The Signal, 1912-4-4, Page 4THE 81,GNAL GODERICH ONTARIO
How Mss. Reed of Peoria.
Escaped The Sithe
gene's Knife..
Peoria. I11 -"I via le let every see
`is whet cydlg&PlukaseesVastateltis
�e�d Y. tins
sal Ihmletemse
seig randy
wee tb• �surgeon's
ame 1101a Z.
'a Vegeta.
s Cl.tgsg 4
Wow I sem woll
women For
seen tits I neffa d'
(rest r/srrMlse, std your &manor
Wash relieved etas. 1 sty tied is tell
anyone what )els aerials: heti does
for me. You tan missy tsseaselei M
any way you wish, rad I tadp be slid
to answer lettere"- Mrs. (IMNS%
Rein, 106 Mound SL, Peoria, It
Kra. Lynch Also Avoided
Jessap,Pa. -"After the bklbel up
fourth °MK 1 had sante seismic haeme-
( matioa broad harem& sertilepsies
that it did est seem as though 1 sell
star ; it, Thle kept tip for them keg
anr -atilt' Wee s decided that
• , i..:n coma mybloat rsonieseded
Lydia E. Ptnkham's oegstshis arm -
pound and after taking it for tws>riarsas
I was a well woman. "-Mrs. ABM A.
Lyrics, Jessup, Pa
Weems who softer from fearkb tis
should try Lydia E. Pinkh•m's Ytrsh-
bis Cospsund, Doe of the most s.sssi&
feel remedies the world has ever keels s.
before submitting to a surges mop -
SATURDAY, March 30th.
LANES LrcAL&-The roads at pres-
ent are in a very bad condition owing
to the sinking away of the .now dur-
ing tbesunny days. The slight skiff of
Snow of Sunday last gave us the hint
that winter be. not yet taken its de -
bas bSanderson, ill for theIALo
couple of
months, is steadily convalescing. We
hope that his health may continue to
improve W. J. lane, who has
been under the doctor's care for some
time pact, is improving nicely. His
many friends will be glad to nee him
in their midst amain D. R. Web-
ster art: wife, of Locknow, were visit-
or at Lanes last week Andrew
Stein sold a valuable horse last week
for a heudsome spm.. .. Roy Alton
was assisting Albert Alton, of Belfast
iD cutting wood the forepart of last
week At times you can see the
lazy cendingothrough tbeke of tbe uUeec. boilers
Sap as
yet does not run well, owing to the�
severe frost.
MONDAY, April 1st.
removed an aged resident of this Wye -
.hip o. Tuesday of last week, when
William Elliott was called away at the
age of seventy-five years. His demise
took place at the home of his nephew
Adai i Efliott, with wbotn he had re
sided for a number of ears. The de-
ceased was born in is county io the
year 1837. He was the eldest of a fam-
ily of nine and fifty-five years ago aloe
with his patents he eettled on lot 19,
concession 13. The funeral took place
last Thursday from bis nepbew'e res-
idence to Burns cemetery. The de-
ceased is survived by one brother and
three state[, : James Elliott, of Wash-
ington : Mrs. N. Coining, Mrs. Ballan-
tyne, both of Blytb, and Mrs. John
Brigham, of this township.
TUESDAY, April 2od.
M AtTL.tsn t%OSCEmnt 1, Nortet-
Miss Mabel Snyder, who had been
spending the winter in Godericb,
arrived homer last week.. ...C. Mitch-
ell gave a dancing p.rty to a number
of his friends on Friday evening last.
Did yos get fooled on Mooday P....
W. B. Forster hes engaged the service"
of W. Prouse for rhe summer
Dan. Schwanz spent Sunday on the
Ise ooncessien. There most be arms
attraction over there. Dan We
understand J. C. Deist intends °
up the house on his farm this runes e:
..Cheer up! We may bale spring
yet. Large numbers of robins,bliss-
birds and others est our little reunions'
summer visitors arrived Met week....
The ice on the river has started to
move and with favorable weather It
may reach the lake wi shout doing any
appreciable damage
April 6th and April 8th, will be Two GREAT BARGAIN DAYS at this store.
