HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-3-28, Page 7ti4p. Min between ail Good going th and sth. IOtb, Itilz KERS' ONS nada 3Dth. anal thereat e iochieiv. n *34.00 rn *42 00 zty day,. to other w N.akatrh- Tickets will attain dates aero Navigii- ilc Coast daily iib. ►-oras Ogro teed TawedaY. A District News. game ti .i�et bas 'obasad K. way clod the horse fel into flee water a dwellin is Zue{e6 foe ij>).lat1. i ktioekiaw t Mrs. Louisa !dames. IS tai eeeid at d Clinton. diad os y. march nth. Mrs- Wm. hits boo bought P. t'ipples dwelling In Eurieb, p•yiog sum for it. Michael 13. Jaen* has sold his text y- *ar. farm in Hay township to John $tb, for hLi,JOU. Foxdwicnh baa a � wee_ seal dogs in that been woad to be atfliatad After a long Blume 1M ORM mei- called away Mies adith Inman, g( teasels, on Thursday. March 14th, Usdsay Bishop. • former ret lent dhhieter, is dead at Los Angeles, Cal - 'fertile at the age of th rtywven yew" Wm. Fiber, of the 3rd cobomeioo d (.t», hada quantity of hay and roiled Dour stolen out of his barn one seeing re, PO( /y. THE SIGNAL : GO flow, into it ; indeed, this manual streams that maintain the water levels of all the upper lakes are on the Cana- dian side. Seemingly little water lows out of it. Ica surface level and that of Iarke Hu1,ou are giveu ale the ve the sea And re- ,.rra natural or arti- hut, the dem• would caan inflow trivil Lake ghSt.i0rds d�rotthrough te St. Clair andRiven, and, it large and long contin- tod, wouki operate to lessen tbs depth of water in the harbors of the chief lake shipping citta. practically all of which have been despeaed by atifleial weans. Such deepening works are costly, and their value to trade should not be needlessly reduced. if the granting of tbe Chicago request for pm -mission to largely increase the out- flow from Lake Michigan through the drainage canele is considered likely to ls.eo the depth of water in the navigation charnels and harbors, the greaCer interest eheuld prevail ; and, no doubt. it will. A Feast Of Reason. There are few Canadian publications so well "south while" se World Wide, which is x weekly reprint of articles acid cartoons front the lead- ing tbe currentthought of and reviews both hem - spberrs. Without wisdom of ire own, "World Wide' reflect* the wisdom of the aapptte-the day -the hour -the moment. Without opioionaof its owl). "World Wide" beats to the tick of modern British and American thought. -World Wide" finds a welcome plsoe on the •tiely table. Business omen. preacher*, teecbere, writers, and thinking people in all walks of life hail it .. a moat delightful visitor. An effort is made G, select the .r - yirle. each week so that due propor- tion is given to the verinur fields of humeri interest, to the shifting scenes of the world's great drama. to letters and science, end beautiful things. There is no paper more acceptable than World Wide to the busy man or woman who wants to keep in touch with the world'" thinking, and many 01 World W idds readers would heart- ily endorse the words of one of them who says -almost every article in al- ntost every issue you feel you would like to show to a friend or put away among your treasures." Or of an- other, "World Wide is • mine of in- formation, good to have, hard to do without.' If you do riot know Work! Wide persteally. the publishers will gladly send eawplee free of charge on apple cxtion. World Wide sells at five cents l.ic) per copy. hut the yearly suhieriptio,t is only *1.50 a year. On one year's triml to new subscribers, only Adderese, Johnty mentioning ougall&Son. W��e s Office, Montreal. oto the croak Mrs. Stead- tame, 681 feet a. ' UL of the d roam of lar wa Gal - cutler. bit lumped ugly damage being done to the bridge hile Dr. HP Poisoned nevew a u .g hmt� surgeon at Victoria hospital. London, aod a former Stephen towoebip boy, is suffering from • severe attack of septic patrolling contracted while opsretittig us • putout His Boger was pierced with* needle, but it did the arm ary began to swell xud It was nt the elbow and he otbbeewo ra t the shoulder. Bereft of Wife. Horns and Cow. Jobn McCreigbh of uses Winglam, it one who knows from experience that troublesefteu do not come /singly. A abort time set) he was irere•ved h y the death of his wife and Ire himself was laid arise fora time by en attack of pneumonia. Tben one of bis coos weenie 111, ,e id this sow followed by tie death of