The Signal, 1912-3-28, Page 21
M TtvsanAY, M M. MU
THE SIGNAL .I►� Na til Limited
Terme e4 ewheer. 14..i :
IL00 per canis in advance.
r.ix seethe. 00. ; time menta,, Silo,
t o tuned elates sahmeriben, 111.3i, a rear
strictly in tdva►c.l.
Subscribers witail se
regularly awill favor by �
us of the tact at as early a date no
Wean a Menge of address te desired. both old
rod the Lew add raw should be given.
Aese t4ing Rates :
Legs) and other similar advertisements. 100
pet Itss for fiat insertion and 4e per line for
each subsequent bassert4on. Measured by •
nonpareil scwle. twelve lino. o an inch.
Bu.iaer cards ot.ii nes: and under, $3 pe
Advertiaemeuu of lost, Found, Strayed, 81t-
uationsPecaat, Situations Wanted Houses for
Salo or to Rent, F'.u•ms for Bale or to Rent,
Article. for Sale. -eta, not exceeding eight
tine•. 3.x each insertion ; n for first month. 3tic
for each .ubrequeot month. Larger advertise
menta to oroportkon.
A oouncemenus In ordinary reeding type ten
net,;. per :ine. No notice ler than Sic.
ALy -pedal notice. the object of which is the
pecuniary benefit of any individual or as0c6
•-ten,!obeo.addir•d an advertisement and
charred ao00r'dinttY.
on and •aIDl ontract adverts-e-
wAddrer au oom.nanlnttons to
THE o1GNA L PRINI 1\t3 CO.. Limited.
h Ont.
o0Dgallu. THUR$D.11. MAR. £ M8
Premier Whitney has not yet
tackled the problem of the bilingual
"Huron county can hold its own
vette the best of them- says The Clio -
Aim 'New Era. A good sentiment, and
me that cannot be repeated ton often.
To complete Hon.Sagi Hughes' hap-
piness, somebody ought to start a war
in which the valiant Minister could
take part at the heal of his Canedian
The member for Santis Perth in the
House of Commons t;tateethat 4in the
course of a few months every section
of his riding will be served by rural
mail delivery. What is the member
for West Huron doing for his tiding
in this respect:?
Signal appears an aaaounessneot r'f
the advantages claimed by the latter
county. and we understand Ube county
it being advertised in this manner
throughout the Province. Aaron
county will, have to wake up to the
necessity of doing something along
this line unless its people are willing
to allow the population of the county
to dwindle without any proteat on
tbeir part.
A campaign to build up the home
county should be an attractive prop-
osition for the people of Huron. Tbis
county hes dons its duty towards the
populating of the Western Provinces,
bbd it is time to commence a stay-at-
home campaign.
If there were just a trifle less of the
political partisan in its make-up, The
Goderich Biafra) would be a model
paper.-Orillia Packet.
Just the comment we always feel
like making on The Packet when we
peruse its well -edited rwluntos.
The campaign to lrrenchity the
place names of Ontario is not succeed-
ing very well. The Postmaster -Geotel
r,bangetl the name of Stoney Point,
Essex county, w Pointe MAX Roche,-,
but he has since changed it back again
to the English name. Somebody evi-
dently bas been telling Mr. Pelletier
that his job w;ll be in danger if he
continue- to antagonize On'ario sen-
1912 will see great expansion in elec-
tric railways in Ontario. Huron
oounty should prove a good field for
enterprise erpris along this line. -Clinton
Well, up tbis way mall us may
be slightly discouraged about electric
railways ; but we are glad to see that
our Clintor brother is cheerful.
The regular meeting of the Goderich
breach of the Women's Institute
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Jailors McPhee, ('embria road, on
Thursday. April lth. at 3 o'clock.
Everybody welcome.
It the Senate's activity bothers the
Comet votives in office sufficiently to
convert them tc advocacy of the abol-
ition of the second chamber. there
should be no objection from journals
which have consistently favored the
single -chamber system.
The Montreal Star is waking a
pathetic attempt to keep up its faith
in the Borden Government's inten-
tions regarding naval defence. By
the time the Government has floisilfrd
"consulting the. Admiralty" and taken
a plebiscite on isjs policy, The Star's
childlike confidence will have had a
severe test.
entrants* to the Canadian market, as
Canadian goods are allowed freely to
eater the Britian market, would he. in
the eyes of the Brantford 'anaphor, the
wildest nonsense. All the same, Mr.
