The Signal, 1912-4-25, Page 9ts
!>pgaf1111a>r• Aneut M. 1V12 •
1st*** 41.91411.41.449019 4.44 +.6iit oint civ *Gies* ifti **itt:
The News of the District
$4,44,404.4.4454s44•4544444,4544•4546464t 45 4t 31/C IP 46414 *4546 44664
MonDAY, April iao&
Mr rod Mrr. A. Demme �as 1 taMA.smu4
evening. WOO in honor of
toor evening.
wici b.r Wn1 13etb. and
Ms wife. The (weans Tias spent in
gimes ani mono.
- mess Rank Murton aa/ Mks Rials
Keyes. of New Domed", biulswavielt-
i a thele sant. Mrs. A. Read men. at
Miss 1'Ia * Frew M home trim
w winter with
Aar oust. Mrs. IL ee*
Mrs P. Oa*IAtdir dam, was a
TM Mese e et Ales. Timeworn
t week.
Ei,t Flox7 at 0oderieb, was
g 0-6dR i,„., ttis&b eaRthb. Parr nae last
K lith'
ode by
to r.
tis, e
pet therm
ce it Out -
h bcttet
re Lowe
dye that
in selling
at node.
e Varnish '
have too
decided to
l9c, pine
en Jay-
s all Ord-
on Morale
our cboi1�
best -knows
It need the
high nand-
urilaY sag
1.1 be eta 47c,
▪ us oboe
weer. OilStoTIO
sit! q'
gge rod
g pat rod
b r. HELEN&
MONDAY, April lith.
yCHOOL Rgeowr. --Report at 8. 8.
No 3, West Wawaeoab. for the month
of March. These tamed • to be pro-
wled after Eateprr 5th A -Lona
a .s.-CI*R Murray.sth B 4th
gr. - eUa Fit Lost rick. Lon !Ha-
mrick, James Wilson. 4th Jr.-
Jnbnstoa. & _m Camerae.
Gormley Thompson. Markey Johnatom.
Alton Durnin. send 8r. - Johnny ar-
rineton'. Johnny Oranston". Tommy
Weis:ee•, Ruth Fowler', Alice
$myth.'. 3rd Jr. -Annie Cornin*,
undo ed Fitspatridts. Harvey Web-
ster*. W i1l'e Thompson", Jiro Durntn•.
4 Sr. -Katie Fowler, Joe Thomp-
son, Harry Mamie. tad Jr. --Barth
Pe don, Lorne Durnin. PL II.-WiI-
bet termini', Willie Cra..fnsi', John
A. Thompson', Mary Johoeton*.
Hutch. Webster. Edna Fowler. Clay-
ton Smythe. Pt. I. -Linde Wtlwm,
Sheer Purdoo Mots shoat for Reenter
pert of month ). E. 8. 1Ctf ism,
Mornay, April 21btd.
D ru or DUacsly T O auai..-
Fnflowing a stroke of parabolic with.
'Mich be was striae, twelve days
previterey. Dnna011 T'he,Murm was
trolled to his reward on Friday, 12th
inst. The doomed woo been io Gods
'vie!•tzty years w Whim he grew
to anbood be followed Sarniog as en
occupation end had beem_i resident al
Ashield for »env yso u, He was,
married twice, his first wile Wog Miss'
Susan Hefter, of Consomme. wbo panned
away ahnnt nine years tura. kava&*
three GODS. Williams. Victor sod
T1rtmas. Me. 'Iborbern married
again. bit second wife being Mrs.
McGill. who survives him. The sob
3eet of was a kindly man
arrd,,L tho petiapierdid rcneighbor. mar .ready
to de a gond tura to these
amiGcea�unr.. $a wan a member
.11took' >?bhrb
cemetery and was attended.
The anises were • at
C. Y. Rotberford, who
the paw by Rev. J. •
former pastor. The pOltwertra were
Th•+•. Jnhnshnstnw. Jags. !liar. 8. Brown.
M. McDonald, H. Ferguson and J. Mc-
Mo1in*T. April /Sod.
