HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-18, Page 7THE SIGNAL :GOERICH ONTARI0 THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1912 1 *444 iisitittolettstgintet*****sicintst test 49 i99 cilcintegintsiintecticct The News of the District *454 .4545445454544545 45 &44544454544&444 4 4 44544544545454+ OODERICH TOWNSHIP. WLtiORNE. WELININDAT, April loth. &BOOL Himont. -The following is LANE**. MONDAY, April 1Rh, 1,ocous.-Our Baster 'kitties were !as Treleaven, of Hans•!, Seek. ; Mr. load Mrs. Perrier. of St. Helios ; Miss Berl Johs,ttlm aad Mks Basil Hackett, sad Ione Treleaven. of topeMia F hes returned wo her r dotot{,• atlas' vitaliser friends daring the h Mr. sad Mrs. G. W. lapse a sae•nt day at Port Albert LiM w 1b fall whe it of this section has on out esuufully green from under Its whits blanket. HULLETT. MONDAY. April 16th. lira John Britton and family. of Constance, have moved to Seaforth. Some damage was done at the Londettboro' the recent but John flutists. the proprietor, mot got everything in reanIug order Again. Rev. Mr. Ferguson, a former pastor of the Methodist chetah at friend- ships! n born'. has been eetitemifas A in the v{IIi Alts just superannuated, Mr. ls ot now in charge of the may circuit. FOR AGED PEOPLE. OW Folks Should Bs Careful is Their Selection of RegMstive Medicine. We have a safe, depe.d•ble and Altogether ideal remedy tbst is partic- ularly adapted to the requireuoents of aged people and persons of weak oon- stituuono who suffer from constipa- tion or, other bowel dieearders. We are so certain that it will relieve these complaints sod give absolute satisfac- tion in every particular tbst we offer it with our peseoOal eua,ant.s that it shell co.t the user nothing K 11 fails to eubstant isle our dela& This remedy i• called Resell Osirhisa. Rexall Ordseliss errs eaten jjare pertimdariy susstt, like aagrreee:bte in seas. May be taken at soy Owe, day ae night ; do not cause diarrhoea. nausea. gripioe. excessive looseness, or otter nolitileoble effects. They have a very milid bet positive action upon the organs with .which obey come in contact. apparently act- ing as a regulative tonic don the re- laxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus overcoming weakness, and aiding to restore the bowels to inorS ous and healthy activity. Three 10e, Tac and 50c. Sold only at our store -The RexaU Store. H. C. Dun- lop, south side of Square. STANLEY. MONDAY, April 15tb. A -linen showed" WAS ten demi to )s'e : o i ere Murdoch prior to ber mar- riege, Miss Emma Morrison enter- taining her friends for the oocsaioo. On Saturday, etb last.. Gars E.' youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John ,Anderson, was united in mar- tisse to John ,Workman, the nuptial toot being tied by Rev. Mr. Richard. eon. Jas. Delicate and Robert Boyoe, of the Bronson line, iteve been diepo�in� of their goods byauction. Mr, Del- Jrtty has rented is farm and is moving to the West. Mr. Boyce is going to New Ontario. 1lrNI:IL-Mvxooce.-At "Ever- rem Ever.gteem Farm,"the home .f Mr. and Mrs. William Murdoch. Stanley tow•obilh a very pleasing event took piece on Thsr•sdey at birth noon when their locoed�coed daughter, Miss trace C.. was married to John 8. McNeil. of St. 'Thomas. The ceretuoey was per- formed erfussed by Rev. N. Shaw. of Egewond- vilie. The bride was given away by her father, and looked clamming in • •dryss of duchess satin. She carried a bouquet of lilies of the v*U.y and car- om_ an•. Guests were ptw.ot from St. homas. Rodney. Loudon and Hewsall. After the ceremony all teat down to a sieiptaaous dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Neil left on the evening train for an extended trip to Buffalo, Olevee1and, Toledo and Detroit On their retiree they will take up their residence in bt. ZAM-BUK 111 THE HOME. Read How Useful It Preyed is Thew Widely Different Cases effec- tiveness in all ki of skip diseases sad injuries. Jost sot* how escellaot these persona proved it in widely different directions, Sore Heel. -Mrs. C. A. Campbell. of Poreassan, Ont., writes: "Owe of my beet, was very badly blistered by a pair of new *hoes, and the poisonous dye from my stocking get into Its sad made a had sore. Poe a week I email mot put on a sane, and 111111/endgnat poo. 1 applied 7.am-Bok. a.sd in a Met days it drew the poison oat surd healed the wound." Bed t'nt.