HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-18, Page 8(! Tuu7*IDAY, APRIL 18. 1912
Al Jesad .aectnr Wet meat to bn.s
<MaI tt... tttk..,tout d.rla4 t t.e .toaaca with
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Leeming-Mdes Bids.
New Heavens and • New Earth"
will be the subject of Rev. Gest. E.
Ross' address in Koos church :tett
Sunday morning. At the even:ng
service his discourse will be entitled
"No More Sea."
The inembers of Huron Lodge, No.
q3, I. 0. 0. 1.., will attend divine ser-
vice at St. George's church on Sunday
morning. April :14th. Rev. J. Et.
Fotheriogbam, rector of the churcb.
will address the brethren.
The vote on church union in the
Ashfield Methodist ciettuit is an-
nounced. The official board voted 1d
for. 3 against ; members over eighteen
years of age, 110 tot• 17 against: mem-
bers under eighteen, 25 for, 2 against ;
adherent e. 20 for.
Rev. J. Pollock, pastor of tbe Bap-
tist church, now occupies the residence
on Elgin avenue owned by the Miss
Barry, who have removed to'1'oronto. I Province into districts, are out3tand• I or'ctipanta of the house, but the blaze
Mrs. Benj. Nott is now living In her ing in importance. While tbere is no , was extinguished before any damage
old borne, untie recently used as the I deflnite period stated over which the was done.
Baptist church parsonage. spending of the $5,000,000 is to extendTwo rock -elm logs of unusual length
At the Baptist church next Sunday I the money will be used in the build- I were delivered in town lest week by
Rev. J. Pollock will conduct divine ing of roads. bridges, and other meaoef.Wm. Hill & Sou, of Benmiller. They
worship at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. The of transportation, agricultural aid. I were for W. Marlton, who will utilize
Bible school and Bible class ►meets at I colonization, immigration and other I them at the harbor as fenders for his
3 p. m. The B. Y. r. C. holds its useful purposes. dredge. The loge measured sixty-two
meeting every Monday evening at 1 feet and seventy-two feet in length,
8 o'clock. All the young people of District Health Officers. respectively.
town are cordially invite to attend. By Hon. Mr. Haune s public health Mr. and Mrs. George Newell, of
Berrie,* will be held as usual in Vic- act the Province is in the course of a Benmiller, are moving to town and
toile street church next Sunday. year to be divided into ten adminia- will engage in the steam laundry busi-
Rev. Dr. Medi will preach. In the trative districts. with a Provincial new. A suitable location is being
forenoon he will speak on "rife's Illu- health officer in charge of each,secured wind machinery has beep pur-
Local health boards ate to be cut chimed, end it is expected that every-
thing will be ready to commence
work in a few days.
memowas provided for. and the
1 M
Ontario ('oflege of Art was ineorpon
The raining of a oew loan of $50U.000
for the purchase of umber limits in
Atgo&iquin Pu k wad. autborized.
The douse eat from Febrtter'y 7 until
April le. •wbeu an the work was trona
-- - plated. During the se.sioa 181 bills
District Healte Officers to tie Ap- were pas' untie than half of the.
pointed Powers ot Hydro-e:ectrie The hulkvate a
sales ca. then
.I introduced by W.
Commission Extended - Assess- D. McPbeisen for t e protection of
went Proposals Referred to Special wholesale dealers Ilion fraudulent
Committee. debtors was amended by the House.
and during tbe tecese will be distrib-
uted among werchenta through the
Province, so as :o have an expression
of their opinion on it before the next
Toronto, April 18. --The Legislature
was prorogued this afternoon.
The session just concluded has been
notable for a number of reasons. Not
only bas there been a greater amount
of important legislation this year than
"Hill" Tan and "Tadd Z "lioo".relt ars hat Ina
for a number oI years previously, ,natter wbich veto.. F. J. Pridhatn goer right
e pretty fight o ti
er lu de t4n.'r land. No
hut there has been it mar ed we► - ahead
turning out dor ordered clothing or
ening on the put of the Govern- SpeoW atuottoo V dlrecttd to tee display of
went In iii hitherto uncompromising Imported youe,1 at 8:.tlth'. Art Store. Thar.
attitude of hostility to certain mess- are new goods, besot lfai in dadgn and most
urns of a more ur less radical nature,
and for this credit must be given to
the activity of the Opposition under
Mr. N. W. Rowell, K. C.
