HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-3-28, Page 3PHS SIGNAL : GOl)Il<RICH, ONTARIO
THOL.OAY. MAaeu * 1112 $
8t/LD ON
bound or repaired.
.1:t order- pismtrtty
mrisei.ia..dM asto on tvinq
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and a7Ma� user, Ontario lead
durreser,Seek, Osaeriek.
I/oatu sl nesse Ttesebeas Irl.
sod (odor North
-to Pea. tam( nal tura. -4dune
Ht LIR TATWtt. B. e. M. H.
M. B.. A.
UR. W. F. (TALLOW. M. B.
Gies and rasilenss. lrw•ta rOee�R, Oe6KieD.
Oak d leant/ Wirier, ales. T s/asas et
P. J. R. ?OORfilla R --SYS, EAR
eise saeYork t1ek. nae Astrals swarmliams u'�
wiI natF s
tie. es. l s eJ ► to . T to li w a. Tails
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1 AN. barristers, sniduans notaries mink
proctors in the Iilsetmes Cent. etq. Private
tundo wNasltta dig des. a 0eleriotd ni.
t1WU0VOOT E. Q R C. HATS, .1. W.
mf . 0. CAMERON. K. O., B3ARRIS-
dee. bon
%tiara Otless-
trTat i• WrA
(tHARL1i8 (iARBOW, L.L.H.. BAR
li HMI kit, ammo; ,smSur, rte., kM4s
risk. Money to lead let Iowa* tater.
DJ .nt.:uar. osm�lrioner, notary pebble
d1_s Haman= nreot Usderee frit.
IxsutAllCs LORIS. ETC.
. 11 d e R ANOIt c O. -feast and Deleted
Les,: P� esaforth P.O.:
Jr • Vita. .derisa P. 0.:
T i Tntr. S•I
sseta P. O.
Dusetws- • m (MtcY0ary. enact► : Joan
Jobs llaasedrt lrmlilJaew,ae tares.
aseekseea Ylb�esa : aealoolm
Itckwen, Itrtedde-
Agamt.: J. W. Ta 1 t`
Hareel : Jar' C
bandage. resew*
a s e manes ass .let
u. J. Murrhkl Mamba -
ii Lew* Oresaey. a1e/Mea eisest. 0eserice.
s20 000 PRIVATE y . O. To
a II. O. CA O
i IW r Hamster resat Oed.rlea.
A Visit to Ontario's
Great National Park.
Notes of a re-
ccpe trip taken
by R. . Sallow.
and lista Me -
i ,it t:twie-
When it becomes ase wsory to tail
in the family doctor end be orders •
change of air aa the remedy fur your
overworked constitution, and if the
rugged wildnese sod the natural
bra try of the iter ded wildernew ap-
peal L„ your senbe of beauty -fro to
Algonquin Park. Again, when you
dame • fee days' rest from your
lahois and you wish your holiday unto
LvlaultANclt AOZNT.
rasa sxn lee "Silva • British, 0aneohn and
c-iuotr�lttst UM. AND_ or tovsas' Lisso-
m: :The alma assn and Geaewntae
unmet. et
oboe reti..aess, esroet of Vic-
to-toria and OL Davila tarsals,'num 1711
U k minsad ed
a trenutlet andfil s Nettie.
seek nsbNm r tr rd at, wM
r abhor J. W CRAI6I2. Get
tale .lane It
wills. We pare another large lake
oovered with ate senile of anise, in
the centre of which is • smell Wand
thickly covered with '.award -growth
pier, standing out u1 .harp contrast
against the fleecy snow. And thug
the even-chaoaing scenery tomes be-
fore luta and the neaten' boundary of
the Park is reached. imnnediately
the laotlscape Letterer a ditterent se -
to ba 'narked with profit frees an rdu pest. %Vs paw through a fire•swrpe
cations) standpoint, se well as with district where nothing is left on the
pleasure -pay a visit to Ontario's rocky hillside@ but blackened poles as
great national park dui tog the winter tbe only monuments to Walk the *pot
aeaaun. Take with you plenty of good where ore c stood the virgin forest.
