HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-3-28, Page 6tl 4 a. TWITIMMAT, Itasca VA 1912 1 FORA SLENDER SILY�A �RINB• THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO • "I di wast the Mamma& HewI l NIAMEY- I AGRICULTURE IM SCHOOLS. area 1 we{e two wedding rings 1~ Theo p��� noticed the Meader silver band on ber anger. A happy tied 111 up ►*a face. diamond"I waut you to wear the diam. • ring anyway. dive me the silver run • • : and 1 will wear It pelt my bout oat • • of sight" • e j "l am going to wear the silver ring IIt Was Better Than a Dia- ; always." mid Mrs. Berkey &Wad* • mond One, After AL • "Joe Berkley, bow much did you pay • o idly. Tben soddenly and sevenety,. • • • Sy M. MAUDE WRIGHT. • for that diamond''" • -Three hundred dour." e ! "Where did yea get tbs WNW t Y•a, • told me we's yen bo•gbt that 12 Mt of goods that you oaly bad FOS led a.• 1 never will marry a man wbo dose the beat. A trlgbt and Ips ap.r• not think eeoogb of nee to give me mus bit fans -you dWa'C'- ao>Eblot less than a diamond rang.' . "M , I did not borrow or sinal *. 1 ate the very wads I used," said sold the store. and tomorrow 1 tab my Jamie as she embed a diamond old place as clerk in 11, just wbere I. Deters Mrs. Berkley's astonibed eyeI was wben we were marrlad." "Aad Bob't' "Joe Berkley, 1 had ,Ent MEM in tie. "OL, be erst imbed surprbwd. then conclaslon that 1 was a teas', bat 1 never dreamed yes were one tool" angry; muttered something the "1 thought a dimmed was necessary ring being set with my birthdayday at stonaeto show that 1 loved yon" and that It was the bast he could at - "Well. if yod care for me now you ford. Then be walked off without an - will take that ring back to the lewd• other word er's, and then you will march rlgtlt "Of course be came back or you down the street and buy back the would not be wearing the ring." store. Make whatever explanations "I must confess that 1 was a little you wlsb, but bny back the store." Bob, and you Dever know wbat a man The very next day Mn. Berkley went bit frightened. for 1 do think a beap o will du, bot be came back the very to call on Amelia Jones next day Itnd brought me this beauti-Mrs. Berkley, how glad I b• ful diam' o d dog.Yon see, be really "a you! I used you so horrid thee otb- cams for me" sold Amelia er day. Can you ever forgive me?" ex - "Well," said Mrs. Berkley. "I don't claimed Amelia as abe drew her tote see bow he could afford it, for he is not rise room' as well off as Joe was before we were `CertainlyTbere was a iittle bit tat married." romance in connection with the ring A sudden thought struck her, for she made out of a dime that I thought you 'slyly concealed her left hand but not would be interested in," began Mrs. before Amelia a no ac A bad noticed the tion. Berkley without any preliminaries as I "Oh. Mrs. Berkley," she said lmpul• soo0 as ,be was seated. °rat met sisals, "do let me see your wedding Mr. Berkley on a street car. 1 pulled ring. I do not remember noticing it Ont a dime to pay the conductor when 1 know It must be something doe, tor it &lipped from my fingers and fell to they do any that Joe Berkley was the floor. Joe Berkley. who was sitting heels over bad In love with you be- near, sprang up to search for It, but lore you were married." just then the car stopped at my desd- A flush spread over Mrs. Berkley's nation, and 1 had no time to wait for face. the lost coin. Mr. Berkley slipped a "7t is not a diamond-" she faltered. nickel into my hand. saying be would "I am sure. then. it is something pay my fare and keep the dime when ed Dim and left equally nice. Now. Mrs. Berkley. please be fou don't be so modest." said Amelia as the car. The nut day we met on tee she wickedly palled tbe hand from its car again, and of course it was natural biding place, revealing a very &lender that l should ask him if be had found band of silver. 