HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-11, Page 44 TMUatu a.Y, Aleut I1. W12 District News. MAFEKING. Mor:use April 8th. BRI(/ Noexe. -Mrs. 11. Johnston spent a few days with her son Albert at Donnybrook last week W. J. Treleaven. of Hanley, bask., called on Moods here ou Friday Miss Edith Edwards returned home last Tuesday after a month's visit with frieods at Toronto and Belleville Alias Mary Culbert, of London, is visit- ing her brother James here J. t'. Stothers, of Wingbam, is bome for the Faster vacation Misr E. Mac- Kinnon bas gone to her home in erton for the holidays Mr. and Mr.. lobo Miller, of 8L Helens, vis- ited at the home of Jas. Webster last week .. . ;mac Cranston called on some of the farmers here last week with his sawing machine The young ladies of the neighborhood are busy practising for the concert to be held in Blake's church on Thursday next Jas. Berkwell, of Lochalsh, visited at the home of Mrs. &others last week ....Quite a few from here attended the funeral of the late Thos. Webster on Saturday. ST. HELENS. WEDNE5DAT, April 10th. COMING AND GOING. -Donald ('lark is in Toronco attending the meeting of the Ontario Educational Association. John Miller,' of Dresden, spent Easter with bis mother, Mrs. John Miller ... Rev. W. Mackintosh was in Toronto for a few days last week. .1as, Cassels is visiting friends in Toronto Many of our teachers and students are home for the vaca- tion. Among them are Misses Mime. Rutherford, of Southampton; Mia Elisabeth Rutherford, of \Vingghaw : Jas. Joynt, of Bridgeburg, and Dooald Clark, of Ooderich ; Colina Clark,' May Cameron, Sarah Smith and Due nin Phillips, from Godericb Collegi- ate ; Jean and Greta Webb, Chrissl, Miller, Edna ani fns Woods, Annie Rutherford and Hugh McCrostie, of Wingbam high school ... John V ebeter returned from a prospecting tour to New Ontario on Saturday last. A number attended the funeral of Roy Fowler on Monday. ST. AUGUSTINE TUESDAY, April 9th. THE Lew? RITES. -The funeral of the late Roy Fowler, which took place trout the family resides'* on tbe 7th concession to Dernmaoon cemetery last Monday, was largely attended by sorrowing friends end relatives. The funeral services at the house and grave were conducted by Rev. W. Mc- Intosh. of et. Helens. The pallbear- ers were E. Mallough, W. Stuart, C. Ryan, D. McAllister, W. Caesar end H. Anderson. • Ba1EFe.-Miss Mary Pollard, of Prosperity, visited at Gilbert Grieves' this week Mies Knox, of Wood- stock, spent her Easter vacation with her aunt, Mrs. J. Cranston Miss May Redmond and Miss Elva Kear- ney of the G. C. I., are spending their holidays at their homes here Miss Marie Sullivan is holidaying with Ashfield friends Miss Staf- ford is visiting her cousin, Mia Mc- Intosh, this week. „,Quite consid- erable damage was Jone to the roads ata culverts in this vicinity during the recent floods Oew&Id Pollard bas been helping tem. McIntosh to cut amid during the past week. HULLETT, MONDAYApril 8th. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Clark have re- turned to Nutana, Sask., after several weeks' visit with friends in the west- ern part of the township. A YOUNG LIFE Curr OFF. -Deep re. arm 19 expressed over the death of Francis L. Blake, who died suddenly in Tot onto at tbe early age of seven- teen years and five months. The young man was a son of Mr. and Mrs, Richard Blake, of the tkh concession. For a week prior to his death be bad complained of a pain in his side. It continued to trouble him. but his con- dition was not considered serious nn - til Tuesday evening, from which time be became worse until death came on Wednesday morning. The cause a bis demise was an acute attack of rheumatism which affected the heart. The remains were brought home on Wednesday evening and on Saturday the funeral took place from St. Jos- eph's church, Clinton, to the Catholic cemetery in Mullett. The sorrowing faintly and friends have the sympathy of the enmtuunity in their bereave- ment. PORT ALBERT. WEDNESDAY, April 10th. Ntyrge.