HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-3-28, Page 8• TuvM ay. ileac* 98, Bele! o LAUD. TRACY ' IOesUnaed tae. Leat week 011•12WIt EL tial mites M era anal H ebullience to their is .*w. Mika lbs tadteca, ant nail R frees where lips the Itubege had Melee baud a •pfabls, ayes& IDS ea the ealamarae. Kam* wbidea a sheet pini, lied se. OMNI Meer MMII[Ms Np of its brei! obits seat Os amity built craft across ss the pee*. Oboe in tere ebataw it damppasud wmgabta y. Thee was as visible eat let The . tacks nowt their stark ridge widest the sip in a wseaMpt7 lespemable barrier. Some of the mw stared at the batted crests as theagl they half expected to *ee the Bre Mass maids,' a pottage bust as atav- ism d the Oanadiaa northwest Rd camas up a rivet obetrectd by raphe. 'WA that glum ms the to • growled Coke. whose alert ear caw** ao awed gave the *Wog of the we. tea of sax mister, 'ow is it donor he west ea "It is a dupla thing who you katiw the abet; mid De tldiva• "Have Yea =Seed heraaade Woeosha biter% implant? "gal, a time." "Illi1S you seen the curious natural canal welch yes sailors Call the Hob Ix the Wall? "Tem Ws nett the s'ath'ard sad." "Rett the sada has wore away • layer et sett rock that alibied than vim alts boas antarLT tm't Isar*slat Two atria ao irmon . In the course of centuries a channel has bee cut right across the 200 yards of land Owing to the maw catty the summer rains have excavated a ravine through the crater up above. and a similar passage exist, here, only 1t happens to run parallel to the line of the cat. It extends a good deal be- yond its apparent outlet and Is de- fended b7 a dangerous reef. Marcel one* lauded ea a rock during a very calm day and sew the opening. He Investigated it, Cockily for me -luckily, 1n fact, for all of os." Thus the minutes -aped until a dies shape emerged frets the opposite black- ness. it came onboard, growing from nothing into something with gbosUy uubUety. itis, a prey to many emo- tions, managed to stifle the exclama- tion of alarm that rose an/Addeo. Bat Rosier read her distress lo a hardly audible sob "It is our friend Marcel," be whis- pered- ..rte Demi/Igo her made good bb landing. Be brevet TM see b calm calm. This man baa been to tipe ltlaad had back in tee Haan a quarter et sa beer." t ci skttt The catamaran swung t'oaad tad gia Marcel was 1a • harry. Ale yap ready r asked De firrva, beading toward Iris. ":as," lee mid. Tb•s you bad better kneel behind Marcel and steady yourself by placing your handle oe kb shoulders. 7te, that is it Do not ebaage your posi- tion until yea ars *above. Now, you Mr. Hosier. Marcel murmured something. "Ab. goo!' cried D. Oytva softly. "Domingo. too, has seeur.d a *m- uerte. a. ls bringing it at Dace 1a *dee to err. time." A ••coed spectral figure emerged beta the gloom. Without waiting for farther Win -actions Marcel swung abs Badtls, nae the ono craft wined the mir@t 1e the ee•aer of the peel. 101 Olt �ss'•ail . n ea Mr w*Mg. entree se ns eed WS the asses tele bet that she might SAM him b. Whet the ae- set deli Ike •ai waw had riMe tee was mg" Sir geese web sseurases et MOH the ell[ res tree flat Md w alt milemaad •set was IOW gap me w Slate •bSO it � re. Wert elm toss a Mehl St eseilibl is be so almeet ll_p•mrb hat taco to propel time narrow pasats, top beery with a Iowa* ad/dtt scrim a wide channel time,* whisk web a ma was running. lysed. $are y` eat; miler as be was, tett more thea dsubitee as to the tate of thele argosy But hiatal paddled ahead will maw Slag morn macs be was clear of the Whims iammars, nod. before the sato- =Min lad traveled many yards. eves leis wan able to understand that the outlying rdge of rocks both protected' tbeir present track and crested emelt et the appereet tattered i`_yam h pH a be _nese mom ea tee way. r swath Hat haps /slats 11M dlefias/ed. ere renes, a amid +www.. Mugged os am/ dont las @hdl•w matt wemewhet too lbw op the de.