HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-4-11, Page 1Printing In Crest style promptly executed at reaeooable i titre bI• The Signal Job Department .I s t 1' t '1 ItTH YEAH -Mo, Mai* Renew Your Subscription THE STERLING BANK oP �� PAY BY CHEQUE Paying' your accounts by cheque offers addltion:t. cures . A cancelled cheque is lice best proof of pay- ment. The privilege of paying by cheque is extended to d.-pomitots in our savings department. Heat: Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto Goderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager .sw4 'tom A. G. NIS /1) 1) Ins&iir,A nee and Ie t ET /! Est 0 Agent of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canad;,. The Western Assurance Company. I'he Royal Exchange Asenrance of London, England. The London and Lancashire Guarantee and Accident Co l'be American Surety Company of New York. All kinds of ineuranoes.. Office nett to llauadian Bank of Commerce ire GODHRICH, ONT• ANNUAL MEETING. THE GODERICH ELEVATOR AND TRANSIT (*O3IPANY,LIMITED .tie annual general of the Ooderlc$ r. Limited. will Manager. North Muse meting Itlersitar aha/ adios be bald at Vie ,.. tit' V►EDIt)�hAY �T ler, 11112. .1110 oak ossa. fee 1j. of diruotont lar the ,swing aef ttiiWee transaction of any ether boohoo that' Wa mar iwPa't7 be brought . Odors Dederick AaMl ltk �N. Ma NOTICE TO COR'TEACTORS NOTICE r{ TO�CONTRAC+TOtRS. -imidsuea..M�ssasMsilsnw wl• assaaed er bMieseelle. Myr -- et • w11. w sews et Ostledela Pleas and esetisr a+7 Awa et W cake d 1111as ($s - , IM levee t er oar [ander acs neammearily weeetet C. M. litURTt1N. Ie. rt Brainard stet. Detroit Mleb. STOCK AND STABLES FOR SALE Alt the stock and equipment of ('undry'. Livery will be Bold by auction on WED.. MAY lett No reserve. Everything will he sold, including stables. JOHN PURVIS, Auctioneer. SITUATIONS VACANT. AUs'TION SALES GODERICH, THU 4 UOTIuN SALE or VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. The Mire:. tlbarmso will sell by toblic auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 13ru. at Y o'clw k 0. m.. their property on Cast street U door. wed of Knitting raat0ry,, Quart of lot N0. In lutIc.quarter acro). on winch le • two-story brick veneer torose coma DAY. APRIL 11, 1912 10 TUfr tI ISYAL 1 get not, of the pi t ID12 Calends I a. Do It Nuw THE &ZONAL PRIN. "NO CO.. Ltd., Penniman' GIOOERICM MARKETS. ��� 1et��The aensr,eAprlI1lth. wM f wbsK Mr kttib» o� in to 6 e yet twr hub to u dI Gehl offer base bush 0 M W r ig Barterper ie boa tee*o le. to I u5 e 7S to e 60 saw sato ! ai w 7s sle to a co ato SSte IT Mt n 3!wto 13 I0 00 to +u, aoto w -, t le to n3: it ten there Flour, tar cwt double parlor sitting -room. dining[ root inlid 8. .Pmtie t.Mr ewe. aid Shona r to coiner H te .. par lea, sew Straw t andd 8atee O0drer Per .Leossa . de- otos 1K {ear lea rich. A kitchen downstairs. and lour bedruoms '&•[broom upstairs. House has • good sod le heated by furnace. The location L &food, being only minutes' walk from the O. T. R.2$on seven situates' from :square. The M Sharman are lit og out tt"ert and bar tided to dispose of their propert7 la bade Mr. James 8t,wart, express teerregw,•Dew weenie. the Mime and has kindly eaaesated to let Intending purebe.ers see through the house two day. before the sale. There *PI be a reserve bid. TER Mei: -10 per tient. at time of sale ; ba1 woe in 1D days. Yoe further particulars apply to WM.SMARM AN or T. GUN UK Y. Auetionom AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The public at residence. Eley t stroireet the dors east of Goderich orae faoleryi, on MOND( Y. APRIL Orli. at ! o'clock p.m Diningroomn furniture, kitchen chain. table. dishes. cooking utensils. etc., bedroom furnl- tare, lentos, two .loves, rocking mumu,glees cupboard. sewing mune utter buusehold artidu too eteraooae to mention. maga CASH. THOMAS OUNDRY, Auctionsor. AUCTION SALE SPLENDID or HOUSE on N•pl r attest sad • fwrntshed Summer COtt+ore at Hemostat's Part. • Mr. George IdePbee will ee1/ by puhlk t auction et the peasis„ on Napier street. Ooderlch, on WEDNIL'RDAY, APRIL J7re, commencing at 130 o'clock sharp : The r.widenos on Napier onset is one of the vary beet bath house In Ooderteh. Contains *Mow mid bath ie well mitoated, has a good aOhm of tie lake, harbor apd river. It was =built y kir. McPhee for hie owe see convenience. There is aimo a - hays stable and the lot Y a fall gutter - sera The household furniture also will be toad mod &ankle of tables chain, loaoge.. settee, oar - =swore, several bed room sets, sewing 3 awes of stunted birds, 1 dulled Mar, 1 Outfit' ttild cat. several doses self amalatia All kitchen furniture and etaaWr, coal and wood stoveq lawn mower, jos 1 long ladder, 1 bog truck, lee beaker 1 sow beam worker. t pit of bob deals wet Sad two seEU, sae rubber hos. two bicycles aid 00. est 01 si t w hansom& At the muse time the summer cottage at Matesetuatt Parts together with an the tuna - tare win to .std. 1111 hie Weal mammae * war built by Mr. McPhee Unwell and Mu put up u osis w • boas of that kind can b• ha*. Ileseltking will be disunited of as Mr. No- nmoving to the Wean moues to! be p. [neo pee area.osgemire. aaddty lot at tee heasMeYer furni�wns whets ree. cues Os swim 1110PHTE, THOS. GUNDRY, PreeriRor. Auctioneer WANTED. ---A HITCHER GIRL 11 'O F •"let coop. Aryls at HOTEL BED- tlblt NOTICE PO ODDFELLOWB. will be ratioreciti,. � mer. - Apglitatioos laeia.l i the r Me position s np w ■ w. astarwl..10r or oars LF Hall, duals to commence C. R c 8aenig r particular" apply to IL (=ENERAL SERVANT WANTIW. '.J 41ely to ME& .1. B. HUNTER, Natsea 9tLtt WANTati.-o1/44. NW*�eaA6rQUALIFIED Odp.it~ AmerApeakeal14- - s attarat lsega aad lemsived yAL PL ski sae WA RPRESENTATIVE WANTED IN ewelooty amare tar. for Cut- teeeeymall order hoose. Few hours' epare timewill rs� can do the work. Outfit furnished tree. DO- MINION GROCERY CO- )Vlndeer, Ont. al -4t FOR SALE. FOR SALK.-BUFF ORPINGTON map for Toronto. Gori sailing from stook aired by li1.pb Draottord prize winners. LAWIOMUDuunnl p1.3 Write or dime. V. ['PRAYING OUTFITS, ETC. 1 ._ Nothing pays better than the Dare of your orchard. Tics very beet denying outfit* and material at leweet prion.. For mate by D. F. HA.MLINK, Goderich. FOR SALE. -1 BET SINGLE DRI v - f ING 1 est single dray hareem. 2 robes. 1 Nsiork I getter. 1 rubber tired beery. etc. A ehg.se Orr a good baelain. En- quire u THIS 0 ei, e j1JAyyLL PAPER -1912 WALL Tor- onto Wall Paaper perCo. at (o. Select andmetrees T your work done before the rush. Prins debt. Borders meld by the roll A. HNAZEI. Agent, Fiat street Ooderlcb. 67-tt i Attention! . If you are open to invest $100.00 to $1,000.00, easy payments, write us at once. People who bare invested through us in the past are now reaping from IR per tent„ to X10 per cent. on their invest- ment. We place investments in choice inside City Property and are sit present investing in t Weyburn, Saskatchewan f . Inside Property ea we believe it win be the nett City i, Saskat- chewan. BuLHiagu under cooatreeebo and permits will sesonat to over •1.0$4400 this year. '(time new livres al Railways assured. making it a Meige Railway Ceatra If you are interested, write Chs. V. Campion & Company RYiiUANI •aOVWITY RAPIN 1RTiLIMNO IVETIPUEM, sul[ATOQsWAM i A UCTiON SALE or: FARM 8T(1('K, IMPI.EMEN'T8, ETC. Mrs. L. A. McDonald will offer for sale by public aucUou at lot it. concordat 11. Hallett, Irillage of Auburn[. on MONDAY, APRIL :Ms:D. commencing at I o'clock, the following: Hoeam..