The Signal, 1912-4-4, Page 5fte
Escereien to Gueiph.
The ulnae) escurstoo under theinue-
000 of ths West Hums Farmers'
leatitute to tba Guelph Aoronooarei
°owe will be bold thW rear on Jump
Toros More Boo& Wligood-
Aardbe'r meat at autos sr
Old. is tor as Wednesday awl were
savored ownies. w town during the 110014b at
I'D_7_r_.i.117.7-11viorpeassle. Nardi conduct's* a military signal-
answw". thig:=1"1"ead ;fn. =selehajelaset. weekr"°esedived lefhtisonulaMiceda.chill
,onoroigs. Two more wow message Uuelph. arbor. be will be eogageat
&beet ton moms og toe for the next. month in similar work.
, gisctsd,oarb aed they may be teamed by The Godesteh class•was examined last
•306grarriva je the woo boom week by Lieut. tirifilths, of tbe Royal
Canalian Regiment, of London. Tbe
moults will be made known in the
Prottialior "oeingtiendgonations at the Alex- mores at a month.
mire „bbrool- Military Camp Site.
edam Mannellwoo ‘`'`'Y "31:a". Acting under 'marmitess front the
13 J•
carries. dlre-frtirTibc"It. mre.;vArteKeesta; Dem eartneent rtf. Militia Col. Macdoneli,
troo gro tomb; buttermilk. Ifes.S.J- net76•0e,14,•xlidosznestAirtaterdoc" Lrlid- all.
oia; woe -made bre". Km' W. Mar- visited Goderieh this week and inspeco.
Mrs. Werreeer; 100. rad-
ioed a ssiti.doEdrd;; Oqu. rte. watherto oamted PP"Wertabdeitee. Theywiwthbleere fatmbimiyli taryisa.
derstoodtpressedung parwthetkithandtha:teastaltbetuatioliadowioidniacresaigMenfanneee-are
rirrerfois Aun's.,_losbutlia.tustesonceute Znd.Soft. LaugustiLeasne.
lands for suds purposes .34 it is
oroO-O-at-Oo ow. available foe use this year if the Gov-
ernment decides to bold the catup st
kmanceis to be grolbey01110Calrused‘taisnt y
Goderich. Under these circumetences
te Vie.ons. A
006014 Tooprad. ploy to be the Attrill property is DoW & second -
ewe is a comedy, 'Me Sesowball," +17 consideration.
31 the event will be looked forward At the Waterfront
to with touch interest- The proceeds A ppearamm along Lbe wMarfronl
tni mlibalanoli indicate thst the opening of saviga-
It'audable effort of the don istill several weeks ahead. TM
rou it ladies of Maple Leaf Oblietor ice is still quite solid in the harbor and
oukl have generous encoaragesemet. it boa broken up i.ut, little out Lo ta.
lake. One engineer stated to The SW -
An Unfortunate Accident.
nal Imtaltal_ it 0_ _hi!' w_o_uld_be_ the" lot
Thome. McMillan. the well known
er anti stock breeder of Hallett, nioot,,,',o F047, MI_:=11..
tmet with an unfortunste accident last 250 7 April w•heo:erbeenseosizon4a. tn:
FridaY ob°rniPLeWhne crusbi, el*" Tbe latest known was in 1888., when
grata his left esult"to"°_O•" bait of tbe month of May VMS itOne
eagt of the drain crasher. mangung before the ice had melted suffIcienUy
the band to nob an extent that it had
to allow the pomace of velleds. Cbief
to be &loP"thtdd,__ Rogieeers Leech. Foot, Machenes and
abevelt.""mr.aiTevemlitant°5'has N250 W$5 Yeebiouogn.o,fmterceestandaaillaPaKaailli;Kiatitimatruil:
free& 10 Godo_orieb.__ 112311.ovicio, wo._b° respectrvely, are all busy with their
&JOIN 'YmPalfole" &existents in giving their boots a
Able bu'asP wwuu "°' "`""'"' thorough overhauling in preparation
The Oestle of Mies Carrie Graham.