'the dime- He bad• and this opened the "Oh!" Perhaps Amelia pot mors way for further conversation We tact - ••-- - --A--•ll yon Meow meaning into this exclamation than she the rest Mr, Berkley bad the Mine intended, but there certainly was scorn. made tato a ring. and he asked me .te "Ie this the kind of a ring Mr. Berkley wear 1t always gave snit He should be 'ashamed of "You see why I prise it above lel bllmsesf, and 6e could have afforded to diamond ring he could give me." Her glue you a diamond ring better than voles was tall of feeling as she An - Bob could afford to give me one. Of Vhstt coats he cared for sou. bat men have strange ways of showing their love "How tine(" Amelia'' eyes weshin- sometimes.- ing with a new light "No, the kind of Tbeeush on lire. Berkley's face grew ring does not matter, after all" she deeper as abe palled her hand away. added softly u u to herself "I he. "It was made ort of a dime." There lime 1 will telt Bob that 1 prefer the was no further explanatloa. "I left tai set with myof birthday stone He some beans In the oven and must go," easily could not afford the diamond said she and left anyway'' When she reached her home she went up to her room and snatched the ring CostroYoo His Enemies, from her finger as it 1t burned and It b related of • Chinese empa(IR threw it into a barba drawer out of that on being told that his pr es E sight revolted In one of his distantnt proenemies "1 nater will wear It again-neverT he sold to his e>mc ars "Come. foiled' me, and we will quickly destroy the She stamped ber toot angrily 03 the m." carpet "He didn't care for me or be He marched forward and when ftltty never would have given me a ring that saw blm and his great army the rebels would Dolce me op to scorn. Oh ysa; s°balittsd and laid down their arms be has been good to me but thea b. b His army expected him to have all the good to his clerks, his dog and- every rebels pot to death. but Ie gr.a M thing else." I3er pride had been wound• are 'ted tbe captives with the muhe tkindness* kindneand humanity and in snag ed cases set them free. Great Sso hoped her husband world mss Indlg.dlti ha the ring and thus give her a chance to with his conduct was telt In coax e say something. but 1f he did not miss cies, bed i land mta chief otscer tp- the ring be missed something else -her prom -bed him anted we. usual cheery chat "Sire. is this the way your majesty is "Are you 111 PlantesT' be faked fulfills your promise? Your royal word. was given that yuo would destroy all your enemies. and losteed you have with real concern In bis voice. "No," she answered curtly. pardoned them and even set some "Has anything happened. then?' free •• "Oh, enough bas happened." she said "But I have kept my word." said the coldly. emperor. "1 promised to destroy my Liverpool Wheat Futures Clow Hight or, Chtcage Lower --Live Steck _ I -_Latest Quotations. CHICAGO, March 26. -Persistent. the limited selling to realise prolts more than wiped out an advance to -day 1• wheat- The July feature suffered 'Mr elder; trona • steady peppering by lead- ers on the bear aide. Claming prloes were easy- and 3-ec to 7-8c under Datur- iday night. Corn tlWahed 1-8c to 1-4o hlgbsr, oats varied from a shade off to a like amount up, and hog proda:ta ended at an advance of 5c to 12 Liverpool wheat rimed `ed to lad higher Rua Saturdayand corn tad to 0,4 high- er. Parts wh.t clwed lac to lc higher. Antwerp unchanged and Berlin %c high- er. Winn!