The Signal, 1912-5-9, Page 5THE SIGNAL :GI/DERrCH ONTARI 0 LOCAL TmPICS castes Huron t iberW. The annual tsarist me of the Cwt,+ Huo,e, liberal Association will be be1J at (ardno shbali, 8eaforth, e • Tuesday, y o'clock p. The president of Lite Y. M. U. A. has .*cured fur the Boy Scout* the eneracy for thene new book, The Skokie, el tthisTita, d whish a rbortlWinstton Co limited. at to be issued be Toe nooto. C.hn Winston book is a larger fubetamtL. • dome, well bound in cloth and pro. illustrated. The price le $11.00. a when the book le delivered. The Titanic Disaster. The (ieoe�eeiod�tr£Jihibibon of 1914. Good ess already Awn Mede !a the ��rers�� e. ( the Oederieh ledeste $I IIhilitfloe of 1911. lief. The ie ii a p� remised ised the pro , *slated thio seeWr mad de. viome year& rah met . In tee already is netting toe the ■ entestaiameet d the big crowds that the are expected at the year's fair, sad *oleo flood Tidal features will be an- -' trounced in se time Tae profits are to go to eke tBe4e of • help the boor.8eouts. ay a booi Hospital AccommedatNM Overtaxed. The need of additional hospital ao oommodatioa in Ooierielsie con - Mandy briobellowed erkhupoe dune tbe eondl who AEC oriunlet boar. On several oaereioes o1 late Tee Signal is Wormed, appUoatiooe for admission to Alreaedra hottarel hart had to be refused because was oo room available. Something wool to dare soon, in the was den addition to the present y or the securing of s larger building. New F,rm in Charge. Messrs. Met)onagb A Gledhill Wive taken poseessicn o( their reoeutiy pur- chased property. the Holmes coal yard. sod will Goaarerry� on the business fn all lines se toriy. Iaeltsding owl, wood. lime, osttq.t. atilt rind, ate. Both members et the naw firm are well and favorably known to the people of Goderich reed vicinity, r-nd • team of both capable :oiliness sed as they are will dotattlets be able to build up a good business with advantage not only to tbemsslw but to their customers. (;. N. R. to Ooderich, The Canadian Northern Railway la reported to ne_illanning an immediate invasion of Western Ontario with a system of .team and radial electric lino. Tbe initfa) .ter will be the building of a line from Toronto to Gueloh, and the next will be the ex- tension of this line westward to Strat- ford roti thence into Huron, with a termato on the lake. It is probable that this liuet which will be an elentako one, K•tlt reach Godeeieb, thnitt by what route is not known. A 0. X: R. man vets in 8eafortb last week and gave the people there to poderetand that the route would be through Sea- lant to Goderich. • appointment for Rev.,0. A. Seager. Crown Attorney Seager this aorn- ing received word that his son, Rev. C. A. Seager, had been appointed principal of mt. Mark's Theological College et Vancouver, B. O. St. Itsrk's is a Church of England institu- tion in affiliation with the Uadversity of British Columbia It is leas than a year since Rev. Mr. Simmer went to British Columbia from Toronto, and that be has within so abort a time re- ceived such an important poet indi- cates the very rapid progress be bas made in the good opinions of the people of the Coast Province, His Goderich friends wiU be especially pleased to learn of the recognition that qtr. Seager's abilities bite en quickly earned. Burial ot George E. Graham. The remains of the late 0.0.1* R. Graham, one of the vietMae ad the Titanic disaster, were Sheered at liar risen on Saturday lest. beside the gri.ye of bis obly cilia. who died ie Haniston fifteen aaoethe ado. Tbe holy was accompanied frot,t 17,wM by J. C. Eaton and Sows sixty heeds cfdeparttuebts of the T. Raton Ow from Toronto and Winnipegg Mr. Graham having been one of the halms Company', buyers. Besides b i a widow, be is survived by his father. W. broth R. Graham, of St. Marys ; ave don : Rib. eWv. ILA. Brabant, Lou dors; ItGraham. 