Tbe inquest in the deeds of Miie
' t. Graham. which wine cooduotai
at the town hall on Thursday evening
, born out the natement of des
Meeting. f of the sad sweet es girlint in The
Signal last week. Dr Hunter pee-
k oteetiag of football players is bo- aided
as coroner. end Crown Atowney
lag caned for Monday meta Aeon kb. Hootato waa promo, ono Amsted to tom
at 8 p. se.. in Lb* Y. M. 0. A. rooms.
Arritagemesste for a town league will 7,
.0_31 „nib.seamo of
be distressed. Eves -rem isterested o7.w0717..41.gtaistigoslw la Kt ". *two ate_
Invited to attead.
donee as to bee mental eosdition dur-
The Signalling Class. ileg the last free weeks, *Latium that
Staff Sergeant lostructor May, wbo Nee bed been la • very devoured lista
ot mind aod was constantly brondieg
over imaginary troubles of a religious
nature. Kew. Geo. K. Rom. her peso
tor, pewee tasetiesney to the mme effect.
Dr. Taylor stated that UM young lady
bad opine to him the day before her
death and bad expreased her intention
of ending ber life. It was not an in-
freqweet thing in his experience. be
for patients to talk in this man-
ner, but in this caae he thooght there
might he some danger and be in-
tended to warn her parents, but be
did not expect site would carry out
her intention so quickly. Mr. Gra-
hem. the young lady's father. stated
that at home she hat not, given &eV
alarming signs of her mental condi-
tion. The facts in connection with
the securing of the poison and tbe
subesquent actions of the deceased up
to ber death, so far as were known.
were hirought out. It was sbewn that
Mr. Hick. from witom the poison was
secured, bad fully refried ont the re-
quiremente tbe law in reference to
the sale of poienns. Miss Graham
procured from him two grains of
strychnine. representing that it was
10 1* toed' in knee. a cat at her bonte.
A04:1 aa he was well oequainted with
her be bad no hesitation in reeking
tbe mak. Btornerson. who exam-
ined the bode after rieeolt mooed that
there less absolutely nothing in her
physical condition to give cause for
any worry. and inrieed tive evidence
throughout showed clearly that the
whole and sole trouble was a de-
pressed mental state which had
changed a happy. carefree dispositinn
into one of and diettee" over
Purely imaginary difliculties. In her
handhair after her drub wee found a
note in wbich she ratted that elle had
taken the poison and asking foryrive-
newt. The jury's verdict was as fol-
lows :
••Thot the raid Carrie Graham came
to her death front the taking of
for the eriasoe's work strychnine poison during an attach of
religious mania aye that we attack no
Last of the Cours blame te anyone oder. than herself.'
The funeral took place im stodgy
afternoon. and tbe lame Weeder:1os
at the stricken home and the arrou
°weber of floral offerings surrounding
the csoket evidenced widespread
'sympathy which the sari oseuerenee
had evoked. Her. Gen. B. Ross con-
ducted the funeral service. and the
palOwarers were Louie Robinson.
Hugh A ndrewel, Oke and
Athnl bleQuarrie. The remains were
laid in Maitland cemetery.
In his sermon in Knox church on
Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Rom maAe
a eyninathetie reference to the event.
'peeking of the departed one in terms
whir+ indinated the affection enri re -
'meet in which she was held by all her
friends and associates.
der of the
fig held on
letter titan
nor move
dear con-
Lard's Day Alliance.
Instead of the regular mid -week
moire in tbe various °breeches. a mass
meeting was held ott Wednesday 'WOW
nig in tbe lecture room of Knox
church in the interests a/ Lb. Godericb
inuich of the Lord's Day Affiaritie.
The president, G. M. BMW, presided.
Ria. W. G. Hann" B. A.. Coterie
secretary cf the Alliancewas precast
and gave an int everting address elbow-
tbe attempted biros& upon the
privilege of rest upon the. Lord's Day.
sail the efforts made to secure for tall
tits rights of the day, The °moors
were re-elected for the ensuing year.
Getting After Delinquents.
At tba meeting of tbe water and
itgbt connuisiop un Tuesdavihnestveoing
sleylaw was enacted pro • 4 het
in we of non-payment of rates for
electric current for thirty days from
chilliest reading of the meter, the water
aoi eget commission a the town of
Goderich or its duly authorised officers
into rut off the supply ot electric
current from any house, store, °Moe.
botel. building, or part of building
upoe which the said rete or rent shall
be due, and the supply of electric cur-
rent shall not he let on again excerpt
upou payment of all arrears dee and
one dolls" fine." The by8. Inspector Spottoo visited the law will go
M of Wet
r existence
'tor hesith.
