HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-18, Page 1Pri, Ping 1r: hest style promptly ,.xecuted at reasonable fates by The Signal Job Department \ 1 S i' l'KTH YEAR --No. cis pri-STrwERLING BANK OFCANADA oP CANADA THE CONVENIENCE OF A CHEQUING ACCOUNT Having to snake special visits to your tradesmen to pay your accounts is not only annoying, but' it is unnecessary. A ssvinas account with us affords you the privilege of mailing cheques in settlement of accounts. I -lead Office, Ring and Bay Streets, Toronto tioderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. a Nis 1! C•J I•) Insurance and Re ET -�I Est ,e i Agent of tit.. Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada. The Western .Assurance Company. i'he Royal Exchange Assurance of London, England. The London and Lancashire Guarantee cud Accident Co. !'he American Surety Company of New York. All kinds of Insurances. Office nt•zt to Cauadian Bank of Commerce to OODERICH, ONT STREET UARA ONTARIO H FOR DEPENDABLE Supplies, Repairs and Service FC LL STOCY OF ALL LINES CARRIED. INCLUDING TiRIS ALL TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY CA8H OPERATED BY THE Hi7RON GASOLINE ENGINE AND MAC'HINEU: COMPANY 'Phone 243 • FOR SALL rR BALE. -A NUMBER OF . hem. Apply to .mines tend. MRd ICAPT.1 MMit FOR 8 A L E, -A MOND-HAND °opacity. a Mitis . tt L10R SALE. -A CHILD'S BICYCLE, J1l to sept cog mew. Pres 6S Apply to V. it FOR SALE itmal. A TRIAL TRIP J h•• Si,;ttal for the b diner of the year t,• new subscribers fi r only 50 CENTS GODERICH. THURSDAY. APRIL 1:, 1912 THE SIGNAL PRUs 'NO CO.. Ltd., Pusumtoe SITUATIONS VAUNT. I . AUrT1ON SAI.Ni. FOOT. WU sDrwvamt..-AApply 000 aC RNNSRVAI. AUUTION BALK b 1110 WEN. T 1 SIX ACRE., OF LAND I with* eesoterteble frame home. frau,. tarn (_BNERAL SERVANT WANTKD. 1 am4o0Lmr building.. together with vvtl Apply td MRS. J. B. HUNTER. Neleoo pt, trrtsrn t Wm m +&nota rt Krima,- a^et- esu la the township of l;dbarne. PRESENTATIVE WANTED iN I as taet+odad by Mea IL Tlehbnei. to ..•p each locality to mail circulars for Cut - spare lly earn t1Y11 weekly. Amason i F Orooer manned.. bene".. Few boar.' Lime will sad can do the workoutfit furnished free" DO. 1 MINION ORO('ICRY CO., Windsor, Out. 97 it CARD OF THANES. Ir CARD OF THANKS. - MRS. T. '. V Precious and lemlly deetre to extend Weir sincere thanks for the many expre.eioos of sympathy receive.' in their recent bereave - meet and aide to the Sons of EuTland Believe- death eeeve- d 13selety for their prompt perinea' of the � PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITU&i-Mr. W. J. Mruir will .NI and Mien privately at Ms home es theof Victoria eel 6 p I mahagaan pert wildeR ' swims 1 tele.. eerier, dreeser wall tee &Kh ss andlta me coed .+Arlo pekend mattresses. es will leavibb. seespfloeel bareness. se Mr. tea k town. lt FOR SALK.--BUFR ORPINGTON WALL PAPER. - 1912 WALL .gam tee d.tr log boo dock .trod by paper sample hoots at amid from Ter- Tpotw Goatee and Bram1Mrd prim wlarwe. 0010 all Paper C tl Mbot and have your 11.91 oiI3, Write or K V • 'irk done beton the rush. Prion, right. LAWS) , ilonlop, 138.