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0o LEATHER 000D8
AB tem THEelUNAl.lieieelatu ge �vw
A. B. TAYLOR. termeTeo*D
L Parading sad Sepses. OSee-Wats
uur.TmosTery ALEX TA Y WIL M. A
umos sad reiieaoR Nate our , Asdeetse.
wet► d (beeq llsefstrs sins TUT ttoao 11.
itR. F. J. R. POR8TB R --ETR, EAR
Haws serisna
J. �sad threat ' ort Oris Aural l
Mead .'drat.. bar, )leassed least 8- Wes
OWss betters, soli lteressil l4ee iissssfaL
Lala tarlls.l mew saw.tw4u 6Qeat
ettreNrd. snarls Maas Sbeid , Hse s
o ha. a. 1 tet w a. ? s/ I a. - TtlMieeo
AN. tarrlwses. atlrsWas eetedge_ps�e
mortar b pas ll.ettMs tleerL sea Miele
suds tjo. allotne it Mwsr et leserew
Psuourucrr IL C... le C. RA J. L
la 0. OLIIMRON. K. 0., BARRIB-
sl. Tfi, striper, P. e. Meer-
earedkDM'sFm suer. ueeessa. salad Ne. treat
i. hart t, seeress.. ssarlaur, Jia. bete
...a. Moa►e) u. sae al Amer sates.
Its soltes, osi.�er..oar, Deese
solutes, awYsaraw sues' uslariaa sow
Asa o u Ii ♦ !r C a C O.-I+ani ass MIated
res: awards taped.
ueasrb--J. b. Ydsisa, Fres_. tlsslsrth P.O.;
Jr earth, vtwl'rsa. (iesirice P. u.:
Muer IL lave, gra-Trina. tlsatertt P. U.
lnreders -W o. bessry. csatorth : John
u. 'nave. Wbleep; Wither Runt. tonsta•oe;
JW srsu.e.wq [free.,,rye ; Junes area,
herb aro ; Jena Rau. IlartorA : ilaseofro
&cmen, bruogaeld.
Agar: J. W. keo. Hotat as; E. seska,
Hotfoot : Jr. t orartasy saaeadvar ; 5
aches. meerf*. reuse -..iters eet vas
asessam1. J. irylse�CkAilaa BioreAjet Wass maele. reselptea
it t use thump, asrsslee asset. Holatta .
l. r.
► fou : usrreaer. lfWnee strict
Www anti q Ae(i�p�
R. KOBER'l')IO1%.
PnA Ytne:IMINUILANl4ltlt� Cl%aaaeiZ �ald
c'xt.$e soman a AND esastoraae' Luer'.
try : 11e Berea raiser,' sal OeYsease
itwurr AND('gIaJ�eJailrLs,
el. et adelis.
FWsllcsser Lasoposa.
r v�
tort tae SL Lavers susses egar esessr`Yb
l9esa ns
oDeatoll in lawful rates.
le a
..et at. once. Ofiroor *Mt Ilingst awl innegra
has Eons si
iionsliticti, lied
-71th willienswe aid *gaol
sear lig lbe
le Ike es Yr eget odiese IN
kkgbrei Imre. we
1140 err irsest ean *sr
_4" ''ilo"Verenjjlieetiisrrigal=
D. A. MeLaairLas.
News of Districtk
I)e►beuod is to have a King's Bir ,
day celebration no June &el.
Zurich 11 L, have a new fours
arbour buildiort ata cost of tl?,(MD
Fred Weleb has herrn appoio
bailiff of the D.tision Court at
th- which was witnessed by 'pearly tw.,
hundred invited guests.
cows Oii ilooday. elh in.t . Ann y -trod.
widow of the late Wiliam McBrieu.
passed away et Meta at lbs age of
eeventy-sis years. Mrs. McBritu was
born et Cape Breton, but when she
was a girl her parents moved to this
county. Atter her Marriage *be lived
with her husband in Buffett for man
years and atter Mr. McHrieo'a de
she rea.oved to Ulintot., where she
bad stabs resided. She L survived by
two sone and tape daughter -William
J. and Henry. of Hallett, and Mr,.
Harry 'halon, of Detroit.
A Michigan Millise.ire.
Ammo W. Wriftbt: ooe of the bras
ale -known seen in the State of Mi
whose second wife was Ano. C -ear,
of Easter. is dead at the greet age of
eighty -eine year,. Mr. Wright lived
at Alma. Mice., awl war known fat
wed wide as a masterful character.