Agee wrack
Id nervous.
bird 0177
i liver ani
led. and 1
We moo.
1 ever Owes
and t i r.
gained in
uatfl I feel
guar* n t
Abel. we
4 this and
th the un -
57 will be
lerieb. On;
The last entertatoment tbe Y. M.
C. A. mutes foe this seasoWereas elven
In Victoria Operk House oo Friday
eveniog and was wen attended. times
disappointment was felt wben it was
anuounced tbat the ensalrelnent with
the Homers. wbo had beet' advertised
to give the sestartainmeet, had been
cancelled. the manasement of the
Lyceum Boman finding diet tbeir per-
formate°s would not be satisfactory
here. In plam of them a mixed com-
pany, crinsisting of Owen A. Smiley.
the well-known entertainer; Dr. Har-
vey Robb, pianist ; Mies Hunt and 0.
J. Pink. vocal soloists, had been en -
mined for the occasion, tied any disap-
pointment that may have been felt on
the aneouncement of the cbangm was
dispelled before these epleodid enter-
tainers had prooeeded very far in
their program. Mr. "Smiley was at hi.
beet. and was heerd with delight in a
wide variety of selections. Dr. Robb
TNT, jam A r.
1:14.g..a...udzivr2z latert:
=s. liigs alf heseseMill
or Om pertiers."11= oion thew
at Mabee' serthueitr
Isor soda.;7Taar series salt lads up user.
=merles aad arst-clien taSseing
Ufa your °poen, for
Tbe Bropbeyi s todio will be open all
F.aeter sa
day on Good iday.
Cordial er Herbal Teals
easy arid Insures
reale recovery. Tim Cor4ia1
tetseawngoest of caseate Wien herb..
SR USW proper proportloas.
MIS IMMO= no drugs or hermtul
besMes being a es axpectaat
Mother.' Cordial ow Tewie
mothers is also s reemedy for
all women ta a rundown °sedition. la
addition to tts teak properties it m
an excellent blood mutate. end serves
te these the complexion as wen as
wow* g entre' beanie and good
Davidson. rahflat. lilt
Dear Mrs. Curran
I am writing ou for another box of
Orange Lily and a box of the Herbal
Tonto, lacloaing an order tor Two Dol-
lars for same. Please forward same
to me.
1 And an occasional toe of ids
Orange litly helps me and tke Tonle
• good amine builder.
TOW* sincerely.
MRS. J. W. A.
A package id blethers' Cordial or
Bobs' Ted° leets a mouth. At your
Druggist's. owby mall. $1.00 a pack-
age'. Praia* se•gasluiese for MOO
Write fee lableletlog partieularse-
Dr. Carenkey Sao Windom. Ont.
Wigle'. Iron Pills provide the Ma-
t.for building up the uery °us and
ni4.cuiar systems.
Capt. 4 M. lebepbard fell from the
root of hi?woodshed on Monday and
sustained a dislocatOin of t be
The Woman's Guild of St. George's
church intend bowing a high tea aod
bazaar on the alterenon ond evening
of Thursday, April 18dt. Particulars
The ladies of Vic oria atreet Meth.
°dist church will t bold a tea and
bazaar on Tuesday, April lath.
Further announcemeot will be made
next week.
Fred Davis lett last week for Irei-
canna, Alta., where be will be gaged foe several mooths ia superin-
tending farming operations on his
farm near that pbce. He also shipped
another car of for use on -his
Western farm. John f3allows went in
charge of them.
A • *farewell to the old sod wel -owe
to the new" social was held in Willis
Presbyterian church. Clinton, on
Thursday evening. Rev. Dr. Stewart,
who has served faithfully aa pastor for
tbe past thirty-five years., woe pre-
sented with a check for $800 a,nd
many expressioes of goodwill. This
was kis first wad only ce and even
now be is retiring only on account of
failing heatth. Tbe now miaow is Rev.
D. K. Grant, who has been acting as
assistant for some months A very
eutertaining program was pat t 01 tbe
evening's enjoyment.
