HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-3-21, Page 5THE SIGNAL GItvERICH ON1 A1tI I)
TtrL wu.kt. M tee H *1. 1018 If
o TsnOer ArrCSVt
The property tsgamittes of the
wets oouneil mei lea Friday to men-
der the modem em the t 0 of
w-story concrete and ets aUl-
ad for the at
L None of We
ride's swept_& and obi naffs
ride's will bask to th.
telt' I forl f refereed oo ation at
oupctl further ooMid•s'
w June mission .
'ant Too Much.
Prospects fur the landing of the mil-
ery camp for )indene) this year ap.
eer somewhat doubtfuL The
dM to be
by them in control
teed to holdthe camp it b
are so high
Iat it may be impartible to meet
stir demands. Outside of this Gds.
ch would have • good chance to se -
ire the camp.
,u .os Are Coming to Town.
Three of lbs aytomobiles which
,neurderedthe local agents.
Iwr Kelly AH elly. arrived it
(all Irish.
8t Petriee'r Duy was observed gen-
eeerally but odietly is Goderich. The
stores were all aims,), Inkiness esu
suspended, cad service wale held in
all the churches.
Water and Light Commission.
All users of the electric light in
Uccle+, ich who are in arrears in their
payments are to have their services
out off inimedtately. Tbis decision
was arrived at by the water and light
cowmisstooen at their regular meet-
ing o0 Tue.day evening. Mr Chrye-
tal gave notice of [notion that at Ibe
next meeting of the commieioa be
would move to amend the bylaw so ale
to provide for Ws immediate cutting
off of all services if the soosonts are
not paid within one month from dm
date of their being leaned- It was de.
cided to law an electric dynamo to
the town of 8t. Marys with the option
of its being our -charred by that towu at
a later date fur 11800. The rental re-
ceived will be $50 for the first month
and fi-D for each subsequent month.
;•eat r ich via C. P.R. on Tuedomm
ey• A. Aa the Hydro -electric C iseioq
1. itcheaa and Chas. Humber, of buys tungsten and incandeaoeot lamps
uvro, each received a Ave-peasenget in large quantities, the secretary war
wenty-borwpower Ford and aaotber instructed to write and inquire at
f a similar type was delivered LO P, what price t be Commission could
kindle, of Godes ,eh township. Four supply the town with , these Iampa.
[lore are expected about the begin- i The tender for braes goods was
sag of April.awarded to the Jas- !Morrison Brass
eeterane to Receive GreetManufacturing Co.. Limited, of Tor-
The Minister of Militia gave notice
Problem of Canada" will be Preil.ra. .. Made ter a Busy
Rev. Geo. E. Bese' subject is Knox
church next Sunday morning. In the
even hie discourse will be of par-
tleular interest, to young people.
The sittings of the High
Wert alotion fur limos cooly
court open in the c,rt home, Ooderia& The
Tuesday seat at 1 o'clock. e
Haoorabie Mr. Justice Britten' will
pomade. -In addition to two criminaloc
oases on the docket there we two is
sues to be tried by jury and four by
the judge.
Swims the Waterfront
Wttb the advent oft spring after s.v-
.ral months of weaved idiotism duh
ing the winter season a busy air into
tests itself in lb. doing. about ti.•
harbor. Contractor tirrrningbaul ,a
on the ground again joking prepars-
Itors for the re.uwine of the oortstruo-
tion work of tbd southwest ireak-
water. and another undsrtakiug.
which already ha+ received 000sider-
able Mutation frnrn tbe contractor, ls
the erection of the marine tower for
At the Baptist chorea next Sunda the concrete elevator of the Western
monde"( Bev. J. Poilock's subject will Canada Flour Mills Co. J. H. Tro-
be **The Cbristeao Cosoptw
lon of anbauser has the coati -act and W
God." In the evening the subject will bim alio bas torn sus let by Mr. Wit-
te "Who Are Christians?" The Ute- barn, of Toronto, the work of so sight, -
bevy young men's Bible claw will con- ening tbei eon,utercial deck. Tbls coo-
v at S o clock in the afternoon and tract will involve I he eluployinett of
tissm 'The Character of Devtd." 000sidorable labor and the two job"
On Monday evening the young people can be handled together r:icely by Mr.
