HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-3-28, Page 1An Advcrtisem ent in Tllk; 9tUleAl is tip very beet way •of mash- ing the people of (suds rich acid West Huron. Hates eau'.ed on appliea- 1N o. I\TY•Ftt('RTH 1 -EAR -Na Its iltiw STERLINGBANK OF CANADA THE LADY AND HETI BANK AMOUNT a Ladies will Sod a savings account &Vest conveoieuoe. When &bopping they peed carry little moony with them, as tbeir ^bequt is honored at soy ot our branches. Their bank balance is always earning interest. /lead Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto: l:oderich Branch-Axt)KEw PORTER; Manager A. G. J Y Ll S.B I[ insurance and surf Inhofe Agent of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada. The Western .iseorsnee Company. flue Royal Exchange Assurance of London, England. The Luodoe and Lsnceabire Guarantee and Accident Co. The AmerMao Surety Campeny of New York. Allkinds of i osarances. Office met to ('audiau Bank of Commerce GUDRRICH, Orr, PUBLIC NOTICE. V A It M JUMP Ad1D DOMESTIC 1' aERVANTB. Wit -t.ould K tm 1td2L'DG Lis SWIM knroqq.t sitar. flat- le& SWI H. [ il'u0Dd tk-alelsee, 00., tussive at uers�. P APERSANG1 . P A IN TTI I� NG rte. A. Sh riolg. sad Mer fib' the �. Oil TOR SALE UR TO RENT 1ISALE OR RENT. -TSE HOWIE .ad aetwtr =6„_____„,„ al 1 Morbidity/no.. Cersearta li M .elan ). %some.wits elf eeagrlaatasq.t!w ""& tet 8 ee tr ! IiWR 81f.i. - ♦ COMMODIOUS sak idi(ywt� send 'A" SITUATIONS VACANT. (P A laws tWAA'T-AdoGo EA, .ea Wiest LE.-- s + ACRES FRONT- Renew Your Subscription to THK Sloss', and get frac ot the ;nett" 1912 Calendai s. Do ItNu4 DERIPH : THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1912 . LOST On roUxD. -•-IN ],OB? THE VICINITS OF THE .11.1O. T. R. Sanas u altlptar pater -boot. aeolkildse a sus of menet' railway tickets. ilieLatimeik an t4...1 Beak, 44oebter- w�p a awarded 0. iwrlag It ss O. . �i NITS Y ROOMY. BUF Aw ROBB BE- trt Se tram &Zee will 1.1 Ite i.t.itestfelt .{ Lta(itiMRBUT Til WIRRAL PSIS :940 CO.. Ltd.. Pvaurnana 000ERICH MARKETS. 1 HURON FOR FRUIT • e AUrTION SALES. .11UUTION SALEM or FARSTOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. Mr. Tbnina. Trbb will sellpublic auction at MLA osassotioa S. E. D. Colborne. on TUESDAY. APRIL Yi.t,. comtnNdag st 1 o'clock sharp : 0'0 obelus hear mare, riding4 loot ; 1 oboist ramrod 8cote(HIT. ' u -y Powell paw rising :, roan : I good tn•nerat parpem 4st.w. 8 years aid ; 1 good genet 4 pur- pose bores. 7 ye.t r old : 2 good c311... rising 1 year 1a supposed s goad froth -raised cows 2 cow, supposed to be in calf • yonog farrow cows; 4 solves • Kasaey-Harr(e binder; Mame) -Harris mead Arltl nearly new; Maxwell mower: Chatham wagon. pearly new ; Cock. putt d1,r harrow, nearly new. 14 diene; Kuggaraokld plow nearly Dew ; Cocksb,tt single plow. 00.447 new ; foor-,onUon Diamond harrow. .enol sew ; 1 good single Sissy : I good cutter I set town). mlas. nearly pew: 1 brisket rack 1 set of doable harness : 1 eA of single barmen : 1 moral box: 1 set of erred islghs: 1 wisc- barrow, nearly new ; I stogie -boat : I large Dicky churn • about seventy yosag hew ; I w:.whing m.ebtw: chains. forte. shovels. hor.e blanket, and other article. 10o numtreos to mention. TRIVIA*: All tams of SIM and under. rash; over that amouat. eight months' credit will be Liven on f}rtraking approveddot Dots ; r dLnust M 4 per cent. straight sliloed for cash on credit arnorbta Everytbuys will be dlspo..d of. No. Mr. Tabb h.s said the farm and is going W. t. TRoe. TA RIB. THue- OUNDRY. Proprietor. AactSoneer- A CCTION SALE. ti 0l /Ao i ITUCK AAD IMPLEMENTS. Ise. Jobs w Ms will sol by public auction et rat 4 eaaowdea i AahIaid, oa RONDAY, APRIL beti e ereeacse at 1 o'clock : Ptd 5N 1 cares mare, a years won: gwa<ssl�sg�/sresk�/i �tiog tr���.t1 10.40 bravolld; 1 r sig ;1 *Mt 9 4. 