Coiled Wire
Ideal Fencing
Our first car for thia season of Cleve-
land No. 9 Coiled Wire has just arrived.
This wire is acknowledged to be the kind
you want; good coil, hard, and lots of
spring and well galvanized. As announced,
priced specially at $2.00 per cwt. Lay in
a good supply, for it is not often we can
give you a snap like this.
Horse Clippers
This is the time of year you require
them. We have a well assorted stock
ranging in price from $1.2o to $2.00 each.
From April Ith u.srgr. into our Sum-
mer Term Irmo July 2od and given op-
portunity fat oontinuous
for Dee better eta-. of pooh nVkla
Inlloottoe. equipment aod serrier we
have no superiors. Free catalosue
exoqi why. Write Central Rusincre
C of' icoriLik Gerrard
Sta.. W. K. Shaw.
Pruning Tools
We carry a good assortment of the
best lines ; such as saws, pruners, shears,
snips, etc.
"I hear been a Pullman Conductor on
tke C. P. R. and Michigan Central
daring the last three years. About
fear years ago, I was laid up witO
intesse pains in the groin, a iery sore
back, and suffered moist leverely when
I tried to urinate. I treated with my
family pbysician for two months for
gravel ot the bladder but did not
receive any benefit. About that time,
I met another railroad man who had
been similarly affected and wbo had
been cared -by taking Gin Pills, after
Local lepresestative
Howell Hardware Coes Ltd.
The Place to Buy Good hardware right
Permanent entelorsost and a ipiondid
Loewe* &seared tight roan to sot we our
reprearieWare in the sale of our fruit and
otuainestall Nursery Stock. Former ex-
nan•mwars. an that we reestes
Litsoelce estI, ambition. sod a willioeurre ta
work. A handsome *Mit furnished fres
Fall instructions Yves as to Noweemeasent
of hoodoos.. Writt at once for hill partking
Tbe Chase %Niers OstarieLtd.
The Goderich Garage
Mins Leta, MoUreath is gpanding the Easter
holidays ia Toronto.
gays a masterly exhibition of IDIOM- M. rand Moo. W. K. Kelly have recanted
negated execution. and tbe voul num- from a -soft to oaroto
bete by Miss Hunt and Mr. Pine were lira. D. illnyd 1.. nieiting her mem Omni and
beard with much pleasure. Kenneth Boyd. isi Tercet"
ore. B. I.. Dario "tot Mien Doyle are away co
CiOderiels COINgiata institute Notes. a trip te Bicaraged. Viteltta.
School closed on Thureday at noon Moo. A. Lawsoe and darghtar. Margaret, lett
and well re -open on Monday. 15th Tanr`dilY " a 'bet t,Deuvit
M. N. Lewis. M.P. is home from Ottawa, the
into effect at once.
April. at 9 a. m. Paritemestary session Karim aimed.
Doing Business. Collegiate "luring tbe week and spent Normal school. barker compietad her term.
B. Mos Inta Onidtheete le home trim Toronto
three days inspecting iL He ItOtOttd- Mitt Ileirioa Fraser kim returned from Stria -
wed two ot the classes too large for tont weere she was sweating Normal sceoo.
effective individual work, Ditmely, Mr*. Palmer. of Detnat. ie el. -Ding her
Forms I and III A. and tbe accomrno- 'al's"' ClIsriftt"/""s•Thitlairaratreet•
dation .34 equipment of the ecience B. Sail Elliett, of Stratford Norms.' School.
in imandIng the Easter vacation 32 111. bane in
department, not, nearly up to the tato.,
sitetodard now being insisted on for wee wow iota and Mho to Alien are
Collegiete Institutes, tome torn Loretto Abbey &Wool. Toroeto. for
The closing meeting of the (3. C. I. L'a"r•
Mtge Janie Saone's.. of Reverde
sal Iodi
Literary Society for the preseni. term oatoiro .ronsto. u, how, fur tbe zustur
was beid in the sasembly hall Of the homers.