* haw► Thea he - tris es bee test old Istlease1 rat she was 1s cone with Ida Ad are tai Uesat away t tenet is mime, sans ptepand tar - Mtn. Ms telt W sew u the mesas* lbw that iommie bad dealt bet dols a day crowded web seta. sesauas. In as likelihood thew two aeon smog meet again. Sb nwad•d se blurts as to the rink 1e would wee be called oe to ace and tier imagbb was scads the more doer by the mom eft that they should go from web sows presence w thoet a wisps woo& nevertheless she nand Mese* to asseod a bead in fatewe4. Her qhs cause beaded with tiara She thew UM Healer drew ter esssr. With Obi loxias of one wbo my well asst elm wad t'. eosveatio0 to tae winds be •Maned bet to bis bean and timed Ms. nes ale uttered a little sob at a>wlneas and sorrow and stated it wits sot until she was tying bap. Ss- a ate embraeq with rte head gMrmM a bis beewst and am ass theta rush across his shoulder. that rhitlp ssd•stsod what had kap- Met He torrid bre, and Ys, the gestated wife of another man. had Still* ellinnied that she tetnrord bee. Stmeillak through tipe gtoow be b aaamied bar until the Romanian teff hied ant went •n gloom toward s wretched ♦ ties basked. Marvel whittled gbh amid the admit began to widower. f1h• ilmillaa vaabbsd. Nosier seta hold blab lib arms. His heart was amSkg'tlsulttsumly. Rib throat ached 11111 w Taber of ms lough His erg alas noght reetllap among Or Ilan and roots. bat otherwise a trlina pesos Wooded over the scam Skis basest Moe and aroused atm Siam Me eager fiat bad sallied on abet and together they entered the beset where a dark skinned womaa amid a comely girt uttered words of Iliaoithetie sound wino Iris was laid en a tow craw sad Hosier took a fiang*elt teat from tier unbeeding Ups. Two wary boons elapsed before the Mlle arta, of the Gland -pare rock was wedded on the above of Cotton Tree by. Toes there was a further de- n y Irbil, their indefatigable scoots k.wsgbt malt and water. some costae bread and a good supply of fruit tram She bat it was part of their ethane that they ebould give their friend's babllatioo a wide berth. 1f their plats manarrlwd be was tostroct.d to ay that he bad found the English lady Ismlbee` dagog es the Mon soon after day - Abut mtdnlght then was a bright fees mane overhead. and De lytva Seem a low order' that they were to ikon to ledlan Ale. Hanel led; the ex- Oesrdamt bleeps* followed. with Bin demand.., Coke and Boater 1n close ea eel. Domingo brought up the is . has 1• ceder to prevent straggling sod fat anew who might stray troth the galeIt was barely a mile to the !'� je. Wm .rwvtct esseot and ettadeL rmi/ low debts rwfnknng near the More showed the exact whereabouts at the tehatittd sectloa. Another mile =ray to the right my tort ran Auto- IR utotls► walla homed the main body of Imps Watch ecus harhtng on Soutb pant. erbium came the sheik; tint d1a alba the Andromeda. revealed the Rnsmos of soldiers In tbtt °slabber bead De ftyrva explained that a paved aced ran straight Qom tbe town and beam place to the bamiet of 8negte and an important plantation of cocoo- ning' a•0 other Omit bearing trees that syalnsd South point it wee inadvisable to strike into that road Wunedlately. A Utile more to the debt there was a tract leading to lie cereal, or stockyard. 1f they bed• ed for the tatter place the men could obtain trema stoat cudgels. The eoo- efst pons 10 charge of the cattle aheeld be overpowered and bound. time pres0ting them from giving an alma, and It was .leo possible to mvald the inhabited hillside ovotiook- heg the main aoehorege until they were else to the Citadel. Then, crowing alto feet road thew wawa advance boldly to the mem" etamgbold. Ant mak- ing sere that the launch was still e her soenstoo- ed station 1n lbw roadstead be- neath tete walla Sas Beasvides motel aasww aha seetry'u ems Ram then wean be • combined rseb for the ge ardeowta w the ✓ iga a the gees, mad r titer wee ebb a meow the geoid as many of the asillme,se parte w •.I4 M the eetrer+l, m teem 4 asaa Baas, Maker sal •e.eetereema ewhaed einem Nes tar, there should Ma be MM d>•amay e poisnailing Wu M is absga et tip Ream theist a mets mild tate SOW Ms le le THE SIGN AL :GQDER1cH ONTARIO no 1 rete Ma citadel A Sem 1r the cit Om hove `tUNtt kgs •a SMOG to se i bee wows As be ueaeMre Arbors be slog bee es esataagele sad raddu aarber est et is Wag the ekes las weed ca a a ast tswgo tram bead *bbe er that time at the wipe tread goner he mewed the dbetat cart la the IlIgheetlane set oat reeelmety �ewer*L v4 .seMab red se dllitslty w ever. Perbaps the means* sacks - mot had drawn b oast dlaas to an* tows. amthe: tau* so ons charge gave a comb of harking there while if an n wepeeve, i the keepers' buts tbey pve ao alga thea pregame. a few stakes They e palled up, sy even cams epee couple of asst >tpd a beer? Equipped whop there weapons. not by thawrevolvers owood by Brazillaas and tag dapper sword. they berried Mk tag road instantly and eoDswiag • 00 s/ path drat wooabout the base oe steep steh Tbey met their Ont soretsorer=w they tried t0 alma ee the read to t Quite unexpectedly they blundered In a small picket statitaed there and t dm drat lnadoo of diaper was gtv th by e startling challenge: Went" goes Wensome)w It was familiar so ears, wad the caotilct answered readily "A trieod r le "Several trods, It would eters, laughed a voice. "Let to gag who those blends are" "Nowt @booted De sylva. lea forward. There was a wtld worry,, two three shots were tired. and Rosset end himself on the ground. tistpetna the throat id brawled man whom bad shoved backward with a t tar be had eo time to swing *b dor a bow. Re was aware of a pa Of bract eyes that glared up at 610* horribly an the m000ligbt. of white meth that Mono under long o ne- tacblos of peculiarly warlike asp . th but be telt e man was as potty b Mane bend& and biz degas Manen their prwwm. 8e bolta1 arosed. The tight was aablest mo ailed aest as on as it began. Tbs seldlas.s4 oe tbolr becks In lbs road F of them were deed. The the a was tube* he hb Tb@ �{oo4bgd was bad es'ug5v Mat those biota were worse. They vapid sett island to an uproar. Melte i porta *n be bard 10 town. caged and A, . and the troops would hots be on the eat rive. Bat De Sylva Mai a tna0 0{,jVaotPoe. ~8 the pelsonarer be cried. Melt'"Take elMelt'arms and amma0ltl_ but Wqd tbem beck to beck with their belts." "Butt in there. me tads," voclforated ow Coke. who had accounted for oof the Brazilians with an az. "Step do ty• Nov we've got some uniforms as'sy guns we can rash that cttttdei saw." manHosi r was busy relieving his of his coat When the prone warrior realized that be was cot to be kYMd be helped the operation, but Pltlgp was thinng more of Iris than of deeds of derring-do. "Why attempt to motors the caadel at ant. be asked "Now tbat we can make sufficient display, b there any reason that we should not go straight for the launch?" "I than* It 1. a good suggestion," toe the calm answer, "provided. that bombthe bub is In the barber." A bee began to toll to the oohv1ct settlement Lights appeared in many booms scatlereu OINK the seaward shop►. Rosier. Dever for an Instant forgetting Iris. saw that tierce still remalsed with has reader. limiere. Oder the w dw ee rvumutancIt certainty wood be a piece of touy to mod track until they were sure of the laurel& Happily the launch was there. moor - d slohgslde a smaU quay. Promthto e • building It was 0scawry cross a low wharf some Afty yards to width. a0d De 8ytva'. wbb ndpered com- mas could not restrain the eager men wben escape appeared no longerur problettical, but assured. The, broke and ran. au almost fatal thing. th as It happened. since e soldiers abort)wboPhilip bad seen from tin tock were sill 0o board. On* of them no- ticed the inerplkybte disorder among m a body of men some of whoresem- bled hie owo comrades. He had beard the firing sod was diecuestug at with others Irmo this strange thing bap- ♦ ehableog•d. Sao Be*svidee an- swered, bat his voice was @brie sad Meanorscwrpte e seems wen started A cess leaped to tag wbart th H• was 1e. e act of Casting • mooring rope of aeebbfixed capstan *tDe Syha ebb his betwei m the shoulder Medea. "Om board. an of your *reared the ex -pre jd•st in