Cut prices -on nearly everything in our whole stock. Bargains here mean real
bargains for the buyer.
Full width, English and Scotch makes
A better cloth, 12%c value, for
A 15c line for only
Thirty inches wide, fast colors, only
Our best cloth, CREST MAKE, 12c value, for 11C
A few pieces of specials, new, in colors, 50c to
60c tweeds, and other makes, navy, grey,
green, brown and tan, and our sale
price is only.
Another lot in better cloths, s3c value.. , .
Look out for some big bargains in Lace Curtains.
A large stock, nearly all new.
$1.00 and $1.23 values, new for this spring,
from one of the best makers. Just a
special lot. Sale price only
A new lot, direct from the makers. Some
hand -made and good value at 10c.
Sale price.
.3C to 7C
A job lot for this sale. Regular 6c to 6c
and good value at that. -Sale price
Our usual bargain prices on all our Hosiery,
in cashmere and cotton. Some wool
makes less than asked for. Some at aaC and
The above list shows only a few of the great
bargains you may expect at this sale, Remember
the days—SATURDAY and MONDAY next.
A>s1wai caraarr
TO �Olg
AS tee c.r6en of her w
eel possible I. ogee trend,
bet es teary u car b. pap -
Ailed by the cwt osiers de-
vices ane to be rowed es the
Regal Mail Suoeskl,,,
Waimea. d vibration, than...
tassk�`t�rronLa el vestibules. W
-_-_u,"",.., fitted cabins, so
sere melon et 111* WW2
anise dense dee ave day tri,.
Fur tall Information ape
to I. F.La wpresoe. tedo-
d eteetneeets
H. L HLt6R. neo
et•.l Arcot Toronto, flat
10 matters of conscience gree
(l:ougpta are best ; in matters of pru-
dence last thoughts are best. _Robert
towel place on Tuesday, April 9th, at
- '8 o'clock p. m. The members are asked
to attend.
The house and Iota on the corns, of
Raglan and Palmerston etr'sets have
been sold by the owner, Wm. Kil-
patrick, to David McPherson. of town.
1The purchase sum was =1.100. Mr.
McPherson gets imnwdlate possession.
4 Terries AT, APRIL 4, 1913
District News.
ILL NNBWTON, DE:NT� Itared ST, OF im t. �s�os.wta.Ne t LeakaeWe some
w. oboes
as wig b heed every dor AL mNsre moth
�eea!at¢me tla,,..wlI�r11 Pees
v.relia isad me mo -_o mat maims asits=ow1 he
eters kr aeiwets esid f Ue same
THURSDAY. April 1th.
New RecmL-Hey. T. Young who
wen recently a aced by the Sieh
of Huron to tale charge of the Dun -
/cannon and Port Albert Anglican coo-
$regatloes, has entered upon his duties
here Mr. Young is • native of Lin-
doodsrry. Iceland, and had been in
this country only a few days when
he received his appointmeot to the
position vacated by Rev. T. Hicks on
bis removal Wt fall. We bespeak for
Mr. Young a cordial reoeptioo from
tbe members of his congregation and
fes community at targe.
CH weft Norms.- Rev. :sir. McKay,
of Kincardine, occupied the pulpit of
Erskine church last leuoday. The
annual vestry meeting of 8t_ Paul's
congregation will be held on Mooney
evening next" There will be •N'
props irate Easter sermons and special
music in all Abe churches next Sue -
ay. .... There will be a special collec-
tion in the Methodist Sunday school
nett /Sunday fpr the purpose of meeting
the last instalment i f th
e amount
promised by the school towards the
erection of the church The elec-
tion of officers of the Spwortb League
was poetpooed until next Wednesday
evening. The monthly meeting of
the Woman's Missionary Society was
held in the Methodist cburch last
night. It was decided to calla special
meeting later for the election of
ORCH:ten CULTURE.- Notwith.taUd-
ing the bad roads, there has been a
large attecdaoce at the orchard prim-
ing dem,enstrations during tbe last two
weeks. The men are now working, in
George Andel son's orchard, north of
he vilLige, and will move in a few
,lays to Petrick Austin's orchard, in
Ashfield. Spraying for the wood moth
and the Ban Jose hark .Jotter must
be done before the buds come -this
year not later than the nth inst. The
ewonst/ator. will he at J. A. Mal-
lougb's orchard about the middle of
next week to show herr the spraying
should be done. Bretton, who caa
should make It a room to he present.
