The Signal, 1912-4-4, Page 6O Tsc•aDAT, /#raw 4, 1912
cies a
117 —
rt'oeunuad from tee west
!ben the woman unbarred the dew,
man staggered to He was atone.
a swirl of wind and rata intend
lase to dicker se Madly that ar
ems could dletiaigaisb itis tertian a n.
til the door was dosed again.
But Iris knew him Tbougb ber
eyes were dim with tsars. tbougb the
aewoomer carried a broken gun in Ma
beads and lea face was blood .tamed,
abs knew.
With a shriek that dismayed the otke
es women, wbo could not goeas that
Joy a more boisterous than sorrow. .
she leaped our and threw ber amp '
around him.
"Oh, Philip, Phlllpl" bbe sobbed.
'Ile told me you were dead, and I be-
lieved blmr''
The manner of ber greeting was de-
Ilgbtfol to one who bad faced death
for her sake many times during the
past bour, yet Hosier was so surprised
by its warmth tbat he could And never
a word at tbe moment. But be had
the good sense to throw aside the ebat-
tered rifle and return her embrace with
Wben they parted in that same
squalid hut at midnight he took with
him the tntozlcatioa of bee kiss. Yet
he scarce brougbt himself to believe
that the night's happenings were real
or that they two would ever meet
again on earth. Atid now Dere was
Iris quivering against his breast He
could feel the beating of her heart
Tbe perfume of her bair was as in-
cense in his nutria. She was cling-
ing to him as if they bad loved
through all eternity.
San Benevides supplied a timely
Throwing aside the rags which cov-
ered Wm, be tried to tine. Ph111p
caught a glimpse of the uniform, tis
sheen Of the naked sword. He was
about to tsar himself from Iris' clasp
and spring at this new enemy wbsa
the Brazilian spoke.
"1[11 diabase' he cried in a raga
"nee corned Ingle. still Uve& and bare
am 1 posing beton him like an old
His voles alone saved him from be-
ing pinned to tbe floor by a man wbo
had adopted no light measures with
others of bis countrymen during the
past half hour, as the dented gun bar-
rel minus Its stock well miaowed- But
the captain's mot -titled fury helped to
restore Philip's sanity. lifting Itis'
glowing tun to his own. he w bispered:
'Tell me, oweetbeart. bow comes It
!bat our Brazilian friend U beret'
"He ram away wbeb some abota
were fired." wblcb was rather unfair
of Iris "He said the lauocb bad been
lank by a man -of -war" -
"But he is wrong. 1 saw no man-
of-war. We captured the launch. By
this time abe is well out at sea. Un-
fortunately Marcel was killed and Do-
omingo badly wounded. Tbere was no
one to come for you. so 1 Junlped
overboard and swam asbors I bad t.
tight my way titre. and It will soon b.
known that tbere are some of us left
un toe island 1 thought that perhaps
1 might take you back to the Grand-
pere cavern. These people may give
us food I brave some few sovereigns
In my pocket"
"Oh. yes. year" Sbe was excited
note and radiantly bappy. "Of course
captain San Benarides most accom-
pany ns tie nays the soldiers will
Shoot him if they capture blm. 1, too,
bale money Let me ask him to ex-
plain matters to this dear woman and
ber daughter. They nave Peen more
than khat to me ■Ite•dy."
She turned to rte sulky San Rena -
vides and told hint what Hotter bad
trumpeted lie brigbiebed at that nod a voluble aro b 10 Labra Go-
mes Interrupting blmnelf, he In-
quired In 1-'rerw-b how Mosler proposed
to reach the rte k
"On ■ foreman°. There are two on
the bench. nod I can boodle one of
tbem all right," maid Philip. "But
what le thle taro of • warnblp? When
teat 1 ■igntr.d the launch abe was
standing •nut of rise harbor. sod tb•
firm eh.ude of 10e storm beeped to
screen het from t ne citadel "
trio Ibrerpreieatau nenarldea M
pried roe ere," ot the rci-keta In ler
peewee turned taw girt forgot the
touch of remoter/1 wit n regard to the
bring tent to nae heard. lertainty
then war • rad door of promucuona
rifle ab.r.ttne atter tae depsrt.n of
the Isuu••e taut esrwarls awe ca•000
t0 enf..r... 1b.•tt !,Noosed*. •001 the
Wool ..t s trim run mad ant Woe. tee
.close ot rMTando 1.orolh• that
night Philip (ye. -road 10e preempt tie
rime tot ere nlore I Ne de•ptar•e ran
Beam tines mist par a0 .-f.OPICS t0
Dim last to rlw Hosnil it IVY •m
evil ,bat mor he *entered
Leh. r knees prontMad to belly Is
orrery pnwatt$e war tier eyed •partied
e t lb* mint of good nut the poor wo-
mea Trottel Aare ametated thele opt ni pity Aererthrlwa the gift et
• teepee of enveret.tta reveled by tie
promt.e or essay avers tf bar ha•baad
Ievetsd tIme.4f to their gamic*.