-The ice above the dam broke up last Friday morning. but no damage was done. Two very large jams went over in the morning and several smaller ones in the afternoon. .Don't forget about the A.Y.P.A.'s meeting next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. A debate on "Sbould bachel- ors she taxed or should they not r will be held. Permowei. MENTtox.-Mr. and Mn. Bert Cunningham and Mia Celia Cute ningham, of Toronto, visited at N. l:unninaham'. over Easter Miss Elba McMillan is visiting her sister, Mrs. Herb. Morris. in Saltlonl this weak.. ...Miss Helen Clark, of Loyal, is the guest of Mrs. H. Hayden Mies Annie Wilson left for Aarnia on Saturday on an extended visit to her sister. Mrs. Gilbert. Jlm Stevenson was bone from Gnderirh over Sunday Mrs. Durnin, of Dungannon, is visiting her perunta. Mr. end Mrs. Jae. Crawford. for a few daye Miss Winnie Cunningbarn is home from her sehnnl at Hussey for the holidays. Mrs. Ellen Borrows is again ar- gn ni ng her bourse in the village, after iotas( lsoderieb for the last year.... Mes. i! Jones, of Toronto, item tits of Mr. and Mn. Wm. Brinley Ober beiklaI Mrs. A..1. Un- wed children. n4 Paris. are the lady's perste, Mr. and Mw. W G. Brown Rd. Mrhnenbala waetrem Goderlch from Tuturs da ay Mise Della Wilenn Ufa Godertdh this week . .. Miss (l. F. Hawk's' le befrom her 'reboot et St. 7'inntme. visions her teeter, Mre. W 1Awry ... Mr and ;a re.. Mask �I were the tM IIII.t i.', Kea Diva lee Asmda s at Jobe PORTER'S HILI.. tt.OAY, April ihh. No -r. -Mrs. 8 Maestro, of Spring - bank, is visiting the horn of her outs, Mr. and Mrs. John Cox Harvey Potter and sister Pearl are speeding the Easter bolldajs at Mit cbell Mr. and Mrs. Will Jordan and also George Lindsay left for th Were recently Mrs. T. O. Oo and daughter Bella speot a few days in London last week .. l . Mr.. Peed Moore and daughter, of Muuro, at- tended the funeral of bas niece, Blanche One, on Tumidity last Mowat McDougall is visiting at Cale- Jonia Mr. and Mrd. Jamas Cbz and Wm. Elliott visited their sister, (. JUtORNE. news Y. April 9th. Hones FRIDAY ttjOOT.-The Col- borem Effie A.•nelatioe held a sheet oo (}ood Friday. Handiospe were set and the prises were woo by the Seat nine the following score : W. Cant- well P. Bisset 52. J. Bisset 62, C. eon 68, A. J. Goldthorpe 61, G. Blower 49, W. Bye node 40, R. McLean J9, O. Goldthorpe 48 (prize -winners), C. McNeil 47. J. Farrisb 8th, D. Gibbs 89. W. McWblbney 37, R. 8ymood• 30, M. Tobin 80, 8, Biome ffi, W. Bisset 84, U. Jones 84, P. McEwan 82, 1). x Fritsley 80, E. Lawson 30, D. Walter. 30, O. MCEwan '?J3, R. Williams se. Mrs. McLean, in Dungannon on Mon day. BAYFIELD. WEDNESDAY, April 10th. PERSONAL MENTION. -Dr. 4eklnson, Mrs. Atkinson and sons, Garnet and Casey. spent a few days et their sum- mer home here .... Mins F. N. Stan - bury. of Toronto, spent the Easter vac- ation the nurse of Mime Margaret Camp- bell ]ars. J. Tippet spent the week- end in London ....Mrs. J. Wstaon and Mrs. D. Dewar visited in Brantford and Woodstock during Ewer week Jas. Campbell was In Toronto a few days visiting hie brother .Mrs. Geddes, of B.igrave, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson The many friends of Mr. Wbiddon and daugbter. Miss Ruhy, are de- lighted