The Signal, 1912-5-9, Page 2>! TEDIUM AT, MAT 9, 191E
WDItRIt li UST kttlU.
THS 870N c SYS i . u
TelephosiTanen eF emeses pYaa s
rM per arennap Isertmossa�,
e Haiewiled atefss wkerrpwa 111.4/0 a year
tlstetly le advaresl.
asknrtbsei wee tall to omen. Tara Stereat
lad.s mat the feet �
• tame
q'Y..rty a date as
Whew a doom ct arld1sin le desired, beth ofd
sad the new adieus deaald be given-
adasruswg rues.:
Least and ether Ammar .dverurme•te, tib
pes line for Ira Insides and lc per line ter
each ►abeeg.pnt iasertlon. Measured by .
sonpar.11 wale, twelve lines to an Inch.
BudLces carne of elk nes and under, lei pe
Advertmama ata et Lost. Pound, Strayed, 814
maims Vacant, 8itaathose Wanted, Housestor
Ws or ttoro 8.8.1s met... nrme ot exceeddinBala or g s ghL
9twa fie emit derides ; Rotor doe menti, e
ter seek wbesgaeet moo Larger adverts*
mental !n sroperttoa.
Annonnosmente in ordinary reading type ten
sots per tine. No notice less than Me.
Any modal notice, the oglent of which L the
pecuniary benefit of any individual or aaod
stlm, to be oonide ed an advertisement and
darted aocordtngly.
Rata for display and °outtnot adrerl'le►
menu will be given on • ppllctloo.
Address all oom.annlo.uo.0 to
.eoderich Out.
The startling news of the serious
Mess of Judge Mabee, chairman of
the Dominion Board of Railway Com-
missioners, was followed quickly by
the news of his deatb, which occurred
on Monday afternoon at St. Michael's
hospital. Toronto. Judge Mabee bad
undergone an operatilo for appendi-
citis, and death resulted from an
attack of begirt failure following upon
the operation.
James P. Mabee was horn itt Port
Bowan, Ont, in 1859. He studied law
and eventually became well known as
a prominent hamster of Stratford.
whore he practised for aint.teen years.
Re was a candidate once for parlia-
mentary honor., and it is s matter for
reflection that the man who after-
wards won a great name as the head
of one of the moot important institu-
tions of the country failed of election
at the bands of the voters of North
Perth. Fate, however, had something
perhaps better in store for him. He
was appointed to the International
Waterways Commission and later to
Um beech as a High Court judge ; but
his greatest work was done during the
last four years of bis lite as chairman
of the Dominion Railway Commission.
In this position he became famed all
over the country as a fearless di.-
penser of justice in tbe numerous and
important cases that canis before
him, and the people had a fine feeling
Um' with Judge Mabee in charge
puhlic rights in respect to railway
prihlems were absolutely safe. Often
an argument as to what concessions a
municipality might safely melee to a
railway corporation was ended with
the remark, "The Railway Commission
will protect us " And this feel'ng of
confidence was in great measure due
to the knowledge that Judge Mabee
would stand no nonsense from the
railway corporations.
Judge Mahe.e died "in harness." '1 He
presided. ta meeting of theCommiseioo
in Toronto on Monday of last week,
and the sante evening was taken ill
and removed to the hospital. The
universal sentituent id that Canada
has tort a great man whose place in
the public affairs of this c uu,try it
will be oily difficult to fill.
This is the glowing time.
And John Jacob Aston's young
widow is rut off with n heggatty five
The opening c f navigation on the
Urea L,ke. her released the greatest
fresh water fleet in the world.
A Brantford police magistrate de-
nies having used the word "dub" in
referring to the aldermen of that city.
"Boneheads," he flays, was the term
he need. This ought to make every-
thing nice and lovely in Brantford
ones more.
.t Indy reader of The Signal mildly
temonetratee against the insin.utioa
in • recent editorial note that women
WO cot Iogidtl. Perhaps illogical is
not the tight word ; but bow is one to
describe the sex that chomp's these
lovely May days for the soul-destroy-
ing job of housscleanina
There is • p.oj.-t on font, with
some Gover•nrnmtel Pnrnuragaemmet,
to extend the sewann of lake nsvita-
tion to the end .-f Deneipher. With
tica lighthouse men on duty through-
out December and with powerful tugs
at wore !rasping harbors and channels
open. the pnr jert mai he realised.
