HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-25, Page 3i
bound or repaired.
.'.,,rder'. pronati attended to os. 1eavtnr
t n:. n: THE 810N L Oodedoh.
1' Pht•,cftOKlcad 80r*eon,. Once—North
L. SOffice.inal Oce. )residence-Cals-
FU:,la Terraoq. AI.Y.XI. TAYLOR. M.B.. A.
'aloe and mediums. North street, (1p� Ix.
i.orl h of (. unaty Median came. Tele
kit. F. J. R. KORSTE R- EYE, EAR
1/ Done and timesHowieHo.oar icon
New York Ophthalmia tedAural
tunto.l Auden. Marta aw lbroat
Peeks$quaae, as* love
Lon. ollingd •
ratlore . oppeette Knew Chetah. Hoare f
o IL i m.. 2 WA p. m.. 7 to e s m. Telephone
1 AN, knrefateea, ssilMRere, notaries public
proctors L W biseltlies Court, eta Private
Lodi to ire as lowest rater d interest
wis,. tiederieh. w.
YAwe, Last side itoUeFuOT K. C., R. C RAYS. J. L
111. TYR. ssldtoe. eotazy pabUc- omoe,-
omollkw stawb tueMeeeea. tatty deo' new
Writ it., ataart.a)s, eenoltar, etc... tole
r.cb. )tun.) to laud at Whims. rater.
. totlmtes. ass-Yrsamr. aware peace
as b.msasMsams tr.g.lm t►.t
lir um Loa Iis. STC.
.11 euitARCS VW -barns sod Isolated
wotet B. Motown. IPree,, 1jea th P.O.;
1r r AOlIy, to►H'ea. ,sears P. O.;
t ta,eta. L loafs, pea -Tress... Beehetl P. U.
1 erecters -K at. V ..aesrrtk ; John
it. urines. W W10ra Meth Oetet..ae;
Joao la mica b.. tree; Janne Yvan.
Bsechwesd ; harlot*: Mal oolm
Mcl:r,o . tlr-Oe .
AVOW :.s. w' x ss B. isvtUs B. Smith.
Rat rock : Jac, b...d u.. illefmsaysls ; L'
bladder, aed,nlst�. ells p•7
asiesseassi J lassii; (.,g as Odessa,go oases teeeletedR
k Leith Oman. eretaetss street. (reasidea.
, sou 4 wrrfeterltamikss street O eek
Fns ass Lee atxa • lionise. Canadian and
,nner s asArr- 10Ma.
ulnae r sa
a...srtheen of V o
torts sad k Levity a reel•. Phase 1741
1 WIN iv. MANNlfl;. USX &IRE
sad aeelaa*a AgrlMetedies
-nasal awl lea age M 1pWSlewSRrS1K-el ea UMW
iuladdeanie f r CItkiwileWMigenet�itRevere L
W AMISS S. luf&T- P..
is Ullt OF MAsa1A0a Licznants.
w. elltiljemsea 4314' OF RR1.
lame* OU HMV. L114sm.UM
nibs eamd ie Fe
Business College
iis the
.s the
iess are
D. A. M.Lactrtrue,
Pvil ayat
tc„"uneed trop Leg week
BWAGGI M1NN aldose and a
man Matted lbs a beggar
landed unobserved at a coal
wharf. moored a *We boat
to a bolt and passed swiftly tomato
a silent town till they re ebed tba
closed gates of an infantry barrack
perched on a hill that case meeppty
above the clustering roots of Meals.
The Wiese knocked kindly on a small
door inset in the' big gates. Attar some
dela? It was opened A sentry cbal-
"Capttano San Bane vides." announced
the (Slicer. and ;be awn stood to atten-
"liter. my friend." said San Elena -
vides to his ragged companion. 'Phe
latter stepped within.
Tbe colonel's douse was in darkness.
yet San Beoavidea rapped Imperative-
ly. An upper window was raised. A
voice was beard. using profane lan-
guage. A head appeared. Its owner
cried, "Who is it?' with additions.
