HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-5-16, Page 1S ! The Month of Weddings will soon he hese. An asawtial feawedding of thew- tiiecidinducted sta wrdding r tiouety. The Sig,Dnl turaishes invitations, mono n c e rn eat •, . Ards. etc , In the very best style, ATRIALTRIP The Sierial fee the (Ltl..uee of 1h.. ye tt to Hee a..ln.•l them for only 50 CENTS H lx l'S ruCMTH YtAK-N, ase THE STERLINGBANK OF CANADA YOURMONEY SHOULD E.%[ 1NTE ftEST Deposit Your housekeeping money in the Sterling Rank and pay by cheque. The balance will he earning 3 per cent. inter- est, while the principal is absolutely secure. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch—ANDREw PORTER, Manager c A. a L V /(SZET !Haus°.race and Read Estate 1 HAVE FOR SALE A NUMBKR OF DESIRABLE HOUSES IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THR TOWN ANYONE WISHING TO BUY SHOULD SEE ME Life insurance 1 Best and Fire Insurance Strongest Companies Accident insurance I Represented OFFFIeg NEXT TO CANADIAN BANE or COMMERCE, GODLRICA, ONT. 'PHONE Z. P. O. Box 384. Edmonton Moose J 1 Weyburn PriYnce Al the Having recently returned from a two months' visit to these (cur cities, 1 em in a position to quote close prices on desirable properties in each one of them. I nave ly examined the properties i am offering for aid can guarantee as'•good buying" anything I offer. Prices range from $160 r lot to $5,000. so that I can supply the large or small invertor. Easy terms of payment and large profits to be made at the present time. Consult me before inveating. Jo W. . GRA 11 GIE Real Estate Broker Goderich THE SQUAB AUCTION SALE& street. oestrasel-E at 1 o'deet. W. L. FaIoT prop.tatar. Tam Delmar, asetl.n.er. TU1SDAT, My >Dst.-Admiskge5ter,. pale ei bowie see keen ttsk sMepteessssisK 8t Patriot'. atrostG. *M 1 pliolLOF Obs semen McIvmeLet sabot. er. adminyorat.r. Tnoa Goner . essatiwwr. ''DorsDA. May gigot.-Arssti set isle et bUancsld flamingo. etc., at tea R5wt6aa Zia Today (Thursday) is Aaoeneton, Day and services appropriate to tbe occa- sion were held both morning and evening in St. George's and St. Peter's abnrcbe.. !nvesftrs9 Attentifon! if you aro oven to invest $100.00 to $1.000.00. neon payments. write tie at once. People who base invested through °s in the past are now reaping frees 116 per resat, to 890 per Dent. on their inv.et- nisat. Ws phase investments in choice 'aside City Propel ty and are at present inverting in Weyburn, Saskatchewan Inside Property L as we believe it will be the mixt City in Sa.kat- drowns. Buildings aotise esmstreetion sod permits wilt ansosnt to over 11.l>*(100 this year. Three new linos col Railways ..stared, making it a keno Railway Centre- If entra it you ace laterushed, well, us. V. Campion & Company WETRURN SECURITY BANE BUILDING W RTRI' 1iN, SAALTCHI W AN GODERICH, THURSDAY. MAY BOARDING. ULD ORCHARD COTTAtiE.--1'HIS euestortable house, coatsetrut to tae lake treat will rcoore . u°lrasr berrderr, and any- one wishing a000mtrwdatis• is incited to apply to the undersigned. The rooms have all ben recently oterhattled. AU modes 000verd- ant e• Meals 'riven when ordered. once from LY3nMRS. b. CAMEROP.. dinner LM.: and tt osb,c Amor. (ladarich. 0t-tt FOR SAL' OR TO RENT rBALK.