HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-3-21, Page 1An Advertisement in THE SIUN♦t is the very best way of reach ing the people Of Gude rich and West Huron. Hate* quoted on applies' tion. -IxTY r(,l'KTH YEAH --No. XS6 GODERICH, THURSDAY, MARCH i1. 1911 Renew Your Subscription to THE 8IONAL and get one ot tbe pretty 1912 Calendars. DO /t Nuw THE BIUNAL PRIA: •NG CO., Ltd.. Nvru■utas THE STERUN6BANK THE LADY AND HER BANK ACCOUNT Ladies will find a savings account • gees[ convenience. When shopping, they need carry little money with thein, as their -hegnr is honored at say ot our branched. Their betuk balance is:deays earning interest. Head Office, King and Bay Streets, Toronto: lioderich Branch -ANDREW PORTER, Manager Ao G. NIS 11) illmurance and Re ET ..r 11 Estate Agent of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Caned:,. The Western Assurance Company. 'The 'Royal Exchange Assurance of London, England. The Loodoo and Lancashire Guaraoti a and Accident ('o. rbc American Surety Company of New York. All kinds of Insurances. Office next to l'auadian Bank of Commerce GooiRICH, ONNT. LAST OR FOUND. PUBLIC NOTICE. ',SOUND. -A C H I L D ' 8 GOLD FAKM HELP ANL. DOMES i'IC L bracelet Apply to MId8 WHITELY, SERVANT& -Person.uiri..•` farm help en. south eatshould at one to WILLIAM- MoOUIL- LIN. Government Eaploymeet 08T. -TWO TEN -DOLLAR BILLS a f 8( Ont. Orden left with H. D. I on Saturday so TM Square µ.uO� tE Ont.. will receive =apt a on Hamiltdm 4ese res wW be salt- aW'e°�• sD-tt ably rewarded se returning the me. = to THIS °rrmms. APERRANGING, P AI N T I N G . mod kale$• maleteg. etc. FIzst.- work. Prkee right.your work done before the ✓ eed A. SWAMS,, Sea street. Oedrtch. CV SITUATIONS VACANT • i'EN$RAL SERVANT WANTED. FOR SALE OR TO RENT AwlsRre.t. to MR& J. B. HUNTER, N 1RENT, -A WANTED. -A QUALIFIED rwa� // Maks als III8r 8, 'lino e. recce & (oniorastowaMeese yeh.ip M elflar . caw, a aid Eualieoeetkne tA 1 11. JJAIL 8 • Brum by PAUL MAKDELy P O [test lou o• Men LEARN DR G. our with rime streets. C ARLES GARR° . Hitt 4=M wee SOLID BR i C K • ambito andtrr" a bed - uptake. uptake,, bAU . r s 10 G. .. BALE. FIRST -CLAM APPRENTICIE "w A b T E D T O 1` inudtir master airs North roan fier two r 7:11V7-0 WANTED. -A TEACHER FOR 8. S. No. k Asbeeld' convenient to church sad peettlellmm ce. Duties to coence sai0 ApoU ny, 14 Ja.AM i RITCstaUngHIE. See -Crew andoesallliestiens 8 NO. a, Luckrw. Out. 9l•tf FOR SALE. L'REE.-A RECEIPT THAT WILL 1' absolutely break up any fever, no matter whet nosed it, H taken 1n Moe. 1 bars used a twenty -eve years without a failure. A instal card will tides It M ratans mall. Address C. IL J ENN E, ie Aliso street. Tomato. ElOR SALL -A FRAME HOUSE, with tee ISA se Lome test. Dwelling oostel•s ekes r sewsob sed herd water S tie hoes. Apply b�ROBERT YOUNG Main Aransa /111-41 L1OR SALE. -1 SET SINGLE DRi V- 1 ING harness, 1 •t single dew hareem. 2 robes, 1 dray. 1 sleigh. 1 Dotter, 1 rubber -tired buggy. etc. A abeam. for • good barg.ln. 811 - claire al THISOrrlCA. WALL PAPER. - 1 91 2 W ALL Dpoaper sample basks at band from Tor- onto Wdl Pops Co. Bolen and haveoar Wore ek .ork done e the re. Pros rL Herders acid lar tike reit A. SNAEUL &gook F.o,t .oast. Gegesiob. 67-tt NOTICE TO CREDITORS. \ OTICE TO CREDITORS. i'1 ThE MATTER OW T''a ESTATE Or EmXErr ex wART [what oe, LATMor Tlrx TOWN 01 00fS1/iCe, is Telt Lit, NTT Or PILMilS, WOOD FINISHER sbWilegw. eew- Notice i basksIto etatnte 1 n��ekeR tiF s9kF tisg e8 tw.on. say- ,se sessog About the requested day dresses - of thegeseees oaten a •f (, Aoly Osm1 the exs1 . l a es wets oftitled ofblob be will ret M elms be memo eti W ba wbo died on r of Marsobn,e, A. D. 11812. are =altari se b•fase tie 9:d their eNM asatsatmysmsaad- slal�ms a�ssetitbe ssiri ww delfts have a es, diet ke theimastte para Bose trot the lave lag M. O. CAMU1151f. gIS1Me fkR 1dmMse. Elated this 7th gay of MmgM. L a UM Set LIVERY, CAB and 'BUS OFFICE Open day ass MEM - Busse meet m lois. Particular yo easiiissese. Tel pitene THE ZED BARN Sleuth Stella Yotimioh. Ont. 1 L'�IREO Bona mostUut and fila- sweetie Gedeellcb, earlywMakis pealtrf'. email MakeLake oror pe -se come goad eatery inn: eke term& Out H. JORDAN.