"San Beoavfdee."
"Ohristol And tbe others
"Ons wbom you expect"
The bead popped to Soon there
Wes a light on the ground door. Tbs
door opened. A very stout man. bare-
footed. wbo bad struggled into a pair:
of abnormally tight riding breeches.
faced them.
"Can It be ponlbler be exclaimed.
striking an attitude.
Dom Oorrta spoke not a woad. The
three paeet into a lighted apittment
De 8ytve placed himself under a cban-
delier and took of $ Blared straw bat
which be bad beerom ,•from sons one
en board the 111 Pelta The ado-
dRat, a g edsaN+ Wb r his peed
deehatillie�,. bowel eta; few alta
•��r president. t -Wil al MP to
"r'haak flliD1111015.
ria, —lees lsleR
'err ren rDen'r. I seatrra YOU." MINIM.
could depend on you How soon can
you muster the retmentr
9. ball an boar. excellency.'
"See that tbere le plenty of ammuni-
tion for the macbbse guns. Wbat et
the artillery?"
"The teres batteries stationed bare
are wttO as hart and .oal"
"Ooloael San Benevides, as eblet et
tbe Neff. le acquainted with every de -
tan. You. general will assume cos -
.wand of the army et liberation. Sema
trunks were seat te yea from Paris. I
'They are to the room prepared for
year exeetlency."
"Let me se there at oaensed change
ttt7 clothing. I met appear him the
nope as their pxeddeot. cot ale a jilt
bed. Dor rte mom* I lea+, wary -
dim to 7+s. std auk s.navides 1.t
Seek( Poidflb be 'unnamed. He
win attend te the den ride of affairs.
You here my megurdr.d approval of
the military seines* dream ap by yea
and my other Meads. There is esm
thing--• gunboat bee to the harbor. is
she the ADdoelobar
The Dandy p emelad gwasi .mob
Ola huge otos 0S with beth bead.
and the ret -tat Molded teeta*t rem&
nes for action
"The pine will ode .ease that bier"
be eadriesea. As the dawn was
sheet to peep up ewer the sea twelve
Rasa tonsb.red through the marrow
Sheets. waktng may startled -
MIN A few dating soak wit* gsama.d
whet bad happened rushed of •
bass0ack or biryele es remote We-
b graph *Glom Them adventurers were
tee Maa livery railway stenos and
paehdltr wool. twearty newt wee al-
ready Mild by beeps.
General Russe drew up lis urea bat-
teries en the wharf egreette t0. Re-
easpeetll AnMet0M ale endeavored
to plant twelve *tris le the beady et
her ..gigs nem without the loin h.►
!taboo TWO was ss amen ei dr
monads her surveadw ee .q Weeds
aei.iiw et that sort
M It way way rest mere* thea.
rya de atDw was tech glob. Tie
e01ra moos a sod mem et Ire amsereillos6 ON lett al 411111011ds mo.
.5211115 SNIP& `��■
The escosd salve 01 • • *ernes wee
Isis damaging. Aga„ the gunners
failed to resell the warv4lp'a vftala
Her committer got me ewai arma-
ment leto action and wanaged to de-
moltsh a warehouse and a grain ele-
vator. Then be made orf down the
coast toward Rio de Janeiro
flTbe sudden uproar stirrttl .tireHacelo
ow roof to basement. It inhabit,
ante pound Into the plaza. every
man vied with nes uelgbbor In yelling:
'The revolution is here! Viva Dom
The one incident of a political na-
ture in which the victors of the tussle
0o Festinate Noronha were publicly
concerned was the outcome of a mes-
sage cabled by Dom CorrLa while the
smoke of Russo's cannon still clung
*boat the quay.
It was written In German. addressed
to a Hamburg shipping firm and ran
as follows: -Have cold Unser Frits to
Senbor Poodillo of this port as from
Sept 1 for 175.000 marks. if approved
cable coofirmation aud draw on Paris
breech Deutacbe bank at sight Fran
Scbmidt. care German consul, Macelo."