of the town see invited W meet with Tronianhau.er. who basin past years
the B. Y. P. U. at 8 o'clock. All will completes) several contracts here in
be uordiaLy welcomed to thew .ser- a very satisfactory manner. G. Jas.
vimm. Mime ie in charge and has a gang of
At 'North street Methodist church men at work removing the ioe slo es to
the seventh anniversary will be cele- allow the sinking of the Rat pontoon,
btat.ed next Sunday, it being seven already constructed. which will mark
years since the present Wilkie was the foundation of :he Lower. lgaddi-
opened for worship. The treater, Rev. time to thew undertakings the Federal
Alfred Brown, will preach morning Government is calling for tenders, to
and evening. Mrs. May, of London be in try April !Sib, for the conet-uc-
(late of Goderich), will sing, and the Lion of an addition of 1.50) feet to the
choir, under the leadership of Mr. northwest breakwater. In the event
George H. King, will render special of this tender being awarded at the
Music. The uccscisn may be expected time stated, considerable progress
to attract large congregations. Of- should be male on the work before
feringa are requested for current ex- next winter.
penes fund. A cordial welgome to all. Another sign of approaching spring
is the activity on thn Train ')oats
which wintered here. The steamer
Kaministisiiiia unloaded the last of
bet cargo of wheat at the Goderich
elevator- List week. In preparation ROAM.- In I.odarich, no Saturday. Msrob fmb,
for the opening of navigation Chief to Mr• end Mr,. Hots. Doak. South retrea&
a none
Engineer A. M. ll11cInnt-s :tad Her- Yc:K 1iN%1K-ln Goderich, on Wttdnrs.day,
man Jack., second engineer. earn- March80th, w lir. ,ud Mn.. Kenny M
meno:ed Us overbaul the steamer J. A.
Kende. Fitton street, a dsaghter.
McKee on Tuesday Engineers
Young. Foote and Leech. of the
steamers Kamioistiquia, Neebiog and
McKinistry respectively. will start
work on their yawls next week.
The grain trade also is livening up,
the t)oderich Elevator Co. having
orders cn Ale for 100 care of wheat for
abinment as soon as cars are available.
DifBrulties have been eneountrred in
securing can when required, but con-
sitions are improving.
Ordinary Cathartics and Pills and Harsh
Physic Cause Distressing Complaints.
You cannot be over -careful in the
*election of medicine for children.
Only tbe very gentlest bowel medicine
should ever be given, except in ewer ,
Reny rases. Ordinary pills, catbar-
dee and purgatives are apt to do more i
harm than good. Tbry may crouse
griping, nausea and other distressing
after-effects that are frequently
We perrooally recommend and
u Parliament at Ottawa last MondayDeath of a Former Resident. The Presbytery of Huron met in
sight that between eight and ten
bousand surviving veterans of the
rrnian raids of ltsd5 and 1870 will have
heir patriotism and valor Anally re -
ranted by a gift of 8110 each from
be Federal Treasury. J. J. Wright,
.f town. president of the Goderich
leterans' Association. is among tbol.e
rho have beeu prominent in havoc's -
Mg some such measure of recognition
.n the part ,of tbe Government-
iocial Evening at Saltfoed
A box social was held in the Salt-
ixd whool bourse on Tuesday eveni-
n g; when a very enjoyable time was
pent by the young people of the
tillage and vicinity. Psog...sive
ochre was played in the early part
it tbai evening, the prises going to
leo. MarEwan and Mrs. Rich. Gibb..,
[be boxes were wotiooed by J. T.
ioldtb.rpe, who disposed of them st
evo,d-bs coking prices. Tb. proceeds,'
amounting to nearly 815, eta be'de-
leted to Alexandra bospital. Mellen
.be luncheon was eaten. dancing fol -
owed and the company separated at
in early hour.
Th. Goderich Garage.
An announcement of intereet to
many is made by lobo G. Kuntz in
the advertising column. of The Signal
this week. Mr Kuntz. who is favor-
ably known in Goderich and vicinity,
Ws opened a garage on Kingston
rue's', where he Y prepared to do all
kinds of repairing in automobiles, gas
and ga.oli a engines, bicycles and
tires of all kinds. lie will carry in
stock tires, repairs and supplies of all
de.eziptioos required in connection
with the buena*. He has the agency
foe the MacLaugblin automobije and
also will bave some popular tow -priced
machines for saie. Mr. Knott i. •
reliable man and should build up a
good trade.
