The Signal, 1912-4-4, Page 1Printing In test style pruwptly executed at reasonable at es by The Serial Job Department ionaL Renew Your Sybscription to THE t11l;N*L sod get one of the pretty LAI_ t'alendar /t Nu v4 OT( rot. YUM-Na M GODERICH. THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1912 THE STERLING BANK a OF CANADA PRUDENCE, .CONVENIENCE SECURITY Prudence advises the opening of a saving.' account. t'onvealenee ssoctiocs Lt. Security demands it.- The sterling Bank pay. three per cent. interest on savings Accounts. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto t-:oderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager A. Go NilSiMIET Insurance and Real rd Est ,%! to Agent of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada. The Western A asurance Company. the Royal Exchange Assurance of London, England. The London and Lancashire Guarantee and Accident Co. the American Surety Company of New York. All kinds of Insurances. office next to ('auadiaf Bank of Commerce OLDERilli, ONT- CARD OF T1Al11IS- YARD OF TRANSCB. ilr. and Mrs. Jake J. Goshen a= family taste the mesas of easo yhslr ttheir hyende d tmelpl ret t IbIll m vesmt. Ms of Tien ltisdasnse never be fis5grttm FOR SALE OK TO SENT PUBLIC NOTICE AUCTION SALES. A• UCTION SA LK or VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. TM Misses Shannon will sell by public auction on SATURDAY. APRIL Lire. at 8 o'clock p. m.. their pre4!erty on East street O doors west of Knitting remery). osenalaa of IM Na %carter seem. op which ere is • two-story Mie* W veneer house oo0Wlolsa double parlor. atslug-rows., diestyr room and kitchen downstairs, sad tour bsdroome and bathroom upstairs. House her • good cellar and l■ heated by foresee. The tomtit's is good. beteg only tires minutes' walk from the G. T. R. statim and seven minutestrap Square. The Mimes Sherman aro living out West and have no- dded to Mayas of their property In (ods rioh. Mr. Jabber 8teosin, express. messenger. now oeoupiw the house and bis kindly eoo..nted to let lnteading purchasers see through the hoose twedays Wore the sale. There will be a reserve bid. PUBLIO NOTICE. -1 HE REGU- LAB assume of the Colborne towwhlp season will IQ at 1�adjesmed ntilK WedneaRNI°H N. Resv °t°°k• J. J.N.. K6ILV IOHAN, ri It LOST OR FOUND. To RENT. -A SEVEN -ROOMED Wks beam o0 Nelson street ; • - good • • bamtier batt tease end a steers 00 081-A BUFFALO HOBE BS- Li lot,' AOpty at TBZ IIONAL OFPICIL de meth sWetthe tswa. )R QUID$ SALE OR H NT.-- �,r�s�ee� as heleg iSR at LAMS Tbe new se Teat skeet. 0edeefoh sadist lIS. Slat street- _d *II Mkt. This home haao&Wallll q e nd • eery Hay w�[ t WZIE f the (scenes &slam TERMri:-l0 per cent. at time of sale: bal- ance to 10 days. For further particular. apply to WM. MARY AN or T. O U N DIL Y. Auctioneer AUCTION SALE or FARM STOCK AAD 1MPLIMENTB. Mr. Jobe Willis will sell by public auction at lot 5. eoncew/oa 3. Ashfield. o0 MONDAY, APRIL NrH• osmmsncing at 1 o'clock : Ones.od general purpose mare. 4 year. old : 1 good general purp na. gelding, 1 year. old : 1 aged mals. auppored W be In tool : 1 heavy Dolt. rising 1 Tear old 1 tight oolt, 2 year► Old : S first -dam caws. will all have calved by day of sale ; 3 heifers. 3 years old ; 2 heifers. 2 years old ; 2 .teem, 2 'sore old : 3 yeerungs ; 5 young calve.; 1 farrow cow ; 1 York.hlte sow. 3 year, old. will come in seriy : 1 Yorkshire sow. 1 year old, wW come In early ; 1 set of double harness; 1 set of single limner ; 1 Deering blotter. nearly new ; 1 Deering [mower. booed last sear; 1 Deering rote, bought loot year : 1 Noxoa used drill ; 1 disc harrow ; 1 wagon and box ; 1 Or&y t don buggy new rt !! ass; 1 robber -Used buggy 1 scuffles.; ca es.; 1 Frost k Wood gang plow; 1 tocksbatt plow, Na 21; f cutting box: 1 sot of miegt , 1 cotter. 