•173 Windsor avenue, Wlags•r. RENT. -A GOOD COMFORT- ABLE house on Newman, street. AR muds coavenbnoew. Apply to N. W. NOTT, Newgate .treat. It rRI[ FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- /a1 sorea hens lot 1. oonesedoo 9. Otti- bowmen., situated me mile north of Carlow .M t toe [ebbs teem C. P. R. [McGaw stades* Ge Ike y ee bank. Theis bare was • 11 bet leas • c•i1tC.gderoiivtionTis etthe can bgime. Tarns .p♦ toKtt JONIb, Nair we. 11.11 f110 RENT. -THE STORE NOW 00- 1 COPIED by"Mr. Seed. Bamlltoe Street ; sae of the bet bminrastands 1n town. Rest moderato Apply at store or to MR8. F. A - .v ALL W i N. 1 1 11 Gerrard street. fronts Stitt U OUSE FOR SALE. -THE FRAME 1.1 dwelling on the corner of Neigh and Hines4r'mtscontainiog seven roman •id two geed WIN. For paruenlats apply to MRK W A. H. CUFF, Oodrloh. 1; 94-lt DROPERTI)F8 FOR SALE -HOUSE on Brute street; part lots 792 and 7111, 90 Net frontage. Eleven promo. bathroom. sewer connect ton. Hume wt Wolfe street six toome: in good meek; spnee well : cellar. Ileum at corner Raglan aid Palmerston streets. with six r•oOm ; three and a -halt Iota : spring well : ooal bouts, became fowl bowie. Five lot.. in Tit'e surreys, reoaeg tram 1 Le .i, Mary street, 10 by 11e feet. Applyto WM. K1LP♦TRICK. Braces[ ft LJ OUSE FOR SALE ON NAPIER 11 street. well .Itueted for health and soruery. overlooking river .ad lab., Ise. than ten mmafde' walk to busies... centre. Alco remedied summer oottage et Meneretnog Park. For patrUculars apply to OW. F. MAO - PB EE, ilex 80.Oodertch. Ont. 94-11' To RENT. NiNE-ROOMED HOUSE 1 In eastern part of the town. convenient to t clones. Moderato rent. Apply at SIGNAL OFFIC E 90-51 LiOR iiALE AT A BBwt. se Winans•ARGAIN.-81% one vilest to e sumer bout Also a inich' Me hoses gg� yy�pffwete of fruit with oinks trees S b•N1mi ♦eels is WM. POT'r& 8.165.4. Nit FARM OF 100 ACRES, FIVE MILES hes Lmskeow; fifteen nes bunk, banner Men ; beak nafibent. pe Wise [renin neared. e ; beet �bar�le, pee ape chicken hemsApply to MAIITITI y4 W De. Belted,laws m R SALE. 100 ACRES OP LAND IF mese north of the town of Seeforth. day loam, ell ender csklvatlen: bank base, with cement noon : large frame bones. b pasted. ail le good reedit : well at 'nth. mod beam. An Ideal Mme. Apply to 11J818 00V ENLACE. 8entort man L - YFOR SALE. -ONE HUN- T Bsi-Rel-.11th` r� rwr the w Mt ves�whens�IEs istmilymner.'r■m FOR N&LIL THAT rum Ri Ill1=F471411:8°172 ohs nor- 0ODERICH MARKETS Tetraa0Sr, Mar. 21 at. i'all were. Per Duan tM W to 5 0 e1 fag whist, per barb-. a es to et • per bu.h 0 se s' u m 1..'p.rb r b. .. r bush 0 /0 to si rY 6 0 9a to 1 05 0.3 to to Mu et% farePlirmem ta tN per cwt Y 63 to x 76 81.. es t` ton en cwt. Li w w 8S Meseta, per too .. 27 a0 to la es Hy, per coo. oar 12 Alto 13 W Strew ...... ... . ............ . it 00 to M 9* Wood. per lc•d o se to 660 C Ratter. pier Ib u 1n tote v 7SY�e ApiMs. per bbl dua Y to 3 rY Potatoes. per mewl. ..... _ 11"1 to 1 !) CatihsC•CiJs. oedt■'y to Quad, Per est4 Slim to 3 s' . atprrrc, per cwt a >n to s 75 NOLL.... .... ...... a 7a to 5 7S Sheep, per Ow(fallow, per 4 w to 4 Su o to aii tildes. w :nato lit Ireo.klu i. to JO Peas. per Mak Barley per bask AUCTION SALES. 8arpttIIDpAeeTt. March 21 - Mortgage vle of 1 C D. Col buy Worth ball 01 tut it. oawewioo reel. at the l.'olbor ne bee, °ode- ✓ teh. at 12 ublu, k mw.. l HAN. Gataow. vendors solicitor. Tuna. Gl'NDiT, auctaooe.•r. services/Ir. March a--Menge/re sale 01 farm pruperty .north had of lot 1. eoecewIou 1; K. D. Asbeetd-known as rhe Motirory prop- erty). at the ('olburue hotel. tiudench, at 14 o'oleek Down ('Hast G.utnuw. .),inner Lor vendord. Thug. (i U Nee1,, atlOtiuneer. MONDAY. Man:bb r1. -Auction wile of nor of the b.e.t lote of uLttle offered this mane. at the Howl Normandy wablev. (:Minn. They are a right good lot and it will pay te ser them. Geo. Hom_st D, proprietor. THoNAS Gt!DRT. 5001 °Deer. THURSDAY. March 28. Auction mkt of term stook and implements, property of Mei Same MMus. south of !hies/mum. THOS. Gv■oar. auctimpel . THuxaha v, Iltanb Y6.