Collegiate col Wedoesda7 eveninir. see oft -trade Manning, ie - Wenn from
Tbe attseedanoe was large aod iecliedire *trammed so • yirit prior to ber &aperture for
in tee number present were nevem' ex -
Minx Rotta I lark. wit° hat been in attend -
students of the reboot. Mile Edna slam at Swathed Normal School, la home for
MacKwen. president of tbe Society. Oh Koster imilidaw,
occupied tbe cbsir while an intereeting C. to Johontae, of lifetex. who as railed
aiie warted program ems rendered. here by the deati af Ilii• woos, Mies Carrie
Mira Beth Bnyd and Mies GO= Cir'1"30• "tare" l'°' taltaV*
MIL Dnuntot Lynn and tittle non. 71iomaa.
Field gave a piano duet, sod Mies , Ida mend the Raw.* bonder. with Mrs.
Brimioonsbe read an 'sassy on trill loseh mother in Port Hansa Molt.
subject ot "Iceherge." Solos were Delsod mooreiror at Duluth. Minn.. who
The regular meeting of tbe public meg by Mies Hildred NaColt and Miss bad bolo orlidints 'be `dm"' *1 114. °M ham°
"°°1 b'ood Wag hold in Victoria Isabel McLean. Mien Agnes Hamiltonm gi"t6a /411" Weda34a7 Cjn ats ratara 10
ach°01 on Monday *yenta'. A letter gave a humorous reading and Une- Dillatb.
Idni D. iltiaterchin. with her grariddeseets-
"'received from De. Turnbull, chair- worth Jones favored the audience ter. Bales K. linward. is Osamu bersasiebter.
ewe of the boardstating that be with • deciainatinn. taking °Canada" Mrs. Harry F. Worrell, &ad ether roisterer la
waddle 001 01 town for two montha, as his subject. Mies Pearl Gond gore T°"sta
mei" 14prinkliFtsion•Lbe boardwere secemaryto make owingerhat- abypisannoisselectiooterebung. ,w.sethic-to"
weeufollowtheed weer. sae owine to the eadden death et lee
veritime. Mrs. Wm Kilpatrick. returned to
Chas Kilpatrick. who was called Irene mese
LO his deems& H. IL Hodson@ woo Rohertsoo brothers - Howard and Prevost. AIM. es wedoesdar.
419134,_ 't34I0set as chairman pro taut Elmer. The Glee Club sang twn cooneilkc W. R Graham ant toe Graham
'°1141Plication for an increase in sal- nsuselveni and Richiud levy. editor of tioolat 'tr. otomat,,,'"inir 050,..o.,5 f`wro"at"-Hoovro,„,,"! TbeTtAeir
re Was reetived front Caretaker The G. C. 1. Journal, entertained tbe &ea len vete fa Terms* Wan reterning.
fi"OParth. It was referred to tbe gathering with a budget of news Vim (iley.)./. Polio.* and Mhos Dora Rigehles
of ...„;-11110oe committee to toport °eat next tesene peculiar interest to eaudenta. are to ftrento taunt/bur the Proviatea M
---'..DIR. A partial „Noe as too to.. strong no„ a abort ammo in ernes 4 tee Haetiot YOSalt Peewees Mesa
Tom will vita friends daring their stair le the
7,6„...haak S7',Iela was given by wticb be eoieted out hOW the meet- tato.
and Advents and UM hots of the Society afforded the woo Beau -inn Pridham le home from Mies
"thd ;rail; given further esemider- students great opportunities to int- Veers esheri &travail, for wilts tha-Astott:pnwnott-
General rehrool.
wiatime OtrY4d :lets teetrint tegulUrar nieetiThs oltbesrds" TspisalellkpootoreiegibaalsaVessadooproevedsiotetberegrerlit.rilr747t th°1"PtiiRewin.s.hile. v*.danigMilliPa' A;4.14:".111:16.."heigjaenee..11""4".. et nillrar0eXemilidin.'".7.f. 1.1%""'"aalrnisna
Ch•laren't aal WOrk PrOgrallainite. Mactiillivray was unable to meet ballasa "ama wSla has,
iloderids, but he hoped tbat wben Dr. MCIliftoo -fie Siesi4ay, II•rcola MM. atilis floa-
the Society durieg bin recant visit to
Illadiillivray returned In tbe month ewe Are.. Torootn. to Mr. ped Idre. Teed
uf May a meeting between him aged Maws& • asseistar.
the nitudents meld he arronged. The 'JIMMIED.
tometirle wee hrnsghtto & ebiee by taw Wog- PAISLIIT at taw reedeses st me
slinging of the Net Asthma.