-A BUILT INC LOT Newgate street. Apply OD F. J. P l - matt RENT. -A SIX -ROOMED bowie on (JIonoe.ter Terrace. ansa with all wodero conveniences. Apply to J08..C. Griffin. Jailer. it HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALK ON Hama matt a short' distance from town limits. Lot contains two acne with good orcbard and small traits Ies, bo.... to good repair. Aoyws wishing to dospset saute will be welcome at any tamp. Apply at TH18 OFFICE for information. SIM FOR SALE. -THE HOUSE AND to m Palraer tea street. Ooderieh, be- longing to Mot Mac4tlllrrar is offered for sale. Price SLIM the lot on t1ne north reserved. .Apply at THE SIGNAL OFF1cF, Uodrfeh. sblr VOA QUICK RALE OR RENT.- oocup d e 0. 111 Ellioon tt T, nt 'ssee ba. all modern Iseetlee. Pee.. o Meidate 1 ,. .very to 0. 1L ELLIOTT, 0edeeteb. May hasp sols L1OR SALE. -100 ACRES OF LAND J' Il sea...ortk .f tip town d Sestortb. Hoodclay nem. all ander cultivation - beak barn. mensal dean ; large frame bosses' newly painted. all in good repair : well .t both barn and house. An ideal borne. Apply lo 41118th SUSIE 00i, £NLOC.K. Seekonk.. 'nC inn LiODR SHALE. SIX FIRST-CLASS sir eta CFIJ. es °ARROW sodRV DOR SALL-THAT FINE R1123ee 1- i: dentin! RA's tae .rests. r W o knows sf A Ike A. Mal AILo tea es W. A. trait* o niter L with the abeieset ybeaasrs es. seep d two stades..rain. It malaise n arsIwo t ssa1y 10. Is.... havvee s5Mern violeasse asci Rahn s(sttd. r! .e ert 1s or et - mart dad r .dela tuf.h Will be yd ow r.a.0yhy stoma Ands at P. J. RYAN Gsi.e r:h. . t BNDDMN . PLANTS We barna an SWIM of ailleag Fiance. i admen std best .searist. Canna.. Coker. 8ahis. re¢ Alae • good anortmeon M Border Planta. Hanging Basket., and Cron refilled. ii Orders tar Evergreens may OM ba Aped. toes( ye*satteuUaa amsn4mrie. JOHN tITEWART =vim Rural Telephone Art Benmiller Mail or ceders h BOARDING ACCOMMODATION The Kiely place on Nelson St. S has been taken for the summer j by Mrs. Ot A. Griffin, who will furnish first - class accommo- dation for a limited number of boarders. Persona who desire jj Pleasant, homelike surroundings for the summer will find this a most desirable place. Any furth- er pwrticuiant may be learned ( from Mrs. Griffin. The house will 1) be open for boarders /lc and after Monday next. May 13th. .?‘_....,.....---------.....--„,..--„,,-...t. i` - - -- --...-v- DO YOU WANT SUMMER BOARDERS ? The Signal ham many readers all through the United States - from Maunchusett. to California, from Florida to Or.gnn-people who have lived in Goderich and who still keep in touch with the old town. Douhtlese a number of these intend visiting Goderich this summer end would he glad to learn of places , offering accommodation for summer visitors. Peraoos in town or vicinity wbc have such accom- modations to offer would find it profitable to inoeet w small advertisement in The Signet at this heron v•ben intending visitors are making their plane foe the sumtlser. THE SIGNAL 1' Ispbo.te No. 36 Goderich GODERICH 'BUS LINE Two 'hoses meet all tellies. Primer calls have prompt and meets! •ttooUon. First clam livery R. rbahlhlee prime all Limes THE DAVIS LiVERY F. t T. M. Davos Proprietors Reeeth Htawt 'fah... No. di A-a—...sent OOOERICH MARKETS. Ival Tausaoar- May feta. b." b . .. ribs) o. 00 91 M_atypta b 0 3o to 010 Peas. Ma rM 1 0 to 1its 6artat► ore trweh 1 00 ta 1 wr tsw all. it w 161411 ) 1 s'wr tw yerew.ri emo w 1 s`h-s tl artls, per fes th Silo lA M „Hewn,a Mr'tw, saw 1Y 70 tato 1100 Mond per O N a 010 Mt SM A maim, pa k Oa 0 to 0 III le Old Pstwto two b . b 0 !0 New Peewees. pe re Mh.i. EV be 4 Le to s, per- set l.K f d 6 iMS . Por exit,.,,....,,,141 16 w t 0 Hider, ➢prKr 4 '....