The Signal, 1912-4-4, Page 7Pies
Trt'asD.Y, Aran. 4, W12 T
fhe News of the District
....+, 4 4454454 +
Moen.T. April 1st, WgDxe.DAT, April kr-t. MOSOAT. April let.
- Yrs. J. hsae.a Orr eon yes Weer -Mr. end vete Waren/to AxitivsaaL&Y.-Ge Mon-
t n& %tray end Maw Proses left ea tie, evening, March 18th. the children
of ler. and Mrs. Inward Bobineoe, of
the Goebeu leas. ppleasantly eur'peieed
their py chair sad pair of �spscteclw-
m with
u may shale a
The owesioo was the thirty-wth ate
aleatory d Mr. and Mrs. Robiaeoo'e
wedding day. The gifts were secede
peeled by en address in which the par.
eats were asked to the presents
as a alight token of their children's
appreetatl•xt of their labor and love
for tem.
ttsa" witb friesdsvbksd her
rhos u vrtttoR
tin Miss Swedeny ho., d Caere. leo,
rid• Mai Rae Brothers spsa•1
t ark with friends uteklL�la�s+.
see p..ymley, las. Sandelle sad
;hiker �tilast week Ma
heites• at Jaya
Culbert 'pea
we O week with fineds . ilea
• Blake
ent is (alp BMat aMls led
et Colbert sae hey et prima as a
of praising contrails Jae
Leshad Geo. Rivitt bed Jobs
r• a few der last week earMag
wood Richard Tweaks, sed sew-
oj the fanny 0., a,
Diesel from an adds* d
HoxDAY, April laf.
ere H. Holmium, d Watford. 1.
vistasher daughter. mea Boa.Sebum
sus Ida kicQuad. wbo was the
ire Mri,
of Dr. and Yrs. Patterson. W
erased to her boa in Dungauunn.
es orst.x) contest will be a feature
doe dosing meeting of the Llestery
Society the high
schooli1 tutelage BlleevO lsdent bave
eared the contest.
A ulcer (ALL -The other morn-
ing when Mrs. George Robertson was
wing her stove with a liquid psneb
*hest ,.f the stove set Ire to the
WM. Me. Robertson gave the
bush a -ra I ng to meatier the liquid
es it. when tease of tae puiiib fell
e • sof* behind her. It eootlao.d to
see And before she realised what bad
awned the lounge was admit.
Fortunately, assistance was procured
beotediately and dbe boating spat -
eery was dragged outside beast mach
&wage was done.
Tues!! for Salvador, Seek. Tey
tusk with thein a carload d bora
and setthertf efEesee Mar many
Meeh Ma them screws in the
TOWNIMIT OovaietL.-lbuocil met
Apra 1st. AN accession gqeeea••eet. Two
emormiedowsse e! the Colborne sheat.
bird telephoos system were pretreat
with agreements for a reciprocal ex-
change et buskins hawsers the tele-
phone eystess of Colborne and Dede-
rick townships. Atter do oossid.n-
tiee.ud diacuseioo It was decided to
have the matter over wail the ad -
jammed meeting A petition notifying
the oousoil to have the road made
tour rods wide between lot part 25,
concession 7. and lot. M and SS, con
oeaioo 8. was presented. the council
sppointed the Reeve to procure legal
advice from the township solicitor as
to bow to proceed in the matter mod
to report at the May meeting. Coun-
cil adjourned to meet Friday, ApriI 6,
2 o'clock. N. W. TnewLsraA, Clerk.
, FRIDAY. March 22nd.
Towxeale Cotrscu.-Council Mat
according to adjournmeoL Members
an present. Minutes of last meeting
were rued and pared, on motion of
Mere. Alt:heeon and Wilson. The
tree•urer's statement showed balance
on hand of 51,044.08. which woe flied
oe motion of Merss. Murray and
Watson. Moved by Mr. Wilson and
secooded by Mr. AAiitcba•oo that IL
Woods reesive payment for hie .beep
that was killed by doge. but that in
future sncb cases meet be accompan-
ied by Proper certificates from town-
else the maser will not
be 000sidersd. and oo motion of
Mesas. Watson and Murray S8 be
paid a. oompeneation. On motion of
WESTfl[LD. Yeses Murrayateoa and Mray the trees-
taer and Have received *2.50 each for
el-vaDAY. March
II tb. expenses is golog to God.ricb to .ell
Rtsol go. - David . our oso•s. Moved by Mems. Mee -
postmaster, merchant and hlaakalawro
th. toy and Wilma that the Reeve write
also has Dern a life, .Midst* of dol. McDonald asking him for a
the place, Laving void bis �sapsrty peeper receipt re railway dsbentores.