{' ' rders mid by the roll. A. BNAZEI. Assist. E atst.reet.Ooderfch. g7-tf !,PRAYING OUTFITS, ETC. 17Nothins pyo better tbaa the care of your orchard. The very beat spraying outfits, and material at lowest mien. For nrsie by D. F. HAMLIYK, Oodetich. VOR SALE. -1 BET SINOLI4 DRi V- 1 land sines d robes, dra bb1rubber tired h etc. A thence for • good bargain. En- mitre a t THIS OFFICE. jpOR BALE. -Ara CHOICE PEN OF fifiv'e pu111.1t-. it o[ White one Wyandotte. one cockerel and ■ m Mos. Good layers. For a 1°1)11 Uon soplr at THE (DO N AL _ ANNUAL JKETINO. T111E GODERICH ELEVATOR AND TRANSIT COMPANY, LIMITED. Please Mite notice that the annual general meeting of the shareholders Of the Ooderich Elevator and Transit Companvl Limited. Intl be held at the Aloe of the Manager, North street., Oodericb, on WEDNESDAY MAY I, 1912. at 12 o'clock noon. for the re e election of director* for the ensuing year sod the teanscUon of any other busiest that may properly be brought before the meeting. !Slimed, W. L. HORTON, Manager Ooderich, April 8th, 111L 96-31 1 Attention! 1f you are open to invest $1110.00 to $1,1100,00, easy payments, write us at once. People who have invested through us in the past are now reaping from BS per cent, to 900 per tent. on their Invest- ment. We place investments in choice inside City Property and are at present investing in Weyburn, Saskatchewan Inside Property as we believe it will W the mixt City in Seekat obewaa. Buildings wider oosstrnction sod psrMilte WNl assorst to over 51.000,100 this year. Tiles new liars et Railways assured, making it a lams Railway Contra. if you ars lateeested. write ors. E. V. Campion & Company WITIEVAN tiUWRTFY BAN= BUiLDIN/G 1i WIy jinn. NAREAMIEWANN CARD OF THANKS. The family of the late David Reid take Ihts misaw of extending an expo -cion of their gratitude to all the kind friends fur their ' aasMtaooe sad sympathy during the time of trouble and bereavement NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. NOTICR TO CONTRACTORS. Tender will be received by-tbe nndereismed for the erect ion and completion of a rummer, boom for bungal.,w, on hi. rrolerty In the town of Ooderich. flan. and spe Ifcatloos may be seen at the ottloe of The 3lgnal, Goderich. The lowest or any tender not ne e.aarfy' by public asotlou at toe premises. ouoesrta, 4, W.D. Colborn. 111 talk.. from tiallttedt, on WEDNESDAY. APRIL Urn. .wwdmm. x at 1 o'eek ..harp: The ssopsety .massa of Ax acre. of broodgenies,nd le, em tatduk n, theto a comfortable trams MOO. tltt�e, ban. .11d stable. fad an wetland of about 16 (res. mostly apple.. The Plane M la yew ted shop-, (arrow are and there le a Rod well. '1 be place w 1 tee offend shamwillat 3 o'clock. This wbe a good Investment for anone wanting W have a market garden. It 1. okee to 11odertch, and will pay well.' Terns. will be announced et time of dile. At tDe dame Lime there will be sold: 1 mate, II year* old. in foal; 1 cow. ti )'est. old. due to Jamey • in April; 1 pure-bred Jay heifer. 11 th mon+ old ; l 1100 wast•, ; 1 toe brew. 1 coot r. nearly now; I ..• of lobsleig ; 1 cutting box : I plow. 'outlier. above!, forks, Corgirakes, chain.. etc.: M gh•oe: 3 ducks: 3 turkeys; 3 bedsteads, wattles/4o aid .primas ;2 deriders, Y wash NAads, 6 cede-meated chair., 3(., rocker., 1 centre tali1 sideboard, t ouphoard. 6 kitchen °hely.. taMn. 1 ' Penlnenlar" evil range, 1 "Hoed" washer, tub.. Y beehive-. and of het article.. ivieEventide*Eventide*must bo di -posed of along with the property. ss Mr.. Tichborne lis gouts Wm.'