a frenzy. ink m, boyar' gasped Coke, Mange scamscaAbbe to sgagaar amen* toot. moo oo heeded so Mlddlth Sleets d Mme Woad, tree the mesh desk *a Me ulgdiben seised tater Mat sad Arid mint beak •t these my@batoss aMolbetsi-�5q spate 1• a foreign ba- Oulap. that thew U be a Vlore W tae is at e a bantam aha captain's w w a tees eget m be eo blind Otp1 or bond alone could oat step Bowe tu at tthe�mw Mallen es MU, pray. There well 50 teem @soothes. late Iietaple. we tet Mw lsfq tee web& athero Osse't. er tbq gla*bd ay./ the WW1 eat wronged 1s tonne 51559 gle • iiia corny ebbe. Tie brit tar set Inst flew essaht► As eaglsaes, f`e s sad tame* Mille% ranted slier to mere the waste. . N Ike tassel wee ..a _@tbabe� "tab' dried se tee tried," an ��i _` "Aad yea e•etner "He *y atnnpl♦e ms. as' 'e tbr-w 'M .ads so an' dropped eke a abet rebbk." -Then whit la• awe tree miss r ora. "Nome. Wye titian tees liar Domed prs.Mwt Mees ter ttaybsd7 bat Na- mur Ptdlar lett the dace throbbing with the peiwtloua of the eanw. The llg5* es More wadi *Ming by. The baaeh was leaving Fame= Noreelm. sad Iris was waiting a that wretched hot boreal the be, =lift for the ass mows tbat wean sot neon bar, fee Marcel wee dead and *adage. the ttaam was 1,0 roam sal0013110 eta eattltlt to a.ND p*.i an other tilt *50 coold pave gone to be& was lying !o the cabin with three lbs blokes had we collar bone trac- tood. wvasrmt 0SAPTIB11 X. arararrt rooms XT QarQ- rsor g . 11118 came back from the void to Cud beset Wing oo t truckle bed to a dimly tigbtsd hovel. 8be gazed up with ancompra- be0ding ties at two brown skinned women beadles over baa One. the leder. was chafing bar hands. Tis amber. a tall. graceful girl, was stirring something in an earthenware vemeL "Wbere am IT How did 1 come Serer Iris asked. Tbeo gbh remembered, and memory brought a Meabg of helplessness not wholly ds'roid et sett reproach. It was bad enough that her presence Mould add so greatly to tit dangers besetting ber trieuda. It was tar worse that she abould have tainted at the very moment wbso such weakness udgbt well prove cabal to them. Why did ale talntt Ab! A lively Mush chased the pallor from bar Cheeks, and a sew strenuous heart beets restored animation to ber limbs. Of coarse In thinking that she bad yielded moiety to the stress of sur- charged emotions Iris was mistakes. What she really Deeded was food A young *Wow of perfect physique and dowered with the boot of health does not collapse into unconsciousness M- eans. a young than embraces her and au acb at the same moment maker the m blissful dercovery that the wide world tn! contains 00 other tndivtdoal of su- preme importance, She hamintedrdlminteded tr bow hungry m was until the t11rt 00 banded bar tip. Mewl which bootained a l. a cooof eggs beam up 110 milk. Co wttlle small quantities of rem and I me* s0gar carte juice made the compo00d c0 D•MtaDle I p0 MU* the girl Mamba was forttvel7 1 te moappraisither wens by iris D bar hastylog ever for tio footsteps among the tr g the Lay At last. wltb a muttered prayer. she west to lbs door and unfastened sned t stoat wooden staple that prevented In- truders o- trude s tering =bldda & Some "1s *het you, Maao i7" asked Fula alt. Gomes e • bushed Nolte. @bo There was fro answer. The woman dolled drew back. Elbe 'mold base cbeed al the door. but a dim, active agars u sprang across tip ab threabold. ♦ shrieked in termer.The bewcomer th* was a Braid** Asir. "I thin* you an !alb, m demoie lg." err. was 8e MOW. His band marls as amp 11 chianti* crime. Oath was the ears net MIMy air. be Ameba -to treat retreatems rather se beta a. trews., tet w1 heroine e ease was empty, hat wattled eted at Iris. "11 le so red. h *boa pe one speaks these *lap 1n a tang. tongue. Permit me to expiate tied barrived We 0GOount red a picket wad .srprbm'r pled u Revise( e cured some weapons and accost eats, we =Maned to tee quay, wits* was moored the little ateateabip. Un- bed appaly swas crowded with .01• d/er& 1557 egad, and there was a abort Sgbt 1 was knocked down, and what do you call it--etourdi-while n one might contea. 