HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-11, Page 10y 0 THUPfWA ii2010. il, SIR. ANL, Ales. 1V ita-lam STEWART. Ar already recorded by The Signal, Mr. and Mt,•. William Stewart cele- brated their gokien welding annivet- eery at their home on Tr.faigae serest on Martel 2eth. William Stewart and Grace Craig were mai-lied in the old St. Andrew's Presbyterian church manse in Gnderich by Ker. Mr. Markid on March Ss•Stb. 18trL The groomsman was the groom's brother, James Stewart, of town. and the bridt•'rnsid was the groom's. mister. naw Mr.. Charles Qirvin, of Mania - temp. Mich. The groomsman was present at. the golden wedding cele- bration. Mr. Stewart wag born in Banffshire. Scotland. Decxmher 25, 188i, and is therefore in hie seventy -With year. He came to Canada at twenty nears of +wand arrived in Goderieb key 84. 101. Hi+ bru':her, .the late John Stewart. of Beunnller, came out with him. and him parents with the rest of e, DUNGANNON. hit NEWTON, DENTIST. OF J. l.aoknow. has ca..wd visitinbr outside pointa and wilt henceforth give hi. retire attention to the home omcc. Lucknow, where be will be found every day. All modern meth- ods. NOTICE. -THE LOCAL AGEN(;1 to l)unsaonon forThe Signal is at the Pao- otdoe Book and Stationery Store w here orders will to received for subscriptions. ad- vertising and Job work, and receipts will be glr-en tor amounts Laid for the same. THURSDAY, April lltb. • OnITi ARY_ -On Sunday last Mrs. Riddell, who had amide het' home for many years with her son-in-law. Thee Glenn, of Arhflrld, joined for ranks of those who have gone before. Inter- ment was made in Dungannon cem- etery on 1 ueaday, af'HOOL RErtiwr.-(Zepert of U.S.S. No. 17, tow n*hit's of Asbfeld and West Wee/secede for the month of March. Names in order nt merit : Sr.' IV. -O. Kirke, H. Rivers. N. Kirke. Jr. IV. -G. Rivers, M. Sproul, R. Simpson. Jr. III. -S. Rivers. Sr. II. --J. Sproul Jr. 11.-11. Sproul. E. Rivers. Part 11.-R. Sea hers, A. Spited. Number on toll. 12. Aver age attendance. 10. M. Pomace-, Teacher. Cyr OFF IN EARLY MANHOOD.-Mts. Edward Fowler. cunees,ion 7, Nest Wawanoan, and her family have the sympathy of the c..mmunity in the Loss of her son Roy, twin pt:seed away on Salle day lest. The young man, wbo was.an his twenty-third year. had suffered been beart trouble for nevi., al years. Be -ides his mother he lea, s to mourn his Ines four brothers and s four siet.-r. - James end Bert. oat Wept, nervy and Donald, of West Wawat.osh : Gladys, May, Etna and p Kate at home. The remains were in- terred in Dungy -mon cemetery on Monday- ate, non. I/MATH of MRs. ROBERT Rhes. -Dr. T. E. t;see received tweed on Sunday that his •i -t. r, 'Mop, - Bober[ Ross, of Byron, heel died suddenly while on a visit te tee mother, neer Exeter. whet bad her h. eakfast with t he other mem- i r hers of the lividly, t(•.ts token sick ati lo o'clock and p.•sal away shout '1 t o'clock. death resulting from bemor-i rhage'of . he hrs in. The deceased lady was leen near Exeter nh.ut forty-five )ears ag . and was guar• i•'d to her note bereft pa• to r about ten yeses Ago. Besides her mother and husband she is put v i ved be two Mete' s- Mrs. Moir, of 1: Exeter. and four brothers -T. E., of I I 1)io ann.•o ; George, of Hensel) ; Adam, . f Toronto, and Peter. at horse. Dr. Case and his daughter, Miss Ethel,' attended the funeral .y7este+day. inter- ment being made in [Exeter cemetery. BRIEF' MENTION. -The river broke' up last week and the ice went out with the highest water seen in many years. 7 h• „ shaky [.ridge " helnw 1 Dishe.'a n•ill WAS swept awey. The wire t bridge at the rifle ranges WAS hoisted i high alio a the rivet s few deys prev- ious and escaped it jjury Thos. Smiley is cot /tomGod.