Definite informat i, n is to the day,
on which the demonstration will
beld can he ohtair.d from Mr. Mal -
lough or Mr. Kydd, who btu cbarge
of the operations.
OBI TCARY.-Wold was received on
Tue-day of the death of Mrs. George
Stoner. of Detroit, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Bowers. The deceased
Lady was born at Dungannon about
thirty-five years ago and made her
hos to bere until fifteen years ago when
she moved to St. Thomas. Sbe was
married in that city eight years ago to
bent now bereaved partner, 'noting
afterwards to Detroit. Besides bar
husband she leaves a family of four
small children. She also leaves to
mourn her loss ber father, John
Bowers, of Pungann, 0: her mother
and eve sisters -Mrs. F. Bowden, Mrs.
Ernest Mayo, Mrs. Geo. Rogers and
Misses Lily and Edna - all of SL
Thomas ; and 'four hpMhese-Robert,
John, Will and FA. Interment will
be mads at SL Thomas today.
TEuterim'ug Nares. -The past win-
ter fur nlshed a severe test for tbe tele-
phone line, and the management of
the Goderich Rural Telephone system
have reason to t* congratulated upon
the service furnished. While then
has been an occasional temporary in-
terruption on branch Byer, on only
two °erasion' bps there been an inter-
ruption on the Lncknow-Nile trunk
line. There ate now over three hund-
red 'phones no 1 he system, applicati
for twenty -eve more have been rte
and Superintendent Johnston is co
adept [bat before next fall tbere w
be over four hundred servicer on
system. 'Phones have recently bee
installed for the following perm
Geo. Pollock, cono,ssion 2. West
wanosh ; Frank McDonagb, Carlo
Jas. Thompson, Nile : S. Sande
Dungannon : John Elliott,
3. Aibfi eld : John Reid, cooceasion
0 -
n poen P. Jr. 1 .-Mary Mich*?
rich . Mr. sad Mrs. George Bagley
have moved to Hamilton. where limy
win peaks their home in future They
both spent practloany an their lives is
Dungannon. and have many friends
bare who wish them all success in
their new borer Mrs. John Mc-
Leao, wbo has been ill ail winter, was
vary low last week and grave de ohm
were entertained of her recovery. Her
many friends will be relieved to know
that sbe is now .osaewnat better and
bolding her own Mr. and Mrs.
C. Rowe have returned to Du nos,
after spending the winter at . ew Or-
leans and other winter resorts to the
Southern States.... Mies MsissI, Ryan
visited friends in Godeeioh i�Ytt week.
Miss O'Neil is here at present,
nursing Mrs. McLean , Gyred hose
and Everett Mallostgb attended the
bteele-Campbell poet -nuptial reception
near Laurier on Wednesday evening-
Mies Edith Treleaven is spend-
ing the Eastertide with Mies Alma
Robinson, of Landon Mrs. West,
who has been poorly all winner, is en-
joying better health.
TUESDAY, April ':od.
NEWS NOTEti. -Rev. Father Dean is
visiting in London this week Jos-
eph Kinahan, jr., left last week for
Saskstoon, where be inteods staying
i for a time . Joseph Flynn took a
I trip to Wingbam this week, The
shareholder* in the beef ring bare bald
a meeting Met Thursday to make ar-
rangements for the starting of their
ring on the lab of April . . We are
sorry to report the illness of Miss Ida
Thompson, but bope to bear of her re-
covery in the near future.
TUESDAY, Aptil 'god.
