HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-11, Page 5w • CAL TQPICS f Tuesday. April tor fineuing the oamateur dramatic to t4r Rivet in Victoria 0000 under then s s, la•� eiI e e 1. fund. The rnean- in gtr,Mdwn(a eaten ( hauler Pontis" an infer- clot eau. Theyoung3ouple were eh IA doom who attehd, gy ring ueaUeoded, the b e being attired in TM end Bazaar. a dread of pick ebiffou. Mr. and Mrs. Georges ehuroh in- Hamilton will reside on Wolfe street., Hamilton.Ward. A quiet to seremouy was perforated on W needs after/mon of this week, when Mor LillianIlian May Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weed, Beoek street. the bride- of (`eeil Hamilton. (( tai y. Geo. E. Roes war the o og Ir M ng arh`gh tee and b•saar in Hae on the ` d Thursday. April be a sale of Posey work. candy. cake. belleff. Mo" e jIepr'nd. The basset. will be .t 4 served m. Tea wM he sare gyp o'clock. A mseim eel program' the direction e of A. jbe given y int of the church. ty ing at S o cloak• Futures for the Exhibition. Goderich. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the share- holders of the Oodericb OucUog and !skating Ameedattion was bead in the court hoses es Melo', sves4sg. AU the officers of tbe pNeadleg year were .rw+le•ted. as follows : President, Dr. W. J. R. Moline"; secretary, W. Campbell ; treasurer, W. L. Hortoo. Ti take the pace of R. 8. Williams nn the hoard of directors, H. J. A. ars of the Godsrieb fall MacEwen was elected. W. lute. J. Tie directors of offering T. Goldthorpe and Wm. Wallace were d great iotetta.get c to the riled appointed a• committee of tataltttwe- ,k,,, In addition to the ttarsal 'neut. The Machu' of a floor in West fie writing and drwwIng, ▪ (4er t first, second and third' in ib. i„dividu•I pupil" of pub - fees in the county under four - tee la's's s°Mfal ) poe- y�,d.oe Hera on- jdrititK to he judged s om and •1•ofive uestionin eager eve entente, Melt wayfor . ewe ell aed rhe aid speriesemi of' w+ls •0 r. mnunted $ 4j maimed, pl by mile -tem, of wild titterersthe seek wi. ttrd arta Teemed ant rraet.. Further particulars ee kr sent to each school in the este IIsi w ern Freshet. Os fir as 1as been leveed by Dun - chs s US sir. Dew wanty Dun- e' waw ase eau! leaky tk• resent freshet we.k ne to link lions femme rh'•.argltnnt fibs twenty w, ✓ ,wt with the Ionian austei sad in street rink for use as a teller rink is to he considered. Death of Rey. W. H. Moss. The death is announced at Burling- ton of Rev. W. H. Mora, a retired Methodist minister and pioneer preacher of Outario. 1n the course of hie forty years' ministry tbe deceased wee pastor fog a term of years of the New Connexion Methodist church on Brock street, Goderich. He also was stationed at Nile at one time. He re. - tired horn active work ten years ago. lid. Mose is survived by a widow and a family of four daughters, as follows: Evelyn. wife orW. McDosa%d, M. P. P. for Centre Bruce: Lily, wife of P. C Dohsot B. A . classical remoter of Whrnip.g Uollegiete Institute; Daisy, wife of Sherman Stanley. of Ripley. and Miss Mildred, at borne. Hugh Polley Leaves for Regina. Trreday of this week H. H. Polley. wbn was bookkeep.r for the firm of .wnhr Tlaw gave Penudfnot, llst'a & Killoran for sever- Anne at Auburn. whew a aaleeenpl years. s left for Regina- where be hes prom of the ahureseet usdge the • similar p(rition with the vain of Balfour. Martin. Caney & sss.ad of the bridge awe we*bd Blair. Hugh bag • boat of friends in � , �„ nr.l aexf iwidge+ mere who wish blot the beat of emcees ,1..1 h.. rotroty conneil will inageet In tomorrow and tales hi, new Inestiant. 