanied by a strong wind, followed on Monday night by a frost that has probably done a considerable amount of damage, as things have grown mo fast of late tbev are very tender. Besides, some of the early fruits are out in bloom. It will he too had if they are affected, as fruit has been very scarce icr the past two orj three years, and there was great pro- mise of a heavy yield this year. One good thing is .bat :he apple bloom is not out yet. A Motors• BYLAW. -A meeting of the ratepayers was held Monday evening for the purpn.e of considering the advisability of submitting a bylaw to the ratepayers for the purpoee of issuing debentures for the peywent of an overdraft incurred Iaee year sad also extending the fire protection system. Dr. Milne explained the project and the council all spoke in favor of it, oleo a number of otber gentlemen supported it. A Blanding vote was taken and the proposal being unanimously favored it was decided to submit the bylaw for 11a,U1r1, which will coverall expenses. A CALL TO Rev. J. L. SMALL -Rev. J. L Small, B. A., Presbyterian min• ister here, was invited to preach in Hespeier o0 Sunday. April 21st, which he did. Lest week be reosived aro almost unanimous call from the Her peter congregation to become their pastor. As yet be has not made op his mind wbetber to accept or not. The Presbytery of Huron met in BrueeBeW on Tuesday of this week to consider the call. The people of Myth. not the Presbyterians only, will be very sorry if Mr. Small leaves. He is a Arlt -class preacher and besides be takes • street interest in everything for the good and 'welfare of the com- munity. PERSONAL AYD GENEBAL - The ladies of the Methodist church held a very successful box social on Friday evening last. There wan a good at- tendance and the program was good. On Sunasy Rev. J. L. Small and Rev. J. R. Mann, of Auburn, ex- changed pulpits. In the morning Me. Mann reed the letter from Hespeler inviting Mr. Small to he tbeir preacher. Mrs. John Emigh to at t on a visit to ber stn at Brussels Miss L Carr visited with Clir.ton friends last week Mies Black was unwell last week and so clawed her srhnnl for a day and visited •t ber borne in Bluevale Clifford Tier- ney, who has been G. T. R. operator at Mimics few tbe past few month*, has resigned his position and visited at his home hers for a few days this week before taking a position with the C. N. R. ata much larger salary. He left this week for New Ontario, where be is to be 'tattooed Mrs. John Gardner, of Clinton, who hes been visiting with her sister, Mrs. F. Carr, returned to her home on Saturday.... E. W'ataon shipped & car of hogs and nee of cattle to Toronto beet. week..:'. R. R Sloan. of Porter's Bile him been spending a few days at his borne here this week. He also spent a day with Wiogham trisect*. returning to his fruit farm on Monday. This is his busy time, and also an anxious time cm •cenuot of the cold spell .. Mrs. John White visited relatives in Wing - ham lest week Archie Bell paid a business trip to London last week.' ABHFIELD. TUeeDAT, May 7th. SCHOOL RsroaT. -Report of No. 10. AahAeld, for April : IV. (Easter ne n- inatiorns)-Ras Alton 527, John Rome 4f16, Lours Johwston 471, Mary Dow- ney 417. •Elinor Farrish 873. *Tom Little 348. Chao. Sherwood 319, Wil- fred Drennan �7, Fred Joboston 26O. Br. 111 -Joe Bowler 383), Midney Stuart 279, Bert Johnston M6. Jean S cott SKS, Lorne Fairish 2t)7, Jim Little 166 (absent for some examina- tions). Jr. iii. I Protnot inns) -Sidney ilhrgtle= MS A mends Knott 310. Mr. 1T. -M Johnston 286. Bowie Reed (a t ). Jr. II.