The Signal, 1912-4-18, Page 44 THursLAT, APRIL 18, 1912 THE SIGNAL GODERIOH ONTARIO District\ News. PORTER'S HILL TUESDAY, April 16th. Noris. -Mies Nellie McDonald. of London, spent a few days in the neigh- borhood last week Miss Jenkins spent the Easter holidays at her home at Blyth. Miss May Lindsay, of Goderich, is visiting at her mother's. Miss Leonie Woods ie visiting at Hol nun ville Miss Cressie Elliot spent Sunday on the Maitland conoes- .ion. Those who attended the funeral of Mrs. John McLean. of Dun- gannon, on Thursday were John Cox • daughter Maggie, Mrs. James Oox, Leslie Cox, Mrs. Milton Woods, Mrs. Jame. Harrison, Wm. Elliot and daughter Crowle, and Tout Elliot. KINGSBRIDGE. M0SDAY, April 150. We were treated to a nice warm shower df ram yesterday and about sundown we witnessed a phenomenon to be remembered by aesthetic persons. The dark clouds cleared away and the sky was enveloped in light radiating from the great orb of day, while a rainbow brightened up the eastern sky. Altogether 1, was a very iuspir- ing sight. Norsa.-A number from here at- tended the fleet mass of Father Brophy at St. Augustine. The young priest was recently ordained at Mil- waukee Our students are return- ing to tbeir work, Eileen Sullivan, Josie Dalton, Joe and Leo Garvey go- ing to the O.C.I., Margaret Garvey to Stratford Norval, and Marie Sullivan, Nellie Sullivan and Mabel Austin to heir respective schools. MAFEKIN G. MONDAY, April 15th. BRtst�.-Wuu, Menary. of Armow, visited hi. sister, Mtn. Jas. Saunders. last week .... Miss Ella Hasty. of Dungannon, is visiting her sister. Mrs. John Blake Miss E. MaeKinnon has returned from ber home in Tiver- ton to take cbarge of the school here. Milton Kilpatrick, of Crewe, vis- ited J. C. Stothers yesterday The Women's Missionary Society held a successful concert in the church last Thursday night Miss Rae 8toth- ers and J. C. Stothers visited friends at Lochalsh on Friday M-. Hus- ton, of Bernie, occupied the pulpit here yesterday in tbe ahrence of Rev. Mr. Jet/erase Cyril and Miss Edith Campbell, et (lover Valley, were visitors at the home of Mn. Stothers on Thursday The maple syrup season is over and the tartness have started ploughing Ease Cranston is in this neighborhood at present with his sawing outfit- Homeseekers' and Settlers' Special Trains to Western Canada Via Chicago and St. Paul, April 18th, 'lard, and 30th. and every second Tuesday thereafter until September 17tb, inclusive. Tickets ,will also be on sale on certain dates via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. Special train will leave Toronto 10.50 p. m. on above dates for Edmonton and points in Manitoba and Saskat- chewan. stepping et all points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway west of Winnipeg. Through coaches and Pullman tourist deepen will be car- ried fully equipped with bedding and porter in ebarge. "'ls.rths may be secured in sleeper. at a low rate. This is an exceptional opportunity for those wishing to take advantage of the remarkabh low nne-way tattlers' rates or round-trip hooresrekers' ex- cursions through the American cities. No change of cars. Secure tickets and berth reset vations from F. F. Lawrence, Town Agent, or write A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Uoion /Ration. Toronto. 98 tf AMMERLEY. MONDAY, Apt il 13th. STEEL-4'AABELL -A pretty April wedding the uuarriege of Mise Grace Campbell, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell. of tbe 2nd con- cession of Huron, to Robert Steel, of Amberley, was solemhized at the tome of the bride's parents at 3:30 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, Srd int. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. M. Rutherford. Miss Annie McDonald played the wedding march. The bride was unattended ex- cept for the little flower girl, Selena McDonald, and was given away by her father. She wore • pretty gown of champagne satin covered with silk net and trimmed with fringe. and car- ried a bouquet of roses. 