HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-3-28, Page 1010 'li alaoDAT. MALCH S:r, 1912 A VISIT TO OTTAWA. I MISSMI�ICARTHUR WRITES TO THE PUPILS OF THE G. Q. 1. A N.„ti Description pt the Scenic tieaui,es, the Historic Points and the Architectural Glories of the Capita -A Glance into the House of Commons. __,_ At the Mut etnoeting of the (1. C. I. Limitary Society the following letter from Miss McArthur, a former mem- ber of the school mall. was read by the editor of the school Journal, and was listened to with mucji apprecia- tion : Ottawa, Canada.' March lei, 1912. To the Members of the G. C. I. Liter- ary !k,ciety : Eight months have passed since I said good-oy'e to the traobers and pu- pils of the Goderich Collegiate Insti- tute. While all of you have tut heard from me directly. 1 assure you that I have otten thought of you. I treat that your Literary Society has had two successful terms and I compli- ment you heartily on the excellent cancer' o whit., you treated the pub- lic th... winter. 1 negtetted very wucb not being able to hew it and I regret that tonight 1 have to write you Instead of being present et your meeting. But if you will help we. we cap mai be together by the power of imagination. 1 ace euiog 10 ask you to,oume one and all or Eastern On- tario and to step into my flying ma- chine and 1 shall give you a trip "Over Ottawa in an Aer•opksne." 1`brst ochre that wy machine is e w biplane. 1 chose it because biplanes M can be built with a considerably- larger eel spat, than monoplanes and tor ibis reason can cru ry wore weight As there is but a slignt wiud. our prelim- N boar run will be about one hundred 1 i feet. Now sufficient speed has been attained to raise the "machine into the air and we are off. This ground just beueath us is 81at- terya Field, Irons which all aerial flights are made. Nonce on tbe left the 13xbibjtion grounds. where this year the Dominion Exhibition is to be held. That stretch ot water is tb'e Rideau Canal. In 1827. Cul. By WEE mot out to build it. I haidly think he was met by the Governor-Oenernt. Footguarde' Band or the Priooem Louise Dragoon,. Frame houses were bunt for his workmen and the little village wan called "Bytown." Eight years later it was incorporated as the city of Ottawa. Oh I you always thought "By" meant "Out of the way or "Off to one side." No, that is not its derivation, but, insured, it was named for a mac of noble deeds. On our lett, following the course of the canal, is the Government Drive- way. It you ever visit Ottawa in the summer, take a leisurely drive through its miles of flower borders, with here a miniature park and there alakelet, spanned by a rustic bridge. Ever and anon you wilt come to new forms of park and Matelot and all will lie so pleasing that you will forget dis- tance en the ever -changing scenes. As we glide along, notice 'hew as the e city nestles uu those ertoM- clad cliffs. Situated as it is at the tortfiueuce of the Ottawa River with the Gatineau mei Rideau /fiver., with the blue Laureuuso Hills to the north, it commands a inagnificetat view of versed "ceders , :umbioiug mpuotalo, river and dale, indeecrtb- sble for beauty and grandeur. t me call your attention to this large building of Rowan architecture. It is the Ottawa University and is do- ing excellent work in iia various de- partmeote, which are theology, phi,. twophy, arts, science, collegiate, com- mercial, etc. You boys will have heard that Chia college held the inter- eull.giate football championship for several yeah'. It Is said that the very air of the University. Is permeated with rugby, and Father Fallon, form- erly of this come, was probably the greatest coach Canada has ever known. Now we are about to cross thus wear main thoroughfare, called Sparks street. i heard just yesterday why it is called by that name. About eighty - eve years ago. a man by the none of Philemon Wright owed Nicholas ,darks. who had 'come over from Ire- land, aiit1l, and, not having the money, offered Nicholas what is now Ottawa in full payment. tPparks didn't want it, said he had no use for it, but unwillingly took the town, As