. retool rbattel-, furniture. Ma --All aunty 1 .,.b 10 and under, ; oo er that amount four mouths' credit will be Kivcu on fur Mating approved jient noted. A dt+couul allowed for doh on credtt atnrnnt.. MRS. H. TICdBOKNE. THUS. OUNDRY Proprietreo.. Au.Limner accepted. C. M. BURTON, 98 27 Brainard street. Datr)lt Mich PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE. -BOARD OF HEALTH. Under in-truction of the Board of Health. the citizen. are directed to moo (hat all backyards are cleaned and freed of rerun before the let day of May. The Inspector will oommeeee los visit. of Inspection after April 13 and any premises remaining to an uneanttary oeoditioo sitar May I will be cleaned under direction d the Huard and the chargtherefor aewrtwed yalnat the property. es A.C. HUNTER, 1. R. WIOLE, 98.1' M.R.O. Chairman Board of Health 1 FARM HELP AND DOMESTIC BLRVANT8.-Persons utero` farm h$p should apply at once w WILLIAM MtQUIG LIN, Dominion Government 11�W Areas', 81. Helene. Ont. Order. lett with H. A WOODd, St Helen, Ont.. will receive prompt attention. 60-tf PAPERHANGING. P A IN TING and kaleomldag. enc. Iftratdese were. Prtoea right. Have ,nor work done bolero W lush. A. SN AZEL, Loa street. Oegsrielo. Ail Joe. Kidd bas been appointed agent for the Cunard. Donaldson and Allan lines of ocean steamships. ,t UtT(ON SALE or FARM 8T0.7K, IMPLEMENTS. ETC. Mn. 1. A. McDonald .• ill offer for sale by public nucUou at tut 44, eonce.,ten 14. Hullet,, tri11 ore of Auburr.t. on MONDAY. APRIL :gimp, commencing at 1 o'clock. the following': Hoseg.. 1 aged brood ,wart.: 1 heavy draft mare. 1' years old . I hear, draft marc. 6 years old; I heavy draft horse. riding :1 yeen old : I driving mare. 3 year' e14. CArrt.e.-3 good mush cow-. due to calve in May ; 4 betters. Heine; yeare old :1 .teer, riding 2 years old ; 3 steers. Being 1 veer old. Pune.-1 breed $0W, due in May I brood .ow: 7 bog+. average 130 Ibe. 110 (melee gsTa.-.Massey-Herr(d Moder, M]�e�aesr,- Hams. mower. hay rake, 1 land roller,1=4.• Harris Money Herne seedrill, 1 est iron harrows. 1 gang plow, 1 twin mew. 1 mew Cookmhntt plow, 1 Angle plow. 1 1 .kb. 1 sulky cert 1 good rubber -tired 1 I ',confer, 1 tenth .ower. 1 rest 1 .see rack. pig rank. gravel box, hoc 1 set of double harmer, 1 set a ow li 1 set single barn...Ineerly newl.ree eSaskatchewan • ema, grad pair rohorse 'nearly wt. 1 ggrin�d- stome.lWheelbarrow. 1 fanning will, 1 water 9 11I<1ot ladder, 1 wagon jaek. 1pump said Vs. hay fork, rope. car and sling a q li osdnt post sleigh book., nWk task Ane, rteokyoke. and whlMetrees. sawn leeir, ebMn.. shovels., bone, sonde. saafiteele A•sOall quantity of hay and 100 bole!a of ata Hn000tiaoLb lerrxt•r.-('hwlri donngea, tred- steads, drawees, kitcbe., cupboard. 2 dining tables. newton n,achin,. washing machine. oelara 1 1 Curb Clearing Auction Sale OF .1 a� Livery, nd let 11) (S!1 s ![ l/ it lS. s s AT GUNNY'S LIVERY STABLES THE RED BARN SOUTH STREET, GODERICH, ON Wednesday, May Ist, 1912 commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, and continuing until all 1s di.po.ed of. about :10 GOOD SEASONED HORSES among which chestnut mare. Mrs, 8 year. old. by Sidney. brown mare. Daisy, a years old. brown mare. Luny, 4 years o. brown ma. Maud ld n 6 years old. black mar.. Nellie, 6 years old. hackney mare. Topsy, 4 year. aid. Meek gelding. Joe. 14 years old. there are 1 pair of grey mares. 