HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-25, Page 7THE SIGNAL :GOER1CIi ONTARI �1 TuvaSDAT, APaU. >a 1912 a t4ws of District W' sogica" mutElliott,e lava toting tees rm ns. Clinton. has 4 Clinton. has Rose to T. app. where be will en- d bestows. Aa >�, d Moneridf. had bis y injured below the knee irs>lsIo mpg os lL imp W .te V. 8., of Wnsaki his vetatinary practice wb D . C. Cook. of Buffalo. Link abd Alga. bave ot John men the nein Daysbwood. nThe prism was 119.92L a[ his 100. Edgeworth%m near & C. Stokes has disposed to Joseph mesa of the same locality. The price was 85.8)0. W. J. Palmer haa mid his conceedon 1000 -acre firs •O • Grey w Joohhn Mitchell, who gets [°D W Ingham, J. Mehed his wl f feet frown last winter, �sedergone an operation and had when Miss Macy, youngest daughter t toss removed. of Yr, and Mrs, John Coulter, of ws. performed by Ban. C. K. Ruther- ford. Piga River. Mr. and lire. Far- geU win reside in Heron township. ♦ was solemnised in Doan serene, Church. Tomato, when Alva J. 11. Welker. formerly of Wileghlon. sad Kim Wive Chapman. of Mama Forest. salvo formerly of Wingheas, were gaited in matrimony. Rev. W. B. Caswell umciated. Mrs. A. 8. Fisher is dead at Denver at the sig al .event -.even years. The diseased same W (Minton when a bride and resided there until about twenty- five years age when she removed to the olorld ago, Mrs. R. E. Man ung, of Ulntoo, is a daughter. E. Zeller has purchased the intermits of his partner, F. J. Wickwire, in The Zurich Herald The Orediton Star and The D•shwooi Pioneer, .ed the Zurich and Crediton plants will he moved shortly under one roof. Mr. Wick- wire will oontinue to •mist in the management of the business. A quiet weddin`` wassolemnized in Toronto on W.dna.day. April 3rd, two w- -- lU. sad the. John T. Dickson. whq t the winter Toronto. iTuckersmith. seaIorth. for the summer. )gr.. John Devereux, of the Huron Seaforth, died ek) y of week after only w we was fifty-three years of age. !1s death of Oscar Wade at Ford - bat week removed a bright He was n full a much •nineteenth Tee Pryne flour mill at Beueseis has overhauled and new wachioery The capacity of the mill les Mao increased from seventy-five M 116 barrels. B.v. J. E. Councils, of 8L Joachim, x count formerly perish priest the French settlement at St. Joseph eleven years. died quite unexpectr y on April 7th. J. M. Best. of 8eaforth. has +old the wince farm in oicKillop to John witu own' the_ adf_ontng farm. paid was 80.►• Mr. Kerr oro X00 sena. Jem10 MHS, an old and well resident of the 1st line of /dor- ms summoned to the Great Be - on Sunday, April 14th. He was -two years of age. !t Wthe cd Walker has & Co.,hfurniture mien, at Brussels. The business now be ooeducted under the firm of Walker & Black. Miss Emma Oook, an English lady, ho bad bees a resident of Clinton Stapleton for only a few weds, ed on Tuesday of week atter few deyi illness of pneumonia- Mr. neumoniaMr. and Mrs. Geo. Moir and family, have resided in guitar and 'borne township for the last is Lave returned to ltiohigan aad make their home at TYY•eavers 7. Mr. and Mia William B. Elliott, of tealia, aesouace the eng3vgement their daughter. Katherinea 6d n•, to illiam Almada, Jenkins. of Lon - The sisaerisge will take place tly io Ills. lieorge. a piond Ton- to Tu- topawed away on y. 4th. He was seventy- years eft age of yand he a had n a was elty-two years oid. Spacial services were held in Knox web, Bluevale, last Sunday, in Doo - with the fifteenth anniversary the induction as of Re.. W Wert, M.A. On Monday evening an tame was given in the church re. A prett matrimonial event was in Wingbam on Wedhee- of