HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-11, Page 7rag SIGNAL: GO IBRICH INSTITUTE. iTUTE. el of*, Teruo E�caoirbeee 8rW- isg mil 4th. tots. cb Eerueet, work baa baso done most of the Muskets. but as in •y hive of industry these era pees fes n, we hairy had Ser share. The ,ase of , t1°l' u n the r, 1 �y .ippended. Parents ora% for that the pereeotages tl�oiss eare r illostes rod for P� o the tt>f,a( ach subject and 00 l. ir beams ein than 00 1s earoestl - cited to seeing that home wort s en full attention. 1. WITH LATIN. Galt . 80.3 ,isr.vey .................. _ 78.6 77 'L Walters...... • . 77:2 Pridbatn76.8 3arvey................ 75.2 Galt ,••748 Lung............ ... .. .. � Howatt...... • .... 70 :3 S„miaomlre.... ........ 68.2 Hart well 67.8 ......rt.... ••••••e•-. •'•' 6718 Dunbar til e Wbitely .. 7158 Wager' 06 Y ultl .......... ..•• 61 eY:4 Hamiltuu.... .• 59.3 McMillen ............. 56 62.4 51.8 51 47.2 46.4 Hay, .......... ,f•• Stoddart ........•$ Field Saunders . ... Bibb....... Wilun WITHOUT LATIN Pfeffer. McCabe Hod Stewart. Austin &wehlet . Mrlonakd &tat bets.............. Cox.. ................. . Sutherland...,. flab.n k ................ 57.8 M, JoI l John t u 57 Hal►is•k ..............-............. 62.2 $twat down 51.3 Price.... Babkirk.., Watson... 76.3 89.5 67 .:. (14.2 .. 61.8 81.6 50.2 4o 44.2 42.7 Shaw ... 37 cullletiaai{AL. FORM. Robinson .... 80.3 . Down 75.7 • McDonald . ... 75.4 Robson ... 76 Levy.... 73 .Carrell .. 71.2 . Mec[haiald ............ . 89.5 Nairn ......., •. 66.4 Good 65.3 . Maskrll ... 88.8 Thomas .. ............... 6.6 . L2.4 eeguoard..•. • M McLean aw 59 Nairn Skim . Beck ..... Goldthorpe Batesa Marquis . Wells . (hallenger.... Maedel . Matbresot...... wITUO WT/N. E. Mac6wan ... . 60.2 8. Morriab 052 Y. McManus . - .. s E. Sullivan so.6 L Noss ..• IL WHM t...... 68.7 I Matheson .. ..... 58.2 0. Mie Marsh ... .... ..... . . 66.6 11 Hrimleombe .... 61.6 FP althea....::.:.::::: 52 Y 61 R. J. Medd g 60.6 J. Dalton 49.8 0. McLean.... 49.5 D. Phillips .... 40 D. 74. Nlobobwo 48.7 S. Beacom 48.7 P. Elliott L. Gray E. Colborne Fora IV. rosier 1. O. W smock ..... .. . 74.7 M. Pfeffer 68 3 J. a4'edd .... . 60 ,4 R. Carey .. 58 PART Il. A. Hamilton...... ... 74.6 E. Somerville ..... ........... 72 H. Joan 68.7 W. Bisset 67.2 J. P. Ewes, ------- PrinciprL A G000 NEIGHBOR Advised the Postmaster to Use Dodd's Kidney Pills for Rheumatism and Gravel. West Gravelbonr•g, Sask.. April 1. - (Special ) - Alexander McCas ter. post- master here, suffered from rheuma- tism and gravel rind was also troubled with his bladder. He was pretty badly used up and :ould not do much work. A neighbor came along who had been troubled the &A.m• wav and advised hits to use Ikodd'e Kidney Pills. He took his neigbbor'b advice. Tbe result ie that the postmaeter is well and back at work on bit farm. "Dodd'. Kidney Pall,did great work for we," is the rlturt and concise story he is tellingall enquiring friend Dodd's Kdney Pills will cure you it your trouble i. ,f the kidneys or caused by disordered kidneys. . .... 56.5 56.8 .......... 54.3 54 .............. �8 61.9 47.3 45.4 41.4 40.2 37.5 47.6 43.4 49.8 Pum 11. was Lent. ylo lard...,, . 76.6 LJackson... ... .... 74 Kidd 74 P. Dan, ey a 70.8 Pollock .. 70.7 '. Milli° 66 L Bisset ... 66 i. Robertson. ....... .. 65.6 1. Rogerson.. . 66.5 }Hays .. 66 L Durst 66 L Currie .. 68.7 r. Yonog .. se T. Newell .. 69.4 . Cunt ... • 611 L Porter . 58.2 P. I�ptou .......... 57 1. McDowell. 56.5 (.Shackleton.....`:...... 68 4. Davidson..... . 55.2 3. Kidd . 54 L Matheson t••• .... . n-rnog T L►1f1f. Kasu•ney I. Currie 1. Young 8. Griffin. Washington .