conn EV the Duke of Wellington t oirunended that the Rideau Canal built, Wright borrowed $400, which he proffered to Sparke, but Sparks, be- ing Irish. refused on principle, and, kept the town. That same year the canal wen started and Sparks street became the important part of By - town. Tbat magnificent w bite buildi with the towers, is the great Clime Laurier. the new brand Trunk hot hick, when opened to the public ay 24th, will rink as one ot the (1 t on the continent. Now we *ball makes short Rig eeatwanl down the Ottawa Riv mice that the picture around tak n the pinnacles of the Parliatne tidings as they sit proudly on th uow-crowned bluff; the ioterprovi lel bridge spooning the Ottawa as achee serous to the French city ull on the Quebec side; the Cbaud e Fella in the west, surrounded b e mills of industry, the faraws twenties) Mountains, and the riv owing on through lakes and rapid itr way to the mighty St. Law Ce. We are passing the Ottawa Rowiu eh, and down on that Muff you se rnscliffe, the former home of Us rest Sir John A. MacDonald. Tb re the Ottawa mills of the Hon. W Edwards, and here the Ride* alb. Now we are in full view of th autiful Rockcliffe Park. Yes, it h ks and trees, that is why it is cell Rockcliffe." Look down near the en nee to the Park, and you will Rideau Hall, the residence of the Gov nor -General. This park is the cent Ottawa's winter sporta. If th re a Saturday afternoon you would Their Royal Highnesses entertain g at a skating party, and just ov ere where the high platform i rected you would see the Ottawa St ub, practising high jump.. Did y er see such an ideal spot as this tu► I park ? And over there °IN Oati w Point. Yes, over there where u see the big church and the llttl ars, that's the Gatineau Ri e trip up this river is one of the eat anyone could ever take -Mut w ret turn back. This grey buildin egfected to speak about going dos tbe Archives, recently erected b Dominion Government. It is in nog, interesting, for here are col ted many old historical articles be - ging ter famous wen. In the differ- apertinents one might reverently ch Brock's coat., handle the little roden shoes belonging to Wnife when was a boy. end look at all the old toric books and letters of long Aim. xt to it is the Cenadian branch of Royal Mint. which was so well de- de - heed to us last year by an ex -pupil he G. C. 1. ow we shall leave Ontario for a minutes to visit the city of Hull. ice particularly those red brick ldings near the river's edge. Yes. ase ere the- E. B. Eddy match ke. The power for these is Ren- ted by the Chaudiere Fella These Is afford immense power to lumber other manufsctu.ing interests. haps the,e are no industrial works re worthy of note than thnse mills before us as we escrowthe river. y are the mills of J. R. Booth, the t lumber kiog. 'bet late is that to the westward ? Lake De.•chenes, an expansion of Ottawa River, and the parr on side is the capital's Coney Island, ed Britannia -on -the -Bay. bis is but a hurried science over a tube city. One might analyzea part of the panoramand not w tired of the scene. are in the southwestern distance • EzpenmenW Farm. This is a of nearly five hundred acne. I der it the Domini 'n of O*neds appreciates it. If only the farmer be induced to tare, intelligently THE SIGNAL : thee, this work of the Oovernmeot win be of .Mt value to the asdos: Aa uttered* over the city ,,gala we than atehr a look at another buildfyt, of noble architecture of rbieh Ottawa bat no dearth sad is just ly prpud. Tbat is the Goysutoent useum, which baa; Nam In the proceed of eonetruccion for five lees and la to he opened mutt ruoot& tt motelsa the fawoue Gee - logical Survey and Mine Exhibit sod the National Art Galley. Someone has j.tet asked what this stone building right in the besrt of the city is. Surely I do not have to I tell you. Vet! Well. it is the new Oomuier•cial 8ebco,. How does it com- pere with the G. U. 1. p I might say that they strongly resemble each other in that the loaners first-year students can oak as assay questions e your Form 1. Herr 1s one, given use t fall which 1 am still trying to an- swer : "How doer Mr. Borden expect to govern Canads without 11 Presby- terian in his Cabinet?" The citizens of Ottawa manifested their interest an technical education by their presence at the formal opening ot our school a few months ago. 1 was pleased to see among them three ex -pupils of the Gederich Oollegiate, Ohrsstabel and if�lyille} Anderson and Harr- Lep- peed. Lastly; 1 amu going to show- yen Ottawa's crowning glory, the cluster of Parliament buildings that adorn Parliament Hill. You know that Lon- don draws travellers because it is the centre of the world's business and the capital of the world's greatest political unit; New York attracts the sight- seer be ease it is the comuuerciel capi- tal of the United States, though it lacks a set of Governmental buildings; Ottawa beckons W the aviator because ng it is the focus point of Canada's na- au Lionel life and the matte of her politi- es'. cal and social activity. on The sessions of the House and of the n- Senate are always attractive to those who wish to see political celebrities at lit work. From the visitor's griller- in er. the House of Commons, one looks es down upon the Speaker, gowned and ot roeetted. nphoiding the dignity of the Great Commoner. In front of hitu is the clerk. seated at the bead of the table which bears the mace of author- ity. On the Speaker's tight are the members of the Oovernment and on his left the Oppositiot:. The debate may be listless or active, but. In eitbet• case a study may be made of the men who control the destinies of Canada. In no other city can we behold such men . and such scenes and hence Ottawa is the Mecca of all who wish to see political life from the viewpoint of the student. the citizen or the phil- otepher. You will notice thet these buildings are of Gothic architecture. They have been highly praised for their "purity of ,air and manliness of conception, and appeal strongly to one'. sense of dignity. Anthony Trollope said of them : "I know no modern Gothic purer of its kind or less aullied with Rctitious ornamentation." AB we take a last glance over the c.apital city let us recall Duncan Camp- bell Scott's description of Ottaipi be- fore dawn : "The �t4r are stare. of morn ; a keen wind The birches on the slope ; the db.tant hills Rine In the vacant north: the Chandi.rs DW Thevelm with ltshushed roar; thsrfvertakes An unquiet rest, and a bard ails sad slates The morn with music: a "atoll at etaeine farina From the river • and the ata SAW end eb10a Fair 1n the math. fair as • *rise tbstsstk r The wonder of a dream. .ig"sisss bees Pierce Where winnow s .wtee. a Is lemma tpearditig_waswEw- Whlfe the east the starlet morning covers TMtans how with a Itremulous light that A pledge and presage of our deetlny.' Now we must descend, for I fancy I heard a school hell. You may wan- der around a little while, but do not eta too long, as examinations come early this year. 1 shall not worry, however, as I could not possibly leave you in better care than that of Dr. Strang. Sincerely your friend. M. L. MCAR'rHCR. I3aster Cards AND BOOKLETS We are showing a very nice line of Bawer Postal Cards, very dainty and high -clam's, ranging in Nice 2 for 5c and Sc each 1•;aster Itaokl.•ts in 1 ' ,•t t y Easter (7,4i» s. 5c, IOc and 15c each The Colonial Book Store (!EO. PORTER, Prop. Phone 1(tt Goderich Ms s c re H er th H 01/ En 01 Ea 8 C. F be roc tra of we ren in tb e C1 Pe urs De, yo brio Tb to. is the re hoc Ion w t tou In( he his Ne the seri of t N few Not bui tiro wry era Fel and Per m„ The e gree R it i- tbe this call bear each gro is th pat k won fully can et n- it of 1- 7 y er to R e e Pre e se ed seep re ie er s oxo <r e ver. e R D Y Millinery Opening MONDAY, MARCH 25th The ladies are cordially invited to attend Miss DoNOGH's formai opening, which will begin Monday, March 25th, and continue through the week. As there has been an unusually available opportunity to see and procure novelties and designs from different American and Canadian markets, the display will include many and various unique, stylish' and practical models for Easter and early ring wear, also a full assortment