last week, when Miss Ethel, ter of Mrs. McLaughlin, became beide of Frederick Davidson. D. Perrie was the officiating man. bakeman Rogers, of the L,H. & B. is off duty as the result of a pan- hiery received at Heiman when he ruck in the back by a baggage while examining bis train. Turner, of London, it re - him. Daniel Boxeres, a native of Hay ip. died on Thursdga6J April at the eite of death Came as the result of bnnjt u s. lr• received while felling a tree in the His widow and a family of five survive. home of Mn. Gsorlre Blair. clear re. was the scene of a pretty ng on Thursday, April 11th. herdaughter l� Susie, was Mrs. 8. Henry FaereJL Theson r. oseemooy W ingbam, was married to Leelle 8. Bannister, of Toronto. Rev. Dr. Kae- 011iivray performed the ceremony. W. J. Garside, of Brussels, removed last week to London, where be will re- side in tbe future. the choir of 8t. John's church in Reused. presented him with a purse of money prior to hie departure, as a slight recoguitroo of the tree sod faithful service he had rendered as a member of tbe choir. The Turnberry municipal oouocil h to pass a bylaw to issue debentures for twenty years at five per cent interest. The money will be expeoded darin, the coming year in the construction of three steel bridges over the Maitland River. The ratepayers of he town- ship will vote on the bylaw on June 7th. A wedding was solemnized at Trow- brideonWednesday, April 10th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fronde Coates, their daughter, Miss Christens E., be- ing united in marriage to Richard Johnston. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. I. A. McKelvey. Mr. sed Mrs. Johnston will reside on the tad concession of Elms. township. The Seaferth Sto04 Shsw. A successful horse sed °Mlle show was held at Seaforth on Tuesday Of last weak under the auspices of the &eaforth Agricultural 9octeti There was a fine display 01 horses, including sixty-four heavy bones and twenty- eight Light born., and the quality was excellent I6 pont of number. the show of bulls was rather disappoint- ing. Bo Ian's "Ibe ok Sb..p's Fold ;" EFF and Thomas L s • A Christian Spirit" A Ltt a Tragedy" is a rather remarkable sketch by 1[argaret i While the Louise Loudon. j and every other BOOST loos. simpers of this in these west - pg" week iu tot their whoa are the ple doing for latter cannot Real Estate Changes at Clinton. Several changes in real estate have taken place recently at Clintoo. Mr. Graaf of the Huron road. has pur- chased the residence of Jas. Hearn and will get possession shortly, J. A. Irwin bed bought a house from A. O. Pattison and Ere. Joshua Sherman has sold her oottage to Ben Cole. Ao- other transfer is that of a house and three lots owned by William Wheat- ley. Jacob Taylor be now the. owner. Tilt; KAT AllSalCAN MaoAZINL- Probably the most iniportant article la the May American aline is a complete and dispassionate aocouot of the great strike at Lawrence written by Bay Stannard Baker. Another important contribution is & statement of the relation. between Taft and Roosevelt contributed byWilliam Allen White, under the tite, "Should Oki Acquaintance Be Forgot?" Other article. are: "Freak Plays That Have Decided Baseball Championships," by Hugh 8. Fullerton ; •The New Stage- craft." by Walter Prichard Eaton "Le Follette's Autobiography," and "The Irreepooeible Woman and the Friendless Child," by Ida M. Tarbell. Notable among the piece. of .bort fic- tion in the number are: "Biinging the Yeas," by Kathleen Norris', author of "Mother" ; "HI. Upward 8tep," by Marion Hill. and -The Mao Wbo Knew Life," by Philip Curtiss, In the •'Ioteret.ting People" depart- ment