to welcome them back to their borne again. PARAMOUNT. TUFIIDAY, April nth. BRIEFS. -Miss Nellie McBride bas returned to her home in Waterlog after a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murray.... Mrs. Jane Sutherland, of Wingbaue spent the Easter holidays with her brother, Donald Murray. .. The many friends of Kelso Meese will regret to hear he is very, ill with pneumonia, Mires Cassie and Isabelle McDiarmid (pent the Easter holidays with friends to Listowel . The roads, which had been in teed shape for some time, are now free from snow end witb a few more bright days will be in tim- eless condition Alex. McAuley is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Intosh. ONNt97fe. Wan/enemy. April 10th. DUNLOP D0IN08.-The W. F. M. 8. auxiliaarryy is to meet at the manse, Ooderinh, this afternoon ... Miss Juan Clutton is home for the holidays. Mise Ruth Shaw is spendt.g &niter at home Mrs. kcClusky, of Dublin, spent a few days with Mrs. Tobelast week Some of the young people here attended the dance et Mr. Soiuersall's, at Loyal, on Tues- day night ..Thr building committee has begun operations on the church shed again, so we will hope to see it com- pieted before long ...A good many farmers here bought stock at the sale of Mr. Willis, Ashfield . .. Mrs, Cumurings, who has been spending some months in Toronto, has returned to her summer home herr. KINGStRIDGE. MONDAY, April 8th. DWELLING DEBTRoyert-Fire com- pletely destroyed the residence of John Murphy, 9th concession, Thursday at noon. The flames started in the chim- ney. and before anything could be done the fire bad possession of the house. THE ADVANCING MEAMON.- The spring feeling is in the air at last. The song of the bird. fills us with view life and hope, the warm wind and sun are rapidly melting the snow, and here the network of creeks end streamlet is called into piey to drain the land and swell the waters of Lake Huron. The spring work will be late and the farmers are anxiot.ely wait- ing for the land to dry. NOTE& -Girls seem to be taking advantage of leap year. Wedding belle will soon he ringing Our students from the various iostitutea of learning have returned bottle for their Easter holidays Cassie Connor, who spent the past winter in Detroit., has returned home Jerry Flynn has returned to hia home at. the Soo, after visiting friends here An attack of scarlet fever bas broken out in the home of Con. O'Reilly. ARE MICROBES IN YOUR SCALP ? it Has Been Proved that Microbes Cause Baldass. Professes thine, of Hamburg. Ger- many, and Dr. Sabnurand, the lead- ing French dermatologist. discovered that a microbe c.urees baldness. Their theory has time and again been amply verified through research ex- periments carrled on under the obser- vation of eminent scientist#. This microbe lodges in the Sebum, which is the natural hair oil, and when pas - matted to flourish it destroys the heir follicles end in time the pores entirely clew, and the soalp gradually takes on a shiny appearance. When this hap- pens there is no bope of the growth of hair being revived. We have a remedy which will, we honestly believe, remove dandriff, ex- terminate the miernhe. promote good circulation in the Scalp and eeour-d the hair roots, tighten and revitalise Lite hair roots, sod nverrome haMew, so long as there is any lite left in the hair roots. W. beck up this statement with our own peeslieal gnnnantes that this rws- wily Rall d Reno -sr Hair Towle will he se led free of all east to the utter if it I is to do.. we arab it will frequently help to remorse gray and twdtd hair • its or= ss d eolor, providing leeine hes h.ew cawed by deem t y.t ' i. ie tee mum a dye Kenai "R' 14.r limb as the p thee, remit. by In gwury bark sou• atitteet; a r l motive.a aatur. i A .w of ender. ,.e heir mil& ,t or prouder !e� �M Yes et Swan ial and it not eMM0 tf# had we will me slow, R+ewt ions Ke menthe r. yew am Milian it in %aerial AMf se our Nssv-TPM ReasA stere. K. O. Dewlap wrath aMe of ggtlenr. EAST WAWANOSH. Te tepee, April 2nd. Page irraviON.