•rch and 1s erecting on hie proper t y adjoining Thal News Alice a small shop for %Vill•am Nevitu., ale ..maker The snow din- i appeared very- rapidly last week. On leriday the t.iada were almost impale - able, and Hn Monday prem lenity every e speck ..1 .n .w had vanished Re- J member the library cr.neert in ibe, Agrirunneal 11o11 tomur.nw (Friday) evening Will Mole has leased his harbor enop for eight months toa wan from Hlyth, who takes p ese.aion next Monday Mr. Mole leaves in the near -( future tor a trip through theCepa/Ilan Northwest, with (be object of spying out the opportunities of the new (wuatry. the family assrived the following year. Mre, Si wart to a natise of county Down, Ireland. She came to Canada . in ISM with her brntber. William[ j Craig. and arrived in (:oderich the same year. Saner their marriage they haye lived continuously in Qoderieb or the vicinity. Mr. Stewart bre been for over twenty-nine years with the Hank of Montreal. and is the beet -liked bank messenger that ever presented a draft. His 6-.bby for his leisure hours is horticulture, and be pursues it with great .ucce'es. Both Mr. and Mrs Stewart arelu good health. and their friend.. who ere almost without num- ber, trust they will be spared to each other for many years yet. Their family consists of one daughter, Alis. Lizzie, at home. and two sons, William C., of Ottumwa• Iowa, and .1. C. l "teem"), of town. They have one grandchild. e igbt years pito to her now sorrowing partner, with whom she shared life's t.urdrtis and joys, canting es ♦ bride to the place which wee home for her 011 celled away to her Father's home on high. During . he runny years of her sojourn here site wade utauy friends, whose sympathy is extended to the sorrowing family. She is sur- vived h} her husband and four chil- dren -6. W., of Winnipeg: Frances, of Lucknow, and Tom and Lily, at home; 'three brothers -John Elliott. of Aebtleld a T. M., of Montana, and Will, of Gtderich township; three sisters -Mrs. Robt McLear., of Gode- rich; Mra. John Cox ami Mrs. James Cog, troth of Por er'. Hill. Interment, was made in Dungannon cemeteryy- the afternoon, Rev. L. Bartlett offici-1 sting. The pallbearers-werethe two eons and two brothers --Nilson and Tnm MIG'un and John and William Eliiott. SPRAYING DieoNSTaATION$. - The second step in the ercha.d culture demooet, at ion corn et) is now under way at J. A. M..11ough`s, where the first spraying it. being d••ne ,hie week. This treatauent i+ for the oyster shell hark louse and bud meth and should be done at once. The n,ixtun- used is one p •ri of • lithe sulphur to nine of water. The seined -praying, for the nudkmoth end f i gi ttiereses., should lir appl.ed just before the buds hurt. This mixture i,. comp. sed of one part of 1' • sulphur to forty of water with two p.unds of a•senate of end sad. d to ever y forty gallons of he mixture. The /61.11 s•.d final praying, her the .•odling moth and other insects, should ie. done immedi- ately after the Wesson's fa11.'ihe mix- urr b ing the assns ..s th.1 used for the se. -and con e - . ex»apt thee the quanta y Hf areena eof lead is increased to three pouods. le is very import- ant that the oiftterent *praying be performed at the stages indicated. and the sur,•. s. of the . ieheid' ile nde to a very go at ext• n tgran the thorough nese and rare wi h which this work is arrje.l ort. Every pwrw,n i.fterested n orchard culture is urged to attend hese demon -teethes-. .s h ch have proved so hrteflcial'in role r sections of the country. HeflOOL HAPtwr.