'Tire table dec- orations were carnations. At the marriage there were forty relatives and friends of the bride and groom. The groom's gift to the bride was a pretty pear) necklace and to the or- ganist a brown ostrich plume fan and to she Hower girl a bracelet. In the evening about 130 friends gathered at the reception. The young couple re- ceived some handsome presents, show- ing the esteem in which they are held. The evening was •pent in dancing and other games. The happy couple left on the 1:46 train for Hamilton and To- ronto. The bride's going -away cos- tume was a navy blue serge with hat to match. RELIEVE YOUR STOMACH. We Wit Help Yes De It - Read Our Guarantee. 11y,pep.ia ntay M• r pletply eradi• sated if properly treated. We sell a remedy that we positively guarantee will completely relieve Indigestion or dyspepsia, or the medicine used dur- ing the trial will cost the user noth- ing. oth- ing is remedyhas been named Rexail Dyspepsia Talets. Certainly no offer could he more fair, and our offer should be proof positive that Resell *Deysssp�eppsia Tablets are a dependable Ilse such s. the m.dieine will cost yes tsstabng if it does not benefit you, we my you wbo ars suffering with inti or dy.p.p.ia to try Res - .fl lipita Tablets • x5 -cent box costaists swoosh medicine for fifteen dayi treala.nt. For chronic canes we hens two larger Mese, so Bents end 91. Resstmb.r, you ass obtain Ret. Rio � deny at one � i . C. Dunlop.southth BENMILLER. MONDAY, April ski. & HOOL Pit xOTlore.-The follow lug is the report ot the ptomotk'n* re- cently made at 8. 8. No. 7, Colborne township. The numbers opposite the names show the number of marks ob- taiod by the pupil : Jr. IV. to fir, IV, -Mabel Grigg 6We, Della Grigg 600, Mit lam Schwartz 000. $r. III. to Jr. IV. -Verra Ohler 091), Robert McLeod 511, Harvey Snyder 486. Jr. 111. te8r. 111 --Gerrie Ohler 527. Bennie Allan 622. Jr. to II. tie 11. -Bosley' /Snyder. 8r. Pt. to II. Jr. 1l. -Norman Alen, Karl Blake, Stella Ohlar, Jr. Pt IL to Sr. Pt. II. --Chards Breckow. Sr. Pt. I . to Jr. Pt. IL -Harold Breckow. Number on roll, 16. Average daily at- tendance for March, 14 4. E. CLARK, Teacher. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. TUESDAY, April hitt. TOWNSHIP COUNc'It„ Adjourned meeting on April ,itb-all present. The clerk was instructed to write the Colborne council that the Goderich township council ie prepared to pass a bylsw giving the Colborne telephone system a right of way to build a trunk line to the corporate limits of the town Of Clinton, when they present a copy ,f bylaw requesting the more, said right of way, and also a c spy of their agreement with the Bell Tele- phone Company regarding connection at Clinton. The following path - wager changes were made: George Kiliott instead of John Woon and Charier Waltersoinslead of Charles Fuller. The council agreed to meet as a body April 15th at the sunall Cot - borne bridge to arrange for the erec- tion of a new bridge in place of the one destroyed by tbe spring freshet. Adjourned to meet the first Monday in May at 1:90 p. m. N. W. TRE- WARTHA, Clerk. LOTHIAN. TIIESDAY, April 1&h. LOTHIAN LOCALS, --Ale:. Hamby re- turned nn Monday to Stratford Normal School, after spending the va- cation at his home here Miss Hannah Hogan, of Listowel, spent Sunday at ber home here._.....We are pleiuesl to know that gesso Mc- Nsy. who had been ill with pneu- monia. is recovering Miss Flor- ence MacDonald ising a few ds days with frienat is= try Mrs. Bernard Brady, of Strathroyy,� is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hogan -Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gil- more and baby visited for a couple of days last week with friends at Tees - water Russell Ritchie has en- gaged for the summer with P. R. Mc- Nay During the severe electrical storm on Sunday evening T. A. Mc - Keith's barn was ',truck by lightning. doing conside•able damage to the buildiner R H. MacKenzie has en- gaged Ed. Rivett, of Crewe. for the summer . Eli Mack had a wood- hee on Monday afternoon. It pays to have a dance, Eli. s r. HELENS. WEDNESDAY, April 17tb. WC MEN'S iiewrrruTF.