HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-3-21, Page 3TIE Ot1GINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS. BOLD ON THE MERITS OF MAID'S LINIIENI BOOKBINDING MAGAtINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES based or repaired. t.uLl1 LKTTB8IMU ea LEATHER GOODS ittaa4W W 0a leSTir.a to m at Til - BLU.' Oc.derica A. E. TAYLOR. STRArm ur' CIVIL EI(GINEER.ING VA VIL sia Hydraulic notices+• Lanirtolland surveyor MeLean Moak. Oodeetch corner Il••ue•l Newt- Tal•e•ase 127. MEDICAL ihRB, TAYLOR AND TA 1' LO R. 11 Arm and wit eissal tar O ce- Kerte dash tAL tt- VATS. [r M. i. a. UR, W. P. (TALLOW. It. a stmt. Oretwitie. oath et air reereses. ries Terre, 12. iOL F. J. R. F OItf1TE It- BYE. EAR New awe wt sa uw•t miff. aural lien sesi ase Tsirk ti•ihaical liar Ne Reartat tv WIN ssod ��t usrabeigavi-were Kam Cirri Seers s Vesw.. 2teapr-- Ttoaaa TeMMam I$GAL ROUDFOUT. BAYS & r sEILLORR rtetan •tatins sakYO poo j�s W wYdwes wdearer•s Ctt, ata hf rindsIts.t lowed raw of interest Y� e C. i C. LIwY J. 1. N. 0. Ot11>isal, M- Q. BIRRIB- snn itsTesae•ebia= ctr-a trete e,a.1. CHARLES (JARROW, L.LB., BAR ttnn alt,astersors, .eisener, rte.. bs9. est Mass to Moffat rates. O..iOHNBTON; BARRISTER L itederseet Ont. Public IPSU1AIICR LOANS. ETC. U ch t LLC►P MUTUAL FLUB IN .R o CItARCS CO. -Fero ied koisted Jr tesisil.f.es P.O.: P Ileums K hirms-ysi•• Joke P. 0. 0.Orieve, N ;Wilma JsDn HeLni,w.tS 71•IOolm Meech soot! ; Jean Waree ticl...m• Tier J. fie. Iea Hartuck . Jas (.'ammlleP. Hinchley. Bednttl. are.wts kW ileac 1.J. M.aar4'. CAM at ma 11. tai's Oeewe7. duressM•st. Uea.dek. t epeL wwaststsaa at $20.000 PRIVATE FUNIJli TO leas. army to M. it. CAM- ► stir. Barrister. Hada=— street dederiok. 11 R. ROBERTSON INSURANCE AGENT. i ry o AN! Ltc -41:60 • t eats►, Canadian and American. IUaaT Bi(stezm AND iierelgl'ia� LIAarL ITT : Too OMAN AsaM•at mod Oa•e+•tse oryontuw• Waited, or Leede. Lag. s Io-uTT atrD Demurs= Boobs : The li.8. ridentmasel Overantss(ompmsy office u tied -mos. northeast attune of Vic - tone ad et. Davit's teres!..'Phase n6 -MN W. OB./shills. utr to, yr tttE ial aad est iii Ms 7•naraseo 1a •0 .e.e effected so Mf; Ness ase at beim rates .et at maw MINIM Wag Street sad Oat hie ren iii MARRIAOR UCENSES ALTRR E KELLY J. P.. eonssuCU. oke. a-UER OF MARRIAOL LiCENBDl. LANK, MOWER GF HARR'. SHAVING PARLOR 10tH tar AOLTIIRDIO T BOI AB 6UWDItT, LIVE wroca aiml'hee L1101111 Wwkrw ki t•r lead ss M+ sof Pirtilla MAR i issi ssihive lee rim SIGNAL : GODERICH 0 Pistrict News,- DTT SAY YIVRE OLD The Canada Furniture Co. is plan- s)ngog to enlarge it. fat -Wry et •4r4 - fora. Geo. Kellerman, of 1Uashwuvd, rot. pacts to sow about 4110.) acre. in flax this spriug. Brussels warble works has been pur- chased hy Allow E. Hersey from the estate of the late J. A. Hunter. Dave Steep, of Clinton, has accepted the position of [mamma on J. Rana - lord's big farm at Stapleton. David McKinnon. a former resident of Tucksrewith, is dead at Portage la Prairie, Man., at the age of sixty-four years. A movement is on foot in Clinton to erect houses for the accommodation of workmen. The idea is to induce more people to locate in Clinton. Dr. Price, dentist, of Wingham, who was burned out In the recent fire it, that town. has decided to remove to 0' enervate, his home town. V•leotine Ritter. one of the oldest i osidents ut Dashwood, pissed away eu Wednesday mornipg of last week. He was in his eighty-ninth year. Charles Routledge has sold his farm on tete 3rd coli eseion of Tuckerenoth 10 Awoa Townsend for 85,300. The farm cuotains seveuty-si4 acres. iuteiust to friends and ariqu•intnoces of Rev. Uantilton Week. well snows, ite (Ilodrndeb, s►b.t is (atsuu' 1.1 Trut- ity Mel hcdutchut.'h at Amherst: Trinity Methudiet droit! was opened for wuubby about four years ago. rhe building cwt between 'sixty and seventy thousand d..11ars and is the finest evangelical church in the Marinate Provisoes. When this magnificent church edi- fice was planned there were members of the cougiegattou who retired that the debt necessarily cuotracted for its emotion would be • handicap on the growth and development of tbe con- gregation. Their fears have proven groundless. The church ban steadily expan•led and the weathers and addervnts have worked harmoniously together to re- duce the debt ou the church property. A few weeks