HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-25, Page 1010 T uaua v, Aran. 26, b1!
att. ors o
Osrwcr NEWS.
(k1(. NEWTON, DENTIST, 1 i F
JJ Luutuur. has earedosQi4e
paste lead win twooatca
orth • la maws
aention W tie boas slick oal. when
bo sill be [cried every ear. eariers medi-
▪ b atar Ta rioessiVirrrer ptide at Uara Pawl;
new aawU tss�d ).b k. aaad msalots will be
g lees bat b.r amount^ tuff tat do cease.
THURSDAY. April 26th.
RUMS CLU Is. At tbe%10`yerd range
last week, the following scores were
made out of a possible 70: J. Jobawn
62. H. Bellamy 61, R. Luber 61, C.
Elliott f10. T. U. Allen ti), J. CampbellSY, B. J. Crawford 5D, H. Rives 42, M.
Glenn :H. S. Medd 27,
E. L.Orricgtts.-Tbeannual elect ion
of Epworth League officers was held
last week, the result being as follow*:
Praddent, the pastor : vice-preaidena,
Mie. Celia Pentiend, Pim Nettie
S foul, ]lie Annie Pentland rod J.
Killough : secretary, H. liellarey ;
treasurer, Bert Rivers: organist, )lbw
Ida Whyard.
Barge Meet ION. -Mase. Poynter re-
turned to Toronto on Wednesday.
.Mrs. W. McCounell, of Kincar-
dine, is visiting relatives and friends
in Dungannon mod vicinity Mrs.
L. A. Painter is visiting hie mother at
St. Marys.... .. W ben in l:odeeicb
this week D.. Cres tailed on Harry
Morris, will is confined to his bedjwith
fever. David Sproul and daugh-
ter Miss Rebiue attended the !uncoil
et the late Mr.. Jos. Wilson at Gode-
rich mil oesdey... .. Rev. Mr. Tre-
leaven, of Lucknow, preached in Er-
ekloe church last Sunday.... .A tem-
porary footbridge has been erected
below Disbet's mill. It it expected
that the township will replace the
"shaky bridge" before lung In-
duction eervice.4 are being held in the
Pres&ytetian church today But-
ter Wag '-1' 4 cents + pound ou Saturday
but haa since dropped to rte. Eggs
are 20 cents per dozen... Mrs. Thus.
Stothers, Mrs. N. F. Whyard and Mrs,
J. Johnson. of Dungannon, and Mrs.
Maize, of Crewe, have hero appointed
delegates to the annual W. M. 8. son -
eviller) at (ioderich next week
The first batch of butter for this season
was verde at the rover Valley Cream-
ery today. Barney Benioger is again
in charge and prospects ere good for a
busy season. The remains of Miss
Cameron, of St. Helene, who died oo
Tuesday, were interred in Duugo:mon
cemetery this afternoon Mis
Beatrice Bradford. of Godericb, has
been taken to tie children's hospital al
Toronto for treatment-
T mDAT, April 519rd.
Robert Ritchie Is makingpara-
tions to build a new harm tbis sum-
mer. Mr. Stewart. of Luckoow, hal
the contract.
Ba roc-Hoaaat.-The marriage of
Mims Margaret Hogan, youngest
daughter of Mr. sod Mrs. LVW.
Hogan. to John Brady. of titratbroy,
took plate on Wedo.aday morning,
April 17th, et St. Joseph's church.
Kingsbridge. new. Father Janes
man of Merlin, brother of the bride.
perTorw-c1 the crremooy. The bride
looted charming in a dress of pale
blue }ilk with treater overtire. Obis
was attended by Mime O Callahan, of
OirosakArbk!'sessessobiebroNSISSWieNe 'I
Baseball Goods
We die the sole agents for
Spaldioe's Bluebell Supplies, sod
by special arrangerneut we ire
in a position to sell them at the
same price as bold in the Units d
Spaldin 's Official Leagne.
recognized the world over as for
best Baseball made, fully guar-
anteed. reg. price $1.50, club
price 61.36.
Other Balla ranging in price
from 5c up to $1,01,,
Bimetai' Mitts and Grove's,
from 25c up to &LAO.
Baseball Bata, from 10c up to
Wall Paper
Another shipment of Wall
Paper just arrived, which com-
pletes our stock for this seaaor.
Paper ranges in price from 6c
per roll up to $1.60. Watch Dhow
window for sample•.
The C.Ioiial Bilk Store
'Phone 1011 Goderich
A NSW •nota Or
and ask the favor of quoting prices
to way buyers of thane geode.
