HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-25, Page 2• • TanaMat, Anita M. INS Waal OODERICia gNTA tl4 ' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ar res 81att aL PRIN W. Limited >�M.sr careeMika Tomo K tiekawse lea : i1.M per gleam to advaam 1• =N e DaYet sa6ewt6sn p 10 a sear ostao w ield V sl.aa.si. wise tail to ,enol., Tsar., 4• a et the .tt Y a titera s early ♦M Wham a Obsess at address 1. desired. both old mod tae hew edema Mesa beans. Ad.srtwna Slaw : Lea sisad ether wlm0ar sdvernuomssar. Ise amok • now bw lawertion basiopeot i a'�Yaaimazed by • tosops dl Nolaa twelve 11... to as Iseh- liauaeos mods of stn nes sad under. N pe yeas: ae�� K Lost. WIN Sur lit. at to ,tarts ,brY�dw sr1s,S set'�����` siag meats la aswY� jr divesiMw seta ser Wil IreiWasls wham/� s lave w �dosoaoyl modal te obareed Rare, t T sad contract advertise mwu will stew is seettostlou. Address all cdm.A.a'ALWad to THE SIGNAL PRINTING Co.. Limited eiodericb Ost. tis West d wbiob L the buy Iadlvidual or ws.nd- an advwtlssmoot and 40DXRICH, THURSDAY. APRIL wt., Inti __ HOW BRAVE MEN DIE. In spite of page after page of it in the daily papers, the tale of the Titanic disaster geese like sortie hide- ous nightmare. That the finest ship ever built, bearing thousands of precious lives on her' maiden trip, should go down in mid -ocean with only two or three hours' warning, carrying two-thirds of the people on board to a watery grave, is almost too much for the mind at once to grasp. No wonder feat many of those who actually saw those sickening scenes and yet escaped' are nervous wrecks. Aod yet there is a bright side to it all Hanastalht' telmogie l when the gond old BHtisb tra,1iftesK the &trong should sacrifice the,ueelvee for tbe weak, was honored by that gallant shipload as they passed the word, "Women and children first." Human- ity triumphed again when the million- aire and t he aristocrat took their 1.sesr along with tba common folk. Often we thought tbat the gilding bad meepletely absorbed the man in these people of abnormal wealth ; yet wben the test came the man was there. Aod again humanity triumphed when the good ship Carpatbia, catching the Titsnk'a message of distress, turned abet in her *lours* and put of full steam to tering succor to the doomed Vessel. and when her nisi crew gave themselvea the task of caring for the rescued ones. Toe rale ot heroism called forth by this reatest of disasters can never he competed in earth's records, We know that the officers of the ship acted a brave men do in the crisis a their lives. We have read of the calm composure of the men on board all their chances of rescue were quickly slipping away. The wonderful story has been told of the bandsmen who kept on playing with the water lapping about them. We know of the wire- less operators who stayed with their instruments and hardly thought of themselves until tbe last moment— one went down. the other after & ter- rible er rible experiences was saved. But what of the otbe,e on the boat whose work kept them below decks? What of the engineers who down in lbs bowels of the ship were standing by their duty to the last? ,1Il that can he said of these brave men is that"the lights were kept burning all over the vessel until abortly before she teank," and that "not one of the engineers wee saved." la the.hour of danger duty and self- sacrifice were the guiding stars on board that stricken ship, and in the days to pins, as long as titles of noble courage and heave deed thrill the human heart, the story of the Titanic will he Geld to eager listeners. CHARLES M. HAYS. Canada his lost a great and useful man in the death of Charles M. Hays, who was one of the victims of the Titaale disaster. As bead of the Gond Trunk Railway System, Mr. Hays was one of the builders of Can- ada. To measure the influence which he wielded. one has only to remember the Orand Trunk Railway as It was • sixteen years tea, when