hex removed Ws family tad sous► 11a t+'r'a.unee was with-
hold elfecu to Blyth this wok. Me. hold espousers re Blyth Telepboee Co,
and Xis. Ramsay wane setae sed rani- In arcoedanee with bylaw. No action
Laded this place and it is with sot, was taken re Walsh gravel pit, no um -
ow that we say goodbye The= tion d Messrs. Watson and Wilson.
f�ilrr of this community wish The clerk was iostrtaeted to tall on the
brsk8, ha nee and (Jo engineer' re iog of Young's di sin.
ar aasosat of the mamaMr. Bar- wino to advertise for tenders Inc the
y, tbe Weetfield posteillre. width operating of the grader. On motion
ass established bore over si y yaw of llama. Bailie and Aitebeson the
seta as been taken two mike sad, to appeoprtatioes for roads are to be the
Jr. Horney's. tame as last year. The fdbwiog ac-
PzeiesTATIox. -Oa Wethnmdsy counts were ordered to be paid, on
swing, the 27th inst. tae you motion of Meas. Wilson sad !tir-
trof the DonnybrookLemma tend day : R. Woods, damages to sheep by
th seb..ol amwmWed at the boos dols' $81 T. L Palmer, peintinR. $10 ;
dee and 1Mrs. W. 0. esi pidl and A. Alton, opsoiog road on N. B..
ste.sted their daughter, Mea W. P. $ of debentures. O. A bylaw was
b utif the followingcacti
:atk'aem p a 1 e e d ' appointing feoceviewers,
ad a hteiltiful parlor tlirok : im for
u n d k e e p e r s and paternosters
ea W. P. woes -was �p a• a for 1912. Fenoeviswsee- loin Mills,
magus and reds/ slit it ti. D ayes
WWI deed•• >e m sue Wm. [ennabao, Geo- Greer, Jo.. Pur-
eatat wide*. Sir • hew
use s duo, W. B (ioedoi, Jobn Dtrrnin.
ttmW IEa Ws ted tam a.t Ye tea Poudkeep�B& . ��ilaga n. Che..
a�i rw k see w i Brown. John Taylor, Wm. j[cAllieter,
bee seeps take• avers/ hep m J. Kennhao, M. Humphrey, P.
v 4gantmsw « thumb vat. • INeeltzer, W. Millar. Pathmasters-
ver mw sear e t lea l Enter des.
wusswrirJetNedaMmf e��t, W�. Jackman, A. Mcllwain, Thos.
res skeet.. pone est seey bo eep McPhee, JIM- Young, Henry Taylor,
wailend teat ver best o tree. w t as a M. Sproule, Wm. Campbell, A. Cul-
eida ak re° to rooted tat" p•su. W. H. Wilson, Alex. Rose,
boYt tekm of ore oys bet Ins nay raw be bo Haney Reed, John Fluter. John
= seam ie ta. '
-ant Mills, Thos. Doyle, Wm. &others,
(it.,maJssrosw, Geo. Baxter, Ja., Elliott. Tboe. Mc- PERSONAL AND GENERAL. -Rev. T.
L loco, Teo•. Finnigap, John (.'ham- H. Farr received word on Monday of
Mrs. Crozier made • mitailslogy, Wm. Kennaban, Stephen Medd. the deaf) of one of hi. oW periehioo-
r•PI7. % a. Bamford. Wm. Andrew., Alex. ere at Gorrie, Mr.. Henry Perkins,
Penitence Donald Fowler, J. Durnin, and left for that place to attend the
Fowler. Robot. Smyth. Robot- funeral .... Mr. and ler.. J. Mo -1
McAllister, W. A. Boyle, Wm. Mc- C,bey. of Cliotoo; cinited bis
Allister, Geo. Byciqhey . P. Kearney, brother here on Friday of last week.