MR. oLovER. who ger interna-
tional expenses* fa walla, work.
takes car. of the repel✓ baslasm
and guaranuee ail jo6.ua4ertakee
Operated 5,
The &rot Gasoline &vinte
and iacMiwry Contpkgiy
All Treessetlons rlftsit-rt.v ('ea,.
'Phone !4$
groom. w tousle doby Q'Itbe
groom war Mrirted by m.
brother of the bride. The
ccuple left on the afternoon train for
a triptu 1iameilton and Niagara. bbe
bride travelling in au Alice blas mit
with white hitt. Ou their return they
will reside on, the grooms farm near
Stratbroy. The young couple have
the beet wishes of their many Mende
for a long nod prosperous wedded Ult.
The Huron sod Bruce Old Boys' and
Okla' Association of Detroit is a live
organization. IN secood annual herr
quet was held on Tuesday eve:dog
April 9tb, when about W people were
present. A ►dendid eu wM served,
nod aerwardmn
s speeches were given
by a number of prominent member✓
of the Aseo^iation, among wbomlare
counted many of Detroit's well.knowa
business and professional men. Tbr
Association will be largely represented
at the Kincardine "home week" gsti-
erfng in Jury. ft has chartered a
•pedal train for the occasion.
May Ist
Aftcrpooa sad Evening
Balmoral Cafe
The ealuioral Cate bre soared the eonsauasy tar Goderieb and district .t the Toronto
City Dalry. sad will he p etrve its page wttl► ler Orwt fromiiia hoot. Dairy.
<)rdeee takes for City pally tae Omar In bulk or br{ehr. be metre Savors, Water Iele,.te.
l'he euperior quality of Tomato:pity Dairy pendent* is known Sed s.koow1sed�ed wbsre-
1'4q ail made iron parent mess ender the a.aK sdestlfa ani (tsttar oondtiome y n ee
the RIs.. asci W best i. nose too good for the people of tiodeir . Price* will remain the
oast• as beratelos,.
Come in sad test the new lee there on Wednesday mist- Your favorite dish lm lee
Cream. Seethe or Soda will be made trout the City Dairy Cream. We believe you will like it
better taco maythiog you have ever bad in this line. -
Wt t..lri to thank the people at Ooderiob far arcking the past yes•'s bmyoess the beet
lm the hlebery of the Balmoral (Jefe. We hope to await a oontisuauos 01 16M getteaous
patronage aadein return we will give our easterners the beet goods and the beat service all the
Telephone orders promptly attended to. 'Phooe No. 04.
Each Customer
ole Opeals& Day
Will Receive
Saturday and Monday, April 27th and 29th
Here is a list of red-hot Specials to wind up a busy, busy April. Every one a real money -saver and good enough
to make it worth making a special effort to get here Saturday and Monday. We are endeavoring to make these Month -
E nd Sale Days true Economy Events, and you will be well repaid for reading every item on this list.
200 yards of Scrim
per yard 1 l
Two hundred yards Cur-
tain Scrim. neat striped
effects, 96 inches wide, ecru
or white. Special for 1 1 C
Sale Days, per yard-
Bungaiew Nets 2Sc
Four p:uertu new Bunga-
low Neta, one of the most
popular and moat artistic
Curtain • materials shown
this season, either white or
Arab shades, 96 inches to 45
niche* wide. Special 2Sc
for Sale Days, per yard
A Clearance of
l`tadras Rempants
Fifteen or twenty short
lengths fancy Madras Cur-
tain matefials, lengths run-
ning from 14 to 6 yards and
nearly, all shades are repre-
sented, regular prices from
96c to 66c. We win clear.
these out Saturday sad
ypDecided Reductions
White Skirts 51.08
Ladies' white cotton'
Underskirts, good quality
Eoglirh cotton with wide
frill of lace and insertion.
Very special each $1
Fancy Colored
Madras 39c
Three ends only fancy
colored Madras in shades of
blue. green and tn.ean.
regular floc and 66, per yard.
Clealio Sale Days at 399
goer yard.... .. a74
Velvet Rug 59.50
()ne only English Velvet
Rug, size 3x8 yards. EeteJ
pattern, fed shades,
$16.00. Saturday or
day, selling at $930
Extra Large
Tapestry Rug 513.50
One only extra large •
Tapestry Rug, size 4'M
ysrda,ctern of a low
efft, regular erne
very much more. Saturday
or Monday we $13.50
offer it at... .
A flood
Brussels Rug 516.50
One only English Brussels
Rug, shades of brown esd
taus. floral patters. she 8 It 4
yards. ear o'er HMSO. Sat-
urday or WI nada QQ �/�
you can he. y it foe $i V.e1b/
Brussels Rug 513.50
Oar only Brueesis Rug,
wise 3e31 yards. prat .mall
pattern in r[reran
shade. Very y srcec {a( tor
fistnrdap or $13.50
)londey, only.