The late trips are mid to he, the most
profitable ones. and naturally there M
a desire on the part both of vessel.
earners and of marine.• to male• the
meeos's eaadags as large as pcgd
On the other hand, the dangers of
camber navigation must be in care-
fully considered.
THE blLi.I AL GO11ERit .R
The Methodist Episcopal Church of
the United State. is following the
Methodist Church of Canada in
aboli.hiog the rule which specifically'
prohibited isocini, card-plsyigg auc
theatre -god g. Greater freedoui is to
be given the individual oon.clsooe in
deciding what is right and what is
Just think, dear reader, of the people
who are cooped up in the cities thews
fine May days! Would you change.
places with them, and instead of
green vistas feat your eyes on Krick
walls and asphalt pavements, and in-
stead of a blossom -perfumed air regale
yourself on the mixed smell, of the
city streets? Would you
There are already four vacancies in
the House of Commons, three of them
caused hy the appointment of mem-
bers to positions in the gift of the
Government. The bye -elections, it is
reported, will nut likely be held until
next fall, by which time there may ba
further vacancies, and there will be an
opportunity for a test of the Govern-
ment's strength in the constituencies.
Up near Harriston the other day the
conductor of a C. P. R. express train
saw a barn on lire and at once stopped
the train and got the crew and male
passengers nut and at work with the
treater fire extioguishet& The fire was
quenched and a large loss was pre-
vented, If train crews do this sort
of thing very often the railways will
soon become more popular than they
now are.
it is stated by the clergyman acccm-
panying'the steamer Mini., which re-
covered a number of bodies at the
steoe of the Titanic's foundering, that
nearly all tbetle bodies gave evidente
that death was due not to drowning
bet to exposure. This news is espe-
cially distressing its view of What is
now karma ae to the pre enoe in tbe
vicinity of a oumher of vessels by
whom some of these people might
have been rescued.
It is said the British public is taking
very little interest in the home rule
debates in the House of Commons. Ie
this because the people of Britain have
become accustomed to "revolutions"
within the last few years? They were
told that the adoption of the "revolu-
tionary' Lloyd George budget would
ruin the nation. The budget was
adopted and the nation thrives vastly
upon it- Later they were warned of
the terrible results that would follow
the winging of the House of Lord.—
but nothing terrible has happened so
far. And perhaps the fierce talk of
the men from Ulster is discounted by
the false alarms that have preceded
Talk Happiness.
Talk happiness!
Not now and then, but every
Merced day.
Keen 1f you dont believe
The hall of what
You say.
There'w DO room here for him
Who whine. es m his
Way he goes :
Remember, son, the world 1s
Karl enough without
Your wow.
Talk hermitic-. each chane
r You get -and
Talk it good and straw !
Look for It in
The byway. as you grimly
Plod along :
Peehap. It IA • stranger now
Who. visit never
-owes :
But talk ! Soon you find
That you 504 Repetition'
Are °hums.
What Mr. Boyd Says of Dodd's Kidney
Pills—A Great Family Medicine.
Maidstone, Sask., May fhb.—
(Special-i—Mr. Samuel M. Boyd, well
known and highly respected here,
testifies to the good work Dodd'. Kid-
ney Pills are doing.
"it is nearly a month since i quit
uminsr Dodd'. KidneyPills for kidney
trouble." say. Mr. Byd. •'1 must say
that 1 am perfew•Uy satisfied. 1 feel
like a new person. My kidneys have
been giving me trouble for about five
ysan, and now they are acting just
as good as if tben was never nothing
wrong witb these."
"1 would sot be without them in my
bourse. 1 cheerfully recommend
Dodd's Kidney Pills to anyone for
kidney trouble."
Dodd'e Kidney Pills are the greste.t
family medicine ret the eentury-
Honsesieekors' and Settlers' Special
Trains to Western Canada.
Tuesday tbersgifur until September
17th, inclusive, Tickets will also he
on sale on certain dates. via Sarnia
and Northers Navigation Company.