Chat i obinson, W. J. Parks, Thos. The milliners of town beld their
Woods. Geo. Ward, Chas. Durnin- s wiug openings on 8uturdaj? and
Although indigestion and dyspepsia John Cameron, Jae. Pardon. Thos. although the weather is not much like
are m prevalent, mo•tt people do no i Alexander. Pat Walsh, r D.m- spring there was a large turnout of
and bei elrosg. Win. lin t+be1L the fair sex. and they certainly aught
taa•erhly There i r casae Woods. the
Rutherford, A. Harper. R to have .onlethkogg to please
esti are. b so reason why Oto Stuart, M.el. HnmQhray. W. J. moat fastidious Mrs. (Ree) Small
Bost pperoopee.hoaodtbe Dawn, esti as thigh Foteban Wm. Ta Ion• Wm. Gibbose. attended the meeting of the Home
tantellire--it.bey win Daly. w it John Webster, H. McAllister. John Mission Society at Windsor two days
swivel) • starve
tbosely (� Macy Bowles, J. Card, Neil Campbell. Jas.. of last Beek as the delegate of the Ni-
Olathe eon of via Liao tick' I.yoss U. E. Gordon. Wm. (amp- ciety here A. Celt was In Clinton
neve throuKb oear bong every bell, C. Aitcbeeoo, A. Purdon, last week visiting friends there
good {onkinq, gootl.emelling sad good- Alex. Rmm�a, John Lidlaw. D. O. P'raok McPherson is this week
toting food, because it doe. not. addree Callahan, P. Snteltzer. Geo. Greet. visiting friends in Waterloo and
with them HA:re {p*1,00, John McQuUlin, A. Tot•ooto Mrs. J. Heffroa via-
ibe beet thing to do i. to AL your- Nem, H. Patterson. J. Forster'. itei friend. in Brus.eb last week
e t4lto digest any good food. John (9tiff. R. ThonsEson Jobe i's• e- Mrs. Jas. Beatty was the guest of Kio-
Ae believe we can relieve dT spep •tan, MOB. Elliott.. Richard ns.. eel -dine friends last weak J
Kin -
Us. eWi are so t , $1,4 t d dein feat Council adjourned to meet as Coombs visited friends in Londe.horo'
that we guarantee sad pmol.. to sop` court of revision on May 77th at 10 a couple of days last week Jas.
Ph the medicine free d an Dost W ' o'clock. W. G. McCeoesrtE. Township Tierney and goo .pent Friday at the
evwyee,e who win with
he the a hi trot Clef pro taw' county town Miss A. Mclean, of
satisfied . to results Goderich. is at present visiting friends
whish i. produces. We abased no bere lits R. McGowan. who had
obligation and put no ons nssd o soy NO CAUSE TO DOUBT. been wisitiog relatives in London vend
obligation whatever. Denfield
. retome on Saturday.
eosld be fairer. We a leeeted Aida Mian Idaurned GibhM left out Monday
lure sad .Nur reputation shook' beof A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong for Winoipt where the will be mar-
ried assurance d the geuaineoso 1 G•a rid to Mr. Johnstone, who has t Leg.
y offer. We guarantee immediate and pori- farm in Saskatchewan. The beet
the relief to all sufferers from coati- wire•s of her friends accompany her
patten. In every came wbere our rem- oo ber lung trip .. C. Aebses` who
y fails to do this we will return e has been elerk Inc Poppk't000 Gat-
e way -
eway paid us for it. That's a frank dime, meowed his poli _
ellatement d face. and we want you to town lastweek
a ko • visit at Mi Columbia.
substantiate them at our risk. before got
ng $exall Orderlies are eaten just lite where the rest of bis relatives lire....
j wady. are particular') prompt and C. Bortina who was injured in the
asprMabi• ie action, may be taken at sawmill some time ago. is now ebb to
Off dna, day or aired : do not rause gee around again slowly, but not able
ditrrbrus. 'memo, tfr'iping• excessive to do any wort ....The Presbyterian
Lesevne•. or other undesirable effects. Sunday ..hool has reosrced a shipment
They have • mild bat positive melon of boats for aitshhrer . a catch, to Tac
epee therapies wits which they R shipped
M esetasl, appireolly acting as a onto on Saturday .. W. Snowi., who
,entative tonic upon the rebored bee been employed in Toronto as line
ere•eakir enat of to bowel, this men. is at prevent visiting friend. In
oversewing weakness and aiding to town. _
restore the howe4s to more vigorous
and healtby activity.