- Auction sale of farm stock and lwplement.. at the nemeses. dee Mile south of Dungannon. 8. SANuaa1ON. I•ro- praetor. T Gummy. •unUooeer. FioDaY, March 81.---Auu400 sale of home - hold furniture and feminine., the property of Met. (tial Mc1.r1N, et her residence. Myer street, thiderach. oummeoctsg at 1:30 0.cl4:6ek. Tool. UuND*T, auctioneer. SATV&DAir. March 30.- auction vale of brisk house and lot u° Elgin avenue, alta a a gantlty M turulture. commencing at 2 o'cluck. Atex. Cs,wroau. proprietor. rm... Gnome. TVmaD�AY. April 2.-1 lean g auction sale of tans stock wd tmplgaimts. owosadoo 6, Lel- borne. Farm has been eon. T.as. Taxa presrbtor, T. GUNDSY. auctioneer. WEDNESDAY. A�pp1 .-AucUoo sale of cattleand burse[. a baron'. hotel. Blyth. J. K lixns5T, proprletor. THomsa Gvxuar, auc- tioneer. TECSSDAT, April 4.- Auction sale of books - 0018 furniture, prepeti7 of Mea JOHN Braun. Who 1a leering °oda-wk. T'oNaa OVNDRr. auctioneer. THIDar. April s -clearing maim sale of tarn, stock and lm m ta. property of Jai* Cowoi.a, at his 6rm jo.t out of Myth. T. °Venter. auctioneer. BATV&DSY. April ti -Executors' vale of real meats in Clinton. W. BarnoN. solicitor. T. °UrrDRT, aaotb■eer. Teenier. April 9.-Auotlo■ sale of farm neat red Macre tans. at lot Et Maltkod eeneeeelon O mile, from BeamiUsti. oontmenc- lsg •t 119 p. m. Jogai Fuc., proprietor. Thos. GViDay, auctioneer. W EDNESDAT. AprU 10.-A■oBon sale of the Se Lawrence and all furnlrbings. Met C. BOCA. proprietress* T. GUNDRT, a00Go0eer. TUMMY. Match SI -Auction sale of borene harness. teem etc.. at tee Monthly Horse Fair Sale. 1'. UVsrs&Y, auctioneer. AUf •TION SALES AUCTION SALi1 of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS. I hive been instructed Dr Nye Manse to set by public .cotton at the reefd.00e of the late Rey. i)r. McLean. Bruce street, Gel/trice. on FRIDAY. MARCH 29m. 51 diat sposed 170 o'clock and oonUouleg hoe▪ " 000aloworp of parlor. contents a `d• r..dluinjtoom• Ded- rem and kitchen furtoture. including one square "Vee- piano. meHappy Thought range,- hall rack. good coal otl store secretary. orrpe4, curtains and blinds. Kier)thing In and about the place mum be dimmed of. as the Nemesis have been .old. -MUM; 0550. Mlt8. MCLEAN. THOS. UUNDRY. Beit Prope_efsem. Aectlobeer. CLISARiNG AUGTiON MALE or a 0001) BRICK DWELLING. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE EPC. Mr. Alex. ('rawfoed will sell by public auction at the premise.. Mein .Avenue. Gyde- ri.h. en' SATURDAY. MARCH 30m. comme■eing at 2 o clock sharp A comfortable brick house. containing six rooms and bathroom. rummer klt.heu and milk hoses, with everything in dna-elan shape. The lot 4. 571107. 1s etusted on Doe of the bast atreen. in Oode ich. dose to the bad- n ess centre and is .Jtogetber • very desirable piece for anyone wanting a eomtortabie sttsaU- siasd house. At the Nance time and place a ,quantity of household furniture and furnishing, oondstlolt of parlor, dloingroom. bedroom end incites furniture, will be sold. Everything most be disp s ed of. as the pro- prietor is moving to Toronto. TEENS CAM. ALEX. CRAWFORD. THOS.OUNDRY. 96rt Proprietor. Auctioneer. -- Al Y7TION MALS Cov ONE OF T118 BEET RESIDENCE OP- E0TIC8 IN GODb,RiCH.HOURE9 mammas. FURNISHING/1i. HING1. axe. 1 am hstree1108 by Mit C. Beek to sell by public auction at the prembrm en WEDNE/DAY. APRIL tem oomnteoola8 at *'steak sharp; Boma -The lame hems L•wteer," ol1ae81111 hetet M Use banding. qe sae tb■ bestsueel It is a wog -Matt Is reel Heil one temegb the pies' s ltse.seold F`m Ar sad �eell the pXrts tdst parlor. d tees, bt+it sea l be Isn• ot 1s stringg hi Theme Oa "The el. Iawr see" -Ten per euat. d W m saq M sera !sere ��ne ay of a bets sole 1. tahsr rage. erwerkif of the percORse wow �p maleL w with Stores at s pee ese4. ItgR say [er esIet.an ups 5 An argr.... ▪ of slrert4ttse ■�� tart a atcell[► Bell[. C. BUCK. TfiOlrMM SWi111111T. Preessetraw Atestrees•e. The .Utlbsry at Maw Deo - bugle *Sts Msilrbr. ht till 111. ergs eorpilaw b be pNs __ 4 team wA be y�oagibatp THE TOWN COUNCIL. BRIEF SESSION AT THE REGULAR MEETING FRIDAY EVENING. Sewer Co.