HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-18, Page 6t1
• man Avv. Asst 11. iiia
By is
but the ten others wtlo are wit oat of
the tweuty-two, by briugIOg us back
to Grand -pets in the hour that our es-
cape seemed to be assured had we put
i Conti n nett from is+i wLet
•HILIP, I want to tall you
"Something pleasant?' i
'Then why tell one?'
"Because, unhappily. 1t must be told.
I hope you wW forgive me, though I
shall never forgive myself. Oh. my,
dear, my dear, why did we ever meet?
And what am I to say? i -well, I hare
ysamised to marry another Irian."
"Disgraceful!" said Philip.
"Philip, dear, this is quite serious,"
said iris, momentarily withdrawing
her wistful gaze from the faraway
line where sapphire sea anal amber
airy met In harmony. Northeastern
Brazil Is n favored clime. Bad weath-
er la there a mere link, as It were, be-
tween unbroken weeks of brilliant inn -
shine. At her present pace the Unser
Fritz would enter the harbor at Per-
nambuco on the following morning.
Iris, ber troubled face resting on her
hands, her elbows propped on the rails
ot the poop on the port side, looked at
Philip with an intense sadness that
was seemingly lost on bion.
"I really mean what I say," she con-
tinued in a low voice that vibrated
with emotion. "I have given my word
-writteu it -entered into a moat sol-
emn obligation. Somehow the pros-
pect of reaching a civilized place to-
morrow Induces a more ordered state
of mind than bas been possible since -
since the Andromeda was lost."
"Who is he?" demanded Dozlerdark-
ly. "Coke is married. So is Watts.
Dom Corrla bas other fish to fry than
to dream of committing bigamy. Of
course I am well aware that yon have
been flirting with San Benavides"-
"Please don't make my duty harder
for me," pleaded Iola. "Before I met
yon, before we spoke to each other
that first day at Liverpool, I had prom-
ised to marry Mr. Bulmer, an old
friend of my aide's" -
"Oh -he? I am sorry for Mr. Bal-
mer, but It can't be done," interrupted
Hosier. .
"Philip, you do not understand. I -I
cared for nobody then, and my uncle
said he was in danger of bankruptcy,
and Mr. Bulmer undertook to help him
1! I would consent"
He turned and met her eyes. Thee
was a tender smile on his Itpe.
"So you really believe yon will bet
compelled to marry Mr. Bulmerr he
"Oh, don't be horrid!" she almost
sobbed. "I cnc-cnccan't help tt"
"I have given some thought to the
problem myself," he said, "and I
appreciate erectly bow well It w-aild
perve Mr. David Verity's interests 1f
his niece married a wealthy old party
like Balmer. By tbe way, how old is
"Nearly seventy."
"It 1. .a pity that Bnlmer should be
a patriarch. because his only Dope of
harrying you 1s teat 1 .ball die r -.t.
iltien thea W must be prepared to
espouse my widow. By the way, L It
disrespectful to describe bum as a pat. l-
arch 1 Isn't there some pruverb about
threescore years and ten?'
"Philip. It only you would appre-
ciate my dreadful position" -
"1 do. It ought to be ended. The
Gut parson we mut shall be Com-
mandeered. Don't you see. dear, we
ret:ih mumget married at Psrnam•
huco "
Iris clluched ber little bands In de-
spair Why did be not understand her
misery 1 'Tough she was unwavering
in her reaolutlon to keep faith with the
nanl who had twitted her with taking
all and giving nothing In retnru, she
could tot wholly restrain the tumult
in her reins Married In I ernembncol
Ab. It only that were possible!
"I ant eure we would be bappy to-
gether." she *aid. wttb s pathetic con-
fidence that tempted bion strongly to
take her to his arms and gigs away
her ?ears "We must forget what hap-
pened In the lane of dreamt. 1 will
never were auy (nab but you. Philip.
Yet 1 cannot merry you."