there are two uouaual abort articles, one about N. C. Hanks, w eighties., armless lecturer who made a great success in the world atter one of the most horrible catastrophes that ever happened to a man. There i also an account o' James A. Durkin, the most famous office boy in the. world. In the office of • great Chi- cano daily he hu been fur years the universal encyclopedia, directory and autocrat. The story of Jimsnv Dur- kin is good, amusing reading NOT FOUND YET. The Cass of Kidney Disease Dodd's Kid- ney Pill Cannot Care Yet to Be Dis- covered. Paquetville, Gloucester Co., N. E. April 22od.-(Special.)-Mrs. Joseph Poirier, of this place, has voiced the sentiment of the people of this part of New Brunswick. "I believe," says firs. Poirier, "chat Dodd's Kidney Pills are the remedy for kidney disease, athat they will do all that is claimed for them. ''Kidney trouole bothered me for fifteen years, and 1 did not get any re- lief from the different medicines 1 tried. but was getting worse. Then I took Dodd'. Kidney Pills, seven boxes in all, and I am better now. The swelling is gone from m body in8 my feet. If it were cot for your Dodd'. Kidney Pills I would be in my grave.' The case of kidney disease that Dodd's Kidney Pills cannot cure bas yet to be discovered. Clo.RENT LITERATURE. MAY LIrPtNCOTTS,-The May issue of Lipplaicott's Magazine is both re- freshing and invigorating, well suited to the season of reviving energies. The complete novel (salient feature) 1s "Their Great Inheritance," w delight- ful story of Pennsylvania-Gernwn life. by Elsie 8ingma.ter, who has already made a same for herself aloog these lines with her clever short stones. The theme of 'Their Great tubed - tepee" has to do with a quarrel wf icb divides the inhabitenta of Raub's Station, an erstwhile placid and peace- ful little village, into two warring fac- tions. A relative of both Irides, long known ea a neer-do-weel, is reported by a newspaper to have died and lett a fortune to hi. kin. There is a great to-do in cotaequenoe, each side man- oeuvring to outwit the other. The story is often intensely funny, soma times pathetic, always entertaining. The climax is pretty sure to bring a lump into the reader's throat, end you're glad when the quarrel is patched up, for you much prefer to leave such really lovable folk happily situated. Among the sbot't fictions are Newman Flower's "The little Band in the Pines," s war story Norma Bright Carson's "From the Land of the Unborn," a sketch sug- gested by Maeterlinci'. "The Blue - Bird :" George Allan England's "Primavets." dealing with the spring of the year. sod of life : Matthew Baird's "The Bloomsbury.' trip," with Its lesson for Bridge -lovers; Daisy VanderbarL'. "The Unexpected Ex- press Package;' Richard J. Walshb Two Helves of a Check ;" Eugene ern counties are aad week out for several ooatmeai business men en the newspapers, to exist on words of Modest alone. The best booster a tower can have le the local paper and it should fairly rep- resent the enterprise of the place in which it is published * • ' Every business man for hL own and the general good should advertise regu- larly it the local Osiers, even if he takes only an inch 4 space. The lo- cal newspapers shoed be a business directory of the tows, Makes Bair Grow Dunlop has an invigorator that wilt grow hair or money back. Thr time to take tare of your hair is when you have hair to take care of. If your hair 1. getting thin. gradu- ally falling out. it ea000t he loug be - f ore the spot appears. The greet.st remedy to stop the hair from falling is Olivia, the Great American Hair Greyer, first discov- ered in England. "eslvia