HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-18, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS
.pere Did Not Go Through.
1'he Iiceuse commissioners nfor transfer
Huan have mimed to grant •
of liquor lindane for the Britisb Ex-
change hotel to Gordon Brown, the in-
tended purchaser. An amicable
cangeutent of arrived s of sad oe hotel
could not be arra
n this
ground the transfer was refused. Mr.
Brown has' returned to Wiodsor and
g- R Swans is again in charge of Lite
Appeal Sustained. . e
An front the deoislaa of Magt-
istfatie arc', given in the Police ('curt
i few days ago, when the bort ruder of
the Braids Exchange was fined
o 10
and costa for supplying Rimert
minor, John McLeod, was beard last
Saturday before Judge Doyle in the
co�r,ty judge's court. McLeod swore
he war given a bottle of port wine by
the defendant, for Nbi h deby be
This story an denied
bartruder and the case was dismissed.
Pr,udttot, Hays k KIUoren acted for
the defence and C. Seager acted for
the 'roe n.
Commissioners Most Tuesday.
The las's'oes' oommisogon ors for
(;entre Huron will meet next Tuesday
w consider the •pplicatioss for liquor
licenses for the ensuing license year.
In (ioderich at present there are eight
licensee. but In accordance with a by-
law peaked by the town council. order-
ing the cutting oft of two licenses,
Goderich will have only six licenses
hereafter. No statement has been
male as to which ban will be closed
after May tat and ao • result the mat-
ter is the muse of much speculation.
All of tbe present hotel -keepers have
a plied for a renewal ot license.
T. C. Wright Goes to Hamilton.
The London Advertiser says of a
former Godericb boy, moo of Mr. J. J.
Wr ght of the Park House : "Mr. T.
C. Wright, formerly manager of Um
Meson & Riscb Piano Clompany, of
this city, has severed his connection
with the firme and is going to Hamil-
ton. when be will be associated with
Bent:num k Co. During his stay in
London he, made many friends'. Ile
was bonorary secretary of Tuscan.
Lodge, A., F. and A. M.. and also took
*deep interest In the Smooth Regi-
ment, and was prettying for promo-
tion. A number of bb friends were
at the G,and 'Trunk elation Friday to
wish him prosperity In his new boom.
His drearier* is deeply -regretted."
Rine Leanne Petition.
A petition was forwarded to the De-
partment of Militia by the Huton
County Rills' League, *sting that 2110
rounds of ammunition. instead of 100
rounds, br carved to each member of a
civilian title aasoci•elon, and tbat
members of rifle associations be fur-
nished with atumunitioo. no matter
bow long they have been members,
providing they are active members In
good standing. A goodly number
signed the petition and it was' for-
warded by the secretary to E. N.
Lewis, N, P. for West Huron, who
presented it to the Militia Council.
gr. I,"cis has received a reply from
Hon. l•..1 Hughes, Minister of Militia.
in which he expressed bis pleasure at
411 interest taken in the League by
"the toys." The letter stated That
"the matter of increasing the amount
of ammunition to civilise rifle *ssooi-
ations is receiving my most serious
attention, and if you will kindly have
the reminded its the coarse of two or
three ,reeks 1 will then have an an-
swer for you."
Bridges Damaged by the Freshet
So for as wee asotrtained by the
county road and bridge committee at
its inspection of the 2130 -foot bridge at
Auburn. the superstructure was not
damaged hy the recent spring freshet.
The foundation of the west abutment
is washed out and the &hutment itself
is badly cracked near the centre and
is partly out of pleas. It will have to
be removed and it, new one put in, and
for the time Ming traffic over the
bridge may be stoppeduntil the re-
pairs are made. TIM same eoodifies@
prevail at an eighty -five-foot Midge
between Howick and Grey townebips.
where a new abutment is requited.
it sae decided that the engineer
should call for tender s at once for the
repairing of both bridges so that the
work may beed with as soon
as the water si low enough. In the
meantime the engineer he asked to do
his best to provide for tragic. Con-
siderable damage has been done by
washouts. About 2.008 yards of the
Married and Away.