He had extensive commercial interests
and his fortune is estimated at mote
than forty millions
Sea -
Wm. Cole's sawmill on the 2nd con -
Maslen of Grey township was recently
destroyed by Ate.
Matthew Wein, one of the early
settlers e l Stephen. is dead at the ago.
of seventy -flys years.
&ales Skin tnuUer, late of Walker -
loo, baa bought the flour mitis at Bor-
rie and has moved to the latter piece.
Mr. sod Mrs. (leo. McKenzie, of
'Ingalls. hate return.' home if
•reeding three months io Cantor
Bert Hooey, of Clinton, is quite a
dealer in fare sod already this masa
he has handled over 4(K) muskrat skins
Mr,. (Ree.) Wada of Clinton, tell in
the yard and broke her hip. Owing
to her advanced age, the injury n,ay
be set lope.
Itis the intention of the peopled the
enterprising village of Zurich to lay
about Jt1,ti00 feet of new cement side-
walk this year.
Morrie township is to have a local
option vote next January. There are
two hotels in the municipality --at
Walton and Belgraye.
Reeve McDonald, of Wingbam, met
with an accident while •'tending a
rattle sale at Luckoow a few days ago,
spraining his ankle badly.
0. W. Dobbs, of Oorrie, has second
a position ' tam the Ontario Govern-
ment as flee ,ogee and will be away
in the north country for six or seven
Williwm Pringle, son of Mrs. Wm.
Pringle. Hillsgrern, diel on the 5th
inst., at the early age of nineteen
years. The deceased had toren an in-
valid all bis lits
Hugh Ryan, of Mount Carmel, died
on Mi 4th, aged thirty-four years.
He had been ill for some time with
lung trouble and spent the last fall an
winter at Gravenhur,t.
Two Little Tots Lose Their Way.
A "bees in the wood" story rouses
trona Di yodel, 7be two HHUl. child-
ren of Mr. and Mee. William Denomy,
aged four and bis years of age, left
the house at 10 o'clock in the morning
to gather flowers in the bush near by.
They lost their way and intrad of
going homewards walked in the op-
posite dirertion, and when found the
were half -way to .yfleld. The whole
o-t'gbborhood was alarmed until the
children were brought horse late in
the afternoon.
The "Pandora`
Range is -doubly
guaranteed— it
is guaranteed by
the makers and
jure as fearlessly
guaranteed by every
McClary agent. You
should know ' Pandora..
perfections before
•^ubuy crang"
Death of lin. Wm. Moore.
The death of Laelnda McDonald,
wife of William Moore, occurred at
Wingham on Thursiay morning, 2nd
inst., •t• the age of sixty-one years.
She bad beet% ill oely few days of
poem:wale and her death canoe very
unexpectedly. Mrs. Moore spent her
early yeas in the township of Hay.
She was one of a family ot eleven
children ad ben was the first
lath in the family. She ii sur-
d vived also by her husband. throe
sons and two daughters. Mrs. L Allis-
' worth, of Hayfield, is a sister of the
e deceased.
At the recent manual meeting of th
sky, Dr. Margaret C. Calder. of Wing -
bane was elected one of the vice-presi-
dome for the ensuing year.
On May Sth. at the home of tbe
bride's parent. in Usbonse, the wed-
ding took place of Mime Eliza J•
Hunter, daughter of Mr. aod Mrs. P.
Hunter. to James G. Hama.
Miss Mamie Chesney, daughter of
',smith. has passed her examinations
at the General hospital of Rochester,
N. Y., coming out Om in her clam.
Harries liamilton. A Wroxeter
young man wbo has been on the staff
of tbe Standard Bank at Brume's. has
been promoted to the maoagership of
the tettathroy branch of that Bank.
Mrs. John Anderson died at the
eighty.thita year. Deceased had been
a resident of the locelity for over forty
Jame* Dunford. of Clinton. and .7.
D. &Liao:moo, ot Exeter, last week pur-
chased the furniture end undertaking
bushier* of Hoover & Ball at Clinton.
The new firm will be known AS Atkin -
Last week Mrs. Tbos. Maunders and
her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Hunter, left
Brussels for Detroit, where they pur-
pose making their home. Mrs.
tioner In that city.
On \May 1st, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Elliott, Centralia,
their secood daughter, Katharine
Edna Gertrude, was married to Wit.
lians A. H. Jenkins. of Lomion. Rev.
