HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-11, Page 3i rim SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO TIE TIE ORIGINAL News of District SND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE o' IMITA- TIONS. MOLD ON THE IKEIGT$ OF IINaij'S I,INIIENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS atld LIBRARIES booed or repaired. 60L1) LETTERING ooUos LEATHER GOODS leering thew a Tit promptly GNAL.Oeddedolandid t on A. E. TAYLOR. tlraerVOttZ CIVIL REG1N8$RING ` ALOHAA M. ROBERTO, CIVIL I sod Hydraulic tadsssr. Ontario Land r.re7or _ )docLztoJ APPAL, Te�leseees fab. er0east *EDICAL I IRS. TAYLOR AND T A Y L O R, 11 Pbys1da ...a 9sr ssas. oaio.-North ereet, .ext 8igsal testes. ke.N•nee--Talc DARdesis OLD Torras R. AA M. It IL B. A. D.R. W. F. °ALLOW M. B. Mee and reddens". Neu rtes, Gederta.'' .wok gR t:.eaty MeidaUT aim T,lspb•a• 12. rF. J. R. YORBTE R- EYE; MR aw *neo teinasaa � 4112 s. p. at. tela . T± -- LEGAL PROUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLOR- AN, barristers, aotsrlea water. b tee Marius eta vats sad. to lead at lowEast slag�ertt ,raphe se Interest w. iIWUUFOOT IL aC:, o. C. 11AY8, J. L KILLORAN. 1,1r G. CAMERON, L 0.. i3ARRIS- . Otires- rd�aw'TER. asitelher, notary tkoa Oud Ise. t t�d dew from iegttar., �ISARLSB BARROW. L.L.R. BAR i k1$T .R. •luras'*„ whence. d e... (sole reds. Money to lead at lrwri L tutee. VossO. JO13);;STON, BARRISTER Ares *didiia0e ktia••i�m�atw dnaits*notary peddle INSIIItANCE LOANS. ETC. L(cKILLGP MUTUAL FIRE IN di. BUR ANCIS Co. Para and Iwtaud Joe.(Jsyy� ins pm., p ,p.; 11s•tsspropertyai. ltg�s- ,i1 �P. O. S. al O_bssasa, Jobe Jam Wails Osastarocm Rama _Ilii k • :Jj• tt►• Yee. ; It. ankh.. a ming! alitt.s.r"tk aud tease atJ = J. r•rr4h tjllatats, or at R It. Capt'. Oseeq, sorest. Gi.wt.e. l .r'.' r° y.iy to t1. CAM- .treet erieb. W R. ROBERTSON. INSURANCE AGENT. rote ATL Iso ylwa • Brltia. Caesdisa sad Americas rnrticn;-r 8Iantma Also, rn : •like 1�aaas�� rtt•t vend aslMaagt FNnhry end Ltastl- tes Mrs. Murray, of Cllotnu, eelebrated her ninetieth birthday on Friday, March Sikh. Dr. Geo. Rosa, son of Mr. god Mrs- D. 0. Roes, of Brussel., bar opened a dented psalm to W iighana. The death of John Owens, • tamer resident of Exeter, took place et Chicago at the age of sixty-eight years. Garfield Seeker, formerly of Seel - eels, h.s purchased a drug business et Fort Frruces, Out., and is now in pre- sesMon. Yrs. James Hearn died et ber home In CUnton un Friday, March 29th. 8b. had been an invalid for a number of years. Charles Monteith, ot the Thames toad near Exeter, has bought the 100 - acre farm of the late Robt. D. Roy, of Fullerton. James Shepherd, an old and respec- ted resident of Cliatoo, passed away on March 29th. He was over eighty years of age. Haney Beam bas sold his 100 -acre farm on the 7th lice of Morris to Alfred Banker, of Brussels. He will remove W the Wein. The residence on the estate of the late Comm] Sperling, of deatnrth, bas been purcearrd by A. A. Momervsile. The price paid war 11,400, Following a tedious Illness. Mrs. Jame, Willleon, of Seaforth, passed away on Thursday, Marcb 'LFI. elle WAY fifty-five year. of age. The a.wasor of the town of Mitchell reports a population of 1,7)41. an to- m -were of tet over taut year. The se- -t•..ment he. increased $28,211. Oscar Sense principal of Craobrook school, has resigned bis position and will *wane the pnuripai.hip of the scquol at Port Elgin atter Ester. C. W. Whitemore, of Toronto, has Purchased John McLoughlin's inter et in the Clinton Motor Car Company and will take up bis residence in Clue ton ebortly. Mrs. Thomas McFadden hes sold b farm in McKillop township to Chst•las WVrigbt. jr. The farm cot - talus 100 acres and the price paid tor it was $o,4U0. A. Wilkeo, of