The adoption by the Liberal party
of a strsight policy for the abolition of
the has has forced the Government to
awake to the demands of the ,;rowing
tempet•anee eentirnent through the
Province and to promulgate Its "no
treating" policy. The Government pe
bas also come to eee that there ie Edwardsrestaurant.
actual need for some measure of a.oues• A meetingof the tiodericn Horticul-
ment and tax reform, and has so far [ural Society will be held in the secre-
u as to refer the bills along tarp's office in the court house on
es to a special committee for I Moniay evening, April 29th. The
cot promising
roration during tbq recess, while subject for discussion will 1* "The
not 01 leg ing'anything definite in the Cultivation of the Dahlia."
way of legislation.
Of the actual legislation 'passed in The fire brigade sea+ called out on
the session the provision fur the rain- I Monday at 1 o'clock in response to an
ing of a $6,HU0,000 loan to 1* used in I alarm sent in froom the residence of
the development of New Ontario, and Mrs. Corbtmld, East street. The np
the public health act dividing the setting of a coal oil stove alarmed the
artistic, and the pricer aro unite reaeoaable.
Everybody Is Invited to call and vee them.
We are all glad to see Dr. C. E. S-tle
out again after a set ere illnese of
several weeks.
The tuberous begonias are being dis-
tributed this week to the members of
the Goderich Horticultural Society.
Get your seats reserved early for
the Snowball pet tormance in Victoria,
O ra House next Tuesday. Plan at
►ninated Path and in the evening bit
theme will be "The Hatred of Libor."
All toilers in life's busy field are cor-
dially invited to attend these services.
The annual convention of the Gode-
rich District Woman's Missionary
Society will be held in North street
Methodist churcb, Goderich, on Wed.
needey, May 1sL Several intereettug
papers will be read and among the
speakers to be present will be Miss
W ellwood, a returned missionary
from China.
At North street Methcdist church
next Sunday the pastor, Rev. Alfred
Brown, will preach at both services
aid=onduct the adult Bible class.
The evening subject will be "The
Voyage of Life" -suggested by the
foundering of the Titanic. Mr. King
and the choir will furnish special
music. A cordial welcome to alt.
The London Conference will wee
(hie year in First church, 8t. Thomas
commencing on Thuttsdey, Juue 0th
the miuistetial eewion being held on
the previous Wednesday. The sta-
tntioning committee will meet on Mon-
day, June Std. The Conference pro-
gram includes an address by Rev. Dr.
Medd, of Goderich, on "Evangelism in
the Sunday School."
We have just the Paper that
will make your diningroom the
most attractive rutin in the
house. Secure at once when you
have the chance of the piok of all
our new Papers.
Papers this season are very
reasonable in price, and there ie
no excuse for remaining dis-
satiaffed with the papers you
have now. Canadian Papers
commence at 5c per roll up to
2;c. Imported Papers range in
price from 15c per roll up to 76c.
The Colonial Book Store
'Phone 1011 Goderich
down as regards membership, and the
health officers strengthened in their
offices. All communicable diseases
must be reported by local officers.
Hospitals receiving public aid must
not refuse to take in consumptive
patients, and municipalities must care
tor the indigent patients within
their 'own limits. Private hoepitsle
will come under inspection. Local
boards will be required to order gen-
eral vaccination in any municipality
where there is en outbreak of small-
Mr. Hanna also introduced Provision
for the imposin., of indeterminate sen-
tences on babitual drunkards, who
may be cared for on industrial farms.
Tbe liquor license act was so emended
,bat liquor moat not be kept in local
option districts above certain quantities
subject to penalty.
Agents of ineutance companies not
registered in Ontario must now take
out licensee each year for each eom-
paoy whose policies they issue. The
need for some such provision as tbis
was found in the case of the fires
which devastated the north country
last summer, when many ot the poli-
cies by which the property was
deemed to be protected were found
The powers of the Hydro -electric
Power Commission were extended to
allow the Commission to expropriate
privately -owned power companies
be used by the Commission, and alio
to regulate power and light rates.