--I aged brood man: 1 Meavy draft mare. 8 years oki ; 1 heavy draft noire. 6 years old; 1 heavy draft hone, rbing 3 yeah old ; t driving mare, 3 years old. C••r'rt.a-3 gout mile* cow,., due to calve in aiay ; 4 heifers. riafog 2 years 04d ;1 steer, rising 2 years old ; 3 stems. rising 1 year old. Pioa-1 b•Ood sow, due in 'lay : 1 brood row ; hogs. average 130110. 130 bene IMrt.zru:ters.• Mativey'.Harrls binder, Mawey- Iiarrle mower. hay rake. I land roller. Harris culU -.tor, M,w .ey-Harris seed Milk net Iron barrows. 1 gang Mow 1 twin plow. 1 new Cockehutt plow. I single plow. 1 wagon. 1 sleigh. I sulky cart. I good rubber tired boggy 1 cutter. 1 ecuMer. 1 turnip sower. 1 root pultor. 1 hay rack. rig rack. gravel brit. [top box. 1 set d doable harness, 1 set of plow haroess, 1 set single harness ince Hy new,.horto collate. I good Ssakat.chewtin robe Meetly newt. mug and MI doth. I good pair hone blanket, 1 grind. stone, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 fanning mill, 1 water trough. 1 1i -foot ladder. 1 wagon lack. 1 pump and pomp logs. bay fork. tope. ear and .ling . a quenttty of cedar post., sleigh bunks. milk tank and erns. neckynkee and whtftietree,, saw& forks. chains, shovels, hors. spade, o.uuhook. a small quantity of hay and ilio bnabebn of oats Hot-uu ot.n Eerscis.-Chsirs lounges. bed. steads. dreseen• kitoben cupboard, 2 dining tables, sewing machine.' washing machine, barrels, tabs, churns. writing desk, organ -sinks, crockery, Mrs.! good Crown Huron range and pipes. 1 good wood heaters. 1 good ostler nook stove. and othe. &ruche. loo nusiereu- n0 men Unna TERMS. --All stuns of ten dollars and under. cash : over that •mountseven months' credit will be given on torn.-hing approved joint tints, A discount of tour per cent. .tralght allowed for cash on credit .mounts. Hay turd vain emit. MRS. 1. A.Malt NALiD. T. OUR DRY. Prorietrems wA uet4oe ,ars 4 I'C`7ION SALE - OF 8IX ACR OF LAND with a comfortable frame hoo.e, femme barn sed other bundles. together with UTQCO, IMPIiM&NTi A ROVe.Hpt,p rURNnit'.g In the township of Colborne. 1 am lemtrmoted b7 Mrs. H. Tlebbore• to sd1 by peblie emotion at the prenrbre, &oc eewjen 9. W. D. Colborne 0i mile" from AalUbtd,, on WEDNESDAY. APRIL MT., commencing at, o'clock sharp; Tme y cooahu or alit Same of good Yeti. oe which there M a mestmeteby b�... tope. barn and re aehmrd et aboot 73 tree~ meetly a�il�eaasmod }� pYss Y Y very good abate, bones aro amef aft ta welt L Tpin wge M }i�egeerMtMRehes meM mare K 11 f D' &'sleet. This Ease a amod Ise w•ntln� ee have • Wet well. ems wlolive to iih.isMinm apt elm of Nth ]'seem win Is* aeaeesyd u At of were time thele will bs 1 mare, ti Mg, le Mal: 1 cow. 6 rimes EA dM to eir• 1 Nmu-bead Amoy 411f.' - Id 1 Mehl wages : 1 &gals 1 to sf ,,► ' 1 leH: pbw deeememe. wash tom'li item • ,sredph�si�.roam ; 11g M mew.1 Mr tithe. w 7",==.1..virt. e:..... l� nreLefills. L 1 Tltil & OUNDR T. ll A.atlgttsw e =bee =mw , ter li tt�o (0,4 3 S cattle. eitCy kattle. import. o ptr cwt. 3'di to to Sheep . :dr otet.. 40 ttoo Yellow, per lb 10 to Hide., peer ewt 7 ,n w etimp,iti,w YS to 1 1►t SW 0 75 . w 4 K 7 Al 3t - PUBLIC NOTICE - - - - - - NOTICE. -BOAR(/ OF HEALTH. Under instruction of the Heard of Health, the cit &ens are directed to ses that all bac►yards are cleaned and treed of refuse before the 1st ay of May. The inspector oil) commence his limits of fnspectlou after April 15 and soy rremlewo remaining lo au un.antt..ry� condition after May 1 will Ili cleaned order direction of the and the ebmrim, therefor a..,. -ed net the property. A.C. HUNTER, X. K %YIOLEE. 