• Humphrey Molt Idiom perm was
destroyed last fall, idt oral prepare -
tions to evert a now one t1$i so
Fled Gihir. Williams Qr1 tbs. Louie
Nolte .tend WiUata Lee lits last week
for tb. W.
W. M. ft. Or►tenss-Tea W.mae'e
Wisulone•v 8neiety d tin IR,
.birch .t Le,Aerlte/d hem
the ?ngnwin,. utiles,' far the eotalttg
ver : Provident. Mrs. (Ran.) Orrr-
bast: vice•i»oaident. Mew mail tithe -
mow. 8,.. Coiling= : rhe=dull thaw
Mar. Mery Eroselen : orregsflosildisir
•avert -n. hero. Hropdee aa/erfwtna- of .tote natie'ivies. Mrs. Tent -
Ifs: rnxtnir►. Melee Vi.tdes
news Renews. - Rm. Joseph
9ereets haus meted her fano to Havri-
atm Lvnn kW • year.... R. J. Millers
Mem. farm no the and oorreeestm e
Iwo item lotted by Artkar and James
Ree. Aflame _ ikon and soother
]avern, Dila have reote& Mr. WNW,
1Mhere farm on NMI* Mnetn/an.
Seth pt.ew win M imeh lielt/a•�!
.AethowTyndall lag ramtsa L.
l0i.i.hst's fleet of 100 senm newt to
irb own .nd will nen tt !.Moly M a
ream term. This *isms Mr. Tyndall
The Quest et the Pekes.
The cewtmee►M nnt. yet twelve near,
not. ►"rt st ha. Iwns,ybt woodmen
thaaew N., netnelw•1 point or p'rt
ef the earth'. .arise. rewt*IM Doer wm-
The Owen ow
P4.v has move an end. atbtr
tatw► these hnnd.rd omits d t tries
't"attt -n.1 the loss o1 many. itis"
n^•• Two veasw nen 'e
t1"1"m pi ••• re of liefatlren v w° "0"11
*y Oe.vtot'. moo seems els. tilwta.I.
A ►,w► olior 7vnpgNu lied envied'
1"'•'m• then. uefh the est. arrear w
WAbe. TT-.. ware Were that. ate:
v;w4ea Ari.,.
a. made Penalltf
2" 4.. t .,.a flight.. Wel
a-•• ASA fA«wd Waft* M
etnty, tae liortien wave.. tianwoni
ntt..w..,r hie (.fever. end tntall1-
e1""'.'`erre to .tree n,., lone
'seem. M. et -stet, .eitatlew. w•W'°1
A. ,n,' of ..Torre enwtwtww
M ",•h.T Aave, wonh* leve Iwo
emits baa .erew.-nsered thew.
t 'Mem. on flat i.'4 vM w nnie►lv w..A0 note.
*Nord the .rwutltba'• ref
.t •ferry•.•. hoe.. if Moo tow of
e.r....t tete .ave pent., wake m'
'•• 1... , avh►e i•• mono$ w wvndd
14.. 1"+IIMw hint so hle saws♦•.
mr,.ot.,t ..„I shekels. We are• nwty aI
beew..tfv, •4 • •eo►ew.Aer. •,t& ar
Tt 6e nente ekto Oto hen moed ten
". It
ht. owed.* rewffm,iv woke Me a
0.....set • teveletvl veers hens. wen
net welt New o.e o up ewe" w. WM "'
ntathti ly anbtwla/1,--Apfel Qrt.dda
MO$DA Y. April 'Sind.
Miss F. Melee& has radioed her
peskiest as onsite. is Lucknow public
Loekaow Lodge. I. 0. 0. F.. will
attend divine service at Be. Paters
(ilman) ebureb cm Woodsy morning.
R Jobaoto* is boas from Winnipeg
tome another, who was
la a rwsaway molders. He
w likely stay for two or three
TUODAT., April =rd.
Noris -Matt le Chambers left here
this week for Oweipb, where the in-
tends remsiatng for some time. .