Power was also given by the tele-
elephone companies act to municipalities
to take over private telephone sys-
tems. The esu icipal franchises act
introduced by Hon. Adam Beck pre -
yenta a municipality from giving a
franchise on its streets to auy corpora-
tion without the assent of the electors.
Another act of Mr. Beck's was requir-
iug all municipalities using Hydro-
electric power to place their systems
under the control of a commission
within a year.
No Eight-hour Day.
A bill iutn doted by .Sir James
Whitney to Tuna the employment of
miner. undergruuud to eight hours a
day was withdrawn, much to the dis-
appointment of many wbo bad,thoped
to see it pass. Hon. Mr. Hearst made
provision for a cenain amount of pro-
tection tor miners by prohibiting the
storing of explosives in the vicinity of
a mine, and pi obibiting persons under
the influence t.f liquor from remaining
around a mine.
A check w.. pl, L td on the opera-
tions of 'loan ober'. ." by an act which
says that where et. evolve interest has
been charged the . sots may order a
contract to be vo:d.
A measure which will be welcomed
by automobilist' was the raising of
the speed limit to fifteen miles an
hour in cities and towns and to
twenty miles in the country.
Provincial Massae.
Crown Attorney Seager is a mili-
tary man and a Fenian Raid veteran
who will receive $100 from the Do-
minion Govern►nent as a reward for
services rendered during the month of
April, 1870. At that time Mr. Seager
was captain of Company No. 7 of the
27th Lambton Battalion of Infantry.
Jack Johnston, who claimed London
as his home, was arrested Saturday
evening and arraigned befot1b Magis-
trate Reid on a charge of drunkenness.
He was sent down for a month to sober
up, and was treated to a "joyride" in
the Chiefs auto to Case lirinin,
where he will spend the next thirty
A persistent rumor went about
town this week to the effect that F.
Davis, of Hotel Bedford, was lying
dangerously ill at his farm at lrri-
canua, Alta. We are pleased to
state, however, that the report was
without foundation and that Mr.
Davis is in the tull enjoyment of
Kiocardine Reporter : The secretary
of the Old Boys received a letter from
Mr. J. 8. Davey. of Goderich, last
week. It contained the names and
addresses of a large number of former
Kincardinites. This kind of letters is
appreciated. Mr. Davey got a few
of the boys together and they made
up the list. He says Goderich will be
here strong.
The establishment of the Provincial
Representative Wanted
in every town in Canda to sell town■ite lot.. W. are the
exclusive sellin./ agent of the Grs.nd Trunk Pecdic ttailway
for one of its main line divisional point towns. We .re the
registered owners of th. original Noknmts Ir,wnsite, also
clow -in property at Bow island. (The pre,.ent deity pro
duction of the Bow island natural gas Meld is over one
hundred million cubic feet of natural gas daily 1
$50 to $200 Weekly
can he earned by those who hare had experience as sale.
men. We have a splendid typos tunit for • man aability.
Foroomplete i.foryetat.Mrn se to one offer. write pr -unaptly tot
Grand Pacific Land Co. Limited
rod spoke of some improvements in
ItF church equipment wbich he con
sir�j�efed tutegmaty, iuctudiug a new
o an and an irnproveweut in the
. inn of the thureb.
TS, Football League.
A meeting far the re-urgauisatiou
of the torn football league for the
coiningn was held in the Y. M.
C. A. n bet ins tat- eveninglast week.
1 A t of lee to govern the games was
drawn up as follows :
All playsls its the several teeuts are
to be signed before April 27th and the
nature handed to the executive. The
names of any players signed atter that
date oust be placed before the execu-
tive at least seven days before the
game in wbich such players are to
take part.
The number of men signed by each
team is limited to sixteen.
Tbe ezaicutive shall have power to
release or replace any mw on request
of the team with which he had been
Each signature banded to the execu-
tive must be accompanied by a fee of
10 cents.
The executive has the power to ap-
point referees for each game.
Games are to commence at 7 o'clock.
The regulation time shall be thirty
minutes to each half and fns minutes
interval, subject to the approval of the
captains and the referee.
Any team not ready to play at 7:15
shall forfeit the game.
W. F. A. rules are to govern all
The executive shall consist of a con-
vener, secretary -treasurer and one
representative from each team enter-
ing the league.
A. M. Robertson was appointed
convener of the executive, with W.T.