18`M M.H.O. Chairwan Hoard of Health PUBLIC NOTICE. L1 A R M HELP AND DOMESTIC 1 1 lRVANT&.,-Pelson. requiring farm bdp should appl once to WiL.LIAY )ICQIIL- LIN, Dominica Government Li0ployment Agent, 8C Ha1eas, (tat. tonere haft with H. U. WOODei, 8t Helene. Oot.. will receipe�om pt &Ueetlaw,. receive 110.1.2 DAPERHA1GING, PAINTING • and kalaominlag, etc. Fivie el..s work, rush. s SNA2� pato street. 0 . 6work done betore 7 U AUCTION SALES C LEASING AUCTION BALE or HOUBKHOLD FURNITURE AND I MPLICM EN'I8, 1 an, introot.d by Mrs. Thoma. Precious to pill by public mustiest at her roaldeooe. Raglan ataeetSATURDAY, APRIL 13rg, ossmeudag at 3 e'dsok sharp One Masa4$arris seed drill Meade now). 1 MAA 1 depglet wagon, 1 set taffy bwrea, seuhrtsfmr a seal" (1 wpealbar.ew. Garland.- 1 bedroom u 4_ 1 1 chamber sal, 1 Wawa ss� linearly newt, i looms, 6 esaisastll 1 kitchen table, 1 tame balsa., 1 nowise m•mbine needs new/ 1 s.4 1 wash tub, 1 no kettle. I m�a ra,4 �Yo��anuty et riwaptg oWst. . and other ►Rinigs. e10 and under. rash ; Ant months' audit win be Maw ger win be diehon pand w*M. aiy [nerve. MR&. THOS, PILC1uL'e, T. SUNDRY, A*etls.eer, JUDICIAL SALE, JUDICIAL BALE ABRETB OF THEoDOTY ENGINE WORKS CO, OF OODIRICH. LTD. In tee mater of the Winding Up:Act. Revised Statute of Canada, Chapter 141, and Amending Asti and In the matter of the Doty Engine Warks Company sit Ooderich. Limited. Sealedtenders will be received. addressed to S L Doyle. Local Marler.[ he math VIZ sad m)oyie, -Tenders - the art defgelrh_'. Doty Zulu Works Comma, of Ltn.itedr, up to twelve o clock septi d 8e012.- d•y, April 131.h, 1912. for the purchase ea Woo of Me Wowing sestets of toe Dotyfeeds& Work. Com tro� or OodeHcb, Limit Parcel No.L-Being In the town of Godhbb. In the comity of Huston, Ontario. and too Hi u lots Na.. 00d and 9V•. and a strip of 1a feet on Chs Wert side of lot No. M1 extending from front to tear thereof, also lot No. 910 and the west side of for No. 141, having • eroutege of 212 feet and a depth of 235 feet. more or less, together with machine shop, o3oe. boiler bons•, erecting shop. tool room, otos age sic moulding.hop. pat leen -iorage boom, pi' pattern shed. frame storage shed. open se. concrete pattern and c.e.ting storage house, brick machine shop and concrete blacksmith eke. engine end holier room thereon. Parcel no. 2. -Being part of lot No. 12 in too re -sit, A In the town of Ooderich, in rho county of Huron. vntario, situated near tae Grand Tr•ank ItwuwaJ Station, with concrete boiler shop. engine mom and boiler bons& thereon. PaMei No 1.- tieing plant. machinery. Inc!'. shafting. hangers. tot)cyt, halting, with homes and wagon*, pontos, sod drawings fn, around or contained in the ppremises reetalnrd soder parcels 1 and 2. and lnrentoried at 111311.037.133. Parcel 0a 4.- Nerug the ('nappse) d right, title and {atria -et sutler' to all Ileum eau assigr menta there. swains[ or hypothecations thecae( in ail me. chetah we. accounts iete.1vs tole or duos iu aet:m, each e(alma if any. ea the Company may havegainst the ee.au o[ the late Y. W. Doty and Use Doty Cnglne Works ('oo:eel of Winnipeg, Limited. Parcels Noe. 1. 1 and :, ars .00)44 to mnort- ggwwRRee In fat or u( Use town of (saaerieb mor J *13.:{o) and interest which the purchaser mn.t 0•.900& In addition to Hee eats* 010.1 1 machinery aggro aurur Nal sad letere„` Tenders most be for theaasuenndswed aloe of parts , Nos, 1, 1 and 3 and for Cha Company equity and Huhu; snrh as they are or may be 4. parcel N0. 4. An tare . Insurance. wester rates and .imWr iters Me to 4 adjusted Us the date of Cabe •ggagsa... of tender. Talwee %&etas M paymer will be )o per 001.4. K sgeda,d on U..