The Signal, 1912-4-4, Page 21
TYCiWLAT, Artist. t, 1012
TH6 $JQN s
P1a INTINU Limited
lelseiseose Na
Terme ef r
y :
Les ear miasma alta�sdvaasa
Iso vntaa es eaLeallurs, P.M a year
strictly In advawar.
•sbieri ern wM Usti repave Tea Einem L
regsbuiy by
randbi• laver 11
s ISettbthe tad at ae early • dateaceae
When a char Of address L detlred. bots old
the newadarr coed be levee
einerusi g nem:
pa U. e ether ve100
per rline
mots by a
sosossea wale. twee t an
Badness ewe et lex nes aad miler, M pe
_fir w sites=. LostaN °°' Br uer
thaw tin eft* Wirlimp-* al f 1t !ileaeruess tar► Terme Latest
owe ts In ae.gtlaa. emea.��r
Annonneresnte In ordinary rending type tea
ensr si
pIlse. No notice teas than c.
An) epeeist emice, the Went of which le the
a based mewl.any individual or mewl.
charmed mlea, to be os e.dan advertisement y and
wRates farMdisplay and 000tract advertise
tddreee aL eawanntommos t
tiodericb Oct.
i:01)SRi R. TVU*$DAY...PRIL s. 1812
Amundsen dierove.ed the pole. hut
Scott is staying right with it.
rhe London Advertiser is doing
splendid work in the "Stay in Ontario"
Isn't this "abolish the bar" idea of,
Mr. Rowell's a queer one for a barris-
ter to take up with ?
The Roosevelt h000t across the line
is failing rather fiat. Have our neigh-
bor' at hart been disillusioned regard -
lug Teddy and the Big Stick ?
tiYaao t rt [i+kesPeate who w ade
!toe of his characters say, "The first
thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers'
That was one way to abolish the
Provincial politics have been pretty
dead for some years, but With two
roues like tear r'efor'm and abolition of
ban there will be a decided revival of
Hon. &ward Blake in his will
asked thatoo tomhetoue should be
plated over hire grave, But Edward
Blake was the kind of man that
doesn't nerd any tombstone.
The Toronto Telegram calls Sir
Wilfrid Laurier **the w of Brit-
ish t:olumbia Lihad
an idea that a gentleman named Mc-
Bride was the responsible person.
The Provincial Liberal party is
starting an agitation to shut up the
bate. In the meeotiwe, there is
nothing to prevent a fellow from stay-
ing away from the bars if he wants to.
The rejoicings of the Bordeu news-
papet s on the conclusion of the Par-
liamenrary session reveal the anxiety
they were saff-ring while the session
was in progress. They are mighty
glad the suspense is over, for a while.
The 13iitish miners are going back
to their work in thousands, and it
seems that the strike is practically
over. The men are no doubt depend -
tug upon the minimum wage bill for
the redressing of their grievan,te in a
considerable rneas•tre.
Carnegie named the prettiest girl in
the world without full knowledge of
the subj. ct. The Laird of Skibo has
never be, n in Stratford. -Stratford
Huh! The only time the prettiest
girl in the world ever was in Stratford
was when she was travelling through
on her way to or from Dodericb.
The agitation against the Senate's
action in defeating several Govern-
ment bile will be futile. Perhaps a
majority of Canadians have no use for
the Senate and would abolish it to-
morrow if possible, but while it is in
existence it may As well he doing
something useful, and in killing
the highways bill and the tariff com-
mission bill it wag protecting the pub -
lie interest.
Premier McBride of Britiah Colum-
bia hae secured another lease of power
on a policy of wholesale aid to railway -
building projects. Not a tingle Lib-
eral was elected to the Legislature,
tits Opposition consisting of two So-
eiatlata. Beside. swing personally
popular, Mr. McBride has an acct.,
sense of what the people will vote for.
British Columbia wants railways and
is willing to let the next generation
pay for them.
isn't The i.nndoe Pees Press making
a jolly ass of Itself these days? A
week or two ago It was .holding Mr.
Rowell for forgetting his temperance
principles when be became leader of
tee Liberal tarty, But when Mr.
Bowel announced hie "banish the
tar " policy, presto, change ! The
Pres Prem hardly had words to sa-
tires its earn for awbo would
bring a "moral iwudinto polities.