1 rose, ball h. ne- mblinded. and *bat de i meet TM reeving the quay fun et men en- gaged 10 combat, who. Put b•7ew4 tn. point a warship 1s signaling bar arrival It was a Brazilian warship. mademoiselle. She *bowed two red a rockets, followed by a wham mo1t was only .• matter of minutes before she met the tittle steamship. 1 tell you that It was bad luck that -a vale blow, 1 was angry, yea. 1 .tamp my foot and say foolish things, 'rhea run." irk mad, rad rept". She hid her tic In her bands. She maid frame ratesd more gOeatfoss. d@na 8aves wet trying to fab her that Rosier and tip rest bad been Orttbaload by ata a the tern instant escape seemed to In d within roach. The Beatlan, probe bly because of dl8cultlrs that bee him in using a fbrelgu language, da. not make It clear that be bad dant himself that in the tdost when he bean wine the order to fire elven by e one or [ward the launch Tbea the lightning of a woman's In *Moo pierced the abyss ofdeapalr Surely there were callous blanks t Ws thrilling narrative As was be. way wben thoroughly aroused.chirl rood up and sorbed San Bement,. al [Mast roughly by the arm. Her die searchedreugbt eyes searched his face with .*tbeuc earnestness. "Why do you think that the Mune id not get away?" she cried. "it wa m ark The ono might nave been 1' hadow. it the launch met tea war blp and was seen then most bar been fring." then "Cbere mademoiselle. ere we. loch tiring," tie nee....ed.sea"At sr 'rbe words came dally. She erare trlcken again even more shwdly be gloom was clewing in o0 her. 75 he forced herself to drag the true from hip unwilling Ups. "Yee. 01 coarse 1 could not walace berg as that open p. 1 wan coo pelted to geek abater. Troops wen aping from town and citadel. voided them by a miracle. And my le concern then was your safety." a=nee- . try fetyr sbe walled .m - "How does it avail me that ea) Mends should be Main/ Way WY of with them/ i would rather bar ed as they died than live in the knowledge tbac i was the cause 01 air death." San Benavldes essayed a contlds5* ' rad on her 'Weider. She shrank rem him. Hs purred amiably: -Mademoiselle is profoundly nabap om Under such circumstances e yes thing* that are unmerited, b 11 T It anyone is to blame it is me retched coon- , which cannot tie 1m p0Utiwl alts without oodebed. Ah. ndemolseUe. 1 eep with you d tender you h y moatomagerespect- o- " A deluge of Me opical rain beat Ile but with sudden fury. oversation at became d1111- It nearly lm- selble. Iris row herself "IWOULD a1THsa ci on the tree- HAVI in a passion of grief that rivaled outer tempest. The girl, Manoela, weeping out of sympathy. crept to Iris' side and gen- tly stroked bre bale Uke her mother, Ile could only guts• that the 80g1bb lady's friend* wet- captureder phaps dead. Even Ar [allied experience bao! 's vicissitudes cad taugbt r what rt thrift t thrift was gee room orb° authority. The republic of Bra - does not permit Its criminals to be scuts, but It shows Mm o ercy to robe la Manoela, of course. believed I t the ngttgb mel were Wiping the 1mpriemed Dom Corn& to regain pow- Me ow.she remembered bow a cootie, once crushed on the island, and her eyes streamed. ime Meanwhile Lulea Gomes was toadiedth b7 e good looking soldier's ptlgbt "Ws seat try to beep you Seabee Capitan." .he said. "If the *bees are dead or tabes lou m•7 not be missed." ueLift He threw out ba beads in an elo- q0t gesture. Lor Math was • matter of complete todithreeee to atom 1t Implied. "We shall know in the morning." be a d d E e tt a T a ru a so ly r n dl tip ha f D7 a not * try set alf be add in PnooL "I am mos M Mare your retreat be a little widb. Perchance by daybreak 1 may arrive at some plan. At ptwht you and 1 are m dlelccdties. 