Mrs. (Dr.) Sloops= and Aster. Miss
Ms��r(� Macleod. paid a dying visit to
. L:calneW, o o $turd. T he
aootbly meeting of Use Wowee's In•
etitut. will be b. d at Mtn_ N. McDon-
ald's. Kintall. Th.rsday of next week
at 2410 p. t1t. As this h tbe annual
meeting a full attendees) in requested.
Mies Flora MacDonald is weal_
img the funeral of her cousin in Ham-
Oton this week and imtendu visiting
friends in Turooto before her return.
womod"1i ,ts, `ti.w01 weyltaerlr, bat
lee IS tow see overt Pry
Moanoe. April 21.nd.
MacAuley Dolled on Mende bate last
week . ...Joe Doyle bee purchased a
lima new horse Mr. Girths was
down the hound.ry last week getMog
subsi:riben for the 'phone. Asa num-
ber in Lnch&1b are taking it be in-
tends dividing this line between
Cook's and Martin's .... Isaac Ensign
M grew ly improving the appearance
of bis farm by replacing Use board
fence along the road by a wire one.
1 few of our youthg people went
sucker-Orbiug .ane evening last week
and were foot/mate enough to recnre
over • hundred Mix Macintosh
is paring • abort visit to hit son Hugh
before leaving no an extended trip
throttth Weete.n Canada and United
States Mite Margaret Murray
visited friend., on the twelfth last
week.... Mie thelia Towle arrived
Mouse from Patio on tl•torday
We +tre plwsed to hear that Kelw
MacNay b steadily impfovimg in
sloe Reward, sloO.
The reader. of tbt. paper wilt be pleaded to
Om Ober. 1. at lead ane deadest
Dist tsYeee bee baso &Alto we is all
and Not is eaiarr . .
Co. the eels sedgy. cute taw kaswn
W Meitrs'fraternity. (.fart• baits •err -
atitetiiaai d1. rime modals •
taeatmeet. Ser. Cabarrk (TIM le
t*. me�
pd �s�.di spas the
asw.tltas .er1Mt teteartib
a� ▪ jos• the
lee Wed
work. The pn, fs aredt 6I1 h
Re ears" ata pewwv that Om, Gar ems hent7ss.
debar+ 1.4.I.'.at Ord t 61Y be ears gad
tar 1146 to tor
p�Ayadgg��ln. r. 3. cirri= a CO.. Tone. 0.
by anonia Teo
?M.dere tier esmatlsatl.m-
"This ill weather just wits Brava.•
"Shciag a lotion for ....las ant
glimpse the bill anisette will brook
"Osseo .gain"
Tlraok1ag Lar frusta fres eat et
Iowa 1"
alto. Idle wits is afraid et the slip-
pier streets and hasn't beam bargain
Wining feet a week-"
Its Med Peed the.
nae," .ale the aid palinodes.
'mss Iiia price. Deni tel men.
Ravaaft 1 Wena en the ladder
new, I *Waal be quite .o lodge
OM' peesseid the tee who had nen
w brise mere Shu fear made from�.".�tow'Thom must be some tow ND
'Perhaps, bat I have agree ale
alas. 1ty sd nes le that ovary
tau has W ghee, aid Pith & m a d
hma it le berpta day."
Net Adaphble.
"Toa pan 1 am here the bad VOW
hat mama beck. ..delmsl the air -
"Ent Mme Is the plat et dfeeesee."
mid the su[arer.
"Yee are too tat to be dropped IMM
welt Mitred.
"And se she Y • crams with a
"That Y what they My."
"lhE, the am she married has p•f
lase. Sir ea:bey "
"Thee. The family .1bsi.e.e eta be
Cows Per ComoretellationC-...
'Teem Mating in the earthing P••0a
t hear"
"Iles 1 leek • rue up."
"All high?
"'omit last. 1 'remelt dot."
M Me Med Me figs.