Clinton, has re - tut ned from a six weeks' trip to Eng- land. It ie thirty-eight. years since be Ant cause out to this country and this was his first visit back. Sidney Fairbairn, of Minnedots, Man., formerly a resident of Exeter, died recently at Portland. Oregon. He was on his way home from Califor- nia at the time of his death. Mrs. Wm. Fessant died very sud- denly at W iogbam on Monday morn- ing of lest weak. Sbe was in her sixty-seventh year. Her husband and a family of ewe son and one daughter survive. J. H. Holtsmann, of Crediton, baa received word tbat bis son, Arthur 31., was suwe.aful in winning the first prise in the thirteenth annual inter- class oratorical contest at Napierydi. college, Illinois!. The building committee of Duff churcb, Walton. has let the contract for the new cbureh to John Hunter, of Ctanbrook. The price i. $8,180. Tire cost of the building will reach at least 111,000 when completed. Prior to their departure for Pigeon, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. John Geigel, of Zuricb, were made the recipients of an address and presentation of a bee utiful couch by the members area frien*s of the Evangelical church Sab- bath echoed. A pretty wedding was solemnised at Winnipeg on Thursday, March fifth, when Miss:Retie May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ii. Penbale, of Exeter, was united in marriage to Frank E. Claydon. The happy couple will reside in Vancouver. A pleasant event et Clandeboye on Wednesday, March Zltb, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Hodgins, was the marriage of their daughter, Miss Pearl. to Percy (1R Dauncey. The ceremony was pertowed by Rev. Mr. Lowe, assisted by Rev. R. Kerr, of Lucsn. Mrs. W. H. Ferguson, of the 5th line of Morris, bas seoeived word of the death of her sister, Miss Grace Irvine, in China. Miss Irvine bad spent the last twenty-three years as a missionary laboring under the direc- tion of the Chins Inland Missionary Society. A pleasant event took place at Brucetteid on Wednesday evening. March 27th, at the home of Mr. and re. Alexander MoBeath, when their tighter, Miss Bella Anna, was mar - ed ea John G. Kennard, of Stanley. he ceretnony was performed by Re.. U, Johnston. of Varna. uAhe a reel:re���s,agey�•lt of Vk da ecru sod Sr. !)avtr.w.rM reerre 1Je T .ice T OHN W.•• at 11 LI �Ir•I�RIgB� Await far .ss.. situated -qv tial s. U+Ut sit aa, 1as0 reset nda address W.Jat at calml*1 uedarann �i.k Ont. his .Aon. to • I ARItIAOE LICENSES 1y AI/I'Fit e1 OO�IT. P.. tODU R Of MARRIAGE LiCENSER W . LANEIS 1IIER OF KARRI- Apa 11•snna Selerye, OM. Weiss TAN LOU BDIfoar. . fBARBER SWOP sionsisamoss . THer...rinDirp. 1.1111 NW= altar w,M to An Old Railwayman Passes. John Wormsley, one of the oldest railwaymen- in Ontario, jird et the Old People's Home. London, on Wed- nesosy, March 27t.h. The deceased was the first conductor 10 take a train up the London. Huron A Bruce lbw then the property of the Great West- ern. The toad afterwards was taken over by the Grand Trunk and be con- tinued in the service of that company cm the lame bean.:h until about ten years ago, when he retired owing to ill health, rheumatism being h1. trouble. He bad since lived in Lon- don and fleeter. He wan over eighty years of age. A$NFIELD. TVaan*v, April 9h. neater Mgime 'o ov Asw/lst.n Council- the me..Mn were per ens at the regular Inestlag. The We- ems atm of February were reed and ap- proved. on motion 01 Maws. HtaelsMr and Didtoo. Bylaw he. S. appoladag WOO WNW'riemi>itpseM M......