• 1. (.lark B. P. Joy.. 1. McLennan 1. Glen... K. Moss 61.6 61.6 60.3 57.7 54.8 Fonts or 111. B. 111.tt P. Smith T. Cowan E. Kelly Ryan A. Werk 117. K. Johnston A. Mann... H. Halle: in . J. McKenzie........ .. C. Allen • W. Jones 8. Wilke G. Mee wen B. Yoi,i.g WITHOUT tans. M. R) an . B. Boyle. J. Johnston P. Drennan 'l. Clark.O. . H. Roberti/on rttron............r..-..... 61.7 64 68 50 49.4 A Small Inheritance.. At the trial of Horne Tooke, Lord Eldon speaking of Disown reputatioo. said : "It is the little inheritance 1 have to leave m chaldron, and. by '. bel 1 will leave it unimpaired." , ale associated CH ONTARIO rut twuAIf, Aran 11, 1912 T CURRE T LITERATURE FROpIIOUR Tug APlut HOD AND (1UN.--Ob.7e A G mote Rod and Gun iu Oauada is out Maws bitb a etcs1 .pylon tithing Dumber - Oue of the most A ('Sue -and as usual there is in political nidory t • Y PORARIES. aka ing things be a caucus sum ng to io:eeeet fishermen in of the British Cul beret party. we Province of the Dominion. Perhaps He , ' It The (test Easy Piubing Club'. Cana- Hae He • diem outing on the Fregch River ie the amanitas ounnt.er and It is s good Kir Jatue• Wb • 75. ,egardiog one, eliminating the floe sport in. Mr. Rowell'? aft • t. ' m lest dulged in by a party of American in wonder." Why be not cub- spun•lanen who au.were.l the call of lino" the line of the • hymn. "1'w the wild In Alguoi{ulo Park. In this lost In wonder. love sad ptraise"1' • story it was not thrill limb that got Our Cbasosi e. sway, as is evid.n by reprpdno- uitsipi• tions of photographs takeu by the The report of the "Official Photographer" who accom- panied the party. one of which. "I erican statute. is q Love, ni Best Gis 1, but 0 You Moa al- the rejertinn of th longe" hese been utilized a acovercut. Cooed an people. Of ezceptioual interest also is the ac- tr will over be able to again secure count of a flailing sip through Tusket fttyvoraWe terms from the republic for Laker, haus Scotia. in the game i a muWal interchange of astute' prod- cuouervati(w department the pump or s acts is a matter of very great doubt. repestiog shotgun is discussed from various standpoints and under the I Something New. repeal of t on the Ato- natural after poral by the bear this coun- two WOMEN TES11FT Wog- stable a Von stable Compound Did For Ther H'h•-1�� oIwn Statements Fadvw. Halibmrtoo, !ELL r-••• I bed a doctor examine me sd be said I W failing d the womb, eo I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Composed and it has done me • lot of good. AB the bearing -down pains have vanished. I have gained tis pounds is fie dlseharge is all gone, and I better than I have for • long time. I fish any woman b foolish to suttee ss I did ter beading of the culture of black and uresseeld t'or. Iodtaa.00II Ne-.. the sake of a few dollars. silver foxed a second instalment erg- Anovel "shower" foranewly wedded "Yon can use soy letter es etOlfmo- titled "Heredity" is published. Other couple was given 'sat night to Mr. and nisi. Itmayeseeerapotherposresomen articles are in keeping with the char, I Mor. Alvah Karate. It was called a who suffer as I did toms yourTo Mable meter of a special fie ting number of '•chicken shower," and each of the �poand. - Mn Gam. t'"?T, Haltbortao. Lot 7, P.Lr L Read Wbs4 This Waimea lays New Moottellelds Obis -" I take great Ms1tlAs i eg tae- bee dose for xis I bed bearing down peins. was dissy sad weak, bed Mir in tower back ed solid sot be opal say fest bag issue* te get a meal. As As keg e s I bid en ate, back I would feel betts, but wises I would get up those bearing down pis would sew back. owl des dotter ,mid I had finds freebie. leis I3. !Inkblot's Vegetable Cemps�d ver the may medhiae that heaped read I have bees growltg stronger ever Were I oohed tte take it flogs . k ado help other eofferisg yeses r Itirstte. You eau w this lettr."