--On Friday ay.ni ng, March 29, a number of U. 8. 8, No. 7 pupils and their parents swlemblsd at the home of Johu Beeer•oft and pre- sented their former teacher, A. V. 8backleton, witb a beautiful gold riug. The presentation was wade by Elva Robinson, while an address wan read by Lulu Chamney expresaiug the re- spect and affection which the pupils entertained towards their teacher and tendering him their warm good wishes for the future. Mr. Shackleton made a suitable reply. After the pre- sentation a progretn, consisting of in- strnmentals, solos, readings and speeches, was given, David Chimney a^ting AA chairman. Games of d'Ramo t kinds mere also played and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all wbo were present. WESTFIELD. TUESDAY, April 9th. Nio-es.-Mrs. Wm. Gooier left Sly' t. on Wednesdaylast via O. P. R. Ill 1 I her husbanat Milk River, Abe. Hiss Minnie Dobie left the sane y from Auburn to visit lase' betel' at (butte, Alta Mrs. Wui. , ',Dowell is on the sick list. We hope (.•r bee speedy recovery Our sawmill started operations today There is a large supply of$custnm logs in the yard .. Our old friend Wal- ter Scott is very much improved in health and able to be around again after his 111,:ess W. 11. Tavlor, a theological student of Knox College. Toronto, bee gone to a mission field on the Bruce Peuinsula for the suwu,er months. His wife will follow in the course of a few days. We wish them every success on their ilekl of labor. The spring freshet did no pan tieutar damage in this Immediate' vicinity, although serious damage was done to the teeafge on concessions 8 and 9 and also to sloe -bridge on coaexs- sions 10 and 11, by washing away the approaches. This will tie a great in- convenience to the travelling public. OsrruanY.-On April 4th death re- moved an old resident from our midst in the person nt Mn. Wm. Snail, relict of the late Wm. Snell. 8be was born in Cornwall, Eng , eighty -tour years ago. and seai meteied to her late bus - bend in the year 1847. After their marriage Mr. end Mrs. Snell removed to Canada and lived for a time at Punt Hope, coming to this section some time liter. Mr. Snell died in the year 1890. Mis. Sneil i. survived by four sons and two dsushters, the daugh- ters livieg in the [lofted States, one son (Deetd) in Alberta, William in East Wawaho.h, Amos and Isaac, at bome. One sister, Mrs. Harry Ed- wards, of this place, alio survives. The interment was made in Westfield cemetery on Saturday, tkh in.t., Rey, R. A. MLller conducting the service at the house and grave. The pallbearers were John Cook, R. Tunney, J. J. Mas- on, Ben Taylor, David Coot and John McDowell. The sorrowing ones have the sympathy of the ehtire com- munity. LAURIER. TUESDAY, April 9th. H APPENING& -The dam on the Eighteen Mile River at Mr. Bucking- ham's mill was entirely swept away by the spring freshet on Friday. The pupils of 8. S. No. 12 pleas- antly surprised their teacher, Chas. Maruregor, on Thursday of last week (being his birth anniversary) by- pre- senting him with a set of military hairbrushes. AMONG THE RICK. -Master Maloolin MacLennan, who some time ago sprained his knee very badly, is, we are glad to say able to be *bout with the aid of a pair of crutches Mrs. James Headley is slowly recovering from her recent ilhtess Duncan Tborburn was seized on Monday of last week with a etrnke of paralysis, his left side being affected. PERSONAL.