red Omer to • t.eesy or activity
nem Was seer . carie$t to he hat
The atsmmfl W *pow liana. maid • peep
llreage the manic of lbs door •Meed
that the mile wooed gartsy se m wt•
dunm testis ft eras am..eha That
lthtlf chard aster air esgp er t tgr
toe scatterteg cloud.. still dimmed ear
brlgbtueas, tie Natroela and Per mother
collected such store of food and milk
i and water as flea could fay bands ole.
Well laden, all ave hastened to the
gretek, and Mosler. Iris and San BMW
Ilan boarded tbe urger of the two
When the catamaran rounded ties
last outlying crag and tbey wen all
straluing their eyes to end tbe sentinel
pillars tbey became aware that a
small boat was being pulled cautiousiy
toward tbem from the opposite side
of the roci.
iris gasped- Sbe beard Hostler mut-
ter ander his breath. while San Hous -
vides revealed his dismay by ao oatb
and a convulgtve Ughteotng of t0e
hands that rested on the girl's shool-
Ho• tter .trove wttb a few desperate
strokes of the paddle to reach the fined
own of the passage before the cata-
maran was soca by Ile boat's occu-
pants. He might bave succeeded Bat
them was even- a greater peobabing
that toe nowieldy catamaran might be
caught by the swell and (tubed aide-
id .long against oue of tiser bait submerged
rocks that thrust their black tans
above the water.
Happily tbey were spared eltber al -
tentative. At the very !natant tba
their lot must be put to the test of
chance Coke's hoarse accents cams to
their lncredblous earn
"Let ler go. Olsen," be was growl-
ing. "We've a clear course now, aa'
that infernal moon will splle every.
thing if we're spotted."
in this instance bearing was belle..
Ing, and Philip was the first to guess
wbat bad actually occurred.
"Boat aboy, skipper.." be sang out I•
a joyous bail.
Coke stood up. He glared bard at
toe reel
"Did ye 'ear 11?" be cried to De
Salva- "Sink me, 1 'ope I ain't a -copy.
in' pore ole Watts. Dut if that wasn't
Finder's voice I'm goin' dotty."
"It's all right. skipper.' said Philip
sending the catamaran ahead with •
mighty sweep. "Mies Yorke is bere-
Captats San Benavide. too. 1 was
.oro you would look for m If you
cleared the barbor sately.",
Tben Coke proclaimed bis sentiment'
1n tie approved ritual of the [ilea sea.
while toe big Norseman at the oars
swung 10e boat's bead round until
both craft were traveling In comfy
to tbe waiting launch. Before any-
thing in the nature of an explanatloe
WIZ forthcoming from the occupants
of either the boat or toe catamaran a
broad beam of white light swept ovet
the crest of 10e island from oorth to
south. It disappeared to return mon
slowly until It rested on Rat Maud,
at the extreme northwest of the group.
It remained steady there, showing a
wild panorama of rocky belebts and
tumbling sea.
"A searcbitgbte growled Coke. -
'Then tbere realty was a warshtpr
murmured lrls
"Har' said flan Benavlde., and bis
Woe was almost gratified, for be bad
gathered that Hosier was skeptical
when told of the rockets. Bot In that
respect at least be was not mistaken.