Spseul train will May. Toronto 1(1.
p. m. nn above dates Mr K,dmnnt on
and points in Manitob ., rad Raskat-
cb.wan airmen,* sit , tt pofata on
Grand Trunk Parifle R,. r e west of
Wienips'g. Through . ' 'Asa end
Pullman toiriet i a •t to be car-
ried fully equipped with .iidiag and
pewter n ch erge. kr,: tttta he
snrurPd in sleeper* at + low rate
This is an .xeeptional opo • melte for
those wishing` to take ac. agtar err
the remarkablylow nee way m.ttlers'
tater es, roun-trip hon,rarekses' ea-
nersinne thrrxpph the American ensue,
No rba of ears, Seems, tiekate
and berth reservation. from P. P.
Lawrenee, Town Agent nr write A.
S. Duff. District awusegav1,
Cakes Station. Toronto. 19.11
Stratford Baeoon,
Premiss, Emden her returned Prow
the United State* looking Invigorated
by hie sojourn there. It is to be
boped his loyalty was not affected in -
jut lousily.
S.tmewka locosamteet
Winnipeg brae Prem.
The fot.lish, ill-considered talk of
uecresion fro.n Eastern Canida In-
dulged in by* few angry Westerners
is the subject of severe condemnation
by certain Toronto newspapers which
at the same time heartily applaud and
uphold threats of receesloo made hy
the anti-hosue-rulers of Ulster.
Is It blight f
London Advertise.
The whole forme of the Canadian
Governmes,t is being exerted to
ate two Hindu women in Vancouver
from their husbands and send them
back to India with their childreo. As
the women are British subjects, th-
rice Nog$e.Ie one of the problems of
the E,upire, to say nothing of Chria-
To Assure Safety.
Boots sJ Nereid -
A British sdmtiral says the effort
miter still he 10 wake the hips boats un-
sinkable. rather t hen the supply .of more
life -boats. No passenger well object
to having the ship made as unsinkable
as the owners choose to airy it is. But.
• assenger does think himself en-
titled to something that will keep Sim
afloat for s few bouts if the unsink-
able sinks.
Peary Wipe, Posed Foolish.
Orilla Packet
A Is. ouginngg to John Adam.,
1st cot..: -'Ila of Tloy, was struck by
lightni ►i burned to the ground
last w r• • •kb a total loss of the con-
tents • ••xcepting the live stock—
over $ ,,,v is, all. ' '.o insurance."
When one considers the trifling pre-
mium asked on isolated property, It is
amazing that eo twiny taxmen and
others go uninsured.
Saved Two Years' Salary.
Utt wa Cale.*
The late Charles M. Hays, president
of one of the largest railway corpora-
tions in America, left an estate valued
at $IU0,000. In these days of get -rich -
quickness, many will marvel that a .
man with such great opportunities for
amassing a fortune should not have
acquired more wealth. It was cheese-
harasof the late Mr. Hays. a. of
man se and infinenlia1 mep
of affairs. that he devoted his life tp
the adminiatrstion of the large inter•
este with which he was entrusted and
never availed himself of the oppor-
tunities which his position naturally
afforded for the acquiring of private
me ►n.,
Some Leap Year Hints.
Pick out a fat man. They wear
better in the long run, and then, too,
they ate easier to land. 1 fat man is
tender-bearted and Most .y cannot re-
fuse stn offer of marriage. Never
mind the looks. Don't wait until you
find *Greek god. Grab off a homely
one while the grabbing is good. The
homely ones are the ones who bring
borne the pork chops. If you cannot
support the young meso in the manner
4o which be has been accustomed he
honest and strugbforward shout it
and tell 111 an. Dou't lead bin to ex-,
pect champagne when yon have only
a beer income. Neverl;e to the young
man about your salary, for when be
learns the truth there is apt to he
trouble. Be sure that your approach
is all tbat it should be. Everything
depends upon that When you ask
a young man to marry you don't go
about it ae though you were ordering
• Sam sandwich in a one-armed res-
taurant. Be pleasant sod polite about.
it. Approach him .with tact, and let
him find out your true nature after it
too lit. for bios 10 hack nut.
Drainage Demonstrations.
The Ontario Agricultural College h
emphasizing the value of drainage
.gain this summer, for which purpo,e
drsinage demonstrations are being
held in many parte of the Province.