--. Optima. Op. H-gn. Low. Cause. Close. Whoa t - May, old-. t•! 102 111 j 11114b lY do. new10N. !alit, 101 10140 1.111 July 101% lel% 10I% 3I8%b we* Oats- to -day. 8attar. t4ii5i��e J ea May 48 b Termite • G•sin Ma -kat. M0 toMW 003 .... 1 1• oats k sI _ e M • 10avlscl. bttlabel s ■ 1 bat l 1 u i0 l easewbeat belbel 1 13 11111 &- To., --to Dairy Market. S4Mar. atraaater'y. Ib. rope Or OW • an•aa,ery, 'olid0 a • a0/arator. dairy. lb• 81 • i oi.ae lou 0 33 • C{lta•M Mw, Ib 0 11% • if se. doses 1 a 8 es Hasler, extracted, lb 013 Eggs, new-lald 0 1M 0 i MenMeal Grain and Produtm. MONTREAL Marc! Z. -Cables oa Manitoba spring wheat came etrooger at en advance of 1544 per quarter. The de- mand was good for t.oth nearby and May- uine shipment. and, as the prices. bid were In many cases In line, much bualnest' could have been done If ocean room was obtainable, consequently only a few loads were wo. ked for July -August The mar- ket for corn was atronger-at an advance of lc. but the demand 1s v. -y rp�tW. A fair trade was done In oats fol11val!al and outside account. Demand for flour con- tinues good and business up fairly active. atillfeed situation le unchanged. Butter strong under fair demand and email sup - piles. Dressed hogs strong at an advance of 25c. with a good demand. Eggs active and steady. Corn -American, No. 2 yellow. 7•%c. • Oats Canadian weetarn, No. 2t i2i%o u tic: do.. No. 2 80c to 501,4c; extra No. 1 'feed, ile to Riic; No. 2 local white, Ma to 51140; No. 2 local white, Oc to Mike; No. 4 local white. 41c to 4$%c. Barley -Malting. psi to Si -la Buckwheat -N0. 2. 72c to 71o. Flour -Manitoba spring wheat pateah firsts. 15.70; seconds, 01.210: strong �j�.�{ winter patents. chole,. Moe to am: ,straight rollers, 840E to $&Th do.. hag% 12.11 to ills Hay -No. 2, per ton, car lots, $84.10 to 116 Cboese-Finest westerns. sae to 1S ; finest eastern, 14t4c to tic. leutter-Cboloest creamer/. %Ke 10 ie; seconds. =lie to Sac. Eggs -Fresh, MC: 'sleeted. 3e to Tia Potatoes -Per bag, car lot., 81A to 113.0. CATTLE MARKETS. Union Steck Yards. TORONTO, March 25. -Receipts of live stock at the Union Stock Yards were 124 carloads, comprising 9M0 cattle, 454 hogs, 31 sheep, 60 calves and 54 horses. Exporter*. Geo. B. Campbell bought for Morris a Co. 201 Liverpool steers. 1200 to 1300 lbs. each, at a range of 01.75 to 17.20 1n price% or as average of * .M • Mere. Easter quality butchers cattle sold at from 17.3 to 0555. but only two brought the latter figure; in fact. only four cattle were reported as selling over 10. Beat Wb' gos b"'nel Kra The Edaeatlea Dm.rtmest's Plans ler lei laltodectiea. Teaabsre, trustees mad others coag wised is the ad-vaoeslwMt of our seboa& will be interested Is circulars 13. 13A aidjust tweed Ire the O•- , Lasko Depestmemt of Edemeelotl f In them the Istentiooe sled pleas of the Depertemet regarding She 8e .at of agriculture are folly set torch. It is hoped that eyesybody la Ontario► who is interested In anywrrv• is the work of the schools way bebooe acgaaiated with the scheme and that a strong publie sentiment may favor the gen- eral adoption of the wort. Circular 10 6 -Iver the revised regula- tions gotesain the dtstributioo of grants. Sabool breads are eaeoul- laged by liberal grants to undertake the work. Where the work is carried out under a teacher bolding • certifi- cate in agriculture, an Maid grant of $50 and subsequent annual grants