-The foll •wing are the sucees'•ful candid .ten in the recent promo ion exam nations hell in Don- annon public a. ho .1, . he Hames being flanged in order ..f merit • teens. , rearm : V. cl s• -[,.lien Pent - see. M..411••. , R. N others, B Hasty, L. McKenzie. N. M. del IV. etas./ -Ethel Brow., Fred Er ingion, Melinda Cul- len. Linn. Ander-.,,., "tenon Risher, Fred Fowler, Willie Pi; zg relit, Hazel Cat r, Pearl Iver•. sr a II to Jr 1 V. - Sheldon Bartle'., Alls•, t It. n, Hazel Augustine, Melvill • lint' ert, Judson Bell, iv. Carr. Kuhy Allen, Delo. hither, C. cit Bax•rr. Victor Erring. en, Haeold Sproul. Jr. ii1. (+taod- ng)-tieoi a B.11, Bert SH.ith, Lew Elliott, Lillie E. g•on, Marion Bios, Redeem Auggut-tine. 1. ens C -rr, Gladys Ilnington, Wert en Ives, Edger Carr. Frank Thompson, F.ank Qt.•on. F. Rem. Prrtteipel. Junior room : N• II. t.• Jr. iii. Amber McKensee B Ile Er ingtnn, Remelt Herslett, Vb'ilhn• B • wn, Floe - nee Ihirnin. Jr I I. to S•. 11 - Hebei ohnst. n Je.n U pe er, A nip Has, tee. Agne. (;ons., s, U.-sel Robin- son : Agee- ('.Idere 1, Per y Elliott and Ethel J•eb•.e•on, re ovate, ally. Sr Pt. 11 t. Jr 11 Anne. RIB.e t, Wallace Berti•tt,HarryCar .M note McDougall p oviekmallyl Jr Pi. 11. to Sr. Pt, 1,- Me/Lees P.nt►ane. Sr. i to Pt - 1 -Os •:17e Ry.n, Reymond Brown. Warner Cooline, H .r..1.1 Stewart- Jr. to Mr. 1. - Imor • Reveals, Nelms (Vglbert. Merry El iota. Mary Weine- r*" J s me. F..wire, Waste eltrithera, i.eden Smith. Tommy Johnston. E. AHgt. T. amber. Palmist at. -Neil Meet land, of Gel% - en V-11• y, i. vieit(.•g Chia. Elliott and other f h nils In De•••papnnMM and eicia- tp • Mies Daisy Ryan. who taachee school et Post Credit 1s speeding the Wrests vtaaatiore with bee mother hart Me. [sad Mee. Janet Mr/aid u,. tamed base ea Tiese lay after speea- Virden, Man , and Mrs. McTaggart, of DEATH ov Mas JOAN MCLEAN.- On Monday fast the spirit of the tare lira John McLean took its fligbt, fol• lowing an Bine.. extending near the Mat salute". Three week. ago Berm i• n cadres. erwhit* canard acute ani iety, and th.nteh she rallied at times bre feeble oeeditloa was mach fiat i emnpiste recovery wee impossible. EKaab.tb glitch IMO burn la And►, rich township nearly .evenly years age, sad we. .serried street forty . THE SIGNAL OODBRIC$r ONT log a week in (lod.drich, the guest of their daughter, Mrs. H. Turner Mts. Harry Motrin. of Gotierich, is vieltiog her auut, Mrs. T. Disber las I.,ul.t Staithine it viatt(pgher mus- ket, Misses Clara and Ruby Seabees. of (.oderich-...Miers Bellaoty it hone trout Alm,' College, Mt. Thuivas, for Easter Harvey 'Treleav- en. of Wingbam Business College, is spending the vacation at home Mrs. (Rev.) C. Rutherford, who is in the hospital at Kincardine. is improv- ing nicely. Mise Jane Rutherford is at Pine River, keeping house for her brpther .. ...Mr. Gordon, of Brame - ion, wee called to Dungaunou last 'week by the illness nt his eater, Mrs. T. Disher, who id now very low Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson spent Easter with their son, 'Phoma'. of Qoderich _ ...J. Godfrey, of Wilkie. Bask., was the guest bust week of his Mater. Mre. D. E. Sproul ....The G. C. I. students who are home fur the Easter vecution Include Misses Ethel Case, Janet Stothers, Pearl McKenzie, Cora Allen, Ver hers, and Ella Btothen, and Roy Aleod, Geo. Case and Bert Wiggins Mies Sara Mal - lough has returned to Goderich alter visiting her brother, J. A. LOCHALSH. TUESDAY, April 6th. FARgweLL TO MR. Roane -On the eye of his departure for Sebringville, where be ie to take charge of at pcbool, Edgar Robb, teacher• of the Lochalsh school, was presented last