of fine Milani, chips, untrimmed shapes and children's wear. MISS DONOcj t1 KINGSTON ST. GODERICH Through Trains to the West Via Chicago and St. Paul. Personally conducted Grand Trunk special train will leave Toronto 10.30 p.m. Tuesday. April 2ud, fur (%amuse, Edmonton and points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, stopping, at all pointe on Grand Trunk Pacific west of Winnipeg. Pullman tourist sleepers will be carried fully equipped with bedding and porter in charge. Berths may- be secured in these cars at a low rate. This is an exceptional op- portunity for those wishing to take advantage of the remarkably low one- way} settlers' rates or round trip home - seekers' excursions, through the Amer- ican cities. No change of cars. Secure tickets, berth reservations, etc., from F. F. Lawresoe,Grand Trunk town agent, Goderich. Ont. A Startling Announcement. (lean Stanley was once visiting a friend who gave one of the pages strict orders ,bat in the morning he was to go and knock at the .ban's door, and when the Dean enquired who was knocking, he was to say: "The boy, my Lord," According to directioas be knocked and lbs (lean asked : "Wbo is there T' Embers, reamed by ode 'Woe of the gteas mat, the page! answered : "Tbe Lord, my bey.' How's This? We olbr Me Modred eoaare reward fee say wa�tass i that eec.sst be eared by Hell ■ we tia�FmtdeaahtaMbare�keenss UM*F J. tsar= fM41tlisu bellievvew 1..sse est �. mem bklar� ett. LA a. Pa. awrs � hit F i:.i;�nrAt Takes Away therleaswe. .'John,' said the dyleg wife, calling her husband to bee baieiia, '1 want YOU w stake see one lest prorlss ' Yea. say dear. 1 preatlss any- thing.- -I wast yen to proxies in* Wet yrua will drive to elle eeenetary is die brat wMb ueotbr. " proudest yea. tint t M tis jou iii. r Yea love vodka Ilse day taw to." Doom M bar the Samar. we Ppl- Opera Beam a ��Ma rev �we/Hever Obey page f• • pglutiff. oNTAR.ro IfMillaWPWWWWIsimmellawlestalelleselemew • tin 411 t - •. ..,w•wtc•. - • 41114 •44 FIRST Monthmend Sale bays forSpring Saturday, March -30th, Monday, April 1st HERE IS A LIST OF GOOD THINGS prepared for our feast Spring Month-end Sal Th coming for if you it wadollars thing, every one of them. Bargains worthe• They are the real - your to do extra duty. Of . some the quantity is limited. Of others we have prepared enough to last out the two days' selling. Every price stands for a quality that is perfectly reliable. When we quote a price below the standard the quality has not been reduced in ani way. Take advantage of this Month-end Sale. There is not an article in this list but is money -saving in the very best sense ot these words. --•r- Sateen Skirts 95c ' Black Steen Underskirts, two styles, size 35 inches to 42 taches. extra quality. bright finish sateen that will be most satisfactory when wearing time comes, Eighteen of these Skirts to .ell Saturday and 95e Monday. at each only. Children's Cots $1.98 Eleven child 's Coats lett to fell. Mose of them sizes for small children. Rather than put these away ' and early them over to next season we offer you your choice of these eleven gar- ments Saturday and Mon- day fur teach $1.98 h7C7 It would pay and pay well to buy- one of these even if your gseiral*Oqdo.es not wear it a day this A Corset Clearance39c Twenty-five pairs of odd Corsets. Not more than three .or four of any one kind. A Anal clean-up of udd litres to make ready for regular Spring business. Corsets that sold all the way - from 51.00 to 51.75. Any pair in tbe lot for only..... 39c�7(9c , Towelling 6c Two hundred yards im- ported Crash Towelling, reef border, gond weight, and firm, strong weave. Special for Saturday and Mon- 6cday, per yard. 6c Brussels Rugs $13.85 One only good quality /trowels Rug. new design, °two- one green effect. This Rug is a sample of a special line a large manufacturer i8„ a at putties os the market bu t to us for in. Aires mutt 3 z 31 yds Sat y- morning we put it, on )Mle at $13.85 only. J Seamless Axminster Rugs $23.50 Three only seamless .Ax- minster Rugs, heavy pile, pleasin,g shades of green, • size 3'14 yards. Another special for Saturday