of WO can be earned ; but no board will receive more than it expends on the work. Where the work is darried out under Nan nneertiflcated•teacher, the grant is Et whew practical work in the school grounds is made part of the course, and 118 waxen the practical work by the children M carried on in horse gardens. The speeiel grants to teachers renege from iK to Rio. The plan it to have one hour a Week throughout the year given to the study. whist& shall he of a emetic*/ obaracte•r and related closely to local interviste. , A email garden on the school grounds will be used for simple ezperieseras es well as relatable and flower pots. The growing of shrubs. vines, window boxes and banging bris- kets 10 beautify the school and ite sur- ro;indinge will be considered part of the work also. A Survey of the work done in On- tario during 1911 is included in the cir- cular. This shows that school -gardens for aahich grants were given in- creased from fifteen in 1910 to tbirty- three in 1911, and that 1F2,3'31.0O war paid out in special grants. Besides there were over sixty other schools re- porting work in school garden- ing. A very large increase is already assuled for this year. Circular 13A shirrs how the Agricul- ! tura) College lends itself as a teacber- trnining school in this cause. The work of the ten weekei spring term and the four weeks' bummer school in July are fully outlined. No fees arra charged toe instruction in there cour.es which leai to a certificate in agriculture The attendance last July reached two hundred. A larger attendance is ezpected this year and preference is given to successful teacbere of experience. Applications should be nude torly. Circular 13a is issued as a practical guide to pupils in gardening. The in- tention is to have it used as a supple- mentary school reader. Pdpils carry- ing on the work will add to its pages with accounts of their own experiences. Schools will be furnished free with a sufficient number ofcopies for the use of their classes. Other pubMcationt. are under prapsir- ation for Ike schools. In the course of a few weeks the Department will send out to all the schools the first. of a series of agricultural lesson charts; one dealing with alfalfa and the„ other with the advantages of early seeding. Accompe.oying theme there will be pupils' circulars supplementing the in- formation given on the wail smart. Moreover, supplies of seed will be anr- nisbed the schools free for small prac- tical studies to be carried out in con- junction with tbe.cbart in small plots quality deers, 1101 to 1200 lid. each. &1.11 •to the school grounds. ALL sebogis to 17: prime butchers, ,00• to 1100 Iso. etch. may thus readily engage in the work. at 11.50 to 01.76: good, is to 81.21; meditawe It ie boped that teachety may be en - 85.0 to 15.10; common. 01 to 05A; 1.- oouraged by u-tatcea and parents to ferior, $4.10 to 84.10. cows, *3.Ts to 11.80; take it op. tanners. 2175 to bulls, $4 to Other charts, bulletins and supplies Milkers and and Springerswill be forthcoming from time to e. It will be easily possible for every rueal school in Ontario to give ita pupils valuable instruction in the principles of agircultute. The support of every- ooe having the welfare of our schools ht heart is solicited. Copies of the circulars are sent to all the schools for tae use of teachers. Other persons desiring copies of these publications or particulars regarding the distribution of seeds to the schools may apply to the Director of Elemen- tary Agricultural Education, Ontario Agricultural College, nuelpb. Canada. Milkers and springers were quoted at 100 to 100 each. Veal Calves. About 00 veal calves were sold at N to is M. • Sheep and Lambe Sheep. ewes. sold at 84.50 to 86.00. and two or three handy weight ewes at IC rams. 14 to- 84.50. yearllag lambs at 17 to M per cwt. one spring Iamb sold fee 0.50. Hose. There were 248 hogs o° sale. which sold at 17.10 for selects, fed and watered, and 17.A. Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL, March 2b. -At the Mont- real Stock Yards west end market the receipts of live stock for the week end- ing March 23 were 11M cattle, 7. store lambs 1170 hos and 10110 calves. Tire ane er tones caused him apprehension Tee of- Henemies bo you not see tbal them rertrtgs o0 the market tats morning "Amelia Jones and Bob Dalesford men are no longer my enemies? I amounted to 7011 cattle. M sheep and lambs, are engaged," elm said finally, tact have made them my friends" 10o hogs and 400 calves. knowing gelLJust how to begin. , The gathering of buyers on the market System Renovator under our ran - was urge, and. as they were all pretty tee to refund the price paid it the rem - "1s that aur be laughed. I well cleaned out of beef. the demand was ed fails to give entire satisfaetion. Mrs Berkle did not smile. - When Mistletoe Was Sacred. , good and a fairly active trade was dose. y y The Druids with ceremnie os of greath mt ' On aeeount ed e short ran and tn. tun- It aids digestion, tones up the nervosa 'Bob gave Aelia • beautifdl dla• tied supply of sood steers, some of the sv.teui and gives both quick and per packers were obliged to go to Toronto n,anent results. One dollar a bottle. at ]carload/lotrend wilco, they paiddbuy front Manufactbred by MacLeod Medicine Both Quick and Permanent Strength If you are run down or tired out, if you take cold easily. have no appetite, ate losing flesh or have other evidence of lowered vitality, try our MacLeod's mond ring. which showed that be cared solemnity used to rolled mlotleto. sol - something for Der." "agalust the festival of winter Something 10 ber tone made him look order Only the „aka bearing nestle - Something at the finger that should bare toe were Kernel to (hitt ancient order worn the wedding ring. Mooset men. ■nd they made solemn proem. She noticed his glance and answered on° to such osis. a prince of tbe or it. "1 never will wear It again. for you der cutting the mistletoe with a golden did not core anything for me wben Ler It b recorded fluff the people's reverence for the prim!. proceeded in you gave me such a ring as that -a paltry ten cent ring, a target for Mk memoir* from the r nM which cele. You could have afforded to the priests eQeeied by t,.,•ana of this give me a diamond ring better than curious rem plant of the pearl -like Bob Dalestord could afford to Icer• berries. It was collected thus memo- A.melia one. yet yon did not even goys memo - plenary by tbe Druidshesautae It was me • gold one--and-and-end you supposed to drive away evil spirits. pretended to love me 1 wax • foot The lesson *moue the Druids" for 1 know better now " bringing In bits of evererren from Lbs Mr. Berkley wtttced as it be bad woods and adorning Ike bowie is • been struck He rose and left Lbs most charming and lovable one. "Ile nom. ■od Hit Berkley ooeiced, with houses were decked with evergreens la Der•ember that the 'tyres° spirits might a pang at ber beast that big usually reeler to them and remain nonlegal straight 'boulders were bent as from with frost and cold while Datil • mos - et she did not call said ti•rk. K seems bad reoewed the fellow ed Nothing mom was said about the ring. end thing,tboir darting abodes" -(?alumna. went on m•rb u Mital. only instead ot cheer, ages$•. sad • sympathy there were oiMaoe. Petrlge/ Ferret Slams. gloowi aid =Wundermtaodtag Mie Three petr1Md r.dweed trees that Rertley (weld not bells .