- Frank Rein- h ardt, broil Mullin. ter. 1. (in order of meritl-Bruins Manderson, Ruby John- ston, Harald Forenoon, Eddie John Non. Tillie Sherwood. Maisie Mullin, Violet Drennan, Leonard O'Loughlin (absent). Primer, senior - Mtephen Reinhardt, Olive Rander.on, Albert Alton. Primer, junior-DellaF•rrish oeograpky. IV. --J. Montt 716%, glamor Farieb %%. Lara Jnbaetoo 66e, R. Alton 61 Mary D.iwtee Sipe. W. Drennan SIL Tom Little 46%. Aritb- metic-R. Alton. 1... Jobnatoa (equal/. T. Little, M. Downey, W Demean. J. Mrd,., E. Partials, F Johnston. Pews- snt every day --W. i),ennan, M. Dow- ney. i1. Parrish. T. 1Jttie, I. Fert•Isb, J. Scott. M. Fergg�rrson. M Johnston, A. Scott. G. Randetwoo, R. Reinhardt ihlwd with them dlseaswe Number nn roll, R4 Average abed • Dodd'e [M MAaAAttsT FasogT, ^d. Pure) one." TtiniMr• MINISTER PRAISES ZAM-BUK. Tells How it Coved His Wife's Bad Sore -When Everything bice Had Fee1sd. Rev. Henry J. Manton, of Black- falds, Alta., writes : "My wife had a very bad tore foot, wbicis it penned im- possible to get anything to heel. The sore would heal to a certain point and then fester again, and so on. 1 pro- cured a box of Tim-Buk, and atter per- severing with tbis herbal balm fns *moo time the sore was completely heeled. S "We were so grateful for this cure, sad Zana -Bok acted so dilterently to any other of the numerous remedies we had tried, that 1 thought yoe ought to know of thio case. 11 have does recommended Tian-Buk to several of my parishioners, and it always gives setisfactlnn." Another instance in whish ZeneBuk proved of unequalled value i• told by Mr N. L Gerry. of Brandon, Man. He sees : "1 hadmy left foot run over by a wagon loaded with whine The foot was very badly covehed. and my little tae and next tee were t•id open. i applied Zese-Bok, and only bad to miss work for two days. Lam - Bak laplied the wound so quietly .bat on the third day 1 was able to put ort my boot and walk 14 my work. In • very abort time my tout were quite healed, and (Inc foot is now as sound as over. thanks to earn -Peak," Just as good for chryinle.tw e,eleere, pilwwe blood meson. burns. .ealda, eruptions, edema. and all skin 'nitwir and Meuse. 30c. box at all druggist/. and Korea. or Zam-Bek Co., Toronto. Try ZaaeDek Roam too, Mc. per tablet. THE MARKETS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Lower-.Livs Steck- Latest Quotations. O1dt1CAOO. May 13.-Anoounomeaal that the epochs of the Darden/mos se- inesrew would releases asarty 1e,021,10 bushola of wheat had a depressing at. foot today on the market hers. Cleo Ing prices wore weak. 1 1-11c to 1 1411 varier Mayday atgkt Corn •t 4114 Allah wee •-•e to 7-•o down, with isle et 6 -Ile to 1s. Provisions noted as ale vitTLio et'f 1-11e to 117 1-2c not ilorwheat awed uncbanteo l.wer tun naturd•y. and corn lower. Paris wheat dosed unction 1 1.Mirth" and Antwerp ug' Lan. .ut e d. ore -Teat lie lower. Winnipeg Options. wlleae••• Open. High. Low. Close. C1OOa IJuly day lsSa faflla 1e111b May J uly May (rtNa 1 teed) meth sly Toronto Grain Market Wheat fall, bushel 11 M to Y M Wheat. gloss, bushel. e M Rya, bushel 1 f Oats, bushelh Barley, bushel Harley ratined 1 4 j• Buckwheat bushel . 4 p tl• Toronto Dairy Market Suttee, Butter, creamery, lb. r'ar• so creamery, .OI$ .... Butter. separator. dansyl 1110.... Sutter. store lou • .... Ems, new -laid • ...r Clews. old Cheese, new. D. ...... • 11 .... Honeycombs, damn ••••••••• 3 t r Honey, extracted • L .... Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL May 11.