-lis. Cans Luna. New lleriil. Clarke UAW. this Caned AD magazine which is pub- lished by W. J. Taylor. Limited, Woodstock. Ont. • API T. CANADA MuNTHLY.--Canada Honth.y for April opens with en article by Robson lack, entitled "Smile." It depicts stage life behind the scenes au preeenta in graphic eighty guests presented the couple with a live chicken.. They t.•ceiyed eighty hen. and two cockerels, enough to stock their farm His Third. Montreal Harald. Mr. Gamey, of Maoitouliu, has bees .elected to bead a r•ecennoitering ex - style the disillusionment an ludo- pedition along the proorwed right of crime situations that await the visitor wav to Port Nelson. • This is the third privileged to witness the preparations reconnoitering expedition in which and wake-up by which very ordinary Mr. °away has beet; a Ooe of people aro transformed into kiugs and the others was in the wrtmsnt of queens, heroes and heroines of tragedy the Hon. Mr. Stratton; the second and comedy. ••A perfect gel nn.-nt of was in Buffalo. [Ilu•ion turned inelde out-witl the hastinge, tbe rigged threads, the Not at Sunday School. shiny jewels transmuted buck to tic- Niagara FaIli °unite. piste ; the whole hu•iness of ituagery In sentencing a youth for I ut••gglary sorted into a junk heap." Robson recently Judge Fawcett, of Brooklyn. Black also reveals the bread and dectaed that of the 2,700 boys before butter side of theatrical life, the hand- him for sentence in a pet iod of five imps and dieadvont ages of the Prof"- years, not ooe of them attended Sun- sion, end pictutes the by -no -weans day school. The Sunday s,cnoole are 'rosy experiences of actors and ac- doing a great work for the young tresses. It is on the. whole, a pathetic people. but the question Driers wby picture, and one realizes how much of were these 2,700 boys not attendance the attractiveness, of the theatre is de- at Sunday Reboot. The parents of pendent upon the element of mystery these youthful criminals must bave and make-believe with which it is eu- been lax in their duty, but, then, pen- veloped. Robert W. Chambers. haps wore efforts on the part of author of "The Comma 11 Law," "The Sunday school officials might have a Fighting Chance," etc.. hes a fascinat- brought them into the fold. ing story entitled, '•The Uremia Girl' "comrade, Three," by A.A. Strachan, Reciprocity Ca igs Argument He- Woodetook SeaUnel-R•vtsw. President Taft has strongly rn Sow. weeded to Congress the passing of a law to prohibit Ander penalties the shipping of arms to Mexico. Mexico is still in a disturbed condition, and part of the dlffieulty in securing peace is due to the ease with which arms and ammunition can be secured from the United States. The significance of the President's active lies in the light which it throws oo the Presi- dent's attitude towards neighboring nations. During the heat of the late reciprocity campaign mach was heard of the desire of the United State-. and of President Taft, for territ�,rial ex- pansion. The Canadian people were told again and again that the real object of President Taft was to rqo�b�e up Canada. it was in vain that dent Taft declared that the United States had on its bands at the present time ail the problems it cared to facet the opponents of reciprocity continued their campaign, and it certainlyhad Re effect. It is quite clear that if President Taft was desirous of terri- torial expansion for the United States he would not be seeking to jut an end to the internal troubles in Mexico. He would be encouraging the trouble -waken rather than seeking to check them. If he were looking for an excuses to interfere with Mexico he would allow the shipping of arms and ammunition across the border to con- tinue. ow tinue. with (pod p,is a thrilling t Here he eked tears, and. to the as- tonishment of those present, Milford. the attorney -general. begot to weep. "Just look at ?dittoed." said s by- stapder to Horne Tooke, "what on earth Is he crying for" Tooke re- plied: "He is crying to think what a .mall inheritance Eldon's children are likely to get." When Pride Is Justified. 