The following demonstrations are an-
nounced for this county :
At J. W. Salkeld's, concession 2, lot
4, Goderieh township, ou May lith. at 2
►t H. K. Revell's, conces.ion 4, lot
1.2, Godench township, on May 18th, at
1 o'clock.
These meetinge should ba of special '
interest, as some difficult places to
drain are involved. Besides the dis-
cussion of the particular problems of
these farmer., there will be a demon-
stration of methods of finding the fell
over a ditch, deterntining the grade,
digging trne to grade, etc. Those of
our readers interested in drainage '
should not mist, this meeting.
Anyone wishing information about
the drainage work should write Pro-
fessor W. H. Day, O. A. C., Guelph.
Think It Over.
No business man in any town should
allow a newsp.per published in his
town to go without bis name and bust
neve being mentioned somewhere in
its columns, nays an exchange. This
applies toall kinds of hoodoos., general
.toren, dry good., grocers, furniture
dealers, manufacturing eetaMl.h-
mentw, automobile dealers, mechanics,
professional men and in fact all (loam s
of business ►nen. This does not mean
that you should bees a whist'. or half
of even a quarter of a page ad. in
every issue of the paper, hot your
name and buinein should be men-
tioned if you do sot nee more than
a two -tine spare. A stranger pieking
rep • newspaper should he able to tell
just whet Staines is represented in a
town by looking atjlthe hosioere,s men-
tioned in the paper. This is the beet
paseihte town advertiser. The tteae
who doom nne advertise leis km.iners
drips an injustice to himself and his
tows. He is the main who expects 111tw
Nwapapw•r to do t he most frees lanc t-
ing for his town. The mambo M-
.i.t. on Marine the business that
cocain to s town but reheses so adwer-
tine hie Mosinee. is nota v.luaMe ad -
to any town. The life of any
agora depends epee the live wide-
awake and littoral advertising brei -
ams RAM.
Pint finer --"Hot do yens know
whether that le elfieken or veal yon are !
sat leg r
tieonerd finer _. "1 dns't. Ail i knew
M that its chicken I'm paying floe."
A ,
Saved by Lydia Z. Pinkbanes
vegetable Compound.
Swarthmore, Pena. — " For fifteen
years I eufrer'sd *Aoki army, and foe
one period et am arty
two years I lied hem-
orrhages sad the
doctor's told me I
world have to
but I basiut taking
Lydia E, Pinitham's
Vegetable Com-
pound and am in
good health now. I
•m all over the
Change of Life and
cannot praise your Vegetable Compound
too highly. Everywoman should take ftat
that time I recommend it to both old
and young for female tronblea"—Mrs.
EMILY SUMMiCa8G1LL., Swarthmore, Pa.
Canadian Woman's Experience:
Fort Willi•at , Ont—"I feel as if I
could not tell others enough about the
good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has done forme. 1 was weak
and tired and I could not rest nights. A
Elland recommended your Compound and
1 aeon gained health and strength and
would not wiab to sleep better. I know
other women who have taken it for the
same ptlrpoms and they join me in prais-
ing it "—Mrs. Wm. A. Burrs'. Da South
Vickar Street. loot Williams. Ontario.
Skies we guarantee that all testimo-
nials which we publish are genuine, is it
not fair to "appose tbat if Lydia B. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound has the vir-
tne to help Utas" women it will help any
other woman who 1. eef erieg lea a I.
If yon want spatial advise write 4
Lydia R. Piafthan Reiidas ON (gas.
beer l) Tsar biter will
Liaim warred by a
Mit .saa.esie.
Teacher—What i. velocity, Tohnny ?
Johnny —Vs Isueity is orbit a chap
let's go of a wasp with.
Lessens the dangers of childbirth—.
Lids quick deliveries, making than sa"1
—shortens confinement and pain—
strengthens mother and chltd--ns flees
recovery rapid, and both motbar and
baby healthy sad good -spirited- -.
blethers' Cordial er Herbal Tee's
la also a sure preventative of delayed
and painful menstruation. Young stns
will rind it Invigorating, and women
nearing the change of lite will find It
a friend Indeed.