1 set of iron barrows. forks, shovel., chaise, a quanilty of bay. •quamtitIor seed potatoes and 00nne100s other articles. Everything must be disposed of, as Mr. W llllr n. Dot in good health and 1s renting the farm. TERMS.- All sums 0[:10.`0 and uoder. rash over that amount. 7 months' credit will be given on thrnl.hisa approved joint notes. A discount of I per cent straight allowed for rash on credit amuu n ts. JOHN WILLIS, TH08. GUNDRY, test Proprietor. ' Auctioneer. DURAS LObT..-p&��LV�1 1 the e•at taidgtom d tM asst sea es Oletsel• �1, The se *ave p r HOUSE rust BALL ?HB FRAME 1S[ BIONAL sr •t J. IL Yd LIY- `fl dna■ w eosaplit as Krwx TONS SHOE STOR in It 1 shone msew t M fs�•pe.00ved from the grw.da a J. ACHmON. seal VOR BALE. -FRAME HOUSE ON 1` thaskis toad ; Wee rooms and bath : ibeadalloe under weak hew' fifty two teat of yokels& Apply to THOS. Ki. DAMN. 97•U PUBLIC NOTICE. FARM HELP AND DOMESTIC SLRVANTS. -Perones i dra,4 LIN. . •t ones. W ess t a�saww�a++�. LIN, Dameia OovOramant W�St. Seises tet. thaw Wt wail D. St. Belem. Oat.. will esosevo tsamp1 wannest WU PAPERHANGING. P A I NT I NG sod takomishig. me. -dem work. Prices tight Have mar wort ask before the nosh. A. BNAZEL. Safi street.Oederlok. Intl SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED: A DELIVERY BOY. WARES 01200II311T. Hamres stem. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED IN .111 each kms W sell *0re.We for Cot- llatevisa timesadly km order Yeses. Few Warecando the work. . theta is lebied y1105.. Anson* MINION GROCERY CO_ Masker. Ost. 6741 WANTKD.C-A_Q.dU�ALIFI ED 'atom s 1 weshij. Dawe aa ..marece uiWe 'caster lhe0d1lday Li ApplisaUsse, st and quail ttpaa Imaved try PA -L 14740. zl. BeomWer PP u. WARTED. --A GOOD OENRRAL s 1us streetservant. MRS. J. C. MARTIN. Anglo- . ENKRAL SERVANT WANTED. 11 Apply to MRS. J. B. HuNTSH. Neige. -t met. - 10.01 FOR SALE. ',vitt SALF..- B UFF ORPINGTON ergs for ttrots stook- mired 1' eewUing of l5. Wrtte or ph0O%KTnn,atoUul1Dh sadB1Yt8014 411N, Dunlop I'It AY1NG OUTFITS. ETC. pROPBRTIES FOR SALE. -HOUSE se Breve street; part iota 762 and 7133, 60 feet hostage. 14.reo roams, bathroom. sewer Haua neon %W'olte street ; siz t oak . to good repair;sowing well ; ostler. Fivlots in Tilt's surrey. mooing from 1 to 5. Mary street, 50 by 110 feet. Appy te WM. KILPATRICK. Bruce st. 11 L1OR SALE OR RENT. -THE HOUSE r .t corner Retasnle and Bayfield roads. (J0detich,sow eooupeed by J. Stead, who is leaving' tad % Camfeetablsi brick bowie. only a year bulla, with all incident conveniences. HW Possession can a Wahl be advon cad April orHJR H 1sApply t0.. VOR SALE. - A OOMMODI ''A r dwelling sear the Square, recently WM aed with readers convemsenow. Away to W. R. RUBIt((TBON. 4 U THI BIOXAD SI) 'HO Cu.. Ltd.. Pv*.. et 000ERICH MARKETS. Tntaarnar. AWL.- Van wbd El.. - 61:1.1 ttera ...: ... - I: WI 0 M , kerL ee 6,te uM per.t��y ironiron•16/ te e ii Oats.kr�h ee W e IDs Mai a 90 W 1 ee 0 75 to a 10 blIst IID M to le e0 • ,ono kr 373 por 9 10 grew Apr tan 35 90 00 W MPar tem .... ar tea, sew 12 10 W Bim. .... ... . .... ..... . 6 El W Wool. per load 5 ou W Batter. K q, a 3D W c esee, pee la a 17 to two.heeY par dap r, 3) to A peke, per bill 2 DO to Potatoes. per balite'..e' te Cattle. oediny W good. per ct. 6 to 10 H(,atl:ee. export, per cwt 41 NI to adlo 71x0 W e888�'''f'aewgwoie • wow SE d M to Htdee, jrar cwt lb :.......... 1 a is 11 to 'OLEARING AUCTION SALE I1 a' FAdK STOCK AND A FiRST•CLAS4 16) - ACRE FARM. Mr. John Flick wW sell by public swum at Int 3e. Maitland eooe.sdon 43 mile. 4rom lien- mtlierl. "Ws Upon the Dare your ,•.hard. 71st IUtR�s"" iNge t+ski D. .. s'.�rfal at rIR oa* ii INLINE, r. It/1K MALR.