-The montbly meeting of the Wnm.n'a institute will he held at the home of Mrs. Clark on Thursday, April 26tH, at 230 o'clock. 4 drmonstraiinn on darning will be given by one of the ladies. The subject will also he discussed. All tbe ladies are welcome. BRI MFS. -The teachers and stoden ts all returned to their .intim and studies tatter spending their Easter holidays at their respective homes Dun- can McKenzie left for the West on Tuesday. He purposed going up by Battieford . .Mrs. W. E. Gordon spent a couple of days at Onderiob last week. .Mas. Moorebouse, of Milton, visited ber aunt, Mrs. T. Tod& last week ...Misses' Elisabeth and Laura Salkeld, of Goderich, were guests here clueing the week Mr. and Mrs. M. McDowell and son spent 8t•ndav with Mrs.'M•'Dowell's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark The or- dination and induction of Donald Rutherford and H. D. Woods as elders took place in Calvin church last Sab- bath. WESTFIELD. MONDAY, April 15th. EPWORTH LEAGUE OFFICERS. -The annual election . t officers of the Ep- worth League of tbe church here took place last Friday evening and resulted as follows : President, Thos. Taylor 1st vice-president, Henry Homey ; 2nd vice -provident, Tilly Taylor; 3rd vice-president, Annie Taylor: 4th vice-president, Belva Campbell ; sec- retary, Earl Wightnnen ; treasurer, Alva McDowell ; missionary treasurer, Wes. Stackhouse ; organist, Grace Wighttian ; assistant organi.t, Annie Taylor. NoTss.-Mrs, Parks, sr., in very ill at present, with alight hope of her re- covery . R. R. Redmond, our pop- ular teacher, is quite ill, suffering f r o m pneuoroola. We are all anxiously looking for his speedy re- covery Mr. Woodier, of the 6th ooncessioo, is very poorly et present. As he is a stranger in this nountry, having emigrated form the old land a few months ago, the sympathies of the neigbhorbnnd go nut to him and his wife Mrs. Clemens, of Hes- prier, who has Men wkh her nephew, H McDowell, leaves for her borne Tuesday of this week R. R. Red- mond has tendered his resignation as teacher of S. S. No. 6, nn account of ill health, and the trustees haw se- rum' the serviette of Mies Belva ('ampbeli. lately of the Normal School, Toronto. She entered on her duties on Monday. 16th The farmers of this section ars commenc- ing to work on tbd tan '. Several ars ploughing. Both Quick and Porn anent Strength If you are tun down .•r tired out, if you take cold easily. Iii .. no appetite, are losing flesh or hav .,t ber *widener of lowered viWlty, Uy nr MaeLeod's Ryatrm Renovator sod r one guar -an - tee to refund the print rid if the rem- edy fails to give entire satithsdon. It aida dig..ttoes tome tip the nervous system end Rives hot"' Quick and per- manent remits (Aro dollar a bottle. Manufactured by MacLeod Medicine Ooderbeb, Ont. For sale by IL R. Wlglat dntggls. LUOKNOW. MONDAY, April 15th. TIIRIuwLY INJUREII.-little Johnny Forster, .on ot James Forster of West Wawaao.b, narrowly escaped death on Tuesday evening of last week. He was In his Lathers barn Rebind a horse in a stall when the animal kicked hint and crushed in his skull. The bores is a quiet one, and it is supposed it thought the boy playing around at its heels was • dug. Two doctors were ▪ mmoned, and an operatioo was per - (tinned, several square inches of the skull being removed. • DEATH OF THoe. WERwrast -One of the pioneers of this district has been removed in the death of Thew. Web- ster, of Ashfield, after an attack of poeurnonia. Mr. Webster was one of a family of five brothers, four of whom came out from Ireland ill 1849 and settled in Ashfield in 1862. He himself came out in 1857. He is sur- vived by hie widow, two sons -Henry and James --and four daughter.► -Mrs. Gibson. Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Webster and Susan. The interment was made in Greenhill cemetery. GOING TO THE "8,00."