A quiet marriage was solemnised by
Rev. Ueu. E. Row at Knox church
maws on Tuesday. the principals he -
lag Albert 8horeand Miss Lucy I •.bel
Whitbarte both of Goderich. Miss
Laura Whitham was bridesmaid sed
Frank Riley assisted the groom. The
happy couple left oo the 2:15 C. P. R.
toile es' route to Calgary Alta., where
they will locate. Mr. and Mrs.
Shore's tetany friends in town join in
Committed for Trial.
Duncan McLeod was cowmiued by
Magistrate Reid on Saturday evening
to stand tried oo the charge of bigamy.
His trial will take place at the next
court of oompetent jurisdiction, which
will be at the general sessions of the
peau at Oodericb in the month
of June. Evidence was given by Rev.
Jas. Hawiltco and his uou•riege regis-
ter was produced showing that he per-
formed the marriage ceremony be-
tween the aocus'd and Mary Aiken -
head, to December. 1908. The second
wedding war admitted by wife No. 2,
Mrs. Mcllwain, and the marriage
license was put in as en edxhibit. M
G. Cameron le defending McLeod.
Factories Ars Busy.
The various factories of town are
experiencing a great euliveuing of
trade and are being worked to their
capacity to keep up with their spring
orders. Trade at the organ factory is
unusually brisk, a staff of 115 workmen
being em loved at present. The
American Machine Co. is work-
hbg overtime filling several orders for
road machines and concrete miters
that are required immediately. The
Wheel Rigs and Kensington furniture
factories are making big shipments
every week and the marine engine
trade is keeping the Doty Engine
Works very busy.
A Novel Event
The Y. P. 8. C. E. of Koox church
is at ranging for • novel entertain-
ment for Monday evening next, April
2tod. It is a "seven" eoeial end gets
its name hem the fare that the num-
ber -seven" figures extensively in the
program. In addition to this feature
the admission fee is placed at seven
cents, every seventh parson being ad-
mitted free. The sauce rule will be
followed when the eatberingdisperses.
all but every seventh person being as-
sessed seven cents before be departs.
An ioterestiog program is being pre-
pared and the evening should be
thoroughly enjoyed. A cordial wel-
come is extended to all.
A Supply of Tungsten Lamps.
The water aod light commission has
been notified that the Ontario Hydro -
Electric Power Commission will sup-
ply the town witb Tungsten lamps at
rest. At the regular meeting of the
commt-.sionet s on Tuesday evening
it was decided to purchase about 1,500
lamps of different sizes which will be
teethed to all consumers in town at
practically cost prig. The temps may
he obtained at the collector's office
shortly and it. has been stipulated that
all Gales will be for cash and that no
credit will be given. The water and
Tight collector has been instructed to
take steps to collect all arrears for
electric iigbt and to send to all earn
to arrows a synopsis of the recent by-
law teamed providing for the cutting
off of the current witbin thirty day, of
the last reading of the meter if arrears
are not paid. The cowmiseion also
decided to place the sum of 02.000 to
the credit of the town.
A Sadly Bereaved Home.
Murb sympathy is felt for J. J. Mc-
Ewen and his young children in the
sorrowful loss which they bave sus-
tained by the death of the wife and
mother of the borne. Her demise took
place last Sunday morning at the
family residence on Elgin avenue.
after an allows bxtendlog over several
weeks. Mrs. McEwen's maiden name
was Catherine McKenzie Martin. Her
parental home was at Teeswater,
where she was married to ber now
herserft partner about live years ago.
Since that time she had resided in
Goderich, where she endeared ber-
self to many and woo a boot of friends.
Besides ber husband she leaves two
little girls—Geraldine and Paobine—to
mourn the low of a loving mother.
The funeral took pleats on Tuesday
afternoon, abs' services being conduc-
ted by Her. Geo. E. Ross, deceased's
pastor. The interment was made in
Maitland cemetery. The pallbearers
were John Harrison, N. MacAuley
approach to Beira brides esr the 'Onitand R. H Cntr all of town • Arch.
borne side is gone and the •pproacb at 1fsI]wald, of Teeswater: John Cute,
nradd of Brussels, and Jag. Cult, of Blyth.
tee small bridge at Zetja is dam-
s ad to the extent of about. 1,000
yards. The approach to the Bluevale
bridge also requires attention. The
county engineer is to arrears* for all
necessary repairs as won as possible.