This time -tried medicine contains no
stimulants—it is simply a scientific
blend of !radian herbs, famous for their
medicinal value. Write ler tree clTee -
tar. At your drugetat's—or by mall`
11.00 per package, 6 paNtagee *5.01.
Dr. Ceonl.y Medical C.., Windsor. Orb
Leeeih. 070 fest areirdtb, ea15.000
wreMasi ani asdni
SOLO ALL itiCOSDD$CAIU/111A AXIS 11.101111.1P001
�ps s of feel ed.. . May 17
*epee w of Britain
Lake Cleo►,Ia1n. ..
Raterew of Its/an f
Lake Manitoba. June le
L.ks Crounp�,lia.flinate.....: ••Jily 4
I. e.. ............ July if
impress et Britain. , . J� 16
Tickets and all tahrrma►k.e tr •e enr
.traaMAto agent. or J. Kidd, Axil. C.
P. R., Donde*, (H.•.
Masashi' Sistatci vas Alberta
Sp,rt&1 Tntne lave T •., LOS p• m. pr
May M, 2" Jas.. rt 2e Jury e, 23
Aug,. e, 20 sept S.
$e000d<t•estk:keo• hum • etaitotta
to principal No threw point. at
W domes* and rel era pLm; Rd..o.toe sad
;elan) $lta., and to ae Iso pump. In p.-ot ,.
tics. 1 ideate trend to • Wan. it hen s days
hush acing .tete.
thnwgb W Ifdt.wu•.o vt.. tt.Na .ea, .Ino
t.. W.ualpeg and Calera, y vi. Main Line on
all exc*reios.t. Conus, n,ebtr berth., folly
eq•lpped with hoot a. eat, be ..reared at
toodar.. rat.-. ihn•egh to 1 areal.
Earle application mess be made
contain*" beta. area 1.11 Information.
Apply laJ0`.Itlilit,,'.e.0. Agent or
11. G. MURPHY, Uw. P.a-. est Tomato
Oats' ante Uete. ►ro Anne os carts
Brophey Bros.
The Leadiag
Funeral lliredors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all hours, night ur day.
I ~�
Beautify Year Nage
with our artlsrls end
Wall Paper. Noti1sg.44. metre
tote. attractiveness of a be ss
:ism 'pawl pally Retaliated was..
We handle Eke aaten'e"Saptwier'
Wal :Paper& In shades., esters
and deetgn• minis tar am
la year home. [hires reasssable.
Hoek and 8utiesery Lhasa
Al. RYAN D-p—.sa, Out.
Are You Blue and Worried?
Nervous ? Some of the time resin is ? Gash sold easily mad tramatady� maw
from biliousness or bestdnebe P e remota is that yaw eyeless Mw
ss t rid lista
of the poisons in the blood; just es im.essble M k is for die grata of • sieve b rid
itself of clinkers. The waste does to ea moody what tie shakers de to tic memo
make the fires burst low until enough dithers haw mswmdabd sd due proved
is, burning at all. Your liver is Maggie—yea are dell end he.vy—drip doss net
rest, nor is food appetising. in tins condition iaasss develops. Deafer Pie en's
Golden Medical Discovery crediemb* tint smisewe Eras the Soiy—a ghoul% shoe-
mtiive extract made from bloodroot, ,toiden sed and msedreke same, same mud
gegen'. root, without the use of alcohol. Ne rear bow street tic sem etweiem
the stomach is apt to be "oat et kiher" sit times; 1. owe -
(peace seece the blood is disordered, for the stomach is the labo-
ratory for the constant memn6otmre of blood.
Men- Haar. Btu at Phot D..w. Ont. Boz sit wrtere 'zimrg
Seas grant sufferer for pone tram throat tr°ebM, eatatele teitaarltni
female n.ubi.e bl•attaa.'- - V.e.n— sad gsaagme.s-te tYar f wwlg'
be in bed, then able m be sa apl , Was solder my 4Mfiei$ Jsiegmi
are, and would ret Mier ter a Stet while. then 1 Willi 1.4.05 sots
chronic ine.rarnatian all them* ma Pr gimes, room 1 bed di
pollen in my Nerd- Afteralike early orrthimg 1 get warm 1 seed
1. 11.e People's Cava. Seem .ed
Adviser et De. Pierer. Osaka
Weld Deeo►wy and Dr Serif Oatarrh Isley. 1 tem hien the
Golden Medical i emov.ryand Phrend P.' and tee acid hes
battle* of Dr. SW. tlbarrh mann- 1 an new able le de sip street
and walk with plsssere. t hi rte • mw wawa 1 miss evmytkais
ensued me and Meek me for IMAM res eve tax" woes* .111•4 ono•
tkhar that meds raw. *pia."