This harmless commercial item was
read by many omciats hostile to De
Sylva. yet it evoked no comment. Its
first rest effect 'as observable in the
counting hopse of the Hawburg own-
ers. There It was believed that Cap-
tain Schmidt had either become a lu-
natic binned' or was in toucb with a
rich one. Schmidt was so well known
to tbem that they acted on the latter
by pot bests. They cabled him their
bearty commendation, "drew" on the
Parts bank by the next poet and await-
ed developments. To their profound
amazement the money was paid. Al
tbey had obtained tS.750 for a vessel
worth about one-quarter of the sum
they bad good reason to be satisfied.
It mattered not a jot to them that the
sale was made "as from Sept. 1" or
any otber date. They signed the de-
sired quittance. cabled Schmidt again
to ask it Senhor PondUlo was in need
of otber ships of the Unser Frits class,
and the .members of the firm indulged
that evening io the best dinner that
the tiptop restaurant of Hamburg
could supply.
They were puzzled next day by cat•
taln statements in the newspapers and
were called on to explain to a num-
ber of journalists that the ship had
left their ownership.
Hafer. of course, had forgiven Iris
for ber aloofness. and Iris, with that
deligbtful Inconsistency welch ranks
high among the many charms of her
sex, found that "Philip, dear." though
she might not marry ham. was her only
possible companion. He, having ac-
quired an experience previously lack-
ing. took are to fall In with her mood.
SM. weary of a painful self reptemfoa,
cheated- the frowning gods of "Jost
tlala ons night." So tbey looked at the
twinkling lights, spoke in whispers
last they should mise any tokens of
disturbance on shote. elbowed each
other comfortably on the tails of the
bridge and uttered no word of love or
future purpose.
Soddenly a lightning blaze leaped
from the somber shadows of some
buildings on the quay lower down the
liver. Again. and many times again.
the sadden jets of flame started out
across the black water. Iris,, or Ho-
sier. for that matter, had never seen a
fieldpiece Greed by night, but before
the girl could do other than grip
Philip's arm to a spasm of fear the
thunder of the artillery rolled across
the harbor. and the worn plates of the
Unser Fritz quivered under the mere
"By Jove, they're at lir cried Phlllp.
"Ohs" .be gasped and clung to him
more tightly,
Under stsch elrcumstances it was
only to be expected that his arm would
clasp bee round the waist
Hosier strained his eyes through the
gloom to try to, discover the effect of
the cannonade on the gunboat Hs
was quickly alive to the significance
of the answering broadside. Then the
black bel grew dim and vanished His
t ailor's sympathies went with the en
eaptng ebb.
Ares...•e1 ea a grand review was
Mid h the plaza. or chief square. Dom
Osole. a resplendent psrcanwr on
beesA*ek. made a alae speech. He
wM veetferoady applasded by both
Mow and pepsiee. O.amal s,..►
act moused. *wed him that Brads
*s plaig for urea. BB erect wine be
was Indy eslaMhThet In the prsd-
awe7 the pespls would be allowed to
Me tet ala
"W. bore berme tiro y..* of coir
rats." voefesated tbs commander Y
001.E "bet It Me vanished before the
Sissy breath oe err gala. We 0ai1 tad
eseelleiuy w oar liberator. Long iive
Dees Oterial Down wRb"-
The Some-vi.asr .t the moa ere
Dread with the gores?* weight peev-
ed tee meek far 015 charger, which
plenget violently. Rase was held ea
a eldoetatb by kb apnea There we.
a lively interlude seal an orderly ode
ed the blMla, aid the general wee able
to dlaeugage the rowels tress the aur•
amt. rib( When t0asga1Bty was m-
otored the seldom m*rebed off he their
aserter*. and
Colonel San Hee
a v 1 des boaedsd
the Mer gra
He- Invited tele.