The Late David Reid.
There parsed away on Friday morn-
ing last another of the town's oid resi-
dent*, in the person of Da4W Reid.
Elgin avenue, who bad readied Lb*
geeof seventy -Ave re. Mr.
born in Count Down, irw•
land, near the city of Belfast, wile"'
be was married. He eases to this
country in 1866, arriving in G°1111°46b
in the spring of that year. He was
engaged in the teaming and contract-
ing business herd for upwarda of forty
Years, retiringfroactive work some
Tears ago. Im ot
e wee a faithful member
of North street Methodist church and
he his quiet and lsdoetrlow Iia
owned t he respeet of bis fellow -eke
tete. HP leaves to mocks hie death.
betides hie wife, one brothel Jatbie-
Hackett, of Aabfleid .rad 'lire Jas.
sad Mrs Adam
TibI,P:Noon. of Luekoow i three seem :
R0ben, f Brantford Albar� el Vas-
_ Edward, et home : macs
iCke"ns,�Miite. t Mes. ters Mtn � rte al
114 Animist. Oa t Urn H �M.rri-
q: of Lek* tat}, midi., mei Mn.
Is -
'west ��tnolt plies to Maitland
media. eery en Sunday wee largely et•
Nt wear' • Rev A lftied dsisselemeae,wn
ems the releiat/artOiergyrM. and to e
PVh � fteie warn Rohe. Tomei. Win.
A . ( era lleagere W R. Rnb-
W Vanatter and Jamb
Alsrdnts,l7 pun` therefore the heat
Illeekseouse?sere hr1, e'P'hose Mk
We cream. is bah a
drucefield Case Before Judge Doyle.
A rase was tried in the County
Judge's Criminal Court on Monday of
this week as the result of a oompleint
laid by John Alexander, jr„ of
Tuekersoitb, cheeping that Chas. H.
Reid , of the village of Brocetleld.
drover, "did on Seturday, the 3rd day
of February, 1l1a at Bruoefkld, un-
lawfully inflict grievous bodily harm
upon the complainant. John Alex-
ander, Ir., of Tockeramith." The
rherge was disnaimsed by His Honor
Judge Doyle. it was shown in the
evidence tat William Alexander sold
four bead of cattle to Reki in the
month of February. On the day of
delivery he drove three of them to
Rrucefieli and put _hem in the stock-
yard abbe railway station. He then
went to Reid. the defendant in the
CAM, and waked him for the purcba*e
money. On his learning that the
fourth head wax not delivered Reid
deducted $ilea hutAlexanderdemwnded
that be should receive the full rammer..
When Reef attempted to load the
cattle on a freight ram Alexander in-
terfered and tried to present his doing
en. ThP men ream to Moire aa a re-
melt and in the melee which followed
John Alexander's arm wee broken by
a blow from a stick in the hands of
Reid. It was rhnwn Mrtber That
Aleveeder twice had tried to sell and
obtain looney on Ole animal over
whieh tram dame* aroma in giving
bis derision the judge remelted the
doable elmeing w t he part of Alter
ander and MM that. Reid WW1 juI l -
fled In dofmnAing the r'nmmm @inn of him
drnp„rty. Ho nnnetdercd he had not
ass 51 en ranee farm than wan n'.em-
nary. W Prnndfnot. K. C . eppowred
for the defelie and M. ti c'amere.n.
K.C. and C. $e•gve eondnetad the
°tiBus' &1d.
des' was put through yesterday
by which the Holmes coal yard, for
several years conduced by R. rlow
Holmes', it purchased by F. Mc
Donag;b, of Callow, and A. 8. Gledhill,
of town. McDonagh & Gledhill, the
new firm, take possession about May
Death of Mrs. John Killoran.
Mr. J. L Killoran was called away
oo a sad errand this week. the death
of hie mother occurring in Toronto on
Monday evening. Mrs. Killoran was
an old resident of the town of Sere
forth and The Seefortb Expositor this
week makes the following reference
to the deoeased :
Word was received here on Tuesday
of the death of Mrs. John Killoran,
which occurred at the home of her
daughter in Toronto ou Monday even-
ing. Mrs. Killoran went to Toronto
last fall t -o spend the winter and in-
tended returning in tbe spring. In
January she was stricken with a severe
illness arising Gots a clot of blood oo
the brain and was dangerously i11 for
several weeks. But she gradually im-
proved Ind was expecting soon to re-
turn to Seafortie when death rams
suddenly on Monday evening. Mrs.