-Bu.ln•es Manitoba spring wheat over the email continues vary dull, the bids bsfaa trw tc to 234c per bushel below COOL Then was a fair demand trona foreign for oats, but owing to the ectersb47.14 freight exporters could not accept meg orders. Flour V moderately active and firm. Mlllfe.d le easier. Demand fes butter fair for Meal and western account Chews firm aad modesatety active. De. awaas roe eggs good. PeovtdWWI r Otlen-M American No. 2 yellow, s M nOats -Canadian western, No. tl she M Me; de., No. 7, mac to Oc eros Mes i feed, glint te 4e. 'arMy-Maaltaba feed. eic to die; maM lag. rLM to SLIM Bockwbeat-No. 2. 'aur to tat 1Lle;winterpat/oats,...h. grQ straight rollers KCIdehawtrrt,' 5m; oftwida. Tour-MataN waistEiNi 41.44. Relied oat.• -Barrel,, ala: bags. M 1ha. 11.55. Hay -Na 2 par toy. ear lots. We le W.M. Cheese -Finest wsNorna lilljc to Iigei ftaest materna, 17e to inc. Butter- Cbsle..t creamery. lithe to ilii e 'esada lgkc to !1s. Mega --F cab. Me to Sallie to Ma PPesr bo. 3'�ad. ear Iott.. 11.ti. CATTLE MARKETS. Unlsn Neck Yards. TORONTO, May 13. -Receipt of live stock at the Union Stock Yards were 139 cars, comprising 3137 cattle, 606 hogs, 166 sheep, 86 calves and 39 horses. sea. Rowatres h mbar a ! a, deme paa� 111 expert steers, 1!n. 11», seek at IR.* average pules and Y export bells; lilt Ibs. each at M.M. 'leachers. Mesas of expert weights, R.I. to p.ii good butchers. Wm to FL»; medium MM. curs. sere to KM; common, M to OM; le - teeter, M.M to 4.110; cows. tit to 12.1/14 ►ells. NM to M.M. $Wksrs and Feeders O•e load, •M lie. mete was reported at 11.11. Milkers and Springers Only • limited number on take, an el vetch were bought by Fred Romano ell ONto0. Veal Calves. Priem for veal calves ranged trete M to M per ewe Sheep and Lambs. Niue ewee. told at from M to .l1 roma17.•I to SIM: awns lambs at M M 47J11 each. H Prices for hogs were a } t CIM M !ed and watered, &.15 ii 14.0 Lab. dam at country pato1.. Montreal Live Sleek. MONTR1ad1. May It -At the Moatro+ Stook Torte West the Martie, tisrib. r cams of Hes stock ter the weak May 11 were use cattle M0 •h.r Iambs, 2/110 hogs and 144 c•lvne illa .appy roc sate en the meeket w• ser;. irg ecn.I Med of Ms cattle.abosp •ai lambs, lies bop and 111 calves. A featuurery of the trade was thegtre�.es testing wblcb dmteped in the in= try cattle and prises moored • further &avulse of se per cwt., with wee eve to tat very some runthe increasseg seardllte W good finished stool tbrtsest the try a.d the fast that drovers have 1s oempelled to pay higher prices on. atw•�af of the teem oowapotiteso for meek key tween them aad Americas11111/��se in tiro Chicago market�aroe neat atg%er than to tbs Canadian mart emu to tee scarcity of ~lea Milady advance la prices of late here 1n. the Toronto market bas tweed to mark up dressed bed Ma per id.. the prospects are that the, will go higher fa the near future, malego plies of cattle increase. At the • advance noted the trade wastes. es. the demand from butchers _ _ ly for steal lots to n11 actual A few fall Made of good to choles a •ori ices haul •t a to a.11 per swim the market for hogs a week ago has es-" Mailed to prevail and d prices were lowered agaln to-Atyr M M IO per cwt The market for she and iambs id ttroag on account of limned n swiss camla�gfom forward, for which the deaari good, was sad sale of iN:ed lots were M made at each. Tho teemed tor calves 1s very good oa account of the prices ruling for beef and all the i= offered met with • staadl paha Butchers' cattle. choice, .t• t0 M cwt: medium, M to Ig: oe nese. 5M; Melee ems. WM to KR M to 5M; bora 571 to MM. talaomA Motes, sack. t* 4 lee, eemmw sad naie diem soak. its m t• Mi; .ergwR M tbesp-awes M M 50 1ay�1.111 