- it.zigostob lac. bl
AUCTION SALES. em4liertess:,:tissliFirrensi. "
- le moo - ocolenri. At St A odestes
Fa•DAY, April L. -Classiest soethee rale of Wingligies. as Illenday. Ilarehlah..1=
farm Meek and
leibelreamseatestaf imam DoPillLriekLo raL.laa
rlSMIIO. ah• ttnMeirOaWir Sli.a
daellaa. Oa
money. sieritieneer. MED.
tigytrrear Ape IL-- Ezemitor& rile of tool pgareovek _1. ciaaglick, as nagoimr. Amu
orate le Clkelme W. Reromi. eeliaMer. T. sm. Thaw. predesa. saw is mow
01',M11111.euelleeeer. Penterriot - At KIlMatterd. ea Me4=,
Moenea•. Aare 11. tatailla iailll a Wm ii,,mb gruk bec. yobeckepapoi,
awe and impeemesen at se a, essessees I ma, m Dr, o r. go pamer, agog Bpalm
wrues. pesprisier. Twos. OrlfilillY. olio Tile briekeer meg let on mein
Arelleld, estataeaseas at I *Week Mors
v Apra a tointinn tab of Non IIVIWIlle owned by Alex. Onset°. 4 was
at lot IS lInttlnott nolti at meetings last Saturday to Mee.
Pre Err .eemiaim& mnpmmir 'Fhos 'ot_
not. to town, The Doom re-
.w_amFmo" pnlrevlved waS1.115D& Tomas flundrv
008.'.?. seameoo o Lb. IMO tale aaettflaaP.T. Mt. CralafiraNi fa
toit%1P.Oalr.eitlernam114alivi. Mno- , movie, to Toronto to remade.
PPIP45".m• g"P"' "rune's.' I Tbe Wometie Missionary tterieru
orevereenar. owe D-
. Albedo* Gabe of •
es _., mertb street tarthediet rem
situ ; es Samar sorest. (Ode-
sa 11=- twill meet newt Monday' IPVIMiall at ft
°Week. MWoLltobortoon. of Winslow,
' era ewe asi *Mews.
The Huron Gasolhn Beene and
Machinery Coaipeny bas commenced
banner in the building oil East street
formerly oceupied art the Davis livery.
Mr. Arthur M. Glover, late of Toronto,
who is in ciparge. is taala of ex-
perience in the care a automobiles
aad engines and will be glad Io inset
aay of our citizens wino require any
wed done or say repairs or au
in his line. The building le beingtedee
up with the necessary eyeliner.s of a
welo i-eq"iPPtit ai3a Mr. Glover
a prepared to execute orders at once
*repairs or supplies. With Ws ex -
patience be is hi a positioo to give
reliable information to anyone, wbo
thinks of buying a car. and any order
pliced with him will bsve the MOSt
careful attention.
Public School Board.
in and
It's a
wire I
ety ol
baying been given up by a prominent
physician who treated him for Diabetes.
He is now running on the road and is
pesfectly cured. He strongly advised
ine to try Gin Pills which I olid, -with
Ike reset that the pains left me entirely.
FRANK S. IDE, Duryea" N. Y.
sec. • box, 6 for $oto. Sample free.
Write National Drag and asemical Co.
att Canada. Limited, Dept. • Toronto.
lf you suffer with Constipatice or
need tootle laxative, take NATIONAL
LAZY UVER PILLS. 2,SC. a hes. 105
Opportunity Still Opal.
The opportunity is still open to boy
goods with very little m one y.
Cameron's store is atilt open &el the
prices are being reduced every day.
Don't forget the (set that it's a de-
termined citan-out this time, and no
, one should miss tbis last opportunity.
' 50c ladies' wool and cashmere Hose
I for 315c : ladies' and misses' Kic and 30c
Hoar for 15e; 5M and 75c Dress Geode
for 30c; $1.50 Drees Gnods for Ofic ;
ladies' 815.00 Saito, silk -lined. $t.% ;
ten Nark Melton and lined Coots at
E2.98 and le.3.50; twenty children's
good lined Costs 98c ; about tbirty
trimmed HAW for 19c and 18c; 1.500
Flowers and Feathers, choice for 10c;
ten men's black melton and lined
Overcoat" regular up to $12.00, for
114.95; $15.00 and $10.01) Suits in finest
worsteds and serge for $9.S5; $10.00
lined Suits for $b.96; $L00 and $L25
Overalls for 85e; 50c and 00c spring and
summer Underwear for 35c; 25c and
ONO Neckties tor 12ic ; 50c Cape for 19c.