1 mounted police exploits : J. 11. Reed describes "Where the Otter Hides :" tbe serial, "With Aviator No. 6." by H. M. Egbert, reaches its conclusion in setisfactory fashion ; there are in- teresting extracts "From a Brave Man's Journal," selected by Arthur Hawkes ; "Aunt Elvira's Legacy" is a clever little story of the outwitting of a disegreeahle old lady, written by Madge Macbeth : and Elliot Flower Far too many mortals are vain and has a bright skit on "The Indirect aelf•satisfed because of wine tempor- , Way'' -to get rich. ary mercenary advantage, and in their eagerness to display that elven- LOCH ALS H. Cage at every opportunity often de- stroy Aprillat. their t blessing, the pays- P ical counts art of sunshine, which is Brunet. REPORT.-Follcwing is the their own health. Neglected °olds. report of U. S. S. No. 4. Ashfield, for irregular meals. overloaded stomachs the montn of March. This report is and night revelry result, in sbattered booed entirely on a system of daily nerves, depres"ed vigor and fatigue, marks and is supposed to represent all of which invite decline and disease. a nearly as p.lasible the pupils stand - Each person stands sentinel at the ing for the month : Sr. IV. -Bain portals of his own health and he who Stewart 01, Rhoda McKendrick 88.05, �wrds, protects, strengthen. and D. A. McLennan 84.88, tuella Finlay - builds up a rugged constitution is son 79.24, Kenneth McLeod 77, Frank justified in pride and Ands therein his own recompense -the capacity to en- joy the fullness of lite. The strain of modern commercial and social living taros strength and energy and in maintaining the highest Self -efficiency we should not only cul- tivate deep breathing, out-of-door ex- ercise, regularity and tempereace in all things, but study the greetdet of all physical power -creators. which is body nourishment. In this, alcoholic preparations should be carefully shunned sod such pre-digested nour- ishment as Scott's Emulsion, which enriches the blood and creates vitality by building, hipaling and strengthen- ing, should be selected. Scott's Emulsion is scientifically prepuu'ed and is good for teething babies, nursing mo:hen, grossing °bildo'er', the aged and Infirm. It con- tains no wive or stimulant, but is wholesome end pure, and bas helped millions to regain health and sustain it. Worthless substitutes are some• times offered. but Scott's Emulsion is the genuine pure food -medicine. 79.1 76.8 72.7 67.1 65 06 66.7 56.6 57.5 67.6 6?.6 585 15.4 712 097 011.7 04 f1 14.6 Pam 111. A. wells LaTltf. J. Melliatot V. M. Clark M. Tn, L. Ger.. P. Kiat .. ilJ.Wi01b inti K Kirke Prid 0.Ow ebw M. Cameros. P. ReI(enrie . 61.2 B. H. McKay f• t Sweet' 0. Selma Y. Derma... X Yoga. r• .a�' 47 ..••M•••• 51....111w McLennan 78.15, Clifford Cannell 60.- 02, Sadie McDonald 65.02. Jr. IV. -R. D. McDonald 71.11. Sr. III. -Margaret Mcleonao 86.56, Walter McKendrick 7364, Wm. J. Ensign 55.72, John Mc- Leod 63.36. Jr. Iii. -Jessie McDonald 67.09, Mary Finlayson (73.82. Margaret McLeod 6'2.13, Ian McRae 61.22. Jr. II. -Helen McRae 94.88, Christens Mc - Headrick 89.38. Pt. IL -Jean Finlay- son 93.84, Catherine McDonald 86.43, Duncan McRae 8617. The numbers atter the names indicate the percent- age taken by each. Perfect in attend- ance : --D. A. MleLennsn, Sadie Mc- Donald, Margaret McLennan, Walter McKendrick, Jessie McDonald. Christens McKendrick, Catherine Mc- Donald. Bain Stewart, Kenneth Mc- Leod, Wm. John Eo.ign, Margaret McLeod and Helen McRae. Number on roll 22. Average attendance 21. EDGAR J. RODS, Teacher. CARLOW. Moreto.