-1 d1? SINGLE DRI V- INO 1 ids d,se bermes. r,.r.... drey ewer t rubberum* n,tgtrr. eta • geed 101.'11'• La- , TN 1\' ALL PAPER. -1912 W A L L noir rasp* hes re trans hem 'tet "Pine OR Mlvet a1�,h! 1eri reit Ibsen �gstl�loe 1t��i eAas�� �-iets&t. Anat.Oeeeeeb. LIVERY, CAB z4 'BCS OFFICE OMs day .sd sight•. Bums meet all timing. Particular attention gime to orals from Zi0l'e a isHeeen s. Talephoe THE RED BARN Mow Site t, Yedeefsb. Oat. WOR BALE. -TEN ACRES FRQNT- r LNG Boon and suarrA early posed saimh* ilps or garden ; some fae�; ealg teems. • w ewes. ( . JORDAN. 41 Oct R SALE. -311U ACRES, BEING lets n ale le. e_ases02o.6. Ooder(ch temp- Mom wo-Mom end two good hems on the pee- : a hatd. Watered in good fir: • 431010113. iven eamtssp�� �i� For farther rNm add. as �O]C t1R 6edeeie1 P.O. !t DOR SALE. -A FRAME HOUSE.- with OUSEwith 100 kn. am Keay. street Dwelling owlehis aloe ram : soin the brave. Amity to ROBERT and 1 YOUNG ard water Avenue TUESDAY. APRIL gra. room/nom it tau o'clock sharp Oise [ sir 0f black Pereb . oe mares, rising 3 and years old. will weigh 34511 lbs. or over and are well matoeid: 1 pure-bred Clyde mara rising3 years old, in foal to "Glen Rae"; 1 pure -tae@ Clyde colt. rides 1 Year old. 07 Wen Rae; 1 dris ing burse. tidn4 I Year.; die; 1 driving mare, Amino 3 Year. old ; 1 pare -bred registered 8boribor0 bull. rtdni 2 years old. will weigh I6301bs.; I good erode now. due to calve in June ; 2 good grade cows. doe W calve Ln May . ' good gent• nos .. flesh calved : 2 good Erode cows. farrow : 15 good grade Dur- ham yearling steer': 8 good grade Durham stases, .Sane 2 years old : 1 goon grade heifer, 3 pare -brad registered Berkshire pure-bred regleterod Berkshire sows ; 6 heehels good dean °lover seed : 2 frame build- ings. suitable for pig -pear. some maohlo 5) • Moo the carie of Meares. TBR148.--Un form--anrounoed at time of sale. Oh term stock. eta --all sums of 010.00 and tinder. cash ; over that •m0Rot. a months' coedit will be given on tarnishing approved Joint notes. A discount of 4 per oent. straight allowed for midi on credit amounts. JOHN FLICK. TERM. OU NOSY. 95-2t P1opr. st05. Beismiller P. 0. Auctioneer. ANNUAL ■EET'0Y- THE CALL OF CHINA. the EatrttbC' THE ANCIENT EMPIRE NEEDS HELP OF CHRISTIAN NATIONS. 3 es Rev. Dr. MacGillivrar's Earnest Ad- 1 rr' i dress at Men's Banquet in Knox tsa 1S M I Church Warm Welcome to a S 50, Coder. ch "Old tfoy" Who Is Doing • Ya I Noble Work. 0 if 3 So t e' s 73 One of the largest gatherings of men 7 50 ever held in Knox church aembled st the banquet given last Thursday 7 m night under ibe 'auspices of the Mis- 3D sionary Association in honor of Rev. I Dr. Mac(sillivray, the well-known Chinese missionary. Upwards of 750 of the men of the (MIO RENT. -A SOLiD BR I C K 1 hoose pmtaldng • doable oerlor•dialog room and kitchen downstairs and throe Md rooms sod a bathroom upstairs. All modem osavpe�eyeeme..p10*0.ding turmca For further A SHAW. lingo attest. ORod. ohm. to G. FOR SALE. -$IX FIRST-CLASS 1 �dI.s low ea Momaaal and North 041054*. CHARLMIOARROW 00.41 ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - 191 bone let 1. 000es0s155 0, Col- s erw&i�0t dtsated orw Ik north of m ad abet two mike from C. P. • R. • V• thetreks property IL k wen to a6asr Wog Om to leakle the yC UCTION SALE 0ONE OF THE BESTRESIDENCEPROP- ERTIES Ih OODKRiCH, HOUSEHOLD FURN' rURE. FURNISHINGS. Etc. I am instructed by Mrs. C. Book to sell by public auction at the premiers on WEDNESDAY. APRIL IIrrH. commencing at 2 ° clock sharp: House --The large frame re+Mence. "The Wit. y D lding situated O . 