Killoran was born to Irelaod seventy-
one yeah ago. Her maiden Dame was
Winnifred Ryan. She married Mr.
John Killoran, who predeceased ber
eleven years. Shealy after their
marriage they came to Seatom Ur and
Pagaged in the mercantile busiocss.
They were among the earliest settlers
in this town and there are few now
left who were residents when" they
came. Mts. Killoran was a lady of
more than ordinary ability and intelli-
gence and a worthy woman in the ful-
lest sense of the terra. She was genial,
'kind and considerate W ■11, and was
eeteetned by all who enjoyed her ac-
quaintance. It was in ber own home
where *he was most beloved, as she
had always proven the wise counaellcr
and the true friend. She was a con-
sistent and devoted 'tuemt-er of fit.
James' Catholic cburct. The remains
were taken to Seaforth on Wedneeday,
the funeral services being held in et.
James' church and interment being
made in St.. James' cemetery. Sbe is
survived hy a (emit of five daughters
and two sons, namely, Mrs. Corcoran.
of Duluth ; Mrs. Prendergast. Mks. E.
D. Brown and Dr. Leo Killoran of
Toronto : Mrs. E. A. Cleary, of Wind-
sor : Mise Killoran, of Seaforth, and
Mr. J. L Killoran, of Goderich.
Harbor Notes.
A quantity of timber for a neer dump
scow has arrived.
Owing to a scarcity of wheat the Big
Mill has been out of operation for t he
past week.
The timber for the straightening of
the commercial dock is being prepared.
All bewiock is being used.
The ice went out of the harbor very
quickly this year. the strong east wind
of Monday clearing the harbor in a few
Itobt. Sanders is overhauling his
nets and gear preparatory to shipping
Wein to8outb Bay. Manitoulin island,
where be will fish again this season.
The tug Two Mad, which was hauled
out last fall on *Ise beach at the north-
west corner of the harbor, is being
caulked and painted in readiness for
the opening of Um fishing season.
A. C Leech, chief engineer on the
steamer McKinstry had the honor of
being in cbarge of the MaKinetry in
it* Brat trip acrow the Atlantic. The
vessel was built et Port Glasgow and
was brought to Canada for use on the
Great Lakes in June, 1910. Tbe
steamer McKee also was brought out
byMr. Leech from New castle five years
The dredge Arnoldi , which was
hauled out on Harbor island last belles
being overhauled mid put in Mem for
the season's work. The new dredge is
also being fitted out in readiness for
the season's work. The interior wood-
work, which was damaged by fire last
year, has been renewed, and windows
substituted in the walls in place of the
swingiug doors.
The concrete work in connection
with the erection of the marine tower
for the Big 30111 elevator is being pro-
ceeded with sod as soon as the weather
becomes warmer m tbat the cement
will set more rapidly the work will be
rushed. Tbe gravel that is used is
being brought from the beach north of
the north pier and is being towed in on
a scow by the motor boat Caledonia.
The boiler from tbe sawmill was
moved up town to the new sawmill
site, adjoining the groin warehouse,
last week, and practically nothing
remains at the harbor of a once busy
industry except the brick walls of the
Miler room. The stable, office and
framework of the mill were teamed up
town batt fall to the new site adjoining
the grain warebom,e. its removal
leavea a very desirable location, par-
ticularly for an industry which uses
coal for fuel and which would ship its
prodllrts by water.
The engine crews of the four big
lake vessels, Ka min iatiquis, Neehing,
McKinstry and McKee, are busy pat-
ting the finishing touches on their
work of cleaning, pointing and over-
verhauling their respective vwtsels.
Orden were received by Chief Engin-
eer Mac inner, of the steamer McKee.
and Chief Ei.gineer A. C. Leech, of
the McKinstry, to bate their boats in
readiness for sailing on Monday two,
April t2nd. Their departure, how-
ever, Weather
on the kind of weather
the Weather Man hands out during
the next few days. The 'teenier Mc-
e-Kee will likely go w.nrh to load coal
and the steatner McKinstry will go to
Chicago. The hart mentioned Iwai
now belongs to the Merchant: .dutual
Steamsbip Line.