one of his beet working ores. A few days ago his boy. let Le cows out to water and in their roaming about they knocked down bars in a gap which let them on to the ilway trek just as a freight train cats along. One of hie heat cow, was Med acid another was so badly in- ured that it oho may have to bre put art of misery. Medal for Life-saving. The presentation of the medal of e Royal Humane Society to W. filaln.e, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. eines, wits an event of interest in the ours�[t man's home town of Wiglant n Fridayevening. March 16th. oung Hanes was time rewarded for t of bravery in saving • tom- e's life last Christmas Day. On t oocaeioD Earl John., Frank Gal kiynoonewar not hotherblea for some tient. Thin yr. i l . Dowding. a resident of 1 , Clinton fur the last seversl yearn, died suddenly 11, that town oo Tuesday f h troreteg .1 Wet week. 1 b Atter two week' dimes of la grippe sed pneumonia Miss![ ay passed away at lrorJwlch on edoe.day, ra drab 1atb. Ston woe eighty year* of ('• k The r,s.ideuce of A. M. Vr•llek iu f the township of Turoberry was d... o tnryed with all ite contents oft Wed- essdsy afternoon, March 13th. The house wa, a substantial and comfort - stile Doe. Only • esti! insurance was Lb eared. A heavy burden of .orrow hay Laden upie' the borne of Mrs. E. Brock, of Waltham, in the death of her laugh- o err, cis• t•ixrx, Her decals. followed .erectl u.•.ks of inteste suffering 'M ac frau iuft..utuat.ory rbeurnati.m. The rad the young lady was only eighteen years of brei a�sk J. 11. tichennau, teller in Molso . is bank at Clinton. bas been transferred fee w 111.- Calgary brunch. His rune slime v th aitd Gordon Buchan,u were •ting at the river dam, and ventur- g out too far they broke through the and were plunged into the water. war cf them succeeded in gettiug our, bot Earl Johna was unable to do so. other, gave the alarm to Will nes and Richard Lloyd. who were ying hockey near the shore. With e assistance of Nome hoards torn m • nearby fence. Will Haines waa e to rescue the drowning boy. yor $potion pretilyd dieing the proceedings when the presentation trade. An eddies' wag given by H. Muriel/see, M. Y. P., n no then cid the modest young life-saver handsome medal, who T. !Moloy, bowwar manager of oke Uasteeood branch and prior to The Oro he had charge of the branch at Hai Brumfield. p1. Mrs. William Klder. formerly of th T ekersmith, peered awayIl fro it the borne ut her son-inw, Andrew ab] Mob, in 1 -Shorne, on Pridary,,, March Ma 13th. She w..i eighty-one years of .\ faouily n! t�hrroe soca daughter 'orrice. A. Afters; hen,ic fight for fife Sarah band Jane Plum, widow of the late Charles ode Rosell, of t., ey town.hlp. passed to bee reward ..n Friday-, Marsh 16th. The deceased was in Ism fifty-ninth year. A family of five daughters and But three sons survive, John Delbridte, of Cowen.. had the N sirfortutie to lose a oiliest* young tie Hereford bull by hanging in the stall uiati ie the stable. The chain on the ao. of th itnal became tangled sod the animal Dodd Deihridge bought the roast just about •J siget weeks ago. „ not The dwelling on the -old Whiteford turn farm on the London road, near Rodger. me t olle, owned by Robt, Roes. was da ve saoyed- by dee a few nights ago- The mmuc hoose had been occupied try Wm. Tay- take lor, who moved out that day, and no that person was near the place at the time 0 the fire occurred. Kirit ' tad one wa. HE WAS IN AGONY Dodd's Kidney Pills Quickly Clued W. F. Black's Scietica. ewcaatle, N. d., March l5.--lype- O--Relieved of the agonies of Lica and lame hack, Wm. F. Black, s place. is telliog his friends that. 's Kidney Pills are all that they recommended. was in agony," Mr. Black states, being able to lace my shoes or over in red- A friend advised o take Dodd's Kidney Pills and nae some of tbem. I didn't have h faith in them but started to them and found them to be all was claimed for them." 