ago Rev. Mr. Wigieuoti- tled the cungiegaLiou tbat on Sunday, February 1&b, a special., collect ion w•ouki be taken up to further reduce the debt on the church. The appeal wade by the pastor met with a strik- ing re'sponae. The collection yester- day fur the debt fund alone totalled the magnificent amount of 810,347 in ash or cheques This we think i, a record collection for the town of Am - bent and indeed fur the Maritime Charles Longley, who has been bag- Ptovincra. Larger anwents uusy have gastrulae at the G. T. R. station et been raced by pledges covei rug a term Clinton for some time, has boughs the of years. but the collection in Trinity ni.rket garden of John Lanztoo, on Methodist church yesterday was iu the Huruu red near that town, and cold cash and teas deposited in the has taken possessiuu. beak today. In six years the congrr- The death is rrportsd from Saginaw gation has wiped out forty thous - of %Vat. JohtuWo, for many vara and dollars ot the debt incurred by y the meowing of their msgniflceut ebur b home and the balance of twen- ty tbou.and dollars is covered by life insurance policies which form t sink- ing tuud to wipe out the balance in e term of yea, s. The result of yeetet- day's collet places Trinity Metho- dist church on h:a.y street and there will he no tioubte in the future to wake ends meet and have a surplus fur carrying on the growing• work of the cougtsyfation. Trinity church i - to be congratulated on its splendid achievement of yesterday. A lot of big things have been done in Amherst during the past few years. but the raising of 810,347 in good coin of the irsaltn in nue day surpasses al' previ- ous accomplishments. clerk of Turnberry towppship, who af- terwards resided in NPlodham for a number of years. His widow and one daughter survive. en having attained t0 his eighty- ninth hirtl.day James McMichael ("Wee Bouts'), of lieafortb, received congratulations from his Clinton frieads in Lite shape of a birthday badge, suitably inscribed. A. U. Pe•ker and Gec. Muldoon, of Brts,ela, putcbased the floe -bred trot- tieg stallion, "Cupbearer, at the hip Chicago sale, paying 81,1101. The ani- mal went a mile in 2:141 when he was three years old. Win. Bray has disposed of his farm On the 15th concession of Grey to Rob- ert McKay and will take a well-earoed rest' The price received was $4,44.1u. MONEY BACK DANDRU FF CURE Mr. Bray has been a resident ot Grey for twenty-two years and he may take E. R. Wigle Guarantees Parisian Sage up his residence in Brussels. (or Dandruff and Falling Hair. It is thought that the water prod lew in the town of Wiagbaw has been I Destroy the dandruff germs. that's solved After drilling to a depth of the only known way to eradicate roll feet, twenty feet into the rock. an dandruff, and Parisian Sage contains just tie ingredients that will destroy ger causes falling hair and baldness because the little dandruff germs rob the hair roots of the Dour - excellent flow of water eau struck. The water and electric light co[nmit- tee of the town will c:mmence work at once on another weft The 1110 -acre fare] of Harry Keys. of Greytownship, gas been pchased ishmeot that should go to supply tife, by w- Andrew McKee, who will get we- lustre and vigor to the Bair. session at once. Mrs. Keys and ism- Parisian Sage costs but 50 cents a Gly have removed to Brussels, where bottle at E. R. Wigle's sod druggists they will reside while Mr. Key, is ar- everywhere. It is guatanleed to ranging a homt for them in the banish dandruff, stop failing hair or Wast. scalp itch, or money had.. The girl Wm. Woods.. nix' spent tbe past with the aubtirn hair is on every few Tears in the West, and who, with bottle. 1t is a most delightful and Mrs Woods, has been eloping in Grey daintily perfumed dressing that quick - ; for *owe tuns, has decided ly Invigorates the scalp. to remain in Ontario and bag put- My h.' was falling out Redly chased the I00 -acre farm and stock I until 1 began to use Parisian Sage, of John ('lark on the 15th concession but it looks Ane now. My hair was of Grey. The price paid was 27,000.getting very thin, but it is gettingMr. Woods will get immediate posse, thl,k and wavy." -Eliza Archer, 00 ,Goo. ( Church 8t.. Hartford. Conn., Juue 5. On Wednesday morning of last week the band of death removed an e,- BOOKS, NEW AND OLD. teemed resident of