2 ylartr* cid s ar.pdaor cow.. sea1.0 Sive rahed by day M ads : $ eistsms. 3 years old: 2 Maws, i ante dl :1 seams s yams aid : s yearling.: 5 rang eaves l arsrww saw ; t Yorksiire mw, s years ell. eeme in se Hy ; 1 Yterkskias sow, 1 year sit r early ' 1 enc M bsease rows. Met Wt year: 1 BeaaeW Tear frame -M. Ry... Daasecom. 4 t hoes lin lots year: l Itersa seed I DrweftlttE Air sale -N'+ I en TRU momr. Mai. vi et. 1 all wrens/. per bora_pintas t si aux pr MA_. o si to O. B�Srrt�l Leak 6 Abu to u dw6 Q.k.. POT y�sL, s 40 a 4s .�wrfsseF�Me t�krsgerk 06440 1811 rrgrrum , waayttt.�t, Mr stet s2 1110 to 10 ~ b Mae t im y2 8o ttoo 3 rites //tsfe Ina .... . N to s7 . /erten. sew 11 tp to 13 ue n gib to len Md, est .... S 00 to S 30 ��seg b 30,ttoo 631 4s0 to a60 Apvfsa per 2 17 to 3 3e t unsay toga .r to 1 se s e•ea cwt, 4 u0 1 SCaUlat7 pr ems....... d 3(1 to 3 ' 6 75 to 6 75 Sheep. per cwt . 4 u0 to 430 rtWow, per Ib �yy���� ... re to as rihetDrtta.aowt 7 lb tri 7 ..... ....... 25 10 30 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Mar. 28th Para Reader -The Itarsata (fuer 6 Berle) for Sale- la. V. Lasso's. Damen. l Imported illy for etalo--7 hos. Tabb. Co 1- borne.-. 1 Salines- Caaadlan Ppelrlc }:ruereines . i. Auction Salo of Farm and Farm 8toak--loan Fuck, neentaer-.... 1 Waisted--NationalManoraetwang Camtray Moabreal . 1 Hen. for8ale-Mrs 1Capti Mcilaireol4. 1 Eater Holiday Rams aced Homereeksc, Ex- curvtune--F. F. Lawrence .... .. ..... . e Rader -V. F. Lawnsaoe. .... . _......-. Your utter Sott- W. C. Pridbam 3 Ratralo Robe Lost�Ttmt fsagg .... .. .... - 1 Hon.ereak.er's and Ener haus.-,lea AM&-. s Footgear for Ester-Dotdniog t *alias_ 2 AU heady fbt (Cater $hopping-lik ar'e Bootee eters...... .4 3 Auction Rale -Mosso T4b 1 Pots and nbiagtM for Ilene. Estate of Jot Yeah. Auburn I Social Bak of Canalise --q . Acheson t Boa s Spring L. Hare -1;. G Lee y aleraaat Wanted -Mrs. J. C. Martin I. 8prtag Store News -J. H. %:amara4 Lot --O. c. to Muir* Grocery 1 Eater garde_ -pas. Porter. le House and Lt for Yale-& Onus. I Me.tliead Elea Dye etdeses Bras 10 Annual Meeting-CtlrYsrsad Skating Aao- fl.t+oo s... I Open • Lttse While Lss4er-Caawua'. Re- p.rtsaeatal abate ..... . . ........... .... ge�to The Hrtsam-Y- 11 0.A;. �s hare am : t jy i Arabes tiai�JoM WSBw. Asasete 1 WHAT THE HURON FRUIT -GROW - ' ERS' AS3OC:IATION IS DOING. Advantages of Co -operation -Manager Hamlink Says the Orchard Can Be Made the Most Profitable Part of the Farm -Huron Should Haye a Creditable Display atithe Provincial Fruit Show. Among those who are doing splendid work towards the development of this section as a fruit growing district is Mr. D. F. Haatlink. the well-known proprietor of Menesetung Park. In addition to his interests at the Part, a feature of which is a large orchard of poaches, apple: stud other fruits, Mr. Hamlink conduct& a large apple evap- orat ing and storage plant in town, and he is also the prime mover and leading spirit in the co-operative movement in fruit-gru.ving which has been organ- ised under the title of the Huron Frill - growers' Association. The Huron Fruit -growers' Associ- ation was organised about a year age. No effort has been made to cover a large district with the operations of the Association ; ao fir its membership s confined to growers in Colborne and Goderich townships. but no doubt it will grow as the benefits of co-opera- tion are more genetally realised. The officers of the ArsocIa4ioo are : Presi- dent. Wm. Hill, Benmiller ; vice-presi. dent, Jnbn W. Silke)d, Oodericb township; secretary-tree/carer and manager, D. F. Hamlink, Goderich ; directors, Wm. Bicban, Waiter F. Hick and Thos. W. Bell, of Goderich township Wm. Durst and. Jos. Mc- Cann, of