Resell Orderlies are unrurpevMe
sand ideal for the use of children, old
loft..nd delicate persona. We cas-
not tn. blgbly recommend mmend them to all
r r
sufes {yon any form of aMetipa-
ties sued Its attendant evils. That's
why we hsek raw faith inwith
our premise don
mey Thr.. shies:k if thayheya 10
ea egive wild rtkmn.
tablets, 10 emote; 26 tablets. m centre and
IS tablets, 20 Gent.. Remember, you
Win obtain Resale Reanodiee in BGeode-
rich at our
store -The Resell
Wos•south side of
Woes. . O. Dnn1oD.
dale ,
STATIeru AL. -!Le aseesatneat roll
for this township. which has reeaotly
been completed, furnishes the follow-
ing perticulan: The township contain
4l.�1 acres, of which 38,048 ale oleared.
Thereat* still L400 area of woodhed
and only 873 acres of swamp lands. The
ealo•ot the lands, exclusive of build-
ings, is 51,511.5113, the value of t be build -
logs being $458,790. There is $17,675
worth of property exempt from taxa-
tion. The busioess assessment is SLIM
and the taxable income 11,060. The
population of the township is 1,758;
there are 376 children between the sites
of five and sixteen, and 512 between Use
ages of five and twenty-one, and 432
between the ages of twenty-one and
sixty. There were eighteen births and
twelve deaths in the township last
year. Tbere are '.,t2 male dogs and
,eleven female.
TIYESDAY; April 2nd.
BYLAW To BE BomerrrZD.-At a
meeting held last Thursday evening
for the purpose of considering the ad-
visability of enbmiuingg� a bylaw to
the ratepayers to lend 55,000 for the
purpose of starting a flax min ber•e,
there was one of the largest Father-
ing+ that had aver gathered bete for
such a purpose. A number of gentle-
men addressed the meeting, atter
which a vote was taken. with the re-
sult that 48 voted for the proposal and
only 3 against. The bylaw is now
running its three weeks, after which
the vote will be taken. Tbere is no
doubt that this will be a good thing
for the town, as it employs help most
of (8e year, and most of the help is
unskilled. It not only leaves a lot of
money in the town hot the farmers
also get a big prioe for their land, so it
is hoped tbe bylaw will carry by the
memory majority.
DtATH ot• N. H. Yootwa.-Word
was received in town on Mooday of
the death of N. H. Young in Sudbury
on Sunday. The remain were
brought here on Tuesday tor burial.
Tbe service was conducted from tbe
Methodist church (there being a large
turnout) to the Union cemetery. Mr.
Young lived. here for a gust many
years, being engaged in the •alt busi-
ness, but wben the combine wee
formed be rented the plant bare and it
was closed. Shortly after this be and
his wife moved to Toronto. where
they lived with their daughter, and
for the'last year they had been living
with their son at Sudbury. While
here Mr. Young was ea of the most
highly respected men of the town, be-
ing so active member of the MGtbo-
dist church, a strong, temperance ad-
vocate and a liberal in politics. H.
was Reeve of the town for two years.
Those left to mourn him are a loving
wife and two ebildrste, Mrs. W. Sloan,
of Toronto, and Herb, of Sudbury,
who have the sympathy of a host of
friends here
'n. herdws imam km *tales Ire .re tans -iaS
beset/ S she willtans se Dr. Morse's tr•••r1M•1••.
e/ etre;•.-.(thin. •eaves• 1
Wes an/ die nem ., . sena whisk lolly welled of �rrassied ins psi
pir er" distress
et &arise. Anter
from et>ioiiwt ads'
fit. Fell list d
V. Pt.res--we is P
Ine1tless, et Seise
N. Y. By wanes is invited to wrier ee teti bstit ss sad
esseiw eae�ds.d.l sad mead seediest savior.••owls
t seat from ewe who makes the diseased Imam
his specialty.
1 eau cheerfully recommend your re ssrtsll
our' Favorite Prs. iptlon,' fjor all female dtllsarrieeayr wee
Mea M. M. M Room Bluff City, Tenn.. R.m t Duri
the pat .even years 1 ssfrred from pains In the back
os vies.