_ Alt.. sad AIIsw Nast al- ts* edlsel r hes ea tame of 1511 sgMwt.d.:.spt tress et We (- I. W. 5, i araNwsg i.. Singst unapt the sea se MI sent meeting et seen tell cher- M . AsseeneM to the .a*.wss et Wald were orterred paid. ea meats et Mem etewert sad 1hmesr Mem 'le"" Iliaobit OarigieseeIles sad sammell s4_d to May *10 at te W ter esr�tdl a enure g iewriaeswusd isle 0 . Wig. The poundkeepere are Ante Fialay, Neb. Pe,uson, John J.uliedo J. E. Malluugh. Dune. Mellows Thai "sally designed fur that or 1.teits XIV 'rank Scott and Thur. Irwin, bone -viewers are Jot. Hackett. Jo McDc•nagb, Robt, Webster, So Dreonen. K. J. McKenzie, Jobe Black, Henry fluff, Jar. Lane, W. J. McM Ian. Jas. Mellougb, John Finlayet Jss.Crawtord, John McLeod and T Sullivan. The patbmesters are J. Go don, J. Bennett. J. Tiger t, J. Foot B. Johnston, D. Johnsen], B. M Whioney, 8. Matthews. 4V. Jackman H. Stotbers. W. Emigre, A. Disbe W. Elliott, G. Johnston, J. Simpipn, $hrekleton. A.E Brown, W.Carey, lecbaedson, G. Draper, J. Young, Quaid, O. Green, T. (been, W. lire W. Mc('onnell, T. Dickson, W. M Milian, E. Flynn, G. Richardson, Foley, J. C. Dalton, R. Ilradley, Commun. C. Coram, T.Bhactletoo, W Hasty, J. Haines, R. J. Durrett., Rivett. H. Dsvideen, R. Park, T. Per E Dull. b;. Andrr.oa, 1. Cranston, Treleaven, O. Twarnley. R. Finis* R. Treleaven, H. Flniaru, B. Tack berry, J. Menary, P. McCarthy. Keane. C. O'Connor. John 8. Deno J. Long, P. Austin, d. 8n111van, J, Gregor, A. Young, D. McDonald, D. McDonald, Jar. M. Bowler, '1' Drennan. J. Murphy, R. Nelson,Lammh Johnston, H. Reinhardt, W. Lam R. Twamley, P. Moran, D. Racket N. Saunders, G. Campbell, V'.•Irwi N. Shackleton, R. Agar, W. Bowls A. Hackett. R Nixon. W. T. Oat her, N. McMillan, G. Hunter, J. Lao W. Ritchie, Jt. Howler, P. Hogin, Courtney. J. J.•hn.tone, G, Drenmar It O'Loughlin, J..1. Bowler, J. (Cowie J: Courtesy, M. O'Connor, K. Melee C. McLennan, , [1. C*thcss t, J. John sioo, T. Jchustu0, C. Boyd. W. N Johnston, J. C. Thurber/v. J W. Blue S. McNeil,, N. D. McKenzie, R- Ham ilton, A. ScD•atald, T. Kempton, J Mclntyre. A. Long. J. McRae. H. Mc fattish. P. Gilmore, O, Swann, J. Mur ray. R. Campbell. J. Clarkson. C E McDonagb. G. Gibson, J. Heater, 8 Reid, J. Reid, T. E. Finlay. T. Irwin. C. Baird. M. Rsynard. D. McOi[L D Murray. J. Hartwell, A. R. Finlayson J. K. McDonald, R. Rose, R. Sbield. THas. G. ALL.a't�, Clerk. TntinaDAY, Arnie 11, 1812 $ A MADE OVER STATUE. Designed to Pada as • King. It New Repree.nts a 8arat. „, The most made over t�tue In the n, world la to a emelt llttl cbunb at Id, Yarmouth. Isle of Wrgra it MAI orig- kin et Prance sod was the work of • Ro- bt. swan sculptor who seined for Praxes il- with thew statue, but was captured on • the way by se EugU.earth*. sb warip. Th • Prance and >):ogland were then at watt. :- and the box costalning the statue wail etc., � taken er on.polls. board the Engll.b vowel with g• 1, • I When Sir Richard Holmes, the En• lIsb commander, examined It and found T. the bead vas unfiolshed he ordered the J• sculptor to complete it le b1s own y, likeness. and so the heroic figure that .:- was Intended to represent a Preset J. ampere!) tamed into en officer of • e RngUab navy. • When Sir Rlebard was made gorer- S. k nor of the Isle of Wight is 1807 be 8. presented the statue of himself to tris n. Yarmoutb cburch. Half a century a• after bis deatb a statue of SL Jobs J. was desired for s certalo nice* le this n• church- and an English sculptor was clear- called In to cleaout the face and R. naval bat of Sir Richard and make • them over Into the benign features and n , flowing locks of the saint t. + The Incoogrulte of court clothes and n, a Jeweled chain on the deme of one . of the apostles did not seem to strike d- the worshipers as anything unusual, e• and St. Jobn still occupies his place by J. the altar attired In the finery of a french Mg -New York Press. GIRAFFES IN BATTLE • The Lang Necked Animals Wield Thele 1 Heads as Weapons. The giraffe bas au original and en. • riona method of fighting. The