Thursday by his pupils with au elegem. suitcase and an addreee. The address was read by Mies Rhoda McKendrick and the presentation was made by Miss Sadie McDonald. A "ember of the elders hiad assembled at the ,school on the occasion, among thein being 'Trustee John McRae, who gave a short laud- atury address expressing in the name of the section appreciation of the ex- cellent serlvices rendered by Meg -lobe as tesebef. The latter replied in fitting terms. Mr. Robb, who intends leaving at Easter, will be mach oilseed by hie pupils and the community generally, ashe is an excellent teacher and had won the friendship of all through hts good nature and invariably amiable disposition during his sojourn rn this section. •, Nuw•t+ Narita is BRIEF. -John Mc- Intyrespeut Thursday and Friday in Kincaid:ne last week Duncan Campbell, having spent toe winter at his home here, bas retell nod to Alberta. He was accompanied by W. McGregor, formerly of the Lake Snore. Mrs. John Campbell, of Hamil- ton. arrived last week to visit friends and also to attend the marriage of her sister-in-law•, Mrs. R. Steele, of Am- berley, which took place last Wednes• day ....Alex. McDonald was presented a few days ago by Met McDonald with a Valuable Easter gift in the shape of a baby daughter. Alex. is smiling At a meeting of the Lochalsh Ritle Association on the evening of April let Duncan Cameron was appointed secretary -treasurer in place of Edgar Robb, who will take charge of a school at debringville after Easter The following base arrived for Easter at their respective homes : Wm. Robb, Ralph Buglaa, Wm. Mc- Leod, of the Kincardine high school ; Duncan Matheson, of the G.C,I.; Don, Finlayson, of Welland, and Mise Rhoda McKenzie, of Constance.... . Jas. Robb was visiting friends in Wingbam last week. Murdoch Matheson was in Brocefleld last Thurs- day on business Rod. McDonald, of Lothian, spent a few days last week at Rich. Brown's .. - . .Will Bucking- ham, of the 12th conceal.ion, reports that be has received his second leap - year proposal. Lucky Bill t Duncan McLeod, who went out last summer to Alberta, returned home last week in order to engage in the spring seeding. Duncan manliest. every evidence that the climate of that sunny country agrees with him . Fred Hoe., principal of'tbe Dungannon public school, is visiting friends in the vicin- ity this week. THE SC'RIBE'S A DV KNTURX,-A short time ago, when the snow was yet of great depth, we were riding east along the 12th concession, through Hemlock City, anti while going up the grade, peacefully meditating on the disap- pearance of English fairies, Scottish ghosts and even of the good angels and evil spirits of Jewish and other Eastern legends which were so often seen in the earlier ages but which at the Advance of civilization and the consequent decrease of superstition and ignorance have completely- dis- FI - The of er-efect of Look Outlfor Trouble the Grip ere apt. t-, be 'serious. be a normal healthli rr,ndttlon u.ey be reete od is a sur pr!singly short time by Vino!. iCaterreele NTle-"After a severe cttxck of tare Grin ny system awes 1n a , ernes eeb cued, \nervous and rune d -'-q ter .:\tion. -I began taking Vlnnl with the vary best results, and in a [-bort time I began to reel like an en- tirely different person, and i am better and stronger than I have been for y:.are." Adelaide Gamm. (We guaran- tee this testimonial to be genuine.1 We hate never sold to our store such a 'saleable strength creator and health re:torer for the convalescent, the weak and run-down, as Vinoi, and we ask people In tMs vicinity to try a bottle of Vino!, with the under- standing