Dr. norm's Pbmmmet Paste rends m neer sad bowel..
Wherever you are, whenever you want it,
all that is newest and best in the theatres
is yours to hear and to enjoy, right is
your own home when you own an
The Edison is the theatre—wits the
volume of sound exactly suited to your
home ; the sapphire reproduc*ngpoint
doe. away with changing needles, does
not *crated or wear the records and
lasts forever. Amberol Records—
piay twice as long as ordinary records
--giving all the verses of every song
and rendering instrumental composi-
tions as meant to be played. 1b.
Home Recording feature enables you
to make and reproduce your own ner-
orris in your own bene, ettrruue towlife.
s�:i~: t==ribs ..'h'mbei 1 awe.
O•t� Osumi Oawog .ier�6. Ma ss N 1
eisrma shahs IL i..
A ..stirs r se Oise wb.asstdi .w tllasssi ere b. (haul •
a--,�.l�T:.,-vr,..ra °narrwmww
Saturday and Monday, May 11th add 13th
Fifty pieces SU itches wide English Prints, mostly light rounds,
new psttEast colors guaranteed Eacolors ; regular 1Eio quality. At
red d .tic
Twenty pieces best American blackhive for dreams, skirts and
saininge, Sleek and whits, guaranteed color., stripes, dote and
spray pates; emptier value 18c At per yard .... , ..... .....121c
Hurrocka's famous Cottons and Oamhrioe, file ani heavy
weight, 88 inches wide; regular value 15e, at. 121c
Thirty-six to forty inches wide, in a large range of patterns,
regular 25c and 3U:: values. At per yard
Brussels Carpet, 27 'riche' wide• in a variety of new patterns,
browns, greens., reds, erred and conventional patterns, suitable
for halls, parlors or any room. Made, laid and lined at per
yard' 904 $1,(10, =1.10 and $1.25
Kxtra heavy pile and new, neat patterns, specially priced. at per
pis d
50c. 85c, 75c
Thirty -sin inches wide and reversible. At per yard, 33c. 40c, 50c
3x2i,Sz8b3x4.Six4, Si z41yards, atEWA, $8.UO. $10.00.91200.
$18.0U, $18.00, $EE•00, $30.00, $85,00 and $50.00.
Two, three. four yards wide, in a large showing of new pattern&
At per square yarJ.. 40e, 45c, 50c, 110t• and 81k-
In 1. 1}, le. 2, 8; yards wide. At per quare yard. ..;itic and 35c
Nottingham Laos Curtains, at per pair. Esc, 50c, 76c, $1, $1.50. $2
Swiss Curtains. IG8.E5, 44,00, $5 0Ui $8.00, $7.00
Brussels Curtains..- ga,00, $4.00. $7.00
Butterlck Patterns. Everything slaw foe May now on sale.
to introduce the
improved resid ens
division of
This projerty is endorsed by the City Council and Board of
Trade. Building contracts have already been let by many local
The property is high rand dry, beautifully situated, well im-
proved, sold at reasr;nahie prices and terms, under a non -forfeit of
payment contract.
This is an exceptional opportunity for reliable and active
salesmen to get in line with one of the strongest and most depend-
able companies in Western Caned*.
Application must be accompanied by three local references.
Address communications :o the
Canadian City & T.pwn Properties, Limited
284, Portage Avenue, Wiimpeg, Manitoba
AT $15
At this popular price, on Saturday,
we will offer such a fine range of navy
blue worsteds, serges and fancy wor-
steds in the newest shades, as ought
to interest all who want a real good suit
at a moderate price. Mind you, they are
not all regular $1 s.00 suits, but suits
that are worth more money put in at
phis price to make Saturday a big cloth-
ing day. This is your opportunity—be
sure and take advantage of it. Come
early and get the best selection.
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