•... 0 : to 4 100 direr • •....... 7 .I w 7 • ti a i 131211Q(INO. 1LL0111SEB. TAYLOR 4 THOMPSON. III Meesmissd sankraelk, 1, dal or west. All snsStrya a as seat to lac ogee cf THY SIGNAL. a -tai PUBLIC NOTICE N▪ TRE HURON LIBERAL - A8- e0t.IA?ION. .easel AssosYdea trilestlat lofbe thebell at . Ceuta, H'eMno. mm poo. Half, R es Teeaday, May Mth. 1914. et di Pe M.sLherat• el s♦Ju. . L. KLoRAN, tie sadis.f, Saoreta,v 1 NOTICE -ALL ACCOUNTS DUE+ CHOIR OF ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH 11rR, wipw wetL planed 10 rt aDor oopa otlp 1(r I Orge.curc n Easter Sunday the choir of SL Oeo'bh, Goderich. appearedfor the fr.•t time in surplices. lices. The in0ova- Bare H. L. 5.watsna111Liss ta will hereostve .ase. at tar eae, to tie Red tion has been received with general approval. The members of the choir as ranged in the group shown ab eve are : mit THOMAS GUNDRY. Top row -Harold Blackstone, Harry Sturdy. II. Ticbbourne, G. L. Parsons, A. Roy Adams (oiganistl, J.A. McLel- r, A B M HELP D DOl[EBTIC land, Reg. Blackstone, R G. Ross, Ernest Porter, Reg. Platt, Fred Sturdy. elBV.NTa eD ,.., ease Second row-Mia•es Dorothy TanOott, Pearl Morris, Pearl Viduau, Lena Walton, Laura Craig.' Ada Rill Tit t, Olive L leiisalsgiy t twes i Akt (711` Tlchtwuruet Harry Watson. tart, St ries lett rrMh H D Third row-Miotess' Glade Eliot, Jennie Well% Hattie Thurfow, Marion Parsons, Rev. J. B. Fotheringham, Mrs, amantils.wo. aises, Est„ wsl „moire pante, Misses Alan Sturdy. A. Burrito, Beatrice `('elle. Fourth row -Victor Kerslake, Willie Babb, Willie Sturdy. Woodham Babb, John Pattereon, Ernest leee. Cecil PAPSRHANOINO. P A I N T I N iii Mit then. 11. awl Priam Agfa vsee eta 'Fleeted... work. eek a efl ieetIt0.Uyyedkt Um Vat RSV, j. B. FOTHSRIh1GHAM, M. A. country of his adoption and he is a The leader of the bandits ordered AUr'TIO1 RALES. • -- thorough Canadian. the clergyman shot, and the metuhet. Rector of SL George's church. Gods- . In 1910 Mr. Fothetiogham was mar of the party bad their rifles aiibed AUCTION SALK tick. ried to Mite Gladys Sweatiest°, when the intended victim thought ofa or *MOOT re MAD Or younger daughter of His Grace Arch- plan. YEARLING HRie'Re8 AND 411ifsae Rev. J. Bt Fothtringham, M. A., bishop Sweatinan. late Archbishop of "Before youshoot me," he said, "1 at Faro's Hood, 6oaertch, es whose portrait we present herewith. Toronto and Psimat.Of ail Canada want you to give me a chance," speak. SATURDAY, MAY tarn was horn at Forfar, Sc .flood. in the i in S ng pani.b, with whim language year 1r3i9. He ani ended Psirlev (irwrn- =+ comaoenclpitatto'okek.ahera Pit1AjC /11. TI LEAVING. he is well acquainted. ••To prose to Toros*. -six mouths credit on furnishing mar Schoxtl and afterwards rte Uni- i' you that i am not appfovee icing tots. ver•tt. 01 Glasgow, where be won and 'a••.r/tI•=- spy. and that i c. LCUSZLER 3HU8 6UNOtY, held th.uugbonthis coarse a coveted H. R. LOng Appointed Principal-etVic- am `shat I say 1 am, you pick out any sermon in that