that their money will be re- turned/if it does not do all we claim for it H.O. Dunlop, Druggist, Ooderich, Ont. appeared, and which stubbornly refuse to show themselves even at the gravest crisis of a nation's history in the present day -we say, while reflect- ing on this. our horse suddenly stopped and snorted. and, looking up, we were horrified to see in the orchard ahead, at the top of the grade, close by the road. a giaut figure of human form bentover, the back being • outlined against the sky and considerably higher than the tallest trees of the orchard. Taste figure bad appareutly lenge gle «yes and what eremeei to be a sardonic ewiie on the face. (Jur hair stood up and our eyes', bulged out. Was this the Prince of Ga=kuess en- gaged in some diabolical plot as he apparently worked it haud.eaw up ares down: %Ve were tor a eecoud relieved to see that there was no tail in the rear, but again we became un- easy at the thought that his sulphut- ous Majesty mignt have that append- age neatly coiled up beneath the coat- tail in order to conceal his identity - While considering whether we should tura around and flee, the horse de- cided the question by bolting forward with a series of leapt) And snorts. We jerked and .. esawed on thb lines in ;rain and when Hying past the orchard ventured to cast a terrified glance aside, dreading lent those goggle eyes might be bent in our direction. But that glance instantly- dispelled our fears, for who was it but our good friend Alex., the proprietor of the orchard, who was pruning the fruit - trees, and who had taken advantage of the deep snow to reach the top limbo without a ladder, and hence his apparent great height far above the orchard. The goggle eyes were an innocent pair of specs. while that ap- parently evil and sardonic ezpeesion was luta •hos ordinary good-natured smile. no doubt at the thought of what. would come out in the Lochalsh news of the nest issue of The Lucknow Sentinel. Motorists' Repair and Supply House Glover, the automobile man, is busy at the Huron Gasoline Engine and Machinery Co.'s works, East street. An automobile is now on the floor be- ing ov and others will follow. Motorists find this the beet place to procure supplies. Fortunes in Winnipeg Property. ucott. Hill A Co.. whose advertise- ment appears in this issue, are one of the pioneer real estate firms of Winni- peg. having been in the realty busi- ness for the last ten years. They hove sold millions of dollars' worth of property to Ontario people and have made fortunes for toany of them. It is hardly necessary to point out the great advantage to the investor in Winnipeg property in the quick turn- over. as the ttity is growing very rap- idly and will continue to grow with the wonderful expansion of the West. The flrm is represented iu Grderich by J. T. Goldthorpe, to whom applica- tions for further information should be tn:tde. The monthly meeting of Abmeek Chapter, I. O. D. E., will be held on Monday, April 16tb, at 4 o'clock, at the court house. l will The eeho rat the auxiliary of Mrs. John Platt, Victoria street, on Saturday. April 13th. at 4 o'clock. Breakfast_ ina Bright Room We have just the Paper that will make your diuingroom the moat attractive room in the house. Secure at oace when you have the chance of the pick of all our new Papers. Papers this season are very reasonable in price, and there is no excuse for remaining dis- satisfied with the papers you have now. Canadian Papers commence at 5c per roll up to 25c. imported Paper'. range in price from 15c per roll up to 75c. The Colonial Book Store GEO. PORTER, Prop. 