Brown, pastor of the Benwiller Meth-
odist circuit, has arranged for special
services on Raster Sunday. At Bethel,
in the morning, the sermon is to be
especiaYly devoted to the old people of
the circuit. The text will be, ''Abide
with us : for it is toward evening, and
the day is far spent." The hymns and
the whole order of service are to be
Mat what the old folks like At
Benmilier, in the evening, a special
Easter service is to he held. The pas-
tor will discuss Paul's incidental an-
swer to the soepUcai question, -Did
[rise again " The Zion south
1st choir OGoderieb township)
is to assist in the musleal part of the
cervica We are looking forward to a
good time. Let all the people come
and help us celebrate the resurrection
of our Lord.
->.'Yr..--*-Y'-Y'r 1�` -.y-`r
I Any quantity of the test 1
Chestnut and 8ture Coal on
hand at Kingsbridge, 1
Farmers wanting (Coal had
better get in • supply at otsce, as. 1
there is a likelihood of a coal
strike and most dealers in the
surrounding towns are out.
Teestme, April 2nd.
SCHOOL RapoRT. -The following is
the result of the promotion examina-
tions of S. S. No. 3, Ashfield. Classes
are given as they will be after Beater.
Promotions are marked P and those
not promoted are marked R : V. -
Anna MacKet zie R, Hazel Wert R,
Lizzie Wallace R. Sr. i V. -Elmer
West R, Hughie MacKenzie R., Bart
MacDonald R, Bessie MacKenzie P,
Bernie., Drennan P, Eddie Wallace
P, Idel Griffin P, Irene MacDonald P.
Sr. Iii. --Belle MacKenzie P, Willie
Johnston P, Alberta Beckett P, Wil-
lie MacDonald 1'. Jr. I i L-Lot.tie
MacKenzie P, Mahe/ MacDonald P.
Sr. 11. -Willie Benjamin P, Stanley
n.. i
Tr' P, Richard bleat t', John Mae'.ay P,
s' John MacDonald P. Pt. 11. -
MacKenzie P. Pt., 1. -Ross MacDon-
rsOni aid R, Alex. MacDonald R. MART E.
MURRAT, Teacher.
Asbeeld ; Wm. Stothers, conesssion 3,
West Wawanoeir ; Andrew Kirke,
concession 3, West Wswaoosh.
BRIEF ME.trr10N, - The postponed
concert under the auspices of the pub-
lic library hoard will be held on Friday.
April lleb, when the popular play,
"Scenes in a Restaurant." will be. re-
produced. ... John rimn will h
an auction sale of his farm and fa
stock on Thursday, April 11 t
The local rifle assn cation is t o he aqui
ped by the Department of Militia wi
ten of the improved Rom r ifl.w--
ann great) superior to tbeones wbic
have been in general use ley county
rifle aseoeiettoos Wm. Shack
ton. who tecemitly sold hie farm yea
Crewe, has moved to the property
which he Purchased from George Beg.
ky Pred Robinson bee moved
to Goderich where he ha• secured a
boner on Victoria street. John
Smith has moved to the Saunby farm,
where he will speed Ube summer.
The roads are in very bad coedit -Mo-
nt for neither wheels nor runners.
Communication will Goderich practic-
ally ceased on leriday, the stage -driver
fling through only by the use of a
h to tallow, thence wheels t
O ch. The public echo,
dosed on Wednesday for the Fwate
vacation, and will re -open on Monday
April Vie h. Principal Ross is.pending
the holidays at Awherlev and Mies
Sager at her home near Gait.
l'sltwritAL. -Mies Fditb Roberts re-
turned home ami Saturday alter
elit's visit with her rivet, Mrs. Geo
weeds, of (iederich . Mies A. J
Denis left last week for (imprints
when she will ,pled the summer
win Cesear was the genet of Gnderieh
6isisk ami Sueday afnt
whets. of Roderick visited Robert
bit week. Her mother, Mrs. D
M *bre to he wooed awn ....
lems Poynter. of 'Lbee ter, was called
aseMto lest week owing to the
Nle¢ bow sister, Mr.. Moo.
wise beisl v,ry low . Mrs.
at digit mime Is tiellhg
lbee par -
ewe the guest* last week
d . and Mrs. D. J. Brei r, of (lode -
THURSDAY, Marco '�t.11.
