The Signal, 1912-5-9, Page 44 Taviuw e, MAY l,>, IQli News of District HOLYROOD. MONDAY, May rich. Mews of THE Wxsal.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Hughes, of Teeewater, spent Sue - day with the forwer's sister, Mrs. T. Henry. .. Quarterly meeting ser- vices we, it held here on Sunday. Bev.lir. Ford, of Teamster, ofmciated. Rev. Mr. Ball, the pastor. took Mr. Ford's work at Teeswater J. H. Ackert it Bons are getting some cattle reedy for grass. ... Seeding In these part/ is pretty well done. PORT ALBERT. WEDNESDAY, May Stb. NOTES. -John Nelson, of Blyth, is yisitin rpt his uncle's, Pear-mulePear-muleMics Jane Young is under the doctor's care with an attack of quinsy. We hope to see her out again soon. The Guild of Christ church held their monthly meeting at the bone of Mrs. James Hayden last Thursday afternoon Joe Dunbar has en- gaged aa tlrtlmen in Mr. Mustard's saw- mill at Bayfield Jim Stevenson visited at his borne here over Sunday. He baa a posittnn on the C. P. R. at Godericb. -.. Robert Hoy was the lucky finder of s foz'a den hat Monday containing- five young foxes. He is going to raise thein for sale Ed. Bebuenhala was borne from Goderich over Suuday. Ile is working in the Big Mill. Miss Melissa Reid is visiting friends in Dungannou (his week. DUNLOP. WEDNESDAY, May Stb. Seeding, which was retarded by the late cold spring, is going on more quickly since the wanner weather has arrived, and the late warm nine will advance vegetation rapidly. Mrs. Fred Crawley, of Toronto, is at present with her mother, Hes. Cumming*, who is, we regret w say, seriously ill. Her many friend, will hope to hear of ber speedy recovery. W. J. Powell, of Carlow, is on the reed again with his travelling store. Mr. Young, of Loyal, also is going the rounds. So competition. which is said M to be the lire of trade, ought to crake H things bum tbia summer. Rev. Professor Law, of Toronto. preached last Sunday at Lwteburn to an unusually taxer congregation. The learned gentleman certainly has the gift of eloquence Erni gave hie bearers an able and ideneeting die coarse. The collect nu, which was in aid of the building fund, amounted to over $2& which will finish paying off the debt. THE SIGNA L :. GOODF RICH. ONTARIO BENMILLER. WMire nee Y, May let. Rev. W. Conway, of Nile, inducted the quetraerly meeting service foe this circuit in Benwilter cauccb that Mon- day morning, Rev. A. W. Brows taking Dir. Conway's work on NIM circuit. PttwtoseL.-Mrs. A. Robertson, who was spending a few days at the home of her brother, Jas. Long, went to Carlow on Tuesday to visit hew daughter. Mrs. E. Fisher Mber Haut Jackson spent tbe week -end visiting her parents in Clinton Mn. Arthur Row and babes, who spent the fall and winter at the home of bar parents here, are leaving Inc Goderich, wbere Mr. Row is working. Mr. and Mr.. Jack White and babe visited at the borne of A. Heddle last Sunday H. R. Long and Geo. Stewart, of Goderick, paid a flying visit to the village on Tuesday evening. WEDNESDAY. May lith. CHnRCH NoTIoi.-The quarterly ser- vice of the Ben:oilier Methodist circuit war held here Sunday morning. April 28. Rev. W. Conway. of Nile, preached the aeemoo, conducted the fellowship meeting, and edtniniste ed the sacran.eot of the Lord's Supper. There was a good attendance from all the four cburcbee. The pastor took Mr. Conway's work on the Nile cir- cuit. On Tuesday evening the circuit quarterly official hoard met at the Henn:tiller church. Then was a good gathering of officials, each appoint- ment being well represented. Rev. W. Conway presided. Sundayschool reports were read and adoptespecial mention being made of Zion North Sunday *chore. which reported a newly organized