100 Waists at 98c
Just received another .h t dM,1
half -doses new and Debby eltrstt a
ralki.ed effeele, MOW'
quick million re have them he S dry sad
Monday, at °sly
223 Odd
tat01 se .[ tilos than we will glees w sale Ae b Tanat te Napkin awe de.
Thee will be prosi ea•W ati111e ben si era .ase pried very
much below the usher velar,
i Two Axminster Rugs
at 523.50
Two only geouine English
Axminster Rugs, heavy pile,
&badee of green, seamier, a
Rug that will stand no end
of hard usage, a very low
price fora Rug of this qual-
ity. Saturday or Monday
„each only $23.50
A Large
Axminster Rug 542.50
One only extra large seam-
less Axminster Rug size
81.4 yards. The quality
heavy, close pile, seamless
Fngish Azdinster that will
stand no end of hard wear.
Fawn ground with neat
small floral pattern, regular
•60.00, Saturday or Monday
you can buy it $42.50
More Drawers at 25c
Fifty pairs ladies white
cotton Drawers. made trom
extra quality Kentish cotton,
wide ruffle of tucking and
cambric frilling. Children's
sizes came price. Saturday
and Monday per.2g;^
pair J�.
New Navy or
Black Serge. 51.20
Thirty-five yards heavy
all -wool English Sem*, hard
worsted finish. made from
clean pure yarns. 64 inches
wide, regular $1.75, navy or
black only. Saturday
morning per $1.2o
yard .... ........
Children's •
Print Dresses $1.00
Children's fancy Print
Dresses, neat red and white
or blue and white ebeck,
trimmed with plain odor to
Src b sizes np to 10 yeas.
and Mooday escb $1.00
Ladies' h w
Clouse Dresses 51.45
Tweaty4ve boom Defuse*,
neat black and white checks
with trimming of plain
black. sizes 61 to 36. Satur-
e.eb.day aod Monday $1.45
Cushion Covers 15c
Seem only fan:). Japanese
Cushion Covers, splendid for
house or verandah use.
Nitro special Saturday i 5C
l isorolafr at osly
I Cushion Cords 15c
Tsienty•ftve only tansy
mercerized Cushion thirds
complete with tamest as-
sorted plain Men sad com-
binations. steadard 'Me
ElalnR, each torts y more- 15coety
A Special Clearance of Brussels
On Sale Days we want to make a clearance
of threelines of Brussels Carpets, patterns suitable
for parlors, sitting -rooms, etc., fawn or greed
ground, the quality is extra high grade, five
frame, and will stand no end of hard wear, just
three patterns to sell, regular $1.25, Satur-
day or Monday, per yard. $1.05
1 Large Flannelette Blankets $1.25 . '
Extra Large Flannelette Blankets, full 11/4..
size, heavy weight, white only. These are
standard $t.5o to $1.75 goods. Every pair
slightly imperfect but not in any way that will
. affect the weAr. A splendid bed covering for
Ithis time of year. Just 25 pairs to sell Satur-
day and Monday at per pair...... ...S1a25
---V-,-----e-:'-------..- -..--..--..--1,---------.--..- -r.-....0$
Gnat Schist ole Saturday sad Nasdaq
Between two and three hundred pairs of new
Lace Curtains, fresh from the English makers,
for Saturday and Monday selling. A big pur-
chase imported direct and just received as we
are writing this advertisement. For this reason
the printer will not wait for a list of prices, so it
is impossible for us to give it, but take our word
for it, if you have Lace Curtain buying to do this
Spring. it will pay you well to do it here Satur-
dayand Monday next. Every pair will be closely
priced and as they have beenbought very much
under usual values you can look for the biggest
kind of a Curtain Bargain on Sale Days.
Suitinp 59c
Abig desrssos of light ase dark Sultings for Saturday
and MsWoy. colors and weaves suitable for full suits or
separate skits, Thirty-two lesgtbs to be sold tries. Sols
Days, regular values asp to s1.i par yard. (7boiel of thm
satire let oommesdng Saturday moraine a'- per yard... 59c
Short Lengths $1.00 per yard
Mart LmftbsSetting, Tweeds sed Worsted
n maw et the Mahn M dome this serosa.
une ets
1; yes bon yarns. a lm hers SIMSIMbo 0.00.
