HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-16, Page 4Tema%el. Male 18. WU
News of
The arum T. Kay tui.
A Goou One. -T. P. bra mid
tie Clydesdale Mallets for• baadenese
sure and a b.,row baa a Peeebwea wal-
Witrueure tr. May 1&h.
W. 1'. Riddell i. rzteswivety shipping
potato. s.
Mee (Ke. a R. A. Miller *ted taro
children lest r nest week far • moat h'.
visit at her I.arruts' home at Varna.
Mrs. latero. Dentedt returned trots
Alrzandra bosl,iW !eat Friday, se
much improved es to bs able to be.
The ladies of the Methodist congre-
gation are preparing yr
t the hone it llrs. Herb. yougrsfodti�asf
or the Base line. on the 344b. Geeta..
wen will pay Mc foe boxes. Suitable
social and litrrru y- entettaiument is
beiug provided.
The Mitchell bridge gang lett here
the first of thee tweet. They .leaded
up the damaged end, •panned the
washout and made the bridge K. for
.rank until it b let down opoa the
new abetment, which will be built
during the bummer.
M o$DAT, Mav 13tb.
Norse - Our postmaster t eceived a
very nifty pedl.r's wage° from Brus-
last week and ie engaged catering
Lo the lemmata of the !arson*' wives
with his goods and gathering eggs.
paying cash or giving trade fur
them ...The rifle club met on Satur-
day for the fltst shoot of the eeseon.
are..1. Ports still keeps veru
poorly, with slight hope for bee recov-
Robert Buchanan had the
mudnitune to lose • valuable spring
colt by rheumatism On Thursday
last H. Homey reeeiyed the tad news
of the death of bis eldest son, Herbert
J., ■1 Getcrwvijle, Sauk., from lung
trouble. He was a promising young
man of twenty -right years The
W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid societies bold
their monthly meeting at the home of
Mrs. H. Haney ori Wednesday, lath
pared In
lywort ter winch e Ligba.tt wee. awe ora tr de.
We wul alae M le the motet tar Ramped
es pe whee the weather denim, IL No Ran
Mee rtt-u errsD. W. P. BA1WK .jN. Iraq
Norway, May 13th.
LAN= Locate. -Har old winter
come back to visit. bets! s jaw days/
Asot bee little Ssprhjs arrived kit
=liven the borne of Wr. and Mas.
Robert Ritchie... .lir. and era G.
W. Lase spent last Sunday at Port
Albert The quarterly service in
Hackett's church was largely attended
and a Dumber of young folk united
with for church. .. Mr. and Mrs A.
M. Treleaven sod Kiss Rbetta visited
et the borne of Mr. and Mrs. James
Lane last week. We are pleased
lobate .bat Willie Hogan is aide to be
out again; also that W. J. Line is out
of tbn hospital and gradually regain -
log bealtb.
Inauguration of Port McNicoll Service
and opening of Upper Lakes Navi-
The Csnadiaa Pacific is now operat-
ing (creat Lakes Steamship Express
train between Toronto and Port Mc -
Nicoll on the following schedule, with
first-class coach a.Dd parlor car run-
ning through without local stops.
Leave Toronto 12:43 p. m., anima
Port McNioon 4 p. m Mondays, Tue.-
days, Wednesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, cuonertaog with the pala-
tial C. P. R. upper lake steamer,,
leaving Port Mc.Nicoll 4:00 p. m. on
above days for S. Ste. Marie. Part,
Arthur and Fort William. The
steamer Manitoba sailing from Poet
McNicotl Wednesdays will call at
Owen Sound. leering that point 10:30
p. m.
te)t"TH YOt' It lis
Leave Pott NcNicnll 'Sunday. and
Tburdays at 8:45a. m. . arriving Tor-
1200 D0o0. cod eaving Port Mc-
Niooll on Mondays, Tuesdays and Sat-
urdays at 14110 noon, arriving Toron-
to 3:15p. m.
Full particulars from any C. P. R.
:agent. Joe. KIDD, Town Agent.
Arrangmssts fa the Amami E:eeneon
from Taranto, jay 6:
The executive of the Hurn Old
Boyd Association of Toronto bas is-
a circular giving perticolate of
the annual excureiu, to the borne
county. whicb this year will take
place on nett) day, July e.