and flourishing adult Bible class. The trustees' reports of the various churches and parsonages were received and touted satisfactory. They t;evealed that a large amount of money had been required this year for new sheds and other requirements for the respective churches, which had heen well met. Thr following persons were licensed as local preachers : A. Mien, J. Young and John C. Millian. Mew, jr., was licensed as an ex- horter. The total vote on church union .vas reported to be as follows: Official hoard -17 for, 1 against ; mew - ben -loll for, 16 against ; adherents - IN for, 8 againet. Andrew Millian was slatted. 1 dsirmate to the district ballot for the eieetioe o abe.eatderesulted as follow.: Ben- mtlier, *. Fisher, E. Masten; Zion North, A. Millian, John Fagan; Zion Bethel, South, Ben Packwood ; Bel, 8. Butt. W. Stevens. A. Millian was elected also as recording steward in place of Thos. Tabb, who retiree from the office on leaving for the West. The following resolution was unani- mously carried and placed in tbe min- utes respecting Mr. Tabb: With the knowtedae that me s�ase.ad res seeding steward. BrotberTleta Tait energy issue u tie ST. HELENS. TUESDAY. May 7th, AN OPENING. -Then ix a great opening in 8t. Helens now for anyone wishing to conduct a dress -making establi.bmenL The ladies are des- pairing of getting any mummer frocks made to match the array of summer miflioery. RURAL MAIL DELIVERY. -A great many of the farmers are interested in rural mall delivery. and expect soon to get their mail at the gate. Be- tween the telepbone and the mail de- livery, the farmers will soon have no exeuae down to the corner in the evening at all. ScaooL REPORT. -Report of 8. 8. No. 3, West Wawanoeh : Sr. IV. - Della Fitapastick, Laura Fitzpatrick. Jr. IV. -Louie Johnston, Gormley Thompson, Gordon Cameron, Tommy Webster. Johnny Errington, Johnny Cranston, Ahie Smythe, Roth Fowler. Sr. 111.- Annie Durnin, Mildred Fitzpatrick, Willie Thompson, Jim Durnin, Harvey Webster. Sr. 1I. - Katie Fcwler, Joe Thompson, Harry Durran. Jr. IL -Harris Pardon. Lorne Durnio, Wilbert Durnin, John A. Thompson, Mary Johnston, Willie Crenetoo. Sr. Pt. II.- Blanche Web- ster, Clayton Smythe, Edna Fowler. Sr. Pt, 1. -Lizzie Wilson, Russel Thompson, Elmer Purdon. Jr. Pt. i. -Rebecca Thompson. E. 8. MILLER, Teacher. BRIEFS. -The farmer* have nearly finished seeding... .. W. H. Robert- son. of The Goderich Signal, called on friends here on Saturday Mies Pearl Todd visited friends in Wing - ham fora few days last week Jean Webb was bore from W Ingham high school for the week -end Angus McDonald and Elliott Miller are in the orchard 'praying business for J. O. Ander eon Mrs. Hether- ington and Mise Ramage took a trip to Wingttam one day last week Rev. W. Mackintosb attended Synod in London last week Angling is the order of the day since the trout season opened. Some report great succea., but tho.e with rheumatic ten dencies need to exercise great eau - tion Mrs. Hugh Anderson, who has been spending the winter near London, and berdaughter, Mrs. Black returned to our burg last week We are pleased to bear that Miss Anna Stuart itti making steady prog- gtess toward recovery. THE I ee t Mine herrn* l'AaERow.