8ttstbroy Methodist pastor of Victoria •treat Graham, church. Goderith); J. D. sed Robert to c J. W. Graham one sister, Mies Graham, Minnie GrahBw. fR. Marrs. Congratulations 1 The result* of the annual combine - tions of the Faenit u1 AppliedScience and En ti I7eiaeAalt of Toronto, were an A 'awe day of this week. Ie Mie u[ suceeseful student. the amen a S`err Goderiebboys appear, • IL R. Mlle complpletetp completed his enures„ =A- aminations for the degeoe et of applied science. H. M. EWA was successful in his second year Naw aina- tion,; in civil engineering; J. Atebie Tom completed hie first year In civil engineering, passing with C • K. Matpb�is tete ,ami � coon's* in mining ee(tiOeeri*g, was soerwesiur. In the list of degrees to be awarded at the annual convesaNloi ,rt U University at Mooted& sett E. H. Jordan, a0sdgs le 111.1110.11to as e of the IS the degtv+e rel B. son of Mr.. F. Jordan. d tae*& M the A 8att*ry for (Iewt glees Permission las aper iiM kg Militia De partment of kaoline new artillery sell. to he the :tit Ar- tillery, with eresj swa it Geisriel . The highest mak ausait the of the unit isth ` i.�.ogees, ajor will the Bret se Andrew RO1 isle imrtntmenta! Is hat d ales $ Zee Masa, aB espeaiea. and >tSstsua Ren It � l be Wee et tis Will the slaw SW kat • fir' i ick Most lip tisid /be ss tel t' date is the wedge we >M olfieer. sed lief era b.Ian k_mswaseyb t� ~ ��7 lomelstettre..._ eve «surd ye.r yrs - newel sew seat hill tee _ to he MN siassietiesed _sabers sad menthe. ...._stirested way s` �etthe eaten The •rparM0dvMuwill ars *nitttt New !v !Milk Supplies Tested. Coder direction of the kraal Board of Health. the medical health allege wW hereafter conduct periodical taste of the milk supplied by dairies to ear- thmen in town. The law requires that all milk add la town shell ooe- tsin at Least three per Deet. of butter fat- The first test, recently made, *bowed unsatisfactory conditions to this respect, but there was an im- provement on the *wood teat, and. as stated, the tests will be continued per- iodically. Any porton supplying in- ferior milk in the town is liable to pro- secution under the Public Health Act An analysis of the town water made April 9th showed it to be in first-class condition. Harbor Notes. The tint boat to enter (ioderich har- bor this seat n was the steamer Ag- ana it arrived last Friday trona Dul- uth with $ cargo of X9,000 bushels of sets for the Goderich elevator. The steamer Neebing was a cines second With a cargo of 127,000 bushels of wheat and oats from the same port. It also unloaded at the Goderich ele- vator. The steamer Jaeger.. called on Tues- day and lightened part of ita cargo of wheat before proceeding to Montreal. The steamer Turret Crown is ex- pected today with a ca of 106,,000 bushels of wheat for the Mill. The steamers Kaministrquia and Wexford arrived on Wednesday even- ing witb cargoes of wheat and oats for the Goderich elevator. The steamer'Tureet Chief weir here on Tuesday with a cargo of 110,000 bushels of wheat and oats for the Godench elevator. The first crib to be used in connec- tion with the straightening of the oomouercial dock is under construc- tion. Fishing is a favorite pastime with many and large catches cf perch are being made. Prank Saunders bas built a floating boathouse for his motor launch. 0. L Persona put his new motor hooch into the water on Wednesday evening. It's a speed craft. Harry Sturdy and lot, Craigie have invested in all eighteen -toot launch. Jack Roberta has purchased Bob's canoe. Capt Donnelly has erected his hoat- booeees on the river breakwater to the west of where they were placed last year. They roe more esatly reached this year. as the captain has erected a stairway from the top of the break- water down to the level of the water. Ales. McLean, wbo la fishing out of Goderich this season, made his first lift On Tuesday. On Tuesday the gasoline auxiliary step Betehead brought down the awl of the schooner Azov, which had been on the beach near Sh.ppatdton since CupL John McDonald's memor- able trip across Lake Huron Last fall. It is reported from Fort William that over 35,000,000 bushels of Cana- dian grain have been awaiting trans - n at the head of the lakes. isle as unprecedented amount, and it means that there will be busy times far the grain -carriers this swoon. Goderich will no doubt get a good share of the traffic. The Late Mrs. Wm. Strachan. Tbe Lola Mrs. Wm. Strachan, whose death at Louisville. Kent cky, Irma re- corded in these columns last week. net bee death under very sad cireom- etaooss. 'dbe was engaged in sewing by an open erste fire in ber home on Tseesdey of last week and haying a eewpaper which held some of her *!