HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-11, Page 8P'a • Taos.aat, kraal. 11. 1819 EASTER EXAMS. O&NTRAL SCHOOL. Dim�it1. rarwrs aa.Aea. Total --9(0. fink meadge7tr7. Clifford Winn me 797, Gerald Newsom 7711, Graham R.. 718, L.onard Macklin 098, With W11.- 1114118 082.1inneue Bell 643, Eva J 074, Nina Roberta Mil. Jame. Row Bvelrrn Brophy 690, Girt. ado Po 6711, P,ael McDonald 648, George Mac- Donald 618, Philip Carey 511, Frank McArthur 614. Therms Row 612. Har- old Williams 5UU, Jas. Videan 480, Eva Motrisb711, Margaret Rte.. 400. John Telford 457, Scott McNally 448, glisalw•ab Wilson 488, ('live Clara 424. Harty Buchanan 408, Donald McDon- aN MK Myrtle Walters 338, *Emelt Crei•ie. •Jran Bogie, *Coosa sinew Stewart, •Elsie Marty°. Diem= 11. 8tN1OR 111. Tow -900. Beta Worsen 705, Jean Griffin 007, Marjorie Jones 855. Beall ire Wella 699. Kid* Stoddar t 597, •lfred Hebei 698, Oladyya Sauna MO, Agnes McDonald 619, Melville Mea«vin 519, W,.odbatn Babb 478, Rudolph Brown 448. Eliza Beck 486, Charlie Brown 412, Jean Harrison 409, May Henderson 374, *Reggie Tufford, *Harry Sanderson, *Stephen Kirkland. *Jack Harrison. JUNIOR ill. Total -400. • STRAPONTRI. ParN Tamar . 11 Is • Osloci.• .ad a &tars. b suety Part. theater Uwe ase 41.1 saw* letrapa tbi" Yee the t a Mwep.aW l.r Wen, It $ le1liaS or strap seat os the able. bred le lie eMe of the al= chess e[� one• tha.e=hem=oe balesay rows. It ss •&leer sides a* back and is without rtes f:l1eafb •= repport atbelAt, The o.•apaaebtt Aaerlca& =OM whose stay b Part le bat a natter of *Ts appetesshes the Paris= bast se. flee sad 1. shows the diagram by the a dies aged rb with the bloat care. ovleMea4 the =her fadicaw what be belie= to be as able Beat sad osageatihlha himself ea hie leek at .e lap aa boor fa capturing It A few abates later be hall Dalt kb 118 caste for a paw= sad typed that was= Wood= wk. skew. his M 1111 .trapestb. It e as dwell of legs( or feat. tis s4apemtla. as of arm.' aid vertebrae. a device to be absurd tad tabooed. Yoe equbse to make yaureelf aesletabia te see= sew attitude wbsrebl the bard.klpa of the etrepa.da say 6e aaat111ated, bat be vale. It drives trees your dad the; meet Mdsedve esusi , tis •test tom: tastie episode falls to erect yell, *dr your thoughts are forced back ea the• bskase.t of torture which has Colt you the fall 10 francs, the peke et Yr seebesttta tbafr.-New York Pr= Willie Sturdy 6;i8, Willie McMillan 468, Beth ROS, 454, Vinton Tremblay 434, Percy Jenkins 428, John Patterson 818, Willie Babel 377, Lilian McDon- ald 872, Gordon Tehbutt 354 Helen Shaw 852, Charlie Stokes 342, Arnold Brownlee 311. Maud Kemp 217, Susie Yunghlut 289, *Helen Casey, *Ernest MoOratten, *Mary Vanstone, *Lloyd Vane/tone. Division 111. SgNIOK SZCOND—A. Total -700. Laura Watson 618, Eileen Mun- ofog. 503, Roes Harrison 661, Dcris Martin 487, Lionel Macklin 477, Annie Henderson 477, Cecil Mitchell 463, Annie Van.tooe 460, Hazel McDonald 897, Hugh Hardy 896, Maitland Rey- nolds 891, Lola McDonald 3813, Jennie Beck 378, Bertie Sanderson; Edward Ervin. B. Dorothy Landry 502, Mary Morrbb 496, Isabelle McNevin 489, Ruby Snaze1.4119, Mildred Stokes 401, Myr* McNevin 375, Helen Galt 350, Minnie Brownlee 3d8, Janet Soaae1297. JUNIOR SECOND -C. 