citta « to M 10 legate, I? ee R 5 !tog& te.s. this t. Mw Calves. UM t. 5 But SWIM, settle fyarleet ' gain* BU MAW, slay I[ seats, IMO bird; sett.' w lie to higher Priase scows, NO to MM. s , ag p.7• KM hetehers. gess to l.n. 54 M RP,, cora 10.11 1C0 had. N to 37, et.chrs . and seeders. Mit te le; stoat hNAra, 35.11 to 0r hath trim Wog agstagws, .elsea and strobe A to 1112 Haril-noe4V1a, lila hood, Qalrts Mao. le Wei Weed. 31 ad otasitylte s t�s Tarboro, •t0 to t■s. paw • to P.S. rwsg.a M is MO. MOM, fi to M. dairies, st t1 to Whew emd Lerhm-Rse auto, K7es s.laoe h... rearthagat mtmes. h` ht mra'"ttiet.y I ' «Sr-Uia�..ww. OA IS le Wow I ,yf t a c.. tis.. ttREATEST MEDICINE OI EARTH A preminent citizen of Lhvev111s. Ind, writes' -"I was 111 fur flee months with a pulmonary trouble, and had the bast of doctors. 1 had homor- t W►ge. end s :.s in • t ery bad way. TLrough We advice of a friend I tried Vino1. and 1 feel that it saved my lite. It U all you recommend It to be. 1 telleve it is the greatest medicine on earth. 1 have ads teed others to try Vinol, and they have had the same results." (Name furnished on re- quest.) e•quest) We want every one to this viclalty who Is troubled with chronic colds, coughs, or pulmonary troubles, to -ome and get a bottle of Vince. If it docs not go to the seat of trou- ble, beat the inflammation and stop the cough. we w11: cheerfully return every trent paid us for 1L This shows -tar faith. add proves that you take rho uses. H.C. Dunlop, Droggist, Goderich. Ont TYvaYDAY, MAY 16, 1912 .7 Wash Suits FOR CHILDREN COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Is rich in food value and easy to digest. It is just Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground from the choicest Cocos beans. Nurses and Doctors secammend its use in sickness or in heskh. 171 Do You Y Cetww'o Cocos 7 . - M • ? N•• UPPER LAKES • NAV16ArTION Steamers leave Port McNiooil Moodeys. Tusudays. Wednes- day*. Thursday- and Sat - urdays at 4 p. M. for SAULT MTTl. MARiE. PORT - ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM The Btuwuner llfanftoba, uu"ling NO PortMcNioollWedneedays, eaili at Owen Sound, leaving wt porn[ 1090 p.m. SteattIship Express leaves Toronto 12:43 p. m. on sailing days, making direct connection with ateamere at Port McNicoll. Tickets and full information from Jos. Kidd, C. P. R. Agent. NA -DRU -Co LAXATIVES Weasn's commonest ailment -the root of so much of their 111 -health -promptly yields to the gentle but certain action of Na-Dru-C. Laxatives. 25c. a box at your druggist's. CO. OATIONat. 0000 M.0 Cuit.,C•L • ., eawat4 urns D. lel Biliousnes is certainly one of the most disagree- able ailments which flesh is heir to. Coated tongue -bitter taste in the mouth- nausea - dateless - these combine to make life a burden. The cause is a disordered liver -the cure Dr. Morn's Indian Root Pills. 1bey go straight to the root of the trouble, put the liver right, cleanse the stom- ach and bowels. clear the tongue and .eke away the bitter taste from the mouth. At the 6ret sign of bilious- neas take Dr. Morse's M '--41;i.•,, Root Pills A Practical View. "Father," mid the inquisitive boy, "wbat is a genius r "A genius, my son, is a than who gets a whole lot of advertising without being able to do any businese with it." -Washington Star. '''I am all`wDr.Miles' right now, thanks W Heart Remedy." The is for some relief ready you. Are you sum you do not need it? If Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy helper! Charles Holmes, why won't it help you? R was troubled with heart disease, and after reading about Dr. Miles' Kurt Revak", i got • bootie. Be- rea, I got the Heart Remedy I lied to shup ino.t of the night and Itit very ball at my stomach. \Virtever 1 would est made me Mai worse, and my heart beat very te.t But thanks to 1)r Mem' Heart Remedy, i am ell rght now. T err g -,on, a..rep good. and feel like a sew nun, s1 - r' ,••ort+ t am almost (4 yuan o:d. 1 a....... . . • ,t r In tie loft roar i of the rebellion, and w:.. hail, wr.eadeu.' CH..RI ; S Iti.'