-D. N. Lawr- ence left last week to take a position with a wholesale hardware firm at Sault Ste. Marie Before he left he was made the recipient of several sig- nal marks of esteem from his fellow - townsmen of Lucknow. A crmmittee of enjoins waited on him and pre- sented him with a putty of gold, and the Lucknow fire brigade, of which he was for many years a member, pre- sented him with an address accom- panied by two gold pieces. Mrs. Lawrence and family will remain here for some time. N, es.-Lucknow Lodge, 1. O. O. F., ' ill attend divine service in 8t. Pc - (Anglican) church, on Sunday m.,. s, April 28 J G. Ander- s" P. P., has presented the Rifle CI, ' , h a silver medal to he con- tr. ser each week, the winner to has.- lilt! privilege . f wearing it until beaten Wni. McQuillin, Govern- ment immigratioo agent, recently dis- tributed from Lucknow a fine-looking lot of immigrants J A. McNevin, of Molsons Bank, and Mre. McNevin are away on two weeks holid♦ys Mn. W. C. Johnston, wbo was injured by a runaway team as reported Inst week, is progressing as well as could be expected. WEDNESDAY, April 17th. Socrates To INJURIES. -- Little Jack Forster is dead as the result of the injuries received from a kick from e horse in baa father's stable a few days ago. A trepanning operation was performed successfully, but men- ingitis developed. AUBURN. CEDAR POSTS AND SHINGLES for sale. Apply DITATE JAR. YOUNG, Auburn. WEDNESDAY, April 17th. Orr Tonle TICKRTs,-Look for some- thing gold in the Temperance Hall, Auhurn, on the evening of Friday, May 3rd, when a company of local amateur comedians will give t► per- formance in aid of the Auburn public library. The title of the play is "Al Martin's Country Store," and,a realis- tic representatinn, introducing char- acters haracters that people meet every day, with a lot of wholseome fun, is promised to throne who attend. Admission -25e, children 15c. DAMAGE FROM THE FLOOD. - The dam here in connection with the chopper was sadly put out of order by the recant floods. The bead gate at the rare was carried away and the tide of the race broken through into the river. No work will be done in the mill for quite a while. The posi- tion of the bridge across the Maitland is a serious drawback to the village, if a repetition of the building of the bridge occurs, the snow will visit us in the autumn before it will be pass- able, Walkerburn dsnt4nn the 16th conc.seion of Hullett was carried away by the recent flood. At one time the bridge was in great danger of being carried away also. Niyras. - Miss Rena Patterson, daughter of Donald Patterson, ar- rived rrived home last week from Alberta, where she was Leeching, on a visit to her parents on the second concession of East Wawanosh . ...Mrs. McDon- ald sold her farm on the 14th conces- sion of Hullett to George Hamilton, of West Wawanosh. He get. possession at once. Mrs. McDonald hal an auction on the 22nd Insv of household effects, farm stock and implements. Mrs. Alf. Asquith is visiting her father at the "Soo in Michigan Charles Asquith spent last week in Toronto. Robert Asquith had a rather peculiar way of disposing of his potatoes. When placing them in the pit last autumn, he forgot to take into consideratinn the high water mark of the Maitland. He has come to the conclusion that they are either in the lake or scattered along the hanks of the Maitland Rev. J. 8. Mann was aheent last Sunday. His pulpit here woo; supplied by a student from Knox College Both of the sawmills are busy at present. Howson t Lawson arecutting rollers and bob- bin wood. The other mill has cut all the basswood and started cutting mapl. MoseteHnitsbauer has sold his house in the village to Joseph Lannon. Mr. Lawson gets possession at once . . James Scott has rented Williams Anderson's house in the vil- lage and has taken poaseesion Jonathan Willard returned home last week, He had been visiting his daughter in Flint, Michigan John Mole has secured the contract of placing the ilghts on the bridge, nightly, to prevent accidents William Patterson, of the "Tap of the Knowe," is busy shingling bis house at present. mitations d Dodd'. Kidesy hilts are logics. The be. is imitated. the outside seenng and shape of the pies are imitated and the asset-Dsdd's Kidney HBs r hawed. Iona/low are dangerous. The erigiaal is sail Dedd's Kidney Pills bane • rspseatise. 