Dashwood in the I - --- perroo of Mts. Joseph Wambold. Sbe was forty-eight years of age and her demise carne as a result of the weak- ening effect, of en operation. Her husband, three children, and her par- ents are left to mourn her early de- parture. The residence of David Bell in Wingham bad a close call from being destroyed by flee one evening last week. Mr. Bell's aged mother took a hot iron to bed with het, which set fire to the bedclothes. and before it was discovered a large hole was burred in the bedclothes. the feather bed and maure'e. Strange to say. Mrs. Bell was asleep and knew nothing of the dan- ger to which idle was exposed. Death of Mn. Henry Hamilton. Ou Friday. March Stb. Mary Jane Cardiff, wife of Henry Hamilton, a well-known 'evident of McKillop township, died quite suddenly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Bol- ger. on the 10th concession -f Grey, where she and bet- husband were spending the winter. The deceased was in her seventy-fifth year. With the other members of her family she carne to Orey over fifty years .g... Had 'the lived until Wednesday of last week she and her husband world have completed half -a -century of wedded lite. They took up their residence In McKillop over thirty years ego. A family of bar sons and two daughters survive. Why You Should TravelWest via C.P.R. It, le the logical route, offering the finest possible equipment and fastest train service. it is the only all-Caos- dian route. No change of depose. All equipment is owned and operated by U. P. R., affording the highest form of efficiency. Dining -ar seryiee will satisfy the most fastidious pereons. The only line operating through standard and tourist sleeping ran to Winnipeg and Vancouver. Are you going West this spring? it so take advantage of the remarkably low one-way second-class colonist rates to Vent -otters Victoria, Neilson. Spokane. Seattle. Portland, San Fran- eiseo. I.os Angeles. Ban Diego, etc.. Is effect daily nttil April Itith or M Wasters Danada 1. your destination the ons -way second -claw set tlsn' rates shoat appeal to you. Settlers' trains to Westar° Gonads will leave Tomato i010p. so. earls Torrey during Mareb ▪ AprIL Lu • ort if yews ono anipla p of this nature apply to Joe. Kidd. C. P. R. agent. for null particulars. Ix itf A NOTABLE ACHiiEVEMENT. Inv. llanillee Willie's CaagresaWa at i►aieret fain a li n r& The fallowing frees The Amherst INi. 11. Sews and $satinet will he of pir. On Editor of the 1 ignaL 1 DEAR Stat,—May I be allowed a little spare to comment on tap article on book$ and libraries which appearea in • recent number of your paper? With tbe greater part of the article any lover of good reading must be in most hearty acconl. Many books are published which aim nuworthy A phioe to any library. .P. -chips • reason wby so much trash is or 1e found in many public Iibrarit•a is th.t those whb select the hooka. being very huey people, cannot poosibly reed all of the Woks purchase.I, arld must rely. for is certain port et least. on the judg- ment of patrons of the lib; airy, or on book reviews which are usually vets much biased. The work ohthe book committee of • library is not Tight, and we do not, as a rule, realize. cer- tainly we seldom express. our inddent- ednees to those who give' so gener- ously of their titre And their thought fo'r our pleasure and profit. One reason for the demand for the poorer class of fiction probably is that many people. especially very young people. do not know how to choose is (took, and they remain, in complete igoorance of many good book• which they would really eatery if their at- tention were called to them. If, occa- sionally, during the year, some lover 0f good literattrte with • talent for presenting his thoughts in an interest- ing way would give, in our libraries. "book talks" on both old and recent Publications it might be the mases of increasing the demand for batter hooks. and thereby the culture of • fl ner taste in Iitereture But though many new works of fic- tion are worthless.. all do not belong to that class. And. by the way. what cooetitutes a "new" book ? How old must • hook be before it may be placed on that three-foot shelf of fav- orites ? Dickens and Thscaeray were once very new indeed. We are thank- ful that someone rescued them from "• violent death." it is possible that in the empee