•istruci on Matters -Water to Its peed on the Streets This Year -Seats for Harbor Park and Gan- non Sank -Request tor Exemption from Taxes. When the city father-, began busi- ness last Friday evening .t the regular meeting of the town ctuuciI. Council- lors Humber and Vanatrer were the only abeeitee., tut Councillor Varl- atter came in et 8:110 o Jock. The fink commune abash read owe from Arth tr M. Glover. of Toronto, who is about to start a gascline en- gine and automobile repair works in the Bon Ton livery building on East nitre -I. He sated exemption from leers for tvo yewre, Ilia es the council hid uo power .0 deal with such a matter directly the letter was laid on the table. A request from J. Ades Fowler. secretary of West Huron Agricul- tural Society. for the usual grant to the Society, was referred to the fin- ance committer. A letter was received from John MacKay, asking perutl.sion to use the upper ruorn 01 the town hall for a month for sewing tuna. A resolution was 'passed eetendiog this privilege tessMr. MacKay and all the local fisher- men. A letter from the Paget Grain Door Co., of Huntsville, expressed a wish that abouli the town come Into pos- se..lion of the boiler works building of the Doty Kngirie Work. Co.. their arae would like to obtain the building for the carrying on of their busloees st Goderioh. Toe clerk was instructed to inform the Paget Company that the building might be on the mark!'t in the near thtsre. A rrqu et from the fire brigade for an increase in anlary was referred to the fire and finance committees to' re- port 00. Progress estimate No. 4 on the sewer system was forwarded by V. M. Roberta, the engineer in charge. show- ing the amount due the contractors to be 51/70.09. A rider attached was to the effect that. •Kram the estimate must be deducted such amount as the council may "deem (siffcient to meet any nutstandiog claims for material, if the contractor bias [ailed to furnish, as requested (in accordance with the contract). satisfactory evidence that alloutatanding claims for sewer pipe have been pard." On motion of De- puty Reeve Clark, seconded by Coun- cillor Laithwaite, the matter was re- ferred tri the public works committee with power to act as it should sere fits The public works committee recom- mended that the dust on the streets be laid with water during the corrin_ summer, and that prices be obtain on a new one-horse watering cart that the matter of preparing a bylaw to water the streets oo the frontage plan be referred to the chairman of the public works committee with power to consult the solicitor. The report carried. The finance committee recom- and Mrs. Wm. McGratten, left on mended thee the auditors' repott for' Tuesday' for his home in the Welt .... the year 1911 be printed by B. H. Townsend. and that a number of accounts be paid. Adopted. Reeve Munnings *fated that he ex- pected the sewer contractor to lay a request before the council in s few days for permission to place all his oleo on the work at the east end of the excavations. He asked for advice [corn the council as to how the public works committee should act in the matter. lint it was left with the chair- man of the comrnittee to decide. Councillor Elliott brought up the matter of improving the appearance of Harbor Park and of placing more seats in it for the convenience and comfort of summer visitors. He made a motion, which was seconded by Councillor Venetic', that Rests simi- lar to those used in the court house park be purchased, and that a suffici- ent number be obtained so as to have severs! for Cannon Bank also. Before the motion wart put Mayor Reda made the suggestion that the matter be sent to the parks committee to °b- lab/ prices on the sesta before pur- chasing. The advice was acted upon. Bylaw No. 10 of 1912, providing for the removal of trees growing in pub- lic places, when etch removal is deemed advisable. was read three times and passed. At this juncture the Reeve made mention of -the tact that a few small trees on Rein avenue might be moved under the provisions of the ales ...