A Rebekah lodge was instituted at
&aorta last Friday evening by Mies
Province a Ontario. The degree
work was cooducted by the degree
teat of Hensall
Thelleath occulted on Tuesday of
last, week, at Wiarton. of Mrs. Samuel
Beattie, aged seventy-seven years.
Tbe deceased wag the daughter of Mrs.
lidbirmote-of Seefortb, wt still lives
at tbe advaoced age of 108 years.
Mrs. Erwin. of Bayffeld, is a daughter
of the late Mrs. 13eattle.
The death a Geo. A. Knox occurred
in Wiogham on P'riday, fird inst. The
deceased was in his sixty-third year aod
for a number of years bad been residing
Torooto. Hs eras in Wimrhain
a visit to his father. Arthur Knox, and
sister, Mrs. J. B. Swart*. Besides las
widow. be lease a family of seven
children in Toronto.
On Wednesday, May 1st. Arc flas.
burn. one of Wroater's most highly
respastad chimes. puled away_ at the
see of about sevaity years.- Ms sad
her husband. wbo diad Mersa years
=t, ware for may year readouts ot
township of Turnbeery. Two lose
--Charles. near Whitaborch, and
Reuben, of Wroreter-aarvive,
Kenneth Breldoe. who for a limo
has been accountant a tbe Moieties
Bank at Clinton. is leaving to take the
position of manager at KoowItent
Que.. and a an evidence of the good-
will of the bailees moo of Meta* be
tendered a farewell hagest
Ratteeleury House. Mr. Mealtime
presented with a walking owns
was the trobjeet of many eastalb
Om id the old settler* of Hay tows -
Sad ea Monday, lith_ ia ths
parses of Bacrott.
mead his monger days hi the
Theited astern, hat far over Why years
bs asd his partner ta life had hose
osieher II WOK they eelehretal their
atemitAs later. Moe ems and ass
rlangbeir *marries
The redflones ot Mr. and Mre Jamas
Orme. Parr Nee Bay toweshie. was
Ulm seine of a happy event no Wed -
amide? a bat wee& when their eldest.
iimaghter, Miss leiaillsy Way. owes
mated In marrimpi le Jobe
fesesseftrertsberee township. Rev.
E. R. Wick Guarantees Pastan Sage
for Dandruff and Falling Hair.
Destroy the dandruff germs -that's
the only known way to eradicate den-
druff, and Parisian Sage contains just
the ingredients that will destroy
Dandruff causes falling hairend bald-
ness. became the little daodruff germs
rob tbe hair roots of the nourishment
that ahould iro to supply life, lustre
aod vigor to the hair.
Parisian Sage costs but 30 cents a
bottle at E. ft. Wigie s and druggists
eye" ywhere. It is guaranteed to ban-
ish dandruff. stop falling hair or scalp
itch. or money hack. The girl with
the atitetrp heir in on every bottle. It
is almost delightful sod daintily per-
fumed dreesing that quickly in•igor-
ates the scalp.
"My hair war failing out badly until
I began to use Parisian Sage, hut it
looks flee now My hair Wiell getting
very thin. but it ie getting thick and
eravy.•'-Eliza Archer, 00 Church St.,
Hart.tord, Conn., June 5.
, A Horse Case.
Kincardine Review : caw of con-
sidecable interest to horsemen was
tried before the Divisico Court here
on Tburaday. William Arnold had
Huron, and sold her to Wm. Dyer. of
Kincardine Tp. Mr. Dyer complained
that sbe vets a leiter and Mr. Arnold
took beseback and notified Mr. Lowry
that he would have to take her beck.
Mr. Lowry declined to du so and Mr.
Arnold entered suit. He sold the
mar* by auction for 5130 end the sta-
tion was to recover the difference.
The evidence with oespect to guaran-
tee wits conflicting. The jury which
was empanelled to decide the case
failed to agree. Judge Klein there-
fore took it out of their bands and
gave Mr. Areold judgment for 548
and costs.
Wingbem, 'May 13. -Mee John
Campbell is in tbe looal hospital with
serious injuries about the bad. sod
her sister. atm Peter Campbell. has
being thrown from their buggy when
their horse bolted as they were driving
into tare. Wben the horse started it
ran.on to tbe lawn in front of Dr.
Kennedy's house, and the bogey
struck a tree. The axle wee smashed,
tbe two women were hurled out.