"Yon wilt marry mein Pernambuco."
"1 wilt not be.•suae 1 may not. Oh,
spare me soy more of this: 1 cannot
bear It' Have pity. dear''
"Iota, let um st leeat .."k at the posi-
tion cslmly Do luta renlly think that
fate's own det•ree should be net aside
merely in k.r$i lack, Verity oat of
Use bnoIrul.t.•' ..,art''
'1 bare given nal tan se, and tams
two men are .'ert5tb 1 e'111 Ilea" IL"
"Ah they WIl• wore.- fon. What
fhb i
"Ton n., tow In..* not oriels Of Mr.
Balmer N..,.-. ." .,. 1. g,s1 1 nous
NfYfythlna 1., ., tttt. t. rte r.e.n 4
My tn.wn.l aim ,.- tr..n. ,11r,• poverty
He gave use trw,t .N hi. enitlld.Iws
We bare boil .511 tn..n 1.•11r It mem-
ory will e. e, w" - ane 1 .(hall think
0? yon. dream "t ,.m w leo) 11 may he.
Nese of her dirt ..n n.. 1 tin nor tnean
rt1 Pblllp 11.1.1 1w wngrr wit& m.
fieda7 You ere w•rtbgtt.r nit noartr
"i Mall oever give you nu to one
eller mea" he saki -1 have. wan yon
Id the sword an& plower 1ae4. 1 .haft
Raper Ore yea epi Not will* 1 Deal
WW, Tee yard dragged tete ewer
treat thigh Muth wase I war yfog
■laeawLns se tae Aadeni&L. Mat
ithsaso$ Wsa.7e• gond set tea MRA
oaken Iris was somber, vlsibla� tie
went straight to ber cable and it ked.
I"K' bo Is tt T' sbe asked 1.
'1. Philip. WUI you be ort deck i•
• quarter ot an boar*
"But this Uwe 1 want to tell you
Monet ting."
"Philip, dear, 1 am weary. 1 mast
Net -and -I dare not meet you."
"Dare not r
"I am afraid of myself. Please Nave
out to sea. We are more than quits,
dear heart, when we strike a balance
of mutual service. We are bound by
a tie of comradeshlp that is dented to
most. And what other man and wo-
man now breathing can lay better
claim than we to have been joined by
the Almighty?'
The strange ezigeucles of their Uva
during the past two days bad ordained
that this should be Philip's first avow-
al of his feelings. Under the stress of
overpowering impulse he had clasped
Iris to his heart when tbey were part-
ing on the island In obedience to a
stronger law than any hitherto re-
vealed to ber innocent consciousness
the girl bad flown to tots arms when
be came to the but. And that was all
their lovemaking -two blissful mo-
ments of delirium wrenched from a
time of gaunt tragedy and followed by
n few boars of self negation. Yet they
sufficed -to the man -and the woman
is never too ready to count the coat
when her beart declares its passion.
"Give yon upr be muttered again.
"A"o. Iris, not it Satan brought every
dead Verity to aid the living one in
bis demand."
Coke, to whom tact was anathema,
chose that unhappy instant to summon
blm to take charge of the ship.
"We're givtn' Pernambuco the go-by.
it's Macelo for us, quick as we .can
get there," said Coke.
Hozler was w oo humor for coa-
cllLtory methods. He turned on hes
heel and walked straight to where De
Sylva was leaning against the nils.
"Captain Coke tells me that we are
mot making for Pernambuco," be said,
meeting the older man's penetrating
gaze wltb a glance as firm and self
-That Le what wo have arranged,'
said Dom Corrla.
"It does not seem to bare occurred
to you that there !s one person op
board this shlp whose Interests are
vasUy more important than yours, sen-
"Meaning Miss Yorker' asked the
other, who did not require to look
twice at this stern visaged man to
grasp Use futility of any words but obs
ribs will be nates at Macelo thee
at Pernambuco. Our only danger at
either place will be encountered at the
actual moment of handing. At Macefo
Mere is practically no risk of finding
a warship to the harbor. That le why
we are going there."