{es. Tried any remedies but found may trans t
relief until 1 w.s peslyded by• friend w try Dr, Pierce's
)i•vwl4Preeerlptton ♦f v1ng this remedy •fair trial
I found t It would do ust what It is reee•oeudtd le
do. I used In all seven bot 1 tenant •peak too highly
M Dr. Pierce's remedies fur all female drraugrmsets.•
Melw✓e Phase* ~Nes eels/ere Div, Lb,
1e wage. Per those ', ng-dewi.
mat• teed inseelaritiss the " Favorite Pr
watimmiieb hem people being ie eve -y
Wind se very lamas is deet Wig en.dit.r is
widest the use d sbehet. selresdse, or say Misr
ens gives ea boolewteessr sad ewers to by
a die lavelib• Hetet see
acs About I ndigesboo and its Ihdia
That Should Interest Yoe.
tees name
oaken often Need • lazaen-hut you cannot los w
e.rslel what you give team. Harsh
purgatives Ware tis Wren and pew tis way to
harkens troubles. The esw
docs the work nest
effectively wtthwt trrttating the bowels
or amen any dlsosmfoct The childres like them ler they tads
lees candy. One ef t8• most popular el the 14A -DRU -CO preparat♦isa
Ne. a bee. E leer •sense ►marl ret Maid lira. seed the. mit gee esuere s
libiber! Gems end am
esehal of tea. limited*
Ws want eweryoee tzosbled with
Isillatifn or dyspeoda to an torus
to rear to our store ad boy a�S
Rezall Dy-pep.ia Tablets. Take them
hent sod give theta a teamnnatls thiel.
Ostording to directions. That. 111 est
wed. come to es sed gat 1wr
away hack. They are �1MstM
tele&: they aid to saclike aM IrA-
Illaefttmmac6, to ademption ted in -
mown. the_ ddigestivewu5.ltrand to
I ,`.•'soand 8.01fty bowel
adieu, .bus leading tr perfect ted
ksalthy dige.tiun and arioMaaion.
A Sr. i'aci•g• of Swral woods
Tt•kiM. foroish.. 15 dare treatment.
i • tiMinan ease., this is Mlb5iset to
Mikes' a core. le mew ahewele
desk a kroner treatment. a erereti.
was8w 7d. the and tdimeode ie. Per mtbal
"elk we have two larger .lam white
ell be 50r. and 11.09. iieslesber,
Ms ern obtain Resell Re nedke in
tea ean.enunity may a our oboe, --Tb
ey�a d or'•. H. C. Dooley, teeth
Aab,t, April 1. -0e 1 tnrsattoa
hs Inspector Asquith, of Osld e
•tela, Reuben Graham
.tit. nt tin. Gra-
Hous. (Ileum, wee fined Milli
W rsLiquor
sorts Incfox breach of the
r'r • r -tent Sunday.
14T001En xT ('A15ADI A!t WRITER$. _-
I lesion is strong in the Ape it Comedian
Magazine. Frank L Packard. of Non
Level. ooetribetes • fine afore of the
Civil War in the Unitedtt t.s,other Land
R,h.lwyn Wethevald, as with •
sense writer. has Bret pi
domestic story entitled "Jealousy "
Fred.riek C. Derry, of Rockville. ba.
* military •iMeb entitled 'Th. Await
oda of Bobby, -and there are as web)
szo.iient short merles by Walter Raw
Spareow. deadly a, Albert
metre M•teaNs ad Fred Jarman.
Shale at Oalllrb
1ha•ri en
We Stmt Mata 1• the Rede
and t two-centswop _is sit east toget our 4*,tlCtwarp.
thing that is good in Seeds, Mats, Fruits.
Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry Supine;
etaremems se steak that le reel
rem haw, and 6e it and lass fes mem
we las twelve idea mem et the leant ani kat
iat»demisme. the Crease at the whit. Wert& ad
aiiaieto rti Nise. mere twine the osiss we rt
Tw s ant te..4 to min di. izor
e� soden
et sen
want vs. bee to Mar see sir ifif.
Dared s nester Susi Cs, Limited.
Dept 41 Ludo% Oat'
An Object of Pity
Readyf�r Spriig!
Our stock of Hata and ('air. for
Spriog wear is euro to please you.
The Regal and Hing George V.
Males in the newest shapes snot .Hades are of the beet quality
and are sere to give satisfaction. We also bave a good line of
Caps suitable for wear in the early aping.
GLOVEYou won't tare to go without Glover after you
LJII ES vee wbat we tarry. A hen's dress is not completa
without a suitable pair of gloves.