7 years old, sound and • splendid good livery pear. I pair of brown mate*. 7 nod 8 years old, mound and good. 1 pair .polled cream pont.., 144 hands, 4 and 5 year. old. 1 r of bay mare. 10 years old. 1 gelding. Johnnie, 5 year. old. by W Medlnm. 1 bay. trebling. Dick, 8 years old, by Wlldbrino. l My mate. Mabel. s yr..okl, by Sidney. 1 beigNding• 8 year. old• at present on 1 bay gelding. 4 veers old. 1 gt/ molding. 6 year. sod. at present IMO VOW lbw bt foal to • heavy hone. 8gee Mev work homely. helm 6 to A WOW el6. EQUIPMENT t new rubber tired tandoori. borsOt from John ('ampbell t Son We Jose. Tudhope, new 1 threeesetad carnage. 1 r iset �r oovursd earrey. Dol. and I1a�� DO�open /WMMA year. i �iNePtiem h Cts. .new p sorrel. shafts. 1 wMsmstM,msdm of Walter. Sheen- atanhopee. by & Son. new tale 4 atanhopea. b t Son. new sad sm��, Lop buggies. Nes lest N. boggle.. some Ju*t In. serer hops. Sitt oaro limmes. md 01setarr'e� t..n., nets of� Ilsits of tdertteriW .sell shsfr►le. RaOeway, bear lebea d adore. ere. tem tM.whips. may. Bettor ashk tem�de��smrmerla .adulate- sold metemafterA WWe will not 3 The property will also be awed tor sale at the rase time. TERMS :-All sums of $10.IO rad under, emelt i river awl ssswmat, 7 somtbe' went WM los 'gloat ea hornishlon approved joist notes. A aroma at Ile mea de 1 pr ess. per amus Mewed for oa.b a walk asteas1. EveyrtsNmf ser pea lveb• M sad sit net roe .fame, as 1 em gabs west ase mod et rlttsr. Thos. (lundry, John Purvis, PROPRIETOR. AUCTIONEER. GODERICH MARKETS. • Teuas0Ar, April aarh VMI Wheal, per bush 0 fa to 1 u tK I I wheat per bunk-. 0 tin w tel per Muth 9u' (0 t • GREATEST MARINE DISASTER IN Bot Thea per both 9 5) to u b l Oat.. per bush. 030 to a 30 WORLU'S HISTORY. Peas. per broth 1 10 to INto 1,300 PERISH. finely per bush per ton.... ......... y IN w plea., b per owl Hour patent, per cwt t M to Cron per fan it 0 to 117 MI to 11 10 to 600to brow Batter. Per Ib 0 el w Cheeew Per ib u17 w hes o18w Y50 to rta, 8hwper ton Hay. per ton. new Straw Woad per load k. -r dos Apples. pper bbl Pol4toes, per bushel. ..... .. 9' to Cattle. eadlny w mood. per cwt 4 W te Malaui, export, per cwt y 30 to Sheep pee Bert 4 00 w Tallow. per Ib ' e3 to [I lade•, ypeenf cwt 7 to w :.leep+klns ..., 25 to 1 1e e0 ▪ et White Star Liner Titanic Strikes an Ice - 1111 El le burg on Her Maiden Trip and Sinks 7 0 ., with Terrible Loss of Life -866 ▪ 08 sae 0 it s 3 91 t31) sou 3 73 A 10 4 30 35 730 • bttrete. tub•. churns. writing desk, organ,.Ltb crockery, jar.. 1 good Crown Huron range and pipes. 3 good wood beater., 1 good parlor cook *Love, and oche. article, too numerous to mention. 7 101318. -All dun,. Of tea dullard and under. cash ; over that s moat, seven month.' credit wilt be given on fend -Meg approved jotot noted. A discount of tour per twoi straight l allowed for ca.h on credit amounts. Hay find grain each. MRS. L. A. MBDONALD, 7'. OUNDRY. Proprisu no. AucUonerr. BOHN. BUTLAN).-In Ooder'oh ;on Sunday, April 14th. to Mr. and Mr-. F. J. Rutland. a son. BAULDING.- At Duog'nnon. un Friday. April 3tk, to Mr• and lira Bau ding. of Mount Fore 4*, n daughter. MARRIED. KILPATRICK-DOUGHERTY.