'Phone 100 Qoderieh INVEST IN , Winnifieg The (1 Iltl Railway and Commer- cial Centre of the West Within is very ,bort time WHEN/PEP will he one of the wealthiest cities one the continent. Many wetness opportunities on the main streets can be PeCtireci :.y a entail payment. SOMEONE WILL MAKE A FORTUNE ON THESE -WHY NOT YOU } Elmdale Lots for the email investor. High and dry. Fine ,bade trees. (Jolt three miles from centre of city of 2110,0110 populatiop. One wineke walk from oar line. Sidewalk direct to city. ONLY Vt25 PER LOT TERMS, -425 CASH, $10 PER MONTH For particulars apply SCOTT, HILL & CO., Winnipeg. rlanitoba, or J. T. GOLDTHORPE, (ioderich, Ont. • RURAL TELEPHONE tg ra N. B. -Any investor buying Winnipeg property thro::gh me will, if desired, be furnished with a guarantee from Soon, Hill S Co. that if in one year he is dissatisfied with the deal his money will be refunded with interest at 0 per cent. J. T. GOLDTHOIIPE- Get Your Wedding Invitations and Stationery Printed by THE SIGNAL PRESS r E NEW YORK'S LATEST "MILLINERY SHAPES Several shipments received the past few days. New and novel shapes and late effects in trimmings. Right from the fashion centres to our showrooms. Really worth coming to see if you are interested in what is new and- correct in Millinery. INSPECTION INVITED OF THE SEASON'S NEW STYLES Miss Cameron Hamilton St. Representative Wanted in every town in Canada to sell unmake Iota. We are the exclusive1 selling agent of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway for one oT its main line divisional point towns. We are the registered owner, 'of the original Nobr.wrie townsite, also clone -le property at Bow Island- (Tbe present daily pro- duction of the Bow bland natural Ass field is over orae hundred million cubic feet of natural 'pa daily.) $50 to $200 Weekly flan he earned by those who have bad riparians as sales - meet. We bare a splendid opgerteelt7 for a man of ability. For complete Iefnrssatine as to nor offer, welts promptly to Grand Pacific Land Co. Limited 2P/URROMRRS1Wr A1.00 WiN1fPRt.. MANiiORA r Stylish Suits $15..00 Our special tailored Suits of tweeds and serges at S15.,00 are very attractive. The workmanship is of a high order, the materials among the most popular shown this season, of a quality that will give satisfactory wear. For a well appear- ing, good wearing Suit at a moderate price they are hard to equal. Black or navy serge or fancy tweed mixtures. Each, $15.00 These Are Umbrella Days We have prepared for them with a stock of good (Umbrellas, tope that will not cut or turn rusty, extra strong frames. handles that are nobby. attractive and durable. A (food Ordinary Umbrella 85c Gloria ,ilk top, Paragon frame, horn and polished wood handles, Q c strong and serviceable. Twenty-four to sell. At ',Lehi7Jk One rluch Better $1.25 Top of strong Gloria silk, hollow ribs, steel rod, handsome carved wood and metal trimmed handles; a good-looking and a strong Umbrella at a low price. F.ach .... $1s25 Not a Bit Too Early To Do Your Choosing If You Nave Rug Buying To Do This Spring We have nearly doubled our rug stock for this season. Both in the lower qualities and the higher grades we are showing nearly twice as many as any former season. All have been selected with great care direct from the best manufacturers and our qualities, prices and designs will compare favorably with any. Union Rugs $3.75 to $7.00 Wilton Rugs $26.00 to $40.00 Wool Rugs $6.00 to 512.00 Axminster Rugs $23.50 to $0.00 Tapestry Rugs $6.00 to $20.00 Brussels Rugs $13 85 to $25.00 Velvet Rugs $17.50 to $40.00 Miser* Wise sane elapses eesseo .au .wino. asapreses The ,awe Mss seas Sheet.. MOM. o.en•