• isepi/e.aes et tender, aMa om lignsksder of such leader in ozurw of the essessi moss, wit hint=4,4 without lieptat*digitt. assamad te the 7ti_ wW be opened .4 rite r ha, -141 d 11 tM Const tit Lig weasel a.m. whoaOvearls,_ es y all ahem toh0 ebepee pa)*Ne to M OWL A the mesusst...... M 111e..M If w terser is we (fib Seiler I. as a est the THE TOWN COUNCIL SALE OF SUMMER HOTEL AT LAST DECIDED UPON. Chas. C. Lee's Offer Accepted at f164,250 -Minister of Militia Prom- ises to Give Goderich a Visit This Summer- What About Interest on 0 W. S. donde? The regular meeting of the town council was held last Tbnreday even - fog. AU the tuemter,* were present except Councillor Graham who was out of town. Councillor Laithwaite came in about 8:46. Mayor Reid reported having re- ceived a communication front J. T. Arundel, C. P. ti. divisional superin- tendent, with reference to the pro- posed new Hour shed at the dock. In the letter Mr. Arundel stated that since hie visit to Goderich a queatipn had arisen aa to the protection at the dock. 'It wan doubtful, he &slid, whether boats would be able to use the dock in front of the proposed Hour shed before the breakwater was cowpleted, and this would not be until September next. The letter Wag filed. Power Meeting at Clinton. 1). L Macpherson, town clerk of Clinton, sent a letter to the Mayor, naming Thursday, April letb, as the dote for a meeting at Clinton of rep- resentatives of the municipalities in- terested iu the development of electric power on the Maitland River. Em- bodied in Mr. Macpherson's letter wan a paragraph from a communication received from W. W. Pope, oecretary of the Ontario Hydro -electric Com- mission. ft read as follow, : "Our people have nut yet completed the data, sdcb as sounding* and measure- ments, of the various streams to en- able them to complete the calculattone as to the estimated price of power in your locality, but they hope to have this completed about the middle of April. Tberefore I would su8gest calling your meeting for some there alter the 15th of April. 1f you will FOR SALE OR TO RENT R SALE.-BIX LOTS ON BRIT- ANNIA road, within easy walk from the le as wort Ise town. Apply to M. POT'S, 8ay,farQ, LIOB BALE.-SNIALI, HOUSE AND 1 lot oe 8t. (/avid'. street. Ptaot ioaily pew, A POT le Mini&OARROW. It HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALE ON Boron road, ashort distance from town limits. Lot Contains two acre with good orehari and small butte. Prune house in geed repar MelooAmmo, wishing tupelo same will OFFICE for Information. Duly s%THIS R SALE. -THE HOUSE AND lot on Palmerston dtr•oet. Oodericb, be - to Mn. MaeOUlhtay is offered for relit, Prlu.4Lr10p; the la on the north remained. Apply at THE SIGNAL OFFICE, timer -ice. gems 1110 RENT. -A SEVEN -ROOMED 1 brie& house au Neiman *fast; a geed �a�uo a number of loth teens and a .table tae rot• Agaly et Tile SZoNAL OFYICE. ern 141114 QUICK SALE OR RENT. -- .e.• nesse loom oa East street. Goderich, escepied by G. M. E4Hott Thum house has all OdQa 0onveol.00e�s, Is tin to date and a very too 0. 1W !MIAOW. tzgaat'fcalO, Mal lat.t; Cooly HOUSE FOR 8Arat -WIZ FRAME mane fBormerly °coupled s. Knox Ibattrrouada. Apply to It. J. ACH x. removed �m VOA SALE.-FRAMF. HOUSE ON Cambria tot•uod ljo, under whole house fifty-two nine rooms, and 10 Of verandah. A opl�to THlkt. W. Ty u VOR SALE. - A COIIYODIoU8 At with dwelling near the Square, recently built ft, Rub Ti6SOr,N° wmceoep.xa Apply tf W. L`OR BALE. -TEN ACRES FRONT- e- IND South and Bennet streets, Ooderich, mestry high Mod metitrosing Lake Homo: early around gettable fur poultry, small fruits; or garden • some gt od tory land: mei tertns. H. A. JORDAN, 173 Windsor averse, Windsor, Ono Ott To RENT. -A SOLID BRICK house containing n doable parlor, dialoagg room mod kltcheu downstaln and three bad- room-. nun