{/pings she nose and shoot it over the fire. The paper was ignited and the flames spread to her dress, which ems of • li/bt, Inflammable materia I. Mho ran outside screaming, with her eletbing &blase, and neighbors ru*hed b her assistance and extinguished the Imam 8be was taken to the hospital std every attention was given her, het she was so severely burned that she naoenmbed in a few hours. The tewains were brought to (iodericb, aseompanied by ber sorrowing bus - bead and family, and the funeral took plass on 8atard•y last from the rad - dame et ber mother, Mrs. Geo. Mn,.s* Oasbria road, to Colborne trrme- tsry. and Was very largely attended. Rev. Gen. E. Mos conducted the ser - view'. The pallbearers were ber three coos : Jae sStraehen, of Detroit her brotberin-law: J. B. Maekensie, of Aeon, a oousle ; and Geo. Stewart, of baa. The dotal offerings were very is iseeoos and handsome and included • sowpiste Gasket toyer of roses and Wise sled a harp from Mr. Btrachao's easeehten in the boiler shop of the I. k N. iL L. Louisville. of which de- �ameaeet bs is formate Mn. Nresistr was the eldest daughter of lb* hate George Morris, of Colborne, sed was born in that township on =tat, 18111- 8be was married In her now bereft husband and for *eels Mres raided I& Colborne, bat for the lest etibtma years ber home had I bees es t.MMviflw geotoeky. gibe wee a Name. eonsistwnt Christian, a an w0�•1 e1 litany excellent, goailUes of or leKi std ieesf, and was very much IWaved both Th =tee In her own family g a N • wires!e of sorrowing NA Was Once a Goderich Girt The aotwuot of the tragic death f Annie Hailes, the young girl w o el from Toronto sad thea com- mitted suicide lo Droit, had locali- terest added t0 it when it was teemed test the family once resided in Gude- rich. They removed from town to Clinton about three years ago and thence to Toro*to. Change in Market Clerk. Atter filling the position of market der* for nearly five years, W. J. Tomalley has beaded to his resigna- tion, which wee secepted at the meet - la g of the town council last Le idat evening. Mr. Toweney asked that he shouid be relieved as soon as a subset. Gate could be secured. The market eosmftoe of the town council has dealt with the matter and will report at the nett regulso meeting of the oouood that Capt. Alen. McLeod bas been appointed to the position. The new clerk will assume his new duties on May 15th. Mr. Towersey will go w Guelph, where he will engage In 'evangel tic work. . rte u k C. P. R. Notes. Wilfrid McLean shipped • car of horses to Saskatoon ora Tumidity. Engineer J. Lillew, who tis, been on the passenger run between here and Toronto for some time, has moved his family W Godericb. Jas. Martyn, who has been engineer on the way freight out of Goderich for some time, has been transferred to the Muskoka division. Feted Lockey and Jasper Nicholson ere now employed on the C. P. R. a. brakeman. The latter is doing duty in the yard at present, while- Mr. Leekey is on the .road. The grading for the new inter - switching line is completed and the rails are laid to a point near the muni- cipal freight sheds. A storehouse built by the Cantrdisn Stewart Co. bas to be removed before the two different tracks of the railway companies can be connected. Engineer Munroe, who had been running on the Guelph & Goderich line of the C. P. R. for several years, has been transferred to the Guelph and Torocto run. He is succeeded bere by J. Pair, who had been engin- eer on the Listowel -Linwood branch Slice its opening. It is expected that a cbange will be made shortly io the C. P. R. time- table, which will delay about half an boor the arrival of the train now doe at 8:40 p. in. Other changes may he made on the completion of they line from Guelph to Hamilton. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Winnow blinds and curtain piss any site to order at Anti's Art Store, inns rtaest- How about a new ptd.are w two tar roar hoose this sprb* t Great weather this. Get to tins with nature by wearlr,s • new snit. Pridi nor this Tatter lase the richt sued■ and maker them ep in the latent ,peeved natal Rebekah Lodge will bold a social evening in Oddfellows' Hall on Thurs- day, May 1&b. This will be the last of the season. John Naegle bas outclassed from Time. Gledhill the house on South street just at the rear of the British Exchange hotel. A white fur -lined 'stove was picked up oo East street the other day and will be restored to Ste owner if he calla at the town clerk's oMoe. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Shephard have leased the house on 8t Patrick's street, reoently vacated by J. B. Haw- kins, and have moved into it The lot on :Louth street belonging to W. H. Gundry, of Regina, was sold last week to W.J. Carter for $490. lir. Cater likely will buil! a resi- dence on it. J. 0. Sbeardown has purchased the pc rty ret Mrs. Ticbbourne in Co1- borne township, paying 9050 for it. Mr. Sbeardown will use the property for a chicken farm. Blackstone' have installed a new Giant power freezer in order to keep pace with the ►bcreaeing demand for their delicious ice cr 'CTt that has made this Lem so popular. The house and lot oo Keays street belonging to Mrs. Wm. McCaughan, of Toronto, bas been purchased by Thos. tiuodry. Toho Stewart, who had been the teuant until recently, has moved to 8esforth. Tbe regular monthly meeting of the Children's Aid Society will be held in the oourt house next Tuesday after- noon fter noon at 4 o'clock. A full attendance of all interested in the work of the Society is requested. Ed. Gowan has taken • position in the gents' furnishing store of W. C. Pridbuim. He succeeds Leo Chisholm, whose health has not been good of late and who .nay take a trip to the West to recuperate. The customs returns for Goderich and its outports for the month ending April 90th show a considerable volume of bosi ors. The total was $6.107.11 and of this amount the town of 3ode- rich &loco contributed .13.196.42. la prepsratioo for camp on June 17th, Capt- Dunlop has oo.Bmeooed drilling "A" company of the Sird Reg- iment in the town ball every Wednee- da evening. All persons wiahing to enlist should apply at once to Capt. Dunlop. (bmsiderahte iotereet was mani- fested In the demowtratlon of the Perfection oil stove at 0. C. Lee'. hardware store last Monday. Mr. Glover, of Tnronrn, was in charge for the Imperial Oil Co. A number of wales were made. An order has been issued by the ostofdee Department to the effect that no sdveeriie.ments or 00(10.. of y ...aerometer may be posted inside stn the outside of poatomce buildings. is order doe* not affect Goderich, waver, as t hat ride has already been lowed here, Be.ides her MOM. Ilhe ham three snore : I)t . J.101416 B. etwrhu . wee of the lsding ph si- e,o etsee e1 Mei ream /Irksome ; WI )A. flesetlhmw.f(s�t the chief *tee's the charm. Weft df tie baste P. R. R.. Topeka, was i and Dr. Harry K. 8areehree, m eft the Pails. I arIK(lo.. et re.; be Wee her mother, Mw. Gee�ldAs, sed skater, Mm Nereis. n1 bas to whom the eymiwehy er the whale' owmimweity g.we �feerih le their sere hr Nesesereet 171e tsar all retert,ed b tidy its epeesive Leases ea kf amdai Illirei g. Mt •r, rtrdeiae will speed flee ems ewe _with We rebtk se ben be- ywg One of the late arrivals at Castle a is Williarm Pearsall, who was tensed by Magistrate Merrton, of bas. to serve a year In jell nn ergs of robbery. The aroused t'hereed with taking • sum of oney from a Teamster man while sees .krepteg• A alas who gave the name of 1p.00nrgg%s, Smith, asci who said h. cane Irore�amiltns, wee attested by Ch Pnstlstbwalte leaf !friday yi awmigwed se a vagrant before Masi.. strafe Reid. Re wee stet to 1 thirty days. Noith W hoe le for severs* days sed bad epees great deal of ile Uwe lettwlsg THLManAY, MAY 9, 1912 ti about the waterfront. Hie descrlip- SUMMER SPORTS. tiontallles with that of a mall who had - relied at several houses during the course of ler week asd had bsgg.d los food. His abode at night was In a freight car et the h•trbor. J. E. Jordan and I�,,,, P. Merlatt, rep• resrntlothe IVilfissus Pinno Co. London, have been in town this week on business for their company. Mr. Jordan is Mod to get back to the old town once in a while and a hearty greeting always awaits him here. He will be to town until tomorrow and may be Teen at the Hotel Redford. At the meeting of the water and light commission on Tumda evening the secretary was ioatructed to ask for tenders for the supplyof 2,000 tons of w slack ol, prices to t o. b. boat at Goderich in bond. The fl.