01 the next st the io tUodeeriiccb.. Yew. W. Holland willlain be pleeaued 10 Dow any. one through the place before the sale. Fusxcruos.,Ric:--At the game tiros all the housobold furniture a0d furnishing•. consisting of parer, dining roo.n. bedroom and kitchen furnHure, dishes. carpets. curtains, blinds. reMgeretor and everything In and about the Once will be sold without reserve. as Mrs. Eeck Is living in Toronto. TERM! : On "7he 8t Lao revue -Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid Sown on day of sale, balance to be paid is Mess days ; or one -hall of with Intend mosey may enea- remsinr ob mortgage per opium, for WY term Of te mom Ile household tertrit.10 sial f r khlsgs-All sums of crus kid }sty. each : over that amount three monde mogs will oe dVM w furnishing •pprOvSO le*t stoles : w laoosmt allowed for cash on oreditamoanu. MRH. C. BECK. THOMAS GUN DR Y. Proprietress, A .ettoneer Win meeting of the sot Cn • arla �?a�a ee1.t skatinggkg r thaHouse, se at 'elock. for the slebtlee g..eral businem. WV cAMPB;LL Secretory. March 117th. IM2. AUCTION SALES AUCTI1 CTION SALE 4 ,er A ON Blilt't: ROUSE on Napier Reek mid • fur Malted 8amaer l;otl. Dai Pwill sell by pebble Mt 6MregA� on Nesse sit. auction at rise M'a>etaes 0od.e.d► m WLDNESDAT, APRIL 17re, egIMMOSIMMI at 130 o'S*ok barr: one of the The residlemee est Napless street vary best W is 0oderi0h. Co tatrw 10 roams 0.1 M well situated. lyre • geed ate► tie WIC and river. It was o•reEp r bet bg oPbee for his Dem u and W every co0vwMse *000. There k ase • goes Inns stab's hod the lot to • toll quarter. °Ye kunst ie st tine are aide WM be sold and talleIsf se=abledounstes. tato" oar- -, 1 stunk wild est. several geese sett All knits respdtors mai stsesur. mat sas meg doves, +dieshie worm lawn swing, 1 keg I 1. trust. 1M letter boxes. 1 sew batterwese led dgordes bob *0cMk with box gad wools eel rubber Wee. two Marti •hd ems .m single harAt to same UAW the ensrser et%tage at Menesetaog Park with ell We X01' Lure w1B be coed. 0 ideal summer pi�eme said be was d to be a Gtederie>b arae bullion! ath M air- baift. boy and proud to be a pupil of the as y.r r a 11 be tt •�a01 0* l t 0p PTS s,s��wu1 .r� d u Me. Me- Goderich Collegiate Institute over 1 ear et 041bd biro, cissaMum seta. s congregation ppartook e•f the splendid NMUAL MEETING; dinner provided by • the ladies and served by the young men of the church, and during the festive hour an orchestra under tbe'direction of .1. B. Hunter gave several selections of music. which added greatly too the evening's enjoyrtent. The program of speeches was pre - tided over by Jas. Mitchell. who in- dulged in a few reminiscences of the days gone by when Dr. MacGillivray first indicated to the congregation of Knox church his desire to go to the foreign flela as a missionary. He then called upon Dr. H. L Strang to introduce the guest of the evening. Dr. Strang characterised Dr. Mac- Gillivray as the "Hist -born" of a very f.vorahle "bunch" of University, stu- dents. God was blessing him (the a kerl rarely, he said, in giving him the privilege of helping a good many men and women on in the world. "But," he continued. "it I helped him, be certainly helped nee." He then went on to tell that it wns to Dr. Mac- Gillivray and Prof. John Robertson, his flet two University students, that he owed the honor of, receiving bis honorary degree o t L L. D. Donald MacOillivr ay, he said. was Ibe most steady, unflagging, con- scientious pupil be ever bad, and when be wise called to go to China his special i onguage tiaiuing fitted him to be plsoed in charge of all the Christ- ian publications in that great country. In acknowledging the w:srin recep- tion tendered him, Dr. Mactiillivray =0e W tM erten percent of the which Dr. Strang presided. He stat - Yoereas es p rte arranged for ac ed that it was In the the Sunday school and 9114 lector a room 4M Weeef wRhin 1U da7• OS Was be then stood that he flrat went to [taretaught his Rest OEOR(iE ledpHEE. THOS. OU NDRY, Sunday school class. He recalled en Proprietor. AOO°ss incident in his Sunday school life in the days of Dr. Ure when the scholars were asked to commit to memory the third chapter of St. Jobo'a Gospel, and be was asked to commit it In Greek.. One of the things which be got in Ooderich was a life lesson from the verse : "i can do all things through Chiu, that strengtbeoeth me." In his sojourn of twenty-three years in that far -oft land rite'•• were many times when