Cocksbutt regal* himself as an 10-
periallstic petriot of the first water.
The Toronto New, has a babit
of making rash ' and weeping
statements with utter recklessness of
the truth. The other day it stated, in
the course of a "tariff reform" har-
angue. that "British manufacturers
are losing business all over the world
save in British colonies where they re-
ceive the advantages of sympathetic
fiscal preferences.' The London Ad-
vertiaer in reply gives the fads. show-
ing that Britain's experts to foreign
countries have increased in ten years
from £25'000,000 to 1374,000,000, and
its exports to other British countries
bave increased from £102,000,000 to
£150,000,000 Readers of The News
.houfd be on guard against too read-
ily swallowing its statements on poli-
tical matter..
Legislation introduced in the Legis-
lature by Hon. 1)1. Pyne is going to
make it harder than ever for young
people to dodge an education. it is
proposed to make attendance at night
school -ompulsory in the case of boys
and girls between the ages of fourteen
and seventeen whose education has
been neglected.
• Every crisis which the .lwluith
Governmebt is railed upon to face
detnonstiates more clearly than be-
fore the fact that Britain's affairs, so
far an human agency can go, are
swayed by a master hand. Mr. As-
quith displays a courage and ,t .toying
power that inspire confidence in the
midst of world-shaking alarms.
The Stratford Beacon is to be con-
gratulated upon the outcome of two
libel caw in which it was the defend-
ant and in each of which it had to pay
one cent damages, The cases arose
Quer the publication of a personal
item which was sent to the°Moe, with
what put ported to be the signature of
the sender. and was published ir. good
faith. It turned out to be one of those
detestai'le tricks which are some •
times practised by people with lees
sense t malice, who play the cow- A NERVOUS
aid and conceal their identity at the
expense of an innocent party -in this
come The Beacon. The persons men-
tioned in the item considered that it
reflected upoo them and took proceed-
ings to collect damages. Chancellor
Boyd. who vied the eases, thought
the publishers had exercised due care
betote inserting the item, and a ver-
dict was entered for one cent damages
in each caw.
Used Morr scy's No. 14 Blood
Tonic. No Fear of Dizzy
t1eigkts Now.
WINNIPEG. MAN . lune 14. 1911
't0os day last winter while ozposei
__ te the weather I contracted a -very
FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. severe oold, and I woe several sonth■
(.tame rid of It It left me In a
--- weakened coedit/so. and I became very
Conunwntxtion Established. nervous end ween out. Things went
Hamilton Her"Id. from bad to worse, and It woe not lent
lr now easier than it used tt.tbe to until I was obliged to stop work; a
sprt• ; the news from pole tc. pole. fact. I was too nervous and shaky is
work on high and denterens places. 1
Doesn't Like Prunes. felt the need of a good tonic to bul:d
Guelph Mercury. me up, and kind several well known
tonics, and my doctor prescribed for
An rchard of 20.000 prune tree, ms two or throe times. but all without
war •.ted in California last week. success_ Finally, I happened to meet
Sometiwts we're glad reciprocity got a friend. who claimed Dr. Morrtscy'■
it in the neck.
At Ottawa during the present ses-
sion a Western member of the House
of Commons declared that la member
could not utter a protest against
the exactions of the combines with-
out rousing some combinester on the
Government side of the House. How
true the statement was was shown
when the operations of the canners'
cortibtoe came under discussion a few
days ago. Messrs. Marshall and Lilo.•.
Conservative members for East Elgin
and Haidimand, CAMP to the defence
of the combine, but, were led ioto cnn-
fessians which did not help their case
at all. With the Bag Interests so di-
rectly represented in Parliament, it
will rrquire vigilance and persever-
ance in large degree no the part of
Opposition members to prevent them
from getting even a tighter grip on
the people than they already have.'vative papers are rejoicing
over the decision of the United States
House of Representatives in favor of
the removal of the duty on sugar, and
declare that it will be a great boon to
the beet sugar industry of Western
Ontario. bave the Conservative or-
gan. 50 .non forgotten their warnings
of the dire consequences to follow
upon doing !waleres with the Csited
The Orangemen of Vancouver sent
a message to Ulster containing these
"Canada taught the nriestly ma-
chiue-m.inipillators a lesson last Sep-
temhert and, if necessary, will give
the hordes of Jesuit* another and a
more effective lemon."