A Good Performance.
The death of Jane Patton, widow of Willis church, Clinton, on Tuesday
the late James Wilkinson, took place evening and inducted into that charge
in Minneapolis on Tbuisday, March Rev. D. K. Grant, formerly of the
lith. The deceased, who was eighty. Presbytery of Halifax. Rev. Colin
three years of age, had made her Fletcher. moderator, presided and
home in that city rine ter removal :rev. Moran. McFarlane, Ross, Smith
from Goderich about fourteen yearn and Small Usk part in the eervicee,
ago. Previous to her conning to (lode-- wbich were well attended and beartily
rich to live, she raided at Porter's enjoyed by all present. Mr. McFar-
Hill for pearly a quarter of a century. lane was the preacher for the occasion
Then ebb and her husband and family 'end dieco.rsed with strength and
moved to town and were resideota of beauty on Matthew 20: 28. Mr. Ross
this town for over thirty years. The narrated the steps taken since Dr.
deceased was born in Ireland 'io ISS Stewart resigned to field his successor.
andcagde to Canada with bre parents Mr. Smith. of Hansell, suitably ad -
when a child. aibe was married an dressed tbe newly -inducted minister
1ti51 to Jame. Wilkinson. who pre- sod Mr. Small addressed the people.
deceased her Ave year.. She is our. A reception to the new minister and
vived by one son, Wi1Ham A. Wilkin-' a farewelito tbe old is to be held next
roc, of Minneapolis, and Ave dough- Tuesday evening.
ten : Mrs. J. N. McKendrick, Ma. J. In the way of commencing ;a cam -
B. Brayley and Mrs. Briscoe, of Galt, paign for a larger membership the
Odt; Mrs. A. 13. Irving. of Spokane, Home Missionary Society of Knox
Wash. ; and Miss Margaret, of Minns- eburch held • monster quilting bee
spoils. Jas. Yates, of Goderich, is a last Thursday afternoon, which was
cousin of the deceased ; Mies Elliott, continued on Friday. The ladies of
of South street, Goderich, is a niece, the congregation turned out in forme,
and Wm. Patton, of, Goderich town- to the number of 118, on Thursday
ship, is a nephew. afternono and as the result of the
efforts of the industrious workers
FOUND THE CAUSE. fourteen quilts were prepared ready
for forwarding to the mission stations
Wellesley Man Cored of Bed Wettin of at Toulon and !Orton, Manitoba.
Lang Standing by Dodd'. Kidney Pills.' Four more were finished on Friday
Wellesley, OnL, March 18th (Spm- and another dozen will be quilted
dela--George Strebel, a young bar- some day soon when the ladies again
nesemaker of ,this plane. tells of his
complete cure from s troublesome and
de disease of long standing.
Mr. Strebel. io an interview. says :
"I was troubled with bed-wetting
all my life till 1 was thirteen years ot.
age. Our doctor could not even give
me relief. All other ,p.ci•1 remedies
were useless. Constant reading 000-
vioced ate that the kidneys were the
cease of my trouble and I decided
to try Dodd's Kidoey Pills. After mi-
ng nine boxes I found I was cured
and in five yeses I bave had no return
of my trouble."
All urinary diastases are caused by
disordered kidneys. That's why Dodd s
Kidney Pills never fail to cure them.
One of the best concerts beard in
Godercb for some time was roveo in
Victoria Opera Souse on Tneeday
evening by the Royal English Hand
dell Riv errs For over two hours
they aootmued to dispense a varied
program, every number of which de-
lighted the audience. In addition to
the simple'elections and the operatic
overtures which were executed with
wonderful ahtlit y bythe eight per-
formers on the 171 hels. the members
of the company were beard in vocal
solos, duets, quartettes and double
quartet Les. Altogether. the company
fulfilled all [bat was mid of them prior
to their appraraoce bene and will re.
cave • hearty welcome if tbey should
vi•it :Goderich on any future occa-
C A. 8. Notes.
h. M. Elliott, aninty agent of the
Cblldieo'uAid Society, was In Brussels
last Sunday, with Rev. C. R. Miner,
of Berlin. and the work of the Society
was preseotrd at the services in the
Methodist and Prrebyterian churches.
in the evening a maw meeting was
held in the town ball and a branch So -
cat), t), was organised with the(
officers : President, Rev. A. C. Wie-
bart, B. A. ; vine -president, Jaa. Fox ;
secretory, W. H. Kerr ; treasurer, F.