Colborne. The result.. of,, the first year's co- operative business were enUrely satis- factory. The prices obtained for the Apples, sold by the Association setutd he growers practically 52.00 a harreL his was probably batfadollar a barrel better than the pries the aver- age outside grower for his lest rem. In addition to this, the r Panthers of the Assuciatiou effected a saving in their expenses by b+pi heir suppiiee together. Each member ultivated end sprayed his own rcbard. Each member picked his own apple., and the packing and marketing were done through the As- sociation. Some of the packing was done at Mr. Hamlink's storage ware- house. where there are spsetal facili- ties for the work, and Mr. Hamlink himself attended to the selling, and with ha long experience and his wide knowledge of the markets he was able to dispose of the output of the Associ- ation to good advantage. Some of the edvantages of the •co- operative system as carried out by the Huron Fruit -growers' Association may be stated thus : Supplies are purchased in large quiotlties, and therefore at lower prices. Better care is taken of the orchards under the rules of the Association and the supervision of the management. The Association has a set of rules. I ban" iaMas : 1 a�&ge. l O It itobertssa I T iri7 nen Lt ems: s Furniture sad Herts FurslsklslgF 0e :1 sesiihrtl feet ass weal wing came asiehar.........-.y 4 etas. No. n : 1 e•tt(ag�+M :l2 i Kossa for, tooter. 1 west vbewrr a quantity efbay. . - • ee• sees Rvsrr�sm mast be disposed of. a Mr. W Wh is I . is rased be..lu sad Is ninths the f.rrw. Pa •Aiyr k vo ?Lark sr: --r.�adr�tinged ,, a831/1°�e et eswksj baes: acss1 w Oek�tews- n. NA Ar AC oli O l�farashatP. iti PAN Jaaasal. me ser t tattierinea oddest@ BOX K unienek P.m st LIBNBRAL SERVANT WAMTSD. �mREffT.-A GOOD COMFORT - Apey is MIM. J. B. RUNT, rielsteti Sods. osavealtilicra Apply to K. W. �oTT.ABtE boss on NwMe rt AU j�ANTBD. -A QUALIFIED N,,t„t� R teidbst!make gesiensia est ad No. 4, . others, wwesAy, t see mmmss FUR SALE. -A FRAME HOUSE. raster yggt with two iota. os gasps street- Dwelling sod A/ou stntmtns nine roan.. soh sgp4 hard water in by PAUL !1A -P. LL Watt ' e the honer. Apply to ROBERT YOUNG stream 110-4t APPRENTICF,B W A le TR D T O LEARN D .vs have tnom for two er tLgt epesitioes to our with tome mmo Rad =at owe WANTED. -A TEACHER FOR 8. 8, Na 4 dials: eouymisat to 'Sarah j H errsea�m�r gtltmerar Ag uta l.uekarm, oat. Ytas' aaY W 4 TOR SAI:. nesse ewtatalig a &NSbh Drake, dialed- RENT ialeg mom load Station dewasss[n .ad three bed: RENT. -A SOLID BRICK ro ,, _restiere seail mmesi tmm. Mineepo m formes. . All oOW. R to Ow* M tis sic to U JAM B Brunt stmt. Osdselek. I/641 FOR SALE.-/SIX-g�tFgI.RST-ULASS wrests C2.7 loot (iABtltpp, sadMirtht ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - wanes, biaft.s101 �WM t�soren 4(tyaCot O- S* - • t,e sever iYC 1.= PGR SALP,-BUFF ORPINGTON Mak ba sada esus bv-_ lorvouq he Iaaasandts�tadfrogs wRsa(t ags ired rstb Dwarret�g 71e land Ya h. •, p.r st l6. Write or paeae, lt. v. aD under oalaiattas. [s t4Y, LA N suNOtouyp, gloat 4srK firs ie ('Olborwa Lisa Yat flit. ' can be gtvea Turas a .y. Apgty to C. 1 i'RAYI140 OUTFITS. BTC. JONk:s,Pimplesstress.(.demos. 6411. 1' al() RENT. -THE STORE NOW 00- \ Mem oars Meat frbma oke aero et sour 1 CUPII;D by Mfr. Strad. Hamltto. snout aevkar4.orsel 1 se= MR epea/tag e0�.* amd of tie bona bdaun steads to town. Rest NulsL•s E, iiyitaRissa 1^sr sass b a 'Apply at site et to MR8. F. A. .a 41VIN. t Osnrd street. Toronto. sett IJOUSE FOE BAIL. -THS FEA.IME Al heei•g ea tbe carnet etm ass �ermaa err lr ATTENTION IS CALLEDC�TrO THE TwatApriwl lL Ptegelrosr. tarry tort asMef POR BALE. -A ?WOMB OI'' ESNs asst � s !!!!!. IC PE.1 MCWAliID s'a� * is R SAM -O. A. U. u BARLEY. I?" -HOlJaAND 1 �t�TLOtT App)7 b L DVXX.ll�tsrtt 94 $ 11 t t1l t FOR �8A-�LL an summit -I summitiu v-- • iii•. } I"' '• spit list4w lasggk► is- ALiL PAPSL -- 1912 WALL onto ds�e�;et > aria Tor- sFars soma I)ROPERTIIIDrew pffitFOR $ALB.