furnishes nourishment to tb hair roots and arta ,.o quickly at people are amazed. And remember, It destroy.. the dandruff germ. the little peri that saps the life that should go to the hair from the roots. Salvia i, toll by Dunlop the drug- gist under a positive guarantee to cure dandruff, stop fallicg hair and itching scalp in ten days or money back. A large bottle test. 50c. The word "Selvmi' ;L tin for sage) is on every bottle. His Choice. A celebrated Scottish divine, lately deceased, who had been ailing for some time, decided to consuls. Sir Thomas Fraser. After a cateful exam- ination Sir Tnornas pronounced his verdict, and addsid, "You must go to Algiers or some winter resort oo the Riviera." •'Impossible," said the ec- clesiastic, "I have too much work to get through." "Well," said Sir Thomas, "you must make' your choice. i It is --ah- either Algiers or -ab - heaven." "Dear me," said the patient, with • sigh ; "then I suppose 11 must be Algiers." A Better "West" at Horne. From The Farmers Advocate. • "They're off to the West," remarked a thrift' Ootario farmer ata railroad station the other day. nodding towards e little group of men, each with a new gray telescope. Anil then he added, reflecting cheerfully upon his own well - ordered homestead, "There's a better Northwest at home if they would only work it," But, what's the use of talking ? People will act the sheep. Twenty years ago, when economic conditions were bard in the East, and an empire of opportunity lay virgin on the Canadian prairie, youcould hardly drag renters or hired men out there with horses, and ,many who did go found their way timidly back East. But once the rush set in, a Western fever spread through people's veins. and now we see thousands upon thousands leaving the finest Prov- ince in the world to gamble oo wheat farming in the West. Many of them will make money for a time by increment in tbe value of their investment. but wait till the boom sub- sides and eooppomic conditions some to their level. Then they will 41 *1 themselves up against a complex situation, beset with weeds, insect.., crop diseases, transportation problems, and waning fertility, without the special adap- tability to clover- wing and mixed farming that makee restoration of fertility comparatively easy in the East. Just now the East, with all its improving opportunities, may not offer quite the same chances to get rich quickly that may be run across by lucky individuals in the West but sane people know that there are better things in life than getting rich. Anyone prising the chance to make a sure, comfortable kung, while gradually accumulating a competence, following a variegated and interesting system of agriculture which develops brain power and builds char- acter whilst rewarding toil, need look no further than &tst- ern Canada. Heel, we have a fine, steady, temperate climate, good water, good social and business advantages. and are mutated on the main line of continedital intercourse. Far-off fields look green, but, in point of fact, there is no better country under the sun than Eastern C.nada gen- eral, and Ontario in particular. Of course, thousileie will still continue to leave it in search of fresher else- where, and nothing that may be said or written 1 stop them. let them go. There will be enough leve{,besded persons left to hold the heritage the movers eo lightly 'for- sake. Meantime, we would say to those who think below the surface, get a title to a piece of good farm land. .The time is not far off when you or your. heirs, holding • few hundred scree of arable land, will be independently rich. Let the crowd drift. Be wise and bold fast. 4-. THE TITANIC -NOW AT THE BOTTOM OF THE ATLANTIC THE MARKET*. d Liverpool Wheat Futures CI Lower. Chkag. Irregular -Live Steck --Latest Quotations. CHICA00, April 1. -Alarming crop re porta from Nebraska brought abou rush of buying to -day In wheat. ttalwfa�lf( "ewe was contradicted. however, cartel closed irregular. varying lower to to .4c advance. Dorf wed net decline of Inc to %c. oat tlalaaed off to '4.c up, and prb♦LIoa1 'nachos • • pin of NO. Liverpool whist closed Kd to iftd lower n Rat corp ,lis ld lower. wheat 10c to Neo 49wet.