a batnruosi upstairs. All modern own, rotenone. including 10t�'a�000ee.. For rmober particulars eppI- on the premlm.. to G. AS. 811A W. Bruce stet's, Ooder{eh, 0444 L"OR SALE. -MIX FIHST4JLASS 1 b*IWtp(y�mg 1w on Rant/gal and North wrest,. (:HARi.EB (JARROW. Mgt FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- A: was` wmoaele s, .of- wn.,11..,ted ono rue sone of Carlow rand ewe (inti sages hem C. P. H. Is Liars bank barn and a &el mereeesseIt b well watered. a oever.aliapDY.a clams to abarna. The le ellefiestlmao bet farrlm 1t le ego sad the tan be /fries,Ageiv w 1[ C JONIm NOIR,Meekmsteii TO RENT.-niK STORE Now OO - by fr for m. set am- er slay Mase sot eapiassrtly - erte�ttr� testiest semis In teewssg, t 1LLWl3 t �mrrned.re y ,ttTxa�a'OW Let.RII or IW ACRES, FIVEMILIt;B ue Imetwow: fifteen serge 00ibalaase �.ists" been ester. 'mea. ftem. Ageiy M I[A'ITIIIt%V are(Prbo- nos. ew QOlii1. B.Ifost/►a.�i ' a�YnEA ACRS(( OF s�g�g�e� 1g11c'�-et..� wtr mag - al Zen' w44 to Panty No. 1. -The k t sr St ys o * pNial*.ksaeiwe� d MMFeMIaiMia iels sits �IY�t 1e v Iso weer wed le ewe er ase `r �h7ehImes Ohs . w apt4111L 4 Melo reser ■"t A sash wwsbur. k M �! ei:.mAsh OA 1111hlleeit>`ssh,uM A la I147'L [ � r Psoiroro T, EATS s: q � Ila 1s F1/111 aRaeiI. sbt e M A. �*Mh 1b w let rue know the date, we will arrange to bare emu s)rson there to 'waist you... On motion 'waist of Councillbre L sh- atter and Humber. Mayor Heid and Reeve Munninge were appointed tu' attend the meeting. Col. Hughes Will Visit Goderich. Col. Sato Hughes, Minister of Mili- tia, replied to Cue council's request for the erection of an armories building at Goderich. He stated that be pur- posed yisitiog Goderich during the coming mummer and would then in- spect the site which the council had offered to donate for the building. J. 13. 1°-'h, coal oil dealer, regards hie pedtar'd license fee as too high and ,.Vked that it be reduced from $50 to 144), Hie letter was referred to the finance committee. F. H. Wood applied for the renewal of his billiard and pool room license. On motion of Reeve Munninge, erc- onded oy Deputy Reeve Clark, his application was granted. Wm. Martin asked for a license, at the usual rate of VI, to peddle pea- nuts and popcorn on the streets of Goderich. The request web granted, on a motion made by Councillors Vanatter and Fellow. A. M. Robertson sent a letter asking the council to put Victoria Park in better shape for the use of the various team. to be entered in the :own foot- ball league. On motion of Councillors Vanatter and Humber, the matter 'Waa.referred to the public works com- mittee with power to act. The 0. W. S. Railway Beads. A letter from Brent, Nozon St Co., with reference to the payment of in- terest on the_boods of the Ontario Wee% Shore Railway, guaranteed by the town of Goderich, was ss follow.: "We have noticed the bill which Mr. Proudfodt bas introduced which will give authority for - you to borrow money to meetthe interest on the bonne under your guarantee. There le, however, a [eaters which t holders are concerned about, and apparently there is nothing in the Trust deal which provides that you should pay ioterest on the overdue Interest• st? that the only way the bondholders can assure themselves of this item is to issue a writ, unless you can agree to pay interest on overdue interd.t. Until you get the matter finally adjusted and settled, the dif- ferent owner% of the boucle are taking the trust liberal and favorable view of the siktytion iso far as you are con- cernewish , do nothing that will be u or that the cir- cumstancee mid not justify and warrant It ie only fair that you rrabzll tam dltipoiljon in this esepect and accord them an answer Prom y to the question