- As already recorded in The Signal, the final summons came suddenly to Ni.. Jamie Cameron, postmistress of 81. Helens. Mho retired on Monday even- ing. April 22nd, In ber usual health but before morning her spirit bad passed away Mies Cameron was the only daughter of the late John Cam- eron, one of the earliest pioneer* at Wept Wawanosh and a man who was eeperiwlly noted for his generous hospitality to friends end .mangers, daring the early year* of pioneer lite. After the death of her SOWS twenty-one years ago. Miss Cam- eron re me with her mother to readeim fet.Heiens and tater was appointed peat. mimeos which ;alai tion she filled with general satisfartion to the puhiio, as rhe was esprielly wt.teative to her duties and always obliging to every- one. Medea mid retiringby nature, ber cheerful disposition, er kindness tad thoughtfulness to others, and wil- Wiener. to help in every gond rause, made her w `ener.l favorite in the Ateunity. The furterel servicee ea tvete ie follow ing Thursday atm-nee bell in *be P^attended. They were why1e*laa eberch, the 1eoemed bawl ng been a faithful ale selbl Beet .. of that deseeelea- gem sad were OMiseted sell the Rev. ib Mels web. The remaRs were In- areed lel Ube raesily plot m Dungannon et in whisk rhumb and the erase► well to he sew* am arm God'. blown" epee him sed his 6... Ilr. Another appreciative resolution moved by the pastor and seconded by A. Millian and carried with a unani- mous standing vote was that relative to Rev. W. Conway, B. A., B. D . in the followi,rg terms: "Aa we expect this to be use ted 000saloo eon Deetbeel)sesaar will take 16. *bair es ther e irthebeardw, tilos way w issh rgedk wW w�anslyysgt the board and a nn. las we mire aiennesal; We MO Med meaner. reel rte- him to reel that be kas wee ser bssarta, ad eer prarw,t�� utolbw N a wherever he is met by LaaBoth Mr. Table and Mr. Conway made suitable replies. The stewards had made efforts to come up well in the salary a000unts and did exceed- ingly well. Provision wee made to close the accounta and pay all in full at an adjourned meeting to be held on the evening of May 20. The meeting throughout was ot a most harmonious character, marked by good feeltug and brotherliness. T b e superintendent closed the board with a fervent prayer and the brethren returned to their borne, with considerable satisfaction and good hope that Benmiuer circuit is by no weans toeing ground. BADLY ULCERATED LEG. Zam-Bok Cared Her when so Had She Had to Use Crutches. For varicose sores, had leg or cbrooic ulcera, Zam-Buk is without equal as a healer. A proof of this ie just to hand from Montreal. Mrs. T. Edwards, ot 164 Amherst St., write.: b "Some time ago • bad sore roke ont Uro my left leg neer the ankle. For a week or two I did not heed it, but it got um bad that I could hardly walk. I sect for our doctor, and he told me that I would have to lay up with the wound. I did so for three weeks. At the end of that time the ulcer healed a little. but 1 could only move about by using crutches. 'The sore !ben broke out badly, and the doctor told see tbat the only thing that would cure it would bet an opera- tion, and that i should have to lay up fora year. Tbia, 1 knew. was imprn- wible, as 1 bad a family tel attend to. "My son had cured a had out on his Anger by owing Zaen-Bak, and be ad- vised me to give Ibis balm a trial. i did so, and in ler thee a week's time It gave me wonderful relief. 1t stopped the pain, which bad been so bad that many eighth i did not get a wink of Weep. in • very short time. the wound was an much better that 1 had no more sleeping nights, and wow also ahle to mere about and do ley work. 1 per eewered with Zane -nuke with teems/At that lbs wound is rote perfectly eared, and the limb is , + meted and strong as ever. To any t' •r+on .oR.r- hag trees talirsratd sires 1 ,vould ear. try Zane -leak.' " Ilam -Busk leuet w go..1 Inc pile., abscesses, boils. scalp . , r., blood poison. teetering wound.. .,ta, herbs, amide, bruins, omenta, , , , i ptiaeea sad all otber injuries and dr-eswes. All druggist, and atowws 110. hos, or yaco- Oak (o., Tnrnetn, for price. Rams barmfnt sohotitutes and innitatien.. Hese you tried lam -fink Reap? 25e • You rennet 40 better nn yenta* than your can .t Wight's drug store. Loi OOOER,CH TOWNSHIP. W=DNtts»AY, May Ste thetas uuencH Aim rYnalianY.