�er- Ila %c higher, Budapest 3Xo Mgner• Winnipeg Options. Op. High. Low. Close. Clogs Wheat- j�p 110011� 1l00{{� 1�ra M- ab10.E lONib 146Eb 1Nx to -day. Satur. :WY , 47 May (teed No. 1) 41 ...„b a55iii Toronto Grain Market. Wkeat, fall. bushel i1 00 to 3.... Whist. `oose. bushel 036 .... Rye. bushel 0 36 .... Oats, bushel 0 36 Barley. bushel 0 r Barley, for teed 0 44 • l Peaa, bushel 116 Buckwheat. bushel 0 51 0.0 Toronto Dairy Market Butter, creamery, lb. rolls0 36 0 a Butter, creamery, solids 0 34 Butter. separator. dairy, Ib0 34 Butter, store lots 031 )Fags. new -bed 0 n i x Cheese. naw. 1 0 16ti 012 Honeycombs. lb 2 10 SO *honey, extracted. Ib 013 Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREA..I. April 22.-Busineas over the cable In lianitone spring wheat wail dull and bids out of line. ffere was a fair demand from exporters for oats for alJ-rail 'bipment, and some purchases 02 extra No. 1 feed were Made at Max, and No. 1 feed at 4.P4c, track. Manitoba tough feed wheat was offend at Wlic• track, but the demand was quiet. Export trade la flour was slow. and the domestic denims! was also off a 11tteie, but Ike to of the market L very ncm. Demand for bran and shorts is good. Rolled Voats quiet. Butte quiet, with lees tar+di lower. Cheese ull and Demand or nap good. Peovtaions fatrty active an firm. Cora-Amerloan No. 2 yellow. Sac- Gala--(]anadlaa western, No. 3. No• 50,No. 3, Ido; extra Ne. 1 feed, 11o; Nio. local whlte, No; No. I local white. 49c; Nle 4 local white. Ma Barley -Manitoba feed. Oho; malting, p.m to $1.0. Flour -Manitoba spring wheat Veto, 11.11; seconds. 16.30 strong bakers. Whiter patents, obolpe 1540 to 311.11; �tralght rollers. 34.09 to K14; do.. bapa p 15 to 33.56. Rolled oats.-Batreta• 16.36. bags. 10 Ibe.. p.31. ;{1n11n�[ a l e'J�is, shot { 07, reel- lZiay-N�po�ar JctiO Jxtsr ton. MAO la wt western& 140 to 1 cast cn}mery, Ile to Ir olaf�la tag; ota, HS to SLA CATTLE MARKET*. e T OCAL TREATMENT FOR WOIEN'S DISORDERS 'its health ee enjoy depends vett' bagels i.e.* nee the blood circulates In our b 4lrs. 1n (ober trued• It we have perfect clrculatlosews willwankbase perfect wank /1 There la a constant wearing out or the tissues In eery part of the body. The blood •owing tbrou`„ the Irina carries ufl this wast• or dead natter. while ter Idu."1 .,om.ng from the heart through the arteries Drtngs the fresh new thong tissue. the essence of ter hod we have digested. to replace what las been car - tied oft This eolatant wearing out aad expelling .f the dead natter and the replacing of It with weer mutter. atom by atom. gum en day and night. eat& in about 7 years a complete change has been elleela& Thus every man and woman has an entirely Meares* y In every particle of It from what he or she hag yeah before It sometimes happens, however, from a variety et causes. that the blood becomes congested la certala portio•, of the body. TOL means that the blood vee- Nte In them parts betotrr weakened. an4 the circu- lation In that recUon of the body tan (ousels\ sad stagnant. The coasequ•seca la that the dead mat- ter in that part el the bodyla Ie only .ti•0y