Would Go the Limit.
Grain Grower's Guide.
Wby is every profectioniet country
constantly revising its tariff? Because
no tariff ever has been devised or ever
aro he devised which is not unjust to
some ocortion of the people. The only
way to remove the injustices and in-
equalities of the tariff is to remove the
tariff itself,
Too Much -Big Talk.
tMtlla Packet
The Guide say. that Pnrt Hope
water is "the flneet in the Province."
What doss The Guide know shout the
water of the rest of the Province?
This sort of talk, following the lead of
the United States, is growing more
and more common in the Canadian
press. and it is very ridiculous.
Something for Posterity.
Ottawa a ycizen.
Tbe uses of moving picture photog-
raphy ►re many and varied. At a
society wedding on Riverside Drive in
New York, a moving picture artist
was engaged to record in motion pic-
tures the whole ceremony, 8o that
generations yet unborn may enjoy
the novelty of vicarious attendance at
the wedding of their parents. grand-
parents. or great -great-grandparents
as the case may he.
is This the y.easoo ?
Hiug.too sbtndard.
Perhaps at the bottom of the whole
thing is the fact that the women on
the farm are overworked, have noth-
ing like the social advantages that
their city friends bave and have very
few amusements. Tbe life of the
woman on the farm is far harder than
that of the man. It is little wonder
that she does not encourage ber bey
to become a farmer.
The Most Crowded City.
Pittsburg Oastte Times.
For gond many years New York
has posaeased the unenviable distinc-
tion of being the most crowded city in
the world. Travellers sometimes speak
of the "teeming millions" of Chinese
cities like Canton and Peking, having
gained their impression frSm tbe
swarms in the streets, ov Hooking the
fact that most of the buildings are not
more than one or two storeys in
height, and consequently there are
not nearly so many huddled together
to the acre as in a centre of population
like New York with its lofty tenement
After the election of September last
The Signal stated that tbe Laurier
Government was not defeated
squarely on the reciprocity issue.
Here is evidence directly to the point.
The Orangemen of Bilti.h ('olumbie
thought they were fighting "priestly
machine -manipulators," whatever
they may toe, and that instead of de-
feating reciprocity they were giving
a lesson to "the hordes of Jesuits."
And down in Quebec the Nationalists
were voting against the Government
for an entirely different reason.
What chance bad reciprocity in shim
whirlpool of blind prejudices?
Mr. (ocksbutt, M. P., of Brantford.
wants Canada to do something "great
and grand" for the Empire in the way
of naval defence; hut be objects stren-
uously to allowing British goods to
enter Coned* under a preferential
tariff. Mr. Oork.bntt's case provides
• very good -qtr very had -example of
pocket patriotism. He is willing that
Canada should go to great expanse to
"help Lb. &spirt" in providing for
naval defenra, bemuse the money
woukt be raised by customer dut 1... Mr.
Cockehntt" wbn is a protected menu•
fact know. that h'. would not
have ay the duties. On lbs ecte-
taery. the necessity of •i.iag a larger
natio*& revenue would be an excess
for maintaining higher d elm. and Mr.
Cork stoat sew quite w..I hew thew
duties might he sada to . ^attribute to
kis personal prosperity and that of the
cases to whish he bslwsga Te allow
British goeie to ewe the country
soder a preferential tariff is, in Mr.
(brkahstt's way et hteideff at tt,
nay freer 111,11101111 tie, pro.
Nuel to dvs SAW f._IML has
The Signal dosed an editorial art-
icle recently with the hint that town
residents would fled is a vegetable
garden or •Suck of chickens *erne re
lief floes theleerrrilePd coo of living.
Down ;n PhAaSelphia they have gore
one better and ma keeping pigs -forty
thousand of than - within tar city
boundaries :idr.galma
haste( the
joys oi the c.tlaatayal.�a with the ad-
vantages of MI la ISM day.
Several Ontario enmities have 'our
mencpd advertising campaigns, in
order to mee eraet the trend to the
West and build up disk ;oral inter
seta 1.•mbton comity is a leader in
this movsmeat, sad !rhea Edward
sow Wang
is Ire M_L.LN solute -' isit.
prescriptions never failed. I dec
to try your No. 14 Blood Tonic, and
soon began to take on new life and
energy, and to -day I am *5 well as ever.