- The Ilea of Unites church wen pro to Monday by the pres- ence of Rev. Praesepe Lew, of Torn - to, wbo delivered a splendid additions. Od Monday eveoiug the anniversary eaterthintueut was held in the ebureb and an exoeflrnt program was pre- sented. The choir of Knox church, Godteieb, rendered chorus.* sad weber cusee serraa in s moat effective manner, and Mie. Heinicke, of Goderich, greatly pleased the audience with her violin selections. An address by Rev. A. MoFaria•e, of Beyfiad was wen suited to the occasion and his bearers would be glad to listed to hiss on mine future occasion. The pastor, Rev Janna Hamilton, presided. ST. AUOUBTINE. TUESDAY, May 716. B&*Elm.-Mies May Redmond. of the G. C. I., spent the week -end at bar horse bete Mr. ellen and Miss Clark. of Morris, visited the lather miner, Mr.. Wm. Thompson, last week Was Mary A. Brophy vi*. iced ber aster. Mrs. Moira, of Calm" last week Mies Betsy McAllister visited Teeewater friends recently.... James Sylitw, from the Kiondyke, vis- ited DIP br,ther 1Virtiam last week. Most of the farmers in this vicin- ity have finished reeding . Mr. and Mrs. Series, a Auburn, visited Mende in this vicinity this week Mrs. Stafford visited at Gilbert thieves' on Sunday......The Dungannon and Wbiteeburcb cream wager;s are out on their nand. again. ..There were about t hlrty members out to rifle prises; Nat 8rtvrdsy. Some good e can l t' r dote. HAYFIELD. WEDNESDAY, May Sib. BA n BREtyss,-The Ladles' Aid et .u: Presbyter i •o church gars their pastor, Rev. A. Macfarlane. a pleasant surprise the other day, when they permitted bine with the key of a newly fitted and furnished vestry. Mr. and Mex James Tough, who spent the winter in the West Indies. arse visiting at the home of Jas. Camp- bell. Mr. O'Neil. of Clinton, was in the village nn Tuesday, making arrangements fcr securing a cottage for the summer months. We under• stand that the majority of the cottages are already engaged and indications are for an unusually large number of tourists this year. ...Mr. Laws was in Cliuton of Tuesday Mrs. line. dicedrge dTTtrrdey morning Bronson aftea long inner. Miss Fannie Mac- kenzie and Joseph Richardson, who were married on Saturday last by Hee. D. Johnston, of Varna, spent their honeymoon in Toronto and re- turned on Tuesday to the groom'. home on the Ba field road, where they will reside. The hest wishes of the neighborhood are extended to Me. and Mrs. Richardson. AUBURN. WEDNESDAY, May 8th. Joeeph Irwin baa made prepara- tions to supply this neighborhood with fish during the summer. Seeding is progressing very favor- ably. Many finished last week and nearly all will be through this week. Both of the sawmills are 'bury at preseuu Howson & Lawson expect to have about two carloads of rollers yet. Young's expect to finish cutting maple next week. Rev. J. L Small. of Blyth, will 68 the pulpit in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath. citing the congregation to appear at the Presbytery regarding Rev. J, R. Mamie call to Port Elgin. The entertainment in the Temper - nee Hall last Friday evening was quite a success. The attendance wee large. The proceed•, amounting to oe160, are in aid of the public library. Mr. Asquith is busy at present fit - tog up 6u evaporator for the season. He purchased part of the old school and ie rebuilding it beside the reap. orator. He is putting in s gasoline engine and otherwise inking a thoroughly up-to-date evaporator. Itis reported that the span of the bridge on the nest aide of the river le to be taken down ebertiy. Timbers for scaffolding ate on the around. The result will be a 'mane's drive through the river. it is expected a larger span will be made, placing the new abutment farther back. WL.BORNE. TUESDAY, May 71.h. MAITLAND CONCESSION NOTEs.