+v. April eth. 9t•norm REPORT. -The following is the result of t he promotion examination in S. S. No. 3, Colborne : Jr. IV. to Sr. MARINE NOTES.T V 376 Alfred Pratt 429 (topwa,1- , • Y aryy Medd 875, Ada Shields 373. Sr. it I. Another Antalgamatioo. I to Jr. IV (ta peer, 3751-Reatta Levy Montreal, March 30. -He resenta- 506, Roe. McPhee 479, Evelyn Yung - lives of the big Richelieu and Ontario bl t 406, Violet Hamilton :MO Harry Navigation merger deal, under the ubair•mansbip of Sir Rodolphe F wget. M. P., were in session here today, compkung details in the merger scheme. Previous to the conference this morning, Sir Rodolphe Forget ad- mitted that all friction had been re- moved, and that the interests con- cerned bad finally agreed on a basis of settlemenL Tbe merger will include, beside the Richelieu and Ontario Com- pany, the Northern Navigation con- cern and the Inland fleet, later t , 1e• followed by the addition of the Niag- a!a Company and several other esaaller Ntirtion interests doing bu Iu.is os the Great Likes. D a rumor,' of theanselgarta- tion PetQ smith, of the R a 0. Com- eaay. aM • *temente which have been With regard to the so-called s68ut_�Most of them wide of the sack. �Os� some of them have bees nth then the steal others'. mesThere the teem b lib b so merger II raise that the Coos lies fk Qatari, are wet � and III a�. Aa tarda tbe we sew owe bite y, Il�dsgd eollePeey a II" ave. Ifs encs gm, TIspert. Nedra llwert. ir. 111.- be said 01 tine Wadi Uwe very tbessly. We are taking ewer their $HIPPAR DTON. TUESDAY, April 2nd. ticsotfe Rarowr•-Tbe followings 1. tbe result of Me promotional examine - doss far f3. ame1... A .sill . The eases en emending te V. + Mer.dith . Bir. -.1i.y Newry. flia�haw-t, Na 11 aObis.tss, Obis. them 1 boreal the4teses is Met W. C. T. U. Meeting. contributed.i The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. was beta on Monday afternoon, witb lees than the average attendance end very little important business. The superintendent of work among /tailors asked those present to bring some good books and papers t0 the next meeting for the sailers' bug The subject for the educational tli (- hour was •'Sy.ten.atic Giving" and was taken by Mrs. Davidson, superin• tendent of that devartment., who showed by reading ditfl Seem portions of Scripture that hbe-giviog as pre- scribed by Scriptural law, requires that we shall give one -tenths of our in- come to God's service. Bible rules for giving always include w system. Tithing. or laying by in store upon the fleet day of the week, Watson 377, Watr. Hamilton :116, Lilyibeneeflte gome from this Practical can be McPhee 375. Jr. Iii. to Sr. ill. (to received in no other way. Some of pose, 3751 -Verna HamiltonEdna the benefits are Jones Otto, Marie Watson 4u2'2,, Laura I. Temporal rt He who Rutledge 350, Kline Levy 879, Willie honor God with b &rstfruita oil all Young 375. Sr. II. to Jr. III. (to pass• his increase shall haveprettsen burst - 3011) -Tom Hamilton 442, Gordon Tay ingR out with new wine and kis barns for 4013, Oen* Hamilton 400. Wilmer filled with plenty. Howatt 397, Hilda Hardy 370, Frank 2. The needs of God's cause amply Shields :iL►, Oicvin Young 810. Ralph provided. With few exceptions, the McPheee Jr. II. to Sr. Ii. (to pass, financithal burden in every church rete :400►-Graee Hamilton 480, Iealoel upon e few. If the haphazard, spas Youssff 897, Jamie Levy 869, Annie candle revere would here their spasms Jones 922, Joe Young ma Pt. 11 to more few oentl R help a little. Jr. Ii, (to (pees, 2411 --Julie Young 314, me child subject t memo- [s in den -'i tteta Hamilton 317, Genevieve Reggie Hann - pr. effect w cure. rend . the only rein - Beelike. 