Two special trains will leave the
Union dation. Totoeto, at 71111 a. s.,
estopping at North Parkdale, West To:
ronto and Brampton, The Goderieh
train will take the led and will not wait
et Guelph for the other train, whose
desUmuio, will be Kincardine.
The Ouderirh train will stop at all
stations west of Stratton' and will
arrive bete probably about 11:30 noon.
The Kincardine train will atop at all
stations north of Palmerston, reaching
Kincardine about 1 o'clock,
Ticket. for the return trip to Gale -
rich will be SIM and to gineaidine
St 40. Children Leif -rate. tiodericb
tickets will tree good to return on any
regular train up to Monday, July 5.
Kincardine tickets raid be good mail
Tured.y. JulyP.
A rpeciai eature of the 'venetian
will he en •'auto trip.. around the
twenty. et *sting s L Oodericb and go-
ing via Bayfield to St. Joseph, %ark*.
Crediton, .retia, Exeter (Saturde
night., Helmet ttwwforth. Witten).
Rewseets (wood Siundayl. Wroe et7.
(eerie, ebtevale. Winssham 114unday
sigbt1. Bagrave. Blyth (noon Mon-
day). Londrrsboro' and Clinton taking
the tram at ('linina for the return
trip. Poems wlrn intend to malt this
trip should notify the secretary not
later thaw June 1st.
W. W. Blom is pvesldeet of the As
Coriatk.n and R Fleody. y1 dose
avenue. Tnrnsln is ice etary.
The tsbbatir srhnnl of Kona Presby-
terian cbu,ch. Rineardine. pineentret
the °persica ••Wbieslasd" in the
northern town an. eventing recently.
CLse of here. orb.. conk part was
Master 7lwwntes Denied*. fnrmedy of
(t rdwri,`b who, soros a newspaper re-
ort erg a .pisedld Copt. •'Zb Leah ^a
HOLMESVILIE. lion, Journalist& (2198) (allrIBL one .f
Y .r are.d�
N D.T. May 13 b.
Tt) W itasijp Ve t: De l l- -The rowel'
• mei per adjure awwemt last Monday.
All members prereat. Missive of lust
sweeting were r or d and ay ved.
law No :t &others icing tbt. treats ere
to borrow mosey from the Royal Beek
for townebip purposes. was read reed
pared. The following aecoueta wawa ;
ordered paid • Jas. Jobaatnn, tillieg t7VL.NORNE
let Bromiller bar" rettespey, May lad.
Midge. gl4 ; Bimoro ]lc- '
Cullouah, Shing st Beefeilkr bride•, I,,Rimm.. OAM tt.a. - A very
SSD'. Geo. Male. filling et Brldgewstrr pl-aunt time was •pent ors Wudnea-
hr48ge, OS; Thos Ou dry. gravel, dry ...Cuing at t e bows of J. Peck
*4.46 The iron work of the Colours. by a twee number of lbs friends and
bridge was let to the Hill Co., of neeg htter. in the oorbmnnity in h.,00r
Elliott,Mibell, and tbeeemtent work to Win. of Lr. Flick and Miss *goes Flick.
Pof Clinton. Council adjourned who intend leaving Colborne to the
to meet •a a coast of revision oD Moro- near rut urs. Mr. and Mies Mick were
day. May 271. at 10 o'clock. N. W waken completely by surprise, and
Thews -write. (lee} shortly after the
ST. HELENS re. t y res.was
d y Hire Amends. Meedel riot' Mr.
the boot„ borne =Mr ow is
section_ He ie • dark trey, three
ye+. s old and weighs Let/l) lira. Weil*
ie Frwi..,e b. bps, as a two-year-old,
Sfth ace In a elites of 146 two-y.ar..
olds, tb. burp* Pereberoe show
in world. He will stand at his
ea n state.+ this seaauo.
con*(ottahl seined o add y as
Moeriee. May 13th. Flick was presented with a beautiful
Woentc s Isnenven-Thr monthly gold -fondled uwbrelle and Mies Puck
Westing of for Pt. Helens branch of s be with a handsome suitors*. `+hors ad-
Woui<o's Institute will be held et the dire -es were givers bre Rev. O. G. Hall -
home of Mrs. J. H. Rutile) ford on man. IMe..M. Kemp -ban. Halliday.