I used 4 boxes of your Blood Tonic and
have no hesitancy in saying• for the
benefit of other sufferers who are in
• state of decline, that your Blood
Tonic 1s lbs safest and surest remedy
they could take." .1. 9. Gagnon
The above peeserlptbon Is not a -core-
Air or so-called patent medicine Dr.
Morriss*, proscribes It for 44 years. and
k wad themess, other doctors
ailedPrice, tea per box et year dealersor
lather Morriscy SsdBda. Oa. Loaned.
Iteatreat eels
Sold and guaranteed in Goderich by
F. J, Butland.
Voting os Church Unica.
Moncton Transcript.
it is a peculiarity of the voting on
the question of church union between
the P'r-eshyterien, Methodist and Con-
greg+conal chinches that the rural
districts as a rule appear to be more
favorable to union than the urban
a•mmunities. Why is this? Is it not
noer•ible that the tat ben communities.
having stronger congregatlnns under
.ach ort, do not feel the bawdss of
maintenance of rival oongregatiobs to
the same extent, whereas in the rural
districts or small villages the burden
of maintaining two or three cbutebea
with about the same tbeeingital views
militates against a strong church f
Some towns possibly therefore vote
against church anion, becaus. Lbs,
feel little of the inconvenience of dis-
union. whereas the rural districts vote
for union because they 'eel all the in-
convenience of disunion.
Mrs. Exe-lt isn't right to charge
Willie with taking that money out of
your pocket. Wby don't you accuse
Mr. Exe-Because it wasn't all
Why Don't You Try a 23e
Bottk of
Leask. 870.dfeet .` / S N Mss
w..t.: =a:.M. stila.M
iron et. John. N.B.. to Liverpool.
depressor Britain Apr.5
sof Deland Apr. lm
�grse�wM_ tsne-clawst
Apr. YS
Lukes tl•sPta(n tone-da.ri esus 11
From Quebec to Llverpool-
1•'ntp Rotas. May 3 May 34. June AI
Eine Leland May 17, Juo. 14. July 19
From YoMred to Liverpool.
L Champlain Maya June q July 4
L Manitoba May YS. Jane 30, July 15
Tickets stied all Information free any
,tsam.hip agents or J. Kidd. Assist. L.
P. R., Goderbk, 0.1.
Business College
Stands to the front as the !.eat .eked of Its
kind in the Prevlaea Our coarser aro
hated time et the oral's ry 1 tel remits-
e �
t�r �Tido sliest Wwa�ooat eert6ays tame
oislRsyilt�Mlkm reed
T ~may. ani W ! ,tasked
help sweetly caoesds tbe apply. eaglets
tie bettortertest far
week sod. Got wear tree
ua at *era.
D. A. McL,t Hl -AN,
It will stop your cough in a few 1
minutes; Noe a onid in a few hours;
relieve brwocbitis and asthma. Try
it, 25c a bottle at Dunlop's Drug
Pellets of Wisdom.
The lucky number is two, according
to Swint Hymen.
The dyspeptics snarl, "The woman
tempted me, and i did eat."
Tbe road to power is paver] with
good inventions.
An indierrertanswer is herd to live
In converse it is trotter to glow than
to glitter.
Prejndiees are nails hammered into
the mind by environment.
Genius achieves la sileone. Talent
gaily admits the crowd.
The courtirsies am never so beauti-
fully practised as at bomb.
Sotgesed nakedness is more oot-
rsgeow Wen frank exprranre.
-1r11r1i* THOMAS Airra.s in April
Well Trehted.
IQ% (se.gril') - "Whet t Moro
mown ? When I'm dewd yos'U pr•4rt►
tibia have to beg for ail the mosey
(calmly)- ..Well. 111 be hotter
41111 snare poor woman who sever
pyosis** .
Prince Edward Canty
The caries Casty of Cassda
1NDCATTMI Ht. - Fruit -growing. Usln-
General Fv.4� ptna, =IL
ADVAN�trd ; tar essalsa
trs. Mr : *:cellos road,.: mend:
mewl trural mag delivery ; ready
shat Ise all modem
0PPOHTC N ITiZA -)'or laborers : mets
vita mall cap(tat ; farmers. dairyman sad
suI.slreswr• looking for good location;
misil dream tar lnvestmeeta In agrbcul-
Prias Rivard Counts produces a
sso ettrIcalt� p per atl
otherpromises: than
For lUud»ted folder and ,further infor-
mation wr.te,ta:
A. P. MacVannel,
dserntary Associated Farmer. Club*,
Place. Ontario. Canada.
t pt i1 1, 16 and 30 and every mooed Tae,
day until September 17 inclusive,,. Winnipeg anti anti Return, $34.1111
Edmoston and Retire, WA'
portlasate eashwaten to spoints Re-
trro t lett e0 days.