Mr. Hays first took hold of it, sad to think of it now, one of the greatest traneporta- Nos systems in the world. stretching from ocean to omen *creme Canada, and also a great factor in the misfile of the United /hetes. Mr. Hays baa had able assistants, devoted to tbe asrvies in which they were engaged : but it must he *sabred that it was his di minting genius and his marvellous MOW wbich Mitt up the magnifl- M ,?midway system which is now hi. r•Mtrment. °made mourns the deal. of Curies X. H. y -w. "131VMM RIGHT" lS 0111410LETL. The Wisdom Fres Prate ham the following editorial comment The Goderio► Signal cels The Free Press ie not moo/steal, hash ss this lourseal bas bad criticism for lir. Rowell upon the temperance issue both before acrd atter be developed his temprao.•e policy : that we chided hie with deserting ba temperance principles in the first Instance. aced scolded him when be brought a'•enoral issue" into politics. Our ooeteaspoevy has not followed oar podtioa closed or It would not bsrve charged as it has. The charge Id a mamas one, if true. We submit the: it is not true. We did criticize Mr. Howell in tbat be was wiping to aoeept tbe leadership of the Liberal party with or without a tampsw.nc. pulley. AM when he aooeplp4 later a cauctas- tns/s temperas** polioy we did mita' Bine, sot the policy. bat the leader wham temperance principles were so b intermixed with his anxiety (ems weoaee. 'Ileo Free Press has charged is that the policy to 'abolish the bar" rias been adopted by s Liberai caucus sad later the liberal party to the Legislature for political aggrandise maul The aim arra object of this policy is to "smash Whitney." It was so stated by a member in caucus, and the fact has been made evident in a scone of ways. The nt of Mr. Rowell at the course ot the e Gov- ernment in making any advance whatever in the direction of temper- ance legisl►tioo was, for example. pehiy noticeable. That the actions of the leader ot the Opposition bare been envisaged b political expediency asoma plain. To ask the people of Ontario to believe that the Liberals on the Opposition fee side vat the House as es matter of prin- ciple favor. the abolition of the bow, and that the members of the Govern- ment side, to a roan, do not favor this policy, is to box public credulity. It is dearly politica The Whitney Administration had taken the suppres.ion of the liquor traffic out of politica. They bad given the Province a policy under local op tion that stood for acmethbng and that could be given effect altogether without tbe interference Of politic. --e policy under which Grit and Tory might unite to rid the country of an evil wherever it was felt to be neces- sary. The Gcvernment had made the voice of the people at once effective. Legal tecbnfcalitis were not per- mitted to interfere and to impede the of the law in ag.ratbn. There had distinct advancement in pertnanent temperance legislation. When along comes Mr. Howell, poli- tician tint and temporal:me man after- ward, and the whole question of tem- perance, & "moral issue," is brought beck into the realm of politics, to again he made the football of politi- cians. And there are some tamper• ance people apparently misled by the transparent tactics of the Opposition leader. Apparently the only thing that Mr. Rowell can do to satisfy The Free Press is to get out of political lite and stay out. Carried to its logical au: - elusion. its argument is that there should be no "moral issues" in politics, and that anyone wbo professes "tem- perance priociples" must content him- self with whatever sensors in coo - cession to such principles Mir James Whitney may see tit to enact. The Frew Pow may be astonished and pained to learn that there are many people In this Province who do not worship** it does at the shrine.a Sir Janne Whitney. The doctrine of ' •oli vine righ t"tet rulers is generally eup- posed to be buried some centuries deep, but