1 . tors ban sass er tbey eredda't Imifats► So tb.y trade es the reputation of Dedd's Kidasy Me. De not be deceived. There is only ser DODD'S, Dolts to the Mem/ Drld's is the eases es be nares gal ab.us- L?-O-I�D-'S KIDNEY PILLS DUNGANNON. DR. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF Lucknow. baa ceased reeking outside points and will beeoatorta Aloe ki• satin iUenton Co the. DOW adios Leekeew. when bbewill be toend every day. AU enders meth- ods. LOCAL AGENCY N feriae Signal v oaths sorsa 1Bo' and be resolved toerybIbsro wart arddnj and or . and receipts Abe etre') for amoasta pad ter tan suer. THURSDAY, April 114th. CHURCH NOTge.-A special meeting of the Presbytery of Toronto was called last week, at which Gilbert Gomm and two other graduating students of Knox college were licensed to preach the Gospel. Mr. Gomm is expected to take charge of the Dungannon and Port Albert congregations about the 25th inset- PROPERTY TRANSFERS. -T. G. Alien purchased list week from Mrs. Sans - born et aL the Glen farm on the (travel mad south of the village. It contains 100 acres and bas a desirable location. He tits sinceeold it to John Howatt, who gets possession in the fall. It is said that Samuel Roach has pur- chased from Geo. Baxter the fano which he sdld to the latter but winter, getting possession in the fall. INDUCTION. - On Thursday after- noon next the induction and ordina- tion of Mr. G. Gomm will take place in Erskine Presbyterian churcb. Rev. D. A. McLean, of Ripley, will prnide ; Rev. C. M. Rutherford, of Pine River, will preach ; Rev. J. 8. Hardie, of Locbalsh, will addrees the minister, and Rev. J. 8, Duncan, of Lucknow, will address the people. In the evening an entertainment will be held. Supper will be served and a musical program will be rendered by the choir of Knox church, Godericb. BRIEF MENTION. -The storm which passed over this,Ahce on Sunday even, Ing was severeOne house, just across the river, was struck, but no damage was done, The concert on Friday evening netted 936 for the puldic library fund. . Proclamations have been posted forbidding toiler skating. bicycling and trucking on the side- walks. Shooting within the village limits is also prohibited, Miss Jour Scott, who hascharge of J. Wal- kom's millinery department, is again ready with the letret in spring milli- nery for inspection and respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. 19100 Reward, 11100. Tbe resinesof tbl. Meer wed w , tee allolloe, esd- esteem the sews (Nem ett•ssl tarsa0. rsseess to Ma rmilivaqp�eweaeere that M Mat d tertMrsszei Jas t Address F. J. CHRYEYtCH. ?Ideas O. Mi b all a wqy� �/n Toa• aR1 �asaMp Rhea hr e..otlpuYw. Women Man toward mystery, but men lean toward treskery. PERSONAL. -Will Mole left on Tues- day on a trip through the Western Provinces, being ticketed through as far as Edmonton. Wm. Nicol anived on Monday frotu Blyth and now oc- cupies Mr. Mole's barber shop E. W. McLean. who was called to Dungannon by the death of his mother, left on Saturday for his borne in Win- nipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Will McClure spent the week -end with Mr. Mci.'lure's parents in Goderich. Mier Emma Sproul is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robe. Wilson, of Goderich. 8. F. Palmer visited Goderich friends on Monday W. W. Pickett, of Mon- treal, and GeoPowell. of Blyth, were here this week in the interests of the Rjver Valley Creamery Co. Wm. Baulding bas returned to his home at Mount. Finest after visiting his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson of Dungannon. .. Mies Ella Ryan, of New Liskeard, is visiting at the borne of ber mother Richard Reeves, who baked for Norman Tre- leaven through the winter, bas is - turned to Toronto. Clarence Syming- ton, of Auburn, is now no tbedelivery rig, while Mr. 