*t cargo is required on or about July 1st. Other matters in couneetiou with supplying the military camp grounds with water and light also were dealt with. G. M. Elliott, county agent of the Children's Aid Society. brought a boy how Middlesex county last Saturday sed pieced him to a foster home at Henri.. He also platted two boys in hoses near RedortL last week. One wee brought from St. Thotuas and the other from Berlin. Two of the boys referred to were twelve years of age and the other was ten years old. The work that is being done by the horticulture) societies throughout the Province has so met with the approval of the Government that the yearly grant to each society has been in- nreased to 91I0, which is $50 more than formerly- Such encouragement on the part of the Government should lead to a greater interest locally in the work of further beautifying Goderich. Probably the most elaborate floral design ever seen in Goderich wars a casket cover which was ordered from Gen. Stewart by the shopmates in the Louisville Nashville ear works of William $tracheo, who was bereaved bust week by the untimely death of his partner in life. whose retrains were interred in Colborne cemetery last Satulgday. The design was six feet long and thirty inches wide, and was composed of roses, lil'es and terns. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Geo. E. Ross' su- bject in Knox church next Sunday morning will be "God and His Universe." In the even- ing 'The Prodigal Sob's Brother" will be his theme. The services in St. George's church last Sabbath were conducted by Rev. Canon Craig, of London. The rector, Rev. J. B. Fotberingham, was at Lon- don ane took the service for Rev. Dean Davis in the morning and sup- plied for Rev. Canon Craig in the evening. At North street Methodist church next Sunday the pastor, Rev. Alfred Brown, will preach at both services, and conduct the adult Bible class. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and reception of new member; in the morning. Quarterly offerings. A cordial welcome to a1. The anniversary seralyes and dedi- catIto of the Baptist church and the new rhurch pews will be held on Sun- day, May 96413. The anniversary tea and grand concert will be given the next evening. Monday, 27th. Watch the newspapers and window bills for further announoemente. The pastor, Rev. John Pollock will be in the pulpit of the Baptist churob next Sunday to conduct divine ser- yioe at 11 a. w. and 7 p. w. The Bible school and Bible class meet at 3 p. m. The young people's meeting is held on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend. Next Sunday being Mother's—M. appropriate set viol. will he bald in Victoria street church. At 11 o'clock in the forenoon, the pastor, Rev. Dr. Medd, will preach • sermon to mother*. IN the evening his discourse will he of special interest to husbands. Good music will be rendered at both ser- vices. ervices. The white carnation is the emblem of the day. Wear one. Everyone is welcome to both services. The annual meeting of North street auxiliary of the Wouten's Missionary Mo'tiety of the Methodist church was held in the church parlor on May mfr, when the following officer, were elected : P,rwident, Mrs. J. H. Col- borne ; honorary president, Mn. Smooth ; honorary vice - president, Mn. G. Ooz ; let vice-president, Mrs. Rev). Brown: 2nd vioe - president, Miss M. Robertson : 3rd vice-president, Mrs. Hick ; recording secretary, Me. H. Turner ; nor. secretary, Misr H. E. Freeman : treasurer, Mrs. W. C. Pridbam : superintendent of Christian stewardship, Mrs. A. Deyidsoo organist. Mrs. Morrish. The nom tion of Knox church bad the vi a of bmsring last Bab - bath evening one of the eminent teachers and preacher* of Toronto— Rev. Professor Law, of Knox College. He spoke of the temples of old, in which teen believed the presence of God was always abiding --a plass set avert from the life of the world. Christ brengbt a new conception of the temple of God : instead at material edifices, the heart; of mew were Hie abiding place. "Know ye not thate are the tempi/. of God. and that the Spirit ret God dwelletb in your Christ's teaching was that man must sanctify himself. Tn