'fetal - aka. Mary liewN1' 590. Olive Allen 401, KdiJer acmes 478, Beatrice Tufford 448, Silk 423r Llsl�ltena onard ReynoMklei lad Fowler 3 Le- • Donaidwin Leonard Hardy 307, Lawr- eeee Darrell 388, Sadie Patterson 383, ghouls Hadden 364 $eery Taylor 819, waiter Roes SSt2, Marjorie Mitchell -7113. Division IV. erltleil 1 - Total -81141 lee= Manainga 554 Jean Bwater Jarsme is 476, James Garrow M rdpt4• 4* Alan Rose 1 xMat/ orru 414 Ord Cooper Lee,ir*' rows 436, Hilda Walhank Iffianbeth Brown 370, Willie ( =nice 3g8. )(audio Howell 808, { L-ynn 361, Annie Sheardolrn 856, ? Brownlee 352, May Marion McLeod289, �omEdwards 3 Harold Cooper 273, Kenneth Nichol 268, Donald )1cLeed 229, Gra- ham Elliott 198, George Vanstone 176. JUNIOR 1. Tow --6i(1. Sheldon Roes 878, Willie Beck 815, Madeline McKay i28. Harry 13cbaerer ibis Louie Ervine '534. Beatrice Hun - 1713.3„ Cecil Kemp 179, Willie Grigg thaidoe. V. "ART I.-e*NIQR ct.Aaa. Total -370. r i MacDonald 380. [rola Her a kikbrUp li,ow.Irr 314. ( lysis 61c - holt Orilla 888, Lily Hardy red 1h.yttulde 9M, Laws Cdr. Paterson 976, Ma. y �rarpuao Morrish 188. 681871* CLaas. Total -37(L iirOrge Bu,tlaed 337,Catharine Vas/ - stone SSB. Marjorie Mt -rub 317, Ha• ry 8peatdrirn &l, Ellwood Rot.in.u,. 196. r'O41*TN el.ASs. Total -370. 11N•sok Gallon 8q{, Misty Gaden 310, tatter Bw,buod 3116, Doris Fisher 272, Marion Kosa 267, Fredet is Silk VO. YQt1 111SK NO MONEY. Qw Bep=atio. and Mosey Are ,tack . Th'. Offer. We pay for all modicum aired duri B , rhe ts eel, u our rem.euy Lits to , ... . Q1&�resp relieve you tit .p I rest a. e. e. We trke ad the risk. You ate mot rligated too us In any way whatrtrr, you accept our offer. Could any• ag be more fair for you t le i b. ra s4 y Mason a 'by you should peeiat.- to put our claims tea practical teat ? A tract stleeti8e, common-sense1 treatment is Resell Orderlies', wbicb o.• eaten like Gandy. They are het pronounced, gentle and pleasant in .Cti,w, sod paatiewlarly agveeablo in every way. They du Dot muse dsat, ,bo•a, nausea, tlatul.00e, gripittet. or ether hocooreoieoce, bora U edet - l}e!r'e�M'c tip good for ciJ',lern. e����tld�ii r peewee.tom. ���rlies at uouuri riskea Times � Order.Nd!•e. Remember. * Ga' ``ee 1 Reeoediee le tberrmmudty • at our store -The R.s,li shore. • Dunlop. south silk e1'Square. The 11111bre ee. Teals* : Now, noweay, how many J gra= yea net le year whole body! = �7. Oere hn uwdl sad Meaty, illaler to milt boy): N.+w. how get r 7:Twoh umber. How 1■ithatsj •,, goli4ora tea Tommy 1 :I W be for duns., KANAA BURIAL GROUNDS. MIMee Faeroe= Valley .f ek. Shed. ow ef Ten be a valley la DOOHH&. swath( Aa.aka which algid Tea b. &albs! the valley at the aaadew elf Dash. 18, Mt bees Inhabited far as laded*, paled est years by the Mama ladle= wise are tindred to the varlet Beath. America* tribes and number new say ' a sew busked souls. That they were arae a Tea g.w.fd tribe Y lanceted by the =et= et the land wide!' they as • tribe atm la- th: Ose caner travel any abla= through tbde land without combs 'pea the .id sad forsakes Mufti *mai et the Km= dead. maw pia= can= be calked graveyards. lee ire healss are aot belied. but Lathes IMMO Mon elevate. piatamseme, }d