- Mrs. J. Vbgint. of Onoe- daga, Ont., writes , "La.Buk healed a had rut whieb 1 sustals.e. 1 was k in totie day ri 1 Rlipp .4 b. vt1y. toy knee striking a *,a& At the id how badly I bad • had ant lit i d pet was heir,. het I abaft ton inches sad very deep/41446 and apelled. 'lice vs smarting a Ire slays had =1114414111711"6". alto. ta4l i ley. For m- anima as• Bam- mho* remedy." F` Oa Cured. >rs Mastro Ave "hulk of write, .1 remmoo r Onanorad Zus-ilttk to any rime suffering from "hoe. 1 had this dMRaw sad was Ian doctor's traatmeat ter two foam witho.t .s wad malt. I vee trod Tom ask AN la the end it ease tar . Zam.Rnk is fret as for m,,n.,�,eu [ice . slfi skin„jt,ryss • tura dl d, "imam, R pews. far box Do,, f rnrn Zama] Qrt- 7 Za+u Ruk Soar, *a "„"�„" the result of the Baster promotion ex- aminations at 8. 8. No. 8, Goderich township: fir. IV.-1i{owge Row, Mc- Kee Falconer, Harvey Mcl;luakey. Jr. IV. -Warren McOluskey, 'Mile Sow- erby, Ht1gb Davidson. 88..11E -Lewis Neve. Jr. 11I -Allan Ross. Br. II. - 'Reggie Sowerby. Gordon Orr, Willie Peapoe. Jr. iL--Alice Falconer, Roy Wilson, Hessle Davidson, Dos othy Bielean, Victor Ross, Allan Brinley. Pt II. -Victor Falconer, Allan Hichan. Pt 1. -Harvey Fuller, Edgar Amy, Russel Puller. V. Eti sure, Teacher. TUESDAY, April 18th. A LUSO -(.t. t.BORNL - A pretty wed- ding was celebrated at the borne of Mr. nod Mrs. John Colborne, of the 16th conowion of Goderich township, on Thursday. April 4th, when their eldest daughter. Charlotte Leona, was united in matrimony to Sylvester Allen, of Seatorth. The ceremony was pperrforued by Rev. C. E. Jeakios, of Clioto& and the wedding march was played by Miss Ellison Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Allen will reside at Sea - forth. MZRJULL-tMMtru.-The marriage of Miss Ethel M. Smith, daughter of John Smith. of this township, to Wil- liam John Merrill, of the lOth con- oeesion, took place on Wednesday evening, April 3rd, at St. Mary Mag- dalene churcb, LJoydtown, Ont. Rev. J. H. Colcloagh, cousin of the bride, performed the ceremony. The young couple returned home after spending a few days at the rectory at Lloydt•own. Their many friends unite in wishing them happiness and prosperity. SHE'S SATISFIED Tbat Dodd's Kidney Pills Will Cure Dia- betes Bootees They Cured Her. Cote Rouge, Two Mountains Co., Que.. Apr. lath.--(Special.)-Mies Mortise Brezeau, of this place. has proved to her own satisfaction that Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure dia- betes Miss Brazeau says "For six months I suffered from dia- betes. Six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me completely. I give you permission to publish this, as it may be the means of helping others." That what will care diabetes will cure any form of kidney disease is an old saying, and no doubt remains that Dodd's Kiidbey Pills wiU cure diabetes. EAST WAWANOSH. Moistest, April 13th. AMERe i5Jrr FIGURES. -The follow- ing Otformatioo taken from the esteems - meat roll just returned by Assessor Wlgbtman will he of interest to many of the ratepayer. : Number of acres as.emed 41,731 • cleared 32,210 " " " wood land.... 3,704 " slash lead 878 " " swamp lead 4,903 Value of reel property exclusive of buiki.ings 11,132.103 Value of buildings .... 