there remains in The Free Prase at least one tboreughgoinit exponent of the doctrine. The pestilential Grits actually have the audacity to frame a policy which threatens the Whitney supremacy! Some twenty of thorn, sitting in caucus, resolved upon this. policy. not because (a000rding to The Flee Press) they believed in it, but for "political aggrandisement." Aod immediately, in order that all the "politic%) aggrandizement" that is going should be kept where it rightly beiong--sin the Tory party--someeighty members of that party, in caucus assembled, decided upon a move which they thought would checkmate the pr'esumpUsous Grits. Of course, it is not pretended abet all these eighty members, or any large proportion of them, really believe in the "abolish treating" proposal -it is not neeessary that weathers of The Free Press' part.. $bould keep clear of suspicion that their actions are "anggeetei by poli- tical expediency." And although It, too. might he called & "caucus -made" policy, there is all the difference In the world between it and the "mucus - made" policy of the Grits -•one is made in a Tory caucus add the other in a Grit canals! It ie. no tremble at all for The Free Pro to see that the Gtita are w.sely polities, tricksters. while the Tories are geetlesnee led by a Woven -barn statesman. If The Free Preen would drop its 'O Ring, live forever I" attitude to- wards the Whitneyt)over,nmont, cause its rabid denunciation a everybody or enyhody that ever so candidly places his views in nppn.ltion to those of Mir James Whitney, and make an at- tempt to discuss public questions on their merit. --well, aloe -ea it *moo be. less ridiculous than o • EDITORIAL NOTES. in a quarter of es see t ury nothing has happened which hes brought out the eentiment of human hr•otherhonrl so strongly as has the Titamk disaster. tempo/eery rrmartta. "the that lauds its passengers at behind Lime in a bigger - oases lass the fast train that hurls ovary des Asa Cnn AbsoioWy pee% therefore the hest slow train �y Weis s,PhewNA lee erease. i+ hulk orj the station THE 8IGNAL : GOMERICH, ONTARIO its passengers into the ditch ahead of The "wireless" is • groat thing and so Is the daily oewspeiper thee hives us columns of news of bappeoiogs,io told- oeean within a few hours of chair oc- currence. In the eusantime let us not tomtit that millions of people in China are starving to death as the result of famine. What are we going to do abort it ? At Guelph the proposal le made to boaor the memory vat John Gat, the founder of the city, by the srsetlott of a monument. And why ahosid not the people of these parts do something ler Use rtiemor y of Dr. Dunlop ? Figures are published showing that every township in the county of Gray ham decreased in population since 19U1. It i• a eon of melancholy s&rtsfartf9n to realise that Huron county is not the only one to suffer: by the exodus to the West. Regret is expressed that Sir Jsnres Whitney delayed the introduction of hi. anti -treating rnsseure until the next session of the Legislature. Soma people will die before they have a chance. to see what an anti -treating hill w. uld look lite. Th t Rnelph Herald says the Provin- cial kits ,edition is,.boping for the re- tiree... of Sir James Whitney. On the 'ery, we hooey that the Lib- ers1� eu the Legiolature fervently hope Sir James will shirk to his posi- tion until they have the satisfaction of giving him a good drubbing at the polls. The Totooto Telegram rays the Laurier Government would have been saved last September if the people of Ontario bad at that these known that the Whitney Governpeht closed a school, In which the majority of the pupils were English, because the trus- tees would not employ a teacher of French. Further evidence that re- ciprocity wee not defeated on its merits. There is probably a groat deal of truth in the saying of s Toronto paper that if Captain Smith bad slowed down to avoid the icebergs be would have docked a day late, and bis pas- sengers would have complained : "That was a great big tub that brought us over, and the captair. was a dub to slow dosin for After all, it is the public, wboare anx- ious to travel on the fast boats, who are responsible for the speed case. A committee of the Ontario Leglsls- tune is to he appointed ter study the gneetinn of assessment and tax reform. A similar study was made in Ontario some years ago. one result being as remarkable a muddle in tbe way of an aweement law as ever was enaettd.