A man-of-war bad altered the road-
stead. and bee powerful Tamp was now
scouring sea and coast for tis. mkra•
'[s taae was, t manure vows Yat
aonr DOYTY
Ina /ounce A.d Ica that ttsotseat of
fr..b peril it was berg .atm by ail but
one ret the neo wbo hid starv'tv0 ea
marl dangers rbc sun lest gilded
toe peek of I. won silo Nocella. that
were It mot for Ills Saving peen loft
behind and Philips mod Menge over-
board to go to twee ate the point blank
refusal of the wadromeda a captain
and crew to put to sea wtt8Mt as
effort t0 save abe pair of them the
lauseb wound not sow be biddies be -
lend tee back mean of the Umpteen.
ON vas Well eta& ,
G AIN did t a t • we laselliag wind
el fight describe a peat ate fa
the sty trot It was male to
be sees that it somas teem aa
altered Mee. The wareblp ores is me -
ties. ab. wee anent se errs armed
the trams of issaass.
beet sad cats arae raced at ONO
for the aaaelt a MMI et eletnegi
tomtits jarred the Weeding elles.A
Alarm almost pasta stirred mai%
harem eel billed *WO 11 MIS
apeare. gilder mimes of this IPS
Pr- fats ttktlenut ter self preiwre•gi
bawl tete bawls cat rifle►
'11e far the tall elnifrank swam IMO
ease ens dee WW1 solar,•
Are. aver muse r• ahmea lawn
her ambers! ON. en • e+..11 SIM
R.ICSaAIII•.id •a►« - 1 l 1
!tins Cearrta. Wog soma: of a -As bow?
fatalist, did sot Interfere. He drew "Do year not reale Am greatly the
,Ban 1ienarldes aside. sesmbets,of the prsseut government
"All is coded!" be mild quietly. "We fear my return to Brazil? tiers 1 an
shall her see Brazil again, Salvador their primmer, prsctleally frlend1OA
men! Carnela most doe auetber bre, almost slue. They dare not kill tee
it scents " by process et law, yet they are mov-
ie was tett to (loafer to solve a prob- , ing heaves and earth to prevent my
lens that threatened to develop Into a ` escape or about me down in the act.
dlaastrons brawl Danger sharpens a . Why? Because they know thatptw�
bare men's wire, but lore makes hem people are tonging to ball me u
fey. To succor iris was now his sole !dent again Suppose you and your
concern. Me swung a couple of the men took me to Pernambuco."
excited out of his way sad -.pose Aalltaz:•' snapped Coke,
mah.•ged to seem the torrent of Coke's -Plume listen You can but retie
futile curies. when you loots at the facts fairly. If,
'-glee in in them"' he cried eagerly. as 1 say, 1 were pat ashore at Pernas-
^Te.11 them they a►e g••ing ashore m boco. or at nny other of half a hews
Ihr creek rhat will stop the ra Yet
13 '0'. r1-'.., Io lire 1 elm stili end •
r. •..wah.•'. bellowed
Coke. "U'ye want to iet every: bath
sone on the island know where you
are? We're makiu' for the creek- WUI
that please you? Now, lir. Norrie, let adequately rewarded. In your owa
her ripe' ease tise recompense would be prince -
The bead of the launch ewuug to- 4; bat. assuming that we (ward a vete
ward the protecting shadows, Hotter .e1 bound for Europe, what certainty
seised the precious respite. He spoke bare you that you will ever receive a
loudly enough that all should beer. PenayY'
and be began with a rebuke. "Oh. reely, that's cocain' it a bit
"I am sorry that those of us wbo are thick, mister," growled Coke.
left should bave disgraced the One rte- "Too believe 1 am exaggerating the
ord set op by toe Andromeda's crew difficulties of your Position? Pray con
since the ship struck," he sale. "Your eider. Your vessel is broken up. 80e
metamates wbo fell lighting . would was Arad on while at anchor on the
hardly believe St. Peter tumult If ire wrong aide of the island, on the very
told them that we were on tee verge - day selected for my escape. You and
K open mutiny. 1 am ashamed of your men manage to dodge the ballets,
7w. Let us bare no more of that sort and under my leadership, assisted by
ad thing. Sink or swim, we must pull Captain San Benavides, you overrun
ell etber." the place by nlebt, kill several soldiers,
' "Bully for you:" said the man wbo selse a launch, despoil peasants of
ports 1 ran name. 1 should be among
my ones f(llowers. You. Osphad
Coke. and every officer and Man at
your ship and bee owners •cad-tie-sui.