7 bb departure Th. frown Ooderieb Huron Lodge, 1.0.0 F.. eeep. to have it repaired- 1b tpptey4tee to several Were L oneot of ke Mt active workers. the R... Int ellerapere THE SIGNAL ,ERTCH ONTARIO PIC L rAL TOS Sill IMF. .y ADrtl ekowsee !ems re, the Tatler' to au :Zer mow at yes blame' foal b es a rirel4dierad res mi W Na merry springtime. Leave Inver .Dwaste .t Smith's Art linin Psai street, ter • protan to be tes teethe ogles renovative et wort A large arrMee uneot of art pictures to cheese hen. Rev. Geo. E. Ross will give a dis- mounts next Sunday morning in Knox church on "Keeping the Sabbath." His eveniug subject will be -Saved to the Uttermost." A good opportunity for anyone who wishes to purabaee a cotuforteble and commodious dwelling is offered by Gm sale et the Sharman property, on Mast street., by auction on Saturday next. The ladies of Victoria street Metho- dist church will bold a bazaar in the store formerly occupied by tbe Sover- eign Bank, corner of Colborne serest and the Square, on Tuesday. April 10.afternoon and evening. Home-made cooking, candy and aprons will be on sale. A pleasant evening wee spent at the house of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Spleen on Wednesday evening. when a number of young people gathered to Md fare- well to Miss Melia Speedo and Miss Lulu Mulbolland, who are leaving for Toronto to take new positions. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all. nri" He was a Pest Noble Orland of the d men o hem en the .wt but in teake wiunicirrnlity in which the Order and always took a preeminent part in the work of ennferring degrees. bite is hosted will have to mese ewers incurred in rep•iring tbe boost• video-Hoggarth. ge Amermodal event in Goie,4cb god Dr. W. F. Clark, the financial lite week was celebrated at the boots secrtary, Presented Mr. Polley with a d Mr, and Mrs..Joie m•, Hntgartb, Buren �s told locket ecoompwnied by lend on Member, when Mir As an tndicatien nf tbw With esteem in which, he we, held by the three -linked brethren. advantage was taken of the npportunity off odd at the regular led mceliog on Monday evenint. litb.l grh.l, *scone danghtlr of the here, joined hand and heart with line. A. Wilton, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Sword Wilatm. Rev. Dr. Medd preMrmel t ha cgrernony sit high noon • nicely -worded speech eulogistic of the servicer he bad rendered Heron bodies. Convention of Temperance Workers. Agtis.ventinn of os(; work - 0ODERICH TOWNSHIP. MONDAY, April 8th- I WuptioN0. A quiet marriage meaty was solemnized In Goderiob ' township at noon W eibl iedy, April 3rd, when Mimi Bide, you$gest d•uRb- ter of Me. and Mrs. George Hewitt, of the Bayfield road. beoarge the bride r•' Jas. W. Patterson. of 8wlpilac county. Michigan. Rev. Jas. Hamilton was the officiating clergyman. After tbe ceremoey a .umptuoos wedding din- ner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Patter- son left for Detroit on the 2.40 train, followed by the hearty good wishes of • large circle of friends. MARRIED Ile TWO Weer. --A wed- ding of interet.t to many in this towo- sbip was solemnized at Hinge, Mao., ort Wediieetlee. March 21><b, when Homer Joheston. of Machete bask., formerly of Goderich tnwpreen ilo[ Miss tnok to himself a wife in the Annie Grate Hewitt, doubter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hewitt. of Nines. The groom. who has bees in tbe West Inc the bat six years, is w Motb(+r of WUHieni Johnston. Mrs. George Cook and Mrs. John Marshall, all this township. and nirv. J. Grassick, of Stanley. An enjoyahle affair arranged by a few o! the young men was a dance given in Od fellowi Hall on Wednes- day night at which the youth and beauty of the town made merry until sraennahle hour of the morning. The out-of-town guests included Mia Goode, of Edmonton : dies Murphy, of Calgary : Miss O'Neill. of Clinton Mia( Ewart, of Medicine Hat, and Miss Forsytb, of