428.800 Business swesttelent ... 4067 Taxable income. .. 2,031 Total assessment. $1,584,390 There are 493 children between the ages of 5 and 21 and 340 between the ages of 5 and 18. The population for 1912 is given as 1,543, an increase of 13 over Tut year. There were 31 births and 15 deaths in 1911. There are 214 dogs io the township. KINTAIL COAL Any quantity of the best 1 Cbestout and Stove Coal on hand at Kingsbridge. Farmers wanting Coal bad tenet Ret in a supply at once, as there is a likelihood of a coal atrike and most dealers in the surrounding towns are out. O. BUFFET BELL, 1 Kingsbridge. i MONDAY, April 15th. News Notate. -Ted Griffin bas re- turned home after spending the winter in Porcupine ..Miss Catherine Taylor. who bad been visiting in Rip- ley for same tithe, bas returned home. Miss NIinoie Cathcart intends leaving on Tuesday for Winnipeg, where she will take a position as stern- er Fred McGregor left to - da for Wingham. where he intends talon a oouree at the Business College. The G. C. I. students have re- turned today to resume their studies. Miss Mae McGregor left today for her home in Lucknow after spend- ing ptf� it1y1 a few weeks with ter uncle, A. McGregor. WOMAN'S HAIR. Here's a Preparation That Makes Hair Fascinating. Parisian Sage is the ideal hair tonic and beautifier of the present time. it is compounded on the most ad- eemed scientific principles, and noth- ing on the market todey can compare with it. it accomplishes so mesh more than the. ordinary tonics, and does it .0 quickly, that users are eetnnisbed. PRE1018a Rage kill. the dandruff pram sad eradicate. dandruff in ton week*. or rubles ey rack. stops falling hair gabjtsg 01 the. scalp and splitting hobo. or money hack. Mees it. Introduction into America it has become a pri,.:e favorite with wanes of refinement. Parietals Hage gives • fascinating lesire to women's hair and task's it beswtitul. it makes the bait. grow itleariaatly ; it is the daintiest and Most twfreshios hair dressing that sdSws has produced, and hue not a pEr�c1r1 of grease or stickier** in it. ♦ large bottle of Parielae Nage envie bus BO esaM a e. 1 The « and dead. ere with the auburn battle on every package. I1 rtsuAY, April 18th. TOWNSHIr• l'ouN&'ll.. - Colborne council held its regular meeting April lDth. All the utewlbers prswnt. The minutes of last tueetiug were read and adopted. Petitions were prevented by Ales. W. Young and Isaac Tabb ask- ing fora grant to aid in building wire fseoes at their farms. No antlers was taken. Accounts paid: Charles Breckow, repairing two culverts, M. C., 117.50: Albert Mugford, breaking roads, .; Georrgge A b [mg icade, 111 Wm. �bolding plough, Sic ; Horace Hosdse. ploullb log roads. Si : Joseph Theitehmoo, disc - lag roads, 15: Abner Morris. shovel- ling snow, 11 ; David Basle, shovel- ling snow, 11: Joseph Meehan, break- ing roads, 1112.50: Signal Printing Co.. 55.50; E. H. Walter, goods for Adam Akam. $5.25. A request was received from the comtniasiooers of the Muni- cipal telephone system for a bylaw to enable them to build a trunk line through Ooderich township te the corporation of Clinton. Moved by Councillor Halliday, seconded by Reeve Kernighan, that said request be granted. Carried. Bylaw No. 2, for the issuing of debentures to pay for the building of the Colborne muuici- pel telephone system, was presented hlthe commissioners of said system. oved by Councillor Halliday, sec- onded by Reeve Kernighan, that said bylaw No. 2 be passed. Moved in amendment by Councillor Hethering- ton, seconded by Councillor Bisset, that the passing be left over to a •pe- cial meeting to he held on the 27th inst.., at 5 o'clock p. m. The i mtend- ment carried. F. W. McDoNAOH, Clerk. BAYFIELD. WEDNESDAY. April 3rd. PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS. - Fol- lowing are the results of tbe Huron promotion examinations in the two rooms of Bayfield public school : uOOM L First Form -Part I. -Duncan Camp- bell, Norman Toms, Willie Heard, Neil Elliott, Brown Higgins. Dorothy Clard, Alma McKay. Part II.