Millar as secretary -treasurer.
Howard Jones], H. Vallaley and
Chester Macdonald were natued as
temporary members until the various
teams to enter the league are for•uted.
As each team is organized it is re-
quested to nominate someone as its
partnanent representative on the
The prospects are bright for a very
successful season. Considerable inter-
est is being manifested in the game
sod with three teams in the field, and
a possibility of a fourth, the battle for
the possession of the coveted shield -
now held by the G. C. I. -should
prove intensely interesting to all lovers
of the game.
The Lawn Bowlers.
The annual meeting of the Gode-
rich lawn bowling club was held on
Friday evening. The ' treasurer's
statement was received and some
boldness matters were attended to,
after which the following officers were
elec ped : Honorary president, R. B.
Williams ; president, C. A. Nairn ;
vice-president, 0. C. Whitely • secre-
tary, Wm. Lane ; treasurer, Joseph
Kidd ; members of executive commit-
tee, Dr. Hunter, F. J. Rutland, Dr.
Macklin. The membership fee for the
season of 1912 was fixed at $5.00, and
Messrs. Edwards and Whitely were
named as a canvassing committee.
"Hello! You Baseball Fans.'
Seethe Detroit Tigers play Philadel-
phia Athletics, the World's Cham-
pions," on Navin Field, Detroit's new
half -million -dollar bell park, the
largest in the West. Seating capac-
ity 20,000.
Saturday and Bhnday, June 15th
and 1014i. Two days to look them
over. An opportunity you should
not miss. A chance to see the cele-
brated exponents of the art of base-
ball. Ty Cobb, the peer of them all,
Wahoo Sam Crawtord, Donie Rush,
the mieget shortstop, quicker than a
flash, and Home Run Baker, Chief
Bender, and the star second baseman,
Eddie Collins.
The big steamer Greyhound will
leave Goderich Friday, June 14th, at.
930 a. m., and returning leave Detroit
Monday, June 17th, at 1 p. m. The
fare for the round trip will be only
This gives you all day Saturday- and
Sunday, and until noon Monday, to
recreate and agreeably occupy your
time visiting your frittpds and the
many points of interest and beauty in
Detroit, "where life Is worth living."
St. Geergs'e Vestry Meeting.
The annual vestry meeting of 8t.
George's church was held on Baster
Monday and an adjourned meeting
was held on Monday of this week, at
both of which there was a large at-
tendance. The church wardens ap-
pointed for the ensuing year are His
Honor Judge Holt and (*eo, Porter, as
ppeopl: s and rector's wardens reepect-
ivar• The sideemen are 101•111-
71A *et ,
asers.Tlgset, Platt, I. Salkeld, Ellet Sower-
dyy, Hayden Walton. Natal, Lee,
McEvoy, 0. Johnston and Jaa. Carrie.
The sideemen with Mears. Seeger and
Bays torn[ the business oemsittse.
The auditors are L Eliot and C.
wager. Judge Holt and W. L Eliot
were appointed lay delegates to the
Synod. The substitutes notated Were
Messrs. Porter sod Holland. The
flnamcial report indicated a favorable
condition of affairs fax the congrega-
tion. A considerable improvesasst
twee previ ms years was Gotland is the
olteristgs. The vestry shoos nesse-
Needy adopted the priseple of free
el�t)sgs, which will noise tate effort
ea Jsiy lot nett The droplet sevsl-
aops also will come Ince ser at the segs
time The meter, Rev. J. a ]hither.
Ingham, in We report ibsrked the
ewngre�. ter the Willy wd-
eor. tial t W been .zteadd to him
In the matter of the judicial sale of
the Doty Engine Works Oo.'e plant it
is announced that the tenders will not
be opened until Saturday next, April
90th. As advertised. alt tenders were
to be in the hands of Judge Kyle, the
Isonal Master at Godertch, by April
Stocking Lake Huron.
London, Ont., April 13.-A. E. Las-
chilger, in charge of the Government
hatcheries at Point Edward, will
shortly place forty - five million
whitefish fry in Lake Huron between
Grand Bead and Point Edward. This
is the largest single consignment ever
placed in the lake.
Mrs. Meyser-"Could you give me a
little money. my dear ?'r Mr. Meyser
-"Certainly, my dear. About how
little i" -Life.
