HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-29, Page 8TnraKUAT, Fnenteans $ , 11712
FOE A L 8 ufE
T!;oge Interested, Please Read
1 reef air and exercise. with proper
foo. atirl it sufficient amount of sleep,
are thy essentials.
Under such a regime of living,
germs cannot devtlp. and many dist-
eases aro prevent
Should the system require a tonic,
take only such as you know their In-
gredients -such is Vinol, with% is a
delicious combination of the bealth-
givcng properties of the cods' liven,
with all the useless grease eliminated
and tonic iron added, happily blended
in a mild, medicinal wine.
For this reason Vinol is regarded
as one of tbe greatest body builders
and Invigorators for aged people. It
invigorates and builds them up, and
keeps them up.
We sell Vinol with the understand-
ing that 1f It does not give 'satisfac-
tion the price will be returned.
H. C. Dunlop, Druggist,Gnderich,Ont.
Linen Lawn
aid Highland Linen
So greatly advertised in all
t he leading magazines
and papers.
Made in three sizes, d(lc
per quire and E4,Ic per
package Envelopes for
the two •ivalleet sizes:
and 25c per quire and
:5c per package for
large size.
:'J1, per quite. and 20c
per package. Holland
Linen Note Paper.
Special, Jllc per quire
and package.
The Colonial Book Store
'Phone 100 (ioderich
There's just as much
difference in talking
machines as there is
in pianos. The
is the orig inal 'talking ma-
china"made under the orig-
ins/basic patents. AN
other machines came later
and no other has caught up.
T)isc and Cylinder Grapbo-
phones-snit your own
preferences -and snit your
own pocketbook.
Terms are .ase -.come (a
Walter Il. Harrison
(In the Square Godetic tt
A Square
and we are endeavoring to keep
up the pa.t reputation of the
Ureses Rouse Grocery, which
cannot he ',ensiled. Osr goods
are fresh and •remooable. Come
mid give Ile a call aur' haws a
trial order sent down. Prompt
sures and eat i.Meuon guaranteed.
MO. Is 1 .4
_ro n
e baa w•onnd ythe eibawprucionebip
in the 0. H. A. intermediate retie*,
The Midland team were their uplxw.
*rte io the Hurl games. .
A closely contested gauze of hockey
was i yed on %Veit 'meet rink last
Frida evening, the Pirates and the
en being the opposing teams.
I SAt f I time the cc-urr *LIMA 4 all.
During the live minutes overtime the
Pirate, notched another, making the
tally 5-4 in their favor.
The bankerb Ne scheduled to play
game of hockey on Friday afternoon.
The staff, of the Vnion sod Moutreal
will be pitted agalluit the clerks of the
Commerce and Sterling banks. This
will be the second comsat between
Usage teams. In the lint gaete the
Commerce e ndSt erling representatives
were defeated by the score of 5-0.
A fast and furious+ genie of hockey
!was played on Monday evening be -
j tween trams representing the Doty
+engine works and the Kensiogtoo
furniture factory. It looked like a
win for the machiniste. but just as
time was called the puck accidentally
slipped in behind the foundry gosh
keeper. This tied the.nore. making it
114. Although five minutes' overtime
was played the score retrained un-
changed. Roy MacDonald was the
tee brine given by a
to the donor or to trustees
bin. 'The train winning tis trophy
for tbe .ugexwive years will become
it* off►rners, pt.wtding the team
represents some organization, or, if
nut representing 'some organisation,
at least three of its "nowhere shall
have played ou the teiuu-ler three suc-
twsiveyeara. Tbeee i 'lee wet with
the approval of all present and the
trophy was then presented to the 11112
obawpions, Edgar Swart,-rectirio it
as the representatit e of the Collegiate
team. lite. tiwatts stated tbet much
honor Was due the other tea nt a in the
• league tor their playing +t clew
hockey sod be expressed the hope
that the G. C. 1. team would continue
W lead hi future canteen.. A vote of
thanks web tendered Mr. Harrison for
his donation and "He's a Jolly fiord
Fellow" was egain sung bluetits,.
Other speeches tollowed from L. E.
Doherty, Chas. Black and the parr
representatives. The spirit of the
meeting showed that the time was
about ripe for the formation of an
athletic &asociation in town. Plane
with this end in view were discusser
wed steps, will be taken to see it the
town council will not put Victoria
Park in better condition by levelliug
the grounds end removing souse cheer
whore size dose not warrant their being
lett in their prevent positinar. The
gathering then dispersed with the
singing of the Natioual Aothew, sows
remaining, however. to take some re-
creation in playing the games provided
t for the enjoyment of those who fre-
quent tbe Y. M. C. A. rooms. Regi t
was espreeeed at the absence of
Hawkins, the captain of the Colle-
giate team. Ile lent for the West 'on
t the day previous. He bad proved
' himself an Al 'port on all occasions.