249• Parents are targe 1 to it systetn*tic girl and when tested Wideman immtdlately alter the whole church shall do it, the o of- Easen vaeatloo. F.C. 11ASS. 1earh.r. taxa of the Lord shall be filled and His laborers not being baadieappesd Hie kingdom will advageehi the earth. & It add" to oer dspordts In the Bank of Heaven. 4. Whatever hlpsings 1. nay be- stow upon the te syslssatle spiritual - =the is a ver. T in i poseur laird 1ha Me'ee• 77s ksews that those silo are np to the •of ('behinds giving are Op on ever IUSI and are the r11 tr u i� ' ' , ~M•6odd ," wertd ass set ever lobos or ootid f t their ,.,... tosl- Icy. . waaa shoe , in Aloe Lpers he. on i Owned 1 ors r tBoc IMM etriklleyf wage 'lid Heti, hear eseond. CM third W role fila is ruts e( glviog COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA ` Jr• 366U 1 v •awe, toe. cher as sdeselwsaM of the esoetpemy s property, *detb, bow - ever is sat. rhes tial ✓ „wed ilea will owe WA iisas essseisdes aheolutaly The weed ea sever bit estoOM- Mt d ee4es .e trnwogM/ rM ere In* MeT116110•1111i that T116110•1111 el a meass bossod 411 Ire nil bb Os. isle pf es be lova and nd bbssse. *AOC • 6,6 OO est.-41bilds les is ieTed end biassed by. - Oertyis ghee . • Illeabee Reda. navel* Imam Jebeseso. We. IL -dims Osage Widow. _AL ir= Pegrtai-Tw.M.74:144tvil wkine. Tem nag* TIMehe. MicR a L good for Growing Girls and Boys --and they like it. It nourishes thew httle bodies and makes them healthy and strong. Cowan's Cocoa, as yeo get it bran your groom. is absolutely pane. les dioess Loa is Annelid by the ass ei the highest g rade of Cocas heels, akflieay blssd.4. Nowa as u added to impeir Ih. betbk- buidiag pe•pvoes of the Crsa. Do Yon Uma 1>. Cowan's fleas? Get Ready for Spring by leaving your order fur shat new SUIT or OVERCOAT witb HUGH DUNLOP apt et T h• Up -to data Tailor Local Representative Waited Permanent employment and a splendid blooms insured right man to rut, as our representative in the sole of our huh, and ornamental Nun.err titook. Former ex - la bion s ce r �ambition.a« and All Utnzwrequire work. A handsome outat furnished free. Full ins auction* given as to ma siement of business Writ at Duce ter full parUou- tars. The awe kaisers CaffestarisLld. ILBORNE, ONTARIO )C.`tTABLIBHICD 1847 r EASTER TERM Frew April lab mericee into our sun' mer Tern from July Ind and give" op- portunity for continuous preparation for the better classof poah o na. iu influence, equipment and service, we have no superior•. Free catalogue explains why. Write Central Busbies.' College of Toronto, image k Gerrard Ste.. W. H. Shaw, Pre•.ident. i t *tanbark MONTREAL THE STANDARD Is the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of Canada- It is national in all its aims. It uses the most expensive engrav- ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world. Its articles are carefully selected and its editorial policy is thoroughly independent. A subscription to The Standard costs ij2.00 per year to any address in Canada or Great Britain. TRY IT FOR 1912! Montreal. Standard Publishing Co, limited, Publishers. eVieeiMelteWeeseeeoesiareweeeeeeve CANADA BEATS THE UNITED STATES INE NIISls FOR 8111 PILLS Boz.voatl, MASS, U.S.A. Mavis( taken two boxes of your eecellest GIN PILLS, they relieved me s ranch that I am quite satisfied with the results. I