tete work of re- forming the world, of regweerating no- staty, tee contribution 6maatt could make, end must make, u tbo regeneration of his own life. life should be sanctified in ell iia relation : settees, instead of • thing to be put on and taken off. must he the spirit ref all a man's actions, in business, Is poli- tics. In the home, everywhere. Man bail not vet reached that desired state, and the Sebbsth day. the ssmembling Inc worship, and other religions ori -- a$nees were helps to him In bio way tb ouisb life to that p1ee when there is no temple : 'Inc the Lard God Al- mighty and the LAMA ere the temple emallpert at Kincardine. Taranto, May 9.—Cr. J. R. W. Mr- Cellsergi esaretary of the Provi«lal Board .1 Yeatb, has received word ret glee esaa e1 aem1lpox at [ iecarrdiee. hole felt, and it is Ma _ tbo9 iM health earn has the well order eoetrot. Tie pads,* Itis hese quaeradeed, and every pre-tetlt, bee beat takes. eke sesoud gawe of football in the 1 sin league series was played last at •uday evening The contesting t ems wens the G. C. 1. and the Vic, 1 rians, When the whistle blew fur l 1.1 time it was quite evident that the teams were very eveoly watched, as neither side bad Wee able to •cote, The next game will be played w, Moe - da eveuwth g, when e Y. 5*. C. A. and the G. C. I. will be the opposing teartrs. The annual meeting of the Clintons Lawn Bowling Club took place last Thursday evening, the following of- ficers being elected for the season : Honorary president, L. A, Forrester ; provident, W. Jackson ; vice-presi- dent, J. B. Hoover : secretary, F. Jackson ; treasurer, J. Ntnstord ; honorary chaplain, Rev. C. E. Jeakins; honorary members, A. Tay- lor, R. Holmes, F. R. Hodgens, A. Porter, Dr. Agnew, Dr. Robertson, K. Erskine ; ground committee, W. J. Stevenson, J. Hunter, J. L Cour- tiers, ourtiers, A. J. Morrisb, George Yates ; canvassing committee, W. J. H,uiand, J. Hunter; representative to W. 0. B. A., the president, W. Jackson. Baseball Prospects - A meeting of delegates representing teams to be entered in the Huron - Perth Baseball League way called to convene at Clinton last Fr iday, but as only Stratford, Clinton and Goderich were represented, notbing was done towards the forming of a league. Un- less Mitchell or some other team is persuaded to enter the prospects for league baseball games in Godes ich this year are not very bright- All we may hope to see are a few games of "lad,- ' pendent" buil. Arrangements are under way for the Goderich nine to go to Stratford on May 24th to play a double-header with the -boys of the Classic City. To prepare tor this openinr event the manager of the local tette announces th.t practice will be. held on the Agricultural Park every evening next week. All pro- spective players should be on hand for these work-ou tr. Before you have fluished the world will do to you one of three ;hinge :—It will make your heart very soft, very hard, or are break it. No or.e escapee , FLOWERS FOR MOTHERS' DAY Wear a riewerbr mother's minathe beat mother who aa! sternes et mod sera Semi ar So Wiese - —earrr�el1eerarr.Nay ist1. A mast le mer Mouserise s Hone. 1 will le prepared gest Saturday. ]lay 11th, with &,feet dr fresh "Iowan, vhoropriate for ' Day. Rose. at a bargain. GEO. STEWART 'Phone 1.05 Florist Goderich "Be Prepared" to buy a copy of the new book— The Sinking of the Titanic AND GREAT SEA Di8ABThHM (Edited by Logan Marshall Large, clear type, good binding, profusely illustrated. Pt ice. only 31.00 Order now from the Y. M.C.A.BoySconts Agents for uloderich and vicinity FOAL Having purchased the busi- nesa formerly conducted by F. Barlow Holmes, we pur- pose dealing in Coal, Wood Limas, Centelat Fire Brisk, Etc. We will handle Scranton and Lehigh Valley Goal, t wo lines which are rseognized as the best. We wish to give the people of Goderich and vicinity the h.s•. service par sib* and shall he Road to law from all of Mr. Holmes' eestoraen and soy other.. who wish ani thing in our lines. McDonagh&6ledlill 'Phone No. 75 Verdi, at ti T. H . Nelson street b — YOUR efficiency depends upon your condition. Scott's &nation buikli, strengthens and sustains robust health. Ai Desgera- Lost a aomme. tom. dos. tr- i OF CANADA aaTael.1s114o 1895 Paid - up Capital, Rest and Undivided Profits $8,181,3111 Tonal Assets (over I $6ti,V00,0(1) REMIT MONEY BY BANK MONEY ORDERS Bank Money Orders issued by the Union Bank nt Canada for sums up to 950.00 cost only from 3c to 15e, according to amount. They are payable anywhere in Canada (Yukon excepted), and in the principal United States cities. Money sent in this way is as safe is if you handed it direct to the payee. Goderich Branch W. L. HORTON, Manager ti+bfMINbN. ENG !MANCE. J r. w. mow. ibsrawasedie. sc. r..t» t G. IN. C. MAST SMITE. Aedetnar !