H. Gilroy. A good start was made in
the work by the contribution of 855 as
n,•n, ben Alp fres.
Tuesday ofthis week three little girls,
whole borne environments were not
all to he desired, ware brought before
Hit Honor Judge Doyle and com-
mitted to the rare of the Childteo's
Aid Society. On the mother's prom-
ising that she would endeavor to do
better for them in the future tbey
were left under ber care, but it an im- meets of the church and apnsrenUy
pr'nvcnrent is not *bows within a the pian sueeeeded admirably- The
wit in .ateriai, atyts sed 0t. -the gammen
eigehillelsoletiL The o le ppmter mea tared est at PrWk'ma
Pridhemb panes N�orNorthsins 1 wales.
pypws•-,rtes mama maks a hater loves -
mast et nee must' tires Is babies a tow
cosi siMM'M ter year toms Scathe
art mere, Iseems& hes • gMelY seilsatien.
COI end see them
Omicron Yule, who was seriously
injured in a ,toboggan accident two
weeks ago. is reported to he making
gond progress towards recovery.
Mr. Asquith. of Auburn, lost a
length of spraying how early last sum-
mer. Someone found it and called
him up spout it over the 'phone. bot
be did not get the person's Dame. if
the whereabouts of the how is made
known to Mr. Asquith, it, will greatly
otlige bim.
Until the thaw set in a few days ago
the people of Goderich were en joyin
the best skating season in a good
many yews. Under the eslmble man-
agement 01 J. T. Goldthorpe the
Weet-.t. rink waFl a very popular re-
sort throughout the whole sea,on, and
interest in the great winter sport was
maintained from the opening of the
rink at New Year's until the spring
temderature put an end to the ice.
Upwards of 900 of the members ao3
adherents of Victoria street Methodist
oburcb a*sembted at a oonggrreegge�tional
banquet in the church on Wednesday
evening The object of the gathering
was to bring closer together the
•corkers in the different depart-
Is rich in food value and
easy to digest. It is cwt
Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground
from�the choicest Cocoa
Noises� sickness
Doctors recommend its
ease insickness or in health.
Do You
Coons 7
will turn out in full force. The 8o- guarantee R.zall Ori.rliea mi tbe
defy has been increased b7 Dearly safest sod most dependable remedy,
sixty members during the past week, which we know, for eoovtipatioo and
one 'ondred ladies being now en- „eneiat.e howel disordrra We have
roiled, such absolute faith in the virtues of
Church Union Vote in Huron Presbyte rya this remedy that we sell it on our
IPaston*Me time foster -parents will be
found for the children.
Rev. Dr. MacGillivray Here Next Week
Owing to tboallr rine& illness of Mrt..
MarGill.vtay, Rev. Dr. Maciifihivray
war unlade to 110•.e to (iod.rir.'h heat
Monday en,i el • frost LOP lecture
en ,newt icer I>foaisy evening last
had to he seemed. A telegram was
received front RLN. Dr. Mac011livrsy
till.. afternoon, by Ras. Geo. R. Rn.a
intimating that i Doctor had been
to eaeeel another engage-
ment in order to visit Goderich on
Thursday next, Mareb Biltb. To mark
theoox:a.00n of his visit tbe Missionary
Aseociatinn of the weeregetkm
progrwm cnnsieted of solos by
Wm. BwaMSefd, E. 1'. Belcher
and Mho • Belcher and speeches
ware delivered by the convener+
of the work in the various depart-
ments. An orchestra supplied music
during the evening. The unavoidable
ahsenoe of Rev. Dr. Medd, patine of
the ehorch, owing to illness, ons re -
rioted by all. He baa heel) i11 since
Monday bot is now Improving.
The following is the result of the
vote on church union in the Presby-
tery of Huron in answer to the first
question, Are you ib favor of the
organic uoion of the Metbodist, Pres-
byterian and Congregational churches?