Thears rnat Mit tater a heavy apnos'.��
selling. les d
Choti f 4 ee isrl.y ant Mday vi
A Special Showing of
Saturday we will show some late designs
in ladies' new Spring Coats. These are fresh
front the factory this week and the very latest
styles produced. You will not have a *ter
chalice to select your Spring Coat than from
this out of really choice garments. Prices
range from S1O.00 to S15.00
Extra Quality
Skirts 51.46
Ten only ladies' white
cotton Underskirts, fine
English cotton with 12 -inch
frill of tine tucking and Swim
embroidery, a really .seep -
Dorsal offer. 8p.ca1 Satur-
day and Monday $1.48
each only
Linen Centres to
Embroider 25c
New designs stamped
Linen Centres for embroid-
ery. rach centre 18 inches in
diameter, comprise le so-
velope with enough embreid-
etySpecial h to work. 'C�.
Parasols 79c �J�,
Thirty only I.diev' Pan -
sot., gioria silk top that will
not cut or fade, polished
wood bandies with atom
sasivating.. Saturday 79c
Parasols 51.08
Thirty-six of these to sell
�abgn silk Parasol&
f else y bandies, attractive
desigs'. meets( frame. Very
special Setiirdsy
morning each$i .08
Ladies' high tirade
Umbrellas 52.73
These are a epeeist pur-
• a large oflottmade wo
keep hie factory running
during the dull season. Thr
handles ire what be used on
much more expensive go. I..
The top is extra high grab•
and the from strong. Thl.
fe really an exceptional offer-
ing of bigb-class Umbrellas
at a moderate prior. Twenty-
four to sell Saturda morn -
leg at each ooiy...
Linen Damask 39c •
Ofte cid asyy half -bleached
Table Damasi, imported OUPIIIIIVOO direct from by
metier, clean. p r o p s r l y
wore• been that will stead
n e std of hard wear. Sat-,
today eaornlog, per 39„
Full -bleached Damask
Table Cloths 51.88
DanskTable Cloths. each
doff !l- ,weds long. ri eb
satllt- all re lima.
:ems $1.88
Long Silk Cloves 79c
Sat.eeaay morning we will
put as sea sae bombed
pales long ink (Moves is
�1wr. scorn asd white.
Each pair has double Sage r-
tyY asdty � beer beery
$1.06 to UAL This � igullir isiai ersh-- start the
canoed.. Tarr
nines, °" w' 79c
Croobar Embroidery 2St
geoles er _ ..1. !m-
widr, fins g oaf seat•
ma '•wt
we. Ot�61
M.. gy M Sag Mme /wyard 4i,n,
Crash Towelling 6c
Three ba.dred yards of
TowelUag: blue or red cheek,
liglass orplain creels Towel-
ng. Saturday morning L+�,
at per.yard Vl.
Children's Spring
Coats Reduced
Bight or nim abild.ee'.
Spring and Sarno.•✓ Donis,
navies, reds sad white
serve, very stylish Rule
ata each $3.se d Mox.38
8 Tailored Sults 57.75
nos may ladles' tailor-
asallealts, black or colors,
, trod oyM and good mane-
ffa;urday sod Monday
Special front oar reedy -ra-
west. deportment that a
=thonietringtor, $7.75
Ladles' Short
Coats $5.00 •
S.ves only iadifi spring
and Sommer Goats,fawn or
black, 21 to 30 inches long.
garments that have good
style and ars serviceable.
Special Saturday and Mon-
day, each 0.17.....$500
45 -inch Flouncing
Embroidery 69c
Here is an usdsst'tad
'p.elal 16yards tiressekeg
•Embroidery, oosef lielgild me
with matdei iwiy
worth 1.ib yys F•!d
Moeday as per yard.
Tweed for Coats $1.15
Two end. only Tweed
Closkieg. medium oblides of
grey, b polar this Demon.
all wool, b/ incbs wide.
Very special Saturday sad
Monday. par yard $i15
A Big Silk Special
Dress Silks 58c
This is a very nouaual
price for Silks of .telt qual-
ity. FloeMauunaMas MULL
seette � f
sodniosaY Mies blue. Very
nem. Meek
dal. Aattnday and 5Q
• Sadsy. per yard.
Ail -wool Panama Set
All -wool wide ate'
material fee amenias er
I. tae sod dnaik rue rely.
Itaaatnane sod Meedry
Odd Dram
Skirts $2.48
ROA sir leo odd Dress
weaeate see wide to
tweeds and heserta
as■rar up is SU
kV= may tw$2 A Q
40 -inch Baldish
Cambric 16c
bastaihel swim
�.lhta+r , • E
e/,i i w dal✓ NM sot
".m1." �°, '. 16c