e•erlel away and that but little the new. AIM smatter r Introduced there to build up and strengths• the tlesa.e and nerves. This condition Invariably salts In an was et fe- male 4lerdera. The Seal matter retained In ter cir- culation, which should have been eapdtled. causes Ir- rltatlea and lafi•am•Uen ce the delicate memberwae. and oppresses* the nerve osatres. This condition la the cause of the grievous phylcal and mental suffering which accompanies female troubles. To obtain relief 1t 4. evtdest that the first thing to be done is .o get rut of the dead matter which 1. l- ing bed m the elrolatfon. u this Geed matter I showed to remain there a specter of Mood Pe1..alaS will result and nature win • .dea'or to get rid oe It by forming utters. ttMIrsi Ma 'The above explanation will also show why ORANGE LILY Is so ■ucceesful In ':u:.e this condition. It is a local treateneet. •ell l applied direct to the affected • g+(1.. Its .urau'.e elements are abruoAed into t!• congested tissue, and from very .tart the dead matter abegmins to tie1 A feeling of immense set .,nth Mental and physical. p•� and "" Improvement l constant .,1 positive. This feature of the expam,ng 0l 1De dead matter la always present • a greater or Tess. extent, and In some Masa It Is es marked as to be amazing. .e . mar dee.•ribM in the following letter is sat .osp ssaal: Dr. t'ooulev-I am thankful to lira Y. Ll Corra4 your Canadian represent• - ..e, for no. health restored by your wonderful resaAy. I have suffered for 17 liars. but hot w bad until 3 years age• Then I hal a doctor, who told me 1 had tumor. and could live no more than a year. u I weal through •n operation I would not live through it. A year later I sent for him again, and he gave nus up Lo die. z, d It did me mu hdthen good. Ieat fee •noiter doctored wtthh him 3o or 4 months. utdan becamoperation. sobad again that I thought I could dye no longer, and I began to long to die. One day -:v husband came home and three* a slip of paper to me with Mrs. Currah's ad - 'roes and told me a ledy had advised him to write to bar for • treatment that #ould cure mea 1 said it was tee late, that I would die anyway. 1 could not lift teg. up without hurting me. Then the first doctor told me 1 was worse than ser. )icwrter. my husband sent for 9RANOE LILY, and the third treatment brought away one tumor. Others followed, until 7 tumors had been expelled. 3 large ones and 4 small onea I know if it had not been for ORANGE LILY I •• Id have died, for I could not live much !anger. I would have thought 1t cheap „nr hun.rred dollars for a month's treatment, insteadf one dollar. It Is worth . - weight In gold. -1188. GEO. LEWIS, Ont.rmlsslon. All letters received Ti. above letter 1s published with Mrs. Law& pe • treated as being sacredly confidential, but occasionally some patient feels se .tteful for being cured that she is willing to make the matter known for the boa - and encouragement of her suffering sisters. ORANGE LILY 1. a positive, mel- • .Hie remedy for all disorders d the ' .sial. functtoi s. As explained above •hcse troubles. are of loal origin, and :uire local treatment. It Is lust -.� se11114e to take medicine Internally femme troubles as It would be to irks medicine Internally for a bruise, . .*IOU ar an ulcerated tooth. In all 1',. se fivea some dead matter is be- retatned, and the cure is effected . employing local methods for ex- •,:ing tt.e dead natter ORANGE ..'.Y has antiseptic. soothing and "ling properties. read also tones up •t. ' blood vessels and arcs. ) ••m so anxious that every -•rl, vomrn 7:r.y satiety herself, without cost to her, that ORANGE LILT wl0 • „ J,at . 