1s lg bar his reeognized Che voluble. jerky speech. a wild forebode,. gripped bee beset until lbw wee M to ahwOtMr sa- ber its Dern ugila► "Toa. Cattail lbeavNar• she asked, gad bar .Clones was moats- lu17 eat& msdemobe1s," be said. "sol. alas, I say slow& nay I Coes b T it is said mot wet tee Mow a gift at ted bear. - seeing that the bland is swarm with os taterlst d eo5Is*" clot Tit eamieis/lmp antenee was N- ta dressed to Wee Rose is Ports- ace grime ite•ltgtsg thuWettvely tint the tbeee taut• amu as s Oeme. Me semi alba arta tMheag oe tee ergs el tar& a. shot a•wred. and tee deer was bawd M H Site tela lest w am eke emty ted wee •heaped. w mmMwMssrs. Tirb Mime Weil, le le been bU•G sad vier b a Sy d se 'Ds you mesa res they live beam 'war l�ld, aS k*Ud r era ads nutel. ell 11.111,14•» as .1 w "1-1 tint es." "Sem WINO M e "Have you any etgaretts? Bet paten, amber. Wap mot tate your miters std dress to my bas! Tog toe est on your mos nee and weer a mentinie over yew . and we will keep yea bee NM to a shams et ribbing a ship. 1027 abet b better than beteg • "end at Iris. Vasty beteg kb eoueidw1■tie•. 11 is probable that ween have vetoes. M be made teas to bar eyes W seta Inset the dear ga/vamrs4 tria sem a et Matt Ha sirup up gat wilt; arimend lbw Dams wefts NmMed vie elnaweftsmemnary. denim Gems • eeeigb tart nee a •awt rre ter eagttoeeth Pea est /mewl* gee Here'e bargiiis far I This 11.000 & le =it • up-to-date ve- ment, for only 00. You will to ave money day you order an YLMER ` s'an &I Steak Three -Wheel. S►CALE Government Certificate of absolute acoritel goe- FREE with every Aylmer Scale, even at the bargain price of $25. "We prepay the freight and warrant you satisfac- tion or refund your money. withis Jessuapetool eels soildly bearings tthrros gbotudt; has big wheels, roomy platform, kepi In place by FOUR tech (Instead of the usual two), stout steel fender .3n platform to pro- tect the beam, and a fifth lever to mlMmaw strain on the beam. Will last a lifetime nerd wclgh accurately U w one toe. even If It stands on uneven ground. 1106aeyy inner from place to place, and tint -edeas in inner tt_. rY ma-1kul'r. Remember only t9*.00, freiebt pate to your nearest station and Government Certi- ficate At accuracy free. Get In your orser early t;,r prompt delivery. specialThis offer you the chance toown aht absolutely modern teal., Mint of the very b maa1.ri 1 Yes need this wltatevc r Cl•r Y♦u ea,, have 1.0teen in an y- wa you lib,. Send it back and get ,n ay more than rre ay it A CLtd., Aylmer, Olt. IT IS wonderful how much satis- faction can be obtained from a talk over the Bell Telephone. A letter carries words, but the Bell Service has been brought up to such a point of perfection that the modulations of the voice are clearly heard. The cheery tones show that the talker is well and in g, ood spirits. The call may come from a suburban village or a distant city, but within the limits of the carrying power of the voice the Bell Service carries the tone as well. You get a personal interview with a friend hundreds of miles away. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA. • Berl Telephone is the Oewt r of tip dplbo. al0ITB COMING What* bat tell{eedtisew, the, the largely on the quality of the Seeds nom 00',. glia staiegue to 1819 b bigger had batter all abed over =kinds of Feld 80015ever. Tells 4s, Grains, IV t. ;jSmall .v*4sgy Shrubs, PlanFlower ts, Implements IV= ria% c si 1*5 Aeat =Mao itttooetagawita rev flee ••4. pewweb K pewee[ wDs N 1s•b, ADMEN.7erime Duch & Rsntir Seed Ois., Lethal, bieeteie ma ''i.w"�i vest' Best Dept. 41 LI -j" Ort. u ..sethetl ss the w The Amberola —not only the greatest sound-reprod dng instrument --not only the greatest MUSICAL insttmmest—but the greatest Edison Phonograph HE Amberola brings to yotw home not only all 11, of the extreme pleasure to be derived from all of the very best ofevery kind of entertainment, but afurther pleasure in the possession of an exqui- sitely designed and beautifully finished piece of furniture that will take its place in your home in harmony with your other precious possessions. Yes hese ietw of 1M}�Ity. a ga iraeleg eft alae MOak• Asaewell �S I�ei w gsYa►�1b�, +wait•.. _spa .. .f W sera be lid& Aad.. Oases. b.,, — read. AeseshieIlse dilaN menglaaidMeiwtabsWWIee JAMES F. THOMSON'S MUSiC STORE