No vacation -Mend Business College $
Fiat Street Uarege--Huron Gasoline Engine
k Maohinery Company 1
Private Sale of Household Furettere-W. J
Route for Sale or Rent -Apply to Chan
Marrow. ,... 1
Hoene to Rent -N. W. Nous. 1
Carpets. Rugs wad MaWnas-W. Acheson k
Son...... ..... .... .... ............... 2
Reader -Smith's Art Store S
Spring Requirements -Millais Scotch ,tors3
Special Value la Mei, Suits -W. C. Pridbans Y
New Spring Goods -••J. H. Colborne. 4
High Standard Palate --Howell Hardware Co 6
Hamer for Hale loss Vanden' 1
Servant Wanted -Mm W. Pro•dtoot. 1
Auction Sale of livery, ate. --Thee. 0.sdryt
House to Raub -Jew C. trills
Vassar Sloss -d. R. MsCuatoe
Two Pew of Wyandotte Hew for Sale -Apply
at The Siaaal. 1
Roan for Kvery woos-Hodsew Bros $
Bicycle for Sale, -Y, M. Roberta.... 1
Reader -White Star Line, Detroit..,... 6
Card of Thanks -11111 T. Prsdess....4;...
Rigger Bantal•.at Cassermss 6
Card of Thanks-Fastly .f Hie Labs Davll
Reid. 1
Hook for 3.1e -HIS Coot) MoDslartd. 1
Inssb.tor 1or8u $ Ositp Selma 1
_ �•-.�.�-ate..,.
Those Recovering from Any Se-
vere Illness
Alter a long wasting Illness, eon-
valeaoenta require nourishing food
,kat will not overtax the digestive
fitnetions-and In the way of •
streagtb-restoring and vitality making
tosle, we know of nothing that peals
Visol, our delicious cod liver and troy
tomes (without one
Ylaol creates as »petite, re-estab-
IIAes good dlgewtlos and brigs the
daily food to make rieh blood. forte
feet,. sroag mw i.s and Impart sew
life and vlta5ty to every cepa In the
body Ws ash those who lead a
str.gth tad flesh-bslldtag teals res-
torative to rail at oer sten. .ad set a
bottle et Thom, with the undereeas -
fee Hist If It does not b.lp tries we
wi I reltwd titer mosey witkewt view
DesIspODeuipsek Ooderielt Oat
Healthy Mothers sad Chg.
dren Make Happy Hansa
Motherhood is woeeaa1 highest sphere
ba life. It is the fruition of her dearest
hopes and greatest desires ; yet ties-
essds of noble women through WNW de-
rangement have been denied this
Is malty bgme l ones epiklims ars
DOWchiideae because of the fact trait
Lydia IL Piakbam'sVogetable Compound
aiskeswamen normal, healthy madatreag.
This is evidenced by the following Wears
wbieb are genuine end truthful ;
London, Ont - " I wish to thank yen
for the benefit I received by taking year
famous needless',
Lydia E. Piskhse's
Vegetable Co-
Bdore my
born I was
se ill 1 could ■ o t
stand long or walk
any distance. I had
to lie down nearly
all the ties. After
I took your medicine
I felt like a new wo-
man I amid week
from morning till night sad was happy
and well. I certainly think it relieves
pain at childbirth and recommend it to
every woman wbo is pregnant You may
use this testimonial if you like. It may _-----_----- _------ _ -- .---
help some other woman." -Mrs, FRANE I
CORIUM, laide 5s , W E D D I N G•• STATIONERYrooklyn, N.Y. was m
time and did not know what the matter
was. I wanted a baby but my health
would not permit it I was nervous. ey
side ached and I was all run down. I
beard that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound was good and took the medi-
cine. I hare now a beautiful baby and
your Compound bas helped me in every T E L E P H O N E
way." -Mrs. J. J. SrEWART. N99 Hum-
boldtSt., Brooklyn, N.Y.
The Great Railway and Commer-
cial Centre of the West
Within a very short time WINN/PIM will be one of the
wealthiest cities on the nog Lineal.
Many bwtoew opportunities on the rein streets can be secured
:.y • sell payment. SOMEONE WILL MAKE A FORTUNE
Elmdale Lots
for the small investor. High and dry. Fine shade trees. Only
three miles from centre d cit of 200.0W population. One minute
walk from car line. Sidewalk direct totof y.