- mentioned bylaw, and placed in 1-• r- hor Park, as they are of no booed where they arr. A'notion was. turd by Reeve Munnings, seconded h Deputy Reeve l'Ia.C, that the park commaler loot into the [natter o removing the trees, front Elgin Iver:ase. The c,:uncil edjemmied before o'clock. _- - - OTTAWA-- TORONTO t DOINGS OF FEDERAL AND PROVIN- CIAL LEGISLATORS. Manitoba Will Be Allowed to Deyelop Her Own School Policy --Finance y Minister White Announces Biggest S1rolus on Record -Budget De- bate Closed in the Legislature. Homeseekers a ions to Wester, Canada Via Chicago, including all p,ints on Grand Truro' Pacific Railway. Areal 2od, lath and 11)10: May 14th and thh ; June lith and ::1th : July lath and 'l.3i-d ; August 11th and 20th : Sep- tember 3rd and loth. Wionipeg and return, 53LU0. Edmonton and return, 542.00. Tickets good tor sixty days. Proportiouate rates to priocip.tl. point. in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and A l •her a a. H omeseekers' exctirsion tickets will also he on sale on certain dares via Sarnia and North ern Navigation Caenpa nv. Full par acid/ire. tickets and illustrated litera- ture from any (+trend Trunk agent. or write A. E. Duff. District Pt-senger Agent, Toronto. Ont. 1-. F. Lewr- elncx, down -town ticket agent, Gode- rich. DUNGANNON. • (4R. NEK'T'ON, DENTIST. OF 11 Lucknow, ha. c-as.ed visiting Outalds points and will henceforth give he. entire %curettes. to the home olfioe. unknow, where he will be found every day. All modern meth- ods. NOTICE. -THE LOCAL AGENCY In lluo ..nnoo for The Signal V Attie Pat - Pelee Boot and Stationery Store, whore orders will toered for subscriptions, ad- vrUdng and job work. and receipts will be given for amounts eat! tor the same. WEDNESDAY. March Zrth. CHURCH UNION. -The result of the vote on the church union proposition on the Dungannon Metbodist circuit (iucluding both Dungannon and Crewe appointments) is as follows ; Members over 18 yeah of age -(ti for, 38 against ; members under 18 years of age -8 for, 2 against : adherents -b0 for. 4 against ; members of gtalterly official board -13 for, 3 against. DEMONSTRATION in ORCHARD PRI'N- tNG.-Several men under the direction of W. F. Ky dd, of Simloe, are at work in J. A. Mallough's orchards. giving a practical demonstration of how prun- ing should to done. They are rent out under the auspices of the On- tario Department of Agriculture. A public meeting will be held in the Orange Hall, Dungannon on Monday afternoon, March :atb, at 2:30 p. ni., which should be attended by everyone interested in -fruit culture. CHURCH Nor/tel.-Mr. Taylor, of West Wawanosh, who is attending Knox College, Toronto, preached in Erskine Presbyterian church last Sun- day .... Tbere was a good attendance at the special service for men in the Methodist church on Sunday evening, when Rev. L. Bartlett preached on "Dreamers and Their Dreams." The speaker showed how the world Wee built by dreamers and endeavored to arouse the ambition and energy of his heaters by stimulating their im- agination. PERSONAL. -tont McGratten, who had been visitin his parent.. Mr. MORTGAGE SALii. • N0RTGAGB BALE OF 100 -ACRE FARM yI lNt •ABIEFTLII.O..es mom D 1.8.10 nThe ee 10 ser Lairs* was be el'M for sale at pebble aim elvers s� s ell es =Jay. the [lard dap el' mMs► till. Ire M �'elssi eisn. at tM ('eMsea bid. partieu1r..r•pb re the uodere 1�J8 OUND81T. CHARues JARROW. fast Alle isnssr Vwgmes seROWsr. MORTGAGE BALK OF MAR M PROPO(T'. Mew. • me. wlpthe Seared of e b •` In •• ewe is a •�t � •sal, the prep 8ha� apue of tM caul\ Wf of art je Iis�e dstdsrrl•r Miss alkom. of Fullerton, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mn. J. Walkorp. . Everett Mallougli was et Luck - now last week in charge of G. Arm. strong's drugstore during the absence of the proprietor is Toronto Miss Teskey, of Ripley, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Benioger. • .. Harry Bellamy was in Stratfonl arv- eral days this week attending a series of library institute meetings )hies Scott. of Harriston. has returned to Dungannon. and is again in charge of J. Walkom's millinery department ... Miss (oote. of Wingham, has charge of Ches. ElMott's millinery depart- ment....Mr. and Mr*. James SLAthers have returned to their home in the West. NEws NOTFx.