"Fortig •ti the Med .fain deaiS? -
"'!wont Y the atheism■r
lig Ole 11.111111011eglediy
Mere le the 8..tpe Per it M AM Ise
sawtNel Siwtpileitya
Beery oaoe in awhile, sod parties-
lerty es the day after a Robert Barns
anniversary o.Nbratioa. tbe wimps -
pith publish npoeta of gatherings ale
Maiquets of Sootchaem in which the
mane "haggis" occupies a pnamin.M
place e& the ansu. Them a few coul-
ees stub& persons who de mot know
1ageln: "Haggis? What is haggis?'
The Mowers vary frogs a klad of
Scotch cat coke to hot &Tieka Nobody
ever .tress quite sero what haggis
really is. One bears vaguely troop
guests at Seoteb banquets that it Is a
fearsome dish. There 1s a story et
the elderly gentleman of rickety di-
gestive who. taking off his ovoeeemt L
a !rind's house and smelling haggis
L peeparatloa. remarks&, 'Mb. bot l'll
be bad the morn" The pOssibitty at
retnsiag this alae apparently thew
dawned upon him, and in a sturdy sort
of Lisboa when one L bangry the
recipe certainly sounds as though the
compound might be fascinating. LW*
la the recipe:
A pound each of liver. onions, trips.
suet and cooked pearl barley and half
• pound of oatmeal, with salt and
pepper. are put lute • sheep's pau ek
arta slowly boiled for four boors that
L ell in its beautiful simplicity. A
Prencb cbef in a stuffy kttcben might
faint et the recipe, but a hungry
Scotchmaa thinks it U the finest dials
um meta -New lurk World.
The Historian Mad Hie Own Way ed
Fencing Mimatf M Werk.
Rollo Ogden in his btognpby of Wil-
liam H. Prescott. the historian, cites
many passages from the diary show-
ing Prescott's habit of flogging him-
self to his work by making wsgean
with his secretaries that he would
complete a given task by a certain
day. the odds always heavily against
"Prescott always took this betting
os his own industry with perfect se-
riousness. Sometimes he would rmdi-
•nU7 Brest his secretary with: 'Teo
have lost. Too owe mea dollar.' And
he would exact payment Occasional-
ly be wood. with wo.begeae roast.'
Baan, produce and pay over to the
gelibetleg akeetary the PO OP PPO he
Memel! ked lest." One elaborately
me& a.meraadum wttneeme that a
bet of i1 to $50 had been made "be-
tween B. B. Otis and WUI1ao H. Pres-
r.rcott. Seq . the latter bettlag aro that
be will write 100 pages of bb 'Rfsb.ry
of Peru' in 100 days"
The document is missed William E.
Prescott and Edmund B. Otis. but the
latter nobbles the following: "t pem-
1.e os my boner as • genUemaa use
to release Mr. Prescott from any ter-
tetture that may incur except in each
cure as are provided for is the ow
tract this contract being made at 1b
!main for itis own a.coaaodaties
Almost Toe MusD
Along the long. low country read
tramped a man and his wife. The bah
tar, a tali. mast female, wag MEAN
the musk little thetas, of bar sorrows
who trudged Jest ahead of bat with
retestaat Asha dobdenb the wawa.
tuning. maw a troll racing madly down
the road bound them. She q.$ekl7
.megit rifts* in the brigs, bat her
esespaatm, comeloth ray of his woes
want meekly forward. The ball caugM
him up and emit this spinning into a
middy ditch before it raced forward
ea lamed was.
As the taw Yoking object crawid
from 1b watery resting place he .awe
W moat wife coming toward him.
At the eight of be what teaser he
had b his po.eesalos rota
"gee. Maria, tf-if you kit me agile
ISD t1at: yen'U make m•-.n-dows-
rigbt mad, mo 1 warn y.P'-,Tzcheage.
tarty Rapld Temwtt.