•tfclag the have hum peas••oced lb* cavy most hagprd look that had settled doors es. t• the world abet hate ties far Mss ber bosb•nd'' tarty mg mese aha dlrovered have bees simmered hem looted Into the gime see keew test dee debris of the mees•ak dee sib bar ewe tam was pttleg pale. • Meet Maass from tis as Ss Severe' day. bad mem/ then wises Madan eine grove le tsar e.•aty. aaetbsr Osmond was faded Infer* Oat. Tele poise le seer Pr tee elf Ides RwAdtgr ems Tide time ter Orel/sat Ons of tan.& gest hank ria. was le the Med of her 8*- eat sesesesse. art sake the g/se�tls et -1 bale brw•gm 700 • amend 1. IlMypt eiders W compote= le tlbi dew tem 1 este ter yea -yes. I ease •S••. -criers- tweely4bles ION le dr eery mere mime.' be Gehl wiesedle. easier cad le MO flit la Isiah Ss titre M mer enact, sell we WO Las twit Wiese pentad weep tie NM= draw t sots at" re Med • ass twelve het 1s. dbems10. 1� elafM'y nvo, M.r etle r AtieArt Kai to 10.10 per MID pounds. f.o.b. In con- 4 sequmoa, the demand from them today was limited, os to e blah prima de- ! womitsth mended for the twenty of the stook al- tered. Several full loads of steers, weighing from 1160 to lla pounds, changed hands at 17 per 101 pounds and few odd picked tots of the Mate quality sold as hist as 07.11, whale tee quality news and balk ' brought 1b big If choice meets. welgttag lie to 1310 mends. had been obt•laafte. 17.11 to 17.11 could have been made for them. Tb. undertone to the market for bop oostin•ss very strong and price• have scored aml►Wr advanc. of sic to lacaper Ile pomade .t . last Weseesder, u1•k4ag a sat rime Owe this day week of elle N 76r, and the pee•seete are that they will go Mel mime Y use t t..e •e •ymi•• *roomthe country arc t0 detlal1. sees wben teem blah figures WO to mem them nut. Th. offerings on spot M1e msor e s were small for wince the 4sataad Mae good. and en eMlve trade Wes Mae. weft Nle of selected loos al WOO to •t.; per as puede weighed oft care The !see ale the market for lamas was strong, cad PriMe meted a further Mvmace et 10e gar , VI pounds. astebenr cattle, Meeks,01.10 smM Ri: eo.. timara. W m to 01.1ds" ei is 01; r., mete 01a emeite e. M to W. els.. le ea M; ma- eea melee. amok eta ID ale.. &Masa We and M es ease. w as es: sMlaadu MA thio t>b mema es. 11101 etre Net am m� as els °alms. 1 Maw Lab.. II test&Mem Ochil Mae1dR See Wee amts. feral mime and }ream sla•1R lel, e. 1!01 1st= onseetellters.41: :eta 5111104. OD' o , Goderich. Ont. For sale by E. R. Wigle, druggist. Of Interest t0 Owners of Thorough - teds. It is announced from the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa that the policy initiated by the Deport- ment in 1911 with reference to the granting of aid, ender certain condi- tions, to the owners of thoroughbred stallions is to be continued this year. Any person, flrtn or corporation own- ing or controlling any thoroughbred stallion in regard to wblcb tbe re- quired condition, bare been fulfilled .ball be entitled to receive the sum of MO from the fusels of the lits Stock Branch. Any pemons who are inter- ested nterested may secure the neoseary forms of application for the great by y - leg to the Veterinary Director Gen- er l and Live Meek Oomwtins nowt. Department of Awieulture. Ottawa. 