&tress of those who bays loot near
lives would not only be paid all not
claims by the new government, but
bad suggested tree climbing as an el - their crops and stores and make oil'
pedient with a good deal of property belonging
"Shot up!" was tbe w•rathfut an to the Brazilian government, not to
ower. "You've made plenty of row al- mention the presence In your midst of
Indy. I only hope you have Pot at- such a significant personage as myself.
I tracted attention Speaking candidly, Seebor Captain,
on the 1 s 1 a o d. what chance have you of convincing
You may not any irternatlonal court of your inno-
hare been beard cam? Who will believe that you were
Marne ter!" was res
owing to the dis-
turbance on the
otber side, but no
thanks to any of
you for that. Our
skipper's first no-
tion was to put
to sea. Wasn't
it natural? Do
you want to be
bunted over Fer-
nando Noronha
at daybreak? But
be would have
seen the useless-
selessness of trying to
stip the crdiser
before tbe launch
had gone a ca-
Ws length- Now, here is a scheme that
strikes me u workable. At any rate,
It offers a forlorn bops- There is a
"harp bend in the creek last wher. the
tidal water ends. 1 fancy the Iseult
will float a little higher up, bat we
must risk It We will take her in, $a-
ttbtp the mut, tie a few boughs sad
.lass on the fennel, and riot twenty
searebllgbta will And as-"
A rumble of approving aurum
elbowed that be had scotcbed the drag -
He continued rapidly:
I "No vessel of deep draft can come
dose in shore from the east Tbe
cruiser will hare lbs Grand-pere rock
abeam within an boar, but to make
sura two of you will climb the ridge
and Snatch burr movements The rest
will load up every available loch, et
space with wood and water and food.
Sow can we wbo cleat of Fernando
Noronha without tad? It is a hun-
dred to we that the launch would not
steam twenty miles on bee present
coal supply. Sneb as It is, we must
keep 1t for an emergency, even if we
are compelled to tear up tbe deck sad
dismantle the cabin"
"Talks like a book!" snorted Coke.
tie•let was coolly reminding them of
those vital Wags which frenzy bad
Ailed wholly to take into account
00a1dence was reborn In them
Meanwhile hen was the launch
thrusting bee nose Into the mod and
shingle of this malevolent Island.
To his further annoyance, San Hens -
vides, wbo depended on his compatriot
for a summary of the latest scheme,
asked Iris to accompany De Bytva and
btmeelf to the but.
"They are stupid creatures, them
peasants," be said. "Wben they sae
you they wUl Dot be frightened."
Tbsre was se much reason in the
.tatement that Irks was a ready volun-
teer. Soon all bands were at work,
end it was doe to the girl's foretbougbt
that stops of linen were procured frons
Luisa Gomes and beating herbs ap-
plied to the cots and bruises of the in-
kwell men. Bytes was for Ieaviag
the two soldiers on the band, bat
Oobe'..aiiosilke scums. prevented the
eemannelee of Chat blunder.
"No; hat ern saver do," be saki
with irritating oBss/aesa 'Thos.
Jokers wilt be fad at daybgft, as'
Sera he abbe to say exactly wet
Ilmo we quit The wimmin ego make
wit they was scared stiff an' dareset
efflt. tt 'd be different with the ea-
►tela Aa' we a1o't son' to bave web
• harttreald"' start, .ves it deleted..
nun away seen after 2 o'enek."
'Where do yea propos to team forr
'Wham Myo think, mister) Noer-
Oa"t b'y Me, to he oars. mat l we MINK
gem homeward bees/ sir"
nes s mems M abodes owwytbtag,
Ohm r said D. Ryles. Bs ...send to
he wserbtag the coward sweep of dm
•ewreleght Y the watstdp treat to tis
Meth Bet Oake woo shrewd. He Mit
rat there was usm.tbtwg bt.Wd the
wads. mad he s.sta.et0 the .s -pest,
dims seetivma
7 deal M any 'alp for ft" he as-
S._L 'rmrd's tr.wtb, wt r Uwe
r cadet/ -t M hat re WA esu' r
1111.11Wi se' we monk nk en' 'alt we ulna
lwlsm ese was MOW tar troatlt♦
Olt arrt aur MAMA-
• 111196t he wade or e.
not a true filibuster?"