wenn clothing. a pair of snowshoes, Farther on. the scenery is even more
• camera with plenty of "ammunl- dismal and instead of the foliage ut
tion." and live within the shadow of the majestic pine we .re nothing but'
the btg pine for w mooch in that won- hl•ckeurd stumps showing up all too
derful health -giving atm.a,pbere, and clearly on the sums -clad hide
you will return to wort prepared to it was on a lovely afternoon in Febru-
trke up your daily task with a re- ary that the Phu,ographer Geniis
newed rigor of which you never with his assistant (pro tem.) left Gode-
dreamed you were possessedrich on his winter trip to this pictuie
Without questioning Use gsograpbi- moque e. iiIry. Reschiug North
cal knowledge of the reader it might Perkasie s etiun at 7:31p. an., just in
be wisdom on the pat t of the writer to time to catch the "Coltish ezpram" for
define the enact situation of this great the north, the journey to Scotia June -
reserve, in order to aseiet any person rim, which occupied the next seven
wbo peruses this *rude to understand hours. was .levo4 of any incident of
to what part of the Province reference note. As the train sped on through
is made. the night all that,rrlieved the ,nonot-
Algonquin Park coven an area of ony of the trip was the devoted atten-
1,)s10,tJ1el acres. It is ■ituated in the tion which the persistent neve *gent
eastern portion of the Province, about paid to the passenger. while he offered
200 miler north of Toronto, the east- at bargain -day pacei brooches. and
ern noundary being about 120 miles charms manutectuied from the god
from the city of Ottawa. It has with- and silver' procured from the mines
in its Mrundariee over 1,200 lak.ie and still farther north. it might also tie
rivers of the purest and clearest of said of this energetic ealeswen that he
water; and swarming with multitudes was veryrwilliog to impart any inform -
of gamy has. and lively salmon and ration he poseeeeed pertaining to the
speckles trout which seem to eagerly rouotry tbrough which we were pass -
await the arrival of the tourist with ing. On being asked the sirs of Scotia
his Look and line and a little jar of be "guessed' it had .a population of
malted minnows. The Perk is in that nearly 5.000. Next morning when we
portion of the Province known as waaened from our fe:v hours' slumber
"The Highlands of Ontario," and the et the hotel there and looked forth up -
scenery along the route of the old on the "city" we beheld a high barren
Canada Atlantic Railway as viewed cliff to the east, a suarnp to the south,
froln the car window while travelling and a stilt more deet•late view -if that
eastward on a bright. Bunny, mid- were possible- to the north and west
winter's morning cannot but impress of us. A half-dozen shacks scattered
the traveller to ith the tenth of the are here and there made up the city, with
sertion that old Ontario possesses such the exception of the postofce, which
health and pleasure resorts that the lay beyond the blow of the bill.
attention of tourists from all parts of At 9 o'clock we hoarded the Ottawa
boob the old and the new world is at- train and. after a journey of an hour
livered. and -a -half along tbe scenic route
In and out itmong tbe hills your which tta. been already described in
train speeds,along at an average rate this article, we reached Canoe Lake
of about forty miles an hour ; past de- station. Sere we made the acquain-
serted camp sites where the lumber- twee of O. \V. Bartlett, for the past
men held forth in the days that are twelve years superintendent of Algon-
gone, and alongside rapidly decaying quio Park, and his son, ,Ranger Jatnes
timber slides which tell a stay of Bartlett. They took lie to their
their own of the arduous labor of the abetter braise :it Joe Lake, half -a -mile
nervy river man, when be brought farther east, where, for t:.ree days, we
his "drive" down in the spring. As enjoyed the open-hearted hospitality
the traiu makes a graceful curve of the bush ranger.
around the end of • lake you see from Tbe shelter house was a new one.
your window the locomotive dealt having been erected' bust rummer. It
ahead and, then disappear again was a Ine-story fame building about
around a curve it, the opposite direr- sixteen by twenty fret in dimensions.
tion. This is a view you get repeat- fitted with verandah in front :and a
edly. The ever-changing, scenery Rood -sisal woodshed et the rear. The
holds your attention and you observe interior wag partitioned off into a fair-
tbe tops of tbe tall hardwood inter- sized living -room and two bedrooms
mingled with the ..now -laden limbs of that were large enough tor the per -
the majestic pine as they, in places, pose for whioS they were intended.
cover the rugged hillside almost nom- although to some people they might
pletely from view. Tbe train pursues have seemed too small. as the saying
its onward way and you skirt a olio, gums, for the occupant to change his
the top of which it is impossible to see mind in, should he feel so inclined.
from your window. Another change Just at this juncture it Wig t be said
awaits you and you reach a break in ;hat so fir as the picture en were
the woods, where dead timber is concerned they had ably o object in
thickly strewn about, the result of view when they entered it cow -
flooding in the early spring when the partnient each night. end that woo to
lakes w4ere dammed by tht lumber- recover through sleep from tbe effect.