- D. F. Schiavone is in Crediton on busi- ness this week W. Prone was a visitor on the line on Sunday Wm. Hill di Son expect to ship their season's output of roller* this week, which will amount to about two car- loads L. Govier 'pent Sunday with friends near Benmiller .. Quite a number of the young attended the concert at Auburn on Friday evening last and report an en- joyable time. B.Hoo1 REPORT.-Tbe following ie the monthly report for 8. S. ?Jo. 1, Colborne. bated -on regularity, and examination bad tbe month : V. -Heber Powell, Glen. Sr. IV. -Millie Toon, Aim Clark, Ruby Young, Jean A•IietsA Violet MacDouaub, Harvey Flan, David Bean. Jr. iV.-Vesta Plater, Lyman Potter, Clete Reinley, Berber Heinle!, Willie Mot%abe. Jr. iII.- Hazel Young, Charlotte Potter. Thomas Caldera. Sr. IL-iiiasey Geld era, Verne McCabe, Frank Oiark Jr. ►L- Jello McCabe. Part Li.- Isabel Clark. Part I. - Clifford Beitilsy, Onameinee M. Joiiasrow, Teeeber. Sestoo1 Rnetar.--Tow following in the report of S. * Na 6, Oolborse, Inc the ninth a are in order a eaeell. ed • ah ee it ter pat : V. - w _ Reggied'1M& eLikfse Theelew, *Annie 11161111Iment. Jr. iV.-MAG.1 Bogle. Terimeis Heater. Adele Ma t:LA .Tingle fir. i II. -Allen ss JamettJr. Theorem,ary Once a MawieThurtnw. Els I1, -f ftp Morrie. Lade McWbineey. Pt. i .-- Rees Mem& ler. Pt- 1. -Pere, Ear- , Lanes Mortem. Jr. P1. t. --Root ib�low�i�Asrtsa leRodwer & *seers. My,w rot LA V�7bar 6,vst 'Disdb Moser R1*, A km, BRIOHT'S DISEASE is the dowillest awl meet Wahl assikd Dednh May ewe aap ease M vs Dhow They base &Awl in ere awls ewe. They are the {y dy ewer a owed it,, end Mare tise 4e Themremedy ret Dams JQdntq bee sod esese-bill= time are original mid des cul, r emir sh4k l le DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Dodfe s3dry !ills sr. LIt f�mile a boa at •l A DUNGANNON. NEWTON, DItNTIST, OF L.*sew bee mere cpalate sad will .herilletartbs tames ore e. co MI L t'.oekaew, whore be wat be lewd evRid,y. AN modem s,etb. ATOTICL-THE LOCAL AGENCY *LI eke Boa nd itensae,aa astlb• tEogaal le at the Pea, onion will 1. remised tor sew ed - v rtLhs sod lab week, sed r.osipta wt 1 w eras for amwate pry for t►. rami. TsvttiDAY, May Deb, THY New PASTOR of Heaau,t Causes --The faktsing sketch of the new pastor of the Pie.byte,ian chureb here is taken frost The News of last week : Rev, Gilbert Gomm, the new Presbyterian pastor, is thirty-four year* of age and was born in the city of Oxford, Engbnd, where he took a course in the fatuous college there, termMat iog bit. etudii a there at the red of three year* when be was about to wieldy for a B. A. degree, ill -health. preventing any fur her a whew. About that time be tame to Canada end held a position as secretary -t reav urer of a large Hamilton firm. He also followed other vocation until about four year* ago, when he decided to resume bis attain. After spending a year in Toronto University, be en- tered Knox College, where he gradu- ated several weeks ago. He is a mar- ried mat and has a family of three children. Of late years bis home baa been at Kendall. near Whitby. Be shine church, of which Mr. Gomm has chargr, wet erected about the year 1884, the present edifice replacing the old Presbyterieu church on H. M. Ducts farm. The present church at Port Albert, BL Andrew's church, was built in 1870. Prior to Revs Mr. Gomm'. induction, these churches have had three pastors as follows Rev. Mr. Cameron, Rev. Mr. Fair- bairn, Rev. Mr. Rutherford. The !orgsf t pastoral eaeagey wee the last one -about a year and a quarter. Tbia is the first oeeeetoe, however, when ordinatiou services as well as the induction were held here. NILE. TUESDAY, May 7th. Tax Bear Yam -We are pleased to be able to announce that. arrange- ments for the annual tea meeting and entertainment on May 94th, under the auspices of Nile Epworth League, are now complete. The progrsm, wbicb pptrommisee te be tite beet yet, will be furnished by the following twists : The Oentsal Made gnarl -Ate of Strat- ford. Master Olin Brown. the famine boy sinter, and Miss Gould, elocution- ist, graduate and gold medalist of the Marge.ette Eaton School of Teruel°. An address will be given by Rev. Ai% Brown, of Goderich, chairman of the diets -NC T6ie will he one of the best combinations ever ptwented to a Nil. audience. Deo'tair 1 to hear Olin Brown. Some .ay he is the beet boy eager in Canada. Neta CHDRca N tree -The fourtb quarterly mmmunido service for the year was held on Sunday morning last. The attendance was good sad the meeting was mom than umntl Ln. 'pa1 1 in iia Menne. The omeiaL hotted met on Monday analog. After the regular business was transomed the following oowpWseetary resolu- tion was presented to Rev. W. Con- way, B..1., B. D., the retiring pastor bass,! at 1111e ....a sm ib Eto "... HAI wen. Thus rAT. May 9th. A Limes Ore TAEtp.-ler. Ord Mrs. Geo. Rutledge have the syesp liy of the onicaunity in the lees wi e& they bare enetained in the death of t youngest daughter. B.slab Itialfe, My seslkllag who paned away on oed• atter a knurl fitness. The lath me � tu s� wires os W n yes Memos wedttssiay attwrnooa to d ism atteud.d by 's cemetery sad slows erre of him& et Use bereaved Gess. Itev. W. Comm? roach/Jed the surview. SLY f14. TtvreaaY, May 7th. OsYrwLLows' MOMS PARA nm-- Tbe Oddt.11owe met 1� hell Mee - day evening batt a,M er to the et ., Rev. J. L p'eeshed 18s 6E.Sllrecesry me• lt& year tbe l had the War M • very esses. bates Of bawl R! tort m®meed irtgMr, Mr. R. A. lbppiimlmaet, to :re with thaw. Oa aawmat of the cwt dgbt there was oat II large atilrader: . .rase TODAY'S STORENwsiJ BRIEFLY PUT In the accompanying list you will find some interesting quotations on needed things. Interesting in two ways -good quality you usual) for less than a Y PYA the wise will enquire. COLORED SUITINGS to navy and white. cadet blue and white, linen and hoe, tawo and red, all one trios -lie, Plain Suiting. in navy, cadet, brown, grey, tan, and gobeline--and an ore prig -16e, ' BROWN HOLLAND SUITING This stake of linen goods le very popular this asasun, •.M1y made op and excellent to wear. Just two quautiea in stock -Mc and 26.. PRINTS and GINGHAMS We are still advising the purehaee of Prints and Gingham*, knowing our cloth and petterse an not excelled in the trade and rarely equalled. Colon absolute. Ask to see washed samples of our whole stock. STANDARD PATTERNS for May. No pattern better and few near equal. WINDOW GOODS Lace Curtains from 36. a pair, 24 yards wide, G, 113.50 a pair, 3 or 3; yard* wide, an Nottingham make -the deet reoommendstion they can have. w gtoh'mhin 8aMuslin and the new BunalowNenwte.cm and Parisbade.. Prices -15c, 20c, 26c, 36c and 10e. WHITEWEAR We never bad so a •hewing of white goods ea we are now ouch rarely fogad in Gowns, Marts. Drawers ed Comet Waists. *1 YG it hoe and embroidery tritaadap, glut, Skirts, *1.00, !ILA *1.601 *l.7fia &2s4 neatly trimmed with embroidery and lace, direct from the maker.. Corset Waste and Drawers. Prices co - lag with 26c up to 50c. HOSIERY Remember we sell the best 2 for 25c in black and In tan stockings made. 1200 palm to stock. Radium lisle, a new Hew Ulla year. Excel lent quality, light weight, silk finish. Sic and 60c. A silk front