10etaWet ty. The : liglith-yos know 'er- Bill's mimes Meowed'emit bed the end of the wharf last debt r Tern : "Pope Serer 1 ' Rlhieh : "An s asp Shed 'err host "ter : "Poor BLU f" -Sydney Btdk. Os. -Have yea," a asked at ore be the SIR Theorise. 'ism yes Mr. Wales's Aegel fi' The spelt "Me I'm obeli ell gas ase sof." he =the Thee. trimelt tree _ ming the* en- sthes, ureal its mere eeshesetn "Slat we've gat llat>kia gnash A4•N'e illearealif Twins . "'!SAP calf •eata_es. .A se - real. t psewmme p.. • WOMI3N $AY AVOID OPERATIONS By lekeig Lydia E. C M Pier's Vegetabie mpo_ The following letter tram lin. t deck will prove It is !fel B is e worsen to sahmit b tate Amapa ed s sergloal be a operation may " Plnkhale's V 8iewas ftlee lwti.Yagital mad ammo beim sniteriner fEmM �!'•. soots Hese 1s bee own statement Pow Paw, !flab. -"Two years age I Maned . severely wit I eseli MOamtime treat. soma menthe at _� rem seed me Alm Arbor ter operatisa I was there four weekas54, hoses seffertai 4y �, socias then dvi sd aidlAL Today Iasw.Rand skew and i all m' own hsassweek. I war sts health Lydia V�gg�Compoua abbe my Mesah are *Mktad with say femeis complaint to try it." -]ars. Osman Boca, B. R. No. 6, Paw Paw, itles are ill do not drag along emu as epesbat is necessary, bos take Igdis E. Pinkhem's Vegetalas hWilly yeses it baa been the stan- dar semedy fee women's ills, and has attsietw'Omes. Why don't yes WISP LOGS WANTED The undersigned will pay the highest each prices for all kinds of good logs, de- livered at our north of MacEwan'e Coal Yard. CUSTOM SAWING and general mill work dome promptly and at reasonable rste m. For prices and particulars inquire at office. Goderich Luber & Milling Cs. CfaS of Business I have purcbased the steam laundry busi- ness on Hamilton Street run for man years by Mr. D. H. Boss, and I am pre- pared to attend to all the wants of his cus- tomers and many new ones. 1 solicit your patron- age. Satisfaction guaran- teed. George Pong Ruccesor to D. H. Ross, Steam L.undry Hamiltoo St. 0 Crt Ready for Spring by leaving your order fog tbnt mew SUIT or OVERCOAT with HUGH DUNLOP weal et The Umeemiaae toner Brophey Bros 3UDEltIAH The Leadleg Funeral Directors sad Embalmers Orders caref,tll5 attended to at all hours. might or day. The Massey - Harris Shop on HAMILTON STEM!,u t plal tea buy all kinds of farm WAGONS Washtub Bail's. of BUGGIES team Gray's, ot Cbarnat WIRE Pfrom litlmdntd Co. CREAM Ser TORS hemer SLACK SOME PERT- ILIZER hem Detroit -lm fact, aaytbing • farm needs or wart& Cutters W. hats a few Cutter t.. 'N sell at cost as loeg as the rt. • i, lasts, at Furniture Repaired POLISHED, ETC. Silver Plating, Gilding, Etc. Minoro made or resilvered. Picture Framing, Wood Turning, Etc., b germy 8 Fraser West 'Street North aide. corner Waterloo Money orBust Going at Full Blast Big Cutin Prices Men's Overcoats to be cleared at 55.45. Meds Suits to be cleared at Into. Men'e.Pants to be sold at Liu. Twenty dozen Shirts to be told at 47c. Mees Winter Caps to be cleared at 2c. Men's Working Shirts, regular 73c and 11.00, for 59c. Boys' Knickers to be cleared at Meds Woollen Socks to he cleared at 2 pangs fee 39c. M. ROSINS South Side of Square WE ARF AGENTS FOR THE Empire and Good Cheer gauges� By purchasing either of these .types of stoves you secure an ideal cook- ing range. Come in and see them. W. R. PINDEit Plumbing. Heating. Eleetric Fixtures and Metal Work Hamilton Street Goderieb How to Keep Your Hair Free from Dandruff A Delightful and Re freshing Hair Dressing Parisian Sage BANISHES DANDRUFF OR MONEY BACK Parisian . Sage STOPS FALLING HAIR OR HONEY BACK Parisian Sage IfiAldifi HAIR RADIANT OR MONiEY BACK. Potpie wbo duke to gin re the bear one gen Vdoe trete theedevai3a.6ir craw Hft Have your ewe lamb sad comb at boss sad et bait dream% Never ens a brush er eosab In public 4 Nbi' liessee wally *Peered with Sisk braids ones a week wid water to which le iawal+sa die de once a waft with pees V ry AN Wier every day. lallett reM 'A Aral twee or smosylwilimar. 