'hers here who have used Dodds ey Pil1e for kidoey diseases are of same opinion as Mr. Black. They that no kidnev disease can before Dodd's Kidney Pills. lost bis footing strangling itself. M r. The sad news was received at Exeter the of the death of Vercy Lancelot, et ehaim Denver, Colorado. Death was dee to stated pneumonia, of which the you ttsa bad been ill only a few days, The de- ceased was twenty-eight years oaf age. Tw The body was brought to Exeter for cabin interment, his parents residing there No "Done at the Start." o old settlers sat smoking in a far away in the back woods. woman a hand desecrated that n and grime reigned supreme William Black, who had been a &mei ''mak for five years in the store of and Matin, & Co.. Wroxeter, was surprised drifted on a recent evening when bis young "Yaws, friends presented him with a gold with watch and a purse of money accom- tbere paoltld by an itddress. Mr. Bieck has never left for hie new home at Didsbwas Mbeiia ury, "Well A sudden bereavement came to a sMull in iorda Winitiwt, home on Fr•id3aevening. M when lies. . .�. C: dam' triumphant. ,The conversation from politico to cooking. " staid the elder of the two, a drawl. "I did get one of them cook books, wunet, but I could do nothing with it." "What the hitch ?' inquired the other.th th , every one of those recipes be - the same way. wie same Every one slid, Take a clean --and 1 never got no further." nlogbam was taken ill while prepar- ing the evening meal and expired aI- oat immediately. The deceased was forty.geven years of age, and was N'ar'y ed to her now bereft p•gtoer twenty-three years ago We On Wednesday afternoon of last ow elk Rev. Dr. Oaten, of Brussels. tied grow the auttrinumiel knot NI out C. G1e.uier, between Daniel _hag farmer ri Greywell known young l.ngth erne 0f el towoablp, and Mise Kg�t of Brussels. The it to be. young couple are away on a wedding until h tour to Guelph, Hamilton and Lou- rectus) DON'T BE BALD., Asyooe May Secure a Splendid Growth 01 Hair. have a remedy that bas aided to hair and prevented baldness in of 100 easel where used accord - directions for a reasonable of time. That may seem like a statement -it is and we mean and no one should doubt it e ha. put our claims to ao test. A {tett w We y wedding was sokmoised Tonic ben/art the home of John Bosh in Toro- baldness, tt"e Lilian, 1nvbi0. os Woodsy. March roots. $• , wen his wawoo• dsagbt.r, Mies hair, the s nailed 111 the holy ties �e�r, of matrisoq7 to Waldo X. p� tee �`. R K C�llls, of Wrox- it does Performed the ceremony.The the neer ouphr will reside in wick hexal i1'' ant to Yr. and Mrs. Jos. Hawkins. o[ Elim -who will lighttul r were igii°so a earPrise Exeter shortly and about sixty of th�ile on imoId of ay evening of last weak. Te the Sold 'tie of the ev M biseees war Stone. �d and P $ulnare Lbs ��� held by thsU Tbr 41jr aft north' Lillian Th» di yid Co of Mr. and Mrs. t W. K Smear North, to eaoitlttt of Veborne, O es WedMetse� 1 tied chs ktt of hat not. llos to Detroit murder y nd . it, bridal return will' and a married ns th Rr°°'n's ,. Ushers. ,•^Me Net. T. A. sad Mea Steed - are so certain Revolt "illi" Hale will sure dandruff, prevent stimulate the scalp and beir stop falling fair and grow new t we personally give our posi- guarantee to refund every penny for it in every instance where not give entire sstisfaction to 1 "Ur Hair Tonic is ea pleas - use as Blear water. 1 t in de- fy perfumed, and doss not or gum the hair. Two sixes. 111. With our guarantee tt, you certainly take no risk. oil al our *toes -The Rexall 1!l. C. Dunlop, eouth side of n Alibi was the high to fedi- held they M • As, Aleht ea a mewl •v g bF Mims kyr r,( two q Venuetea a.. 5.1 ' to as taw Mil. sMnuw jthe bass road +sW IV cert tbi�i+N�1- brld.% Daft {fie The Lake Levels. meetr.v ti tettte. version of water free) Lek Michigan to the Mlsseselppi Valley 1 eoasast$oe with the Chicago drain*g and mairigishies pt °posals, while it wo- ollens °anodise intermits, cooaern. United Staffs ports on lakes Huron and ibis, .54 on Late Onte in. even more. $�� tad Cleveland would softer esteem most as the Weiland 01111111 or MiUaad or Dep.r. Harbor by a drawlaOg� away to the *oath of writes that, 1bllow10g the muss( suers, woeid reset the crease he way of the *t. berg seses. The werk wee a large ems sad the mash frost a sanitary plat et view has bees elat01* tots. It doge not appear to have hens b iMsd that, as yet, the et water withdrawn bee affeelsed j teresU of greet Imes On nag a betty ao hare ea Like it take . Hem Ile bot thea k In Mehl e. 10 what the itilf.,t la. Lake Mkbigan highs peenMaritJtie 4,, large elver. Every Horne a Cortege. By wrens of the excellent Home Study reparUiient connected with the $potion Business College., thou- sands of young people are learning while they earn. Many study entirely at home and others study partly et home and finish at the Business College. This chain of cglleges with its Home Study Department train, over two thousand young Canadirins annually. it.s graduates are to be found in leading positions thieughout Canada and United States. Any young person who is desirous of bettering his or her condition in 11fe should write today to the nearest Spottoo Business College. Thee colleges are situated at Londoo, Welland, Peter- borough, %hingbarn. Clinton Orange- ville and Walkerton, and have been established during the past thirty years. HOSPITAL UOARD OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR. To Ike tighter of The Signal. 