-JiOUSE asst fimsstaja memo ams tote ralsraora 11t and weir H .. Walikishost EweU lms : six atease ; In sod rerentes stratspaa•YarawewliitJr11 oe04tx MOO; Lee aid .-W[ Wan 5. �''1n letst 1st TttH �elal .• r �.iasw'swa�ost te A ilkses st. Lj0U8E FOR BALE ON NAPIB.IIIL IL tssm ttttr0� st4.r4mM be.Iti yaw�ll matt Her and %gmIsms Ales i s an IIIp� OstM G oel ma Farm feriae -am tt sersaisg Outgo,s- D. F. Eggs tar 8.1e --ass V. Lawson. - ..... =Met -MI --pone of Vete and under. ease : over that &unsea,.tt,. 7 moathie credit will be C•ea a tarnMiog sporovd joint nets. A asa.t of 4 per own- "straight Slowed for nosh on omit amoaata. JOHN WILLIS. THt18.OL-NDRY. MR Proprietor. Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE or FAWN STOCK AND A F7RBT('LA.48 IML ACRS FARM Mr. John Flick will a'il by poetic auction at Lt 30. Maltl.ad conceals: p miles from Bas - mitten. o0 ruSSDAV, APRIL era, c ommeodag at 190 o clock sharp .444 yteaarrs old, will weigh�3060 Ibis. or overhand are well matched : 1 pare -brad Clyde tsars. s years old. to foal to "Oleo Rae"; 1 farm CI act. rising 1 year old, by oleo Rae": I driving hr-rse. rising 4 yearnstd • t rimare. rising 3Pure-bredears old ; 1 Pure-bred tow ving8bortborn ball, rising 2 years old. will weigh 161014.; 1 rood grade now, doe to salve in Jane : 2 good grade cows, due to calve lin May : 4 good grade cows trash card : 2 good grade cows. farrow : 15 Dr a Der - yearling yearllag suers : 0 good a Durham steer& riafne 2 years old : I grade heifer. yearling : 3 Dare -bred stered Berkshire bora ; 3 pure-bred registered Berkshire sows ; 6 bsebela good ocean clover seed : 2 Trams build - Sipa, suitable for pig -pen.. some maobtaer-y. aim the farm 0(160 .ores. TERMS. -On farm an„ounoed at time of sale Oa farm lock. rte. -.0 Bram a *4500 and ands, crab: over than ameeat, 2 months' credit will be given s riots. foraesidoeaegst►vad Joint rio. A discount rf 4 per em4 t atbwd for Dash ew credit amounts. se(w41tb JOHN FLiCK- mos. 0UNDAS'. 15,11 Proprietor. Beastlier P. O. pestioseer. CLEAR IN AUCTION BALE Or A MOO BRICK DW ELLiNO. HOUSEHOLD FUR NET(iRF. Sr('. Mr. Alex. Crawford will sell by due auction at the trremise.. main Avenue. Oda .en SATURDAY, MARCH seru. owerseneher at 2 o clank sharp : A o'mtsetable hriok beans. containing sig rooms m he , bathroom,amnkitohtgi nisi makwith eryutiag In 1,64.01 of .�fiygg.�a TM lot M Fi. 107 1s riWtd on of tieing streets to Olt ,t8s otaT y 1k ��ppgsss nasi wltegetMr Tory e4me anyane wanting • comfortable �aAt the sews Uoie and loos a gaaatly et fenfsreaed taroabuts. oouelstlag rode, .oftbe.cd. bedroom girl kllalsr pr(Mse7M m4o.tmog t dbnsna of. se the /re- es:a.0 PAWL ALEX. CRAWrORD. THOS.OU)(DILT, (tis Prov+toe. Antimiser. AUCTION SALE alkgraTOPTIntit' R i FURN RH 1 sm lrmtrw00/1 M Mrs. C. Book ss soy by e.85..os11sn at rho ps'smh. se WWPI$YDAT, APRIL fere. essrassat ie nes s'atsa& sharp: senaIfs teams �;:� tat'ramss ' sKKms'e neat a this ass db'rassthe �la vary be sigma Sows beim lew NAL Ilrc 41e ,fie tram el set mega. LIYrY. CAB and' 017101 Opi.w ally and sills.. rir .. ... I t 1 c 1 0 AUCTION 8a4LtU. • Fluor mane !. -Auction sale M house- hold isaai llare and fttratsb/aae, iso MegrelW9 +u�ls.g, at Wt rs.t lie s4aw . ecUo eerr. d Me stank Toot. vgDST,.t.otlogieer. Enron tr. Monk 30.-Asssiss ala at 4ebk Irmo and fat on E1Rin amitie& aIle a d ldrattars. 0114114114140ine at 2 deioc8. ArnZ ritAwt'eeeq. propri•tat. Teowas OcwsST, sartuserr. omit. r111. -Clearing &ratios rale of term ttaalt..ri Implements, ora-'-:.