/,reser. Talk from the East -St. Garage To Farmers.—Do you realise the opportunities you are miss- ing by not installing a gasoline outfit to do your chores? Instead of hustling round for reliable help this summer wouldn't it be better to let en engine do the wet k and leave you Uwe to manage your farm to advantage? 1f you realized this and bought an outfit last season, isn't it only fair to have it overhauled and adjuated betore you start it once more on its busy season We are on the 'phone and will talk this matter over with you any tinge you can ring us up --or better still, call and see us when in town. Yours truly, THE HURON GASOLINE ENGINE AND MACHiNE1RY COMPANY 'Pbone No. 243 All transections strict Iv rash East Street, Goderich Lost His Hair, Beard and Mustache. Terrible Plight of a Pennsylvania Man Re- ported by a Prominent Citizen : About two years ago my hair, beard and wustaVhe started to come out in spot,. These spots were entirely bele of bair. Seeing Parisiah Sage advertised, I purchased four bottles, and after using two of the bottles the Bair came in until now I have as good a bead of hair as I had before this trouble started. I can truthful!y recommend this pre- paration to anyole for what it is rec- ommended for. Sam. Gelder, Jamison City, Col. Co., Pa, Oct. 11, 1911." Please bear in mind that Parisian Sege is not guaranteed to grow Bair on bale heads. InMr. Galder's case the Bair root was not dead and there is no good reason why Parisian Sage should not do just whet he writes it did, "The next time Mr. Golder came in- to toy store after purchasing the Pari- sian Sage," writes the druggist who sold him. "his appearance was so changed I did not know him.•' Parisisu Sage is without doubt the most efficient hair grower, beautifier add dsodruff cure in the world, and people who are wasting time with ordinary commercial„ tonics should wake up. Parisian Sage will banish dandruf2 stop falling hair and itching scalp : will put life, lustre and beautyinto faded hair, or money back. Iis a most delightful and refreshing tonic for men, women and children. ge bottle 50 cents at E. R. Wigle's and druggists the country over. To the Goderich Citizens Ladies end Gentleman,-' beg to inform you that i am prepared to do all kinds of domestic laundry work at reason • able prices. I have secured the services of Mr. D. H. Hose, the former Goderich laun- dryman, whose fame you already know and 16 a guarantee for good work. The East Street Laundry Opposite Garage GEO. NEWELL THONMAS' ce Cream Parlor We have;purchased the stsud known as the Goderich Quick Lunch and when our plans are completed we hope to here the most popular resort of its kind in Goderich. We have secured the agency for NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES and will alwa a keep in stock a full line of this popular brand of ca ndies. We also have secured the sole twenty nNEILBONcyy'Sch for the ICE CREAM It will be served in all flavors, and orders in bulk or for fancy brick. will be delivered to any part of the town. The reputation wbich Neilson's ice cream has won for itself is a sufficient guarantee that what we shall serve shall be the that in quality. All we ask is a trial- Come in and enjoy your favorite dish in our newly -furnished parlor. J. W. Thomas Proprietor British Exchange Black, Square werisasseete I.50 Excursion Goderich to Detroit Steamer Greyhound • ■ ■ a Elf , - 1 - Going to Detroit June Lith Return from Detroit June 17th zy Days in Detroit Detroit Tigers and Pennant Winners Play Ball, June 15-16 Crescent Club of Stratford Special Train to tbs GODERICH BAND MOONLIGHT Thursday, June i3th, 8 p. m. Per pert slays see email bills er writs B. K. &Y1 * T. Y! L Agent. Detroit t 1 •