bunch, give me the Proprietor. wstathsiMfr raireFi .Hewen.waiidadbi•artytestaSeboeLtext and i will preach thsermon to I ILEARING AUCTION SALB °1911Eand also toottpethee=At the meeting of the public school you " l o► ourse at Olaagow. Pots few board on Monday evening J. H. 8o they brought out his sermons and HOUSEMOLD FL'R1sTGURE AND yearhe was engaged in ariwion work Tigert resigned his position as prin- gave hint a test. and he went ahead FURNISHINS.In (het city. - cipal of Victoria school. Mr. Tigert and preached four or five page* of the 1 .m instructed by Mr. W. L. spot who re In 1906 be tut ned bis face towards has been on the teaching staff of the sermon to them in Spant-h. The sov to a furnished eorepe far tete summer. ,Canada and coming to 'furo°t u public schools of Goderich for the last insoles saw that he was what he repro- easelnmWloaecuon .t kis redolence. ism be took aa port graduate course in ten years, holding the position of Rented himself to be, and released him. ' nick Oe divinity at Trinity College. Here principal of Central school until the When Mr. Turnbull got out of Mez- R'CDNAHDAY, MAY risen etre he took ecbcllaetic boners, win- openi°g of Victoria school over a year ican territory he wrote to Judge Holt, oornmenotng `t 1 e'oiooh °ka'9 : Quaa4lyot ning the ()ales• tending prise and the ago. at which time be took charge of for years a warden of St. George's Ihoolebnm teemwll, c5ttat nn, Wtpld t ebo,, over• Trinity College rexdlee prize. with the new school. Mr. Tiger resigned mantel. bookcases scut essotroberr. remiss, flt at, place in each ca.r. Mr. Fother- t0 accept a position ti g g church ate ser icb, saying pt humor - /saute. &tor. lawn mower. lawn hear, to camera and principal ofd pecpi : • ohs coming ns that kept ved numerous .their articles. tedaaelna a Happy ingham is a ge ad in .rt. of public school in Hamilton. The board pwcple from coming to church caved Thought rang• sed a good wood 000k .rove LDiversity ofloronto, with the degree accepted his resignation with regret, my life,•' wish hot wester toiler attachments. Every- of M. A. and several of the trustees present Mr. Turnbull may be taken back to tsale will hing is and about the booon the day of He was ordained in 1906 and for a made reference to the loss which the Mexico by the United States Govern - bed TxBs. MN CABS. year was senior master of St. Alban', school would sustain h bis removal, W. L. Error. Taos Oumto, r. Cathedral School. Toronto. in 1907 adding• few words of ymens to assist in certain international 04-11 Proprietor. good wishes for proceedings, according to Mr. J. East AUatiooser. be was appointed Fellow of Trinity his emcees in his new sphere. Jordan, of this city and formerly of College and lecturer in divinity. and An appficatinn for the vacancy was (}odericb, who told The Free Press the coincident with this work he was Woo received from H. R. Long and a story. in 1910-11 vicar of St. Matthew's church, motion was made by Mokt.n. Saunders Torontu. and Acboeeon that Mr. Long be en- gaged at an initial salary of $900. This was carried. Mr. Long will corn- / meoce his new duties on September 1.t. i The recommendation made by the avow a boot waosgrtnent committee that Ja.rry Besfws• i w5rk t Mr. Hoggartb, caretaker of Victoria i yarfl•R heOf. sad 1 B5•t;eia school. be given an incresse of 1100 in Iz months' coedit, will be dvw w approved Ions asses payable L \ salary was adopted by the hoard. A titmouse at tis rale ort s per Principal Ti rt's to worn allowed OsraaatL 1tY -pert Inc Victoria THOS. OUNDRT, Auauwsr. _ j school .bowed the number on the roll f. •r the month of Aped a. follows : Moya, 196: girls. 