- 6 t oll- boraa Fara bas tones said. ?nos. Toss. pewpeUt0,. 1•. Huron,, armtksassr. Wgeess0AY. Arcaa AID 1-Atiar rate of cattle rad Jerre" at asps. beset. With. lraesar, peopetsur. Taoism Ovgnar, sae tiosesgr. a¢.lr. April i-Aaotioe rats sf bsrer- hold farrttan. pr'apouty d Yrs. Joeg Semi. who V leaving Oeds.ed Totowa (4Ur.pny. a nodonter. FRIDAY. April ♦-Cltrrirg &settee eras of farm stook and lmptemeuta prams, of Janos Cronus. .684. Eta just not of Btyta. T. W OuN Day. amtia...r. Lb Bich every member must observe 1 SaTVRDAr April &-Executers' nab of real u stole in ('41.10n- W. Hwilos. *Molts. r. Or!r Dar, aucttiooese, Molm,r. AprU t --Auction sole of farm stook and Jmplewsote at, tot A eoaesmie. 3, Aabtisid, oommearing at I o-04 »0. Joos 1 twat proprietor. Trans. OyxDkr, &ac TtxaDAI• April 9. -Auction sate of farm ad stook &ad te0•aefe farm. eat lot ink ltatl.ad fo aoaersion a mase from Bearullsrt, eomwne- h tug .t tae p m. Jung ki,tceu. proprietor. Taos. Orgwg,: aaou deer. a n e care of bis orchard and its prod eta. With a larger quantity of apples than each individual owner would handle if doing his own business, the grading of the fruit can be done to uch better advantage. it is a great vantage to be &hie to fill an order r a earload of one variety, instead of awing only mixed lots to sell. there re too many varieties grown in this tion now, and the Association will xeroses an influence towards remedy. g this fault in future panting The ssociation has its nwn besot!, and in me this brand will have a reputation t will bring n ready sale at good whenever the Aaisociation p Wesousar. Apra 10. -Austral sale of the 8410 8t. Lawrus.s aro all furnishings- Mins- C. e Baca. peoprietraa& T. to: MST. ataot.oneer. in PERSONAL MENTION. A ti lotus J. Finn left for Milwaukee on Retar- M4. Ada Moore sot Miss ( ora Bsalr spent Use week -and .t Stratford. Mfr Camerae 4 herr from her borne .t Polder to grad a few weeks. Mrs. W. J. May. of London, was the guest of Mrs. D. 0. Btakle while in town. ass. Rio*. of Toronto, h Moltcg .t the barn* of beg tattier, AIe x. s(irl4oa. • Mr& 114_ 1 IL Medd Is Is Wladse, visiting Manta Mie is upeoted home Meat Mater. Misr Elbe* Day*, left last Nasky for Cal- gary. All... t vet bar mug. kora J. a 8141)7. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Crawford,.( pogsnaoo, tow regwasu et Mr- sod Mrs. A O. Made 1hle U. 4 Dyke. Mae spent the meter d he home �y . wigwams .*winger C seruon, iwwu was fit Bt. Thomas on se the nowt et the Ufvie Ugh t shams en W saamhsa Sas mesa em1aaa. 21t. aid Ilea name. bisLi vim .tiresF -y`ythilm. stmt Is k es t0 visRtssalM Reid arrived so Tse.eloy, free .serisete w.r,�~m�R Ord t:s winos. es ria cera r4s 6t.N M .int i onsiz cm Pea m at tsoty�..ag barter is get saslehstt coran tato it t oases. catroa L We K . IC yid my �krwe .4� Ora wank m anssl- srr s•••s•ses O.deefe8 .r w abt8 ewv dies of Use seam'. Rome r sissy el taw PrWIaj..a enema LE- real.. ere hien .rMw ATRtiA1, urns. NMVAL mi!11Nt . sal w s�iuMir.:: THE IOW BMW Smyth sleet Uadert*A, Ont. ldm4sa Elk. tett M C&Jf sew' tow o >1Mff< t'sorho ammo. tt.;1115117.-411ffell-ROONSID E the 4111ar la toffee 444 ell Pr ralseioa Mgygsar.•10tease w.a_ A�j gas AL �t Y� yrM M �fviwe the basset k1 toe Sever, aria tae pooches from kr. rtes fr' 41 on the market. The expenses of bandliog the fru: from tete orchard to the cun:+umer are reduced at sissy points, and the middleman's profits are saved. to the advant}ge of the grower. As en example of good business in apple�rowinll, Mr. Hamlink mete tinned floe case of D. (' Galbraith the Hayfork' road, in Geste, ich ton Ship. who last year had :der trnrrele o apple. from .hour ax nierss ref orchael and cleared .Nen *1,000 net. Inst year, it will be remembered was t'e garded