81K, --A letter in The Ooderich Star of last week draws attention to some farts in connection with the hospice.l which are not generally known and which foo not reflect favorably nn the internal economy or the building. The people of Godriich are awakening to the absolute necessity of a hospital. The question is not now as to the use- fulness of such no institution, but one involving the highest attainable con- ditions of efficiency- in connection therewith. As pointed out by "Citi- zen," the present boeipital is not *mil- itary lor is it cooveoient. Further than this. it is not adequate to the de - mads made upon it. By remaining in the present quarters the board and others interested in hospital work will ever labor at a disadvantage ; their in- telligence and energy will ever owl cramped and the results attained ail ever be unsatisfactory. The sugges- tion made by the writer above quoted, that the Cameron property be bought by the hospital board, and then the people asked to vote sufficient funds to fix it up at an up-to-date building. le worthy of serious cnnsideration- This property offers an ideal site the price is low, ridiculously low. The outbuilding., could he marlfor Isola- tion purposes It has often occurred to me that this property could be ad- vantageously subdivided into town Iota and pert on the market at a gond profit. if there is any hope in tbefut- ues of the town, the price asked for this band is a mere bngate'le. It is likely a few ytere from now people will refer to 11ee price for this beauti- ful -location se almost iire l'Nlible. This is the time for action. (fere is an op- portunity. a splendid rppotuntty, to etquite one of the finest hospital mites atiwineble. Are you est e t,lth exiting rnnditinn:.? is the present state of things good for tie board and justiidable to people of Goderieh ? OPP0RTUSITT, Goderieh, March iia-• Cout/ 5. Spared. Mrs. Hen was in tear.. One of ber little one. had been ..ref/ed to niake a report for a visiting elergyslan. Meer tip. madam,. said the roos- ter, comfortingly. "You should re- joice that year eon is entering the sisistry. He was ponr,y qualified for a lay member, anyhow. a Vahe11bte Suggestion. ail 1 rush! ,lsk way fo1 make the Rr_ ssrk� their eyes ow ti . / Little Tossey-Pa, you west to pot the reek right behind the pulpit. ONTARIO lSDUCA Al- IATION. Soma Notes of the anal Meeting to The Oo trio *4 tion, which bolds lie ing In Toronto d (April M to 111, is au lutes -sating d usual proosdure, poet it has had as at rte evening user educators from visitors have neon and while their much appreciated, t >" Aesoelatinn has decided to give 'Me you the place* of houor on lie program to Ca- nadians, The Venerable u Cody, of Toronto, has oonaawdu Zoe the Association on Bd n in 11�ela- tion to National Cbter " while )NTAKIM ) ss for the As- WeeAbash- k . -H ter week this year from ice uy year. t • 01114 speakers dletinguished Wbile these • welt:owed have been Principal Macdntyra Winnipeg Normal School will Wag . neesesge from the Western Proebiea/s and will deliver an address ou ole topic "An Efficient *dueatlol)." Additional Iatere.t is added to the pFnly}�orapre� by the fact that lir. Hen• y of the Retiggioue Education dation. rod a apeelerof note,bascosMtisd to he errs - 501 and toeless twoadd.asaes,une bet ore the training departutsat oo"The Wider Aspects one before the general asaociattion on the publiosehnn) es a factor in the de- velopment of religious character. The prreident for the present year, J. H. Laughton, of ill, repre- sents the paWic and high school tes- tees of the Province. 