218: total, 4110. with an overage attendance of 168 boys and 177 !Ririe. Mies Sherman. principal of Central school. reported a. follows : 0'M 102: girls. Al ; total, 198: an everege attendance of N8 boys and 80 . iris. 1912 THE 810YAL Pell.; 711Y a0.r IM.. Ptreciennne AUCTION SALE Or A1007 THIRTY -.MMS MUD OF CATTLE. HOSSiM. RTC. at Flrr's Hotel (ioderit, ea SATURDAY, MAY ugh• sharp, amongst which are name 1Durhasmaawl Hereford tirade 01s..e. f yi•t, aid ; a good Dettam sad Hera aced Geode Sawa.1 year tial • g gool Durham 1H:Laro cid ;1 Refers in eNf goad Ostrow Mere /le. feed Sessss tateiselus 0 on& p! SITUATIONS VACANT BUTCHER WANTED. - FOA siasg$ur boom taking shines. delivery W shay wept. Sat..$S -es, Ytwes. hMEl,t &adtewmeplssbtto married se +g ra. .itsst- HOZ 114 Bm ta•. lane. Onix, AYrsr P.O wlHIN°, TS-pAyty D 000GENERAL . letttoatai• Bond w xSS W. T. MittU*- tr nnu'B Was Ampy yOirlas WL NGICNIIKAL bletiesetiet pnrewsge. Nsti street. WANTab. - A CAPABLE lli ;l R TWO loph after Lint NA Mabee suedes AYS ease A 1. B/- 0 rAMClIttOOMM WANTED - A HOIIiRSIMP><lit 7 oft id atURnon noun" INS wad: wa e r►7e.eo Astiw 7 0earride P01 SAIL FOR RALE CHEAP.-88IX-B0111111 eereseeu a M Rat 1fite. Yunotes Q ons sewn ; leas abaft. trei.tall Nasllk & box. ,,veer near. apart roll era( aU weeNIry wiring and W tory semen ■.nose Oar malls, are tnwalfi.g 1.00,, hern.eev r of ammo trsake. b ► '' eitait"rim Cs. In Oetober of I••. year, foflflwistg the resignation of Rev. Mari Tures bull, Mr. Votbeeinghent was appoioted the Bishop of Huron reeve. of St. s. Goderich• and ob Sunday. 310th Wet, be preached the Bret sermon of hie infi1mbency. S4°o.rit and ability e strongly fastened in at n the new rector. and is these few montbe not only b.. he won Rock. the besets of his men ock. Mgt be hes mode hie stark with tis panel* of the tows generally. He had limo hen only • few weeke when be was asked to speak at the Bares annivera.ry *Torpor. and kis address on that octet smut will long be rerasobered to chow R MALR-BUftF who were present as nue of the meet a. hritltant afterJlumer speeches es ever n ty r. J l- •L._.-_ stru oeeesd pM i PrtAYD11Q OVTPITI. B. Although Aaatttab In bitch and hinod seri ei restlon-sad, like as true !Reeks, proud of it -Mr. Pnther- Ingham was oleo Med is Rpironpeltes. y kw rr thaswwtb. sewwt 0rt, ism, bre ponweal faaily hwvies a long ME& www. Zweriass y D. Ir. boeory of eonne Rio O with tar spi► rope! obaeeb, Bb Cbaa4.aa metros - meat dueiag the last entree years h.. imbued hies MswARy with faith In the AT WANTIIII. FAOMERA, tI haw Aon re,. a Yr*ore w, r emeing w...ih; ..." a.w F -I SMF SINtiiLE Diu V- S 1.1trier."'""»9 les • mad b•sus0a Walk AVER. yy rt cte. Sslsat -MR = Tow arisier f SERMONS SAVED HIS LIPti. Rev. Mark Twisters Encounter With Mexican Bandits. A letter reached town last week from Rev. Mark Turnbull, who is again in Ontario atter his • ay in Mexico. The letter was .n 1.. wrest- lag one, and in a