Berlin. "We are all liking the Coast fairly well," writes Archie MacGillivray. of Vancouver. in s letter received at this office. The winters, he remarks, are much more moderate than those they were meats-) in the East. A mistake was make in- the advertisement of the MacGillivray property in town, which is offered for sale. Its lneatlen is Pal- merston street, not Elgin avenue. Any person who thinks of pnrchasing the property is asked to apply at this office. W ESTFIEL.D. MONDAY, April $th. NOTES. -Walter Farrow. of Wiar ten, who has been visiting his cousin W. H. Farrow, returned to bis home today. He was accompanied by Mies Maggie Farrow, who purposes spend- ing a few weeks in tbe north We are pleased to report en improvement In the condition of Mir Ida Thomp- son. who has been vet+ low with peri- tonitis. We hope Inc her complete re- covery Mre. Robert .1c we of Gnderich, spent Easter with friends in this vicinity. Hese WATER. -The oldest inhabi- tanther th urs of W. T. Penne, and W. 4tothers are making considerable imnrnvements G) their properties on Victoria street. M. Pellow has moved th• warehouse on the Spence property to •the hack 01 the lot and be will move the Shaw residence which he purchased last fall to the nM site of the warehouse. It is prohahle that he will build a hand-, some residence on the corner next year. Mr. 8tothere hes taken down the small brick house on the Henning property next to his :.arriage shop and will build a new residence on the site this summer. A Successful Goderich Boy. E. V. Campion. of the real estate firm of E. V. Campion & Co., WeT- burn, Seek. wits in town this week, o/ Huron ...metre let M eelev baying owning east nn htrsinese for %le pre.eneetlf wINRL Afire. Au -site• his company. Mr. Campion's many J}iRMngratulMtjOOa were nfhalcl ehrrch, Cent'+n, ore Friday. Ma's friends in his old home - town are tM bapny .onplr. the gsotpaa/uv se, ;rpth, wn(1 denial ed to advise a Inc" op- pleased to (earn that he has been very Awe to a dainty wedding 1troe11ecn. eon esutp•ign in about twelve muni- successful in the real estate b ieineas, Ike welding retrtythen drove to the cipolities in the county. The planes 0, T R. ve rico, wb s. owl Yrs. where Inc .1 Opion may he voted on EnoWftwn t.-enied the 2:40 train for w next .lwnnery are the towns of Wine - fee. twit* 4rip to M reseed. On have d aforth and Clinton: the ve- llum thew will reefde. nn the lag,., rA Rayec'd. Brussel.. Blyth, Ex- eter erred }oat me=t th w home of and Rcnw11 ; the township. of th► gmnm a father. r maneMorrie McKillop, Turn try. Hay Teemr1+AY, APa1L ll. 1912 f t� TOASTED CORN FLAKES tired of You have other cereals -- but you won't tire of this! Spend a dime today for . 59 / t'JWlb TOASTED CORN FLAKES ,W,M �.I..a lac Parte sew - )five (;race Safting, of the Haigh cbool. Or- angeville.' Mise bene Prldhaut, of Shaw's Busineee Cot- tage. Toronto. Ales. McLennan and ;Howa� Welter, of Toronto Unlvereity. Mimi Grace Seager, of Hemlours Censers s- tory of 'lu.ie, Toronto. Donald M,-Lauehltn and It. A. Walter. of the Faculty of Education. Toronto..t Cherr Ur.tltis, Jr.,.. Puwrte, Donald Hume. W. Steven-. Mt - Youtig.00n and the Mimes Nicholl., all of Stratford Buelnese College. lora not, dement a ws PERSONAL. MENTION. the !ti►itlad)d ever being en high wee they have been the rent few days. Mix Smeeth -hent tarter with Stratford Mush damage has been done hy the Mends. spring freshet, Both approaches to MM Jas. Martyrs was an F.aater victor in the new steel bridge on the 9th con- Toronto. ee"sinn of E tat Wawiteineb have been Mise Dougl•.. of Toronto, to • gue-t of the swept away. ,Many washouts have Mese. fang. nrcrtrred and it is estimated that it MIA. • line wells. nurse of Baltimore, was boors on • visit. will take