-At Swift Current. Bask.. on March 26th by Rev. T. J. Jobnetoo, W. C. Kllpetrtck of Oerow- vfllek-, to Alton Elizabeth. d e, Seaughter of "Mr, and Met Nixon Dougherty, Sheppard - toe, Oat SHORE - WHITHAM. - At Knox chu,oh. muse, Ooderich, on Tuesday. April 16 h, by Rev. flee. K. Row, H. I) MhoLuo/ Isobel N hitham w Albert Shore. all of (loder(cb. DIED. KILLORAN.-Soddenly on Monday. April 15th. at the resMenoe of her daughter. Mrs, D. Brown, Oriole road, Toronto, W Innlfred Ryan, widow of the late John Kltlman, of Seatorth. REID.-in Ooderich, on Friday. April 120, David Reid. in his 75th year. MORRISON.--In Ooderich. on Tuesday. April lath, J./MI Morrison. in his 7 tin year. THORBUR).-At Amberley, on Friday. April 11th, Duncan Thorburn. aged 60 year'. YOUNO.-At the residence of her mon-in-law, 3. IL Pentland. Nile, on Tuesday. April 0th. Mi.. You widow of the late Richard Young. of Port Albert. FOE SALE WI TO RENT ' iIOURE TO RENT ON NEWGATK u. street containing six large rooms, Woe abthesroan., two bail+, pantrys was minnow mmkitchen, bathroom andatom. 7'wo {•rhe cellars. one salm.bem ler eesk411f web 9598 and hot water lc it, gime Curep and be. lightEverything la N. W. up-Iodate. Nee pte stmt. tt L'OR SALK.-A FRAME HOUSE 1 oo Mocks street one-half acre of land ; • number of small fruit trees, stable and good water. Amply to MI88 VANSTONK. M Angbme• street. 1011 ERENT. -A SII•ROOMED k1Ms A Obwee+tee Terrace. Steed with all veniencee. Apollo to JOB.It C. 1 0ORJSALE OR HENT. -THE l0M- ✓ FORTABLE frwme borne on Bast street next to knitting factory, now occupied by W. Webster. For terms apply to ('HAS. DAR - HOW. 9941 ILTOUBE AND LOT FOR SALE ON ▪ Hurtle roeti, a abort distance from town limits. Lot eolttains two acres with good orchard and small fruit.. Frame house In good repair. Anyone wishing to inspect same will be welcome at any time. Appy at THIS OFFICE for information. 98-11' ER SALE. -THE HOUSE AND lot on Pelmerstoo street, Ooderich, be- t -lice w Mrs. MacGillivray 1. offered ferrate" Price 31,900; the lot on the north reserved. Apply at THE SIGNAL OFFICE, Oudot-10h. 118-1m WOR QUICK RALE OR RENT. JL' Low house on East street. Ooderlcb occupiedby O. M. Elliott. This house has all modern 000veolence.• Is up to dote and • very deslrebls location. Potion/don May 1st. Apply to 0. It LLIQTT, Ooderich. 97-tf jj OR SALE.-KRAMH HOME ON 1! Cambria road • nine teogy and bath ; foandaUon under whole Mame • fifty-two feet of verandah. Auply to THOU, W. RATIOS. 17.11 161OR SALE. - A COMMODIOUS 1 dwelling near the Square, recently built and with modern cooveolences. Apply to W. R. ROBIERTRIIN. 96 VOR SALE. -TEN ACRES FRIO £ ISO South and Bennett streets, Clod . . mostly high land overbooking Lake H early groamd salable for posltry small pr gse4ea i eeme good celery eery H. A. JORDAN, 171 Wlndroravenoe, Wlyd.or, Ont 9641 TO RENT. -A SOLiD BRICK house containing • double parlor. diolog room and kitchen downstairs and throe bed • room. and a bathrime m apmt� res. All modern conveniences. Imelodleg formate. For farther particulars apply au the premises w O, JAR SHAW, Renee street, 0.1.01eb. 93-11 L1OR SALE. -SIX FiRRT-CLASS r i niidloR inti* on AlaappLnal and North mttesta. CHARLES (JARROW. 4v.tt 1110 RENT. -THE STORE NOW 00- J. COMM by Mr. Stead, Hampton street : me el the lost baldness sands In town. Rent s. at store or to MRA. Y. A. A' A W I 1 Gerrard street. Tomato lStf L1ARM OF 100 ACRES. FIVE MILES 1. tram Leeknow; fifteen ammo bush. hallow MOM goal rnnnln water, 1 frame bask k�bsrttn sbep pee and ckloMn le MAT1Nf '' WO0UU. Beif�ia4 vet. 01. Y.I.K.