HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-16, Page 6404
• Tat trot AT. MAT M. 1911
ICosttnued trove Wet week)
whispered in French:
quickly, senhora, I pray year
1'C stashed her to and San Benevides
talking French until It occurred to her
that Iris and be must converse in time
language or hardly at all The thought
was disquieting. The volcano stirred
"Bonbora, H eons prier again pimd-
ed the man, who was on horseback
Mader the trees.
Shedid not hesitate, but ran to him
Without a word of explanation be
caught her in his arms, drew her tip
until she was seated on the Whitens
strapped to a gaucho saddle and
wheeled his horse into a gallop. F'Ulsd
with a grim determinatlon, sbe uttered.
s0 protest. Not a ,yUable crossed her
lips last he should strive to amend his
woeful blunder. 8be noticed that they
were not going toward the camp, but
circling round the Inclosed land in the
direetbn of the hi l.. Though the
night was dark, the stars gave .light
enough for the bores to move freely.
Carmefa's head was bent.
Bet San Benavids wondered why,
the cold Ingleza had surrendered w
snotty. He expected at least a
scream. a struggle, an impassioned de-
mand to be released.
"One word, senbora," he muttered.
"Toe must think me mad. 1 am not.
Al is lost. Our army Is defeated. In
as boar Las Flores will be to flames."
The girl quivered 1n his arm& A
moaning cry came from bee.
"It 115 true, 1 swear 11!' he vowed.
"1 mean you no UL 1 fought till the
red. and my good horse alone carried
me in advance of the routed troops.
Do. Comfit may reach the flnca alive,
bat even so be and the rest will be
killsd. I refused to escape without
you. Believe me or not, you are liar"
it titan life itself-"
Oarmela, with a sodden movement.
raised her race to his and threw aside
ber veil.
"Salvadorr she said.
His eyes glared into beta. His fres-
ped clutch at the reins pulled the bores
on to 1b haunches.
"My God, Carmel'!" be almost
S hrieked.
"Tem- So you are running away,
S alvador -running away with the E'ng-
Fish miss, deserting my father to the
boor of his need! Bot she will die
wtth the others, you say. Well, then.
join herr"
During that quick twist on the
bone's withers she bad plucked a res
volver from a holster. She meant to
shatter that false face of his utterly,
to blast him as with lightning. but the
lock snapped harmlessly, for San Be-
navtdeee had Indeed borne himself rel-
iantly 1n the fray. He struck at bar
Dow in a whirl of fury. She winced.
bet with catamount activity drew back
eft voices. He looked at the sky. a
the, black summits of the hills. He
steed np, and his inseparable amoral
clanked on the stony ground -
"Ab, well," he growled, "I have dons
with woman They have had the best
omfr.l.a,ny lite. What is left 1 11v is
a Door or 1'ea Mrot.somlo Delfts&
C&&MbLA west back to a MUM.
bold that paid scant Beed to her
screaming. Dom Colla wail
there, bareheaded. Ms gorgeous
e strum sword dumbed and bleed be.
spattered. General Russo, tea, was
beating Ole capacious elitist aod shoat -
"God's bones! Let as make a eget
•t fir
A sprinkling of ,oldier,. all Mr
mounted cavalry or gunners, a tew
liah.vel.d officers, had accompanied
De Sylve in his O►gbt- Wttb reckless
bravery be and Russo bad tried to
rally the troops camped at headgalr.
tern. It was • hopeless effort Half
breeds can Dever produce a mifbtry
caste. They may fight valiantly M
the doe of battle -they will not ties
the unknown, the t.rribie, the barytes
that come at night, borne nu the bar.
drape wings of panic. Unhappily
De Bytes and his bodyguard were the
. eeeengere of their own diaster. The
cowardly genius at Peaquelra had
Dimmed a snrprbe. He would tot lead
it, of course, bot In Dom Miguel Bar-
ar.men be Lound an eager substitute. It
was a coup of the Napoleonic order.
An infantry attack along the entire
front of the Liberationist position
Hooked the hunching against the cen-
ter of a formidable body of cavalry.
TM project was to thrust this Maes
late the rebel position, probe tt thaw
mealy, as a surgeon explores a gun-
shot wound. and eztract the offender
le the guise of Dom Oortl&
TM scheme bad proved emhaotty
socceeafUt The Liberationists were
!rumpled up, and bare was Dos ()or-
ris making his last stand.
He deserved better luck. for be was
tnagblficent in Miura_ Calm as ever.
he tried to be shot or eaytured wbes
the reserves in camp failed him. Ros-
erso and the rest dragged blot onward
by main force.
'They want me only," be urged.
"My death will end a melees strumae.
I shall die a tittle later. who assay
more of my friends are tilled. Why
sot die oowr
?bey would tot llsks.