The Flee Press ought to take a day
o8 and Sod out where it is and where
it wants to go.
Sir William Meredith, who under
comuua.lon of the Ontario Government
is investigating in the queatior. of
workmen's compensation, has submit-
ted an interim report_ He states that,
he Ands the present laws of Ontario
relating to this question are inad-
equate. it will be renumbered that
Mr. Proudfoot hada bill before the
House to improve the law in tbts mat-
ter, but it was shelved by the Govern-
The Farmer's Advocate : Who
wants a system of national trunk high-
ways? Is it farmers, most of whom
live from twenty to five hundred miles
off the probable route of them, it
aulo.nobile users wishing to tour the
country, tilling our nostrils and ,over-
ing our fields with dust, while horse-
drawn vehicles are e, owded off to the
aide -roads? Whose axe is being
ground by this agitation for Federal
aid to roadmaking ?
Some meatpackers in the United
States were before the court. on the
charge of violating the anti-trust
laws. They were acquitted. and
immediately the wholesale prices of
meats began to advance. Which sug-
keet.* that if some people could be put
in jail and kept there the "cost of
living" might cease to be so great a
problem. The trouble would be to
select the right persons to be put
under lock and key.
The Canadian Commission of Con-
servation has entered a strong protest
at Washington against allowing the
city of Chicago to make a further
large diversion of water from Lake
Jlicbigsu for sanitary purposes. Such
a divetFion would have an injurious
dtect upon the bats levels and would
seriously reduce the depth d many
lake harbors and consequently the
carrying capacity of vessels. It
would also reduce the amount of
power that could be generated at
Niagara and on the St. Lawrence
A change has taken place in the
proprietorship of The Owen Sound
Adverhrer, Jas. H. Little having sold
the paper to a company of which Ii.
R. Moffatt, D. Russell Dobie and H.
P. Smithson are the principals. Mr.
Little and his father before him had
conducted The Advet tiger since it was
estrbliahed in let?. It is One of the
well-known Liberal journals of the
Georgian Bay district and has been
capably edited. 1t is also one of the
comparatively few semi-weeklies of
the Province. We trisb the new
owners SUCCOR!.
As The Stratford Beacon points out.
leavin-1 aside the charges brought
against Hon. A. B. Morine by Mr.
Carvell, M.P., the appointment cf Mr.
Morine as the chairman of the Cana-
dian Public Service Commission, with
large powers in connection with the
Federal civil service, is a most im-
proper one. The object in creating
the Commie:eon was to remove the
civil service from partisan influences.
and the appointment as the head of
that Commission of Mr. Mwine, whose
reputation is that of a thorough parti-
san, is in direct cootradictinn of the
spirit in which the Commission was
established. It is to be hoped the
Government will remove Mr. Murine
from a position in which he should
never have been placed.
1e the Canadian winter an *meet to
the country? This question is sug-
gested by an article eontributed to
the April Canadian Magszint. by
Newton MacTavisb. The article deals
with the art of Maurice Culler. of
Montreal, who as a painter make' a
consistent study of Canadian win-
ter. Mr. MacTavisb given this .r-
ti.l credit for having depicted 1he
snow and winter so as to present a
beautiful picture and sunset a
pleasing mood of nature. H. ob-
serves that Mr. Cullen hie achieved
his ends as a painter of the anew.
notwithstanding the prejudge's et a
great many persons who .sem to
[bink that we ought to keep chi pest
of the world ignorist el one wieder.
Rut if the beautiful aspects e( win-
ter could be impressed. ie they ore
in Mr. Cullee's palstlsier w
have no fest from a spread el �I
There has been a grist deal of esti.
ject ure as to fhe rei.rn, et POWWOW
McBride's appeal to the eye reee of
British tlnlumbia whe •lte SUM .1
the Legislature bad .lei . i elf sapped.
The Hon. "Dick" is t lilted with
being a1.1ir to see arouse, I be career i
little farther than moat m .•pie, and it
vary be that be bad & n of a Do-
minion election within a vear or en,
the Federal Ooo.ervst r t e party die
hated and Hon. R. 1, Broden des -
(credited hen, with the party looking 0
for a new leader, what so natural M
that it shistd ssleet to rang. itself
07.6behind the yang Napoleon of the
Coast Provisoer the MSS who klwws
hew to win ehwYoae, The el.rtioa of
Ida week was, is this we test
f ,sn s Ibasil,leetwasi�. the
wii�aiat� y..ltiea of as poli-
tician. P. 11.-lee't this as aped a
-franewesp" as snare a Buy McLean
In The Terme Wold t
lialOW4 fcrr.