buyers. Choice o the .D23e50 three coal $1.00 Navy Serge 79c This surely is worth com- ing for. Extra quality, all - wool, indigo dye navy Serge of the standard 51.00 quality for 79c a yard. This is part of a big purchase made in England or we could not sell it at the price. Just one end and when it is gone we " have no more. Saturday and Monday per 79c yard . s7 Navy or Black Serge $1.18 Tris is another lot of the English purchase. T h e width of this Serge is ti4 inches. It is all pore worsted. bard finish and is almost undestruetable for it will stand no end of hard wear. Black or navy, just one end of each. Saturday and Mon- day special per Si e1 o p yard New Curtain Scrim121c Just out of the eases, a big shipment of Curtain Nets and Scr,ae. Fine Curtain Scrip, Is striped effects, white or ecru shades, 36 inches wide. Saturday and Monday at per yard e] only.. ..• 1 i. Bungalow Neta 25c Another special out of the big lot of imported Curtain Materials, Handsome Bun- galow Note in deafens snit - able for ,any room. White or ecru shades. Special price Sabsrdas and Monday to Introduce ,lye sew s..tertais, pee yard • A Great Big Waist Special White Waists 98c Three dozen new White Muslin Shirt l%'airts. fresh frcrtn the factory. Fine gpality muslin trimmed with handsome embroidery. Aetwil value cooaider- ably more. Very special for Saturday sod /1p _ �louday, each only �'•(: Tailored Sultb $9.85 • A special lot of Tailored Suits for Saturday selling. Garments with good style and made from materials of quality. Black or colors. omit -tailored throughout and • perfect -fitting, twelve or fifteen only to sell. Your choirs of them criemeneiog Saturday ming en g only morning at erg.�7eC7vi Very Nobby Tweed Suits $15.00 spring Suits made from very nobby tweeds and fancy mixtures, cut in tbe very newest style. well tailored and lined throughout, garment§ that have style and et1SeW 'nod wearing dualities. Special at each oozy.... A Big Ribbon Clearance at Sc per yard We have changed the locution of our Ribbon stock and when reason we gthought should not icked out be hent RibbonThere Ursa $ibbo ns of many kinds and colors' We pot them all on one table Saturday morning and offer you your choice at per yard only 5c These Ribbons are really extra value and well worth coming for. Another Black Silk Special Yard -Wide Black Silk 854: • This is one of the beet Silk Specials we have offered for y a day. A rich black Pailette Silk, soft flnieb, splen- did dresses or separate waist.A will stand no tend of wear and full 35 inches wide. You will agree with us that it is really worth ceoeiderably more than this special pejo*. 85c Saturday and Monday per yard - White Cotton Drawers 25c Fiftquality cotton, wide thfrill ofn tucking. made from tribal Saturday and Monday R Special for rS�w„ Jabots and Collars IOc �fa�1l. Fifty white embroidered Jabots and Collars, bait -down or more distinct styles, regular values up to stir All clear- ly on tu at one price commencing Saturday morning loc 27 -inch Embroidery Flount;1ng 33c Five patterns new Mmbroidery Flouncing. Fine quality muslin with tasty designs well worked, firm rk.rortg edges. full 27 inches wide --just tbe"thing for the Doming yard °rly el ryry special valor Saturday morning per y The quantity of this is limited and when this lot is sold we cannot repeat it this season. Embroidery at 121c Two hundred yards new hwiss Embroideries and Inser- t -loos, Many of the Embroideries specially suitable for frills for underskirts. Regular valises up to 90c. 1 r'�e Saturday and Monday per yard Trimming Lace and Fine Embroideries Spacial, Lot, per Yard 25c We have gathered together about three hundred of fine Swims Embroideries and Inrertiont and cRiimrds ming Laces and Insertions. These are mostly short i tb We opened up a big shipment of new Laces and Embroid- eries tad wish to clear these out to make room for them - The regular prices run from 311c to 75c per yard. To maks tate selling quick and sure we will pert theme on the alas table Saturday morning and give you your at per yard .. choice (sem, 5c New English Cotton 10c T'hr'ee hundred yards New