'Freiman does the bak- ing. . Chas. Grafton has resigned his position as clerk with J. Walkout, his plane bring now filled by Mies Viola Edighoffer, of Blake. DUNLOP. WEDNZllIDAT, April 171b. DUNLOP DOING& -Mies Ruth Rbaw hu accepted the position of teacher at Nile school for the Doming year at a salary of 9550... ...Mrs. Robert Mo - Don• d. who spent the winter at De- troit, has returned to her summer home herr On Monday of this week about twenty of the most ener- getic of the young man of the neigh- borhood had a sbinglIng bee to finish up the job before tee busy steam Sets in and the church shed is now an se-, coon iehed fact .. ...W. J. Morrow and hie gang of mein are busy letting daylight into the weberde Spring plowing has commenced. Borne ut the farmers have seed in the ground, but if the present conditions hold growth will be slow.. .. Rag. Wil- iiasss has gone to town for a few months, having taken a position at Arthur Giovsr's astwnnhile shop, East street. .. Harry Shields Is having his house and elore re.hingled. An egg -laying record mentioned in a tweet ism, of The Tnrento Soar caught the ye of our old friend Mr. I Ortohes n, of town, whose e teas making a better record 1 haus the* reported in the Trot -into paper. Daring the months of Fein nary and NAVA, Me. Grwns right bens Girl as, sags ((IIM In Februaryand 167 in Marehl sn average of for each hes. Who ass Mint this record? if some enols land in heaven {hley win he •wfnily annoyed to And UNA they can't have. New Spring Goods call your attention to for this week. Have been coming forward in liberal quantities, which makes our Stock about complete. Read what we Some special itemsi. Plsinnew is bigb art in the SPRING DRESS GOODS French taste is so fine, sure and void that the whole world is glad to follow -and it makes DO mistake in doing so. Our offerings are largely on areas lines, with some tweed writings and hairline stripe* in grey and mixed colors. One dress to a piece. SILKS Thirty-six to 94 inches wide in black and colors, 90c, 91.00, 91.26 and 91 50. A few pieces of Shot Silk, so much now in demand, just got here a few days ago. STANDARD PATTERNS No pattern works out t0 meas- ure given so perfectly as a Stan- dard. A full stock here now. DRESS TRIMMINGS In Allover Laces Fringes.Braids, Banding.,Gimps d Insertions,, in black an k and colors, A large range of cream and white. PRINTS Itemeonber we hold first plan fee prints. Our fast odor (hest Prints are not equalled tD the trade for 121c. Second quality, colors fast, 10c CORSETS Always buy • D. k A. if you want the best. • small lot of short corset', *1.00 and ILn, for only 60e to clear, seven Maes in the lot -all perfect but short - DRESS GOODS Ends are not all sold yet, one- quarter, one-third and about half price, from one-and-n-hslf yards to three or four, all wool. EMBROIDERIES Forty-four pieces of Embroid arias. Sale 80. Ragularprices, H ai R, �pr,70 ices of snore of them lb to 6o hlgter than we are adtltsi for tbeum. A special lot of 46 -inch Skirt Ings, 60e, 600, 06c. Boone of thew 4 -inch hemstitchings, GLOVES Perrin's maitre, in kid and fabric, from We to 91.2. We sell the great Kayser Glove, 50c, 750, 91.00. Every pair Angst - Upped. The Kayser Is the bat Glove in the market for 30c, 75c and 91.00. HOSIERY We are showing a very large range of these goods in black, tan, white and opera shades. Prins 2 pairs for 96c to 91.00 et pair, in 8. 8j, 9, 91 and 10 sizes children's from 4 to 8 sizes in th, same colorings. DRESS FRINGES in black, blue, white aid biscuit-oolors which are selling ri freely.• DRESS MATERIALS On sale next Saturday twenty-six pieces of Drees Materials at the follow ing reductions : 91.00 for .......... .......... . ...... .... ... 49c $1.25 for 60cfor..-,.. 