-The north half of lot 1, concession 0, Asblield, known as the McCrory property, will be of - feted for sale at public auction at the Colborne hotel, Godericb, on Satur- day. March Zird The sap started running this week. and quite a num- ber of trees have been tapped in ex- pectation of a bountiful harvest after the severe cold weather of the past two months .... Buyers for horses are buss- in this ee*tion. Preference is being given thio year to medium weight horses (1.300 to 1,500 lbs.) The concert which was to be given in the Agricultural Hall on Friday evening was called off on account of the bed state of the toads Rose Anderson shipped a carload of hoses and house- hold furniture from Mollaw on Tues- day, and he and his wife left the same day from Ooderieh for their home near Saskatoon P Benit.ger re- opened the butcher shop on Saturday. . Mr. McCormick's hotel at HAm- ilton was damaged by fire last .week to the extent of ge,teei . With the oomisg of mild weather the young people of the village lose one of their most enjoyable pastimcr-.katbng on Jask Glssn's mondial open-air rink. The risk has been a great suceeew, it. eapsgity being taxed at times by the crowds which pats mimed it. ., Att- lee, >r Geo. Webb. of West Waw armee. is ea his rounds ...A. Sanderson will bold sa auction sale of farm stock sad lmplemeate oe Thursday. March 28. The reoidettee of Mn. I Gr. 1 McLean oe Brom street hes beet, sold to Robt_ O. !rows, o1 town. Mrs. Mel.ean bas Mew and ...glib■. w ..le armee seed els atietloo sale of Mer .� to 1l�sgg�- -. amt. to take pisco ns re. ~Orisa this ▪ des Mk }r. rapt Nth. •o as to Rive Me. T. 9UNDRT. ClARI.NI fiAU,ROw, 1 i8M X18. of his ewes property teat Msllsssso weaM/k Seesaw abbot tM Iles[ er( April. Though a new set of men is on the Oosernntent benches, the policies ut the late Government are still in effect. In the Manitoba boundary settlement the boundaries proposed several years ago by, the Laurin Government. and at that time refu,.ed acceptance by the Roblin Government of Manitoba, have Dow been accepted by the sante Gov- ernment. Premier Roblin and'his col- leagues kept up a continual agitation over the boundary question. Lor patty effect, but as soon as his own friends were in office at Ottawa the agitation stopped and the boundaries mapped ont by the Laurier Government were found to be all right after all. Then in connection with this adjstst- meot of boundaries tame up the ques- tion of Catholic schools in the terri- tory to he added to.. Manitoba.. Bour ossa and his Nationalists started a campaign, which bad its echoes in the House of Commons, for the guerenter- ing to the Catholic minority of the right to maintainseparate schools in the territory being added to Manitoba. it was the Manitoba school question of 18911 over again, arid the Government forsook the policy of the Conservative party in 1880 on that question and adopted the policy of Sir- Wilfrid Laurier, namely, that the right of the Prov- ince of Manitoba to the control of ita own educational afiaire should be re- spected, and that the Federal Govern- ment should not interfere except by way- of an attempt at friendly con- ference and conciliation. Since the settlement of the school question by Sir Wilfrid Laurier in 1887, he has been constantly subject to attack in the Probince of Quebec for the alleged betrayal of his race and religion. Among those who thus denounced him are tome of the men now bolding places in tips BorElm Cabinet, and their acceptant. able policy of 1809 gave Sir 'Wilfrid an opportunity which be did not neglect of showing up their insincerity and the hollow- ness oLtheir appeals to Quebec preju- dices. And when Hon. W. T. White, the new Minister