be bad occasion to revert to that passage and to recall the lesson learned from it during his Sunday school life in Ooderich. Turning his attention to the land of his adoption, the speaker said he was not dissatisfied with the progress made in enlightening the Chinese. He did not agree with magazine writers who declared that little had been accomplished. "We have done one thing." he declared ; "we have turned China upside down. In s thou- rand wrys the spirit of Jesus Christ has been breathing upon tbat empire, neeeo0 with the results that we have lust TO RENT. -THE STORE ENNOW 0C - .i. CIIPLIy .-we1Nint avis li tstreet ; pllairrisr. mutes u a (e ens W AI.Lw. f if Wean eked. omeR.te. 041 WARM IO,aFk1UU MARL FIVE M I LB$ ioos hem gees MtresAdM inks SIM bWee bl. foss and Alois* aseMMg� A Pries OAR1 UOR SALE. -100 AOR® OF LAND1•� wswbu�a51H easease wN 1 . AMe s8 R SALL-THAT FINE RT181- JUDICIAL SALE or ASSETS OF THE DOTY ZNOINE WORKS CO. UP OODSRiCH, LTD. In t be molter of the Wie ling U pAct Review Statute of Canada. Chapter IM. and Ameedlue iexand the matter of the Doty Engine Wort Company of Ooderich. I.lm/tad. Sealed tenders will be roedeed. s/deewd to B. L Doyle. Local Master at fieee*h.and merited -Tenders the maw DotyItogFise Werke MmtoorM et Lioluse '. up to twelve o'oew* Mea et day. Apr9 nth. Mi aft Works O1 inMeli� Liam aimorseete doe ie ria loam et Osieeiob. In tM~owsity ef w�. �� sad iaswntots Nos MI arid We. wet • eilti 113 tat OS dr the wort dee of at ha sit szt aaitig hem front to rear t sews. also lot Na 1M sod the west side of lot No. 441. having • tants.' se 212 feet .0d a dept h of Y2. feet more or= together with machine shop. oMoe. storage col room shad, hoose. moulding( .hop.oting eeD• t age .1r.°ioD- & tarn •tongs (boos., /.0051. shed, frame storage shed. open shed. oemmeto pattern and carting .longs house. beak machine shop and concrete ckemfth shop• t wl the AUCTION SALE or, FARM. FARM STOCK, IMPLEME.NNTS. Eta Mr. John VIM will eon by public Notion at let 31. con°eak0 h 4Jaboree. ea THURSDAY. APRIL lira, cosemare15g at It/Week. the fe4ewlog Tia nem of we bonded weee, beat own 555ad et to t, s550esseon R toweabip of Ua• hoee5. o5 which UMN. a10 • good haat barn •ed S�Iha 5�s� e[ the trick house. i.mparsAis R Ifs. AMeMeh. steppe, Esc. -1 beau at•af mart. S yews ans. la tiro Oeleels, m Me.isy. AOA- }Z _neat, l t Wn in 06.1;1 hayvydes1t I ysCes of ; 1 Inv- rte* a m.. who* all osam� raSaM he Ng5055.f e.re.44."MssassdCWf':� 1hems. ri4 engine a.... •---- - Paroel No. 2 -Using p.rt of lot No. 12 io coo- oesefo0 A in the town d Oodes'aeh. i0 the oo0nt of Huron. ont.rio. situated neare Orland Tr•Jnk Rataway mustiest, wit h coarsens boiler .bop. engine room and boiler house thereon. Paroel No M1 - Being pleat, machinery. Wok. .harrier, bangers. pulleys. belUne. with hereto �egoos, WO re.. and drawings in, around and cent in the premises contained midst parcels Ond,L and Inventoried at 1213.617.83. Parcel ha 4. --Being .the I'Iwnlmn] s right, title and Interest sunken to all liens, sad 0..ignmann there against or hypothecations t hoe ed I. d mamba nd lea .0.0nnw apparel* or eho-es la .shoe looladkg such el•lssa-11 any, u the Company ve apl0 iM estate of the late F. W. and (e 1a,Ine Works t'ompan y loog• lrereek Nos. 1. !ped 3 Me whSe ai _hkr matt- er vsege+smsa -50 t,rownut Io favor el the for sed interest which aglun In addition estim 517seed be for the e f se. I. ! sod 3 and p re mote such u Sup are or the leHail .nos, water rotes sad deader ieesse to h• 'slowed a the like of the INIC trio *e 1.yse•t will he M per mu et y this en the within W these db. le sasses of witheid berm 1y0olatd�. '_nwslmath - A9 Waders mud be • I bolter, l 3 yea10et6. is km; wag sacks. theses Pyne to the gat sew;1 p.50 -ego% 1 05w. 0 years eie : ! M ler ems. aR the •mrtnt ted510 . kiSg dam y H els wader k Mt ler years sols '; !ye calves;iag omWhoa wow; 6 if puvehaeer-iae mon pines, a -wads eel. ager •:i. eats ge5. Mu -4 YM I Mamerie , . seweriftetiL � .i1 bop lerier. dm w Markle se. I o The p erebe yr en �•� i1ve rag est s cep teas.say dteMfy ole. syr *MDrMwtY p themsr tl er 1 Lite realer Is ea say t net neeseear(ly by a Land .et c seen." The yellow peril was spoken of es a "useless .and harmless phan- tu cies up sd th�y ant geK help one big reason that I liked Permian tom in your own imagination.