— OrillI* Parket. This is true enough, and yet The Packet refuses ire support to the movement which would simplify the assessment law and place it on a basin of justice and equity. A few busybodies, among them J. Caetell Hopkins, have been telling tbe people of Britain that "loyal" Cana- dians are opposed to Irish home rule. The Monts�wl Witness remarks: "Just let Mr. Castell Hopkins and Mr. Willi- son. journalist of changeful record, and Col. Denison prevail upon some assailer of Parliament when it sits again to have this guealion voted upon, and they will /earn what pro- portion of Canadians come within the Castell Hopkins definition of loyal." God Within. 1 think that many a moll hes God within, Yet know. no church. no dead• no word tit No law of life rave that which memo most talc And true and Jost and Wkpfal to its kin Aod kls1 : and holds that ant alsas as win That Syn area amebae won! *Mahan Of human calm. et anew or of etre. Or plants is doubt ekes* faith baa ever been ; The heart that woke with zealous joys Use beet In every ether heart It manta the gram Ras found is make 'mows eandltloe bloomed To love a pod le to 'strive through Ute'. sheet day To comfort ariet, tonin Use weary test. To twee Lod leve -trot surier Y to any. —Mier eked !later. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES... Dry Summers sad Winters 1st Ontario. kMaefown Ire'ntntea. Hicks predicts a bot, dry summer, and both Rowell and Whitney pro. diet many hot, dry..surnmere ad cold' dry winters. Take a Sate Beat George. Meier L`aprest. Geo, H. Mooney las received two invitation, Ue visit the Old Land, to disco,. the labor problem in Osttario. Otte of the invitations comes from a British statesman. How Many Cam De It ? OttawaJearsat Aesording to the lifeboat aeoo.Mo. dation on the Minute liners, hundred pas's sagears expeetmtfo Include any people who *veld aerial in ease of need two or three hundred miles. Business Geed at Risaaeilae Rene ter There masse to be a bonen on in of business in Kincardine. Tbe weals,' �' RREE AD 'hirer were t at isd<b is show. viiir n(o► show Money is certainly beginning to loosen ! 1'O SIOKmil-; WOMEN up. a/ma w anti... oamytea upstater. The low of a nisiw¢'th many lions is of iseimparatively sural count if he did itlos prove his ability by Charles s of nes to humanity. Hays ranked above Jacob Astor. Actor's m411op- 11s ' --• tampon BOrll bas. to ,� etma� lIyu By Comma Uwe remain , tie of I 1 gals We are Wesel i.g forwierfe i le eoneneetheeep aim deter E.1711411111.1.1"edillivillagialeitte '/ """'!'-when Qm�,, j'ttlh=/� she Yew latter Ira be passe`t d , s asswered yess A M� the bee pests Meese to a • week km 'mob.. at state- bees �a a Mmlr~ wyeo ' apemisnee which has itaaakal steer mow_ mem years sad ,dick btu teem bee with bis relatives. Th. Hays is eztitppyai.J with eine mfr. Ha prul edicted d a We the some U ark on such a vessel ; yet walla Titanic streak be was sure .Seta till all tbe theologist were removed, Mr. he would come to a dint in eetmanner. but nn o, and was (r�obadblto his y bra she went down Gamest f tion ; particular aoofidesce. Ho pular that the experience of two an disuoguisbed ebould be so i alike. w i broken. Never fps ofilifbel s Merles Pictnrea oasis Ms,e.ry. Th- refnrnserw of Niag+ret Falls Y.. are after tbe motion picture s again. A priest of that city tel having taken a revolves from a wbo bed been in