'bids empba- sizee the scope of the acH sties of the Association end the sentative The i character of ite membse�ip- * anxious tbat the attendance at the fo th oto-,. dog meeting shall be the largest in the Mutiny of the Asaociatiou. Special rates are granted oar ail the railways end the University of Toronto is coop- erating with the local committee to pro- vide ample accommodation for the meetings of the large number of de- partments and sections into which the A.sociation is now divided. The secretary-, R. W. Dean, 216 Cerltcu street, Toronto, will be pleased to send copies of the program to all who may be interested and give any aaaistance within his power to those wbo are Dlsoning to attend. Why I Buy at Hoene, Because wy interests are herr. Because the ounnunity that is good enough for Inc to live in is good enough for me to buy in. Because 1 believe in trans acting bus- iness with my friends. Because I want to get what I buy when i pay for it. Because my- home dealer '•carries" me when 1 run short. Because every dollar I spend at home stays at home and works for the welfare of my Jame town. Because the man I buy from stands back of the goods. Because f sell what I produce bete at home. Because the imam I buy from pays his part of the town, district and Pro- vincial taxes. Because the man I buy from helps su p,tt my school, my church, my lodge, my home- Bersuee when ill -luck, misfortune or bereavement comes, the man I buy from is here with his kindly greeting, his words of cbeer, and his pocket- book if needs be, Here I live and here I buy. Sir James' Poor Argument. Ottawa Journal (Conservation Speaking at a meeting in Ottawa re- cently. Mr. Fripp, M. P., expressed the view that the Whitney Govern- ment will in time come to the view that Ontario municipalities should have tbe option of imposing a lower tax upon buildings and improvementa than upon land. It ie to be hoped that Mr. Fripp is right. We imagine that a majority of people in Ontario desire the option : and we feel sure that most of those who may object to other people being given the option would change their mind sttow bear- ing fair argument, Sir James Whit- ney used an unfortunate comparison in this ease, we think, when he con- demned as unfair to farmers the ides of a lower tax rete un buildings than on land. "Would it be just," he !ked, "that a farther wbo had only a +4,000 house on bis 114,000 farm should be taxed as mush as a farmer who owned a *111,000 house on a *4,000 farm 7' An make onemhnot nintdeevera1d tends to different ways. First. what is asked of the Premier is not to assent to any species of tazation, but to give to each muni- cipality the right to choose for itself, So that where farmers fare in a majority ajc orp y an do es the farmers please. $eoondly, the Premier knows perfectly that *4,- 000 farms don't have =16,000 houses. Thirdly, wbv should even a farmer who has the brain, and ability to suc- ceed, and make enough money to put up a better boos* than his neigblacgv, he taxed hayily on his house which by its good eliminations r the value of not only his own LIMO but of every other farts near To be trusted is a greater cot, 1i- ment than to be loved. -George I&. iDotwid. ONE SINGLE PILL GAYE GREAT RELIEF FOUR Nis CURED ROI a. "1 suffered fii � ey Troubleeffoor several yea and tried numerous re- medies declars' prescriptions without permanent relief my case being chronic. After seeing about Gin Pills, and as it is a well known fact ex- cellentthat Juniper for the Kidneys, I alcohol drto try Gin Pills. One mingle pin gave me great reilef. 1 have now taken almost four beam of (MO Pills andfindmyself com- pletely mad. NO more had htunor- ta.crease fe weight --clear eyes -fresh Is what ria P, donvigor. ( mThis e i< Sde Pas well de ttH. helsames for youT- _, pm ewe ea trouble with your aattatrs or ]er-or if you suffer ed& Pieta is the Back or Rheumatism. I you buy them. \Vrite accessDreg & Chemical Co, of Limited, Dept. A Toronto kit w sample. Then ret the regular athletes at your dealer 5-eoe. a box, Pefee 91 To IIMMITOL DI BMX DAYS lora 134ifaa 17 tow .seat teem ape sea mese it min bas i.a dart to rasa Iflsbs *theltoral mart sq•rtlMeMe OYAL EDWARD mud *OPAL Cat $ya.aal trains 'waiting .t rrb• tat .easy paa..ag.,. to 1... don la two boors time --a foie! moving of foen.en boort For rnt) information ap- plyt ral tenF.Lal�ll'porteaes,aan- lL c. RUstsz t'11Euj> oral Agent Ts.t ate r Owe COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Cowan's seems to hit the right spot It is a great food for husky young ath- letes: satisfies the appetite: easy to digest: and delicious 10 VDU USE COWAN'S COM? How The Body Kills Ger,n& Germs thee let isto the beefy are killed is two wase- by the whim all the blood, sad by • eero-iglime owiarewn tint is in the blend- him ,g adatsaae is. we do sot know, The blood et • Webby perms always kw geria-kifliagg esbst.s., The e. ie it re weed or the attack of 41.e..hemade sir( _ al Ws is ter stomata. A mai who ball a week mail Meg oat properly digest his feud will soon Ore that * d W e` sad i�sw►ia►•d, .ad that his whole pesetas neat Lead- Ts pet the body n �vro10. systems sad ging sed ehr.w ate he h rd Wig , es toed the ob.Mime M ting hotly, asttriee a tis peat het, ` extract (wittiest vasl..t easellsd Dr. Pierce'•f�soi)a seal sod Organs k move "sOiw+�la rgeese's rewithhacsow ah • My hunhand woo a sufferer from sewese), teed tmpu W°" H' Alb's Mir. Jewel H MA1 w el Nab wash dry and dr fie that went rte of to •host • M► r ,rely term. It coati zesole that elli an �lwiwe V+esMy sew line tab morn w vales tot Is ]ears- e b I r.. ts1ee711ss M the hlooA.'• De. ,Mme's P1.sat Prue owlets s, sseesseb, Yves tad hew le (settee/ tem lsa1 et�ssae 3, IL Ilmem. tat.• I'ut•xaDsil, Maactt Rl, Hfl2 p TI -IE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING IST 191 - The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe. ... $1.60 Including premium picture "Daddy's Girl." Ttie Signal and Toronto Daily Globe....... The Signal and Montreal Family Herald4.5o and Weekly Star ..t.8s .ncluding premium picture, "Home Again-" 'heiSignal and Weekly Sun (Toronto)...... _. 1.5 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star . 2.25 Te Signal and Toronto Daily The Signal and Toronto DailNews . . 3.50 33 The SignalmpJire and Toronto Weekly Mail and � !ncluding picture 01 Hon. N. G Borden, P I.60 The Signal and Farmer's Advocate of 2.35 5 The Signal and Canadian Farm- , , ,1. The Signal and Farm and Dairy , 1.80 The Press Signal- a. n.d Winnipeg Weekly Free 2.60 Sign:iland London Daily Advertiser2,90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser1.6o The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.50 Evening Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness3.50 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness, 1.85 The Signal and World Wide The Signal and Presbyterian 2.25 2. The Signal and Westminster �5 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 2 25 The Signal and Catholic Register 3. 5 New , 1.70 Renewal• - I.85. The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto).. 3.40 Tht Signal „nd McLean•s Magazine - 2.25 The Signal and Farmer's Magazine- 2.25 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto). , .. 1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.50 These prices are for add,esees in Canada or (haat Bkitein. The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine . Including postage to Canadian subscribers. us The Signal and Youth's Companion (Boston) 2.90 Including postage to Canadian subscribers. The Signal and Woman's Horne Companion (New York) Including postage to Canadian subscribers. 2.70 The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $;.00 representing the price of The Signal. For. instance : The Signal and The Weekly Globe. The Farmer's Advocate 12.35 las $1.00) .... .41-35 05 -making the price of the three papers $2.95. If the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well- known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoflice or express order (not by bank cheque) to The Signal Printing Co. Goderich LIMITED Ontario Intelligent Advertising Pays Big Returns T E GNAL BEST ADVERTISING i�SIMEDiU�M IN HURON COUNTY More Stove Talk offering ibarn stn e.ains ich we ever be- fore were equalled in Gode- rich. To clear mar stork in this line we have been slash- ing the prime wo that they have now reached the mini- mum. We handle the Moffatt, Ranges and Art (;arlsrnd. `souvenir and Moffatt Heaters -all of then, baring a flat deet reputation, ft will pay you to call. READY FOR MAPLE SYRUP is The season for maple syrup approaching and we have a big stock of sap palls and spilee t0 •apply moor de - molds. Our (rices are right. d YM .utter carry over for another wwton. We have a o.twbr e kris. erose -cut fluor tai aces'. 1ik,.., and heavy, Weed M wbkh we will elver at greatly redeosd p.*w, i'Inrnl,rng Beatings FRED E D 1I LINT w estrn,aghieg and Gemmel Hard were Hamill** Strada