we bays just " The /ether was referred to the finance committee. Board of Health Recommendation. "Chat this hoard recommend to the town council to advertise for a Suit- able man to attend to the collection of garbage from private dwellings, Hotels, buspiteie, etc., the said garb- age collector to he paid by owners of places from whom he collects, and the tee to be set by the Board of Health ; or that if the council dean better that a bylaw be pained providing for the removal of all garbage." The above recommendation parsed at its last regular meetlug was received from the Goderich Board of Health. It wait referred to the public works com- mittee. Committee Reports. . The special committee in its report recommended that Do action be taken in reference to the claim for damages made on the town by D. L. McLeod. for Injuries alleged to have freer re- ceived while et work on the town sewerage 8y/item. It was 4ecom- idended that the communications with reference to old age pensions, adver- tising in the Manufacturing Products List and in Heeaton's Agency be filed. The report was adopted. The fire committee approved of the appointment of S. G. McKay to the tire brigade. It was recommended [bat no action be takes regarding the request for an increase in salary for the members; of the brigade, but that the firemen's intirance policies be re- newed. Adopted. The finance committee recom- mended the payment of a number of accounts and that Crown Attorney Seager be paid the slum of Mu se ac- eouot in full for prosecution under The Liquor License Act„ It also was re- commended that hereafter ttte town policemen lay all informations coming to their knowledge. The report rat- tled. The cemetery and parks committee recommended that when lot 180, set, lion 2, range F, Maitland cemetery, is aaMRDed hack to the town, the sum of 16 be paid to the M*.rgaret Noble e! - tate for the ratite ; that the plank sesta on Cannon Hank and Harbor Hill he repaired and pot in good ooq- dition. Cotter:Mot Htl,ett Turned Down, Councillor Elliott ubjewed to the lag(clause of lice• repomoved. by Cnunenlir rrt antiPellow. that tee seats similar to those in the Square ire pvrebaaed for Herber Part at $1.75 Reeve Mueoln astaes se hie rem drat frequently' Wheel awe were Oared in Harbor Peek our preview eeessiolle they bad bass bead 'pies down the side of the hash. Vaaatter optooed nr et ethe dINEttsteb k`n�o where the p-' __ . were whim tach week was "els. mgt. It's line we W sehlaget,ler ez.•laltss. , '11 test's wper She town boo Cer-a Penneree a to." that See '1 •..ek,..d. tiff It It were thyyeeobdd be removed le the Greet nose Pse12, where there wee* Me too smay stow. Reeve Munnings thought the coun- cil had come to a point where tt, wait time to begin to economize. Councillor Elliott retorted that a lot of money had been spent in worse ways during the past twelve months. The amendment was then put Councillors Elliott and Fellow voting yea, and Reeve Munnings, Deputy Reeve Clark and Councillors Venattet and Humber recording their votes In the "nay" column, Toe report was then adopted. Sale of the Summer Hotel. Councillor Hunilwr introduced the question whether the town should sell the sulituler hotel tit 1,01. He advo- cated immediate action, suggesting that C. C. Lee s offer of 16l,SY1 cash for the property he accepted. Councillor Elliot' made a motion tc. accept Mr. Lee'. otter, adding the re- mark that he thought it bad been a ) bill of ezpensetto the town for long enough, Councillor Humber said he would second the motion if Councillor Elliott would add to it a clause to provide that the building should be used as a summer hotel for a term of five years. Councillor Elliott assented. Reeve Munnings suggested that