THe LATE THOMAS Sl]resote-�Dexth
claimed another victim on Monday,
March 26tb. in the person of Thomas
Simpson. t)eceased had been in poor
beJth for some time but was not c:n-
tlned to tied until last Friday. The
,•n, late Mr. Simpson had been a resident
of this locality for many years and
p. will be much missed. The remains
�were interred in Port Albert cemetery
on Wednesday afternoon and were
b followed by a large arnoouree of
y people.
le- Muses. - Miss Victoria Sinal. re -
r turned borne from Detroit on Tuesday.
'tbe had been visiting her sister, Mn.
Flemming, since New Year's ....Stan-
ley Hayden left fest Saskatoon, Sack.,
o�d�ay Miss Ethel Bell, of
rears, is the guest of ber
friend, Miss Annie Drennan Will
Brown has been under the doctor's
care for tbe last few days, but we
are glad toss he is on the mend
again John Brinley, who has
been living in Hamilton for the last
year and a half, has moved up here
n and will take possession of hie father's
r1 farm near $benpw,dton, while Wm.
r Brinley will remade at bis borne near
, bare... Mra. Eden Burrow., a Gtde-
rieh, i. the guest of her mister -in-law,
Mrs. Musa..
WRDISE$DAT. April :led.
News Norm -Maas Evelyn Hayden
a left o. Saturday roe To-eisto, where
she will cautious liar art ..d(.,.
Mr. and Mrs. Jsek fur era, d Por t
Huroa. are 5 .3 at • ro. )/ialisr'.
Yes. Mar' r.,.ti is e• tbe
ejek Bet, but wit to .. her better
Boom Marsh ,,hale hes Wee
wttussa`.ed to his hid fee , e htR sash
. am Mr. T « tonsil , .
psis.attuse toe Ise the
Mr. d Pin
tvs••s. ant mo
chemise, ie is this tleiait v thia week
vieiti.g his . The A.
Y. P. A.'e meat serf lag will be fray
TUESDAY. April2.d.
churrcchLadies' f inteod bolding their tbe enamel
twat- in the town hall on the evade(
of Thursday. April 11th.
Mr. and Mr,. Herbert Duncan, erbo.s
ararriage took platy last Wednesday
in l.ortdon returned on Saturday last
and are Moods in Um itreighMrhood deem
leaving for Sankaschewao, when [bey
will make their hoot..
THE Raul-TAMT BPpr,ro. March
hay "come teed been riled gore" and at
an atese of its 8istrrr mead It tee -
folly be called "lamb lteeth-
like.- while April
emeses to he following its lead, seemly
sign hetes visible. A farmers hate tapped their lead
sed are making were, bet the depth
of the mow M the bqh ,ashes it vele
M.sgsle..Ne wort. The sap Is eeporied
to be veep
Ibis this The roods
ere ia am almost imp milds seedlike
[este as • the Mardi
savvier/ wan Utility *deeded
,oe cloak. lie lelmt, Lard law, ata tea
d to m 1e 1141 A invest of ire Bodritri
primitivist etre wit be
Rifle Amositige will he held JaVeavitts.
L!! This Sigo
yon know
that you are
setting the
one prepa-
ration that
has stood
the test for
over thirty-
five years
and still re-
mains the Standard
tonic -food -medicine,
used and recommended
smote the world over.
Emu talon
is the embodiment of
elements that sake for
wood -healer► and
au, pavement
Single fare for round trip. Min-
imum charge of 26t between ail
statin., in Canada. Good going
April 4th, rete nth, 7th and &h.
Return limit April 10th, 1912.
Western Cama
April eery •2nd
e od Tuesday h' ser
m 1 thereafter
September 17th. iodides.
Winnipeg and
EEdnionttoe and Return
Tickets good for sixty days.