Teats 1ual. sow that eeag,
arenas a ba
the lams et aran.
Pomba af 1r Oaw ye kAas-
lima the saatla aha WNW dry
Gouty .erre kelooiss myr.
Tare year tears u 'keady.
Though Ss tole to saris done
Thread rev 4armame yet OMR Mem stats t desk year hash.
la that 'Minn er Priumeeti ne
Bimb elle ever yea rel *him
Rung at l o nsismrs Mur gar.&
r ai tier tee dal wee& • moll
•' WL they Ida year s.aela. Mil.
Tealer nib ama. tsss.rsll'
-R P. lens WeeMilaster Duette.
How It Keeps Up the Prior. sif:its Prod-
iTseate setuday Nteb•
A pyrotrebni�displey on the door
of the Ottawa tee the other day.
iu which Hoo. Frank Oliver. D. Mar-
shall, M. P., sed P. R. Labe. M. P.,
were central ague's*, brought into the
strong tight some of the skeletons
w•b ! h baunt the closets of the Can-
ner - °melees. Bowever, to those
wb re familiar with the Boadicea!
tree.. t •rings of the Dominion Canners,
1.:1. a corporation io which there
e rnouey and much water, the
leis. .n. while interesting, was not
of a Tort !.bat brought much aitight-
eotneot with it.
If the Hon. Mr. Oiler had, for in-
staller, dwelt upon the of willing' coo -
tract Dominion tanners, Ltd
asked SOWS expiIaaa;ion
this document frees Mesas. tin
M- P-, and Woe, Y P., the irsl She
president, and the wooed a dingier111
by hav had someoorporatracoeds that
would be really worth while.
For la.tanes, when Mr. Marshall,
M. P.. disclaimed ca bebalf of Flee Do-
minion Casper', Ltd., all resposeibil-
ity for the eobaneed priors of their
produce, ' they tett the bards to
Wrabise hales went into
the bands of the wholesalers. some-
one Fright have very suitably enquired
bow this toted be, iu the face of the
selling :entrees in forts between Do.
.1W/eon Canner*, Ltd., and the whole-
saler. For instanos, here is clatgs A of
Chiselling contract, issued by Domin-
ion Centre,, Ltd., and presumably
duly signed and witnessed by all and
sundry who handle thew gooda in a
wholesale way
The wholesaler hereby agrees not to
sell or allow anyone in their employ
to sell, directly, or indirectly, to soy
person, either wholesaler or retailer,
by agent or otherwise, any of the
products of the company, whether
now in stnek or owned by them prior
to the signing of this contract., of the
goods of the 1910 or 1911 pack, at le.s
than the stipulated selling prices, or
on better terms than the price* and
terms aa set fortb from time to time
in the new price -lists Jostled by the
company for 1911 pack. xas
vided for in clause :'Al. A copy
the current price -lista of the company
to be mailed or otherwise e,dvi.ed to
1 be wholerelr as soon as issued.
Clause 921. -All orders accepted prior
to June 1.1,.1011, will be invoiced at 2i
nems per doses under opening retail
i eicedist priors for season 1911, and
the wholesaler undertakes that prior
to June 1st 1911, he will not sell at
lea; than 24 cents per dozen under the
company's opening retail list prices,
and on and after that date at the com-
pany's current retail list prices.
if clause 8 meets anything, and it
words exit as "lea than stipulated
prices." nr "on better terms than"
bare any meaning wimp/aerie. then it
is evident that the Dusilinion Canners,
Ltd., absolutely oontrls the sellio
w of Ira prod they P^ ecu site reach
the bands of the wholesaler. How-
ever, this is not all, for in order to en-
force thea provisions and make the
wboleseler sit up and take notice of
the "ifs" and "wbrease." of the con-
tract Dominion Canners, Ltd., inserts
tbe following rebate clause in its con-
Clause 13. -In consideration of the
wbotwler purchasing exclusively
from the oo-npany, as bereinbefore set
forth, and complying with all the
terms of this contract the company
agrees to pay end to allow unto the
wholesaler, a discount of 10 per' cent.