"Itis eighth" trey cried. "The ear
emirs bootee are spent A detarmMed
Nand may give os another ceases"
Nut 1t was a forlorn baps As Nes
Beoavldem !arched into the pato the
bermes of the nest pursuing detach -
moot stralned up the elope between
the benne and encampment
Carme & all bar bre gobs. the peat
ghost •t the vengeful woman who
would have shattered bee lovers sltuf
were the revolver loaded. was the lot
to see blm. Sbe actually cr'oucbed in
terror. tier tongue was parched. If
she uttered souse low cry none beard
Dom Oorria. striving to dispose his
meager garrison as best be could. met
kis trusted lieutenant. His face lit
with joy.
"Ah. my
9 thought
Lord r
"No," said
Even In his
1 "Would that others had run lits Toa,
toy liatvadorr be said. 'Theo ire
should bave been to Pernambuco ,.-
The Brazilian looked around. His
eye dweit beedlessly os the cowerks
Carmela. He was searching for Iris,
wbo bed been compelled b7 Gots and
Bahner and Der Uncle to take shelter
behind the wore of sailors who still
remained at Las Fbre&
"It is true Revert gimes," be said Is-
soeIcally. "1 knew tits gams was lar
so I came here to try to save a lady."
"Ab--oor Om -metal Toe tboagbt el
Theo t log spell passed trout Carmel&
ilhe Iltemily threw berself se kis
'Res, tt is truer' she shrieked. "mie
arae et ave toe, bet I preferred to
die Mrs. -with you, father. and with
Dem Owls did not anderstsnd them
&Sweet& bat be bad se date lee
theaget, BeIMb were ewablhs there.
the eased Tsaetiasa Ugh. seq. aslt
Mere or the eatesse Weald tigestiee IN
orgy of sett dawraellee. yet -Mt, ons
poor Salvador!" be cried.
we had lost you at the
Ban Bemavides. 9 rag
dire extremity De Bytes
`r arm and bit bias on the temple their moat Mets foe elle '.w
ark floe ba•vy wespos Be eoihpesd were _rear__ ren the somber Ogllr
`ply reeled from off the saddle, and et the tsesa
they tell toga her. The frlgbtoDad 1:w ast.illikkik weth Rtrid.0 t�L
horse. finding himself at liberty. gal- aged tae aeun& Ttidr riles ni oevasd
tepid to the camp. where already then avert' doer rad wMMw. ase! saheb
Wil an unusual commotion. ,roeglit w gash ,reds M toms sal
Carrels dung herself as the seas's Mottle& At last SWISS M.aeee !
body. 8be was (-apeble of musses rived. Semi otensbees et Ng alb
either of 'fief or pesetas. mad. o Maty survey ef the sltaet1111.
: "Salvador. my love. my sever she Tbere were same MO .en •
serea.ed -Mutt name I doe.! event all in sitprobability De. 01erM
to me, $.Ivador It le L. thrm.tat O,, hot muster oneterts et test cera
Mary Mother. coma to my aid! 1 have L wee a erten tsar called Ow viva.
tilled him -kilted my SaI.Nerr The cavalry Once was meaty .Nn
H. kw.k•d very white and pese.fd from ib brak add there was so kileeP
se be lay there In the 'i,w.m Aha tagwhat set -Meet might resells BM
conk! net we whether his lips moved, seekkeeod iubersupo3 OM esM.a
RM wee ton distraniot to note if bis at least at the IIatl.s.tlebe bad taled
heart ares fleeting it ..amen Incredl- to keep ib readesvw er isle last a"'
Mfb smudged M servants' gm
end the fifth. strongest of all • W-
ired by Flom Miguel's presence. bat -
redd ly Yue abutters and tore s+ra7
*he piled up furniture of the ballroom.
'I'be Snilonalim ladder's Boat order
was tense:
-Spare t be emotes; shoot every rob
N; do not touch the foreigners unless
they resist!"
Wltb yells of "Attie) De Sylvar
"Morro por revoltadoer the aasallaasr
closed In Neltber side owned maga•
sloe riles, so tbe tfgbt was wttb ma-
chetes. swords and bayonets when the
lest furious ball of lead bad spent It -
mit. No man thought lot quarter ter
ceased to stab and thrust note be felt
Whet 300 deaper'adose meet arty of
111.. caliber In a bend to prod mottle.
whom the 300 mean to sod the nodose,
and the efts know that they most die,
flog -trig for choice. but dle to sty
want. the resultant soceuoter will
safely fie loth laces and brie!.
By nue of those gamer chances whieb
sosWmas decide the hazard betwesa
lite and death the window Dearest that
end of the room where the sailors
strews to protect a tow sbAektag wo-
men bad tot bon broken M. Here,
thea, was a thty bay of refuge. From
tt the men of the Andromeda and the
timer Frits. Balmer. Verity, tris and
welt of the Brazilian ladies es had not
Odd to the upper rooms at the"tnitlal
mem looked out os an amating botch -
sq. De Bylva. so longe' young sed
sever a reheat mats, had loam dragged
from mortal pees many times by kis
detailed adherents. Carmelo bad
snatched a machete from the Ongers•of
a dying aofdMr and was dgbting tike
one possessed alt a lewd.