as an "ofT' year for apples but the orchard can or wa.tr u, pr., - dance profits every year. Mr. Gal- braith said bis wpm* through the As iodation, In ratify to a question. Mr. Hamlink stated to The Signal that in hart (Tal- kie then is not a tetter loostity any- where for the growipg of Cult. ewpe- Mclly than this like errors tee• Oen. Soil conditions are right..od tlse poximity a tin, large hodyovetnr t.1 which N ves w inviable temperature p7test nopoflt- In mirror made pot have the killini trots which 1e seised vseiioes do es touch damage to the Irma and is s sureev the lower sed more Oran trtnpars turea predose a bettor g00111y .d fruit. Weill are. of Pewee. Um =sales. al of the orchardist* of =Ms sales. r. Haeollnk stets* that, MaYstT ether fruits cast be grows bare' et a peed groat. He is pagtiwrrft whls1 M tss ibeee eWhigt kw the beet mod fee y with swags. At Hewes alarm*(�utgA a teem) sad heha ie- Hamlink's orchard are distioguisbsd by an .sp.rally fins flavor. They ripen from the letter part o1 August t0 the end of September, and there is no difficulty in finding a market fur them. Mr. Hasdink also grows plutus, pears and berries, besides apples, and baa. altogether forty acres in fruit, to which be will add cunsi4erabty this year. Mr. Handiait advises the farmers of this section to get into the apple - growing business. Those who already have orchards should take care .,f thew. attend to pruning, spraying. ete., and the) will nod the umbras] the beet -paying part of the tarot. There is 00 danger of overproductiuu- The growing population of the West will provide a market fur all the fruit of gad quality that we cad grow. There is no use in trying to grow fruit, however, unless the grower realises the necessity of taking good care of his orchard. Mr. Hamlink is very em- phatic on this point. His advice to every man is to take care of his or- chard himself. He will take tetter care of it than a man who does not own it, and if tbere is a profit in it fur anyone the owner might as well get it. Besides, in attending to his or- chard he is getting a iSractical experi- ence which will be of immense ad. vantage to him if, finding the orchard profitable,be decides to increase it and go more largely into fruit -growing. Mr. Hamlink is confident of the future of tbis county as a fruit -grow- ing dietricL He finds that orchards are already receiving more attention than formerly. and that farm. with orchards on them have increased con- siderably in value. He suggests a ,greater effort to advertise the Couni y and its advantages. Huron should be represented by a creditable display at the Provincial fruit exhibi- tion at Toronto next fall, and if the county would make a grant of I ur 5300 the Huron Fruit-growers'Adoe% tion would undertake to get tp�getbbr1 a display that would back up Huron's claim to se foremost place among the fruit -growing counties of the Province. Other couoties are advertising in this and other waya,and Huron must wake up and make use of her opportunities. The Sigbal commends Mr. Hamlink'. IUgnestion to the favorable attention of tine oounty council .ted other muni- cipal bodies. TO BANISH THE BAR. TEMPERANCE POLICY OF THE LIBERAL PARTY IN LEGISLATURE. Announcement Made atter Caucus of Liberal Members -- Would Wipe Out Barrooms and Confine Sale of Liquor to Shops -Mr. Rowell to champion New Pol,cy in the House on Early Occasion. The following imp'utant enoouoce- meet was made in �Vrdoe.days Globe : •Banish the Bar- is the t.