For Against
Elders 115 30
Members '2158 1118
Adherents 451 231
On Guaranteed Bonds and Tito Seek
Jodgmept Against Railway Company.
guarantee of mooey beck In every mu -
stance where it tails to give entire •
satisfaction, and we urge all in need
of such medicine to try it at our tisk.
Rexell Orderlies are eaten just like
candy, are particularly prompt and
agteeahle in action. may be
any time. day or night : do not cense
diarrhtes, nausea griping. excessive
looseness, or other undesirable effects.
They nave a very mild but positive ac-
tion upon the organs with which tbey
come in ,outact, apparently soling as
w regulative tonic rnnn the relrtxed
muscular coat of the bowel. thus over-
coming weakness, and aiding to re-
Aootber cooterenoe in ocnuection store the bowels to more vigorous and
with the Ontario West Shore Railway healthy activity. commonly cern-
booda was held et tbe town hall here Bewail Orderlies
on Monday afternoon: Mayor Reid pletely
relieve conatipatinn, except, of
melded. and those present included course when of a surgieal ebaractor.
M..yor Patterson of Kincardine ;' They also tend to overcome the neoes-
Reeve Stothers and Councillors Stew- laity of constantly taking laxatives to
art, Dalton and Alton of Ashfield ; keep the bowels in normal condition.
Reeve JVtlkineon and Councillor Three eines of Packages, 10 cents, L'i
Brown of Huron township; Reeve ciente and 50 cents. Rem•mher. you
Mannings. Deputy Reeve Clark and can obtain Rex•FI r,•meelie• in Gado -
Councillors Grabam, Elliott and talth- rich only at our stole -The Rexall
wealth, of Goderich. Chas. Carrow, Store. H- C. Dunlop, south side of
.oliciter for the towo ct Goderich, and Square -
P. A. Maixommoo, solicitor for Kincar Buy your bread .sr. Spahr's grocery.
dine and Huron township, also were Ask for Vienna toll
in attendance. J. W. Moyes, presi-
dent of the 0. W. 8. Railway Oom-
ppaanny, was not on band, but H
MacEwen, secretary of the Company,
was pre•eot and In reply to question.
gave considerable information as to
the affairs of the Uompany. After a
good deal of ioformal discussion a mo
tion was passed as follows :
-Tina the repr•esentetivisa present
agree with what the solicitors advise,
tltat each municipality pay the inter-
est on the bonds, after the necessary
legislative power is obtained. and
after payment of said intervert .each
municipality proceed to have judg-
ment entered against the Ontario
\Vet Shore Railway."
Mayer Patterson raid he had met
Mr. Musty/revs. member for North
Huron, that morning, sod W. Mite
grove stated that. in addition to the
bill giving the municipalitiee power to
meet the obligation represented In the
hoods, a bill was going through the
Legislature giving tbe Ontario Rail-
way ant Municipal Board match power[
as would enaMe it to conduct an inves-
tigation of the construction wort sed
lnaneinl operations of the railway.
Mr. Maellwan stated that Mr.
Noyes bed suggested that warsetlablg
he doom to secure definite inforenaaime
from tbe Hyden-electris
as to the possibility ret dee-
tric power ; but the wuniel s.1 t!/�►
'tentative. did not vee any tele 15 test-
ing with the question of power et this
stage ..f the proceedings.
Thou•..ads et ambitious young people
arc being instructed to their homes by
ser Home study Ii, t., You n.ay finish
at college if you deaths Pay when-
ever yon wish. Tblrty years expel..
Mom Large.t trainers. In
Enter any 1.0 Positions Nareuteed.
If you wish to eve board wed Ecru
while you earn, write for purllculars.
CEO. BPOTTON, President
._kJ) M110(10111
L W'
Pa - up Capital, Rest and •
tits ividwt Profile *8,181.370
lbtlal Assets (over) 1168,000,000
Let the l�ail•Carrier
Travel for You
OF CANADA When roads aro bad, and a
r'fAw gD 11185• trip to town meats a (lard
day'. whet, save your borers and )'unreel) by banking with
WI by mail.
You can do it safely, as we give special attention to deposit.,
withdrawals or other banking huskies. handled in this way.