"And not because you are more I1M-
ly to God adherents there?"
"it L a touch smaller town than
Pernambuco, and my strength Iles out-
side the large cities, I admit. lint
there can be no question as to our
wisdom In preferring Macelo, even
where the young lady's well being N
"i see that, whether willing or not,
we are to be made the tools of your
ambition," Interrupted Hazier curtly.
"It is also fairly evident that t am the
only man of the Andromeda's company
whom you have not bribed to obey
yon Well. be warned now by me. It
circumstances tall to joatify your
change of route I
shall make 9 my
business to settle
at least one rev-
Intiom is Bradt
by cracking your
"Int esu ander
stand!" add De
8ylva. "Yoe bold
my life as torten
if any mischance
befalls Miss
"1 accept that.
Of courts you no
longer challenge
my direction of
"1 am no matcb "TOO 001.1) sit ME
for yon In argil- as aoavtrr?'
mets. aenhor, bet 1 do want you to
believe that 1 obeli keep my part et
tits compact-"
-I'w goln' to 'see a nap,' Coke an -
pounced "i ither yea or Watts must
take 'nod. Wird 1s it to her
"No need to ask Mr Roder any web
e lleetloa," said the soave Dom Outfit`
"Tot an treat him imptteftty. W b
with s ..ow -es fes death."
Raw atter sweet lab rssopwr0L
RM walked es tis after desk with than
Rensvldw and mend es be lttalwflg
with grant atbwtfew le ssesutalwg be
was mines bar
Whew Redd" wore relieved met
mrd ee a m • 1w has WO S wMh
illmo awl ems of taw abWo eV.
He caught the gob to her voice, and
1t unmanned him. He stalked oft, rag.
lag. While off duty he kept strict
watch and ward over the gangway
In wbkb iris' cabin was situated. it
was =elesa She remained hidden.
As Coke bad told Iris she might *s-
port to be ashore about 2 o'clock,
she waited until halt past 1 ere coin-
ing on deck. Despite ber unalterable
decision to abide by the bideous com-
pact entered into with her uncle and
Balmer, ber Gut tbougbt mow was to
find Hosier.
Iola was thoroughly wretched and
not a little disturbed by the Dear pros-
pect of landing In a foreign country
which would probably be plunged into
civil war by the mere advent of De
(Vlva. It need blydly be said that
under these circumstances Mosier was
the one man in whose company eh*
would feel reasonably safe.. But she
could not see him anywhere.
At fast ebe balled one of the Androm-
eda's met( whom the met in a gang-
"Mr. Hozier, miser said he. "Oh,
he's forrard, right up In the bows.
keepin' a lookout"
This information added to her dis-
tress. She ought not to go to him.
Full well she knew that her presence
might distract him from an all im-
portant task. 8o she sat forlornly on
tbe fore hatch, waiting there until be
[night leave his post
The steamer crept on lazily, and •Iris
fancied the bour must be Dearer 5
o'clock than 2 when she beard Ho -
stet's voice ring out clearly:
"Buoy on the port bowl"
There was a movement among the
dim figures on the bridge. A minute
later Hosier cried again:
"Buoy on the starboard bowr
She understood then that they were
is a marked channel. Already tbe road
was narrowing. Soon they would be
chore. At last Hosier came. He new
her as be jumped down from tbe fore-
castle deck_
"Why are you here, Iris?" was all he
said. She looked so bowed, so hum-
bled. that be could not and it in his
heart to reproach her for having
avoided bias earlier.
"I wanted to be near you." she whte-
pared. "i-1 am frightened. Philip. I
am terrified by the unknown. Some-
how on the rock oar dangers were
deasurable; here we shall soon be
swallowed op among • whole lot of
Tbey beard Coke's gruff order tis the
watch to clear the falls ot the jolly -
bat The Unser Frits was going dead
slow. On the starboard side were the
lights of a large town, but tbe op-
posite shore was somber and vague.