-100 ACRES OF LAND 11 north of the town K l'me9srib- at a kamk = pt" el`ice, Survivors on the Steamer Carpathia -Many Prominent People in the List of ••Unaccounted For." An appalling disaster sent the White Star liner 'Titanic. the largest vessel in the world, to the bottoni of the Atlantic during Sunday night. and with her hsvr perished over 1,300 of her passengers toot crew. The new% so far received has been by wireless, through bats which were in commun- ication with the Titanb before she foundered. 1'he Cunard liuer Car- pathia, with the survivors on heard, is now approaching New York harbor, and farther details will Boon beflaehrd around the wotld. The Titanic was the largest steam- ship ever built and was making her first trip across the Atlantic, frotu Southamptor. to Nrw York. She car- ried 1,3011 passengers and a crew of about 800. Of these806, mainly women and children, are How no the steamer Carpatbia, leaving about 1,300 un- accounted for, and so far as is known all theme are lost. When the collision with the ieehurg occurred, at 10:25 o'clock Sunday night, the wireless operator on the Titanic sent forth over the ocean re- quests for assistance from any other ships that might be within reach. The Cunard liner Carpathia was the Bost to reach the pcene, at daybreak on Monday, and she picked up the sur- vivors from the lifeboats. The Titanic had sunk about 2:21/ a.m. The Leylr.nd liner Californian and the Parisian and Virginian, of the Allan Line, also arrived. but too late to save any of the passengers. Among those on board were many notable people. including W. T. Stead, editor of the Review of Reviews • Chas. M. Hays. president of the Grand Trunk Railway ; Jacob Astor, Ben- jamin Guggenheim, George D. %Videner, and severs] other American multi-mlillionairew. All theca are be- lieved to base ppiabed. The Titanic had a h-ngth of 882 feet 6 inches, s width of 92 feet 6 inches, and a height of 175 feet from the top of the funnels to the keel. It cost nearly $10,000,000 to build her, Carpatbia Has 866 Survivors. M P, New York, April 16i -The appalling magnitude of the wreck of the giant liner Titanic has been but little miti- gated by the fragmentary information which has filtered in today. The rescuing steamer Carpethiabat. 8O8.urvivors on hoard, according to the latest news received at the offices of the White Star oNf ;e in this city. This increases the list of saved by about 200 from the number fret reported. But except for 1 his the favorahle de- tails are insignificant compared with the supreme fact that the Titanic is at the bottom of the Atlsntic, and that the shattered wreck took with her about 1,350 victims to their death. The fleet reports giving the total survivors at 675 were varied by more favorable news early today first from Capt. Rostron of the Carpathia, who gave the number at about 800, and later by the positive announcement of the WhiteStar line that there are 888 survivors of the Titanic on board the Carpathia. But with these revised futures there remain 1,342 persona, who were aboard the Titanic. passengers and crew, who are today unaccounted for and appar- ently lost. Hope clung desperately this morning