9Dc rbc for 75c 40c for25c 35c for llik L J. H. COLBORNE 11 PORT ALBERT. WEDNESDAY. April 17th. PARaoRAPHS FROM THE PO/CT. - Mr. and Mrs George Lane, of Lauer, visited at F. Cunningham's last Thurs- day humday The Lathed Aid 8.ciety nest at the boar. of Mrs. Wm. Gray on Tuesday afternoon... Mrs. M. Mac- Donald, of (lodes icb, is visiting her mother, Mrs. 8male .... Misses C. F. Hawkins and Winne Cunuiogham returned to tbeir schools at$tTbomas and Huvsey uo Saturday Dr. W. Y. Hayden was home from Goderich for Sunday Alters and Miss Jen- nie McGee are visiting relatives in Seatortb and EEggmondville this week. Will Ltichardson and family have moved from their former resi- dence to one a little fartber south of the village.. ..John Kuntz was out front Goderich over Sunday and took his auto back with him on Monday.... Mies Evelyn Green is visiting her aunt, Mre. Hugh Stewart, near Dun- gannon WiII Bt own hes been very busy lately sawing wood with his up-te-date outfit for tbe farmers around here. A. M. Todd, formerly ofe Gods - rich Star, has taken an intere.t. io The Campbellford Despatch and bag removed to that town. We wish oat? forni'r townsmen success in his new venture. Mr. anti Mrs. Ackland, who have conducted a general store at Chisel - burst for three years, have disposed of the stock by auction sal. and intend leaving soon for the West. Reeve Assent, of Seaforth, received not d last week that, be bad won the points competition in connection with the Ontario Curling Association with a score of 47 Tnis is the second time Mr. Assent bas won this distinction. Miss A. G. Clark has resigned her po-ition on the Seaforth Collegiate In- stitute staff and has taken a similar position at Fergus, ber home town. The Ladies of Goderich May Now Clave Beauti- ful Hair. Dunlop Has the A rticle and Guaran- tees it to Grow Hair. or Refund Your Money. Dunlop. the druggist, hacked tip by the manufacturers of Salvia, the great hair grower. guarantees it to grow hair. Salvia destroys dandruff in ten da7►i The roots of the hair are so nrmrlsbed and fed that a new ramp of Bair springs up, to the amazement and d.ligbt of tbe user. The hair is .aade soft and fluffy. like all American preparations Salvia is daintily perfumed. it is hard to and en actress wbo does not use Salvia continently. L.di.s of society and influence use nn other. (Salvia is & non-aticky preperaiioo and is the ladles' favorite. A large, emus hcttl.. 50e. The &coheir Co., St. Cathie/40w Canadian d butors. Millinery INSPECTION INVITED OF THE SEASON'S NEW STYLES Miss Cameron - Hamilton St. nereNiteareeenenessintessemoseemewasearasseeessisewolbaie COME TO THINK OF IT It is very hard to find shoes that give as mutts satidsdism and comfort as the VASSAR SHOES WOMEN -- They have earned a name for themselves and they desery. it- Tbey are made properly from start to finish. We have ■11 the latest styles in Tan., Patent., Oxfords and Pumps. Our pr%w are right. TRNUK$, ETC. -When you travel you will need a good strong Trunk, or perhaps a commodious Suit -ase or Bag will meet your requirements. We axon furnish all your wants in either line. Alt Repairing Orders naive our prompt attnlie- JOHN H. McCLINTON ON THE SQUARE TORONTO to omen se Menem eel ursine I1tIsrM the 1111111111- NO sills MINA Mars lllssaSAn As A!•raa. Ran a to Owls 11.1110m111 MK ft DIMPO S, Mans " Furniture and House Furnishings Swiss Necessaries is Toraitvre >.ad Faraiskisss for the Home Realizing the requirements of the people of Goderich and vielnity 1 have now • complete assortment of 'sigh -class Furniture A11 goods, including ordinary and exclusive designs, at moderai, prima -an assortment rarely seen outside the einem. Come in mid ,... the classy Ft rsiture you can get at Hobmefer's. it'. • pleantre to show my stock : and if then is something yon desire I haven't stocked. I will get it for you. Rugs 1 have also a very de.irsble assortment of Rage. A variera „r qualities, patterns and colas inert Stork all new and prime rish1 The right plane to get Window Shades, Room lioukling'- Frames. Pletures. A few Sewing Machine. at bargain pries.. A CALL SOLICITED George Hohmeier RSPAIit NO Agency Medkeinuw Planes 'PHONE t» WEST SIDE etlUAlth.