men, preparatory to the taking out of of their wearisome tramps in the brisk
the winter's cutting in the woods. An- winter air during the day. The fact
other secant space. one long white goes without saying that 00 time was
sheet of snow --the evenness of the wasted in sucb preparation for the
surface indicates it is a lake -and you work that lay before them on the mor -
see the playground in winter of the row. But that is a little ahead ..f the
deer which abound there in great story.
numbers. The bright sue favors you Upon entering the shelter house we
and you recognize the light. dainty found Ranger Robertson, whom we
tracks of the deer and also the big, learned to look upon as the genial
daubs marks left by the timber' wolf "Mark." busy in the preparation of
as he plunges tbrough the enow the noonday meal. When all was
which. if traced, as in ibis instance. ready no one waited for a second in -
seldom fail to reveal a tragedy. The vitetion, but when the request was
few seconds at your dispoeal as you made to "Sit in, boys." five bealthy
are borne swiftly along are sufficient to appetites that were sharpened by the
allow you to take in the situation ata delicioul odor of the frying trout
glance. From the far side of the ob- commenced operatioos around the 4z:3
long lake the deer tracks lead to a cor- tahle.
nee of tb' lake quite clone to the rail Dining in a shelter house differ•
way. A quid: t.irn is made for no somewhat from boarding at s high-
ressbn that is apparent and the an- class ho etelry in that you miss the
imal flees back the way from whence pretty black -gowned weitrees, tbe
it tame. The reason is evident Imre- plated t,Iverware and the dainty
diately. A fresh -trodden path made di.hra. instead, you are served direst
by some heavy animal leads away from the cooking utensils by your
from the railway through the under- Mit : your plate is granite and your
brush and oe to the lake in the direr.- knife and fork of pewter, but the meal
tion of tbe fleeing animal. Tbe latter is none the less appetising on this sc-
realittee the danger. but becoming .x- count. it is no task to eat what is
cited loses all knowledge of direction, set before you and the savory "dish"
and as you peas from the scene a large of tea with which you ars served
black spot at the other end a We makes your meal none the less pain -
lake, with a small .otter outlined table.
against the 'now, is all that remain.. Dinner over and the table cleated.
to tell tbe stone of another victory preparation was made for the photog•
won by the dr the d timber wolf. n level, winding trail of the rangers on
iers debut on snowshoes. The
You enter the dense woo. again
the ice -covered surface of Joe Lake
and at a closer range y
glances of beauty- spout where the proved a very suitable place for them
sparkling snow on the huge ever to receive their introduction to the sot
R�r!eos and the tiny young pines pro- of snowshoeing, ane the first day's
.loose scenery that brings joy to the journey ot over four miles was made
beart of the landscape photogr. ph r. without mishap. The object of the
Look throne) the window on tbe other nip was to visit the several halting
side andou catch • fleeting glance of metres of the rangers. with the cher-
eiedy lane with its arched roof of imbed hope that the hunger of the
overbeeging boughs laden with the lurtiog timber wolf might have over -
the wiliness of his crafty nature
W �1 KELLyOu9r. P..
W , >earsr>R�Ies-v ARRr•
Taal" 617111)*, UV/ .19°K
wkm es srltsR
lam sky -vested and the bright sane
shioe redacted on for sparkling .sow
all about you, a with nothing but
the muuuWnotas -runchiug of the
atmw Ilene/dB yea t fret to break the
almost edema at lures of the I ra.ty
air -ouch rUvilose. cut s ui 1het
health -giving atrwophr.e are ao allur-
iog that our cannot 11 Ip but lees that
life is worth while to have the privi-
lege ot bviog for etre two week• iu
such euriouodiug..
IMauwbilr, the sbelLei house is
reached, where we )eik our feet free
of the suowehoes, teeltug quits 000 -
tent to confine our further movements
for thy, day from our position of ease
by the cooking +tut e to the cot in the
uenieture hedtoca,
(The next artiel* will deal with the
party's movements to the country
near the rangers-' hiedquarten se
Algonquin Park .t'.tion. The lite of
the ranger will 1.e touched upon
further and sotuetbiug will be said
about the photegrapbers• espeiienise
with the ingeoious beaver.)
Why You Should Travel West via C.P.R.
1t is the elects' route, offering the
finest amebae equipment and lamest
wain ,drone. It ie the only * l•('atta
than route. Nu cbaugr of omens,. All
equipment is owretl and operated by
ee. P. ti, &Roastinit the higher/ forty of
efficiency. Dining ca. service will
wordy the Wawa li,.tidious peiw.ue.