Corinaal Wolsey Mol net Um b am
aga d rapid tr.Lt. but be method it
for kiaslf. 13b capacity for raphe
travel was • valuable aid In carving
vet • caner. Wolsey is said to hove
Seel woe royal favor in this way. Ho
was Margin with • mirage tram
Rimy VII. M the Room.. Mazheilles
M the Low Countries sad fart halm
M the aftmwoea. Be went by twat M
0revero&d. by bares to Dover. thew
by beat again to Calais ■.d be was
with the tap•ror the following even-
ing sad back to the king to Mfg west
two day from the time of tt ai8ag.
Alt Brehm tang Ago
A Lakewood lady paid s call on ea
gest Qrvelaad woman the other day.
Alter aS the meet' comdlmsets bed
been paid the t.kewood lady resin-
!. "1 have sone lovely shins that be
imaged to my oaceters."
"Hew mice." amsirered t1. other. "1
baves't a bit."
-Mil that tee tad/ You know. we
e re ey oil fatally. sad"-
-Yee est. all •newton W kept sem-
Timm wasn't soy answer to the roo
ply sad he bepllcatlos.-L3.vWad
Pleb Desist
"(Me on the greatest .vile 11 11111•
gilt the elderly woman. "1. Pr.tomM
"7 Melt ea too." replied the yarns
n medo! woman '1 chart ells EMI
sense et potent off your sldlen �!
Meer agatrw_n moi yes ate side
Steeple tabuns That Keep CiMien
Prem Palling hos Thew.
The Daft peanut Bees with cenale
ale ha
sheat hies and reaai his meteor
by way a drawbridge, Perhaps It
Is in the blood of time DOM child. says
a writer la Leedom 1L A. P.. not te 55*
Into a canal At a0 evade the Daish
mother steer appears to eat/0mM
inch a pwsdbltlty.
Ons eta Imag - the ammo* Nag -
Mab or American mother Myles M
beteg Mt a Wady 1a • bees
M by meals. She weal& never have
a mesesat'P peace until the children
were 1a bed. But then the mere sight
st s easel to the Magnin chile mg -
piste thedelights of a •odds& and ow
•xp•sied bath.
A0 L' rglishema isgahM of a Da01A-
womae, "Dom • Cobh UM ever b7
say chane fall into a meal r
Kms." obi replied. "mass have bees
"Don't you do Anything Lor it?" ems
Sneed the questioner.
"Oh. yens." she answers& "We haat
them cwt again"
"Bat what 1 masa it." explained the
Englishman. "don't yea do anythtsg
to prevent their Lalling in --to save
them from falling to mutat"
"Yee," she answered; -we spank
The One In Which Henry of Navarre
Wes Assaeeinaesd
As regard. the Itbter7 of coaches in
Prance. Rotary 1V. was emancipated to
1610. Soon after his death some en-
gravings were publlatd representing
him being murdered to his carriage by
Revalllac. 1t is from those that we
get a fair idea of Lire coeds.-
oachesThey are simply square bots, meu-
orlPg by scale six feet to length b7
three and a half feet in width. on four
wbeels of the same diameter. without
any spring or straps and seating atz
persona 1n all -namely. two with their
backs to the bosses. two facing them
sad two mots, one on each side of the
two "hosts" et the side. Tach vehicle
bad a root resting on light columns and
curtains to draw or to let down.
Me agnea well *Ra the recdes&
seaman vet the incident. accordlgg to
one vends• et which Henry rode Is as
open carriage. and accordtag to anoth-
er that 1* roan as the fatal blow was
delivered by the amaaeia the Idnta at-
vtendant who rode with hien la tie car-
xtmage drew the curtains and biding the
klag from public view. sawred the en-
raged people that be was only wound -
et -Longo. Notes and Queries
The Minver OaMnemete►.
Some tateresting tats are told of
Lord Kelvin's discoveries and bow the
ideas of them came to 1tle Welek Riled.
Per instance. this is gall to have been
the way in 'Men he funnd'bsridrror
gatvawmetr: He was punting over
the difficulty ori perfecting the ordinary
telegraphic apparatus maid ea over-
head wires. *11151 Wee ort suited for
the vatyleg current plating along ea-
ting,. The lagging of the enteric ~-
rents bad the effete at making them
Ma together ate nae bottom a amour.
with aerfaes rlppIs *11151 cssreapesI
M the separate idiom's of thi memos.