roundabout way a story of case of the reverend gentle man • experiences reached The Lon- don Fres Press and was published in Unit paper on Tuesday. The Free Prow - version i• somewhat exagger- ated. but .. it makes a good .tory we pose it on to readers of The Signal. Residents of Huron diocese who know Rev. Mark Turnbull, late rector of St s Anglirsn church. Godo► then, will heat appreciate the manlier Is which that nter•gyrnan recently sated himself from Laing murdered by ]Iexie00 bandits. Mr. Turnbull bre been in Mexico for a couple of years. but.. Radio, the almost* did not agrw• with hi. health, Rave up his pnettiorn and started hack to Canada during the resent revolu- tioesry disorders. With him be carried a Dumber of important papers entrusted in aka homing by officials of the 1'nited Ptatee (3overnm rat, as well as a num Mr of earwkona. Mexican bandits hoer -dad the train before the houndara wan mashed. and seerab•d all rboo pasrngvr.. (bneing to Rev. Mr. TnreMrtl they found the . Thri promptly removed him to tis hagaage ear •td bound bim with ropes. firmly o nsivineed that he wen a spy. He told these be w.. • mlaist.r of the 44o.psl, horeaerty el Codes ie!r Canada, bat they did not helletne him SUMMER SPORTS. The Goderich lawn tennis cloth will hold their first tea on the clubgrounds Picton street on Saturday, May 18111. All members re cordially invited. The game t t football in the town league series which was cancelled last Monday evening on account of the rain will he played this evening, weather permitting. The opposing team are the G. C. I. and the Y. M. C. A. At a meeting in the Y. M. C. A. rooms on Monday flight the church baseball league was reorganised for another season. Four team. were entered, vis.: St. George's, St. Peter's. North street Methodists and Knox church. A schedule fa being prepared and the opening game has been set for Tumidity. June 4t b. The Knox church nine won the pennant last year, but Vic. says that St. Peter's will hold it at tie end of this season. Lawn Tennis. The Goderich lawn tennis club has organized for the coming season with the following officers : Hon. presi- dent, W. Lewis, M.P.: hon. vice-pres- ident, ice> res_ ident, Proud foot M.P.P.; president, V. M. Roberta : vice-president, Rev. J. B. Fotheringbam ; treasurer, Jc.bn Galt ; secretary, Geo. H. Stairway : financial secretary. J. A. McLelland ; grounds committee, F. Doty, R. Is Frost, J. Dole and R G. Rai : ladies co.::mittee Mardannes W. L. Eliot, J. Galt, Morrison, V. M. Roberge, J. Kidd sod Mi.... MacDonald, Cowhould Ausebok. M. Strang. Hutchison wed Shephard. 'ibe grounds committee have horn giving their etteut.ioo to the courts during the peat week, and they are now in good onndition for Play. Victoria Day Travelt•r•a Shouts See F. F. Lawrence. The ',grand Trunk Railway is offer- ing mond-trip ticket/. for mingle fare from Thursday.May Med, to Monday. Mar 27th in will make • Ano holiday trip. Travellers should pro- em' their ticketa front T. F. Lawrence town ticket agent. and .void the rush at the *tattoo. Remember -- from Thursday to Monday at single fare. titer furniture cream gives a polish with very little rehhing .ad leaves the serfage free frottmstickisms. Tweety- Ave seats a battle. R R Wig/e. drug- gist. (iod.rieb. getting *.eek is an trspenoive Iw- .ry