L the earnests et death and rot te the esaaneans that they easy set be dl placed. la ase et these beda1 greasie Isere 11111be probably any high /Notes ptatAra.. sad ea each wm Is M. awes to Ave et the Taaaa dd. The air fa that part et Boliviab veil pals Oil preservative. ter tt le sae et the highest plateaus se the nattiest. el. toowel Items vans, le twit a little bedw the planaa's Waft A traveler on* that lead at night sad seestyht would be awe at id= d an geeing visa these graveyards pees..! Wee by Mie Wit Oman mead= a dues rehearsal $ Me Majestre theater was preloarpa 41R the small been et the The etespeeT flew TIN7 snam pee` a a eiMenni wile had bees wile Ilk hie geed Shaw int who had sever lido a alga thea a ve y Ray pert Atha the Mte ramps Ms 4018w1• he 'a a 85 ttreitR Idavise INN "Wha�thbet Whet. e waster. Mr. sr so - se Or Restart h be nest earea.lis Ji .. ,. Ayea awing lout Telae ler "24a i Metark• woe the retorts Toe ewerreider hen heabse te lave salty err `Seise% aa ,Rha l heel . wee •• Tassel via toe AIM that tin Wary et the snag ps $ A tan wse PSIJUL -Lwagea IDL A. P. "4a peurtdnees ssotb of r�ecis[ n= skill and &.thew& taps that all in* weld symbols at seoernlsg should be alnedNod.' aige 11f _ e. "Tor maety � =premed his views. Its woe ear a large wiener d Pow' pi. woe see is reuse why the loess ♦heaid advent., Its sorrow b7 the C05$P4c.Sea Wain in of geom. Thee are Or have beat peepl* wiser ti tb.fr *aeration. The Romps of the days et the r'aparle were Mite M a Sign .f aeemadag. rt 1s tk• proper thing is Asia Mbar saw. The 'Park terminis b =let sad the Persian la pipe learn OW a Frisch nem pit ter pawned tandem b the latter hoar et e• aftnutu,aetaq VW(s =leg the maw et gnat fa •asapa as st r Vow fa Mee* A eeemente Adan r eew*wbse whoa 18.1. was Illigagsatilkt N tL=t�i j~ ughbgbl "OR by the way. Oalvert. M my web ea= down nett week iN't .q anything about the Lha reed .. Zee Min I've a let of sephews ma/ a4._, gad Sep an *poet time It Carle Maneb Lest year d satin Vell Ma MO Men � r tamer ova* g"-caberisita Tears ea the Mode el:•. D*..et + -t `euppa,e 11. wit, le the haat WV lase a terra." Aafellever "Aaa .N bee salt a allies r sly oars TWO" "•a, that'. 4818ares&NomOkeltallie Kin Tw aaereete &CidOM. le abase elands ars din 0°404 4111*. Ira «!� i tie 0111.1111e.e% ea Inge 4 of amrtanes r 1 sea la ladle. Wee awed b sew port= the pollinate.. heeler e1. les ago.—b Is Jet. OD tar rim a hewleg bene•► We . e neta.in ter Irl, �ttanea ed le VgNi sr`• It hMeb am Med b IMe ilea 1r dreedad rename MO his et the mesa ties M am tee.alp* kiee agaree •lalaeell •&heals tap eesadat•tidit6411141► lest. . bat . balds lie pot ate• •e hones •-•fast sad, gnaw doe dielltieia*411* heft. rg 4111•ahif-It aeyi�: Ipsrnwt lir *MB Or Tao sift mime b tI(l1 et Isla. • • a• 13lGNAI, !KAJDER!CH UNTARIU ewe ea • al VatAihr. alb �IMr.,ildestrin rn t1UI1 4i Mtn ide Id IP da wr 41 tfl .R 114* `on Jells ash tie MO easlaela thews i1O AM& iib • Owe et nide eel. Me hogs We 1 r p dg — a M ebe4 Sir ittia aid A otiulIii /rif' Is am. pos etematting Nii rb t�s vl�11.111•14, wr► an DeartldlY Det .wl!