"'be unly line operauug thruugb
standard and tourist starptug care ,to
Winnipeg and Ysucuuvat.
Are you going We.t tbhi sprint? If
so take sdventage of the remarkably
low one-way season -claw carmine,
rasps to Vancouver, Victimia, Nelson.
bpuksne. Semals, Portland, can titan•
crap, low Angeks, leer' Virgo, etc., to
effect daily usaul April l3.u. ur if
Westeru L,anada is your destination
the one-way lie. t►ttu-clan4 settlers' rater
should appeal to you. settlers' trams
to Wesu,ru Causta will leave Toronto
10:20 p. w. each Tun -..1,y dui iug March
and April.
If you exn:emplate a trip of this
nature apply to Joy. Kidd, C. P. K.
agent, fur lull particular.. I4-3tf
Stay in Ontario.
.-_. _. e London Ad, ertt.or.
The thought ie ta-c.nuing to, take
shape in Untatio mind. 'het this west-
ward trek of uur farm Population bas
gone about far enough. Many circum-
stances cutobine to strengthen the
tf[uughe reit a conviction.
In the Cast piece we he... every little
while of land purchases ivadr m the
very Leat cuuutic.* of the peninsula by
American icvester,. It outside's,
looking unhtaeed otei the C'anadi)tn
field, prefer Ontario fu' vet dement arid
cultivatwn, it is strainer tbat our own
.people, horn and bred on tbe land,
sbould in their anxiety to clear out
sell it to them "dirt. cheap." What, is
worth while to the.merican is worth
while to [tie Loutario wan.
It is not nto .peak of the
eou1e advantages o edit and ruwate
in a uuique degree i.y On-
tati tie.e a I'd bentiliiental i.itlwilm
also why the Ontario wall eunoia
stand by his o.. a Pro, ince. it give+
hies his educat.... out Duly in echoel.
but, more eine...ttaut even, H ham
breathed a thoi.sagd intlueocrr into
his being. of field and straAW, of church
and bowe tt•..a,tig. He ewes .ouch
for all this. euuuld be turn her back
and leave the osis., at the prat oppor-
tunity? The tush for quirk wealth
carries many tore from rue sale
Inge add makes • their lite a wrier.
Stay in Ontario ono keep the affec-
tions whole, is good advice to many a
young /MID.
But theeconomic considerations are
equally potent. It i. true that the de-
test of reciprocity- dos deprived
Ontario of what would have been a
great natural Ina rket for inten-
sive agriculture. ler fruit, dairy
ptoduce, horses .and cattle: ;The
defeat of ohm pact was a heavy
blow to Ontario farming in its tran-
sitional stage to a highly scientific
mixed system. Yet it i.. obvious that
the West bas Buffet rd more than On-
tario. The urban xtowtb of this Prot --
ince affords at auy rate sows home
market to its taro.- s, and it is bigb-
ty desirable that the lopsided develoi
wecteent of our cities ehuuld be corrd
by a corresponding rural development.
but just now the prospectsof Saskatch-
ewan are bad enough and it it the key-
stone of rbe West. Kari way,. and eleva-
tors cannot 'LceJwwodale the crop.
which ors esucb harmed and delayed,
Anyway, by inclement weather.
migration is ig coming in so fast fror
the United mutes and Europa: tont
things way ter even worse another
year. Now ui..t we defeat of recipro-
city Was deuttd etasduthern outlet in-
to the profitable American tneeket,
ail the grain coot come east along the
Darrow strip.