See the Manager snout it.
Goderich Branch
Manager "
The storm last Friday afternoon
paralyzed the railways to such an ex-
tent that the 7:08 train did not arrive
until nearly midnight and omen
goe.tly the hockey match scheduled
to take *nee ween the Stratford
planning a monster ass's banquet for teem sed lbs'
e' f town was not
that evening, to whir* all tie own of playl'd that ••nein. The Minw
the rongr.gatinn are invited. Ree. mateb •nnounct.d, between the Lew
Dr )iaalillivray will he the guest of Mngurn furniture factory end the Elf
"or) A saw„gw she, hag been re: Mill. resulted In a win for tbe item-
otei•.d fr has Mrs 11ameGlllivra wbo (a Cure hewore y. by the ore of 7-1. On sot,.mi
irees d «+mewls$ in health. lab turd' •ftn00wmd
, in the ptwer+ •
expreeeed regt+i dist lb"illtesne per I *mall.r
eruwd. the Westford players
fantod bar bteelhame cross violang had their Name, remitting in a win for'
(kod.tirli ebsn at era dawned, bat the icxal boy. by the wore sf it Tie
s16..taied that arrelegaes5te thew Inv& was rough In .pita cal Refs'.a
were wads wt' fro woo to.tuft Igo 8tawway war kept busy bsmtYwg out
vs bee'l1l
s t8N8 ameay Re penaws'-
MI tine • Miss oailwroo wlsbie b woe 5
�e bell try bread bead awtm eats �t a � �'tbsad Moods IL
11160• k. -...1i Rags) anima s tram
�wptlel.. t) yr millinery
p f, 7.
When you �i. �ie.:i
Ws /SIP Ise arise IMISP.Ote
Omar lirlabieh..ttM..a.` meimede •cal
awl bee
arm _ hawrt/
.titer 1teC.ref` tlsM M Ag
Sale Extended.
health, 870 f..s rm.
SOS lest
wrtl.: .scad SrilmibllaoMesas
From et. Joan, Nen., to Liverpool.
Hmprees el Britain Apr S
Empties el Ireland HLe V, Apr. W
L )Ianitoba Mwd.m$-Mar. w, .Apr. 2,
Lake Champtata Is•adassl Apr. 11
From Quebec to Liverpool'.
Fem. Britain May 3, May 31. Jura °JI
Hmp, Ireland May 17, June 11. July 11
From Montreal to Liverpool.
iyngiW, .. Maylt June 6. July s
L Jiemilla �isra ...May 0, June ill, July 18
lltisi„e l W information from any
Owing to tbo had state of the roar['.
this week we wish to 'mate that our
store will remain open for soother
few days W enable those who have
been unable to gat in thio week to get
some of the big bargain... As anoounced
last week, Mr. Cameron leaved for
Toronto, on Mnnd.ty. For the re- t
maining few day's Mr. E. J. Benstead
will be it charge of the Iitore.
Ostr last word to you is t) get her.
right away, or the opportunity will be
lost to you forever. CAItERON'rt DE-
atter eraib as
the wow
.tag was ill
dish t k b1 'hs. l__t ►..8 •
1 bossy bee aisai ebb*
11141011 aseve it wilt he
lime Moe boon be w* resift tis
tree el the L4..i t miember- Tbs
rams amie• bow le as Peart ear s Bir.
To 11wtern Canada via Chicago.
April 2nd. nth and Pith and every
..cooed Tuesday thereafter wail Sept.
17th Induelve.
Winnipeg and Return 834.00
Edmonton and Return 842.00
MOO.. rood for e0 days- Proportion.
ate retew to other point. in Mentteba.
Saskatchewan and Alberta. Tickets
wilt Mao be nn m4 ea eerWn dates via
Sunni and Nort ern Navigation ('o.
Low rates te Paretic ('oast. Ttokets
on salt daily until April 15th.
Settlers' ane- way tickeu tot )holt obs,
Saskatchewan end Alberta m. sale
every Tosday In March and April.
Full particular- and ticket. f'om any
Grand Trunk Agent or write .1. i..
D•RDietriot Pa senger Agent.Torento.
Oat. T. 1'. Lawrence, Tow Agent.