-mperanee policy of the Liberal party forOntarlo. ('letu', definite ' and rtratghtforward, the Liberal leader has stated his posi- tion on ()tie of the great issues before the Province today. The Liberal members of the Legislature •wet iu' caucus yesterday afternoon, and just before going into the House Mr. N.W. Rowell, K. tilers with the Clerk a notice of motion which defines the attitude of the party on the question. The notice ready :- That in the opinion of this House the public inte.eets demand : 11) The immediate abolition of the bar ; (2) Such other restrictions ,apon the residue of the liquor traffic as experi- ence ma)' show to be necessary to limit its operations and effective to remedy} its evils : (31 Tl)e strict enforcement of the law by officials in sympathy- with law en- forcement, and the rlreenatiou of political lnfloence from the adminis- tration of the law : '(4) Nlergulaeieu sad inspection of all bounce o! MAWS entettaiameet eo es to in.uPe resnienahle accommodation for the travelling public. Tw�BAR CLAUSE In C. ' P. R. Bylaw Struck Out by Town 'Olt a ell at Special Meeting. A visit to town of Uot. MacDonald, of Guelph, C. P. R. solicitor, resulted in the calling of a special meg of the town council last Friday eve tg. Tee object of the conference, so far as the C. P. It tepreseotatiye tiles IIIM- cernad, was to have a bylaw permed I giving the Railway Company a fixed tenure of certain property et the har- bor over which the company is to lay its tracks to connect with the G. T. 13., ea authorised by the Ontario Railway I and Municipal Board. The principal' clause in the bylaw, which was given its first reading after a long discus- sione was as follows : "That the mun- icipality consent to and it does hereby consent to the said Railway Com- pany laying its tracks across and along the lands south of the south pier and harbor in the said town known as 'Harbor Quay,' as shown upon the, plan in plain red lines and in broken red linea, it. order to make connectiuu with the Oraod 'hunk tracks un Hsu - hor Quay, and to the nee of the ..,arae by the Canadian Pacific Railway Com- pany for the purpose of handling cars to and from the We.teru Canada Flour Mills Company's plant, and for boat and dock traffic and all they necessary and proper put posse. • As the bylaw was pi eaented to the council in the. first .n.tance. tt pro- vided that the Railway Company should have a lease of the p, operty for twenty-one years. it was tug -r gested that this be charged so as to allow the tracks to eeniaun -at air pleasure of the council." but the. did ' not meet with the Colonel's Rpptoval.- Finally it was decided to palm the by- law without..nything to indicate the length .m tissue dialing which the t war may occupy the land in question. The Railway Company's repi•eseot't. tive staked for immediate action on the part of the nouncil and gave as the reason for haste that the Company wished to notify the navigation comp - anise that, were to make Go,lesich a of port of call this rt aeon that arrange- , - swots were 'Ind.- way to have the , MOH COURT OF JUSTICE. The spring sittings of the High Court off Justice for Huron county opeoed In the court house. Ooderieh, tis Tue.di,y after000n at 3 O',•lock. 11w Honorable Mr. Justice Scone was the presiding juege. H. D. Oaruble, H. C., of Toronto, was present as Crown prosecutor. The two crimioat caser oc the dirket were disposed of and sorer civil ••rues Neo were dealt with, in the ease of rape ag*i t E, nest Lusby. of Cernralis, the am ue.v pl.-ad- ed guilty on the advice of his cu.•nsel, F. W. Gladsome, of Exeter: His L •rd ship sentenced friar to two years' petrel aervituae 4t Ki0Raton. Lusby is only about 'eighteen years. of age, and his victim was a young girt of about • etzteen years. In the case of The King vs. M. O. Johns4tn,the Crown officer announced that proceedit:gs had been stayed by the direction of the Attorney -General The civil caws were disposed of as follows : Stinson v. Stinson. -An action to set aside a will for want of testamentary character. After the action had been eutered for trial au orde - was made for a commission to examine witnesses outside the Province, .o the trial wit poet potted until the next out. -jar) sittings. M. G. Cameron, K. C.. fo plaintiff: W. Proudfoot. H.C., for -de fendaot. 