the Wert ie. of course. safe ultim-
ately in its fssources. IS effete attrac-
tions even as things are to Iandseekers
trove the United Stated, Great Britain
and Europe. In 1 he United States
land 18 hign-priced. and in Europe it
is not to tie it.d at a11. But for
Ontario people it is quite soother mat-
ter. „ 1'Itoty of land of the very beet
quality can be bought and managed
by small capital. Lend bore is re-
markably cheap compared with prides
in the neighboring states. The West
is se present getuug the benefit of al-
most the whole maehlnery of immi-
gration. We ought to look out for
ourselves as vigornwly and wrote
*Potty as the \Vest does. With
Americans coming in and baying our
best fruit lands, there is stn resume
why the Ontario fernier *odd leave
new -fallen snow. Ti would be • cone
"Lovers Lane" if it were anyaNan and minduceddohim to partake �a:Me
else, but bere it ie just a aemoo airyindipadvenire-in
cadge road. used years ago by lumber and there along the trail. Fortune
moo to teas logs 10 the lakes end did not favor the party, bowever. but
eiv*ts from the skidways ap in the the footmarksfeeding hither and
temp and now cued nooer;onally by thither, crowing end re -crossing that a Raodiitbe
the game wardens while on t Mir pathway sign
„meat." peat had passed that way not many
We pause to rebate for a few mom- `owes previously. Farther on the
seas on the stews woke have parsed freeenerks of one lonely deer wee in
boss view, bot the troth pursues Its pv,denee and a abort -distance away a
r out to the lane. dark. oval -bpd spot In the
rand testy and land again, still snow. around whish were eooatleie
bseslti *obliged. bet with the big footprints. marked the plane when
tibiae pine missing. As we sit meet doe bad fallen a prey to its
we are the railway aimed of us form- timilmillive form Svieatly It was a
lag eslmi e4,cclea in and eta
shore elf gumbliihnt for � wolves, se all that
the bra. tans alarmto show what bed happened
attteRlase lake and en M* distant tin- wee a bort piste ef one of the dear's
hued abase thews ep.daj arm afire
weeded brei--' seisae11 w aUssdea-
Wb OM a.lii.tr view a `relit efs:
4. ■CI.Itiwtsr =d
All f/eadq for the
i:ast¢r dkopping
Uppermost in the 'readout all ladies. is the thought of eometbing
new to weer for Salter. Every depart: new in our store ie ready
to supply evert need 1 r the well-groomed lady
Another ahi went of new Spring Coats to nand for the Easter trade.
Never have we shown a Dice: lot of Spring Coats than this sermon, in all the
newest and nattiest styles.
New Spring Gats from 55.00 te, .15.50
New Gloves New Gloves
The new Easter (.loves have arrived-Perrin's Kid Gloves. Kayser silk
rod Fabric (:loves.
Our special guaranteed Dollar (,love. Petrin•s make. all the new colors in
stock, 57.00 per pair.
Perriu's Eglantine Gloves. all culurs, 31 .118 pet pair.
Long Kid Gloves, Petrin'suutke, twelve -button length, 58.50 per leer.
'Kayser Silk ((loves -the Glove with the written guarantee, in all lengths
up to sixteen-btuion. at 500. Tao, 51.00 and 51.50 per pan.
New Neckwear. Belts and Hosiery. All the latter hoveltt.•- in ladies
Neckweat for the Easter trade.
Our Spring shipment of Hosiery has arrived. Only the t.e.t nrake-
New Waists New Waists
New Waists in ,inulin, voile. nets and tailored styles oow in stock. Thr
finest showing of Waste we have ever made. Prigs from 75o w $5.00.
if you are th.nkiog of a new Waist for Easter, you must see these.
New Umbrellas and Parasols
McCall Patten No. 4421
Price 15 cents
The Easter outfit is not complete without a new Parasol. \Ve are showing it Int 411 ne-W olr,igns,
including the new India Parasol -the Parasol with the big special, front $1.00 to $4.00 each.
Special Showing -of Children's and Misses' Wearslcg;
Miltar's • Scotch S
been the subject of attention and it
seems most fitting that motherhood.
the highest end holiest of all missions.
should he the subject of earnest and
reverent. eonsideretinn. What would
we thiol. of a workmen who would
undertake en important piece of work
without the slightest knowledge of his
trade? %Vhat, then, shall we say of
the moll -r who, having no apprecia-
tion of the work committed to her
bens. ge est at the training of her
child haphazard. or. abdicating her
office, leaves a hireling to per-
erfoci n the service which/ every child
bas a God-given right to expect of his
mother. The science of motherhood
should, at least., be taught with as
mucb care es other sciences. Let the
mothers meeting stand for actual
helpfulness. for co-operation. Let it
be a place for the continual renewing
of resources, alace where the prob-
lems for every day way be discussed.
Let it he a place where the best meth-
ods ot physical. mental and moral
trcining may he secured. A place
where motberbood may be enlight-
ened upon all questions ot child devel-
opment. , A place where enthusiasm
is kindled tor woman's highest work.
The office of mother is the most sacred
and tbe service of mother the highest
upon earth : ebe is God's chosen in-
strument for His hest work in this
W. C. T. U. Meeting.
The regular meeting of the W. C. T.
U. was held Monday afternoon with a
good attenoauce of members and vis-
Itote. Owing to the Gleam of the
president. the chair was takes by Mie.