of sixty or seventy years some of the publicauosa of today may he as dear to readers as "Our Mutual Friend" or "Esmond ;" not many. probably, hot the two or three meat be discovered. and bow can they he discovered unless someone reads them P New books have this advant- age over those of fifty years ago that tiq deal wish etre problems of today and awaken interest in orations wbiek =Mist otherwise receive less than their esssd of •t=ention. As M'orbn reads 'thee hundreds nt sew befillo of Sodom which today are. and torMre'w ars forgotten. women do their share, i eek nowledsa t but 1 gear thee shay wren at ttln Hess of a thaw day of benne. IMO* Shwm- ,Mier relegation M Odep sed apt ewe.. rM fav- orites at Wm 1MMdarR alINISer aims You O1'y 41 011 Dlgerttvc orgaets er • _Y-r1o�'t assimilate rood as they !o- Othor orr-an'r act moro slowly itrel less elec!ua11y. blood le t'tin sn•f uiuseleh. Renewal of strength does not e.11121 the weer and tear of your system 'that's what makes you .feel old. Nothing In the world will tone up and invigorate those weak, back-alld- t' organs, make rich blood and cre- ate strength so qutcl-ly as Vinol. VInol 1s not a, secret nostrum, sim- ply the medicinal elements of the rods' livers, with the useless nauseat- ing oil eliminated,- and tonic iron add- ed. Try a bottle of Vinol with the understanding that your money will he returned if It does not make you etroncer, feel younger and give yon an aided iatcrect In life. H.C. llunlop, Druggist'. Galerich, Ont. when they ar•e not mentally and phys- ically weary. Now, Mr. Editor, i fear I have tree passed too itrest/y on your vaJueble J .pace, therefore will sac nu more, :rut with thanks for your courte.y, will subscribe myself, A Wo)1 .t. READER. Both Quids and Permanent .Strength. If you are run down or tired ..u1, tl you take cold easily, have nn appetite, are losing flesh or hey,- other evident4 of lowered vitality, 11 % our Neclrea '. System Renovator under our goatsn- tee to refund the price paid it t be rem edy rani to give entire estimate i•,n. 1t aids digestion, tones up the nervoii system and Hives both quick and pe. - luinen t results. One d.dlsr a botil . Manufactured hy. Miselr..v! Medicine co., Goderich, Ont. For sale by 13. R Wigle, druggist When people le -gin to talk falsely It is 'better to he quite -slant and le' hem say what they p race. till the sound of their own m•ii'ente makes them ashamed.—George MacDonald. Thew is a great Cnriatian pre.ept that if s man esrikt•s you on tine cheek you should two him the other. Bot the Protectionist toed or . . . is this - that If somebody strikes you on the one cheek you should smite yourwlf on the other.—Mr. Glad at one. When a math hie once lost th.t unconscious stout purity which exists in a mind uoscatbrd by the fires of passion no" after tears can weep it back again. No penance, no prayer, no anguieh of remorse, can give back the simplicity of a soul that has never been stained. -Harriet Beecher Stowe. TARIO TevrtsDA', Musca 21, W19 Zi Throughout the Store the Spirit of Spring Prevails At the,present time our store is full of all the newest goods for personal wear and for the adornment of the home, and everything points to. the freshness of spring. The New Coats Fest showing of the new ('oats. Serges are the popular coat material this reason and we are showing some very mart .•tyles in navy and black Serge (Orate, lull length, at 210.184 and $12 50 each, New Skirts in Panauua Serge and Voiles. New Embroideries New Laces • Special showing of New Embroideries, by far the wont beautiful collection of Embroideries we have ever shown, including Edgings, Beadings, insertions, Bapdings, Skirtings and Corset Cover Enibt oideries. New Valenciennes Lace... Totrhon Laces. Gui- pure Lan.,-. The New Wash Materials The beauty and freshnese of our new Wash Materials will 141 ..nee appeal to :,11 lovers of these dainty goods. New Cotton Voiles. in all t be new pastel shades, lovely sheer quality. 35c per yard. Alexandra Mulls, in all popular shades, 10 inches wide, per yat-d'_ic. New Veetings, new Marquisettes alai new Piques---- McCall's Patterns Saturday will be Children', Day in our pattern department, when we will give every little girl a moll's pattern free of charge. TELEPHONE NO fie Millar's Scotch Store J jos NOX A COLD IN Oft DAY At last a remedy has been discoveted that will stop A could'. di, cure a cold, relieve asthma in a few seconde. It } is celled "i08 Nox a :'old." Just you I try it. 