hose for 60c with lisle toe aft* bel. PARASOLS Our new Paraeohoi' just got bore a few days �°� and they rock bottom. or a superior lot rad we bate a fast black cover. and bene are the good frame with r *1.26. *1.60, *1.76, *200, t2.M, *$.50 and t276,t'� Fancy colored Parasols at paces to Bait everyone. J. H. OOLBORNE BEROD IOOFIN6 Oa' gime bow awl mese , censpiewpretd t coat, ias,pe metal roofing Singles et say ocher Hedy our clet. WM aver 300 *t-lef id In tatlrl�ltbe beet.mor Midi la 3 sof Memel en- 1dsS bst/wrsadl0Ne ea trot ata rest. 00 fideen isle elhieseelh Howes' name 1o., Undted GODERICH Dunlop Has a Preparation That Will Orow Hair Abundantly. This is so age of new discoveries. To gsow Bair after it has ranee out to- day is a reality. Salvia, the Greet Hair Tonic and D. eedng, win punitively create a new growth of hair. If yoe want to bite a beautiful bead of bale free from dandruff, w BNvia once a day nod wee ch the remake. Malvin is guaranteed to stop falling heir and ratters the heir to its natural oder. The greatest hale vigor known. Saiiyia is ::nmpoaoded by expert entente. Watch yens balr if it is falling out. if you doe's, you will sootier or utter be bald. Mdse. prevents bpldness by festiva- ls; the heir to the mote. Ladies well fled Salvia just the hair dressing they are looking Inc. it makes tbe bate *oft and iiugr and iv sot *ticky. A lenge bottle, 60c. IMPMMINEMIIRMamegnewememergg Mrs. Paul D. Bell is dead at her home near Hemel! at the tip. age d eight -seven year. She was nee of 18e pioneer* of that district. having been a resident of the session .inne bee childhood. She leaves ber hus- band, who is eighty -foes years o/ age, and lour eons and three daegbtere. CATARI91 STAMPED OUT! bank Cases Carrot !zit with Msrriscy's No. 26 for Internal and Extensa Use. Meagn 8YILt.1. K. 1.. Agit) 4, 1115. A sew words as to Use merit sR veer eaterrb arra !or the het 1e mare 1 wee tieehiei with °stars% et fcr bad Welsh Vat aim Deed ens tubo ars ries w6. reeilla 1 was bewever, JMeeudsed M IIsi • wire. we bowleg or your Iia. N Seel♦ N to eve it • Wel, sac am *tad M est 11 leu eared ma ass i blgbiy we estnewed s to all ellen% melhesrs- A. G TblheNaz, Oscal I t rea..t TM above Muse'4N.e M set • 'Carr Wit" or os.-er8s4 lo/eat swellehae Dr. merrtosr "Newhall le ter 44 roam w it tkmetsests tiler saber ~ow heat NA Das* 1 by P. ter oriels Millinery INSPECTION INVITED OF THE SEASON'S N E W STYLES Miss Cameron - Hamilton St. Remember that when you buy a stylish Shoe you do not buy discomfort ; and also let us emphasize the fact that in buying the HARTT SHOE you get both style and comfort. TRUNKS, LTC. -When you travel you win need a good etroag Trunk, or perhaps a commodious 8uit,;aee or Bag wen nest your requirements. We cat furnish all your wants in either line. Alt Klpakrieg Orders receive air prompt attentiea JOHN H. McCLINTON ON THE SQI7ARB Furniture and House Furnishings Soria/ Necessaries is Farallon* sad Fvroiehiaga for the Haat Realising the requirements of the people of eloderieb and vicinity, 1 have now a oompieta arse tenett or high -eine Pernfture. All goods, ieeludlag ordlaary mod es,Aasive Malgn*, at moderate prior* -en assorteset tardy seen outside the cider. Goata in and see the ohm? Parakeet you ODD get at Sohneaere. It's w pleasure to elbow my Week : and if there ie .oesethfag you desire i haven't atoeked. I .all gel it Inc yen. Rugs berme am a very desirable roetaseet of Rugs. A verist of qua -titles. 'charts and colorings. Sleek an sew sad priers right. Frame"rhr right piece to get Whetter Shades, Room.>aouMling., A few dewing Macbbne* at hergdn prise. A C ALL 3OLiCTTED George tlohmeier 4Mor 11Arsrotis•g Maser RSPAIRfIfu •MOMS IND WEST SIDR SWANK