, I Roy Jouee. tbe optimistic captain of
the A. 0. V.'s, also was mitred, being
t out of town for tbe day.
Proepecte are bright for a lively
seaatro of good sport in (ioderich
'during the coming year. The football
seasuuwill sous etiee with the
opening of spring and it will fall
to the lot Of some organization or
club to wrestle with the G. C. 1.
train for the possession of the shiest
which the latter won last year. In
the baseball contests last year the rep-
ire,iativesot Knox cburch won the
pennant, and as baseball always ex -
Ickes considerable interest in (ihoderich
there should be numerous entities iu
the baseball league for the cowing
Pett? f". -!Ellie'fr MARKETS.
awed byI
•W�st Futures Clew
Lever -Live Steck
A battle royal on West-st. rink be-
tween the boy. and the young ladies
of the Collegiate Institute uruugb
out a large crowd to witness the run
test ou Monday afternoon. The rules
of the game called for the use of only
one baud by the boys in manipulating
the hockey suck and provided tea
each boy animal wear a tike t» The
style of the richt war out mentioned
however; consequently every style
!low the bubble up to the full ,kir
was in evidence. Instead of having
'even players a side each position we.e
played by two (or mule, entbudlaets.
there being about two down skaters
ion the ice during the prugesss of the
game. The gut. handled the hickories
in a creditable manner. e.peciaily as
the weapou mss uuw'to woes of them.
and wade things so lively for their
puneOLa that .*beet time was called
the score stood (LS in their favor.
Douald (;lark refereed during the first
part of the game, but for some rrawn
ut whicb The Siguai Wm Dot informed
he luuud it necessary to appoint a
sub.titute to act during the last part
of tbe game. I%uwurlh June*, one of
the nine putnt-payers, changed place*
with him eau, made life exttewely
miserable fur the "confer." as well as
for ail tbo.e who violated any of the
other rules ut the game.
Seaforth juniors Defeated.
One of the closest hocaey contrstw
Seen in (iodericb Ibis season was
played on 'l uesday evening between
a team riptesenttag the Seaforth
O.H.A. Juoiote and a picked team of
local playas, kite visitors arrived on
the evening train, which did not reach
here until *irately 9 u'cluck, and owing
to the lateness of the boor when the
gawe started tete crowd iu attendance
was email. With Uhepwau in goal.
Stanway at point, A. Cbiebolw, cover -
point, Ernest Priuham plat) lug centre,
R. McDuuald, rove!, Beet on rue tight
wing, and J. Wiggins on the ltftwing,
Ovum ich had a team which kept the
Seatorth seven how getting a lead of
moretbau one go.l at any stage of
toe game. Seafu. th made the first
tally, which mew followed quickly by a
bulge in tae Stew iw net. the visitor*
got the lead again, but defers half-
time was called fro derecti evened the
'score. lu toe' Serums halt Seafurtb
gut the start aKaiu, but the store
again was eveued uetore Seaford' got
their tuucib g'atl. Shortly betote lull
time Boder Sen notched an o t h e r,
waking the score 4 all. An agree-
ment was scads to posy ten thiuutes
overtime -flue winutee each w$.. it
was then that Uudericb gut their
fin it lead, scoring their fifth goal
during we flnl bveminutes. beaturth
agatu Lieu the scute in the lest eve
minutes' and with but a minute to
play (lodeiicb ag.in t.lbrd, wekiug
tae .cure 6-5 to weir favor. This
euded the scoring. T3 Pritlhaw is
due the credit of set ring we goal.
which ease Uodettcli their fir.t lead
In the game. . oing the tikk by a
pretty. rusn the whole 'coatis of the
rink. The game was enurely. free
from emigrate'. at all stages pod the
penaltiee uupobeu were for minor
offences. G. User, of Seafurtb, was
the referee. The tolluwiug is tbe
line-uy :
Yeaf..rtb - Goal. Hinchley ; point.
Joule: cotereseed, t(uiiett; rover, J.
Dick ; centre, T. Di k ; lett wing, 0.
Lick; eight wing, Muir.
Oudesiub-Goat, t,oavman ; point,
btanway ; c.verpuiut, A. Chisholm
cam re, Pridhaw ; rover. R. M. Donald;
left wing W iggina; ,,gut -wing. Best.