Are we going to land at once in a
small boat?" said Iris timidly.
"I fancy there is a new move on
foot. A. gunboat is moored halt a
mile downstream. You missed her be-
came your back was turned- She has
steam up and could slip per cables in
a minute. They saw her from the
bridge, of course, but I did not report
her, as there was a chance that my
hail might be beard. aid we cams In
se confidently that we are looked on as
a local trader."
He took ber by the arm with that
masterful gentleness that 1s so com-
t s'ting to a woman when danger L
rff6 They reached the bridge. Some
tmllora were lowering a boat as quiet-
ly as possible.
Dom Oorrla approached with out-
str.tcbed band.
"Ooodby, Miss Yorke," be said. "I
am leaving you tor a few boors, not
longer. When neat we meet l ought
to have a sure grip of the presidential
ladder, and I shall climb quickly.
Won't you wish me luck?"
"I wish you all good fortune, Dom
Oorria," said Iris. "May your plans
saeeeed without bloodshed."
Ah, this 1s South America, remem-
ber. Our conflicts are usually short
and fierce. Au revolr, Mr. Hosier. By
daybreak we shall be better friends."
Ban Benavides also bade them fare
wan wtth an easy grace not wholly
d.rald of melodramatic pathos The
dandy and the man of rags climbed
down a rope ladder, the boat All away
front tbe ship's side. and the aflght
teak them
Harare mead Ooka
"Tea sir,"
"I. an rear Ismer. to Ne go sa-
"Dara bar thlety. Tog go and see to
li wet your
Seater mode et at ria.
Iris faceted the hilt thee she heard
,Malar word the ab•ddeiad. Would
that Medd temehera nes out into
a rear et aetlBey and the 'remora
dinar Mts. Moe aha wme.aat Androm-
ndroseel. dagger all Web foto a watery
sattIle oily hall tint jarred the
/fir Neat wet Iha rates et tee
sable sad sleek Ills Mfg 11111 away
a flee 1wt aa/ was halt TMre was
has aeries 1pR ea aha. s• Net wet
• pain beat at ssefo— taaaeh had
gid eK reser ors srlsoo. It wag
fits eB entasia ter Ile Dor at •
.'r Ye,.a
Massey -
etabessattes m
The Divides/ Line.
DWill ieo la. writing a stew y retitled
.trt+wth Will he Aar- ed," In the Nay
Atnee4eas Maoaatna. says :
"ro. noticed that from the lime a
Rkaw's twenty, oath he's thirty -eve ah
M_ does with his mites 1se+nwy is shell
s lhlrtar t its aoeaIeadiest fa. Aad atvr
y afferlugu..
Woven in middle age often complain of bot lashes. They an ea deet map
of lite -whoa their delicate organism needs a took and helping -bead width ally Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription an give them. Many women suffer needlessly frees
girlhood to womanhood and from motherhood to old age -with backache, died -
seas or headache. A women often becomes sleepless, nervous, " *oboe -down,"
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Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Yea J. IYaor, of SO S. Bstalon Street. Baltimore. Md.. says: "I
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took several bottles of 'Favorite Prow -nod=' sad ane of Dr. Pleree'.
Smart -Weed 1 never had a well day before I took your medkln.a I was
surprised how well 1 felt -could eat -was always Misery. and never had a
sick stomach. The nurse who was with ins said the medicine was woader-
fel because i got along so nicely after having had so much trouble before.
She intends to rero,nmend it to all her suffering patt®ta Everybody la
astonished at me because 1 only weighed 102 pounds before and now I
weigh 130. I have had several ladies coma to ora and ask about De. Plsr+lv'e
medicine. I am waling to reeoamead it to all who suffer and writ bele.