Thursday. Nay _i, at 2:30 o'clock. Meant: and Breekow. Mies Welsh
Electioo of officer+ will take place. r.-ry ably presided at the organ.
All the ladies are requested to be pees- Both Mr. and Mies /reek replied in a
en,. Take Dote that this rueetine is veru touching manner, ihauk,og the
called a week earlier.friends for their tokrus and kind
News No7,-Misses Edna and wishes. After enjoying a very son -
Nina Woods, Chriesy Miller and Annie able eewsiug, rrfte.hnente were
Rutherford were home from Wing- served. after which prayer was offered
ham for the weekendThe post by Rev. O. G. Hallman and the co.n-
oniwe has bran removed to Zit pa'y dispersed. lir. and Mir Flick
Woods' store Mies J. C. MCDon. are tang to Orion, Mlchiean. where
aid. who had been ofeciat3ng as post th« win reside in the home. The
mistress sioce the death of Mies Cam add - 'e as follows :
eron, returned to Wiogham this To a K sA with
week .. _Miss Tena Murray bas se...1•2_111•11 leavw. Maras _PAM- poor Iscao-
ttoe . .ar IIUM meas sad aswwas-
takrm up her residence in Mia. Mo- W. 1. a, req�wsrsMatedtaw =-
Donald's Douse T h e snowfall 1 raw...... ears of life .s' 'rev, slew, Mead L
hen on Monday did no injury to the
crops, but succeeded in spoiling the
roads for a few days .. Angus Mc-
Donald has purchased a new steed
and a carriage to match -both leaders.
=Wail sal orapaiart a Moeda rid umiak -
i i►-
haveA.aa 17� r...Jerraf Makin! Se.
dep•rtas.green be ammofeht hr q. W-
14t's aelrteborteeed. bat ergechlb se kr the
u.eb, d which you wore este _see= hkktel
ood &curs msr.�_As err sada bare
watr tore the borer sed Sat Lad •teaGadm wives
DUNGANNON. °� aeesrrpifrisd bre rear wash
em ems►
DR. NEWTON. DENTIST, OP , v.wd eervlw. Aad whoa we «resells that
Leekeew. has Beard abets" outside tbtSsr _...__will no loss., 7=;04._....___..... HWa
w to a .44 h home th sirs kl..stir a _drat= r t sorer
thealoe. L,elu.w, �slr1ld tiw.i' �.rs
be wN be towed .swy day. An solar, ,.mita- Bat w treat tact our �looss� hhwereeeswIS 5.. yoot
seta asveerv V lrie = see as vers Mit t weaw heals
NOTION.-THB LOCAL AGENCY Ionia st lot yen me viehmet t. mea way
.See yl tmtM Ihtesftiumoo bribe aisav V at the b, , we asrries elhamnol oddOmen'
dtempo year
orders win t.. received w aid- h nisi• t ei r,
e�alsrg sad Joh were. Nee reasisee� be �p�.. lend Mb ealieaee w a alfa...
/ars aarwale paid it theism,. eb.t edirbiswwM assesefnte n. We tragi
Tv tneoeY, May 18th. lam rb re eetb> ea' i.e rbw r. tar
CHeacu NoTse.-The members of les' 4r }e.�� •.less settee. Year
dtprb is fault of tee ete=e�
Attlee. I♦.t Pttt�fsm
the local Oddfellows L edge in a body
attended service at Erskine church on
Sunday evening and were delighted
with the instrust3ve and inspiring dis-
course given by Rev. R. A. Miller, of
le MAI
Auburn. The subject wait "David TvaspAT, May 14th.
and Jonathan" Motbees Day was Tea Larr Mae. Hearns. -7 he news
observed let Sunday....... Tee Angie- of tb.death of Kr.. Andrew Green. d
can Sunday school eonverntion at Clin. I-'yat which occurred Tuesday More-
ton last week was attended by Rev. T. ing of last week. chars al/ a sire* to
Young. H. Hnidegg and Nowa, L I her many friend.. Deceased tad bass
Parks. L Hereford and K. ChM.. io Pool bon" for eeyer•l.sonth., het
Wirt; Tett Roo new the phyeieian is cher" did nor ets0-
woo Roes risen ereee *vow iry.ont eider bee ca -e serious until the Betur..