Gond progress is bring made in flee
ting out the "moegvito fleet" for the
coming meson. rias' Ellis (e In.
stalling a Waterman engine in the
!Mewl -rale and .f*e. Lerman{ is putting
an engine in the Blue Head. Eddie
Women hos mold his Detroit engine to
Prank Collins. who is turning his
rowboat into a teener,. Rddie has
piireheted the Onkeye's engine and i•
Installing it in his launch. Will Craig
is putting a lining and lockers inside
hie launch. H. Turner is having are
Dorothy rebuilt from the water up.
Walter Ohannon is fitting his saiIhoat
with • larger spread of ranee*. R. J.
Meweres launch. whirh is nearing enm-
Vetem, is Pqu'd ippwith a twelve-
nrsop,awor engine ani *horrid de-
velop great speed. The l'*tPdnnia,
owned h] J. H. Trnmanhanv,r, was
the Neste Mr,rc hoer In e'nounkerion.te ting
a .is..: . u Must. -
Miss Theresa Doyle Wedded.
Judge and Mrs. Doyle announce the
marriage of their da bier, Theresa
Marie, to Dr. William Bernard Power.
on Tuesday, April 16tb, at the church
of the lmnuculate Conception, Seattl.
Successful Normal Students.
The results of the "grade A" exam-
inations at the Provincial Normal
Schools were published on Saturday,
and among the sueewstul ones are
Mier Elle Goldthorpe and
Mos Marion Fraser, of town, and Miss
Ruth Shaw, of Dunlop. Mies Gold-
thorpe has taken • position on tbe
staff of the Elmira public school and
Miss Shaw bas been engaged by the
trustees of Nile public school. Mies
'Primer will take the nature study
course at McDonald Institute, Guelph,
commencing next Saturday.
Gundry Stables to Be Bold.
Thomas Gundry, the well-known
auctioneer sod liver proprietor, an-
nouncthe sale of het livery business,
stables and complete nutet. the sale to
be by auction at the Red Barn, South
street, commencing at 1 o'clock, Wed-
nesday. May 1st. Mr. Guodry has
been tied down to business very
closely for a good many years, and in
order to get away for a while he has
decided to sell out big livery bua:oess
completely, tater which he will take a
trip through the West. Mr. Gundry
it one of our most energetic citizens,
and if anybody deeerves a rest and
respite from incessant attention to
business detail@ he does. If he should
decide to locate eleewbere, the lose
would be a very serious one to Gode-
ricb's business interesta, as anything
in the progressive line, especially in
the way of the development of agri-
cultural trade, has had his hearty,
uneeltish and effective support. We'
trust that after geeing t he NV eat '•Tom'
will decide to conte back to Goderich
and stay with the old town.
Some Real Estate Transfers.
the house on East street owned by
the Misses Sharman was sold last Sat-
urday to Wm. Webster. The pur-
cbase price was $1,600.
The residence of ('apt. A. M. Shep-
hard on North street has been pur-
cbamed by Chas. Darrow.
Tbe brick residence on Napier street
owned Ly Oeotge McPhee was sold at
auction on Wednesday to the Misses
Mallough for $2,100. Mr. M,:Phee's
summer cottage at Menteetung Park
was purchased by Dr. A. C. Hunter at
the seine time. the purcbase price
was 11650
Chas. McHardy has purchased from
C. A. Seeger the reside.iee at the cor-
ner of Elgin avenue and Waterloo
street, the� price being in the neighbor-
hood of $2,500.
The Kiely property on Nelson street
has heen purchased by Alex. Sauodeie,
manager of the Goderich Organ Co.
The residence at present is under lease
to Mrs. Griffin, who will use it as a
rooming house during the coming
summer. Mr. Saunders will get pos-
session on E ,itemher 1st.
The Snowball.