The problem was hew to besot •
means of interpreting clearly and sen-
t/ all the !.Meats fluctuations. One
day Lord Rdela's eyeglass toll off and
swung in front of the magnet redact-
ing Sts movesm&ts. and lngtsatly the
14 vet the mirror oogo*sted noel- Be
• standee has bad a direct effect m
An Ovst.► on Oratory.
W. Bourke °olkrae was dIseuseing
oratory gem at a Maas'.
• l'bs swam style a< ovaries." he
Bald. "b plats. direct and !opo The
old futlione4 flowery oratory. with its
Iran gaotatloss. so Wager la, lie
any am. Oat., 1n my early youth. 1
• quotatio• trots Yes& late
a speech. lestant17 • sinew! ksNdag
weekiaps•a b the audience shat.!:
'Translate. truadat.r
"So 1 complied. Whig. The trail•.
tis& L merely • lone osa'
"'Yee.' gale the wmefdogm•s. Iowa
but not telt' "-New Yost Prem.
Mathis Seeds is Lisboa.
&mood Lisbon are attain estra&on.
gs.eraily gateways of the ole walla.
At persons bringing citches& a
better er any other protect 11Ms
city for sle are topped at the glee
tad repaired to pay a tax p104.arlts!-
011 M the mime et thole ardent At
the depot all gamesome* on teeberlaa
as weal se throopb trade meat bays
t1Mr tags sed packages eza>allet ma/
pdy tor •ay wars they are bet1M11g
(lets the '-dry.
Thies P.ddieb.
-1 am afraid kirk Wapping M • Mr'
ao•0a•t." reworked Kra Pinner.
"Indeed!" Mid Ohre- Slunmeant wttb
s Sigh eievst en of mor ytiswwf.
-Poem meths take or .very the tad
-41st roam .Song.'-111rmini as Ag -
Leeklne Moot
Saw(bored.-lee,. 11r Letsbr; 1 ma
tweet 10vo 700 1 bnenr and
you. 1 am sure lee would Snake stew
mate; wusee e good bn.buod. Sd•--ice
welt-ee-Iwai rnu-.r-give ave • Iii
ter 412 rwvuumeodatlan to .Sty seat
*Wald -Tee deeof said tit 1 uses
' t$Rsteere 011111 trete fever �ewlol .
-Seem were die 1e Marry* lee fon
ssttery N his Mut-New tort Penn..
Ae *es 4.fssa0n songs 10 it W
ewe itlBitr W When the Mem mere
Mee M 111111116 --
TE 011.11B1
Wade Strong by Vinol
"1 wish 1 000ld lad000 every moth-
er whew a delimit., sickly c11& to
tri liar *Miaow cod liver iron Coate.
it restored our littio daughter to
health sad etreagtk atter everythhii
else had tall.!. It tastes so good eke
loved to take it -not a hit of nod liver
oil faits. -Mrs. C. W. Beall* Canton.
Ohio "
The reason Thiel is so moeoesful
in betiding up Pas7. &awafe, allies
children, 1e because tt is a ambles -
don of the two mea worletaued tee-
eathe--the meanies! lo$10 sting ego
meats et ood liver oE, aided by the
blosd•nakiig and .t loot!! ereattag
properties et tonic Irra.
It we enc Woe* yes to try • bottle
of Vigil as a body-builder and
simnel -creator for your child. and
you do sot tad it is all we claim. we
wi11 return your money on demand.
H.C. Dunlop Druggist, Guderich, Ont
One always thinks there ie a lot of
mows 10 be made in any kind of busi-
ness that be isn't in.
Brophey Bros
The i.eadfeE
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Order) carefully attended to,
at ail hours, night ur day.
Empire and
Good Cheer
By purchasing either
of these types of stoves
you secure an ideal cook-
ing range.
Come in and see them.