Mrs. John Campbell struck tbe tree
shd was picked up in au unconscious
was just coming in. sod at onoe at.
lauded bath women. Mrs. Pater
Campbell was taken boom acd it was
found that she bad her bip and
shoulder bort, in addition to the other
injuries. She was uoconscious for
some Una.. It was stated today that
Mrs. John Vecopbell's skull was not
fractured, es wee at first feared. The
scalp, however, is terribly teen as •
result of her being honied headfirst
against tbe tree. Both women are
programa" havorahly.
An English Chemist Has
Discovered how to
Grow Hair.
In England the ladies have entirely
sambaed wearing rats, whit+ is dee
inotirely to this new discovery.
It has been proves that Henna
leaves contain the iegredients that
will positively grow hair. That
eatain this loser -looked -for articit:awZ
peeress= y.
are sew paring on
the extend has Henna heves. epitaph
is having a plwmetnetial roe
This preparation is 'Idled Nat'l* and
Is fesing_edd with a guarantee to) core
dandrnff &Oa to grow heir In abosto
&wee Being daintily perfumed. Rai-
ds Makes a most pleseant hair draw -
1 Dunlop. your druggist, is the
to Import this preperatino Into
1116646.1"116 PIIMattosiluld ajsrle. Cares. h°"1.
Two Wire'ess Operators on C. R
The Canadian Norlherre Railway
lees operator on the steamers Royal 1
Edward and it.iyad George, thus ob-
taining the twenty -four-hour set vice
which has been shown s eerier:aril by
t.he Titanic disaster. These will beebout
the first of the medium-sixel trans-
Atlantic teamers to have two operat-
e; la, sod the innovation will probab'y
be put in effect within a week or Iwo.
bate a acanthi/gin fitted on the Royal
F.dernevi for the put po.e of making a
thotough test of 1.s ability. Some
yeare ago the Caroni'', of the Cunard,
Line, svas provided with a too orchligh
but for some reeson this wag Very
quickly abandoned, aod since then no
in the direction. Practically the only
oceen-going yawls which early
searchliglue today &IP those in the
Anglo Australasian urea". which are
compelled to have thrtn tor use in
passing through tbe Suez Canal,.._
It is with aura pride thet the flayal
Line decrees point to tbe fact that
their steamers have always been
equipped with lifebeat and raft ac -
Boned of Trade requirements. In ad-
dition to the eixteen standard life-
boats demanded by I -a ow. they levee a
smeller boat, accorronoda.ing eisteen
erat rafts. Thus the Royal Edward
and Georee, which ate rated at 12,0s1
tons, sod never carry more than 1,50U
an their boats than had the Titanic,
rated at 45.00n unis and lionised to
carry over 'LOGO people. The C. N. R.
bas now ordered additionkl
which will bring their raving capacity
up to the full complement of passes -
gent aod crew.
Prof, FL T. Bar ee, 3dcGill, who
has invented a device called the micro -
thermometer, will sail bv the Ro al
George for the put pose of testing
the apparatua. t trails from he
tattrail after the faabion of
A p tient log, and, Is expected to re-
port the presence ad location of ice
within a radius of two mile*, by means
of a tensperatute dial in the rhart
room.- Mail and Empire.
The Control of Insect Pests in Canada.
The division of eotomology of the
experimental farms blench of the Do-
minion Department of Agriculture,
Ov owe, has recently issued a bulletin
by Dr. C. (Jordon Hewitt, Dominion
entomologist, on `The Control of In-
sect Pests in Canada."
AD liee0tiOt Of the history
of tbe war against insect retain Canada
end of the manner in which insect pests
have invaded the country as it has
been gradually opened up and en/G-
rated. The mariner in which the Do-
minion and Provincial Government,
me endeavoring by legislation and
other mesa to prevent the introdue-
tion of insect pests into Canada and
the increase and spread of those pests
McCall Panes
Ms. 401-11tabt Ns. 4347 -Skirt
Price, 15 cues each
Just opened up an entirely new lot of ladies',
misses' and children's Summer Parasols in all the
latest designs, in plain colors and with fancy
borders.&White parasols promise io be the most
popular this season.
Ladies' Parasols, from $1.041 each
Misses' Parasols, from 75c each ,
Children's Parasols, from 25c each
New Neckwear
We are ehowing ante very smart styles in ladies' embroidered
and lace Colter and Cuff Sets, the latest New York designs -just
the thing to give the proper style to your new coat or suit.
Knitted silk Ties and ladies' Club Belting. Two of the most
popular articles tor present wear.
Silk Koitted Tier, all colors, each fli0o
Ladies.' 'rids Poplin Ties, each 80c
o The:new Club Belting in • variety of colors.
cot Spring amortment of Gloves now complete. Perrin's Kid
Glovee are the best -refuse imitations. We sell no other makes.