to the belief that the Virginian and Parisian of the Allan Line may have picked up survivors in addition to those on board the Carpathia. This wets practically dispelled at 11 o'clock when the Sable island wireless att ton re- ported that the Parisian had no sur vivors on hosed and when the officers of the Allan Line in Montteatl leaned Veteternentthat, the captain of the irginian had sent, them a wireless saying be bad "'arrived at the .cane of the disaster ton late to be ef service." : •' GODERICH PEOPLE ALL SAFE. Nooe of Them on the Wrecki d Stemmer Titanic. Although a number of Ooderich people are awe" on trip acmaa the ocean, none of them was on the Titanic. Miss Edith Millar is on the Cymhric. a vessel of the same line and sailing the same day as the Titanic. The Cypbric left Liverpool on the loth for Portland. Mr. and Mts. John Lawson were to sail on the 13th from Liverpool by a vessel of the Leyland Line. Rev. Joseph Elliott and Mrs. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Nisbet and Mrs. Jamieson Reid are stili on the• other side of the Atlantic. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Macara, of Winnipeg. who were In town for s few days this week, were watching anxiously for news of the survivors. Y several of their !.timate friends liv- ing In Winnipeg were known to he on the boat. Gen. 11. Graham. of Winnipetg, who is believed to be among the loot, was $ brother at Rev. W. R. Orabam, form- erly pastor of Victoria street Mettler diet ohurcb, lledesieb. now of Rtrietb- ro . He was a boyar for Eaton's Winnipeg Mer.. CANADIANS ON THE TITANIC. Despetobse from different parts d Use Dasrolaios @bow that more Came Masa were ea the Tltasie than was known. The names of about thirty- eight hin - eigbt have beep secured, and it would not be surprising if the list were in- creased to fifty. The nautes of those reported as sever! and of those not yet accounted for, but oo h, may turn up, are as follows CANADIANS NOT REPORTED. Chas. M. Hay.. Montreal. J. Hugo Roes, Winnipeg (formerly of Toronto.) J. J. Sorebank. Winnipeg (formerly Of Toronto.1 Geo. E. Graham, buyer for Entona, Winnipeg. Thompson Beattie. Winnipeg (form- erly of Fergus, Ont.) Dr. Alfred Pain. Hamilton. Mark Fortune. Winnipeg. H. Merkland Moleon, Montreal. H. J. Allison, Montreal. Mrs. Allison and son, Montreal. George Wright, Halifax. Q. Baxter, Montreal. Thornton Davidson (son -ft -law of ('has. M. Hays', Montreal. Mr. Payne (secretary to Chas. M. ifay51. • Mrs. F. Marshall, Calgary, and three children. M. W. 11 Parr, Montreal. lieorge Wright. Halifax. Ernest A. Sjostedt, Sault Ste. Mat ie. James *IcCrie, London. CANADIANS SAVED. Mrs. Chas. M. Hays and daughter, Montreal. Mrs. Thornton Davidson, Montreal. Mrs. Johtt C. Hogeboom, Toronto. Major Arthur Peuehen, Toronto. Miss Hilda Slater, Halifax. Mrs. Mark Fortune. Winnipeg. Alice Fortune. Winnipeg. Ethel Fortune. Winnipeg. Mabel Fortune, Winnipeg. A. A. Dick and wife, Calgary. Infant daub of H. J. Allison and IMree. Mrs. 1', telae, Montreal. Mr. Charles M. Hays. Several contradictory reports have been received in Montreal since the disaster regarding the safety of the bead of the Grand Trunk Railway C.)mpaoy. latest reports, however, ars that Mr. Hays is not among those rescued from the wrecked liner. By Request. At Smith's Art Store, Ooderichs