- "We Sage was that it kept the hair smooth. may erect our barriers against the very redly silkyand clean with no traces of stick - Chinese. but will we 'always succeed in �Yhen 1 l hsnu Hrst tt 10510.. detesting nature ?" he asked. "We was tike what b Kh h "1 believe this tonic to be the hest on Sometimes think of China es the every day f3 the market, as there bus been nn re - heathen bowing down to stalks and bunch d Pwas turn of dandruff, or hair falling out stones. That's all right. Think of (heists whatever. I am glad to publicly en - her tonight as a nation struggling to ha tit dor'se the use of Parisian Sage. I be free, a Dation that has adopted three would be too h y Co 1 dreg he have often endorsed its use and am great watchwords -Liberty. Equality made an apps glad to do it." '.(4 E. Bond street. and Fraternity -and seeks to realize pow Pa. them in her national life." The Doc- r.img8ljo•ndbtaiDaUbinese Parisian Sage. the delightful hair tor then showed the audience the new dressing and beautifier, sold by E. R. R 'adopted by the new republic of that great P Wigle and druggists everywhere. China, and pointed out that the red, W. A. Ch p tit saD solo Guaranteed for falling hair, dandruff white and blue colors used in forming sodded, My T k ' sites h' h J. P. and scalp itch. Large bottle :i0 cents. the flag were a compliment to our own land. 'The three things which LOTHIAN. We want in our own national and indi- vidual life, the Obtnene bare adopted. Some time was given to • review of ssppread of h Christi Lax ALS. bells are rioging. the struggle for freedom which China thrnirghout Europe tu the IaDd of our Pat Gilmore and his mother returned had experienced. He referred to the home last week after spending some Chinese as slaves to their religion but 1 time with the latter's daughter. Mn. declared that their reilexive&were tatter- gave reasons why O'Hara, of Chesley'. We are iag, and like everything else, more or upon to coDtrib t t uMtauce for pleased to know that Mrs. Joe Helm is Ida, in that country were tumbling in- able to be about again after an attack to ruins. They were looked upon u it was a teat p ' 'lege b h e of pneumonia John Brady, of slaves to a system of thought, but f be should oak tag peas Strathroy, visited at the home of Wm. mission schools and the spreading of H d h Hogan for a few days last week Christian literature were doing a good con9deoce the eosgregation that Miss Mary McLean spent a few days work in remedying this evil. As so it tf00 i last week with friends in Kinloss in ficatioo of the hold the Gospel takes shat+ t ls1dBe Geo. Swan how purchased a new on the natives, the Doctor described muni Edison phonograph Mire Lena some dwelling houses as placer contain- Henderson hu returned home atter leg 816 rooms inhabited by Celestials sot or bf spending a couple of months with wbo were all related to each other. friends in Lucknow. Out of such puree came converts. even Both Quick and Permanent Strength. when they knew that by takingmuch w pa stop they would have all their "relit- f h If you are run down or tired OW. if Ores' tined up against them. "t'biaa cases you take add easily. have no �spee ate. will never be free." the Doctor de- Aka. i are losing flesh or bare other ear elated, "nett! °brut sets her free." ret Rftox chis Doak of lowered vitality, try our M•elwod's "What is the peanut difficulty rhe D a w e System Renovator under eur