On Tuesday evening, April 23, the
Maple Leaf Chapter of the I. 0. D. E.
will present a most aytesiaining com-
edy entitled The Snowball," in aid
of the ambulance fund. Ther hero,
Felix Featherstone, is a would-be
ticaloker who, oo returning
from the theatre one evening tries to
play an innocent joke ou his wife.
Uncle John arrives unexpectedly at
this juncture and disapproving of
Felix s action tries to dissuade him, but
he persists, with rather disastrous con-
sequences to himself. Meanwhile, Mrs.
Featherstone and her sister, Miss
Granger, and ber fiance return and dis-
cover the plot and plan to turn the
joke on Felix, which then do'most
successfully. To do this it is necessary
to take the maid, Penelope,partiy into
their confidence and most amusing
complications ensure. Penelope, with
her Cockney shrewdness, makes the
most of what she knows and for a
lime is mistress of the situation.
Uncle John. too, tries to force Felix
into consenting to marry his wife's
sister to his eon hy threatening to dis-
close his knowledge of what took place
that evening. Misunderstanding upon
misunderstanding . arises, in fact the
whole affair grows like a gigantic
snowball which tis[eatens to crush all
the pleasure out ofFelix's life—hence
the title. 'rhe perfor•wtnce should
bring out a full house.
Want to Come to Uoderich.
The London Free Press published
the following despatch on Monday
Isut :
OUaws, April 13.—The militia train-
ing camp for London division No. 1
will lee located et Ooderich. There
seems now to be no doubt, of this.
The Militia Department recuse to
make any statemett in the matter
and soy that no conclusion has been
rescbed. Ool. Sam Hughes, Minister
of Militia. is out of the city.
Tbe Militia Department is under-
stood to have in view the Goderich
protract , that whirl' tbey formerly
occu and for which they feel too
tent a pries has been asked.
"What is the matter with coming to
London r' was enquired of an omoer
of the Department.
"I don t know, ' he said. "exempt
that there seems to be a strong feeling
among marry of the officers of the
regiments that they do not want to
come to Londno. They ray they have
been b tap in Inoden and there is a
feeling against the work of certain
temperance people that they brought
enneeseeery odium upon the camps in
other years. For these re•anos 1 may
tell you the Departinert is encounter-
ing ver eon.kferahle opposition to go -
Ing hack to London "
"What shout rami grounds i'"
Well, 1 think the matter of
grounds might be fixed up if it were
desirable for every ot her reaeou to go
Uwe e."
Then the matter is practically
eel teed r
, Nur, 1 do not say thet it is nettled,
bus i tbiwk you will .ere tbe camp go
to Goderich,"
Ove Famous Chief.
Kincardine Reporter : (ioderieh's
chief of pollee hoe pen rb*wed an *u10 -
mobile. ilia berth meat be agno.l one
to indulge In such luxurba. However,
the wont is yet to sortie. Every
Ooderieh'setismn who baa never bed a
Kb. le a "teily" wIj) he tempted to ge�mtt,
drunk just Inc the pleasure of being
hogged to jail in an entre. The tem
parsec* and moral refnrm as. wi*t.ioe
n-,;:41• fn rat after Dodeeich's chief.
You have tired of
other cereals -- but
you won't tire of this!
Spend a dime today
ibew, '11
if `AKES
Bigger Bar'gainsthan Ever
At Cameron's. As the time paehes
the prices are bein,t still further re-
duced. Now is your chance to buy
doses goods, colored silks, linings, mil-
linery, flowers, children's hosiery,
men's overcoats and suits and hun-
dreds of other articles. Lines are be-
ing broken n.ow, but the one woid
"bargain" reigns supreme all over the
store. Come early and come often.
The plan of Victoria Opera House
for the performance of "The Su,ow-
ball," ender the auspices of Maple
Leaf Chapter, opens on Friday, April
19th, at 9e. m., at Edwards'testiorant.
Get Ready
for Spring
by leaving your order
for that new SUIT or
West A. The up-to-date Toile
Local Representative
Permanent employment and a splendid
income assured right man to act as our
reprweotetive In the male of our fruit and
brnamental Nursery Stock. Former ex-
perience unnecessary. All that we require
L honesty. ambition, and a willingness to
work. A handsome outfit furnished free
VuII instroctiow given as to management
of business. Writs at once for fan particu-
'lie Owe 'rakers %,d. $f ♦start$ i.t /.