of Finance, made his first budget speech last week it was his portion to tell of an immense sur- plus, $30,000,000, the largest on record, as the result of the financing of tbe late Liberal Government. Mr. White announced. too, that pending investi- gation by the new Tariff Commission no tariff changes would be made and the iron and steel bounties would not be renewed. Mr. White made the candid admission that the financial conditions as be found them when he stepped into office wt -re very satisfae- ![tr. Cockshutt, the high protection- ist from Brantford, showed his ditoap- pointment in the Government's fail- ure to restore the steel ho\intiee. He reminded the Government that it was elected se a protectionist Government and should look after the industries of the country. He condemned the British preference, but wanted to do something great and grand in the natter of Imperial naval defence. The Senate is showing some signs of activity. and the Government's high- ways bill tuay meet with determined opposition unless i' is radically amended. The Legislature. The budget debate in the Legislat- ure was closed on Tuesday with speeches from the tee, party Ieederi. The budget was at•repted without a division. but the day was marked by several heated passages between Sir James Whitney and Mr. Rowell. The latter taunted the Premier con- cerning his remark during the late election campaign that there were no bilingual schools in Ontario. Bir James explained that what he meant was that there were legally no biling- ual schools in this Province. It is rather difficult fot an ordinary mind to grasp the mean .ng of the explapa- ation. LOTHIAN. TuEJ.DAT, March 19th; Mrs. McLean, of Lsckmow. visited at Alex. McLean's last week. P. R. McNay spent n few dm.. last week with friends in se- afort h Mir Pearl Glithn. of Hervie, i visit- inR her Mistet. Mr= Tont Sandy. After an illness of but a few weeks Peter Murchison passed away on Wednesday, 13th inst. The funeral, which wax largely attended. took place on Friday to the Catholic cemetet y at Kingsbridge. The family have the sympathy of the community in their i srseivement. McGAW. WADNPADAT, March 2(Nh. A SoriAi 0ATHEE1Iso. -On Mon- day evening. 1iterib 15th, a anrial rdessdris%1[ of theSmemba.s and their of Lase Progresdve Bible class Mos church north) took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J snip Anglin - There were *hoot aeveetI lt-e present and a very enjoyable eeeaing was spent. Nnmerotu parlor games were indulged in. (-routine as oetoldesfply of merriment. ever one joining la with hearty goodwill. Ilisnegji the kindness of the ladies a beseelleltltF past was served. • Great appreciation and thanks are eztesded also to She secretary of the class for some splen- did *elections on the grantapbone which were greatly enjoyed by all. After refreshments were served a short speech was given by Geo. Bean, jr., chairman of the s 1cia1 committee. expressing the appreciation of the class for the manner in which the members and trireme had turned out and for their hearty support and in- terest in the newly organised class, and also extending a most hearty wel- come to 511 to attend the class ; con- cluding bis remarks with an intro- duction of the president. who be stated would girt• a brief address. The president in hu address 1.1,V0 •a brie[ outline of what advent.ge there area in the organiz-d class; how as an or- ganized class touch more .veld be ac- , ompli.hld in the Mestel'- ..eel and by [clap[ united and wort roti together a new and greater interest would be taken. lir expressed the hope that the clan. would live and prove the true mewing of its name, '•Prugrrs- sive." He extended a most cordial welcome to all to come out to clan% service next Sunday and all following Sundays. His remarks were brought to a dose by calling on those present for a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Feagan arid Miss Feagan for their great kindness. A motion to this effect was moved by John Treble and second- ed by A. Millian and was carried by a hearty clapp of tee hands. At