ole Piiday and rater sal orations n" �iou
wrs to hen death, whs. the
ate a to the si.hts top-notch t absent hitchers of the taa,ny were
scone may be esppenxc•era. At the sunimoned. Tbs late Mrs. Green was
rd Hoge the follorvi I�Hy Mary A. aeHaed She
cu tag rtmr.ree ware ora bort io Colborne March 7] 1
made out of • paeaible 70: W. Wet- 1 ffi, 846.
son 70. T. G. Alien 81, B. J. Crawford a sad Dad •!ways resided iD tht .tarts
e0. C. Elliott e0, R Di.b.-r pal J. ship. On December lbth, 1869, she
Campbell 59. J. Elliott see Dr. Rice 58.. was married rn Der stow.orrowesg plea
B. Sampson 57, J. Johnston 54. D. , hand. Always of . bright. nanny dia-
Glenn 56, W. Crosier 55, T. McCann 58. I whom she emade a►e of =steer, of and ;oil s
A 224rong team td;l go n Paisley , wide circle her death is sincerely
on May 24th :o cutspeta again., ttr'atx
eornty'. ebamptot team. The trip mourned. Her illness she bore with
will be made in Elliott'. lig sot,„__''- , the cbeerful fortitude which charse-
bek � mother of four aonsturned her wbole wand r duagb-
e. She Inas the
T=LitPBOxs No'rita.-The exteosioa ,tars, namely : John A., of Port Hrroo;
from Ebenezer to Geo. Rotes:. e'e has' Atlas et, of Chioegn WW and
or es. Richard 13rocej Wel-
lington Oliver sod (leo. Holl
The line from Dungannon to here -
bridge ie ready ter the wire
Wort was commenced this week os Mrs. Geese was a casettes of Smith's
been completed and services a trifled /James, at horse; Mrs. Thos. Meerut -
tee (deceased); Mr,. Hereset Mur-
docb, end, Igoe, and Misses
7[as7 and Jessie, at home. One
hrc>taer 3obn Metiard also survives.
an extension rest from Prosperite to Hill Presbyterian =tuck.. and the fo-
rmes Wee Andrews, Jaa. Pollard, neral service, which took plana es the
Wm. Joho.ton and Hugh King family residence on Friday attsrwooe
.Prospect, are bright for the addition , fret, was cooductM by Rev. J. R
of over one hundred services this Mann, pastor of Smith's Hill eitureh.
wssmer. At prevent over fifty appM The pallbearerre were the font eons.
cants are crowding the managgeerr with The remains were followed to *be
mine -
thew ons for the early mate tics of pig. d interment is Colborne messe-
pDoo There bee hem nos- ppti by a large c0000urse of ft needs
eiderabk delay in stepping instep- aa sayoaintancea.
meat. from the factory, ;rot's
ut word was
received tsfs week,a�tog a targe 'Mr. and Mie. J. A. Gree° and sou,
000eigttment was being forwarded. of Port Heron ; Aller B. Green. of
event Mirage; William Alexander ata Mr.
��"iDDixO. - An interesting
took place oo W edt..day moroin. etc and liraMhere tar .the funeerbert 'dj et be
the Dome of Mrs. Jacob H
dao t
marriage to William I3en. .ref New
Liskeard, Ont. The bride, who was
attired in white ootaeline. earned a -.,
bouquet of blies of the valley and was earn nwsa m, 8 err.
tended was given away by Wright sad Militia Department j
The following mrrespoodence is reit-
ezplatsatory :
her gh er, Mary iKneen.
wee turned to ' when l�
=t Mrs. Andrew Go ori Friday
her brother and Rev. L. Bartlett per-
formed the ceremony in the presence
of • few immediate relatives. The
bones was tastefully decanted wftb
m•mtaseit.es and evergreens. After
a dainty 'escheat bad been served
Um happy couple drove to Gnds-
dsb, en route to Niagara Palle
and cities in the Eastern Stater,
the bride's trasellsg eostome being of
NZwith hat to match. Mr. and
Elliott will oaks their boats
at New Liskeard, wtsere Mr. Elliott ia
engaged in buainem. Both bride and
groom have lived is Dungannon for
inlay years and have • host of friends
here who wish them all .some.n in their
new Abe• of eouree 1 canoot tell these.