- Misses Tabitha Kemp- ton and leebel Maclennan, of the G. 0. I., and Dan Mac 3ain and Ralph Bi.eglas are spending the Easter vaca- tion at their homes bere ....Miss Annie MacLennan is spending the week In the circular town, the guest. of bar cousin, Miss Mae Boyd Mrs. Ken, J. MacKenzie and visited at Mrs. MacKenzie's home Godericli last week. OBITUARY. -A gloom of 'adneas was cast over the community on Sun- day evening when it was reported that death had entered tbe home of one of cur moat highly respected citi- zens and carried away to the r'egibb beyond the head of that bome, in the person of Hugh Bell. The deceased bad been ill but a short time, the sews of his death Doming as a shook to overrates. He had taken a heavy odd which is quite general at this 111011011 and it developed into pneumonia a SIM days previous to his death, and In spits of all that medical skill and earthly friends meld do death haatwed on. Kr. Bell waa est off as the blooming flower in the Avid. Wag yli of mire. aed ea te theTee�ees he held s. - tty _ need refer to the eremetirer ally � esdatioe of Meade sad aeq.aiptaneme at the tumoral ssrrieea, wblsb took plass ow Wdseeday tt.ordng trent late hon.. the is terseent bingo mad* le H teased Ise O.K.aseestary. Pion Inver. t+Meiat i1 at home �of grave, eller which the Ansheriey Omit ofOneete P r'essrs, of whit& the deesssad was a .ember, eneirelnd the �k to 1p leear st token of re• M!� hie 1011% bum. •a host of 1ltM� he haves his bereaved widow (My trneMee Nelenn, to whets he was MO Kt telt years age1. a little eve ,yews d mak Wi of Nine Wiledim end ti7 brothers : lemon o1 Rdaeoticew.. ARI► t Wm.. of Leaven, and Robert. et Nip- it mitation: of Dodd's e logics. The boa is imitated. the outside coating and shape of she tains are imlf-sed and the eamr-Dodds Kidney lies i• idtated. Iraifanas& ars dangerons. The original is safe. Dodd's Niamey Ples tame a reputation, brake. - tors have nose or they w.tdda't Iaitata, So May trader the reputation of Dodd's lGmey Pea Do not be dsodeed. Them in coy one DODD'S. Deders is the e �_ Deddm s is tea mania 1e Me. car D -O -D -D'S KIDNEY PILLS ley. The pallbearers were Job, Fer- guson. Wm. Blue, , Wm. Henderson, Abe Macpherson, ttr,lwrt 8bields, and Charles Boyd, e11 members of the 1'. J. F. The sympathy of the suttee community is extended to all the sor- rowing relative, in their dark hour of bereaveuient. NILE. TUa.nAY, April Otte Mia Edna Pentland has completed - her course at Normal Training School, Stratford. Mia Cora Roberts' term as teacher of Nile school bas expired. Her ser- vices here were very much appreei• ated. HOLIDAY Vlttn't>N-'..-Mrs. tIon wsy is the guest of hair am, Rev. W. Con- way, Harvey Pentland and Well. Rope, students et Central Busloads College, Stratfordwere her. for Easter Miss Vela McNee is borne from Stratford Mr. and Mrs. Connells, of Galt, are viiitiog the lat- ter s parents . Mise Laura Pent- land is home from Taylor's Corner,. EssrEn SERVIctoy.-The Foster Sunday services here were beautiful and inspiring. In the morning the W. M. 8. had charge of the meeting. Addresses and readioge were given and special Music was rendered by the choir. The afternoon service con- sisted of music and recitations by the Junior members of the Sunday school, a missionary address by Mise Bailie and • duet by Mn, McIlwain and Mrs. Conway. In tbe evening the service was conducted as usual by the pastor. A PLEAHANT RVENING.