Victoria Opera, House
FRIDAY, March 29th
Tbs Hnnmarm are capable of satisfying one.. fonslett bnpe. along
milltes y and mutical lines. They are beautifully costumed to begin
with, and, twaid.s nnnxrnot •hen tsrdate" song* and cbonuaes with
action, tbey present an original sketch called "The Husvtare," in
which several toteot.ely amusing situations occur, together with as
et:WIhitson dn11, )thnaing •numher of be•utifnl manoeuvre. -hat
an, Priseir oN t1.i• (Ammo* type of Gerrow soldlesu. The Rvspe.tb
Bursae'• id• a, however, hes always been that a Lyew i.n entrrtain-
bpeet al) mid do enmeshing more than •nteatwin, that it should
leave iehind eometl.ing more than a nee 'Ileelon' of K•'ll br■id,
horns. Amer, still a number of r'nllirking wings, no .oatt.es hew cler•
arty they he given, and for this reason we have engaged rusiciane
low this romps/iv that are e*pnhle .d Flinging anything from the
snows p,pulat gl.•.. seines for mien• voires t,, th. grand sepera
ihssueihr.sett n• the "Woslier ('horua" from FA 11.0 Of the ••Pilirtm
(J .sr triol Tannharwrr. Si: nsemtters ed chit reemploy also
harm • brew' we, let. and 1b4 _resaiotng three a dram ("tiers. The
program ie es et.nnnne, a *Ise of sanitary pictures area situations
w.,vwa together by dialogist )attains. trumpet. dt-u n and .••ng.
PAC. 1rsc
1 ear•' Y, 1. and 3) and every soared 1 uo.-
day until September 17 inclusive.
Winnipegand Return, $34.00
Edmo,ton and Retire, $42.00
Proportionate ralesd to otha'r {point., I:e'
taro limit er days.
Through Tourist r^leepiew • ace to Ed
monton via Sa.kat000,also N'inni;esc and
Calgary via ]fain Line.
-1-k nearest C. P. R. Agent for H0m.3
aeel:nr Pamphlet. -
Vancouver. B. /'..
V i,tona, It s
Seattle. %Verb
S okaee, Il ash.
Portland, Lin .•
Makeup. B. C
Los Angeles. ('al..
San Diego, ('al -
San Francisco, ('at.
} $42.85
Above row apply from Goderich daily
until April LEI.
Proporticnate rates from other point". in
Settlers' Trains to
Western Canada
WW leave Torooto 10.81 R m- each Tuew
day dohs, March and April.
For further Information apply to JOS.
KIDD. Agent. Ooderlch.
Sturdy & Co.
The Grocers On the Square,
The Goderich Garage
To Motorists
1 beg W announce that I have opened • garage on
Kinston street and em prepared to do all kinds of
repatnng in Automobiles, Ga. and Gasoline Engines.
eyptes, Tires of all description., and will carry in
stock tires repairs and supplies of all descriptions in coo-
nection with the business, aleooil, gasoline. carbide, eta
I have the agency for the MacLaughlin car and will
have -two models on exhibition in a abort tune.
I am about to sign up a contract for a very popular
low-priced automobile. also the lowest -priced V H. P.
runabout built in America today, fully guaranteed.
Intending purchasers would do well to commit ore
before placing their order.
I invite all who are interested in any of above lines
to call at my office and get my prices on .upplie.L I am
dealie, with well-establi.bed wholesale house. and will
be in a position to supply you at remarkably low prices.
'Kingston St.
Intelligent Advertising Pays
The Mao wh.) makes
tbe' hair beautiful,
and who makes
beautiful Hair Nerds.
Mr.Frank Pember
of the Pnmher Hair
Store, of Toronto.
will be at the
Bedford Hotel
Tuesday, Mar. 26tH
All ladle. and gentlerren with
poor hair or any wain trouble
will be inter eeled hi this visit, as
Prete pair Pember is the greatest Canadian ant lsority
prose rvatinn and adornment..
it will is• ,u pl.-wore to
meet rho -e who tenth to
improve that hair. All
desired advice will begiven
free, and the new and
nnrreet at yips in hair doom.
Ino for ladles will he dis-
played. A spectral showing
of . are Toupees.
TOIL Ori 011' nr I. Y
Tuesday, Mar. 26
upon h:.ir,