English Cotton, 30 lOe inches wide, fine, even thread, easy to sew, per. yard Three Sample Quilts $1.00 Apiece Three only white Quilts, good weeitgght, large also reeve 'tar $1.36. They are samples and we. slIS offer yon, your err) three cboice of the e Saturday morning for (n, Table Linen 39c Fifty yards New Table Damask, deet design, firm weave and heavy weight, halt bleached. An Extra tIpecial 39c ter this Month end Sale per yard Lace Curtains 89c Fifty pairs Dew Unrtains, three yard, long, and attractive designs, b ttonboled edges, white or ecru. Saturday and Monday per pair The " -Hem" Skirt Gauge The11� t Skirt G means no more uneven skirts. * a great boon to boa* l• aced sin be adjusted to turn t hem I of a esasf]ptat any length from the noon, when the hem is sae tuna! ate shirt wnl "bang right- all around. It will save kg soot isawe garment and will last s lifer -time, because ti's to about It to break or wear out Very simper to wort , any child can understand It. 1f You have even a sbnillssblrt to maks this Spring you= swot afend to eco without It. Makers' regular ad prise foe. One hundred to .ell Bslstday end Ron- da► at oath .. } 25c - neat 89c X...- --r._. ...._ Six Black Silk Skirts at Half Price We have mho Week Silk Skirts in stock, regular [.rise tram OM to 51100. The qualities are swap - 1109011y Road bat they area little taper than moat ears to weer at prevent. A HiMe *boredomwit rr.iiwdy that. To tier Seas out quietly we odlow thaw six splendid Uadwridrta natasiay morning at :meetly „a1f Price The .sere WA sees sifts. ewes, .ace iwara. aags^Mss Can You Wear a Coat Size 40 ? if you can you can getgreaa utdxtyWa d bargain Lew' Sat. just have five ladies' heay. vy Neck Olotb Coate left of this size, our small sisal being all pld out. They are Rood quality Wavers and keraeys and every one this season's garments. We 441 not want to carry them ver and to make a clean sweep we offer you any of the nv.- taturday morn- c, Inst at fir{ Ladies' Spring Coats $3.00 Ladies' short Spring Jack - eta in fawn, grey or Marl. neat, natty perfect -fitting garment*. Very specie: prices for Saturday and (� Monday e x c h SS.((W only .75 A Veiling Clearance at 1Sc Special clean-up of the veiling stock on Saturd. two hundred yards colored veiling., Neta and chiffon effects, regular values up to apo. Saturday morn- big per yard 1 JL Embroideries at 8c Three hundred yards Swiss Embroideries and Insertions. assorted widths,owat did firm etroee work on good water - perard iy edly special & Short Floor Oilcloth hs and Linoleum Niftesn or twenty abort of Linoleum and mUt,able for mate, trerr.ndcolors. Oa peasageways, ,tale Saturday morning at Very Low Prices Dark Flannelette 10c One hundred yards dark grey Flannelette, neat nar- row etripe and firm weave, heavy weight, fast colon'. Month - sod Special 10e per yard lJq. Hearth Rugs $2.45 Six only high-grade Ax- minster Hearth Rergs, size 27 io. x 54 in.. thick heavy Inde and very durable. pew "s.t y$2.45 and Moeda each $9.50 Raincoats $6.25 Pawn and Davy Raincoats. guaranteed waterproof, fell . gbh. very serviceable. Four garments to sell Set- urtilay and lion- etse r1)5 day at each .. , Black and White Dress Goods at 69c Five Rood designs in black 'and white Drees Goode. 'stripes and broken checks, will make handsome end serviceable •dresees, suits and separate skirts, regular up to $1.00 and 51.2. Five patterns to sell commencing Saturday morning stc per yard ... . Fancy Mack Trim- mings Sc per yard Two hundred 'mid. Mack Trimming', fancy design, one ineb 10 two Inches wide, regular value up to 25c per yard. (Mewing Astnrday and Monday at per 5c yard 2 -Yard Sheeting. 23c Gond quality bisected firm strong cloth that ! 'take espial wear- Aiepst�cie�suts. visawoeb no 7��� onlyt ly 25c Tweed Suitlags sac Tiro catch only. new Spring Suit4n , ftgbt esi.h, stripsi. Windt& yard only separate skirt*, nbiidcaei wear. or full- r � indtt& Per yard only k7G11 A i►Wte Cotton down for $10O --Worth cry ed* w11b1 an eiNilaliVim Stilomiled with laish Amara wok* digests pease aat f and �treo arab .. Sum • Taw mem ares was the Ithineee arm Ar.stb