-The bad state of the roads lust Friday caused a rather small attendance at the lax w- eed here, but uthvwtse the evening was a complete sOcees,. The progtem wes much eojoyed and heartily ap. planned. The Tyndall Bros. were present and reodered solos and duets in their moat pleasing wanner. In- strumental music was provided by Nile orchestra and J. Dustow, end several amusing recitations by Miss Clara Cooke, Rheppatdton, A abort dialogue completed the program,, atter which asocial hour was spent in the enjoyment of the abundant contents of the prettily decorated boxes. The receipts of the evening were *13.50. AUBURN. CEDAR POSTS AND SHINGLES for sale. .Apply ItUTATE JAS. YOUNG, Auburn. WEDNESDAY, April 10,h. MAITLAND oN tax RAMPAGE. - The water in the river was very high for several days tollowing the rapid thaw of last week. The abJt- rnent at the Colborne township end of the bridge here was badly damaged, a large portion of it falling away. in consequence the bridge is closed against traffic until repairs can be made. FARM RoLD.-Mrs. McDonald has sold her fame adjoining the village to Geo. Hansiltan, of eyelet. Wawauoeh, who will take pos.ession shortly. Mrs. McDonald will have en auction sale of the farm stooks implements, etc., on Monday, Apri)22nd. It. is her intention to remove with her son and daughter to Toronto to reside there for the filter.. They will be greatly missed here. CARLOW. W erere*De', April 10. NOTH$.—Archie }Ferguson bas gyne to Goderieb hospital, where be will undergo an operation The spring plowing has commented here. The fall wheat seems to he in good *baps. 8ogar-mating is progressing, there being a good flow donog the past week . ... flogs are again bring- ing a high price. MIL 8. Andrews ships a carload from Mere tomorrow, A number from hers attended tbe bin sale at John PMsk's yesterday. !hank MsDmue jr., was home from Toronto for.. The Collegiate students are home for the Baster vacation R. H. Sooressall and family, of Loyalmove to 'Oede- tisk tits week. A h mall damn was hid at their home on 9tisesday sight. Kra A. G. M.Osnali, d Gode- rhh, visited at the hems of Mr. aad Kra. Audrey/ Johnson last week..... Mise Hess, tsach.r is A 8. No. 8, le the bol at her home at John grosagbi a rai- eabte horse ats�teesalm sib_ etyhe TTheAW. Baia ! Peak*, Om. have Mew summed poise the mb & for seeaerde lewd Ase muse elf ear farmer& The OpewaGams sR�E mod �*latch =Pin sliest Stretf the pe Nev, J. K. einem• a �hw �wss s M tlabb s►H I Ase. J. Baaihea, stf Oedoeiti .. . y OetW-iloyere have been seat leg /tae.. at el and M rents a p.sc . �.re is • scarcity of caINg le the entsatry, owing, to the shortage ef feed Mtet t*U A tereg.ows Mtht A. TArm Q ti>r t put too oohs — as, lass wast sod the ptb at 1,ai. Mr. TooaAhas r iGREAT SPRING VALUES, VALUE ISA GREAT FACTOR IN TRADE We are glad to be in a position to offer values in new, fresh, up-to-date Spring Merchandise not to be found in many places. Early buying placed us in the front rank for prices as well as for goods. Our two Gays' big sale has left us with a !lot of short ends in Dress Materials which will be offered regardless of cost--.iome one-fourth off, some one-third off and some at about half- price. Come and get some of them. HOSIERY We are sbowiog a very large asaortwent of hosiery for spring and summer wear from 15e or two for 2bc to *1.00 • pair, The two for 2Se is great value, full sized, fast black and emmi see, Fashioned lisle in blank. maw lees, beautifully Geisha and only 95c. Special rs11 PRINTS Our 1230 (hest Print is net equalled in the trade tor t>Ka, A lot of 10C cloth ; good width and fast colon. STANDARD PATTERNS No pattern works out to Mow - tare ore