_lr La. rrie.m Ce. 1, 14tL .:. V. ia/.:.try -Vnlu,.teen, \•ah•.; 1..110sr0 Ci., A A Dr. Miles' Heart Rcnedy is kept in thousar.ts of hot;ses as a trend always to be relied upon In i.me of need. . 7-4141 yon Orvee,av 11 ono Grua b.-Last/Os 10 uonHA. your Rooney le ostwrvea. Ask or/ Detthwet MEDICAL CO., Toweets, Gena We have a full line of Wash Suits, directly imported fro m New York -all sizes to suit children of ages ranging from two to seven. Prices : • 75c to $2.00 L 1cLEAN BROS.,sm,".4,° I irl CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY NOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS May14 and 28 end every second Tuesday until , asset. 17 ineheive r Winnipeg and Return $34.00`i Edmonton sad Return, $42.0Y Prntw.rtionate rates to ntber points. Retut n limit f1) day, Through Tourist Sleeping Cate to Edmonton via Saskatoon, also Winnipeg and Cal- gary via Main Line Ask Jive. Kidd, C. P. R. Agent, for Howeseekers Pamphlet. UPPER LAKES • NAV16ArTION Steamers leave Port McNiooil Moodeys. Tusudays. Wednes- day*. Thursday- and Sat - urdays at 4 p. M. for SAULT MTTl. MARiE. PORT - ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM The Btuwuner llfanftoba, uu"ling NO PortMcNioollWedneedays, eaili at Owen Sound, leaving wt porn[ 1090 p.m. SteattIship Express leaves Toronto 12:43 p. m. on sailing days, making direct connection with ateamere at Port McNicoll. Tickets and full information from Jos. Kidd, C. P. R. Agent. 1 1 o°oe� SUMMERI GOODS 0 COAL -OIL STOVES With the corning of the bot dwy• of Summer your will want w New Perfection Coal -oil Stove. With this cneloil stove you have no extra insurance to pay. Call and examine then. We will send them out o0 approbation. LAWN MOWERS Our large shipment of Lawn Mowers is just in and we offer several different makes te: choose from. REFRIGERATORS Do you require a Refrigeratt.r this Summer? We have some in stock and more coming. SCREEN DOORS Get your Screen i)oors and Window', now and keep the Ales out in preference to putting them on later and keeping them in. CEMENT Ate you going to build a cement sib this Hummer? if en, we hey e for rent a set of the London Steel Adjustable Silo Curbs also a swinging hoist. These will simplify the building of silos. We have jure received another car of National Portland Cetuent. When you use this Cement you know you have the best that can be had. SPRAYING MATERIAL Have you sprayed wonr trees yet? We can furnish you with the Liwe•vulphur, also Arsenate of Lead. FERTILIZER The car of Fe, Wiser arrived s couple of week. ego and we have had a big .ale of it. This Fertilizer is an organic matter with the addition of steamed bone flour, blood flour and potash. These se.entiale make it the most valuable manure on the .market COAL AND WOOD ()wing to abs scarcity of Haid Coal we have put in a car of iiorneetie Lump Soft ('-n' This coal makes • splendid substitute for Hard Coal. I have also • rtrload ..f .1. y slabs, wbieh mike good summa► wood. Lot us figure en your piumleee. lteatioogg electric wi+ri'n�g. trenghing, etc. All tenet promptly attended to sad �7 g aar+ateed. CHAS. C. LEE 'Phones : 0 Store_22 ;House 112 s0