1. rely make the following FREE TRIAL OFFER M -rad 10'1 Mil charge. to every reader of this notice who ■urea-• fn en7 et y of lt:e troubles peculiar to women. If she will Bend me hercases thle address,; the ORANGE LILY treatment to last her ten days. 1'1 many •l .�j-',••,.ttrrent is .ell that l necessary to effect • complete core, and In every •-ame• It.51!11 Elco very potleesble relief. If you are a sufferer. you owe It is rd '.11 to year f.n,ijy .n4 to ynnr friends to lake advantage of this offer ,row rd • the , sour without doctors's K exposes of an AleressMRS.FRANCESE.CURRAH.Wisdom Ont Union Stock Yards. TORONTO, April 82.-Eeoeipte of live stock at the Union Yards were al oats. oompriaing 1836 cattle. X94 bop, bo eh4sep and 36 calves. Exporters, Coughlin &« (.o. bought 100 export` .terms gpr the ! 8. Company. averagfig 1113 s., at 37.3D Tart Ale ear Moln ah zAp tp bough`` amort grew• from John $hamburg ! ns. Ya - Port bulls at 111.111t. ors er.' 'esttie were In .0200 ���fff aa akarpprtes. ]test btaut }ass, instApCn f �i frmna 1 ba,upe;so tlL..o O nal from 000 1 to 3001to16.fb Down 050 to 16 .M.bto I2.a Milkers and Springers• bade in milkers and springers ramal} .al about the same, few bels on 51131 Prices paid a pre from OW to *0 each. Weal Calves, Naos apts of calves were light, w!* prices ranting from N to 18 per cwL Sheep and Lambs tots were 1111114421. with market twee, 11.10 13.50, y per cwt: ring lam . Hogs W. J. bled Jpg prices of nonan , at 111* WerK fedDaud wetereedunca. P.1IotaL}teaad)s 1Rtered. and 16.75 welshed off Montreal Live Stock. StooR,� AprU U. -At a noir k F aids beet end market 11. re- gtlp4 3opf Witgrrs a4for the weekee to b, Dia 3030 hoes a aWOO callvves.. Tee on the market this morning • were 130 cattle s0 .heap and lam hogs 000 calves. ((�� to the cgpnUnu•edd small of oatde novo [ ar4 the inolre�aJ pearclty of toad to 4q bice etoidt, end er prices of vers haves beep forced�0 ��1 thruout the eouittry. a much stronger resiting prevatlel to the market tbla morn - and. DIS engage a t i,. advancetten- l�famicc per 100 pounds. The •ttea- of buyers wee fair. and. as they W wanted some beef, the demand was :ably good, and supplies were ample to 1113 all Lnmediate requiremts. 15���1111111eee would not here beets the case Ifenthe p sae had all been 1n the market for Supplies. but some of them went to ttoo last week and bought several oat - which. they hated, looked ebeap to -der coomaret titrlth tine prices wiling foot. A few fail loses of steers wMgb- Mll to 1450D 17 Doeach ch sold t i1 lPeg ad There smaNpounds. to b 1 hs igh as 17.50 r.71 ere wax Ito further change In the c0adltlon of the kat for live Se tN5 Morning, thea being ample to fill •11 requirements. bu • fisting wag strong. and prlc.s were fully maintained at the ed•ance noted lawn Wednesday. The ase mead trona pa was gam. and as v t wa• n dont with ala of !p- lots at 0.40 to 3160 per 100 pounaa weighed off cars A weaker feeling prevailed to the mar- ket for calves, owing to the llberal eup- 451es colntng forward, and prises raise fewer, but at the decline the demand was geed. as the consumption of veal 111 1a- cnawlnC nelde'rsbty on aorount of . algb Inc.rcofor beet and pork. The trade00 h sheep and lambs was very Quist, ow to the small offering.. A few lambs sold •t from 13 to 0 each. nineties -sr cater, emit*, 3700 to 4710 t,, medium, 3d to 37; do., common- M is E; do., c ogee cows, N to 05 5; 6q. g��eMdttum, M.% to OM; de., bulls. Si is l.1; mUkera, eheice. eseh. 173 to t e: lbs. common ud m 2*m. eseh. 120 to 4*; sot•teaer., 345 to elf. Sheep ewes,to 31.11; body and euits. M 10 t. KM. Lames. 37.16 to r,M- Hogs. f.e.b . 