given suly a. a Stan- dard. A full stock bare sow. r II GLOVES Perrin's sake, in kid and fabric, from 23c to 11.96. We ell the street K,ryer Wove. 30e, 7710,dl. Tbe fiery pair finger- tippeyser is the eut Glove in the market tor 50e, 75c and $1.04 WHITE LAWN WAISTS We are pstWag on sale for AlsaasJay's seeing thirty Lawn Waists. • special lot, some of farm lass thaw Wars' prices - eke toWAIL C i�� okers, 1 pieces of :61c quality for 15% CORSETS Always ley • D. 4 A. if you want the best. DRESS TRIMMINGS In Allover ase/ Beside, B bl Iswrtioos, isn black adore. A Iaegs range of cream ..ad white. EMBROIDERIES Forty-four pieces of Embroid- eries. mbs'oWeries. 8ale prima, 5c, 8s, 7e and 8e. Regular ruing prime of stew of them Se to 5o Is= than special are •skins' forA then Skirt- ings. 30c. 300. dee Sews of th 4-ineb hemstitching., J. H. OQLBORNE lemiellimenemomme KINTAIL COAL Any quantity of the beet Chestnut and Stove Coal .:►e hand at Kingsbridge. { t better get in a supply at once, as Farmers wanting Coll bad there ia likelihood of & cowl 'strike and most dealers in the »>� surrounding towns are out. C. BUFFET BALL, Kingsbridge. i TUESDAY, April 9th Among the Easter visitors 'here were Misses Isabelle MoLenn.n, Gracie McLean, Jessie Johnston and Pearl Dreu nan. A large crowd was present at the hall held in the local hall on - Monday evening. The musie t n' the occasion far exceeded that of any previous one. and the dance's thoroughly enjoyed the event. A dainty luncheon was rrerved. and the guests returned home in the wee sea' hours of the morning. Tell your neighbor what a newsy paper The Signal is -only 81 per year. DRINK HABIT THE GATLIN TREATMENT Absolutely removes alt straying and Mora for liquor in 3 DAYS Re bad after-effects. Call. Write or 'Phone for Booklet The Gatlin Institute 4d Jarvis St., Toronto Pone N. 4531- A. Hargrsve,Mgt•. Rids Skin of All Ilairs,Tr3 11, Free Wonderful New Preparation, Unlike Anything Ever Keown Before. -Them Notes Was es tees. Ie. s Minutes r -Y(a.n Gene Peewee P 1 wast nese .aa wee.. who Image Iota wiz.. IMbear, 1 iter► .s.4lnai'y th sew Yoe yeaWinne EliniZes. ead dm wimps mesa y tiled }'1 .•__.mania y1 lt ~"se. a. ■ ties Waage reed f1wN is lib gam 71e Bela se Any "[Mr. •,R � t r vastest seekfir 8•11.1 s Alynbr unsay •ttauam as. • hobby/ Nil die�eve e M rm. WI we sass of tbis sew !Elsner tarama w gM d 111, wits • Ee b� • Vee sea 'oar mew Teel We FREE TREAT1ENT ywr •es•• s'ia e8i e. sautes • Artistic Job Printing at THE SIGNAL •"yw�t�iwsy --"11\ Style, comfort and excellent work- manship mean Shoe -Satisfaction. I"n tfiis regard The Hartt Shoo stands in the "foreground. THF ii.RTT ROOT tt SHOE CO . (im tt.1 .' F. r r 1h e HARTT hoe Tt'a0F MA4'k ,t 1.C1. f J. H. McCLINTON SOLE AGENT THE SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. • Furniture • and House Furnishings Sprigs Necessaries to Fumbler* surd Fvraiskiags for the Hone . Realising the requirnseeta of the people of Godsriob and vicinity, i bare now a complete assortment of b P*awiture. All goods. including oMinery and .xclu'ive i.s gesr�+at moderate prtess--an amortmwt rarely seem outside the skis. Came In and see the Massy ihrelttrre you oars get et 8saeedsle . it's • p�g�� to elbow ety stock ; and If there L swathing yes ldestn i ie�vss't etoeked. 1 will get it for you Rugs i have alas a very dearrahle assertmeet d legs. A variety of enmities, /shares seri colorings. Mock all neap sod plisse right. ere The yet p:s, e to get Windom, Medea, Ross Nahlls up. A few Sewing Maeleleses at hue p & prises. A CALL tloucrr*D George tiohmeier. Ag. sqr JL z*rsw Pfsmi r NAPA IRING 'PHONE Orf wan R1OR siduAkas