�MrtS'v' 'aloes. sat •carer a the BarpKa TWO NEW NAgl. t \11 The Mint. Tisat Mks Them sad the Wog ft Was We/ted. A. sea wise mat ifs be ha poetise std was a coast= eew.er *eat him- self b area as, a war hut, bat he anklet a agtt7b kwho wenn lead Sala eat Finally le west le ea anwei ease sad end: "1 wart te harem IWO lie iv* NAB' aka" "Zea can have It Si yea will put up a osapn et yeas ler es.wid.• "Nis Nam rmat stet a gem=s Yea lead ise ths acv sad lea amen III neget est tyam aloft Qpea Ile et ru deka yea es a sew hgR• Wedded. hut amdb•a. amide" arca agree' be 1814 awl the ese w paired to a i se i eat has sans, "wall a -lust%` sold as elven tem duty ea Or elec et dein ma/ Pinter A the wise career Web tag gataeage r tete &saesa tike pall* deli wast age le Wm old Ina ens mane.& ad' ter T- Mann. I here ewes to p+ der son hob lea whkh I haw glen Nis ea yes to two et sap Ina that a aha dear 1101 Teta use e swigs& t swsli, • neigh et bei eta reply ant r meek asides W bees "Jost leek eat letter eksme will year said the lint lead" wattle( the Mg Md. whine wee kniimale la Rs wan lee has steak lewd low ed •rad, `Tea" Balt eta bawl, later we wane wen preeeMed - 1• !~eats hob Mit Mir !Maw 0 The Mane. einathapP "awwglle w.b a ted sins a VOW M•17 easeapalh•1 blase.. Neb58ty 1514 people If =leg up.. es ,sash k •ROT 8* b weer a waesas Mugge. tsar the pr's et the De. Jebeese. et eel tsar believed that this was the aeOnlee et the went to clad side awiv.. 'beep- le the Anglellsnes ,sleep.• the edgiest eseasbg d when aiesM_b beat loses a baba. deepen NA tar 41815• inn set ase 87 4•••1441 , ilea le the 'yd.shal sanest t w negation mad ategismbeir Hasp •Nees Oaeib Mese his A lendewearse 15*5* eumelNinsesh fees sacs pgaea.b et the h»et ,•Iy. Aa •hems• rater the swam apps` tala an Ile S enrane t�1IN Mr r. =111112 werneteds. B=rig �$ le M•dawsedls swNd Ike MOMen OW aillabeea*•O he wed& at ewes% reeft esM1pjr amen i less, coated elided a Mid .Doto lb• espoolepemb lbw i dao 01•111111, • it awes, W la MM. OWN* as Mb *5Mili .t ttL• ramemr>.i Obis beater: 'h/ M dan wh ens* dear* as t `s. gin Baena rollWn isi' s • •� sWaite k.eit seise one. M a he eagle , 'Ours .oldM R. RAWO.tdorieb. L ilies a. es dam- �AA ROB Telt MASKETS. de.w Ol. W Ftrtt�.a CleLower. utr«p acbanp Cle.od-Liv. Quota isle's. C41CAOO. Apr11 a- An .cc.atrio n th downward wklrl or moan two testa a bodkinla the prior of May whatIp today was taboo by many .- culatur. to UMeate that the former � Iwil 1eae bad lean 4ew404 byz the trade sad 18. pt ltfo. Nev.rtbNUA at Use cad et seam= adthe e.arby op - 14.. was but 'ltd. teeOb.ap..Ad r.- lativety than either at the now crop Warm The close wM steady at 140 se 5 a 1 -4e to 1-/ lower than Mtnrda7 night Corn tlnt.ti.l 1-10 to 5 -lo cal 8-4c down„ oats o! 1-b sad 1-4o le 1-.1c, .ad pr.otsleas less 4113,01111141 by 1 1-k to 11s Th. Livergoel Grata Saoheass .ad the domed ceattaeatal oerketa were ed to -day over the holiday. Wheat.- old . sew ....: 1 Jolly ....... l.. ... Ne regular sart•t at WlnnIpe.. The above are mob Quotations. Oats - May To -Afar Bator - • Teresa Oratln Market. W Wheat. label M pat▪ er lir I ,�•ea. •el U b II SMkwiwt MAU i IBS 1 i Tersest. Dalry Market. Setter. aro ery. Ib. rolls. • l7 • e ens.e.ers. moues • a 11 .s..•egeor, dray. 11 • >t tl 15 ltoS ., stareIota .... o ad e e Chests. sew. A o B4i a 1T gMe4am1.. 