0n canoed vegetables and 12j per cent.
on canned fruit.,so purcbaaed, such
diwnte to be paid
Get the point5 . if you would dare
reit yo,r goods cheaper than Domin-
eer Conners, Ltdei, in its good jade.
mens, demands, eR go your indite ter
the half year, and IrM Mr. Decibel.
M. P., refs, aece.iliag to
ports, at Doodeiea Canners
th, Ltd..
Is as lenoceet of Lha dssrge of control.
heft the wholesaler as is an unborn
Taken all is all, this contract of the
Dermalon Chases. Ltd.. is one of the
mast lat.restiat documents tbM beer
.come my way 1a many mouth& and
2 ibe�t bnhaters ters of 1!
1 bare.,, that the Wboii ay
awed le use Daly privy to the
entire daewmwt, hat that it wan psi..
s of the tats.smenttoosd
re -
Tilt was the Datdeioe (12a.
aims amebae.
le flee to Dsasiafon tasoswq
Ltd., 1do not from toy ewe kw.wle�s
of tbe.iteeti.a Web tied the Fina, lG
Obrer'. .brewe that this etrporatioe
ashamed prteei ie ing the peel ser
see re he well jeetiaesi, by rases et
ether vegetables
the aeeetiened 01 Wg.agN
��ie NIL in
eltROW411 R *
dies net absolve thews beta tis
Amin at their at h a
=j�r�t�isi.t1 with the Grocers
••.alis:=f tiaY� aN h !Mir pewee to
Mew are held Imre to an7 ex-
IIU tawade, It Is toy rearm of the
that the hapset duties oe shags
are not e. a *seri a as they
1.1 Ile• mat Walks the hearten
Cheap Tea is Dear Tea
SO declared the mother of a small family
not long ago
-And proved the statement true by simply
relating her tea experience.
"I used a ; 30c. Tea for years," she said.
"One day rhe Grocer asked me to try a 40c.
package of Red Rene -he told me it was
better Tea. I found it better Tea, and --before
I had quits finished the first package I thought
it made more Tea. The second pound I used
with care-
-Aad found out
that less Tea is the
Pot afsade a richer,
fiser-flavored Tea,
if you know what
i tuna-"
We know exactly what this lady meant-
-40c. Red Rose Tea is a richer, stronger Tea,
more delicately flavored.
The 30c. variety makes about 150 cups-
- Whereas the 40c. Red Rose Tea makes about
200 cups.
So -You might as well have better tea fee the
name cost in the long run.
There are several grades of Red Rose Tea selling at
different prices, but the 40c. grade seems to please
best. It is not only fine Quality but goes farther.
"Red Rose Toa is Good Tea"
T{A 1-Dz.-1:n
April I.aa1211and every aimed Tom
day un Septee bar 17 tocieeve.
Winnipeg had Return, $3t00
Edoatici heli Rears, $42.00
turn 1 t M vitae to other paint` tte-
TbrOegh T.aeht Sleeping Car. to Ed -
c_ via
nevem. tztamalao Winolpgt and
Ar nearest C. P. R. Agent far Home-
makers' Pamphlet
Low colonist Mites to Pacific Coast.
Fall particulars from any C, P. A Agent
Bet ween all matinee 1. Canada Part
Arthur ahs Birt (;sed gam April i,
e47.a RdernH eAprilfe
Warmers Rate et 25e1
Settlers' Tralna to
Western Canada
Will leave Taranto 10.$ p. m. each
Tused,y derias Mardi ani April
For JOB. SILDD.fodermatbas . A ■ssaa. ppb to
people would lite to have them. As a
matter of fact Canada wag, during the
year 1911. and w lar during this year,
liberal purchasers of American grown
vegetables!, packed in American tac-
tories; theme goods being purcbaaed
forust the plain reason chit they
oonld be bought cheaper abroad than
they could at home.
To member* of Parliament inter-
ested in contracts, legal and illegal,
and to those interested in a certain
Act, entitled, "An Act to provide for
the investigation of combines, monop-
olies, trusts and mergers," 1 would
submit this Dominion Catners agree-
ment as about the most interesting
document ever evolved in this
If you have a rough, troubled with
bronchitis, asthma or an !nag
trouble, get a 26c bottle of 108 Nox a
()old. You will never regret it. Foe
sale at Dunlop's drug store.
for ■
A dap started es (rowan's
asesa is a day with a clear
head and a steady nerve -
a day full of snap and life.