guaran- asked. "She has changed her form dt tlttt • parusd the tee to refund the price paid if the rem- goweramewt. Is she going to snake a edy faits to give entire satisfaction. aoeoss.t She will If Christian nations i.e..ecnndea tit i wd Indo it aids digertinn. tortes up the nervous Ile taste duty by her : it they don't I'm rt system and gives both quick and per - wet me mire about it. The one great r rag masest revolts. One dollar a bottle. seed is sslam.d ap fa tinea. China Manufactured hyo AlecLrod Medic's* wee M toreform her law use rta,because chair t red iseaet+l i.ppi rest Ca, God.r4b, Glut For sale by IL R. Obey prosperity t � �Mkwt d To ebespsl�e'. tlsir Itsed•. ted of nisi~ druggist trim god el=111 arm's hearts eras the else miaow of two room of tire 1u81 W5 ease in • ! ! Mat week that hail to be Mae. "Met eta Oeoroeotioe hylas : •'All ball the power Own hf EMs• v►qw► am - pass legal esahaieaties.." he .raid. "bet of Je0w' name." end the pepao41ncing gist, Oct. Again the joyous Eastertide turns our thoughts very- especially towards Him who is the centre and the core of the Rester gladness. The Lenten season led us to think of the Christ as the Son of man, sacrificing himself for other's: Good Friday centres our thoughts upon the .uttering Saviour. but Easter calls upon its to bail Him we the (conqueror. Because He was meek and lowly, because He did not "cry, nor lift up, nor excise His voice to be beard in the street,- we sometimes forget His wonderful strength. He was strong in the hour of temptation, foiling the most subtle attacks of the enemy- : He was strong in the days of popularity, never carried away by the adrtlation of the multitude ; He was strong in adversity, Dot swerving from His appointed path because of opposition He was patiently strong -in enduring the misunderstanding of friends. pursuing His course in spite of their dissuasions and their protests. He was strong in the time of apparent defeat, neither fearing nor hosting to correct false witness. ('almly, quietly, with undimmed faith and un- daunted courage. He bore the desertion of Hi- disciples. the abuse of enemies, the torture and shame of the cruel death : and in all and through all He remained the Conqueror. He descended into the tomb. the acknowledged territory of the great Destroyer. And since that first Easter morn, when He arose triumphant. leading captivity captive. death has been robbed of its terrors. To the be- liever in Cbritt it has become, not the dark swift -Honing current, but the bridge high above it ; not the abode of darkness and uncer- tainty. but the portal leading into the palace of the King; no longer the silence and gloom of the grave, but the entrance into abounding life and joy ; no more the awful sentence pronounced upon the trembling prisoner, but rather the opening of the prison gates to the soul that was bound. All this glorious hope, this freedom from fear, this glad antici- pation of the future. we owe to Christ, the Conqueror, to Him who liveth and was dead. and is alive torevermof4. - S 0, Death 1 where is thy sting ? 0, Grave, tby. l ictory ? 11 when you put them on the judicial bench they need something more than legal knowledge. They need a con- science. Under the old Chinese form of government there were no lawyers. but the new Chine would have these men, who should be men of character. "These thi0gs." the speaker said, "must Dome straight from the throne of Gid," Affirming that at the bottom of moral needs, .na's Dr. DIacG' appealed for assis- tance. "We want you to sympathize with her in the tremendous task that is before her. She wants misnnon- aries." The kind of men wauted, he said, were Christians of a high stamp and of a deeply spiritual life. "As your missionaries go out there from you, as you are so shall they be. Shame on us if in our churches at home we are not up to a high standard." Referring to the