the habit of sat ing them perforations. A bottle carbolic acid was taken from a he suicide of tender years, and • of seven nadertaok to smother a in his borne alter attending a perfo mace. • Fortunately the clans of tures exhibited in Ontario La not etch a oat ur•e as to excite the juve mind to such a Kate as deseribed above. The Ontario Board of Can are to s large (Ware responsible this. Moving pictures, like elm every other innovation, can he mediums of'education and profitah pleawure or ton the other hand, they can be run along *mations! and controlled lined, with the results lot to exist in Niagara Fells, N. Y. They Ars Lemming. W.edat,nk tisaq w.. The anooun.ement that a trod treaty has bees men 6setlmesisl or treed s Skew tis nisch wrihas bb4�of allowed ti 1 tial1ettesIoget oats( l`sirpotas des. N. their as he bondrais of attest ei them as bows Out ef the vast .obis d mere ; end - of then ieses la of which bbl. that they saehave to drew s. kb 1 kaon .�dge w4 wouldtIs raked ire return coy ltia�, boy 1 �, sad their advice tale hsps baby sands Sorel w res- wemak rich or poor, plc- timid be glad to of take advahtege d vile tie generous Wee Ce -ns a sagisti8O~ Ad- dress E. f0.4 1I ham Me�dicnne Co.. wade i (ceOadsotiW Leis. a 1 lies. C un- ZOd ere I �s mo SS Wm and Text Book. Is is WA sir 1SIM les — - - - W. AOHEBON a SON Carpets, and Cocoa rllittIngs buss v Int beams Y��� of raceway teeeived and oo os�oxquuwl tliealran��i! sro� As they are both light ail see. ma Axminster and Wilton Rats �� 0 feet z 9 fleet..., 7 fest d inches z 9 feet and 9 fest it 9 feet .... $16.0 D 10 feet 6 inches x 11' feet aUaoo Q0. S 1110 ata woo Tapestry Rugs 7 9 leen ti le leets d 9 feet 1 OO 9 feet tl !acnes x 12 meet , . ............ Sm uo Wed and Union Rugs �` tis'>v i au�o 8 yards x 3, yards 3 yards x 4 yards iAW and 117.1U yard. x 4 yardsit o $ sem, $10.00 117.76 $10.00 \ range of qualities Fibra /flatting 5/4, Aa. 5/4, 6/4 widths. Per yd. `RSe to 75c Cretonnes and Chintzes English and Holland printed chintzes foe erica. Alp Tapeettis and Damasks. oovee;stts and oral Scotch Madras curtain materials, ytIy to 52 inches wide, a sua,erb collection. Ranging from ilee to3e es new.�6 Per yard. d For 13sdrnonr,r, Dtoi Linoleums four ands wide. Ranging kms, Hitchens, Halls. From ow to n,e edition! chal•ge on close price.title, Carefully laic at lhtsee'ct%a hfbaikxf, W. ACHESON a SON e n' `v'° a . WA, torar G• :: STATIONERY Canada and the WestI dies is as oorspanied by the expreswtd opinion that the arrangsaent will be advau- taseous to both countries. Appar- ently the Conservative leader's are making somain the study of co el re� The discovery by the Conservative party that a trade ar a Is an important may benefltt both partiesto. Portant one. The party YrsKa tl fe mostreciprocity never dreamed of suck a taMpaign. One a the most t- iota arguments eipiost the proposed States was t United United would not have entered into the or- rangement unless h hoped to gain by it, and if the Matted States maned Canada must lose. Now the same party proposes to enter into a 'rade arrangement with the West Indies by which both countries hope to gain. Bat if Caned& and the West Indies can both gain by a trade arrangement why meld not Casale and the United States % Party Politics in the Public Schools. Chatham Newer, Here is a choice gem from the "patriotic programme" provided for Ontario school children on Empire Da : Sxpiain the significance ih Canadian affairs of the statement of Sir John A. Macdonald, in 1801: "A British eub- j.ct l waa'boro, a British subjeet t will. This introduction of old-time part cries into the public ezhcole of our Province Is merely typical of the col- ossal bonging by means of which Hon. ID. ne bas won huge and un- dying fame. Common decency has hitherto kept our schools ♦clear of party politics. But anginas decency is not among the bassets of the Pyne regime in the Depsetment of