, All the Furniture 10 1* cheered, includ-
ing Ref rigerat or, Typewriter, Safe,
Show Cases, Tables puting Scale,
Fotg Crater. Chains, etc. Everything
must be odd. Come quickly.
To Motorists
Bring in your Automobiles and have your Motor gone
over and have your valves giound. This can be done at a
onall cost and the saving in fuel coosumption will more
hen pay for seine in a short time.
Have your oiling system cleaned and old oils removed
and edified with Polarine OIL Alio your transmission
cleaned and old oil removed and refilled witb Polarine
Troosmission Lubricant. 1 have different grades to suit
the demand.
The superiority of the above grades of grease and oils
for these special purposes is undisputed.
Your wiring may need replsecing and your motor
.. I have installed a vulcanizer and will do all kinds of
tire repairing up to where sectional work is required.
I invite all who hnve anything to he done in the above
lines to give me a chance sod I will do all that is in my
power to satisfy their wants.
Thankiug you in advance, I reruain,
Yours faithfully,
Kingston St. Goderich
e Tie roguler movably mostinet of the
esderich branch of tbe asiMress'e Aid
Iteriety wan bead in tke emert house rie
Tiendsy afternone. As it hes bean
imof that the first Moteday eseb
wrath is a date conflictieg with otbor
eschews whose members are Inter -
toted in Om Children's Aid work. ti
was ilerided to hold all future meet-
ne the serood Tuesday of each
montio at the tonal hour of 4 o'cloelc.
Ma/A to the appointing a • Ro-
me' monnsittee it was left with Lb.
ereeideet. Jae. Meehan, toed the contoy
again fi M. Rthott, to select hem
'seem fif a numbs, eneggeeted at the
"40_ ne to act is this ellakeer. TtiarT
'la 1st asked lo reeves tbe town for
p ahsen mid also to make sogereetions
th.inrther6211 thennerbont
•-• "ode- The report prevented be
Mr. ere
-roves, tbe (snooty ageet, wee
Tarr gratify's/I in thee. it allowed bat
Slits.otork woe tak lag a firm bold In ail
"FM of Lb* turnety. Moe. tbe nonnty
=whams apprebsoraa too breasnih
410.• Winches'. sod Drefteeta-
. -**e• tot,n-et wee Dm&
'le "1 t;.• WYK big t fitly c
for everybody!
Once you or yeurs realize
the rich, wholeame savor of
crisp, toasted flaky hearts of
sweetest sugar corn, you'll
banish porridge from your
breakfast menu. It will be
'sweethearts for everybody'
OFTENER than once a drly
when you offer
New Telephone
of toa Bell Tetonhone Company
moo, nails 5 anon to print new
Dire of Item nfeciel Telephone
We etory for the Dote -Jct. of
ttprn Ontario, including
Per* lye whet eeteote-nniate, he-
14..hotorthrrt ty. t hone
wilco winh rimrom n thotr moo.
PTO Ofitr•V ,hoold •shiros *1104,
ego.derso with the Loon' MitmityPt
at nnro to inane, insertion b.
Connecting Companies
ehr.,14 01.., re meg •• rid t ;one
• nil nhiumpoi it. that, of nub.
-"ritierw. •ithne to the
moony -or nvelirrot to 11o0 Gino.`i•T
A evni 'a m on t. Mont real.
The Ball Teleohowe Co.
of Cando
eameoroesessetrense treaeonesseteteasee
11101100. C488.11.
abookeasee P•11.111110111 erlIPP$Pe One
desire fie termer la
Me bad efeereeects. Can. Write or
'Meese Oar Illeekiet
The Oatlin institute
jams St, Toronto
'Pboese N. sod. A. ft arerave, sir
For alt ,,,,eatellon• ameo 81 .-heense
dPlieint). ire Clown in bulk it: foamy
ricks. 'Phone MO.