several hundred nllars Leroy CoultI- spent Faster Sunday at hie to repair thbdatm e agin done n chi" I home at Exeter. township. E.1. Wille spent afew .Lyeatthe parental home at Wharton. and no doubt some of them will take advantage of the opportunity of fay- orsble investment in Western lands onntrolled by baa company. Mr. Campion is at present drawing atten- tion chiefly to Weyburn teal estate. as Tbei he the town is growing rapidly and w hired• join in wiehiot them a leen. and Stephen, The retiring presidentl an exceptionally favorwhle railway >1ePy and ttrsreperoirs life and secretary, F. Bnobanan, Wing -1 location promises soon, to be one of C. P. R. Notes. ham. and A. T temper. Clinton. were the moat important points in the alta. J. B. Hawkins *hipped e, tar of re-elected. Chairmen were appointed Prairie Provinces_ for the rennielpali les to bold office nnlil the 'local nr*aniratinns should meet mud appoint their officers. The chairmen are as followa : tinder cb. Je. J. McGaw : Clinton, C. J. Wallis ; Wingham. Dr. Irwin : Sesfortb, J. R. Gmenkrnk : Hammell. Rev. Mei. Rmith: Bsyfi 4d. Rev. A. Maefe lalre; Blyth. J. Moody: Bruteels. Rev. Dr. Oaten : Exeter, J. IfeCalluln; Ash- field. W. R. Reid; Colborne. John jaeetow : Goderich township, Ceidwell; Grey. G. li. Storey; Hay. A. MAUiok : Mullett. J. Fing- 1 and ; Mt1K limp, R. Seariett : Mnrria, Rev. J. Ferguson; Stanley. Th Tuk- Wileeyy • t+t„liheo. boom, eramith, Jneenh Gemmell ; Turnberry. W. H. Cruickshank ; Ueborne. A. Dot,pe: West Wswanosh, William ie ; East Wawanosh, Jas. Kers. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -April lith Page Repre.entative Wanted -thong Pacittc Land ro., Limited. Winsdpst--• 10 Pay by Cheque -The Sternad Bank 1 Kxesnion. to Wears Iatas4a -G.T.R.. 3 Annual Mestbt-Goisrleb Deviator & •Tw elt Ce. 1 Rosea andLot for Sale-Ch•a (farrow 1 Reader --8t George's Church 3 Reader -G. T. R .. _ . 3 Lots for Pwln- W m. Potts, Stanford. - 1 Splendid Value.. in Suits --W. C. Prtdhato3 Investors. Attention -1t, V. Campion & Co1 Minty but Durable Footwear -Downing k 3 MacVlwr. . House and Lot for Sale -Apply Thi. l>mde. -. t Hous.-deanlnt Time -D. Mlle & Son April Specials --W. scheme & Pen.. 3 Homeaeekere Rz•anlons-C.PR • 6 Prost Pprirg Values -J. H. ( borne 1 Auction Sate-Mlasen Po11.r.. Apodies Bale -Mrs.. Thew Prodoua... 1 Rodeo to Coetraderw-C. M. Perham. Detrolt 1 Mr,. Jar. Rmckenridge'returned on Tu`a- day from • vt.it with r Iatiamt et Edgar. Caretaker Wanted -C. A. weld 1 Mania. The H•rtt Sboe-J. R. MoCltnton 3 ]dye May Stoddart and Mir Lena Graham Rids Skin of Allisalts-Anya Burton. -- 4 event the Eavter holidays with Weeds to Kitchen Girl Wanted -Hotel Bedford •.... 1 (SGeNotd. Auctinn Sale --Mr'. H. •riceeeee •.. 1 Ei-Mayor Thn.t Tilt, now of Detroit. wag a New York's Latest manners gadgens Boma° the weekome vtdtor in town for a dew day. during 'the week. Invest In Winnipeg -J. T. Goldthorpe 10 Miss Evelyn Fraser. of Walkervllle, spent Sale-0andre's Livery...... - - - • 1 j her Pieter vacation at the family reeldence Auction Sale-Mre. L. A. McfMwld. Auham 1 Announcemeot-Ladies of Vittoria Street Chung. 3 Notice -Board nf Health 1 Reeder --Bl ekstone's 1 koneelinl4 •ff•rtti to Edmonton. Alta.. ss Wnlnwlay. Wm* Baldwin, open*tot' at the e. P. R era+inn, awe rafl*d to Inter- est nM� stn this amok by the dee!' *of his 4nth.r. ()tweeter White. who rase ler free Guelph Junction. is reliele • We. Gundry shipped w oar of Ihx'ner.rt. to R,gine,8ask.. nn W twdav, Included In the oar w*A h feet htack team of drivers. that ase in charge of the car. Cle.dnrtnr Nichol of the way treitht lobes trio sferred wee le now nue vier nu' of Lambe. (:nnflueor Peter Irl "her, of London. takes his plans here, $onrintendent Ring wee in town re