4eeen 1 le t et 'Asses name. sztraotal, U aow-laid • Nearest Ovale and Produce. 711 v°ltoba wheat o cable was very solve, owing to the fact that there wee only •' little 4amaa4 from the continent tor A,pu ehipmeat, ter whirs th• prices d w r W out of ems Then la a steady demand Ter oats treat local and outside buyers% but the volume or Malmo. doles le only fair. The local trade In flour was lair, but the demand from •for ets ti. buyers wee very quiet. In raged prime have morel aootlerBad strong. of lib Pee barrel, aqd cornmeal he. Mss up se per barrel. Demand for butter Is air at toss prices. AMP aollvo and steady. !ro- ytoNee owlet. M/la•Nas O,di.ne• Op. nigh. Low. Claes Clam a 8==...itiffiAble. mirk swan: esaii. Vigarieseas.wate.12eNta beat wL1a . 1fa! lieY white. Ma .. e,. sss� a.u40TOL .h..a stmt.. ramra▪ dar. Drage, . Kis 10..P.114 a Roiled M1ts-ParrML Rig Des .t • Ma, SUL mien. Na 5 pis tea oar seta rias to _ •IM ell SAM t4*.t start to lin smosidu,-Chal�eept avamels. leo to rpm ate1.to4oi1ia!Aperass lAntaae-�'sr ball oar Sees. SLUL CATTLE MARKET'S. Milers Meeh rard/, TORONTO, April. 8.-Reeeipta of Kee Hoek at the Union Block Tarda were 4a carloads- tattle,11 ba 13 sheep. 18 calves and IN ss. ones. Yr. Howard Db tedinerterrn Swift Ce. to mews. SIM las •mama. of RMeaoh. for Lw et ga ity cow at train r to et B amr bean oimitauft o hms. WA to 1W lbs, g S {PAf 81.0 to ILO: gadims.. to IRO; OW moa el MAU; cows to1l.aia est choice at 7e; bulls, to Rig MRkare and Spia,srq Not many milkers and st _mrmar.s as MinPrima ranged boon to e0-T�sir. Veal Priem for mai cavy won gm at I is 41* and "bobs" at SSA is es nee Meek Not one as ems to make a �.st8. arhaL Prior. hro0wetvsr. . quoted 116 �0 71 A 414 be ta' eeebo t lamas, Pi to A Yhere btre1/ Me,f0 tis. m*tt.R .8 Nissetveal Uwe atom num•* w renal5Oak w� Yoga sad liva it�calveasror . k as Me qtrs. IN le sawere d •U to•tyeia �� aoaThd oa�por ger - "� balm *err, ewlag to tee verytearer may 75* at is w. Unitieh usually marketw tis Loom boattrade. wPyROatierWesly Ove edit N.•�rt• two or three wssks aosimply:vv*sgt list bs tam pth.rmg et buyers waa lisinalacrd, as Mt demand tram tis am - earns wa Ommpet. theafid whole ma Maw A Ler choice stain Old at 47 to Ma. an. 4.p quality cows at Kt to et per Ida pends, Ma Malaita for all kind. of .samon stook was almost nt1. 11•Thei, the waft ser Doge 48., �30 40 kayo moored a furger 10 potaida. - ther spate al samias11 up s £ttzfrolivfsut.a to 00. imantryY chi " -esm• maim as .e.rwty tinni- est of Oa es*52r reeve very s ilea Dots. TM was at • stool Wrs etitleetla ware washed dm Os Mai s.r 11. e Wm of moats vers a=7,1141. la very collet. with me change In rias 4. mom pA few Moshe changed Bands •t woe to froam p.r101 O. •ad salvia e04 at Butch to m Y a stet •seri to .M; do.. medh,rn. MO t� de. xei ems ,, ~' to 1sw.15. owner', a. taWaf: Due di ' O 0: gso..