-Wii- lie Parker. Gladys Condell, Ethel Gemeinhard, J a of e s Drebmson, Charlie Oemeinhard, Ethel Jowett, Jean Woods!, Mary Galbraith. Lola Elliott, Robbie Blair, James Catling, Frank Erwin. Second Form -Junior -Rath Mc- Donald, May Fields, Harry Baker. Willie Brown, Harold Weston, Russel Davison, Norville Gemeinhard, Roland Reid, Alfred Copeland. Senior- itetta Merner, Ethel Drehmanu, George Blair. Willie San Jerson. Alex - soder Brown, Lucy Woods, Leslie Elliott, Shirley King, Greta Biker. Teacher, Meso,.Rrr Fawn:woe. ROOM 11. Third Form -Junior -Wilfred Tom Susie Westlake, Bertha Westlake Beulak. Parker, Reta Tippet, Nina. Heard. Lulu Davison, Malvin Davison, Irene Catling, Mary Currie, Beatrice Brown, Hales Dreamer. Ruby Silica. Senior -Irene Elliott, Lola Blair, Sid- ney Castle, Russel H erd, Muriel King, Wilmer Blair, ism. Atkinson. Fourth Form-Junior-EtbelFow- lie. Lulu Baker, Irene Corrie, Break Ring, Lillian Catling, Florence $!!lett, Abe Brandon, Willard Dresser, Ken- neth Currie. Senior -Isabel Woods, Bessie Elliott, EHo Elliott, Dorothy Folie, Jim Ferguson, Lolly Ross, Grenville Atkinson, Ploy Edwards, Belie Parker, Kenneth Smith, Katb- ieen Elliott. Fifth Form -Lulu King, Wilbur Erwin, Florence Martin. Teacher, hums F. Foness. LOYAL. THURSDAY, April 4th. FAREWELL OATHttattteo.-A gather- ing of friends and neighbors number- ing umbering about fifty assembled at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. 8omermail Tuesday evening of last week, whew a most en- joyabletime was sfknt. During the early part of the evening Chas. McNeil gave many fine selections on his Phonograph after which Mr. McNeil in a few well-chosen wordscalled upon John Young, who read the following address, while Bert Varcoe presented to Mrs. Somerset) a handsome leather- upholstered eatherupbolstered chair and to Mr. Homer - sail $ pipe. Mr. and Mrs. Rowersalk were taken completely by surprise, Mr. Someteall replied hes Lily thanking the friends for their tokens of good wishes and said tbat while they regretted leaving Loyal he was pleased to say they were not going her away and he extended to all a cordial In- vitation to come to vee them io their new home in Oodericb. After partaking of a splendid Iuoeh about midnight 3ancing was indulged in un-, Til en early bow. the mash aagg fur- nished by our jovial bachelor Wmlam McPhee. Loyal, March lfitb, 1912. To Mr. and Mrs. Somersell: DEAR FRIEND;,- We, your neigshbors and friend.. desire on this occaMota to express to you our regard and esteem as you are about to sever your ootemec- tioes with the tcwoship of Colbww& We cannot let the opportunity VSs without expressing our full appy sta- tion of lbs good feeling we bays al- ways bad toward you. We have al- ways found you good neighbors and friends .leesou hare been In our midst. You have by your kindly word., acts and •oenurag.rneot beonghl comfort and eont.enL Let it ever be r•essembered that words fail n. in attempting to express the very sin- cere Tegret we all feel in your leaving e a To mese small •stent as showing the very great affection and esteem with which yon are haul, permit us to Cr:this address and an easy ehalr Seaweed' and a pipe to Mr. S a, res3. We wish that many years ni hEe/iems and swmfnrt may be in store you both. You may rest ea- swag o-seta/ that you will have the very hest wies of your 1.oyal and Carlow Mesh where've you may he. (Insures ea behalf of your eeigbbors sad Baer VARDSL Wm. Tortola. CHAS. MCNiIL C.00sdpation is the root of uy forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, thoroughly by