Tuesday. He was on a general eine inspection of all points on the 0. k G. line. 0rnling ham cnetmenced Inc tee new tad' 'fl he laid in order to cinema with the 0. T. R on the onr*merclsl deek. A carload of Ital were bn ght here on Tuesday to Ovist In the rows ruction week. About twentl awn we employed with from six to Mit tetra of horse", A Bipmy Charge. • Denten Mcleod, a resident of Gods - ?" ods rash fix th• last four years. was arm 1 • •• mee en Wednesday on the charge of 9th. The de -eased lived on a farm hli.1 . it it alleged tbat ie August moist of hie life, bit tired frSlom g active t het a starrisria ceremony was per. work elght years iers•d In Port Heron between the time ha had lived In Goderich. He "awe and w woman giving the wails man of eternise character, fair and upright in all hie dealings, and be - le • Pe el (`I.lx fmi.eseeek a. wont ing naturally of a genial and kindly wRs►R.th&' front eknee t►k d.t the disposition he was higbly resp pa�rrr, nt leaving Me kndt did. Re- 1� his death the members of the fem- ewee'lses arraaintv that *eland ase preen ily h.ve lost an affectionate parent. Thheit▪ � n�Deosnber to Mary Adm and the bereaved wife in her deolinine telt- he is new hotter pr•oeeested he years will mise the partner decamped life', dean "(nay Seaver oe lbw above toys ad •^Koen'' Th her of Liverpool Lodge. Bail A public meeting was beld in the evening which was addrefeed by Rev: W. KeIUSWSIl. of Toronto. The Late Thomas Precious. The late Thom, Precious. whose depth wee •n need last week, was horn et Hire. Yorkshire. England. nn May 25th. 1834. He was married nn Febru- ary 241b, 1857, to Sarah Jane Fowler, of Middleton. Yorkehir•'.Engtand. and on April lath lett the Old Land Inc adw, landing at Quebec on May EAST WAWANOBH. MONDAY, April Sth. The Bluevale Cheese and Butter Company have engaged G. Balkwell, 61 Toronto, to make butter for tbe coming season. BOIIOHT WtNOII PROPERTT.- Geo. T. Rnhertsnn. et the 10th conces- sion of Meet Wawanoeh. has pur- chased from A. T. Ford, V. 8.. his de- sirable property in Wingh•tm. Mr. Robertson purposes seleog one of his farm. and will tnove into Wingbam next fall. Dr. Ford will move to the old homestead near Hanover. where he will manage the farm and prestige his profession. :.:::::artm..akeez.vesteraace..de- &0B.Bm( erieb. inpolities reiuesee of the Mwe,wstaunch(k+naery*t(ve.He • dersairenint v leaves to room hie Inas, besides bb ksiise seting 1aM1[ _ widow live daughters and two sons : lie rem wa"k f#eB Y seta lane Waters,Mr.. Beni. Howarth lfrPtl William, of torn M4tty a/twnnont►, �' Mn peek hem and drab +in be fakmpt was rale lsagal nn 1tfMl trail. The atiMa_ee 01 tks •a►horritiee was Ababa 90 the fMYt� a week age whit d a esertine i1ea vale► brevet► of the Chte A'e Aeebty ll was leatwM thatAre • tem, tete, six glwAteba of pellet oar area... 1 which rook place on Wsdnese eel hevoke. ei Mossir1 ie, I dayNa last week from Hie burse d he, obs. of Poet Huron, and Mrs. White - )y, Cf Toronto. all of whom were pat "- LOTHIAN. est at the enteral. Deceased dchil- RAtr1aDAY, April Ash. 1eenrvived hy seventeen drive and eye Kroot-g,yedgbillrcn, I•ROMOTION RxemieArioli •-The "went et the following is the result of the if eer Mir Base Loosen Fyospt visiting with friends In with . RotaSalkeld hr eel spent the Easter hdtdals Mrs, IDr,I McLean M with her daughter. Mr.. ave..) J. Uro Stewart. at Napier. Bern., hotle n mother. Mrs. the Brannttfewjd dot Ing the Seater bbelies's- . Cuff vidted ber son. Harry, In John McLeod left het week for Midland to help fit out the steamer Midland Queen Mr. and Stehle, nHamlet on too tF idaay. of Mins p( Meir CoraCoWr theverW hotldwi the guest O McCullough. of Indian Head, Sack.. we..: in too'uu n last week visitinThe‘ Mime. Barry, g