CLOTHINGWelreestd Coen wi11 ar Semi -Ready
Clothingl-dthis year. We handwele thee. Kowds
that have • national reputation for their ex-
cellence in style and durability. You should call At. once and
see the latest dictum of faebion.
Men's Outfitters
The Square Qoderich
Hot Water bottles
Every home should have a Hot Water
Bottle, as it is the most useful article in
the home - especially when sickness
comes.We have them at all prices.
The Store
Call and see them at
F. J. Butland's
That part of our nature which we tall the emotional 1. mph more highly de-
veloped In women than in mea. They are more sensitive, more tender, nw,e aye:-
pathetic. sye><-
pathec. more pronounced an their likes and dislikes. ore susceptible to the
tremea of pleasure and pain: end these refined mental qualities. no lea ?ban beauty
Of form and feature. make tee the atmosphere of attractlreness and charm which
always surrounds true womanliness.
The contieued existence of these winning, engaging womanly cha:'a tcristics
depends to a very targe extent on the regularity of the womanly functions and the
condition of the womanly organs; and when these fenctlons and organs foe. ome ...-
ordered or diseased the same mental qualities which are the glory of a well woman
become the source of suffering and torture almost Indracrlbable. Her t hecry hope-
fulness is chanted to a feeling of despondency, •.moat of despair, and she Is haunted
with forebodings of worse evile to come. Instead of being entertaining .end 'om-
panionable, she becomes moody and irritable being unable to keep. her trend :run
Mlle dwelling on her troubles. e becomes morbidly Benoit it c. Imagining sive Is
being slighted or foreeeken by her relatives and friends and she h..a a most humili-
ating sense of her miserable condition and of her loss of her womanly -rttrtbetee. If
she Is religiously inclined she is very liable to be o09ressed with double and fears
In regard to her spiritual condition, or to think that she fa eternally lost. In ad-
dition to (hi.. ahs bas also to endure the most distressing aches and p..In'.
What make. ter case stn more pitiable, especially with marcid women, ' , Is the
tact *bet for men uaderstand or appreciate the extent of their suffering. nr the
eeriotaness of the troubles causing It. Many doctors even speak of these 4/borders
as .ubyecta for ridicule, and aha poor sufferer often gets a reputation for ting •
crank or a scold when she more nearly approaches being a martyr.
As these disorders are due to a disordered condition of the womanly o-tp.ns. It le
evident that to effect a cure these organs must be restored to normal eewdltion: or.
I0 oIMr wards, the circulation, which bee `MOma congested nod stagnant In these
pans. must be Improved so that the waste matter will be expelled, and rite nourish-
ment ss badly •ended be brought to these suffering organs. It h the waste nuttier,
or broken down these, whites 1s held In the stagnant blood t' e.e4 In these parts,
that causes most ref the sufferis, by oppressing the nervus Impaled In these part..
The remedy known as ORA ' G
LILT will positively relieve this
congestion and restore noral rir-
ce1allon In- m
the disordered rrrin*.
ri • an •pplie.l or local treatment.
and .ea• wbulWMon the these eta. It
Is ahw .-roe!'
In these mean., and Y It as
powerful antl.opti" properties. it
4omedk tely arta on the waste nat-
ter held there. and rau'es It t., be
discharged. As this dead matter le
discharged the nerves are relieved.
the pain* and mental trouble. h.-
r•nr las, and the nerves pn4 t•?...d
,•s•ls become stronger. OltANOI
LILY thus perm.* 1t■ merit hr se.
tta1. vfslb'e result& It a.ts as
rewtasnly end as pe Itnel* ^a as ramsse troubles es aMl-tnrfn ones ave llentnerla.
Wn.ntemd. April !Mel, 19en
Ticar Mtn. Matt. -1 .•a eery grateful to O1*ANGr- f • t'w (Ranee It Its.
malle la ray lite. whew I armmesp'ed ate .•u yacht month.' age 1 frit 1 woald b•
mte wly Ina+r,• r,etnre tie y .r seam •n4sd The pale 1 .wffrred oho. made me wish
ties death. and besides 1 wail* here smell lits .f *ever e.Mn and marrows twltetltK
tiled f wergild tare to sr, “et. 1 had dsetere4 with three *tfferewt doctors for over
tee year's, and barn edge used Reda the Peer,n and rue ham m.Mrin.e. but none of
deem Teemed to veer% yrs- raee 1 felt passe Improvement after the erst month
a.. et Oltar4e11 LILY .nal Nr. kept "SIMS awls mate_ I M teed fed teat 1 •m
,wthely emred vet. Inst 1 :.m 00 mn<fi better twee i seg "Plat i .••t sure I WWI tette
be entirely we•11 1 ewe weR and feel eteeerful and h. , s. .t+t the.' 1 am re.