Sebald. O to It m
and Hosier to
breakfast with
the presided at
the pebelpel hr
Oa the my to
the betel tela
auw a Yee belle
Ins Milled "Ossa
IM O.arrie • Ttt-
ageapef(" t: vas
est ssrprtotag
Oft tlhs bad sea
lett samailly at
pool floe blembed and Mid Soled I
antartly at Hector.
"1 mart seed a meamap to toy w- 1
cle..• she said.
Sau Isenavldes, of course, was anx-
ious to oblige tela in this as to every
.tber respect. tar procured the requi-
site form. told Iter the coot, which sed
to a coudeoasd rerslou of the oftgioal
draft: sdnoothed away the &Liget bio-
draoc+ ut forage moue tendered W
payment and arranged the dos deliv-
ery of a reply. Yernaps be stalled
when he read what acs had writtes.
Tbs words wars comprebeariblm even
to one wbo did not understand lag -
"Andromeda lost Arrived here safe-
ly. Address. Matte. Macro."
Amos the Saar people, therefore, .
wt,o entered the Hotel Urande In the
Rua do Bat claire were two whose
feelings were the reverse of cheertnl
But convention L stronger than the
primal 1mpaime-sometime. It tri-
umphs over death itself --and conven-
tion was W powerful Dow. 1t led
lets away captive in the train of tbe
e tnLtng and volsble Senboaa Pondillo,
and It tmaateed Hozler In a tangle of
fearsome words which turned out to
be the stoct In trade of a clothier.
The mere male of Macelo decks him-
self with gay plumage. Philip was
hard pat to It before be secured some
garments which did not irresistibly re-
call the benne of certain musical com-
edies popular is Magiand.
Tbe appearance of lets caused some-
thing akin to a sensation. The Dona
Poudllki could not create Regi ab
clothes nor bed cople. of Wrench. but
!!a laaf>DIIIIS WAS mon0EOD5 Dr SLUM
bur own daughters droned In the
bright of local !Maim, anti Dom COr
ria's earnest request had made them
gessass. The dart eyed, olive coin-
plexlonsd women of Alagoas are often
exceelingjy beautiful. but few of those
present had ever seen a brown haired.
brown eyed. hie faced Eagllebwoman.
his was remarkably good looking,
even among the pretty girls of ber own
county of Lancashire. Her large. lim-
pid eyes. well molded twee and per
feetly formed month were the domi-
nant features of a face that bad all the
charm of yooth and bealtb. Hee
smooth skin, brown with exposure to
sun and ale. glowed Into a rleb %Sim-
e on when Mee found herself In the
midst of so many strangers The
slightly delicate semblance induced by
the hardeblps and bon of rem which
feu to ber lot since the Andromeda
went to pieces on the Grand -pens rock
in nowise detracted from her appear-
ance. 8hs were the elegant costume cad
a Maeda belle with ease and distinc-
tion. If .he was flurried by the nude
gtdset m'wmm of admirstlou that
greeted bar she did aot show tt beyond
tie eget rash of color.
Dom Derrfa. dragging Schmidt with
ktm harried to meet bee. Surprise at
de gala attire helped to coogeer her
n aiad timidity% tar th. prenidesi we.
g orgeous la alm and pi*
"Hy gmd wishes are me denied
tris adigealmlatlone. samhor" she add.
'Ah, fay dwr lett'. I,am WIPP
lord art y Awn . M law is se
sem day ginned' ieidrS . Tit . err!
be hid welted for theft seemes% be
tanned to the at.eadled eompany .id
duIvesed an elses.st genegytie et the
Aaeteemsdab crew and their deem de-
liciese-tar that la whet he called Iris
--♦ edlghetru goaded
Hader. though by es .ease IndlIter.
..e le the geed flaw prevlW, teras
wesaming haw vim Mona walla
clap.. heifers Lir delleram readied
iaffys ,Mew weer soma weals
oatgat his ear that diem an elm
0sa.laarstdons be ode seri.