Perrin's French Kid Gloves in ten, geey, pearl, navy, green,
oxblood brown, bleek, white. Every pour guaranteed pet
• Perrin's Eglantine Gloves in tan and leak, ouperior quality,
Perrin's long Kid Gloves, 12 -button length. in tea, grey. eloek.
white, per paiy *MAIO
Kayser Silk Gloves
The Gloves with the gukrantee.
K F*es SU Gloves in white, black and colors.
double ffnge.- ips that will outwear the relit of the
glove Per pair. 11100
Kayser T .oeurse quality, very superior.
Per pear Teles
Kayeer long Silk Gloves, in r2 and 18-buttop
lengths, every pair guaranteed, the best -fitting
fabric tilove made, Neck, whit • and colors. Per
Children's Gloves &specialty.
e:rear in all the leieet cresiions in lawn. silk
and to raw.
Infants' Lawn Bennets, eacte from 26o
Infants* Silk Bonnets', each, from.... . 50it,
Children's Straw Honneta, each, fretn• • • • 6040
Ladima', Mame' and Chileren's print end
gingham Sunbonnet., eaeh. from ... 26c
Kayser Gloves Perrin's Gloves
McCall's patterns -once used. always used.
I already here is described. An in -
Iteresting summary of the various lines
of work underteken and carried on by
the division of entomology at Mawr
is' given and the general public will no
doubt be ROI prisrd at the many prob-
lems wnich come within the scope of
the entomologists who are called upon
to deal with ausects in their relations
lo all the varied activities of roan ; in-
sects effecting farm crops, 1ruit-grow-
intr. forest and rhade trees ; insects at-
tacking man't popreesions and infest-
ing houses, attacking domeetic ani-
mals end final/y affecting the health
of ma. All insects., huwe ver. are not
injurious and the work of the ento.
tnologist includes beessad bee keeping
and the study of parisitie and other
enemies which may be of assistance in
obtaining control of insect pests.
Copies of this publication, Bulletin
No. tsecond series) Experimental
Farms, may he &naiad from the
Put lications Branch, liepartinant of
"Have you Any nice fresh farmers'
grocery shop.
"No, madam.- replied the practital
asisetant. "but we harm roam very
good hens' eggs': She took three to
I isOW have • hill otock of Motor Acemenries, smell
ap f4oark Plugs, Wiring. Prue Battertes, Bei tory
Cooneetora, Anuneters, Acetylene Burners, Use SW.
Generator Tubing, Carbide Tire Patebeie-no esiment
peiches Tula Protectors. Ram Out Patches, Quirk
Rerw ir Otttlits. Ware Tithe liege. Tire Envelopes, Inner
Tole •. Valve Parte Tire Tams, Gasoline. ("Illa. Grate.
Linseed Map for washing automobiles.
Anething not rano Mad in the above life piano'
ma for. as I carry a rompietto stoek and ren furnish
applies as reamitably prime.
Yoga truly.
Kingston St. Ooderich
TH E SIGNAL for the balance of 50 Cents
1912—to new subscribers only
brae rams. Dr. Perm sae as ovary imerasSaat sa the baidesessp-
Indindhets as bend the very best knews ranee« for "Masts sod wastmemas
This is what Mae. Quern E. Come, of Loagercre,
Ky.. says : • I Mei it say duty to write end Will you webs%
your medicine, have done fee ad I woe s great saterer
for six yams from a tamable per iiar to women, bat I am
thankful hi say, after hiking tear betties of your ' Pavortila
Prescriptioo ' am not bothered with that dreadful Messes
say more. I feel l'ee a new wawa. When I first was
you for advice I "sly weighed 1 poonds-now I weigh lee
•I thank you very much for your Madame. Yoa hem
bean as a father to me in adenine ins Vat lode. sit 'Me
Ood Mesa Toe la every effort you pa forth kr spied.
• I hope ads emilesanial sere the swam et mem gear
sadaring mew straldag health.'
di dime gesedies ahem albeit awry sineina, aisilla or sionlef osOit co litiow.
SHOPPING STARTS it always ends at
our store if you are looking for the season's
newest and most attractive shoes.
Pump styles, with and without straps,lam"'„
made in Patent and It ussia Tan leather%
will be the most popular.
The new patterns fit like a glove and
will not slip at the heel.
Come and try on a pair and see how
nice they look and feel on the feet.