Education. s significance in Oaosdlan affairs of 81r Jobe A. Macdonald's statement bfmplp is that in 1801 Sir John went to a country at the bead of a rotten administration, numbers of which a few year. later were driven out of public lib as a result of their exOe coreuptbn ; and that, in the effort to distract public attention from the re the uof his Government. he resort, d b This parrot cry of patriotism. eisat attempt to embody the patty cries of twenty yaws ago in the teaching of today should be resented byy f Liberal to the t trams one end the y Lib- eral parent+ would bejustified and In Le- re- fusing to allow their oto peztb- eipate in these ex rifi! the ap (t7 cry referred to is eliminated, trey snob a protest esu the Edam - senses. t is brought to i4 "When I was a tiny boy with ring- `" said the man with little bale, they used to call me Archie." "I suppose bow they call you Archibald." .i► One little 111 boy put - it just right When he said : "My ! 8ut ain't Kellogg's ea: y to eat I" u RQspQ Oa. IOOFINC Ls strongly fire-reelaltag — rued first-class by Fire Insurance Com - paid". I t),111 not traits Iran sp/ks or brands. and ham saved mazy a budding. Made in 3 Permanent Cslen —Red, Brown, Gees —and in natural ?lase. Sas C+sass tire. ?a IIRSTANDAINIfdllITOIL rCrzr.frsaalrenest Noreen H niware Cots MIN. GODERICH MOTHERS* CORDIAL OR 14 1NML Is eadefood It contain.M drugs r stimulants. Thiswss.ad.rrt Tonic simply a scientific Mead et Ia. idian erns—tt strengtheae the nerves and muaciew--yule the oXPscloilt mother in prime condition, ankIng childbirth sate and easy •''Mothers' Cordial or Herbal Tea* besides being a blessings to etbers, is also a powerful bode ter loathers. women In a rua.M y wgsj 11 builds up the strengthens fad Pueblaa the 11 Voting a clear. Damara mss, This Cordial is an excelisat sessataielav painful nenstruatlon—as esseim bras. eat to Moes approachlag bibs AIMS,.1 life. fiftrWrite for fntereettet drawer num A package of M.tbere' 0114 kg e. Herbal Tools lasts s strep PLR di- mmaati.pV poeaM ,1.M, k pba`p. *.a Or. Gower Meese Ce. WhM► Om. wintiont marries*. • Tilt STANDI1110 Is the Mattim63 Wsk1y Newspaper of the Dmata. ot Canada. It is national la sl't Its alms. It uec8 the moot expensive stl'grav- Inge, Procuring the photograph. AOM sill 5ver the world It. articles ,ere czrefalty adseted shad to editorial 'policy fa tloroapd Independent. A suboort ptIon to The standard caste $2.00 per y..r to any addraas /a Canada or Great Drftala, TRY IT FOR 19121 Montreal Standard Puirikai s Cs,d Limited, oubfieeors. Beatify YNIr Nevi 1dM:L�tde•.ata wt .esad a w�e.r' ttt�. r• home w . lk es.�r��m.y 'tions sela m Mew Nam ti•r /l. RYAN tangysets, THE We are in a better position than any other printing office in the County of Huron to handle all kinds of Wedding Stationery. SIGNAL TELEPHONE NO. I have tai, np lei? r � my mirage and will do all kinds of ro cleaning, etc I will be able to supply any new parts as may be makes off td will carry a stork of the Isaac. I shall be &Lis to pay special attention to tire repairing. owe of troubles such as cute and blowout* ou outside coves I hare the agsn'y for a ery popular medium- priced bicycle and will take up an agency for s motor cycle in the neat future. Specie - Values in Men's Suits $j$ Oneassareay we at cm Sale a !mesdameslline of dark brown Lacy worsted , smite. tailored in • tete-button style, can- vas - bairelotb and .uobalr fleelal them 0. Mr Window. forget spe- cial tttimeueee for "Bth Cen. tory brand el Bench Tailored Garments," You can bare yaw set made to ender if wW, Hundreds of Two Pairs of Black a hmere flamePesttsan's Sot are guaran- teed to wear lower tiles any other sink. ,,t the saws . they w111 not shrink sed dyes are fast. Any Pair not Ow - tea aaUdse,ion will he rs- plised by TWO pairs tree of .'bsrrge Price three pare for WALTER C. PRILNAr1 Salt Advil fe XIVflab, Arildy Oseea/s..88'8 Cratery Q.ftrrAV 35