Order of Recruits for the Ministry which bad been formed in the congregation, the Doctor stated that his only regret wits that it would be some years before they would . be ready for active service. He Was sorry the movement had not started sooner. As to the kind of men wanted EASTER SERVICES. The musical directors of the various churches of town have made arrange- ments for special musical services next Sunday io honor of the Eatgter anni- versary-. It was the intention of The Signal to publish the order of service for the day at the various churches. and those in charge of the services had kindly banded in the necessary infor- mation, but owing to the unexpected pressure upon the columns of the paper it has been found necessary, greatly to the regret of the publishers, to omit the detailed announcements. Those who attend divine service next Sunday will, however, find that fitting provision has been made for the cele- bration of the day. of the benediction by Rev. Jas. Ham- ilton. Arrangements aro being made to have Rev. Dr. MacGillivray here•again some time during the month of May, he stated that it Was not the seconds when all will have the privilege of hand men but the first-class men who hearing him. were required, although there were 3a.es where the "second -raters" were reckoned, in Gods sight, as being of the first class. States That Parisian Sage Is Best Speaking of the outlook for the Her Tom, Chinese clump he declared that it wee going to be the greatest in the world. "I had a had case of dandruff. My "She has the men and it might be en scalp eras full of dandruff and it care out thick and scaly. My hair came that acme day she be sending rows out badly; often I nearly cried on &c- heck to this country." i should al- count of my pretty bead of hair. most say." he continued. "that in , uI heard of Parisian Sege and only twenty years' time they won't want, bad to use two bottles before the hair any more missionaries out there. I stopped coming out, the kali, became China, by and by, will bear her own i clean, and all the dandruff di.ap- 10 rise . ('hinebe your g men are goi.g peered. The hair became silky and to finish the work, but they wantyour just now... wentoutto ' you see in Gtxlerich day -fishing, through the ice.-' ' out into the deep," messagenow. and speaker's only fear wast t e draught eav cc u al in the form of a :hal- lenge for Knox church congregation to he would0 assistant to help him in evangelizing empire. Chapman en g a . Task." which Hume, principal of Godsrich Collegiate Institute, followed wdthastir' lug mis- add 'yen from the lay- man's point ofview, reviewed the an religion forefathers. showing that we owed a greet deal to our ancestor". andalso we should he called contribute o our s missionary work. He affirmed that privilege ofwhich w e advan a to on the Gospel to others. a expresso is in in addition to the raisin of, - is of he million dollar t for ons -the sum of $600 could be provided to proctors a Chinese assist. t Dr. eeGilliyny. Dr. Strangfollowed with • few words advocating a greater and more united effort on the rt of 1 he congre- gation on behalf o the missionary Straiten. clerk of the .croon reit wee the next speaker. In to w ll-cbonen words be moved vote of thanks be to speakers of the evening. Alex. Saon- e mot on• In a few reminiscent. rem• • ore k) the audien^e Ise signify their •,ppreeiatkro of the addresses rising to rot a y c The dosing exercises cooaar MRS. GEORGE KAUPP w.. * 11 seam* tow tens 1 sem woo Mg, 1 trarak wise • 1 -.reit nem, ■ a~eeri6 lags0l ori 1 iget p1.w1t•� h. er• 1 �1iharisis. sass ... •1 et �•t hw�s 1111141 Z71 �•s(� Rlslap .t� 51 ;rTS AR l,trl isal :. 2 costa ..ve0s... t a�d,l0�tisfi �0�1 ; eskel allirkas PSIS TWITS, 0091119Y. persister Au-Mmess. fa Rued etHOsstth lbwalhOwef M.suh ltf R L 0071.1L .rest Master. ellorD0s OT. HATS t iLiLiOILAN, watt Mftlesw 6ol.1e1.