over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe ind certain cure for constipation and an kindred troubles. Try them. 25c. a box. Beatify Your ties �e arti.ti• and attract.. rtyar Nantas addr more vee=p't.e of we • bower •.eaafated walla. mem mete su eerier eai la vendee, y maws Dnk Storv. reaeonabk M. e1VLN Reegaaass, OM. 108 NOX 1 COLD IN ONE DAY 108 is the number of a prescription by an eminent doctor, rod it cures coughs, adds, bronchitis and sore throat. Try iL 25 cents a bottle at Dunlop's drug store. "The That VV�Reh�eve Neuralgia." The piercing paint of Neuralgia, which often follows a bad cold or LaGrippe,arc frcquentlyaiasost un- bearable and few medicines afford any relief to the sufferer. 'I am a rural mail carrier and havr been a user of the Dr. Miles medicines for years. Dr. Miles' Anti -Pala Pills can't be beaten. They are the only thing I have found that will relieve my neuralgia and 1 have tried most everything, besides medicine from the doctor. I am willingto tell anyone what the Anti-ain Pills t:id ft.r tae." CHARLES HiLDERBRANDT, Box 205 Woodvill, Ohio 1f you, like Mr. Hilderbrsndt, 'have tried most everything" in sin. why no, do as he did, fight ',our aches and pains with Dr. Wes* Anti -Pain Pills. Let the pills bear the brunt of the battle. No matter how stubborn the con - 'est, they will cone out victorious. Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills stand on their record, which is •a long li-t of cures extending back a generation. Druggists everywhere a.11 then,. If ant package fans to b.nent, your drug- gist will return your Haney. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto. Cas ANOTHER LIFE SAYEDI Week lap beloved by Morriscy's "Ne. It" 87. JOHN, N. S . My. 17. 1115 had Pleuro-Pneumeata. gad was tidies to the City Hospital to hate my lasts tapped Atter tilt wee less I •.wale ta get worm, and Dover impacted to walk again. la tact, 1 was elves ea and wanted to he Wien bows tram the hospital. r was is a terribly rssaewn eoseltlen and telt that I wsa Reda( eget tate consummation. ave ter alts months was Jest • stttaeaw. I tried every steama to get w.11. bat there woe se mere for me until 1 betas taking leemr Xa 1e Lung Tanta, 1 wheels I used Ir bottles In all It was mot ley after returning horse that I earpelesee my nMtltbor. by pieta, In strength sad health. and no. I am 1■ Susi health. and feet It mi duty to publt/1 ft everywhere, as I am Ilvlmg to -day - Paved fres the grave by your wesse- fat premertptlsa. You may publish ibis i.tfar If . res wish. for 1 am wining to let Me terse know what this ypoidldse Pe tar me, and 1 cannot praise it too Wahl/ " Kra I 1y.- Mra John E. marker. The abet* prescription is net a -rum- or or Pe -11•1111d Pst.nt seed's••-. Dr. ¥•missy prsewlb•g It for 44 rears, and It emcee tbeemeds attar miter (1,K. tors team Prim••-411wsli alm tin: hares Sem. Sea per kettle- .t your deals. .r Pur Merrier" kradtrlse Co. I.Imited, Mosrrt a e• Mold sad gam ant dasas Oodeictt by CENTRAL Business College STRATFORD, ONT. Stood.; to the front ae the hest school of 11. kind la tie Province. Our courses are beyond these el the ordinary butane.. col- lege- This school has a ooutineetal repeta- tioo for kt=a-=rads wet*. We bare three departaree t.Commercial. Shorthand and Telegraphy, and tLe deemed for trained help yosatly exceeds the e.pp,1 y. Students are enteritis each week and the sooner yen enter the better far yourself. Oct our tree catololrw at sera D. A. McL.0 HLAN, Principal. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Empire and Oood Cheer Ranges By purchasing either of these types of stoves you secure an ideal cook- ing range. Come in and see them. W. P. PINDEK Plumbing, Heating. Electric Fixtures and Metal Work Hamilton Street Goderich f LOGS WANTED The undersigned will pay tbe highest cash prices for all kinds of good logs, de- livered at our m i 1 1, north of MacEwan'a ('oal Yard. CUSTOM SAWING and general mill work done promptly and at reasonable rates. For prices end particulars inquire at office. Goderich Luber & Milling Co. turdys IS THE PLACE FOR Pure Groceries ALL WE ASK iS A TRiAL Sturdy & Co. The °carets on tits Square 'PHONE •1 Ready for Spring! HATS and CAPS Our stock of Hats and Cape for Hering weer is aure to please you. The Regal and King George V. Christie• to the newest shapes and shades are of the best quality and are sure to give satisfaction. We alsoltave a good line of Caps suitable for wear In the early epi lug. tv $ GLOVEScare yt.o Ao mwainthsodrt esGs lios vnesot actotemrpyeotue without a suitable pair of gloves. Wel-dressed will Wear Semi -Ready CLOTHING Clothilngthis year.men \Ve handle thews good; that have a national reputation for their ex- cellence to style and durability. You should call at once and see the latest dictates of fashion. 11cLE AN BROS. The Square Men's Outfitters Ooderich Not Water bottles Every home should have a Hot Water Bottle, as it is the most useful article in the home - especially when sickness comes. We have them at all prices. The Store That Plea.;. Call and see them at F. J. Butland' Goderich �aae v .21 Spring at Last0 0 11 q CHAS. C. LEE 'Phones Store 22e House 112. =20 Wire Fencing This Spring we beve some exceptional values in all No. 9 Coiled Spring Steel Wire Fencing. This Fencing is fully guar- anteed. The wire is all made on open beartb, the same as rail- way rails are made today. This insures so even temper and strength. Wire made in the other way is not even and no wire is stronger than the weakest part, so by buying our Fence you buy the hest. 8 wires high all No. 9 Wire, 39 inches high, per rod... 210 7 wires high. all No. 9 Wire, 40 inches high, per rod . ego 8 wires high, all No. 9 Wire, 47 inches high, per rod No. 9 Coiled Spring Steel Wire at per 100 lbs ............. $2.00 Land Plaster Now 1. the time to put land plaster on your meadows. Those we 'told to last year said they noticed a big difference in their crops. It draws the moisture and keeps the roota moist d•lring the dry spell. Fertilizer Do you use a Fertilizer? We have a carload to arrive about April 15th. This Fertilizer is used extensively bythe National Land & Fruit Packing Co. It is worth your whie to look into this. C•11 and get a booklet which gives you the analysis, etc, It Pays to Spray Do you spray your orchards ? if not, you handle tbe Spramotor Pumps and supplies. Gasoline Engines should. We When Tabor is so scal•ce you should have a Gasoline Engine to do your pumping, churning, crushing chopping. etc. We handle the International Harvester Co.'s Engines. They all run above their rated hone power sod are yery ecomonical in gasoline. 1 horse -power air-cooled engine for $85.00 2 horse -power air-cooled engine for $128.00 1 bcrse-power hopper -cooled engine for $810.00 2 horse -power hopper -cooled engine for.. ,130.00 2 horse -power famous water-000led vertical engine for *160.00 Oliver Plows What about your Plow this Spring ? \Ve carry the cele- brated Oliver Plow, wbich is acknowledged to be tbe best Plow on the market today, Chatham Wagons Do you need a wagon ? We have the Chethern Wagon. Paints and Oils Our stock of SIIERWIN WILLIAMS' PAiNT more complete. General Hardware AR ramal you will Rod our stook of general and ware rightist to date. Cement was never heti. c }lard We have cont rooted for :1,0110 barrels of National Portland Cement We can gearaelee you the price and prompt delivery. The National Cement le acknowledged by all to bre the beet Cement on the market. Let us figure en one 111111.1611.heating. eavestn.oRhin , electric wiring. All eat ptcs attrwdltltd to and gully gttare,ntsed,