fat D. Jardlne's, e. left week to take up their residence at n tToron o his Mrs. Jordan and Mise Reta havereturned from Montreal where they spent the winter. Miss Mamie Warrener and Jute Maud Me- Gratten spent Easter with Mende in Toronto. Mn. MCHattie 'oral little dauge e. Amy. spent Easter week with relatives at Hamilton. Paid - up Capital. Res and ndtvidei Profits 115,181.40 Cal Assets - - $50, 000,00t) NANK ; A Joint Account in the Union Bonk of t'anad• is the beat place for the family funds. Eitber of two OF CANADA g8TABLuaED 18)25 - ur more person. can' deposit or withdraw looney as desired ellen in town- a very convenient arrangement. In case of death the balance goes to the survivor without any legal formalities. Ask the Manager about this form of Account. Goderich W. L. HORTON, Branch l 1 Manager p LOIOW ENG.. BRANCH, j F. w. saw. - - - -- M gereepeeeele. $L. E.G 1 G. W C. HART SMITH. Assistant Yastysf. BOHN. MEKNF.R. -At Zurich. on Anell 1st, to J.J. Meana, M. P., and Mr'. Monier. • eon. HUNTER-1s1b. .C. Ren . ter. M. and Mo Hunter. a poo. seeti eALto made A.•u Sat atGrovele Saturday. Anvil 6tt� Mr. end Mie. Harry I.. Salkeld. • son -Jennie Keith. MARRIED. LAS HBROOK-LASHFROtMK. On April 6th. in Malty eenreh, 1ltebell. by Rev. T. J. "bartton. Lillian E M.. only daughter et Mr. end Mn. 14. P Lashbrnek.Ooderiol• to Wtnl*en R. Iatltok. Ha nsB Harriman wildest .on of Lerweltyn Lettered'. s BENMILL ER. TUESDAY. April 9th. C A FORMER RESIDENT OF OLBORNE. -Therep*.ged away on Sunday morn- ing. March 24th, at the residence of ber daughter. Mrs. Walter Townsend. 10 Buffalo street, Brantford, Agnes. tjchwanlz, widow of tbe late Robert Stewart, formerly of Clinton. The e moved w h her peeweeto len INS Col- borne tnwnsbip She is survived hy one daughter. Mrs. Walter Townsend, *len by two misters : Mrs. William Oilier, of Colborne, and Mra. John F. Barthel, of Hansom. Another sinter. Mrs. J. Fret, prod Mier about wax lid to 'lis Iste Stemma wan laid to teat in AI(+nnt Rope ceme- tery in Brantford on Marsh 2fIth. The funeral was .xntdneted from the resi- dence of her laughter tine the service'', whish were largely, *t.tended, were in charge of Rev. R. D. Hamilton. Among the relative* present from • distance were Mr. and Mre. M. K n l h n a. Rehr•Invvilte : Mies Townsend, of Toren'n : Mr. and Mies The pack llbearernd * w b Mivsra-J�- astln. 0. Wend. MaeDnn,ld, Pattern's. Blair flora/ t,lhiitme ware laid on the cseket. AUCTION SALE&. Sareme..r, April 1S -Martinet eels of alit* tows properte.ar East erect. ees 3 o'otoak p s. lazes w as Sharman. Amity to e. 9n AIRMAN. Godwist. or Thomas OU1rD$T. rostisress. WanNI"DAT, Abell 17.-A11060e s le.ot a farnl.hed Meek hoses on Ropiera isatgreeet, o• doh, and • furnished outlineroutlineroeat Mese- mane Park ; ab.o household rerratore. Gro. Melina,. proprietor Tocou• GUNDRT auctioneer. East street Mr. and Mrs. Dan. McLeod returned on Tuesday from Buffalo. where they were v{.lt- log their eon. Frank Edward, of the 4:hatham "011sdiwte Institute teaching staff, {a spending the Easker vacation to town. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Paramus end daughter visited In Welcervtlle and Detroit duties the Easter holidays. hire 11. W. Metli Land deuebter. Doreen. len on Mointay for Detroit, where they will make their hetes. Miss May Magralainle end Miss Lizzie Benefit. of Perlin, were the guc.ts of Mrs. II. B. Boehmer ever Easter. Mrs. Peter MacFarlane and noadn. Mie Maddie Watson, spent their Ea. ter vacation with relative. In Detroit Mtn. R. C. Por.tiethwalte and Mise lanai, Thompeti spent the Fester holidays with rel- atives%and friends le Toronto. Mita Alma Goldthorpe iters returned tram of�•'n'n }eoodteeet nd Haya&Killnrsn taken nealtion to the canoe Chew D. Kidd left