"minima, sam.w,at deer'••".& butt three rmea en lNtbM haww and Mader 1 M. •
. Mn weekreebly improved I ' asewrsnee_ iSaAaet•d artd 01 fes which ... *•M me
two hoses of 011AN0S LILY •w4 nue d Ow* to. stuns*", 1 mbhi sod that the
matter which mead to be freely discharged, see wish.% Melted Ilk. • .•htr#en'e Me-
Taril le beerreing rely • ant. mei I lined *. teal t4. e•lrtnlatlen 7. ty well re.
stored Ata 1 wet debt H. 'way Yen? sincere friend. L. 6 A.
Furse to Al &offerors
Pio o s==1191n Spring at Last a
Tw aaier 1e ecru, •e• woman suffer*,•trresss say NMI et tweet dleeerwe
b wee& or a s.ddrs•+ of * ie~Re et 011iaRGIS ihseleg 0000 M�eev+�rpf• Wise wig seed age
1M rerg*y tea:
day. treatment, abes1N.1y Erna As this • wwp re, la ` •fuer beemass 1
that:_.-meaeee-tetwe're relief thhataiedlest�1 mete this lues' •reef suer. arruser if ow veins
wet ewe• Num . dot the agmen/to M . (�Nna*t=M�,Qae•
Wire Fencing
This Spring we have some exceptional values in •11 No, 9
Coiled Spring Steel Wire Fencing. This Fencing is fully guar-
anteed. The wire is all made on open hearth, the same as rail-
way rails are made today. This insures an even temper and
etre og'h. Vire made in the other way is not even and no wire
is strooger than the weakest part, mo by baying our Fence poo
buy the best.
0 wires high, all No. 9 Wire, 39 inches high, per rod.
7 wires high, all No. 9 Wire. 40 inches high, per rod .430
8 wires high, all No. 9 Wire, 47 inches high, per rod. 26o
No. 9 Coiled Spring Steel Wire at per 1(x1 lbs. 54.00
Land Plaster
Nuw is the time to put. land plaster on your meadows Thome
we Bold to last year said they noticed a big difference in their
crops. It draws the moisture and keeps the roots moist during
tbe dry epe4L
Dbou use a Fertilizer? We have a carload to arrive about
April 15th. This Fertilizer is used extensively by the National
Land & Fruit Packing Co. It is worth your while to look into
this. Call and get a booklet which gives you the analysis, etc.
It Pays to Spray
1)o you spray your orcbards? If not, you should. We
handle the Spramotor Pumps and supplies.
Gasoline Engines
When labor is so scarce you should have a Gasoline Engine
to do your pumping, churning, crashingChopping, etc. We
handle the International Harvester Co.'. Enpinee. They all run
above their 1 aced horse power and are very ecomonical in gasoline.
1 bone -power air -cooed engine for 585.00
2 bore -power air-cooled engine for 5125.00
1 beret -power hopper -cooled engine Inc. 580.00
2 bora -power hopper -cooled engine for.. . .130.00
2 hoe.e-pov•er famous water-000led vertical engine for 5100.00
Oliver Plows
What about your Plow this Spring % We carry the cele-
brated Oliver Plow, whish is acknowledged to be the best Plow
on the market today.
Chatham Wagons
Do you need a w'•gn ? \Ve have the Chatham Wagon.
Paints and Oils
Oar stork of SHBRW IN WILLiAMS' PAiNT was never
more ooiopiete.
General Hardware
Aa usual v.,u will nod our stock of general and heavy Hard-
ware right up to date.
W. have contracte.i for vim) barrels of National Portland
t esmest. Wu can guar enter yew the pride and prompt delivery
The National cermet is arkor.wjedgedd by all to he the
beet Cement ,.n (hr market.
Let in figure on 'inn. plun health eeveetrwghis
elertrie wiring*. All wok promptly •t f to and tally
'Phones : Store 22. House 112.