long secked beast baa neltber claws els • , beak nor sharp teeth with which to de. tend or attack, do when 1t 1* out se temper with one of its own kind to does not Oy to the face of peovidess* by trying to disembowel its &downier. as a tiger might, or toga it, as a rbffseir *reg would - On the contrary, the giraffe. knowing that it baa been provided by natters witb a long and pliable neck. tarmlaat- lag in a very .o11d bend. saga the up- per part of itself 8ke a Ball ant, swine' tag its neck round and round is a way that doe* tameless credit to tts orettb dtttlon. brings its head flows at each swing with a thump on its adversary. The other combatant adopts precise b the Name tactics. and tee two atd- >•ala, planting themselves as firmly as peasible ey stretching out on all Aver legs to the utmost, stand opp0sito each ethe hammering with their beads un- til one or the older has bad 'Doug& TO. bead et the giraffe in tarnished with two stumpy, born -Oke processed. ss teat the animals whim at telt ham - mew mer and tongs method et warfare re- galed the spectator wombat of two ancient warriors thumping each other with the spiked balls tiny used to eat' ry for that purpose at the and of chaise Harper's Weekly. Hom••.•k•es' ind Settlers' Specia Trains to Western Canada Via Chicago and • St. Paul, April 18th, 23erl, and 30th, sod every aecond Tuesday tberesfter until September 17th. inclusive- Tickets will also be on sale on certain dates via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. Speeial train will leave Toronto 10.30 p. m. on above dates for Edmonton and points in Manitoba and 8aakat- chewan, stopping et all points o0 Grand Trunk Pacific Railway west of Winnipeg. Through coaches and Pullman tourist sleepers will be car- ried fully equipped with heddiog and porter in charge. Berths may he secured in sleepers at a low rate. This 1s so exceptional opportunity for those wishing to take advantage of the tewarksbly low one-way settlers' rales or round-trip hogteeeeket•s' ex- curaions through the Afnerican cities. Net change of ceps. Secure tickets and. berth reservations from F. F. Lawrence, Town Agent, or write A. R. Duff, District P.asenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto. fifetf_ Fal Mopes, Once I ran or odic. Is a U place Sway one was certain I would win the raca In my ear they whispered., "You are to the good; Ton will b. elected. - And I thought I would. Hen who had been strangers Het me every day, Said that I had nothing But a walkaway. All their friends and neighbors Were for me. they said. And I never doubted I would be ahead. e Others came and touched me For an X or V; Balethat they would use it Where results 1'd sea Some judicious treating Often pulled one through, Though I didn't need it. And I thought so too. Why can't one forever Go on dreaming things? Why must an election Come and dip his wings? People name and proml•ed T711 the air was blue. But the things they told me Never did come true. reed Example. "That autoist is likely to be eructed for ng" 'Mier "That fellow wbo goes at the rate of forty milts an boar." "Ob. of course not; that's Blinks." "Who's her 'President of an accident insurance A Vftal Pante. Z Mary going to the Monroe dance Thursdays "Pie" kyr "W.'s so fastidious. She said that rS Mt tad in addresses the Invite Hos was 1, horrid taste." WI.. -Why dost yon go boon% Bilk r -'oawae." "hot ti's capper time: -I ettS't sobs hems ell bedtime" 'Mir ear _,albs* /.,a mit " •,yWlSre FINE FOA TIM FAMILY. Kellogg's Ttnatsd Corn iihias 1. .eoto•miral se well es nutUNlstm and assert. A tenewt priahrige ssnbdss enough for twenty sinus. SS Dents ter a l Osnt Sinop. Mn. P. IL Osr+ah. of OWL. oilers se sand a peek- qg. et the weatmem hoe every dee and slag women who we 110,wrierpsr