PX.0O AL - Kiss Maggie Dieter res Permit mets to ask witboot TfolaUsg
ironed hrene oo Tuesday after visiting soy roles of tie Militia Deperts»st
friends in Goderirit ales Vay wban may we expect .iia money
LOWleeis visiting her sister Glad A reply will confer a favor apt' ebi(go.
T• oh. TlPaast.
Ste -Acting as president of the
Veteraoa' Association for nearly kit
yeses, i sad myself subject tD all Merle
of gneations regarding the one ben -
deed dollar bonus granted by the Gov-
ernment to the mss wbo wept ow as -
tire service in 'fib during ►b. Pentad
i am rtnpp.d on the wrest and bs"ir
tonboled time and *ygt$a*te as to woes
the bon= will be dt tributed, which
hoes pia. Ott
Godericb.. Mr. and Mrs. era.
!loaerviII. acoonnpanieci byMise
1. owervili. and Pearl cKes-
ttle. spent Monday at Roble McKsee
Mee . - Peed Robina -n, of
visited Maeda bete 1.d week
Mrs. R. R. And.rao,. .4 Swift One -
tent. Rask_ is visiting herr penman.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Henderson
Mies Mary Polley was in %dada this
week altsndie,g the femoral d her
Bassin. George Heed , hos ......Miss
Lahr eurtbers is visitint relatives la
Goderieh Miss Rtva Johsstee,
who has horst row posited to mange hie
permitter, In the {.Roberta Bare be -
Mine of ill-h.ujtb, was able tobedews
street yesterday . John Roberti,
of (I•ndeeieb. visited bee parent* beret
on Rundsy T.0. Allan is at
Peter horndiennaing1[1 the we 's
1 of is m her DaMy Ryas
was Lome from Pori U.Mifi this week 1
Tour. reapeafely,
J. J Waitron.
President Veterans' Aesoeiat.ios.
Te J. J. wrtpr, _.
Ike, -I have e tthe honor to eekn•w;`
receipt of your letter of the
With mit. and is reply beaten to kr-
fore yen that owing to the large
number of Applications shred Rae
is the Department it will sue=
time before we are able to pay the
beauty to all 'bow entitled to the
We are mssidering the *penman=
fn lir order in which they arm ree.jsbd
in the Departure/IL W e e xpset to ble
gs* lamingorientate Wert week.
1 betberme to he. sir.
Toor nIwalfent esvvant.
( AMPa,
see'y Dx.'..oti• Digi.
°Sawa. bey b'd..alta
ha Meow
DGrems. smogs weiaulaw
dealer teas aid, " 1 sews
fraw Heart Disease wide
est fieding the !idea,,
aesthetes whisk wets 6rr4 M
the martret. seta waseene.
fa) for Hearn. Disease ani
all linease swat widely isd4pld i�
Both Quiet and Permanent Strength.
you see tun (roes now tired out, if
you take c• -tri omit tare no appetite,
are Io.ine 84.4 or ve other evidence
of lowered vitality, icy our Mae Lund'.
System it. never or urids rnor guaran.
the to r.tftsod the price path if 'bp rem -
arty fee's V+ give entire tatistactt .u.
1t aide digest •n, topes up the nervous
system sari gives, blab quiet and per-
manent iteelts. On•• .1.4 ,.r • hold.•.
Manufactured by MacLeod Mwikine
Goderi !mt. For sale b. E. if
Wigle, dr.
for 'Spring
by hetet= your ardor
for fleet now SUIT IMP
war at. temmisie Tads
reamer, ramowee erosion ro.1
emirs ter *ewer is
No hypodermic% se and atter-
ellects. Cal. Write or Time ter
Eisoldes. etc.
The Gatiltilastitute
Janis Illo. Termite
',hues M. iliggt Arflargram, Mgr.
senewerp. Mama.
Abblehle sr rest
romp era elll assail
sad ramiler SOL II
rentipiegli a met le hal.