Cocoa aourialses the body.
It is rich in food value and
rely to digest.
hese. a * test ! , MM bid
Froin OR Joan, leaf" s. Lbereeel.
�pRearty �of Ireland Apr..
(aApr. ML. lltseS ...-l.Apr.11
Lake dLaeelaae
Apr. 11
From Qeebec te Userpeol.
Amp. Britain . May t: May 21, Jane M
Am0. irelaid.. _May 17. Jew la, July Ix
Frew gentreal M Llwrpeet-
LChamp**rre masaJune • July 4
L Mean** .. ay lit Dew eft Jay IS
Treasured an Ltfwa.a►tae tram say
st agaala . eh f O0* 3. Yield. Aasr. t, C.
Business College
imst. eels* et its
kind the Previa* to the trent ea MOar .errs see
►. r .r..wes et IM mess
bal.etre messes fl ye.
..0.a�� th.Mi.a. row sasssttd�rt trss
cs.slsRew *1 rhea
D. A. McLeentan,
Prince Edward Canty
Tie Garda Csiaty et Cassis
iN Ualgimwu w1ag, st
1D7 lRAeaTr-s���R�i
sera nee
wtrozru1eull_Yr tel.nae, had
.____lM�ehf.[ M
ostia wee
p'wa.s per ea
say surer resew to the
_�r�aNsebed hider and both., I.fer
aaesassww write a:
A. P. MacVannel,
tleaa5WJy AeSSrsss5 .baso• ma.
Posse, 0e0164a Onaad.
Curtain and
Drapery Materials
-the new and taeldooahb Our purchases have Leto very
arse toe this season and reads so to secure largest
peen d W sttae e plass warty
y lies at STRIDING BARGAI the
25c and 30e Ame icaa
Scrim aad Madras IOe
American Curtain Scrim. 9E to
M inches wider reversible with
stencilled portieres in blue, green,
red, tan sad rose. sostl oe a
9or fame
bseigeoaad, �the
SpeOLl .sale perfectly
ayrdw 19c
mired Scrums
Twenty-eight Lo forty inches
wide, in aegis or double border,
111 a large choice rad suitable for
curtains. comforter's nr L i e -
downs. oar s
salty. Oe sale Saturday Saturr� od
tats per 7,
yard /
Irk C
Nottingham Lae. Curtain. in
all styles, ries, widths had
knish., et specially redacted
prices, 85c, 50r, $1 Oft
New Carpets and Russ
Tapestry and Broads
Hugs,acus heavy pile, in a
variety of new patterns aad
In following sass -
4. $11
l� .50;seamier x:3z14.00; 34. *1Qsi ;
4i. SIAM.
Boetcb Axminster Seamless
Resp he every seer. `
At pea sgware yard •VZe00
Linaleasse and
Float Manila
From ae ad to
mein at no st laid bry patent
Scotch Maclean
Fier didegn,oa or patios.
maga Irle= 76111°.
eeaveariesaloro headed floes
(Isatearee. dR 48 had IS taches
wide. yard Bpseially priced.
Ladish Upholstery
is oriestalared deriaae.
for u
wide. Lift!
rad, bine, brown and rows effects.
Per yard, 50c, 75e, e
• • - ---•-SLUD. i1.A •Pi
English Cheats and
Casement Cloths
Some heavily embossed, d►i o t )
colorings and warranted fast,
very suitable sod handrome for
!hos cowering. and pert-
iees. Per yard, 15c, 20c,
Brussels sad Irish
roisttng Curtsies
tion room.. Put pair,J
e eTz
$&-311L $4.5U, ,�11
W• ;liens
you will find shades that are distinctive
yet refineJ. In the making of these
fabrics into clothes you will find
unequaled workmanship.
SHOPPING STARTS it always ends at
our store if you are looking for the season's
newest and most attractive shoes.
Our display for Easter is the most
beautiful ever shown in this town.
Pump styles, with and without straps,
made in Patent and Russia Tan leathers
wilt be the most popular.
The new patterns fit like a glove and
will not slip at the heel.
Come and try on a pair and see how
nice they look and feel on the feet.
Downing 6 MacVlcar