� 1s, .4 tis _ a aimil. sass. *rib:to US. .e il to •Chas; aoOnDastow.R�teatRMt1. Market. .fli aid_ Mi sail MU . ; butt t. M,O, a 4f Mak THE man who has earned a vacation trip on or across the Ocean can always feel that Semi -ready clothes have the styleecosmopolitan which makes them correct and in good form in every civilized country. The reason why : Semi -ready Style Designers travel everywhere and they study and adapt the best, the most artistic and true. In their own productions there is no note of garish style nor tone of loudness. Cultured clothes in Semi -ready tailoring--- with values starting at $15 and ascending to $35 quality. ernti--+"�'g Wailaring McLEAN BROS., Goderich, Ont. FRSE BARN PIANS Get the Plan Advice of ia Ban T will be of creat interest t• ivory terser and builder throughout Canada to know that we have Mtablished what we call our "Builders' Service Department" for yams we have been gathering information in regard to the planning and erection of farm building. flow. we have everything in readiness to give all this inforostion FILES to every farmer who intends building or remodelling, and will give us detailed information as to his wants. Almost every barn builder follows the type of construction usual in his territory. Here is where' our "Builders' Service Department" will help by providing suggest' and information obtained from all parts of Canada. "The Builders' Service Departmee will co-operate with the barn builder to give you the ideal building. • Our Board of Advisers We have a Board of Advisers, coseMtiag d ten of the best bars builders and contractori in the te country. These en have given years and years to the planning and erection of farm buildings. You can nava an the Waage! s item thea SE men FRet all coat it you as wmake knolls yew waste. You woodier wily we de *0 this MUM It is for this ea•8oa: Ws feel thee wilt this Builders' Service De we can help the fauns! and builder to co: Ideal Farm Buildings. As the far:: '-''ilds will want to build better and :safer, so thst *tock and grain and implements, etc., are l lately safe from lightning, wind, rain and Address &wale&& to Mail the coupon. Get the of our "Builders' Service De/t Remember this: Whether boy from us or not we will you the co-operation of "Builders' Service Dept." free. MANAGE Metal She & Siding Co., Limited, CRT IMAM his aseeei Meesed r 1::regi, Que. ■••••see••■•••••••• •rTe❑• • Ss Po tfaali• •f Imo • Seed — 'num•bwiag framework a glans of isteriatr. 1 Wood building • barn. _. .... _ • • a yt iefntltad is all steel b ildieg* 1 (Yes or 110) Preston, Oa LiT TO DA �espito-1a■ ceastructio l Ind ft. by • • • Ire Tse what reefing or aiding foe as old beading? (Tee or lie) a MOO• • M••••••••••••••• • • •�NN••te• . P.O. £,ddrs.. ft. a Mean a❑rt]•••3 3 Get Yqur Printing done at The f 4 1 z4►q�PP 4. I 4 A B- bawe o the Sth 31.t, ' yowge lfcer� stew ROCS' noon the as IAve 1 1riende mei 11.+tI W01iw with ft t raddc home 41thur 0111 F Hill A ROD then A B. week h consul' the Oboe' little t- rine rine h bridge river • Sunda. to be wood, being Three ad sake scar the ma borne, Niru Nino Heber Violet Ruby Flsber 111-' Oita -Haas Tx w lids ]l ;Jo 5* LN of D e Donal 3,% good, dao„ sie d rose t; oat 4Dr.) don r. to th prods down Hood. and Annie in L} of Hi at h Two. die dAwl ttrimE. MI boas TER After If ,for befot of lie 14r ham, ccs ted t o1M,ui T Vet form AS I t kin, was this day Firm wh i, Beal rise off, lelo : pier Bok has Bet bad VV1. •11 I for wan ren her aed pssr Ass for a. 1o• ter. elf 8y toe It or a W