1-oungson vs. Duty et al --An action fora breach of contract of hiring. An order having been made for • commie - vino to issue to Winnipeg to examine witnesses, the trial was postponed until the next non:jury sittings. Chas. o' Garrnw for piaint.tf : W. Pioudfoot for defendants. Parsons vs. Gibl)nne.-An action to ucuuI i trnaIriage torr nuu•eowpliance with marriage laws. Judgment was entered fur rho plaintiff. declaring and adjudging that a valid marriage was not affected. K. S. Robertson (SUM fund) for plait - iff : H. D. Gamble (Tor- onto) for the Attorney General. Dnlurage vs. Lepard..-An action for a specific performance of an agre•'men' to sell an hotel in Winghent. Jud. ment was reeerve(l W. Pr'oudfnv and R. Vanstone (Wiogbam) f.n pplaintiff : Charles Oarruw and Dudley Fiolmrs i 11'iniih►m1 for defendant. Ge... f e. Ross Co. vs. MacKay- et al. -- An nrti.•n on a premise:ay note ght by a M(intre.d firm against Robert M.•Kay and Angus MacDonakl, .t l:rdlericb. This was un the docket u a jury the twat His Lntdship des - peered with the jury. Judgment was entered for the plaintiffs against the efsodents for *1,�1.ii0 with ernes, and that the counter' claim be dismissed with costs and without prejudice to any action already brought or that may he entered for the subject marble of such counterclaim. (`has. Garrote, for plaintiffs; M. G. Cause, on. K. C., fix defendaata. The Ouy Major Co. vs. Canadian 'Flax Mills Co. et at --An action to re- cover penalties for not amities returns to the Government unciae the Joint Stork Companies act. Judgment was reserved. R. 8. Heraglveitwyh) for plaintiffs; 11. D. trauMass. H frown (both of Toronto) foe dellsodaota. Collie et al. we. 1fleLean.-As serine by heirs sod heiresses at taw a the bate Thomas McKay. of TwehevemMts. n have interest declared thereto. The aro ,o was sett ltd as foams • The sena ot all parties aa heteroso wMgtkr.r and assent ars Ares to be dodseled hems the noises ie tilt bas et the a/- ini.tleatoor : the habeas 1. to he ividd in three parts : orae to he peed the widow of the buts Themes McKay, John K 0Ntiee, to the e1itir ed Mer- laysor. MY u et the easy the 45. Thos. hiC $ . ilia the p07t�g4 est sore She its he Ile wjMaa9 -enema . irk all hwaaam. a.. Q-. be tlaimi a. L Q. :kat s neeemary tracks laud to the...•muaer- ci l dock. Several meshes s of the counril were d willing to allow the twenty -one-year : clause to toted. and a vote was taken which resulted in a tie --Reeve Mea- nings and lxatntdilor. Elliott. Graham - tied Fellow voting in favor of the elanise and Deputy Reeve Clark and Councillors V anatter. Humber and Laltbwafte against- Mayor Reid broke the tie by voting ageirrat the shins. Nome of the members writ. reluc- tant to pain Col. MaciPtoald's bylaw in nay wspv, preferring to have the town solicltetr deft a bylaw to cover the neoesrry ground to allow of the ineereftaoge of traffic between the two railways. Col. MaeDueaid pressed. bowevnr. few aw r'.�og of the bylaw ,Je Its aemndeJ abaps, and the council No., wow either crop it or amend it in eft. }e to safeguard fully the Itbtasa ibe town is the control nt too woamtUest. The Watery Camp 11wwwwwwwsossossol Se kww.h' kttttwe shat title The cruuncil poses/ the following neeelotion " is/ii►� the.feet that the Tar - wale TrudeOcarporptios soft.' far the w ed the arouse, fire et K eaesti ow we are averse to the the war reed- eatYsL It' OW mid some 10 wisherows We WEI prom for the bellies of the Nap Imo Nis rap." t arc m d to