Through Tourist niesp(ng Can to lid-
moatsa via iirs�psa
l, also wlnnlpeg eat
Calgary via Main Lae.
Ask nearest C. P. FL Agent for Hera
seeker,' Pamphlet.
Low Cdoaht Hates to Finale Oss.t
Foil particulars tom any C. P. H. Agent
Betwees ell statte*s In Caneda Port
Arthur sag Fast. Goad going April 4.
S, 5, 7, b Return lint!? April 10.
IMieimum Rate of WM
Settlers' Trains to
Western Canada
Will leave Toronto 10.10 p. m, each
Tuesday doming Yard and April
For JOEL KIDD. further
ssec Oadmin11. Istorreatioe spar to
The Weekly
Mail and Empire
The Goderich Signal
The Two. Together
One Year For ;I.60
The great Comedian weekly ars) the asst local n.wsppsiin
addition *Popes* who sabcri(rss at the nossbisetiOa rate will
esemive five. pst..►aid. •Meoe picture OA x MI of the Rigid Amor-
able R. L. !fades. Uend or bring all orders to offlee of5biS paper.
Special Sale
Curtain. and
Drapery Materials
- the new and fashionable materials. Our purchadue have baa very
large tor this season and made so to *mew*saide as in
prices. We pleas many lines at STRIKING O1Mifit NMat the
opening of the *mason.
25e and 30e American
Scrim and Madras 19c
American Curtain Scrim, 36 to
38 inrhm wide, reversible with
stencilled patterns in blue, green.
red, tan and, mostly on tea
or fawn background. beautiful
quality and perfectly washable.
Special sale per ytud, ♦9c
Printed Scrims 1 X71.
Twenty-eight to forty inches
wide, in single or double border,
in a large choice and suitable for
curtains, comforters or 1, i *-
downs. our iegnlar 12c and 15c
quality. On ,.ale Saturday and
Monday only at. per 7c
Lace Curtains
Nottinghani Lace Curtains in
ail styles, sizes, wkltbs and
lengths. at specially reduced
prime, 35c, :10r. *141),It 0�0(�
111.35, $1.50. , *
New Carpets and Rugs
Tapestry and 13ru,.el. Rugs,
extra heavy pile, in a large
variety of new patterns sad
designs. Ln follow ling miens-
pertectlyseamlees : 3 z 34 $10.00;
3z 4, $11.50; 31x4,$14.00;3i:
44. $18,00.
Scotch Axminster Seamless
Rugs in every size. $2 00
At per square yard .fie
lUaokums bad
Mar Oilcloths
!en asse yard to four yar I,
wide. carefully lata by competent
man at no extra charge.
Scotch Madras
For sittingroow or patios
curtains, white or ivory, easy to
bang and easy to launder : dot al.
conventional or beaded glas-
patterns. 45, 48 end 52 !oche.
wide. Specially priced, 7(]„
per yard.. L�71
English Upholstery
In oriental and verduredesign.,
for upholstering. fifty inches
wide, beautiful colorings -in -ern
red, blue, brown and rose effects.
Per yard, 50c. 75c, ftl
• .$1.110, $1.25,
English Chintz and
Casement Cloths
Some heavily embossed. dainty
colorings and warranter) fast.
very suitable and handsome tot
box. coverings arid port-
ieres. Per yard, I5c, :dik, L
Brussels and Irish
Point Curtains.
For drawing too®, sr recep
tion rooms. Per pair.
A Fit for
Every Figure
No matter whether you are "fat
and forty" or just seventeen, our
clothes will give you good style.
Be a «ise man.
SHOPPING STARTS it always ends at
- our store if' you are looking for the season's
newest and most attractive Aloes.
Our display for Easter is the most
beautiful ever shown in this town.
Pump styles, with and wn"thout straps,
made in Patent and Russia leathers
will be the most popular.
The new patterns fit like a glove and
will not slip at the heel.
Conte and try on a pair and see how
nice they look andrfeel on the feet.
Downing & MacVicar