'Sic a bottle, at Dunlop's drug store. The Old Folks fir adtiaortgyesrs britt1" an increasing tendency toemeittpuies. The corrective they need !s "NA -DRU -CO" Laxatives Balk* illik eat from ccm ia:atl� penises.P'oto tats. mild and penis A Hilt perfectly. farseankg dues never needed. C mpotwded, Eke of tis 1 NA -DRU -CO pr► perneoert by export chemist*.Money r not irrliraory, eta wed we will w Illmtlr.�d tb� a. NATIONAL DRUG • CMIRMICAL ODMPAMY OF CANADA. LIMITED. MONTREAL 22 WE WA.DiT YOU Yes we want you as a customer. Ask us to send you our 1912 Catalogue. It's brim hill of all that is good in Flowers, Vegetables. Field Roots, Grains, Plants, Small Fruits, Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies, etc. Vateakh h eerwietha Is what we irv. ahead to tele the Termer. n -.-a1 * u will aid Private Planter. All l sant yea .s M ofamiR es time and a two -cent stamp. Write we leis. the des /we ata re•dtaal, ilii. DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO., Lusted. Dept . .4 1 London, Canada. 12 D. • Ws Csaof•• likot Swede Taste-Mkeesdarsd es Ma Met earise. tie kiss err. the test eihaser. '�T IS. WOMEN TAKE NOTICE! A man cannot understand the torture and suffering many women endure uncomplainingly. If the majority of men suffered as much pain sad endured with p•tienoe the weakening sicknesses that most women do, they would ask for immediate sympathy and look for • quick cure. Many women have been saved from • life of misery and suffering by turniag to the right remedy—Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription -a remedy which is oafs to take because containing no narcotics, alcohol or injurious ingredients. it is as alterative extract of roots, made with pure glycerin, and first given to the pulsar hy that famous specialist in the diseases of women -Dr. R. V. Pierce, of the Invalids' Hotel end Surgical Institute of Buffalo, N. Y. Mas. Lizzie M. Ilvssitr.iwxaof Lincoln, Neb..MO`C"St., savai ' 1 scud a testimonial with much pleasure so that some suffering woman may know the true worth of your remedies. I was a great sufferer from female troubles but after taking one bottle -f Lir. Pierce'. Favorite Prescription. which a friend advised me for take. 1 found myself verymuch 1111 - proved. After taking three more bottles. anusing two home of I)r. Pierce's Lotion Tablets, I found myself on the road to recovery. I was In poor health for five years but now k am cured. 'I hope all women anftering from female weakness will give Dr. Plerce'a Favorite Prescription a fair trial. DsMar Puree's Pierer Pellets regulate sad immigrate etewaa►. Syr sad bowel. Sutsr-costed, tiny gremlin. Brophey Bros -.ODEI4ICH The Leading FuneralFural Directors aid EmbalmersOrders carefully attended to at all boon, night ur day. Furniture Repaired POLISHED, ET('. Silver Plating, Gilding, Etc. Mirrors [rade or resilvered. Picture Framing, Wood Turning, Etc., by germy F3 Fraser West Street North side. corner Waterloo More Stove Talk The bargains which we are offering in stoves Dever be- fore were equalled in Gode- rich. To clear our stock in this line we have been slash- ing the prices tar that they have now reached the mini- mum. We handle the Moffatt Ranges and Art Garland, Souvenir and Moffatt.Heaters -all of them baying a Bros - .•lrtas reputation. It will pay you to call READY FOR MAPLE SYRUP The seas= for maple syrup is eppr'oacbing add we have a big stock of sap pails sand spiles to supply your de- mands. Our prices are right Rather than carry over for another season. we;hsve a nuwbei of Horse Blankets, Crow -cut Saws stud men'+ Glove, and heavy lined Mittswbich we will deur at gee ttly reduced prii ••. FRED HUNT Hamilton Street Plum'iing, Heating, Eavestroughing and General Hardware. MONARC H SHOEAS THE BEST YET To those who delight in Shoesthat show their individuality, there is a treat in store for them at our shop. The new models that we are showing for spring and summer wear are, without doubt, the., bet that have ever been brought together in Gode- rich. We've got tans, patents and gun-metal leathers, made in all tht newest Monarch patterns. Come, and we will show you all of them. Repel ring Downing 8' MacVicar NORTH IIDR OF SQUARE OODEkIO*