If any mat Won -nation 1 will be clad to Tiro It to them -
raasrs e. war
is.seal coaaa •
7L ♦wN led ' ti mom
See the Kellogg. "Corn
Fed" boy! Isn't he a big,
chubby fellow? Every morn-
ing be gets a big dish of the
" growing" food — Kellogg's
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your children will thrive when
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sweet hearts of the world's
finest corn.
Buy a. package today.
lOCum= Per-Pkg
place to buy all kinds et farm
WAGONS from Baia's.
of Woodstock •
.BUGGIES from Grays,
of Ckstkam
Standard Fence Co.
Inc. Toronto
ILIZER from Detroit
We have a few Cutters to
sell at cost as long as the stock
Iasis, at
Robert Wilson's
HamilU,n Street, Goderich
terra SCUD coavoar
i. tk. ,a teciete rewfd, a..
tad least. 'S , swots- t
res.., e. wale ruu"a, p.
Alm W Ma rads o. I.v.
eke Loyal Malt Steswahi ,.
far tk. iort a<t7t aas,.
ger. Cabic.sr•.s,s 1e.funo
amen .d decorated after "period..
�-- Thee. Malthus to &ietof, t day..
For fug oll lefanforuaaW
Toronto. ilia
Going at Full Blast
Big Cut in Prices
Men's Overcoats to be cleared at
Men's Suits to be cleared at
Men's:Pants to be .old isy iic.
Twenty dozen Shirts to In raid
at 47e.
Ken's Winter Oaps to be cleared
at ?.e.
Men's Working Shirts, regular
75c and $1.00, for 59c.
Boys' Knickers to be cleared at
Men's Woollen Socks to he
cleared at 2 pairs for 3fic.
South Side of Square
'-.ndfh. 870 feet breadth, 65,1 tele
Tenes .on
Wtwdees and 114 b-. Std.ale
From fit. John, N.a, to Liverpool, .
L*pe.ef Ireland • (w,o
From Quebec to Liverpool.
Emil. Britain May 3, M•22 31. Junta
Ifltlp, leased Y 1., JYSs U
July u1y It.
Front Montreal to Liverpool.
LChain plait. . Y.yfLJane a,July
L. hlsaltoba ...May SL Jane r11. Jul) I.
of lekete aid all labrmat ion f i ,m say
r.a.„ ~ttieflstiak, . St J. KId,,..\g,•t t. C
ICAC 1 Fie
Apra dead II and *MY Mend TUMMY
Savenabse Ie.
Windpet aid Return, $3&N
Edmiston and Retire, $42.N
Peeaeefi••ssate tea to other Palate to
l�mkkMM b�sa1antoL-
tt'arh4 sJso N'lcnipat era
�1e�i a�r�f�isemmt G P. R. Agent tar Be.
Settlers' Trains to
Western Canada
win leave Versate
Tuesday •arias Aprlilt P- m Apra
For Nether learsatiaa apply a Jos.
Orders carefully attended to
at all hours. night or day.
One always thinks there ie a lot rot
money to he made In any kind of beef -
nee. that be isn't in.
- S
,� r,,Here---.
year Name
your Pbrt6%', a your Province
WRITE your name and address In the I1ngs above. clip
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You wouldn't be satisfied to use a scythe to cut your grain.
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The 20th Century Material—Concrete
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Concrete is as far ahead of brick. stone, or wood as the
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a concrete poultry -house by filling It with straw and settle( the
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the belle. Is uninjured.
It 1. cheap --sand and gravel can be tak.et from your own
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I)., you want to know more about Concrete nn the Tann?
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Western Canada
April If, 23 & 31
sod every second Tuesdac there-
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Special Train
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on above dotes for Fdmonton
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Full particulars f ok Town
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eaGovernment Agent
Bougie Mock, Tomato,
The Most Popular
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91.61111.1 TRAOK ROmJTK
BMannehio Tlekete en Sale
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Per Theme sod a�0tdy M F. L f 4 .
Aaalot_ ' hew No.