on Wednedav for Mont- intreal. se. loot the city he take. We..lliele tmount. the englncer. Mor_ D. lemidart has been Vt.iting kw won. Georg. In Toronto. We wee em.v to state he ben net hent enjoying aood health of late. Met. Jaw Martin. of Teeew•ter, 1e vlaiting with her daughter, Mew J. J. McEwen. Mrs. Metwen haft been 111 for the last few weeks. Mew. John Sends, accompanied by her won and daughter. Wilbur and Miss Fd no. left thio week Inc Whitt'. Alta.. where they may errata mew McKenzie, of Brandon. • studentMareast Rt. o. t the vacation with hear unclee. : .and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. lane. Mew 1, 11. Parnham end denghter. Nellie, returned to Delolt on Wcdne'day. atter vldt- Ing Mrs. Parnham'. mother. Mrs. Green, Trefehrer et ret. J. W. Craigle le beck from a eta w eek.' buwi- neA. trip to the Prairie Provinces. He visit ad nenrll all the principal eltI . In Stn0toho, yr. kat rtw•n gad Alberta 1)r. A. 1. Stant. J, P. Anme..1. 1... Tota. MIA. Sharman and nonali Clark were In Totnnto thio week ht=nes at the meeting of the ws Edaslneal on. 00e. Porter tows on Improved In health that be wee able to aooeer on the Square M a ekalr on StSewlec, HI. mane tetrads gape for salt atte recovbee er!. �qm OngTMwl h herwb other. Q 1. •t(ewton Meer. Lanny Newton. who wee here ten mwthe kaa returned to her tatme at *eke. Scott, of Winning.' ant a dew dqa Is Man daring the week. Mr. Srntt la an sx- terjve dealer In Winnipeg reel cerate and we0o sad nn buwlneee %lofted reletivee (n Mason seamy. MospaT, April 2`. AncUoa rale of farm steak, Imolemsnt . etrethe pt'epwtr oe Mwa. L A. MCDosat D. lot 41. onnoisds.14, Hallett Ivtili.ge of Auburn). comments/ at 1 o'clock. Teo*. GUM)IIY, aoet.ioneer were P bsltil stent there by a detwtl+er hire- Benj. HoRgnrtb, with heal mater wbgg r s famishedeon-1 4t1(tr.. ` ,"" Maim the tort � Sitil Ale tem her .1e, t talleeed, sidle' 'e� tseriii wt aBew ' ham lit tMit! t� err' eNd wet Mott tyeli the 411x/ sad eared for b the wettow. `l..„ AM4I,WOy MOW, Spm War- e with thr ithe e re al arsswiththraheereal • eft.. ,. ,....-,.i mm,* 1,11 btfest4 ham he w bad beenTie in- terment wise made in tere.71i service wee ae(dseredWoelty . Dr. Medd. pastor st ON GS& street Me*odi"t cheeeb. The (Thenal, p aiwer l�fielml en Theses How- arth. Amber Whitely. Wm. Wages givesVie • fltilelye returns her *metre illbg asA A. ts► AL a puts1ction erarninwtione ... 7. /Afield • Sr. IV.. temt prom tirsatkts 1 -oisrssee •Rende Don 4!7. Kobe Me - Meg 1 From St. 111. to Jr. 1V.- 1 V'.- 1 �s Wellington 1181. Jeanie Jobe- { „rya Graham McNay 467. Blab IMMO «N, Earl Swann apt. May Stein Bra Hogan 974 From Jr. Ili. to Sr. 111 --Rnh Heim 4(e. From Sr.' r. H. to Jr. Hl. -Laura Skein 978 Welhnut• tee Heederwa alt.. AI . IdeeN. y et4. Jr. II.--'17regtesVela.Jebotliiheare. Pt. 11. been Hnwarl. Pt, Wilfrid Sagas. Teacher. other :`,g �t at Bastmr• 1. - Jean Easter Visitors in Town. Bert Dat. of Toronto. Mo. Major. of Toledo J. J. Page, of Toronto. O. W. Ifidsl kfillodle Leake Cnrtelt, nt Berlin. C. A. Bnrtme. of (Mao n N. Graeae, d Stratford Melvin Smith. d Toronto. beetle Inkster. of Toronto Nle K. Brown. of Ilet reit . Hurry Marine ie Toronto Mina Polley. of Prat Rowan. MM' Reberteon. of Windsor. Mn. W. WhItehall. of London. Mire Nina Mbatwan. of Det mit- Minx Linde Curren. of Tmmnto. MW Mame, Fester, of Dent mak. Mine Evelyn Meatball. nt l.oeden. (batt Blaeketone, of Owen Ararat. Mr*. W. Alba and sen. sf Taranto Ernest War,sser. of Walleniesrg- Mta Dui Boleros. of Wiatlttara. MW Boss IIleNevi . e.1 Sersilesb ad. O. lt Mgt. el Termite 1'nthr*Ity. ]lira li osis Ilrhole take. nt 0.13111. • Urines W. roses. ef wmlkaMl)e. MM Meer. M.