Red. Ileacs. Goma -
and mind Kim
Chselha law
HavHeel=boo bi oar Lawn Waleta direct fens asaise ers we got theat Orli oust sad Oar stook
was Dewa
Deese o good le point of gaality sad ueaat-
ity as ft le sow. Bssbroklet y frost* sad esbe,cy
Cry .sicced salve% back plait tb
and fedi feogt► sleeves, opera in hack ur tio�t, sad
our primes are front >bs to BUR
Tlehtyreds essbeoidere4 Waist, Fronts, beauti-
fully wMfed and plaited. Our =tees are reduced
ossgtter on some, me-thlrd on otbese. If you
are tsakisg • wa1.t, cone in and free these fronts,
new arheregot. ha few days
ago and .bey aa very superior lot and we have
tie prices as rock bottom. A Rood frame wa
fast black weer. and hare ilea tie prime - $1.01
IL* $1.40, $1.76, iM OK 811.31, $11.60$11.60and sf:7b.
Paley colored Parent= at prices to suit
Laine C,trtatne from 36e a pair, yards wide.
to &60 a pair, 3 or *4 yards wide, all ottistilaa
snake -the best recomwrnd•tioe they can bLave.
Wtodow deem Chea Spot Mantle and the new
Bungalow Nets is wbite. creast and Perls shades.
Prices -16c. '.Jac. Mc, 36c and 405.
Remember we sell the best 2 for 215c in black
and in tan 'locking* made. 1200 pairs in stnck.
Redimit Leslie • new Hose Ude yaw. Excel-
lent quality. lorbt weight, silk flinsh, 3k and 50c,
A silk front Hose for 60c with lisle toe turd =el.
lOtteen pieces to seleet trona. every piece sew
this aroma. Prices Life to Mc. Patter= choice.
and cloth is exceptioaany good qoatity.
Oar Mock is Wei added to Onet7 .1wor gays
and is noir Me largest we ever earnest la short
and le= makes. Ebert. 116c to toe, In lists and
silk ; lea% alle Ma. silk sieve% double tined.
This is a world -tossed ems. both tor fit sad wear,
ali flag= tipped. 50e, Ric avid *LOU
We never hie so oompiete a =ming of Whits
geode ao we ere now offeriair. aad mob ranee am
rarely found io Gowns, Skirts, Drawers and
Oorest Waist*.
Gowns. lire and embroidery trimmings. SLOB,
trimtoed grit& embroidery asd lam. direct trees
the makers.
Corset Waists and Drawers. Prices commies.
ing with Mc up to SOc.
We are still adviser* the purehass of Print.
and Gingham*, kernetng our (iota sou patter=
are itot excelled ta the trade and rarely equalled.
Colors absolute. Ask to see washed searplee of our
whole stook.
This is • new cloth for summer weer. Oar
price is only 15e-tbe sante quality of goods sold
last year for 95c.
If you need 45 - Sidi -Ong Etahroklery,
mese and see what we can do for you at. WIC, 60c
mad 66c. Hand -made Embroideries, edge and in-
sertion to mete% from Se to Mc. These goods are
direct front Um makers, broce our exceptionally
low prices for them.
tea essmsees a emus Write
Massey -
Summer : Millinery
piece to boy Kt Made ell Ihres
WAGONS tors Bash.
BUGGIES Iron Gray's,
el Chillers
ban Taste
ILIZER from Detroit
-in feet, szything a farmer
needs or cams.
that when you buy a stylish Shoe you
do not buy discomfort ; and also let us
emphasize the fact that in buying the
Hovel Hardware Cs., Mg
bleb Ton limb ebb smorre ebb ibb
worsoloiss. Ibr erre es ea area se sera me
wow reli
Paw maw et ...wow leme.ft.ft sewewee MY.
slid= immil Mar WWI pailelb is denrebre big ism
Iftwood Weer assweasses elb lie Noy 0/ lbw lib
sad rersishisge for the Home
tbs se the people of (*aerie+ sod
Ai greeds. larindiner ordinary aid 'piastre at amederste
prises -au amortemot rarely ems aniside the cities. Oosse in sad
sro *As classy Fundtare yen am get at Kohinsise• We •
=rto show wy slosh and II there le aornething you &min I
tielesbad. I Ian get it for yea
Agency Nordeetriere Pee=