her ed, b dMv low Iw page L As this wings is earth On riNiss a eesYgltw In ties smelts ite at the remedy Mat M await te peeve d ga.sele., The Triple Pluses. Tim three, feathers of the Preens el Wailes, with the German motto. "kb Dien" ("1 serve"), are .opposed to be the arms of the blind klag of Bohr mea. whom Edward IIL's soli, the Black Prince, overtime at Creasy. The captor, It will be remembered. waited 1n his own tent upon his cap - ties; hence a special slgnlllcaoce to the words "I serve." Io thee how- ever, we have a story that history Fe- tuses rfuses to accept The triple plume. 111- deed. tdeed, as well as feathers of various dumber,. tame into general use about the time of Edward NIL But it was not unknown beton that time, and even at tbat time ft was not the dis- tinctive lrtinctive cognizance of the Prince of Wales. Other member, of the royal family bore It as well as be. Not till the reign of Henry VII. was the triple ,plume within a coronet restricted a the eldest son of the sovereign, -51. Louis Bepubltl. The Her... The reins may galde the borne, Use bit may Inspire biro by its careful ma- nipulation and the whip may urge iln ,forward to grater ambition, but the human voice Is tar more potent that all these agencies. Its as.uring tones will or towns quickly dispel his fright. Its sharp, clear, electric -commands will mors thoroughly arouse 01s ambition and its gentle, kindly praises will more completely encouregfe the intellgent road bores than the tatted torte of the bit and reins and the lash. No animal to domestic use more readily responds to the power of kindhese than the road borne. --Exchange Me Egotism. 'What le the tastier with Jonas/ if. seed to he a modest sort of tallow. bee lately he seems "alaost Oserttns with sed "Hay.a't you bad/ Mrs Jagee le setae another women ter allassliag arsetiona and ills chs dammer M I110 00." -Juga The Last Or all the parts et a law. the mane abetual is the shIlleab4. be a le bet last labor to say. "De MY tee aver mgt.- maw we ales derive. "Ten n..I4 be the e.w.wrse et yawn Mir eaMpllawea" The nods .troughs and mlMs eta law ttttwe b the gmeillg 11111.1101 b 1M.-Bleilslrat 11144.0 Pliny to - Wow ter We dins set► ltiwYy ma/ its isdtiMt► werllfetrSWWit eh New with Is w eft de.wdeltr. i`tIse .t; - SWOP. LL s..r"' SW rarairMl•ftgalliallimmeemallaliffss f D. M I LLAR SON HOUSECLEANING TIME HAS NOW ARRIVED With the opting cleaning t•ea*ou now right upon us. every lady is interested in New eerp.te, Linoleum* and Oilcloths and all Household Furti&kings. W.' are better prepared to meet every demand for the modern housekeeper than %se torte were before. Carpets and Carpet Squares A west ea! -tale, *bowing of Carpet Squares in all the wanted sixes. Tapestry Squares $3.25 From sites 21 by 3 yards to 34 by 4 yards, from, each Velvet Rugs -the her weariug Rune'at a low price. Sizes from 24 by 3 yards t0 3 by 4 yard', from ... $i2 up Wilton Carpets. AB skies. Axminster Squares. AU slam. Scotch Carpets Special Scotch Carpets imported direct from Ayrshire, Scotland, all pure wool :end will give endless satisfaction, and come in beautiful color combinations. CLAREMONT 24 by 3 yards.. 1 7.611 3 by 3i yards 510.00 3 by 4 yards 511.130 BALMORAL 3 by 4 yards . . 