"Wot exactly is your offers'
"Ample compensation omcla!!y live
thousand pounds to you 1n person."
"Five thousand!!" Coke .hared a
throat bosky' with doubt_ 'That 's/
make things pretty easy for the mama
an' the girls." be muttered. "Aa'
there's oo new ship for me roe
Dickey Bulmer cocks 'is eye at Bode
IYs a moral there'll be a holy row be-
tween On an' David. D'ye mean it.
"Even it I fall and my lite ..pared
1 will pay you the wear out of r4
own private funds," was the vehement
reply -
"Wel, well. leave the Job to me."
•1 vendee on my" De aha
Bat the hearer surface of the sea
faits We a da041eg df.tlnefeela.
and Oahe added atm dews to the
Mesta is crafter bad rounded sat
Was/ ail/ was devetthr ens svraaplarg
glance eastward ars she •.aGht hw
prey la creak sr tortuous damsel.
At het atm a wearying delay She
vaatebsd, Flee Wastes later Watts
and Olese brought the welcome sew
tint obi was rstsrslsg b the road-
It was then half pest 2 o'clock, and
tis me wool/ rhe sees after a. Now
or Norm tie lessee nest make bee 01.
"vies rxousana t sur 'un !tags >7MMS
fort. Reedy bands tors away bee Os -
galas, obs was tilted by erowdlag fa
tin poop nearly every mss ea Mani
the engines terobbed- and abe was
At daybreak the thousand feet peak
of Perbando Noroaba was a deet bier
0o the wenn. Nelsen N. sail er
smudge of smoke broke tie rtsmalsd.r
of the fir Gang drde The tvgitivm
could breathe freely one. mare They
were sot punned. -
Iris tell asleep whew awsld that the
dreaded warship was slat r 4/4111, Ha-
der. ton. tumefy exhwtiatp a ah that
M hod gone throngs, Meat as If he
were dead pone took nil brag watch
in perane He chatted web the was.
welrimed !team by his sundae esu fhe
gaaettes et Mm/.awwa• sal assess►
ed lir melee le mate for tie I A mile
cheesed het ansa Bleldi la Rmltalba
and the mala r&
Ree be casae
M e.ldi Went a Vets.
A ie,ly wee asked reoent!y bow rube
.fond oa the were for 80805 quashes:
See replied dr didn't "steed et all,
sad told • shy about a farmer's wife
else had we Tory mammoth idea. • haat
the opposite sea, and who. berrying
from e•.wsa M .lab. haw cask to shed
and hack to titebe h►, woe meted if
she' wasted h cope. "Nee 1 oeetsbly
dn.'t I t .y If there's arae little Wag
Met tee seen 11* 8 ens do skew for
�odasw oohs ha 'em de it r .b. re -
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he has taken a long step In the march of Prunes.
which leads to Prosperity.
After he use that bag—$f only for • hitching -
block or a porch step—he has learned some proatabIs
Fre knows that it doesn't take an expert to use
concrete successfully,
ft. knows that he has added a perasaaewt Improve -
meat to hu property, somethtne that will last as tong
as the farm Itself
He knows that he ham added eaavealenne, and
therefore profit, to his home -
Re knows that It didn't coot him mon. In wiener Of
time. than If he had used an Interior material Rad
mad. a temporary improvement
He knows that he wants to read the book,
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pieces on hl. farm.
'Hits stverttemeent r to tell hies that Ms eery et
thta profusely illustrated Desk is ready te lee mailed
he woe as he meads be bis same sad shims rt
awakes no diaereses whether he has yet mored bleat
win ton t� his of Mew tma o w the untie MomLi4e-.a�
a.4 to any eats Its
coli. SMrs aeon ' M - 880
used stem.
whl to wmweale WM, OVA-
CANADA C/34/24T CO.. Lai
til deaa� polig
MormtiiAl. .