gave an order to my :ogabout three weeks ago to me some more. Nothing has come yet sad I had to borrow a box from a Ld1 _[yield who is alseo using GIN PIi,L& I have none left and am =111i eaclicg you $t.so for three boxes wbleb I 'Mould ask you to send at once as I am not quite so well when I ave without GIN PILLS". AGATHE VANESSE. Gia ML must be good when people in Mamachesetta wend all the wayto Toronto to gat them. There is nothing like Gin llils--tot.H ng just the same or just as good. Don't accept substi- tutes if you value your health and want to be cared of Kidney and Bladder Trouble. or Rbestesatima. Insist on hasing Gin Pills sec. a box, 6 for free if you write National a Zbamesytl Co. of Canada. Dept. A Toronto. 92 A FRIEND IN NEED FOR WOMEN. Woolen who are run -dawn. Warn - out from over -work• or from trouble' ppweenllar to the rex will and Nether.' Genial or Herbst TMs" ■ frlead , o deed It ton•e and strengthens to serves. Perla•" (8. blood. lmprovsstl S piro. amp'', • clear complexion. i N mussed especially for expectant tt."rsrs, sob tlMuld tri taken for at 8..tMTe eafls• before confinement .. prlr N.,8.I"rY•I T"ni• Insur▪ es Mile Sad easy ibiler4rth momeani mold "memory. It le also r splendid serseft ted jpatetet tsen•trestIon, end 1s the a ollieh. for women appses'W.g that critical perind known se UM et Li ft. ~eft cont.* Ins no St It is • Mime of 8ie"kw whom* aosollh and 8 ss tial�es perti e ssM 10 %sews to 1 proles - d im at year Dreeetters. or or ,wall e1 o4 Ow bn4ep, se s packages si es. N. L WrIbe As. Free Chiseler. • IS ▪ i111111A 6611/IJ 5w Wisesee. Ont. llonieseekers' AND Settlers' ExcUrsion TO Western Canada VIA CHICAGO April lf, 23 & 31 and every second Tuesday there- after until Sept. 17th inclusive, Special Train will leave Toronto at 10.30 p. ni. on above dates for Rdmonton and points in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, via Chicago and St. Paul. carrying through coaches and Pullman Toui•i.t Sleepers. - - NO CHANGE OF CARS Full particulars from F. F. Lawrence. Grand Trunk town Agent, or U. 14. McCutcbeou, (' tGovernment Agent, Palmer House Blocs. Tomato, Ont. The Most Popular Route to MONTREAL BUFFALO NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA DETROIT CHICAGO ei via (irand Trunk. the may Ix)13BLK TRACK ROUTE. 6 ssewabip Tickets on Sale via s11 Linos. Agar Thbete sad alt 'ofortala- yy���1� to P. , fawreoee. Thews � Set. 'Pbooe No. 8. The 4l assey- tNarrkk Shop ou HAMILTON STKEBTi. the place to buy all kinds of farm machinery. WAGONS from Barn's. of Woodstock BUGGIES fres tray's. of Chatham WIRE FENCING fres Standard Fence Co. CREAM SEPARATORS from Toronto BLACK BONE FERT- ILIZER Eros Detroit in fact, scything a farmer nerds ter want+. Cutters ‘V'e have a few Cutters to sell at cost as loog as the stock lots, at Robert Wilson's H 'ituu Street, Goderich i WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Empire and Oood Cheer Ranges By purchasing either of these types of stoves you secure an ideal cook- ing range. Come in and see them. W. R.PINDER Plumbing, Heating. Electric Fixtures and Metal Work Hamilton Street Goderich 5tu rdy' s IS THE PLACE FOR Pure Groceries ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL Sturdy & Co. '1'be Grocers On the Square 'PHONE e 1 Money orBust Going at Full Bleat Big Cut in Prices Men's Overcoats to be cleared at =6.46. Men'" Snits to be cleared at 0.46. Men's Pante to he sold at 85c. Twenty doyen Shirts to be sold at, 47e. Mens Winter Oaps to be cleared at 3'dc. Mees Wogking Shirts, regular 75c aid 111.00. for i79c. Hoy.' Knit:kers to he cleared at Men • Woollen [locks to be cleared at 2 pairs for .68. M. ROB/ Na South Side of Square .Mwowts