'7 am sem te ay that. Set my ode-
Is� thdrs Is sat no dilated ted d rem
K Peer onmage ressheg Ilbgbed to-
day. Mlles Yahw" ti. pseelde t woo
▪ "Sot who/ nett she acral. el* as
.relMesdat that was dot wholly the
Mame df Oppet
"1'M able loam sat lana hoe. cad
the beamittles .talc w/ be dds.e-
ly weeded. saw tint day arrival In
Brad le Mere. M 00 ammo
!Lein et weeds wgl be evened ego s
peiluca1 .wticaero. Mk 1 torr Y
beet to le side resift Oita 1 osis
teal Prraambe.a wWrO she*. to
with * so* or tai tall► yw map
rent addend that en pelves, cable-
g rams w0 M forwarded."
"Ob. testi 1 folly .expeet•a a wpbs
toasyr she sat* and now that eke
realsse the Meet of i further peed
et *MOW ea the YmS* piMend g
she was gtmaerely dM■s1M.
'Tea may M sore "sold clot mom"
.dd Dees Owls. 1 r
weir tabs this epp..10 r tgtsl♦
kg to rine ata m sly dude raster
tel..dr"-with fie etrp.latsl md►
Imo Its OMNI Owdt ,toad is M
Gingham Aprons
Gingham Aprooe, c..rall Nyle, very useful
during Spring cleaning time, each 75o
Apron Oingbama, beat qualities, 40 lather,
wide, per yard 1 Ylo to 200
SpecialIValies in Nottingham Curtains.
Nottingham Curtain,. our direct importa-
tions. st perpeir 50c. 75c, 81.00, $1.25, $2.00, 52.25,
52.50, $2.75 to $5.00.
Over six beautiful designs to select front, 01
per pair 51.00
Swig. Poiot Arab Marie Antoinette Curtaipe.
Curtain materials by the yard. Each eea.on
there is a greater demand for Curtein Materials
by the yard. We would draw special attention
to AOL extensive ,bowing of Brown's Celebrated
Scotch Madras Mutlinv, in all the popular widths,
from 27 inches to iii itches wide. in white. ecru
an.i all popular Pylori., including nnfadahle ma-
ths -es, at 2&, :ilk. 35c. 30c, 50c to 90c per yard.
Beautiful Colored Silk aMadrases. very hand-
sonte l'asentent Cloths and plain Scrims for
House Dresses
Spet•iel showing of House Dresses, all neatly
and perfectly made, in lightand dark colors. We
have sold a great many of these useful dresses
during the last few days. Sizes :11 to 42.
Bach 51.25, 51.50 and 51.75
Children's school Umbrellas, neat pearl
Exceptional value in heavy weave Serge, in
black and navy, 54 inches wide, a special snap, at
per yard 75o
Gley and fawn Covert (Jloth for children'
Spring coats and dresses, 45 inches wide, special
per yard 600
A clearing line of Ladies' Wbite Waists.
regular 75c to $1.25 each, to clear at each 500
McCall patterns and publication. for May in
Millar's Scotch
'Phone 56
star and Cote -"ane exact position Io-
caily. You see, Maceio is a meal) place
and easily approached from the sea.
A hostile fleet could tmoct It to piece,
in half an hour, and it would be a
pear reward for my supporters' loyalty
If soy praseoce subjected them to a
Mmbardmeot I have no strong d e-
flasle or helm] guns to defy attadk
and my troops are not more than s
linneand mea, all told. It lb obvioatc
OM I must make for the interior.
Miss I gatfsr strength as 1 advance.,
the warships cannot pursue. and ll
can choose my own positions to meet
the half hearted forces thea Dom lie-
- win collect to copse me. in
bet. 1 and every armed man in Ilea -
ado metcO up country Lb1e afternoon."
Iris by this tins was thoroughlyi
frightened. and Hosier, wbo read more
in De Sylvia words then was poesbie
1n her case, was watching the speai-
er's calm face with a fixity that might
have dlacosotsted many men. Dom
Dorris seewed to be unaware of senor
the errs dfatrese or Philip's white an-
ger -
"You naturally ask bow I propose to
safeguard the companions of my Maid
from Fernando Noronha," be west on.