Brown The devotional baltbonr was
eoedur� toed by Mn. Davidson. At the
oboe of the burliness ba%inur. Mho
Marjorie Aitken fantasia the Wills
with a mob. "What 1s Sumo wirntlt
a mother r m. ederedenel >tiaiF
hoer was takes by lies. ANiif.. wpm`
intendant of mothers
' leselesp. wee
reported wits a wail*
Crest ed
�s�, Daniel erg .t the re -
it Jim Rwwn-
AML irepaeet s Mee. psrtyy alr�aa11p+w wAmet Althea s.1 jsuR, aloe
Ito arm min lion"adised liaitan.
gfto:re="112kleureeri... tbete the M1 the leis s.m_J.1 A nottesof ereetlag h wild bsr•
e.* wpsrbaiem wine es waw- mase rain reo ago e opeelellead
alma With the akar. lime send wort *wry i ssgi
Settlers' Excursions to Canadian North-
Commencing with the first Tuesday
in March and continuing en every -
Tuesday thereafter dbriog March and
April. the Canadian Pacific will run
settlers' excursion trains to Winni-
peg and west.
For the accommodation of ,e_tlets
travelling with their live stock and
effects a colonist car will be attached
to tbe settler. effect- train. This ear
will leave Toronto on regular
train at 10.211 p. m.: arriving at West
Toronto it will he cut off and attached
to settle,.' effects train as mentioned
For those not travelling with stock
and effects. special colonist cars will
be atlacbed 10 macula' train leaviog
Toronto at 1n.211 p. m and run through
to Winnipeg witbout cbange. No
charge is made tor accommodation in
colonist cats.
Tourist cars are also run on regular
train leaving 9'c mato et 10.211 p. m,
A small extra charge is made for
aceommodalio.i in these cars. Apply
towarm* C.P.R. agent for a "Settlers'
Guide" and "Tourist. fist. Car" pamphlet,
The wealth ot a man Is the number
of things be Laves and blesses. which
he is loved and 'deemed by.•-Oartyle.
Ladies of Culture and Re-
finement Use Salvia
Hair Tonic. It Makes
the Hair Beautiful.
At last a remedy has been di.eov-
ered that will positively destroy this
1t oats dandruff is caused by 'terms is
seeepted b7 every sensible person.
eDandrat�is tis root of all heir evils.
SAbVIA will kill obs dandruff
it and remove dandruff in ten oeagresy back.
Duelsp geareatese It It will grow
hair. ��y� ��ea11p�, tallies halt.
and madetiie bi = and eased -
amt. It side .reest mad Iuelata a11.ltltp
SALVIA it a lit dewed•/ thea las
bermes the tames wltb wenn' of
taste ..d mem win knew tire im-
olai vale* of besot/td bait. A large
bottle soda testy oats at
mad le
V . A+(Lesko for steps) is no ovary
that. baring disposed of my groc-ery business on Hamilton street,
thanks are due for the generous patronage received in the past ; and
I wish to solicit a continuance of public favor at my new location
on the Square(East side). where I have purchased Mr. Horn's stock of
Ladies' and Men's Footwear
Trunks, Suit Cases, Bags, etc.
The stock will be kept up to a high standard of quality and
Keep your feet dry—our Rubbtrs will do it.
if you are going •sway. we ran Trunk. Suit Caw- or Grip you to
your satisfaction in quality and price.
The r ick coloring• in tans and brow, - we are showing for
tip"ing are bound 1., meet with the :approval of all up-to-date
dresses. With rat oost rare has our clothing been selected.
Not only has obs cloth to be good. but the style. the trim -
minter end the won kmanehip must be tight before it finds a
placein our seat. Prices to meet every
purse 510.0010 $22.50
Blue Worsted Suits $15.00
This is a line we have had splendid success with, because
the value is exceptionally good -indigo dye, heavy twill
lining*. well d irt:nken canvas and hair doth. and tailored in
• good wholesale tailor shop. Siwe i o IY $15.00
Special valor. eW
Juvenile Clothing
Our window display ham wild a greet number of Suit.
already. There is a reason for it they are so attractive.
.ppeeling to boys of good test*. Never before have we
.bowu such ckt hiwg.
Dawatil.•hras.tsd Bloomer Suite, nice lustre linings in coat.
made la tan. Mown andtgrey. twt'ede and worsteds
Sole Agewt ie a ni Coda" (yfMiv. Illos Rats