Propertios•te rates to other
pointe in Manholes, Saskatch-
also be oe ruTickets
be no certain dates
via Sarnia and Norther. Naviga-
tion Company,
Low Rates to
Padfic Coast
Tickets on sale daily
until April 15th.
Settlers' One-way
to Manitoba,Saskatchewan and
Alberta on sale every Tuesday
in March and April
When doing to
travel via Greed Treat Railway
Syste--the only donbis teselt
Tickete firths, r....etaaew,
from V. P. Lmiwre.sq iis.aJ
?reek etas A.
OmitDatreaDistrea p saw,
WESTFIELD. mita, Mr. and Mrv. J. N. elaspbett.
TUEaDAT, April end. Wood beer are the order of the
Give Herr A CALL. -Our newday at present, the last being bold oo
Post -tie day test by Wm. Howatt
tweets* has purchased an up-to-da
stuck of
grass seeds, is water. eta sad wtj 1 believe we cannot live better than
cater to the wants of as many es A io ssakitg to bens ss batter, nor wore
favor hbn with their patronage. =bly-8treratai vias • clear cm"
AcctDENT.-- .wr'ence Paare* test
with an accident last week white. --
ei11 lay him off work for someaussi titan,
�He o when ng out of the bare LIFE ET �1� um
idefeet slipped and he fell heavily
backward. striking bib bead oo theism.
He has suffered a great deal from the
effects of the MIL Dr. Stewart, of
Eeigrave, is in attendance, and the
patient's recovery it looked for.
Norte -Ben Taylor had tbemistor-
tane to lose his valuable driving mats.
She broke her leg during the night.
ant apthe fracture was in the thigh
she bad to be destroyed 1'hs
long -looked -for post office treader
arrived oa Wednesday hist, and went
eEeet on Friday morning, Mr.
our Dew noetmam er, removing
the to his niece about midnight
se Tharoday. lie the
mall from the
e old mail Drot, carrying
s. tee
sew site, te.rpora$ly.. .... A latae
neuebse are mining from hairy
adds..... Mis Nettie Bell le teaming
drivensakiag art th ton, of Auburn. .R. A. to,
our new a d1 -carrier, started bis dot es
ea April 1.t. slfswill woad the Easter bidays hs
A. W. HatdiM1
Iis.slly ler Beira
rime a
the bol days with her per -
is the way Miss Alta Abel of W.. t
t'aden. Ind., seemed up her ezliten• .,
trier haring sought in vain for bean',
She writes: "I was a complete wr•r'i
-- always tired. worn out and nerve,,.
1 bad to spend about one-third of n y
time 1n bed.
N ewl. your delicious cod liver a ^ 1
iron tonic. was recommended, and 1
rae truly say It hay dons me more
coed than all the medicine 1 ever t''':
im my llf0. That nervous and tir..1
feeling Is all gone. I have pined in
health, flesh and strength, tutu 1 feel
like another person." (We guarantee
this testimonial to be genutse.1
Wiest VIno1 did for Inas Abel, we
know it will do for every nervous.
rue -down. Overworked. tired, this and
db"'eied woman le We vicinity.
Try a bottle of Vlnol with tie un-
g mosey l be
lr dossset
H.C. Duabpr Drwgitdst. Ooderich, On i
and House Furnishings
Spring Necessaries is Faraitors
sad Fteriaahiaga for the Hone
Realizing the regeiremeats of the people a( Goderich and
Oates is All imetudkag
viciaig fbaood., Meosplme mset,of Pertalture.
Prices-auaasortesset tardy wiseoafda that dew, at moderate
•.,e the skerry Pleraitere rue emsisget'.a
pleasure to chew my Moet : amid Y these le ' atmss` it i a
ha.m't .toctsdr 1 Mil get? h for yea•
etuaethd.g yeu demise 1
pave also a very desirable sessetslsest of Raga A variety ef
qualities. hatters. mad eidedege. S1ea all sew ..i pass ORAL
Frames, Pieteew ee to Ret Wielders Shmier, erre.
A few dewing Medlinea at bargain prime.
George tlohmeier
A/.acy ManAsl4. Pima