"I answer at once` -by taking them
with me. The Seabora Poodillo and
bar family will accompany her bar
bead to my quiets at Ins Flores d
special train will tike all of us to the
nearest rallw*y station this afternoon.
Thence my date L but a day's =web.
Yoe and my other friends fmm both
chips will be quits safes and happy,
there until order L restored. ten mud
emu The teen's liven, at- any, eaten
would not be worth an boar's melons,
ff w, opponent's coat's found toes
bora, and I ori certain that came or
more cruisers will arrive oft Awake
todsht For you tide sxcurren vs.!•
he gats a pleasant experinemr acral
yen cat ab.oiu0.4 rely on say yossam
t~ and news of your safely to air
emd at the very fleet ejosr4vIVP
1To be cantina dl
If a man isn't sufficiently original to
manufacture hie own lies he should
stick to the truth.
"Dr. Miles' Nervine
Completely Cured
Our Little Boy of
A fatnLily can suffer tto greater
afliction than to have a child sub-
ject to fits or epilepsy. Many a
father or mother would give their
all to restore such a child to health.
`I am beartily glad to tell roe of
our little boy who was cossple
eared of Eta He commenced
is/ there at to roan of age and had
them .or fear rear,. 1 tried three
doctors and owe specialist but .11 of
them said be could not be cared,
Ina 1)e. Miles' Restorative Novae
and D,. Mika' Nerve and Liver Pills
hair a oomptete care. He is now
We, bests and gar it has bees
$reyeyasrssteer he bad the Tact spelt
I1..coal sive Dr. Nike' mediates
wiwever I go. Yon are at
F. to use this letter as rots see
fit sleedd *arose writing to me i will
Sadly ,sewer i1 they enclose stamp
ins i�'id.110GUE, ind.
Dr. lase Nervine
is just what it is represented to he,
a medicine compounded especially
for nervous diseases. such as fits,
spurns, St. Vitus' dance, convul-
sions and epilepsy-. These diseases
frequently Iead to insanity or cause
weak minds. Dr. Mike' Nervine
Ilam proven mot effective in reliev-
ing these dreaded maladies.
date ream emetriess. N Me Iliad 0e1ue
•Mees maim peer wswwer N vebewes.
own NIOICAL CO" TeverM.. Caw
Death to Dand
Life to Ail
No More Dandruff, I -ailing Hair, Scalp itch.
Heads or Dull Faded Hair.
Tnia is a free country. It's your
right, your privilege to use any hair
tonic you desire.
But why continue to use a hair tonic
that doesn't do what it should do : kill
the germs and banish all dandruff and
hair troubles ?
If you have dandruff, if your hair is
getting thin nod falling out, if your
scalp itches and your hair isn't bright
and lustrous, bear in mind this fact :
that Parisian Sage, now sold all over
America, he guaranteed by E. R.
Wigle to give the limit of satisfaction
it used for any of the above hair or
scalp troubles, or money back.
Parisian Sage is the most delightful
and refreshing Bair dreaming for men,
women and children, and is particu-
larly in demand by refined women
Who desire to increase their beauty by
acquiring an abundance of fascinating
hair, fail of life and lustre.
A large bottle of Parisian Sage costs
but 30e at E. R. Wigle's aod'druggiata
everywhere. The girl with the au-
burn Bair is on every carton and
THE SIGNAL for the balance of
of 1912—to new subscribers only 50 Gents
3aInty But 2urable
SHOPPING STARTS it always ends at
our store if you are looking for the season's
newest and most attractive shoes.
Pump styles, with and without straps,
made in Patent and Russia Tan leathers
will be the most popular.
The new patterns fit like a glove and
will not slip at the heel.
Come and try on a pair and see ho..
nice they look and feel on the feet.
Downing & MacVicar