seven' yeears he named instead. He was inclined to think that the council was "giving the hotel away" at the price mentioned. Deputy Reeve Clark thought that if the property was being given away it was remarkable that there were so few otters received when it was adver- tised for sale. The question of essessmrut way dis- cussed but this matter, was left to b4 settled et a later date. Councillor Laithwaite came in at this juncture. It was u oved in amendment by Reeve Runnings, seconded by Coun- cillor Yellow, oust the hotel be sold to Mr. Lee projiding that he run it as a ,uwwer hotel for seven years, Reeve Clark. wed Vanatter and Laitbw .. , yea, and Councillors Elliott and Humber voted nay. When the motion as amended was put it was carried unanimously. On 'motion of Councillors Elliott and Humber the whole matter wan referred lathe town solicitor to bave an agreement drawn and the deal put through properly, Councillor EYiott Comes Back. Reeve Munnioga brought up the matter ofme hasing sofertilizer (or Court House Park. to aver the part not already covered with manure. Councillor Elliott "came back" strong with the retort that the tea ti oouM rt along very well without purchae- tag soy fertiliser, seeing that there was not enou 4 moo.p to purchase any ttesswats a t r summated Harbor Fare. Oattncil- lot' aaperi- ment be made, but Councillor Elliott replied that money was *cams and that there was none to spare for ex- periments. Some of the councillors thought that $6 worth of fertilizer would not Ise enough to coyer the por- tion of the park that was nut now covered. but it was decided to limit the expenditure to this sum. Coun- cillor Elliott maintained bis objection to spending even this amount. Inttrswitching Bylaw. The closing business of the council was the pa.surg of a new bylaw sub- stituted stituted for the one that wan intro- duced at the special meeting on March 'Lind. The new bylaw wee drawn by the town solicitor and was peered in secordance with the order tor inter - switching at the harbor issued by the Dominion RaiiwayCbmmissionfRostd. THE MAITLAND BREAKS UP. Some Damage Done by the Annual Spring Freshet. The ice began moving out of the Maitland Filter into the lake last Thursday evening and for several :Nye following the river flowed at high-water mark. Considerable dam- age was done a• a result of the freshet and in addition to the injuries to the Auburn bridge, referred to elsewhere in these columns, about 200 feet of the approach to the Colborne township end of Ball's bridge was wombed away. The approach to the east end .of Ben - miller bridge also suffered. At Gode- rich the river breakwater wait ou•ly deranged about haft -way from the river's mouth by the water under- mining it. This has resulted in quite a "kith' in the upper structure. it having swerved towards the river, and it is now leaning at a dangerous angle. The clearing of the river this year is almost a month late[ than in 1911. E. R. Wilton,' has kept track of the dates Of the opening up of the Mait- land for a nurnher of year[, and fut- trd nia .. The Signal with the following 1[199 . April ' March 1 March Mareb 1 1004 arch 9n6 March :i1 91/1 1905 March 74 41907..,, MMarch 2t 1904 sr. $i and 27 19119 ,9ma11 t 14 a MJO freshet January l8 sad ice that formed afterwards sleeted •they where it formed. 1910 •March r 1011 March 14 1914 Apra 7, These date indicate the day cn which the ie. went nut into the late. A i olutely pum therefore the b..t f1'Aeeketencream. e's ins crea, ib belle ov ux, bloke. Phots af0. The ltet c0et0reoee of the Awn&;. aged Chil hr se's AM Societies of tae �ovinee°� Tomatet this n G.>,t. of �baee se Ritmo [fie, re ro' esONive sad wee els a �° 1900 4 1901 19[11. 81 1 19(0 1,