the conclusion of the president'. reruarka all gathered round and sang the nato,nal anthem and dispersed for the evening. each one better pleased and happier because of such au enjoyable evening, the only regret of the oc- casion being that Rev. A. W. Brown. honorary president, and his wife were unable to be present owing to tbe'con- ditioD of the roads. We trust that this movement of the Prugr.wi+re Bible class and all its work may to but the beginning of an awakened interest in the uphuildiog of the Kingdom of Christ, Horse Market Next Tuesday. The third monthly hones market of the season will be held on Hamilton street, Goderich, on Tuesday after- noon of nett week. Fur any person wishing to dispose of any horses it should be an excellent upportuoity, as a buyer will be present to purchase thirty good delivery and work horses. The auction sale will commence at 2:30 o'clock and will include hors'. harness, buggies and -cut tern. A bum- per crowd should be io attendance. PERSONAL NEN i 10N. Mr.. Howard Murphy bIt for Vietoria. 0. C.. 0o Tuesday. Mile Dongb made a bmdnose trip to To.,. 01110 last week. Henry McKvoy, or W7aulpeg, la the yeast of hes brother, D. M. Mcleme, Ur a bsr rant iitrs. Pmidegeseasd Miss Vida .re back to ��Mier gsedirvleveret months; a Wood. Jas. Telt, who hes been on the sick list for several week, Is somewhat improved in Met J. A. Dallas, of 1.ck.r imet6. has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Leckie, Elgin . venue. Mr. end Mrs. A. FL Andereoo left on Tuesday for Hraiwall. Seek, wbere they will spend the . ummer. Geo. Tothill. who was asdettng H. R. Lose ea his grocery business for some time, bas r.. turned to Toronto. John U'Co.or, who bee been visiting his friends in town and vicinity. left on Wedoee- day on hie retain to Detroit Mt.. Tbete.a Casddy, who had been visiting I.er grandmother, Mrs. Wu,. Burrows, returned to her home at Ayr on Wednesday. Ctrs. Edward Graham and Mtn 0t'abam, East street. hare returned to. tow -u after speeding the winter In Windsor and Cleveland. Iters. Frank Rhode, of London, was the gimletof Mrs. Walter H. Harrl..on lest week. and Misr Audrey litachus, also tf the Forest City. 1. visiting MR Hu Aron this week. J. H. Bambel, of Glasgow, Scot' end, was the good Of her male and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. D. Maier. over :•Sunday He h on Monday for Toronto. from which plate he go et to Buffalo en route for Portland. He will sail for the Old Land in the course of • tear days. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Mar. 21st Page Auction Sale -Mrr_ (Dr,) McLean. 1 Easter Term -Central Husines.College. Tot - onto . R Local RepreeentaUve Wanted Chase I8/101 - ere Company, Colborne. 0•t. 4 Canadian Paclfo Icuiprewre. Hommeekere Excursions -Jo.. Kidd To Motorists -John U. Kuntz.. Wall Papers That Satiety -Geo. Porter... Stith ('en(°ry Garment.- W. C.. Prld barn Reeder--Spotton Mosinee* l'elhgee. - Teacher Wanted -S. 8. No. 4. Colborne 1 Home Study --(;limon Husloew. College Auction dab of Hoose and Furniture --Ate. Crawford Readers- Spshrb Grocery. S Mot.thly Hors. Fair -Horse Market loom oi(1ec. .... i The �nirir of Spring Prevails - Millais Moneb +,t ore 3 A Fit for Ever) Fitton. Martin Res...... .• The Huse,. -Y. M. C. A S Spring Attraction. .1 H. Celberfe.. ... . S pring Need Howell Hnrdw•t.C,. . 6 Reader F. F. F.awreorr. 1 Home.eekers' Excursions F F. IA.erence. ., Drink Habit -Grillo Irwtit ate•. 7 Millinery Ingesting -Mi.- tbontrgt .. . Readers - fits. 1400 5b. . t Store Iteot Mn. F..%. ll aliwin. Toronto 1 Fara. for Sale or t0 }tent if re U. Jones. . 1 Formal .lilllnery r Mooing- Rodgers Bros t Bracelet Fnnnd Nis. Whitely - . I Herr to Rent- G. Jar abaw. I Servant Wanted Mr. J. 8 Hunter ....... Lets as' M•ie-Thea (F.new. 1 Asmtian 8•N -ages. C. Diet. .. .. ... 1 P,eserty Sr bele-111. L Jaiw Marche1 Rewe Tis? We towlespi e esbthet est ke sures WIVE Cliwil C•ea Teles we "bete, a/ndJlr�snt�pysddMICKEY1,. seer. 1. J. o. (ps M w _le carry a mieMM�ie M�r�eM 8rtt� carry wt r1 Mrs A R.. ,%RAR a: Hi (9ni'ae �. per e'