PI umbing, Heating. Electric
Fixtures and Metal Work
Hamilton Street - (3oderich
The undersigned will pay
kinds lot goocashd
• livered at our m1:0 1,
north of MacEwan's Cl
and general mill work done
promptly end at reasonable
For prices and particulars
inquire at utllce.
Lumber & Milling Co.
Stu rdy' s
Sturdy & Co.
The &.gree 1l& the Squame
Pyu,00 •1
Ready forSpiiqg
Qtr stook of Hat!a
HATS and CAPS 8 wear a wovens 11 nota.
1 and Kiag Oooru. V.
Christie. In the newest abapss and are or the best quality
sod are sure to give satia[astian. Wo .leo have • pood lin of
Cap suitable for wear in the early! spring.
You won't Dare to go without Gloves after you
see what we carry. A man • dram le tet comp./
without a suitable pair of gloves. i Wweihanweae tSemsei-Rp
that have a national reputation for their ex-
cellence in style Lod durability. You should call at Dore and
see the latest dictate, of fasblon.
The Square
Men's Outfitters
Hot Water Bottles
Every home should have a 1 -lot Water
Bottle, as it is the most useful article in
the home - especially when sickness
comes. We have them at all prices.
Call and see them at
'Thattn8re F. J. Butland's Godeoicb
==II =
Spring at Last
Wire Fencing
Thiel Spring we have souse exceptional velum iir ell No. 9
Coiled Spring titeel Wire Fencing. This Fencing is fully guar-
anteed. The wirers all made on open hearth, tbe same as rail-
way sails are made toddy. This insures an even temper and
strength. Wire made in the other Way is not even and no wire
is stronger than the weakest part, So by buying our Fence you
buy the treat..
6 wirer high. all Ho. 9 Wire, lie inebee high, per rod. 210
7 wires higb, ell No. 9 Wire, 40 inches bight per rod 23o
ti wires high, all No. 9 Wire, 47 inches high, per rod....... 2tio
No. 9 Coiled tiering Steel Wire at per 100 lbs 32.00
Land Plaster
Now is the time to put land plaster oo your meedowr. Those
we gold to last year said tbey noticed • big difference in their
crop. It draws the moisture and keep the roots moist during
the dry spell.
1)o you use a Fertilizer? We have a carload to arrive about
April 15th. This Fertilizer 1. used extensively by the National
Land & Fruit Packing Co. It is worth your while to look into
ibis Call and get a booklet which gives you the analysis, etc.
It Pays to Spray
Do you spray your orchard. ? If not, you should. We
handle the tipramotor Pumps and supplies.
Gasoline Engines
When labor is ea scarce you should have a Gasoline Engine
to do your pumping, churning, crushing.
ohoppint. etc. We
handle the International Harvester Co.'s Eneines. They all run
above their rated bone power and are very eootnonical in gasoline.
1 horsepower air-cooled engine for ... $55.00
. 2 horse -power air-cooled engine for...... $125.00
1 bcree-power hopper -cooled engine for. $50.00
2 born --power hopper -cooled amine for..
2 horse -power lemons watet•000led vertical engine for 1410.00
Oliver Plows
Whet shoot, your Plow thin Spring ? We carry the cele-
brated Oliver Plow, which is acknowledged to he the beet Plow
on the market today.
Chatham Wagons
Du you need a **goon? We have the Chatham Wagon.
Paints and Oils
Out stuck of wU14RWIN WiLLIAMM PAiNT war Decor
more oomplete.
General Hardware
Al usual you will And our stock of general and heavy Hard-
ware right up to date.
We have contra ted f•'r 3.000 barrels of National Portland
t'torrent. We con gneratrtee you the pries sod prompt delivery.
The National t'►mest is acknowledged by all to be the
hest Gement on the ntaeket.
Let no figure nn your plumbing. heatsesveetroushin`
electric wiring. All wont promptly atttiedd to sod tally
1:1 CHAS. C. LEE q
'Phones : Store 22, Clouse 112. N
= Iver =