three days only. Commencing Wed- nesday, April 21th, we will sell war- ranted gold -tilled rimmed spectacles and eyeglasses withbest spherical lenses for 11. Eyes examined tree byformer optical manager Kent's ewellery store, Torouto. These glass.; are sold regularly at from $3 to $5. Come early. _ - -- - ANCTION SALES. MONDAY, April IL --Auction sale of [arm stock, lbsAscyenpkeb. the property of Maa L A. MCDONALD,1K 44, oonoe.eloo 14, Hallett IvJ1age of Auburn), osmmenotng •t 1 o'clock. Taos OUNomv. auctioneer. W LDN[SDA Y. May 1. - Auction .ale of • livery, ab and bud buahes, at Oundry'. livery *tablet, Southtreet, Oederioh, ,,Om - mending at 1 o'clock @harp Taos. OUx o*y, proprietor; Jour Peavis, aaotloneer. PERSONAL MENTION. Fred Murney tett on Tuesday for Outlook. Sesk. Mrs. Mee.) I. Torouto, Wallwin. of Toro, id in town this week. J. Vrooman went to Stratford on Wednesday, having neared • situation there. Mr.. Joseph D. Wilson, Cambria road, is having a two week.' vdelt with friend. In Tor- onto. Mew. l'. Fairbalrn. of Winnipeg. id here on a vlalt to her parents. Mr. and Mn. J. J. Graham, Huron road. Wm. Nlobttlson has returned to hi. home at Detroit after . ttendlug the funeral of the late Thos. Precloud. Mtam Victoria Miners, of the public .chool teaching .talc, spent the itaster vacation at her home at Exeter. -. Miss Minole Campbell. of the Exeter high school Matt. vielted her home here during the Easter vacation. Fred Galin. of Frltzley's barber shop, left on Tuesday for the West. Moo.ejaw, Sask.. was h.ri objective point. Bert Miller, who was employed as hiker by Thom. Warrener for several year., left on Tues- day for Moosejaw, Mort McLean left on Tue.day for Midland, where he joins the crew of the steamer Mi.1 land King for the coming season. Mn,. 1). Millar leave. this afternoon for 1 o: onto tom. et her daughter. Mi.. Edith, wb . returning from her trip to [hr, Old Country. A. M. Polley lett last week on a visit to Toledo. 11110. and 8agivaw, Minh., aocompain fttg 81+daughter, Mrs. Major, oto her return to Toledo, after .ponding the Easter holiday. in Uoderich. Robot. Mcld•.n returned on Saturday from the N'e.t, where he had been dlsppoo,ing of three carloads of horse.. His son Wilfrid, who ac- companied him on the trip. elm ham returned. Mr.. /.eh, who had bneu visiting her father, Wm. Poem. for some weeks. tett this moraine on her return w her home at Dose Lodge, Montana. 8be will visit friend. at Kalamazoo on the way. Mr.. 1111 returned on Saturday from the West. where .h. had been oa an extended vlmit to ber daogbter. Mrs. Glearihue. at Frank. Alta. and her son. Harry. at Bandon. Mao. Her daughter, Mn. Campbell, of Port Col- borne. was ap over Sunday to meet her. W. A. Harrison. of Lonknow, wile in town let • taw days this week. Mr. garrison Mahe Fenian ltald vetw051Lobo will b.neIt r the^aO°Aed Deminise hes wee here ngraM of Wts(e arramme saw the premise= of W Odin. IwTMi'gVeellNelgr=44 I ealermilis w ad told emE111le for . a earn/ p.rty ye MnVat J BHawida 1 I9I dayWeer• ek AJ�ol.M.1rrCwlm"'Lbanewg em1 es im�isit W p essls flet Md w w• 1�wanAeellWI al ar • Low se durisrg e"4 m 1 • W4bic isas.tats. of ism.► Oa Tuesday evening. ell 8Dtb. the B. Y. P. U. of tee Sighed isreh WIN ��ii h w even a witestala weal lig the aleteh. �aothw fall be Mow wit week. the date sprig.