•itevin. et I.ed ewaed. M'se Rtrans• et merle hlgti mewl. T. lit. "Rau, et Ten teeter, Fess Prase M we M A 14 OamMc of Ihmoota COILEDWIREI IDEAL FENCING Our first car for this season of Cleve- land No. 9 Coiled Wire. has just arrived. This wire is acknowledged to be the kind you want ; good coil, hard, and Pots of spring and well galvanized. As announced, priced specially at $2.00 per cwt. Lay in a good supply, for it is not often we can give you a snap like this. ft orse Clippers This is the' time of year you require them. We have a well assorted stock ranging in price from $1.2o to $z.00 each. Pruning Tools We carry a good assortment of the best lines ; such as saws, pruners, shears, snips, etc. Howell Hardware Co., Ltd. The Place to Buy Good Hardware -right Record • hire. Andrew Pewter, M r�� • (wee week st tom etr•sr Mrwa A. Mvtnk ---e *ft Tl.(t he; father. Mr. Frail Rnmbatl. who t.t-...._ --.y. U*t Sallow* roamed hens tee weak from IMMew, wk•rw wide 101 agent the .rtnter ,.s e. Wim was sterwnpaMae by Mt dmerh- t�dattrr edrp Leese wet reenala,i hire • few d•ya Mh111is ister*3tr is Leal.•.. /�t�sak Addisos. d Toronto. revltted b(ry- henli .vena daring a brief star• In town A■*� the week. Mr. Addl+en 1e the proprietor o1 a hirer printing eetaWMament In the city Anlnt Ian ostensive,i*nmcrrW budnns.. H R. Gesso, lets 01' Tree Towne, Veen. la now nn the oral of lie Montreal Wltes,w. Mr Dept le • OstlerMh hr.. orlon Is AMng gond week In i.mt'niillsm..rd how men, Mende hers Mr. a ea trust teat tee seerwe min emotions In M* sew W. Peewdfool. of f►egraele Hwe,'1lpreate heaYoe. Dainty But itJurable FOOTWEAR NO MATTER WHERE YOUR SHOPPING STARTS it always ends at our store if you are looking for the season's newest and most attractive shoes. Pump styles, with and without straps, made in Patent and Russia Tan leathers will be the most popular. The flew patterns fit like a glove and will not slip at the heel. Come and try on a pair and see how nice they look and feel on the feet. Repairing •rr Downing & MacVicar NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE, CIODERICH (Stewdl and Merman Rumba* of T',rsnte. p ,R. Compton..+f Wey►s tt•mh.. Mei �g� T. L. Peer. a Rank of ('omworeo Toronto. for a row- day. be Woo w�l. Via► Uri Alyn. et B. A'wirew'. a'eiew e. Theme. 1(t''entpinn, w-hn hod been stl♦)•, sen* Mr. wad lire W. E. IAlleet and pas. of Inn i 1ti.ra Brand htppi at Th.y n *rel nrrm- ' 1i to anA Rslyvlll.•. They Nrace Ihl,. meg fnr weebrn. Ch•rlsa. iske nt err -lint Rant. Mlgatt.g- etaalluae grog Ilgrade,' Mr. Gestate t .m tstlayaasn MtMiderhh •.lona In etre. ]lye taerarM Iwo. d R'ned*tsek Biudtaera ire" SasIetl Peewee ha. ►^ (Ire1. fasRst(s /(ee .frier •eand(et 11- W• t.wliMr t t kFs wager Seehannn. of for Haskst lesegeaL I hevite l tb alt v M'. Fred We el Ostia (+ �1ee ted at 1n. hem* of kid parse's. Ye. *ud We. . Wahl. W o ussree "soot. wow illootw. The Goderich Garage To Motorists Bring in your Automobile, owl have your motor gone over and have your valves ground. .This can he done at a small cost and the saving in fuel consumption will more than pay forsame in a abort time. Have your oiling a stem cleaned and old nils removed and refilled with Polarine Oil. Alanour transmission Moaned and old nil removed and refilled with Polarine Tr•an,mbeion Lubricant. 1 have different grades to suit the demand. . The superiority of the ,hove Eradms of grease and oils for tbeee speci,l purposes is nndisputed. Ynor wiring may need replacing end your motor timing. 1 have installeda vulcanizer and will do all kinds of Lire repairing up to wbere sectional work is teethed. 1 invite all whn bete an thing to he dens in the *bee lies to glue mea ahanru fat 1 Will do all that is in my .power to satiety their wane. Thanking you in advance. I rennin, Voun, faithfully. JOHN 0. KUN TZ Kingston St. Oo'deriolt ( •