0.45 te 0310, Qdves. 01.M l0 37. lest Buffalo Cattle Market SART RCPrALo, April 22. -Cattle -IBS - meets. 41111 head, market a. tire ser sereee. prime mews, Kai to IP, tin; .aI- s steers, 0f 1p *7.M. butt-' maiden. Et0 Vie. heifer.. 4.>i t,. 17, eewa .15 to IF 50: bull.. 13 t0 is. snitch Cuws, 1101 peeiagta, lin t•. fat. @beep ase Lamer -.Har 1pts Male head. rn•rket .011,.. fc b Ze ?Allied rhoire Nipped lambs. 11.10 to 97 et wool Jamba. 37 te KN. esti to fair, 31 to T15. 5ON taaba. R is KN cull to fstr, 31 to •.i. tasollsa. N to $.s; ohesp. 11 10 N 11. Rsmss--R•olyla. 111.550 ]till; 10 r5K trade light. lies y, 1. �' � M lea p ,i,1aw.s The Signal to Jan. 1st, 1913 for 5oc HOW BLOOD IS MADE. The liquids and the digested foods in the alimentary teal pee. through lir :gall of the canal into the blood. This process is called alrerpalre sad takes Nees c:tiefly from the small intestiae. After absorption the blood .earl.• the lest. t'Irough floe body, and each cell takes from the blood the food k mods. A per* 1yceric erdrect made from bloodroot, mandrake, .tone, qu ss's red sad al and sold by druggists for the past forty years under tie move of Dr. '5 Golden Medical Discovery, gives uniformly excellent results M e Maio to help ii the assimilation of the food and in the absorption by the blood of the loud it requires. Eradicate the poisons from the blood with this alterative sutras( which does net shrink the white blood corpuscles, because ooetming us e3mohe/ er other injurious ingredients. Ties tos body w M bait up - strong to resist disease. This is • esN. lass &ass Nature's garden that builds ftp dooms w*•'- 4 by L.ssm. Dr. Pierce, founder of the Invalids' heed et Betide, N.Y., has reoeived many tetters stater M Me IsMri•g : Ws. Fam R. Masao. of Paradise. N. n.. wales: e1 ail At pleasure in writing Toe as regards rtr else aid 4tp a sell her I was takes witheekeid Pees., welch put mr 3e. • ens- dition. 1 *as week, raw doss. w7a ue .ad es r reamedr .awe .keLres. 1 had tried most tr.e.7thiter / emM pt hat li(•tion any good unci. at last I was advised r De. Prier'. Osakaaaaar Piar,very. and • Pteesint Pellets; wlfi I Ma Beers I tied .met esu tattle I rens great improvement and urban 1 lead tad tale taesrsst tee months. using only a few vlai d ' Pkmssat Pisan' 1 reuses, le perfect health. 1 manrwt clad weeds te express my theeKdesse air this wonderful medk.ne. 1 advise all sufferers le serials tan. Y. Pierce. u be cures when others hit" E. B. Mutiao. Esq. Did you ever make' a Phonograph Recon?,, Did you ever hear your- self talk, sing or play?; Talk about entertainment --- there is nothing that approaches the fun and fascination of making records at home on the Edison Phonograph HE EDiSON will record what you or your friends met, or sing, or play, and then instantly reproduce it just as churl, and faithfully u the Records you buy are reproduced. The u a feature of the Edison Phonograph you should not overlook. You an send your voice to a friend, preserve the wyises el children, record your progress as s speaker, a singer or a inusicim. Atllyone can make records on an Edison. It requites no opsehti it itiilse. The blank records can be used over and over. 2547s55.545 mediates new ywr w Ma seas.riM�tlses sus.• Plasupiabs.11111.44 lass yen nabs tarsaw Mise Stearal f}amise. ter I _,.s.`t_� 5 ,MN. N.. pus yen est sate the bat / tll/r.. AmlssM - of the. weeeW's kat rIjIMIs41a \rr i s.e.►M (Say sane pun* a1•kl1g. twice as bossy 5 4.. Ruses 1 mersegara (treed O era eve eo ego. t. 140 laimildisasomits MIL osssssb. R L Y.e1. A sore-•- ` lag Wine Phentiputio sed Ea.ar ell♦ M Uma st JAMES F. THOMSON'S MUSiC STORE 7hsr are --ass de.11re _