211 and hemmer Mets ill laded haw we mo y bask. Prise We emits Robert Wilson's Hamilton Street, (ioderich tardy's IS THE PLACE FOR Pure iroceries ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL Sturdy & Co. The Grocers On tbe Square 'PHONE 1111 G1°fiOr , aUlsK w , 1 . 1 a's 'EASTER HOLIDAY RATES Single fate for round trip. Min imam charge of Mc between all station." hi Canada. timid going April 4th, 5th, 8th. 7th and $th. Return limit April 10th, lin:. HOMESEEKE RS' EXCURSIONS TO Western Canada VIA CHICAGO April Zed, 18th and 30th. and every..cood Tuesdaythereat,. until September 17tfactual%. Winnipeg and Return 0134.00 Edmonton and Return 1044.00 Tickets good for sixty day- Propnrtiosate rates to other points in Manitoba, Seaketch- ewan and Alberta. Tickets will aim IN on aide on certain dates via Sante and Northern Naviga- tion Oompany. Low Rates to Pacific Coast Tickets on sale daily until April 16th. Settler' Otlb-way TkilatS to Mesitobe, Sesbaobewan and Alberta es ask ever? Tue•edaY Se Mitch end Aped. Whs. aolieg to WSW TOOK Pjt.&WHIA 11,02/rtttitt . traSymms-the ie Gifted Tem* la ilway Sy -tMian week mew TWt� 1 w. Leteeemethesig Pmoor away Di 1 Roues (ielig•1 Appel'o dwell(ag Louisa14,6111 j1ro. Ww. dpp� forawetWag a t far u B y &b fur :d yoadw tch has a era! dcitb 111 that t 10 W be afilititt Atte'called aw ural., tau Thi U ,la y Bashop d gaster, t, dead iletno,. at the 1 0 Wm l'i.her, ot. sru nI Coburn. , bad a lmdled oats rtdea t aveniut1 recently, lin. 1 E. Doe Cb•tuu fur L lei -v 7iverreATattLtW:14.:°°60falailtWilallaW14111" euMe1.Mbs Ile r.ritlepee c Lye township of ' ,niyed .1teraiooe a,ardsy 10etee way a Wbsl 11313 qac Only a carri4 heavy burden the home d �agbam. in the ler, ■is' (Tara. eevrlal w reks c' from iuen.u,tutot !005 lady wax u age. J. I1. le Lonna bank at Clinton. I to (hr Calgary W the [Cell:. d 1 that 1te had char•* 0e„rBeld. MIB. Willi&w is Zbekersmitlt, pee et for Elume tat bt Noir, in l -&horns lith. She was lett A fatally el dangbter survive Atter a heroic Jess Plum, wido Rosen. of (hey ber reward on The deceased w year. A family thrsuns .uryiv Jeeohn 1)elbridge misfortune to he Herein ball by m the staurdtble. T imal became tang keit his footing, 1 Delhnidge bough) eight weeks age The dwelling c farm on the Load villa, owned fly eteoyed by fire a bombed been c lor, who moved person was near the fire occurred The sad newt of the death of Denver, Colored poeumonis, of te bad been ill only ceased was toren body was le itw, 1v1ter111atemtn t31sehis p derk for five onro lk Co., a a recent eget ods present panda put -, by .n ddt for hie net dibet•ta A .udden bm W i hen, nom March 1,116, w niogham was to ing the evening Oat immediate fortt.-.eten y to he hints -three ye O. Wednesd t , Dr, the nlatRevt•i111nnja farmer of (heel Mabel McNich, Young cuoplei e.1 L to Guelph clot!. A pretty we at Ike home oI berry lowneb1l 12te, when his E. Lilian, wa bonds of mat Weir. Rev, 1 P7 Y • ouplo ip. Mr, end Mrs, " • who will Tn.14e, wee. about sift ey cyanic Iris of the e Mad and a peel to the IN the nig► - held by 1 The mania& ' , ••ick, da yid Cobbled W. nil ml•anirel ted Beall Mere ma the get whs. airr, d� • Meta • as hs► r4 the� • with • i Oa �u� M tae hi