Once whoa a combined rose drove
the defenders Deady ma top of the nos -
combatants Iris would nave Wiese.,to
draw the bait demented girl into the
tittle haven with the other women.
But Coke throat her back. ghosting:
"Leave 'sr Mosel Bhs'il set about
yon 1< you toed, burr
Dickey Balmer, too, who was dis-
ieplaying a fortitude hardly to be ex-
pected in a man of his years and hab-
its, thought that interference was mo -
"Let 'ar do what she can." be aid.
"8,e (Wesel know wok is 'appsnln'
sow. It Me was ou'y watchtn' she'd
be a nvI.' lunatic. God 'elp us all!
We've got ourselves into a nice roar
Det If Dickey Balmer's simple words
exalted him tats the kingdom of the
Meek David Verity occupied a lower
Masa Prayers and cure alternated
os ,la ties. He was stupefied with
A Lal. dirlingsished looking man.
woarteg a brilliant uniform. his breast
decorated witb may orders. Dow ap-
peared on the scene. He shouted
ssmetltUg, and the affecting force re -
bumbled Its Shots. He raised a re-
volver and took deliberate aim at Dom
Carl., Doke saw film. and his bull-
dog pluck combined wltb avarice to
mermen his common serve. Without
tholgbt et the coneequeaces be
sprang tato the' swaying snob and pull-
ed De 871ve aside. A ballet strained
Mie the wail behind them
"Leek sst, mister?' be bellowed.
"'lire's a blighter 'oo wants to deism
you quickr
De 8yiva'■ glance sought his adver-
sary. He produced a revolver which
hitherto bad re-
mained bidden to
• a pockeL Per -
4 baps its ballets
were Dot meant
for an enemy. He
fired at the tau
man A violent
swerve of the
two Irregular
rusks of soldiers
screened each
from the other.
An opening a.
feral. and the
man trim bad sin-
gled out Dom
Correa for his
special vengeance
fired again The
riillew114 ballet struck
Ooko in the
*Vries tea SLlYA breast TIN val-
Asma. last little skip-
per etc pared all sank to the User.
Ills Nary moo vase up Mto Verity'&
"Hastiest! 1 Mal heldr be roared.
W vele, Med sad Med, es M he wage
shine sees mamas& tree. the Midge
Magide etwied.
Duvld drepeM to W )tans.
"rot Oewd's gra. ammo. b.
"Ten. I've set ft Moe r des
well right ts.i fie lm inure is se
is ewe pore ell ship Leek eon.
Veety, i'. dere feel W yon set away
from ton rattan ewes sae te ay
.Meg 10 the eta. It Ton don't -
Wit yes"-
"Weer delated a gaeeg englleh
mem from wittiest. A wttaering Vol
1.y brei) led through the epee windows.
Feld tweety et the aseallesb tell, Dos
Ee Sarrses 'wag them. There
as lastest a Merged* .1 .«v, as
wise Me sheets et se earthquake.
"New. cams ear .hosted the ase
voice. sell Philp Busier noshed leen
the Memel& Allowed W his monis
mod a benne a MasMsa regular& No
ser ret stem*, OM gswlfnae of that
thriUMg apsrtssie wssld Wirt* that
a light waged with web doter.bsd
.gleveleaee could stag e0 seller))
Sag did the May rims Mesa It
we. 1w• aN es gear that men et a
mind .twee cease* wltbelaed the ea
dereases Des Mlsvef hills and hie
s orM
t etmW sted the *ONO stars
'that tree M et tbs. treat es segs-
esarter, the feet Odd wltbeet
New. Thep emend may Orr
boar hsrse& to ell Mat ewers tethered
was le the heads a this sew
Thee the OMNI...eat-
thea Oen illgedb orales
We that she • week womanshould pens- datN It W rlertre weaY titans
My cres,sd tie lite flet of that Itthe proved ti sear laa/agMlky
and active trim. with ase blow She M its Mr1 seen M f�a� M
fon reel nn Madly meteor whet the dant TIN woes UM
Long Mho. (lenneta rMrbsd lobs et leaden Let Derm Correa felt w
Seca Ren ens v idea 'tiered, moaned. Ile .get eNiarastie eon f
ag, t s.A enn v u id.ely end !seed him- p.. Dena Mig�s lianas --
34sett art hands and knees H. tensed lbw' Mriof A. aehe.a et
sad at down. fooling Ars heed settee was siemensL r&
-lp• .ander be twittered -The funoaatb Nes deeombsewee wale
sae deeel' Aad that etcher wow whist the theses petsn ef etre.tlL
■sat f meld wrens her emir One esagsed Me raiseImam mei fee Ihe _
A galMrkag ef Moo esaafOst M 1•a' BASHall. to/� -..=1111 _-� 111411111114-4.triiei Maio FMA tiMged daaR/
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tooth Me of Owls