For particulars apply
SCOTT, HILL & CO., Winnipeg, rlanitoba, or
J. T. GOLDTHORPE, (ioderich, Ont.
N. B. -Any investor buying Winnipeg property through ins
will, if desired. be furnished' with a guarantee from Scott, Ilii &('o.
that if in one year he is dissatisfied with the deal his money will he
refunded with interest at 8 per cent.
We are in a better position than any other
printing office in the County of Huron to -
handle all kinds of Wedding Stationery.
We invite you to come and look over what we believe to be the largest collec-
tion of Floor Coverings ever in one store in Goderich. These Rugs have been
selected with great care from the best Canadian and English makers. From the
lowest quality Hemp and Union Squares to the high-grade Wilton and Axminster
in exclusive designs, there is an assortment that would do credit to a store
many times the size of this. We have been particular as to the quality of every
Rug put into stock and can guarantee one and all to give most satisfactory wear.
The prices you will find exceedingly close, and quality considered we are ready to
have you match them against any you will get anywhere. The designs and color
combinations are those new and most favcred for the present style of house decora-
tion. We carry therm in stock from the small to extra Targe sizes and have made
arrangements to have special sizes in the designs we show made to order on short
notice. Just a hint as to the prices :
Union Rugs $4.50 to $7.00
Pure Wool Rugs $7.50 to $12.00
High-grade Imported Scotch Rugs, according to
size and quality, $14.30 to $19.00
Tapestry Rugs $6.50 to $20.00
Imported Velvet Rugs $15.00 to $35.00
Brussels Rugs $13.50 to $25.00
Wilton and Axminster Rugs 524.30 to $50.00
Prices vary according to quality and size and in each case the price quoted
represents the best value obtainable for that iSarticular quality.
Handsome Curtain Materials
Weare showing an immense assortment of
new and up-to-date Curtain Materials. Nets of
all kinds are the popular materiel. for window
decorations this season. Our stock has been im-
ported direct from the British makers and the
values we offer are the ,testand we show a range
of patterns you will not see in any store here-
A Special Scrim 124c
This Scrim is full 38 inches wide. it
comes in either white or ecru, two or
three neat Casty designs suitable for bed-
room and dining-rootn curtains. Has a
good appearance when up and e]
washes well. Very special per yard.. L
Fancy Curtain fluslins 20c
White Curtain Muslin*. 34 inches to 42
inches wide. a variety of nest tasty de -
in spot and stripe etfeets, very snit -
able for bedroom curtains. Special
at per yard 20c
A Big Range of Nets at 25c
Near) a dosed ds in Lets •std
Curtain Mdesigns
at this popular prix
all grew and eaoineisety eosins/ to ear -
/elves, designs that are .suable far way
room in the house. white, eery orad
arab shades. Very menial per Tara.
Better quality Nets in s doses or some
designs, also plain and colored Ma& 75c
r•as, at per yard ear. Ger to
Hosiery Values that Are
Hers are two or three EXTRAR from out
Hosier,- Department. They are earnplee of the
values it offer,. We sell Pond Hose and good
Hose only.
Boys' School Hose I5c per pair
Bore ribbed Hoes, eesmlwefeet, abeo-
lutely fan Meek, heavy weight,
strong and durable. Special per pair.. 1 JC
Fine Ribbed Hone 25c
Ubildres's One ribbed lisle How in
black or tan. extra strong, perfect-flttina,
good wearing stocking. simealess fee, 2 GC
■ 11 sine.. Per pair •l
Ladies' Fine Hose 23c
Stir cotton or hate Hose, 6e11111/-
1ees fee, biwek or tan, fah -fashioned.
medium weight for tarty spring
wear. Decidedly spacial at per 25c
Extra Quality Lisle Nose 35c
ladies' antra quality lisle thread
Harr,, fall fashioned. ssamle a feet. per-
feet.Attisg, a stocking that will prove
smititemoiryin ervmry way, black or
tan. AL Ness at par pair
Infants' hoof
Kobel vaIues is labiate, and small cbil-
drea's (]Istwrere Hose. mads from fine soh
Aa0rslisa yews proper, d carefully
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