118.00 MAYFLOWER 3 by :i4 yards ......,. SUNBEAM 8 by 4 yards MOO ,...12,1,40) Curtains and Curtain Materials $pleodid showing of all the newest novelties in Lace rylurteinr and Curtain Materials. The most popular material foe diningro.otn and livingroom Curtains are the Fob rete+ They come in white, ecru and Arab. at :Mc, are. 45c to Stic a yard. Muslin. and Fancy Scrim in endless variety, from 10c to iilic a yard. Beautiful showing ot Nottin*ham, Scotch. Swire and French Curtains. Oilcloths and Linoleums We feaf.n•e Nairn's Scotch Linoleum*, and for .1..woright bard wear these gads cannot be Oilcloths and Linoleums-Con. surpassed. They corm int -yd., :t -yd. and 1 -yd. width,. Our s p e c i a l price Nairn', Linoleuww• in all the newest floret and block $2, pattern*, 4 yds. wide. At per yd.... �/ • All Linoleums well and satisfactor Dominion Oilclothily 1*ifree.25 Nairn's Oilcloths .Beeutuul designs in Nairn's Scotch Oilcloth, Ydyd., wide only, newest designs. Per "IR J , This is one of the moat o*ti.factety Cilclotbs in .be market at the price, all the newest de..igns, ilin �eed . 1 14. 14. '2 and 24 yards ,wide. At30c .'PHONE NO. OS D. MILLAR & SON PHONE NO. se 7- 3 DRINK HABIT' THE GATLIN TREATMENT Absolutely removes ell erasing and j desire for liquor In 3 DAYS No bad after-effects. Call, Write or Pbooe for Booklet ' 'The Gatlin Institute 42s Jarvis St., Toronto 'Phone N. 438. A. Hargraye,Mgr. An English Chemist Has Discovered How to Grow Hair. In England the ladies have entirely I abandoned wearing rats, which is due entirely to this new discovery. ' It hau been proven tbat Henna leaves contain the ingredients that will positively grow hair. That they con - Lain this long -looked -for article is pro - yea every day. The Arneric*nsare now placing on ' the market is preparation containing the extract loom Henna leaves, which it baying a phenomenal sale. This preparation is called Salvia, and is being sold with a guarantee to eure dandruff and to grow hair in rbundance. Being daintily perfumed, Salem makes a moat pleasant hair dressing. Dunlop, your druggist. is the Ant to import this preparation into Goderich and a large, generous hotels can be purchased Jur :i0c. Stimulate the heart to love and the mind to be early accurate, and all other virtnee will rise of their own accord, .'i d all vices will be thrown out. - Coleridge. There is some help for all the defects of fortune. for if a man cannot attain to the length of his wish -s he may hive his remedy by eiiti lug of them shorter. -Cowley. Scott's Emulsion keeps children healthful and happy. Give them a few drops of this strengthening food - medicine every day and watch them grow. If PREVENTS Croup Whooping -Cough Bronchitis Loss of Flesh ad may coeur hemline sea s101110wtwve ALL. WEARERS OF LEATHER GOOD LEATHER MADE INTO SERVICEABLE AND STYLISH FOOTWEAR PLEASE 'TAKE NOTICE that. hawingdi y grocery w esu on Jjantilton street, thanks are ue disposed generous petrouaget received in the past ; and I wish to solicit a continuance of public favor at my new location on the iquai•e (East side), wbere I have purchased Mr. Bern's stock of Ladies' and Mell's Footwear Trunks, Suit Cases, Bags, etc. The stock will lee kept up to n high standard of quality and excellence. Keep your feet dry -our Rubbers will do it. TRUNKS, ETC. if you are going eway, we can Trunk, Suit Cabe or Grip you to your satisfaction in quality rand price. . All orders for Repairing promptly attended to. JOHN H. McCLINTON More Stove Talkt The bargains which we ere ' offering in stoves nevs'i lie- - a_ tore were equalled in God. - rich. To clear our reek in Ibis line we bare been ,lash- ing the prices eo tbas they have now leached the mini- mum. We handle the ilnffatt Ranges aid Art Gar land. Souvenir anti Moffatt iL.•atent -ell of there baying a first. cities reputation. it will pay you to ('*11. READY FOR MAPLE SYRUP The season for maple syrup is approaching and w e have • big stock of pap pails sod *piles to supply your de- mands. Our prices are right. Esthtths carry over for somber Hawn, we have a num her of HennC,roas-cut Saw* and conn'* Gloves and 'navy lined litittewidie we will clear at 'meetly reduced prices. FRED HUNT Phantasy. Besting F.avestroughing and Oertwal Hardware. Hamilton Street Try The Signal for Fine Job Printing