From April Rh into our Bum-
mer Term from July • and glees 09
portunity for continuous prepaertyte
for the better claw of noaldoaa in
Influence, equipment and servtea we
have no superiors. thee ea
e ala of y. Write Cental Badness
to,' Yong* t °sward
Sta., . H. Shaw, wt.
Wit Stank&
THE STANDARD is ted National
Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion
of Canada. It Is national In all Its
it uses the most expensive engrav-
ings, procuring the photo;raphe from
all over the world.
La snickz ere carefully selected and
its editorial policy is thoroughly
A subscription to The/ Rtemhrd
sore MAO par year to any address jp
Canada or Great b, Rain.
TRY IT FOR 1912!
Montreal Standard Publishise tire.
1 i.n tad, PubI,shetre.
Le men the dangers of chlldbtrtb-4
Md. quirk deliveries, making thorn easy
--shortens confinement and pate
strengthens mother ant cblld--maker
reroyrry rapid, end both mother and
.shy healthy • and good -spirited.
Mothers' Cordial or Herbal Tenie
Ia also a pure prel-entative of delayed
snit painful menstruation. Young Etre
III find it Invlgnrettng. and wormer
nearing t1e change of life will find it
a friend Indeed.
Thin time -tried medicine contains nee
Wmulante--It Is simply a wreathe)
blond of Indian herb*, famous for their
medicinal value Write for free carte
tar. At roar druggist's or by mall
81.00 per package, 4 peerages its et,
Or. Coseley Medteal Co, Window. Doh
seTa.Lisugo 1885
Tslfamety, APRIL 18, 1 12 7
Paid - up Capital, Rest smelt
Undivided Profits $8,181,370
Total Assetslover) $58,000,(101)
Thrifty Children
The lesson of thrift, so ne-
cessary to the future welfare
of your children, is perhaps
beet taught by opening for each a Savings Bank Account, and
encouraging them todeposit regularly s portion of their spending
Though they may not accumulate very much money, they
will learn its value and bow to save it.
\Ve welcome Children's Savings Accounts.
Goderich Branch
LOMBON, ENG,, DRANcH, 1 Ir. Iw. Aa
til Tbeen treMrq 11N,. GC. l e. W C. MAT lY1TM.: Aastksrsat wase gas►
mite e, 'mese ,# -ore mews = qtr r f 74WN,r.. WW.V+ttar t.;:
High Standard
It has been our constant aim to give
our patrons the greatest possible value for
their money.
After carefully looking into the rela-
tive values of all Paints offered we have
found that Lowe Brothers, Limited, produce
a paint that will cover more surface, look
better, and wear longer than other paint.
We have put in a well -assorted line of
their High Standard Liquid Paint, acid
are now in a position to handle your paint
requirements better than ever before. •
Come in and get booklets and color
Howell Hardware Co., Ltd.
Ocrinty But Zsurable
SHOPPING STARTS it always ends at
our store if you are looking for the season's
newest and most attractive shoes.
Pump styles, with and without straps,
made in Patent and Russia Tan leathers
will be the most popular.
The new patterns fit like a glove and
will not slip at the heel.
Come and try on a pair and see how
nice they look and feel on the feet.
Downing & MacVicar
The Goderich Garage
To Motorists
Bring in your Automobiles and have your motor gone
over and bare your valves ground. This can be done at a
entail cost and the saving in fuel consumption will more
than pay for same in a short time.
Have your oiling system cleaned and old oils mince ed
and refilled with Polarine Oil. Also your transmission
.•leaned and old oil removed and refllied with Polerine
Trassmiesion Lubricant. 1 have different grades to mit
dee demand.
The impel iority of the above et odes of greeter and oils
for these special purposes Is undisputed.
Your wiring may need repl.tcing end your motor
1 have insienee • • olranixor and will do all kindle of
tire repairing „n to where eetion*l wotk is required
1 invite aIi w h., I- ave anything to he done in the above
lima to give me a eleieee sod 1 will do all that is in my
power to satisfy then .. •rale.
lhaokiog you in Mew,. -, t remain.
1 -ours faithfully,
Kingston St.
mlL4s.:aae.:.. evy r.