G. C. 1. Team Receives the Harrison
Hockey Cat
To meek the close of L•e eyries of
g.mea In the town ho key league.
thnea who particip»ted itrthe oonte.ts
were invited hy the committee in
charge of tbe league to gather in the
Y. M. C. A. tonne on Tuesdhy even-
ing to p•rtaae uJ iefreshmente pro.
veded fur the occasion and t.e witness
the preee,tetinn of the cup hy the
donor. Walter H. thorium. to the O.
(', 1. team, champ( ns of the league
fur 1912 Ahnue thirty 1n all were
present and w hen the company bad
partaken of • ryp+.t of oyster., coffee
and cake a 'short pogrom of speeches
followed. A. M. Rob -roam acted as
eh.Irmae. and after tendering a few
worse rot welcome to t he boys called
on Chester M.D..naid, convener of the
committee. wbo announced the stand -
Ing of the teams. the laving Liu eta -
deals to by the winners of the trophy.
W. ll. Harriette war Dew called upon,
and pr fared his rem.rkweb7y • regiwul
that he gathering .i„g '•11.. a Jolly
U.'od Fellow" as, . tribute to Mr. Rots
T'tan& her the spread of Meted thlep
provided. This being respnoded to,
Mr. Harrienn then oetltnM the piass
under which the trophy was to tit
en..pelted fur in esoeerdi.gtears.
Thy cap is to be kn or DuFIaevi-
s.wu bosky trophy. in he a must.
for anb h`y teems entered Is the
town league. under eoeditlose
.lash*, to whelk were asforeed
Chir year. 11 le te be aw.rtlsd W
the exeestive .f the hltlgwe rued h.l
hy ch. winning team nista Jsr..gy
tet of the following year. es a geluirs
The "Old-time Sunday' Not Such a
Dismal•Day as Is Mimes Painted.
The Sunday problem is being die •
cussed with gtent fervor in Toronto
just at present. Objection has been
taken to the keeping open on Sunday
of the toboggan slides maintained by
the city, and the pros and cons have
been eagerly debated in the press, its
the city ccuncil, in the cbutcbee, in
the homes, everywhere where two or
three were gathered together. A con-
tribution to the discussion tbat i•
somewhat out of the ordinary line ap-
pears in The Toronto Star, and is
worth republishing. "Altruist"
writes to The dtar as follows :
Editor of The Star,-lt almost
makes me sob to realize the imposi-
tions formerly practised on unsuspect-
ing childhood. Now we are learning
how ready gloomy our Sundays usett
to be, and the futility of us young-
sters, who looked forward to bunday
as the best and brightest of all the
days. sod now remembered as such
in manhood's grey turmoil. It didn't
use to be like the other common days
at all, and while Saturday was all i
right (if we filled the wood -box and
wiped the dishes nest) Sunday w.tr
something lovelier and higher.
Mother used to call it tiod's day, and
taught us in It to delight in honoring
the Giver of all good things; nothing
was too good or too precious to be
used to make this day bright and
holy. Of course. father was bome all
day. and wore his hest clothes, at,d
jolliest face, and we had maple sugar
with our porridge, and wore our
squeaky boots that trade a squeaky
noise walking up the church aisle.
Sister Ruthhie wore ber hat with bows
of t ihbon on it, and always rewew-
bered the text, and nudged me when I
Angered my lucky alley during the ex-
hortation. Then home to the bullies(
dinner of tbe weer. We knew no bei -
ter those dear days than to love to go
to Sunday ecbool, where I was always
a pretty good boy (es tally near
Christmas). and imbibed a whole lot
of Barred lore and precept "bat has
since tided me over many's the hard
place anti doubtful crisis, for all it
seemed at the time to roll like water
off a duckling's back.
We used to like to have dad or
mother lift down the hig family Bible
and show es the colored pictures ut
Moses in the bullrushesand Christ blest -
fog little children. We used to love to
gather around the old square piano
and sing the hymns whose cadences
echo down bleaker yeses. We neve'
thought it a deprivation not to don
our every -day spotting clothes, and
with skates or toboggan. ball and bat,
as the case or season might be, to fol-
low the pursuits of the other six days.
In later years, with the problem of
daily bread to solve, there ceased the
time on the other six days for sports,
wbile es for the as%-ostb-well, we bad
fallen into the habit. when choice
there must be, of choosing what
seen. 10 Ile the better part, and took
our free* air is errands abroad which
had no appearance of dishonoring
Him whose" to bonne should he a de-
light. All this i know must be very
old-fashioned, me such advano.d
women as Dr. Stowe elution and Ain.
1►eniaon would have id believe, bet
soniebow it seemed good to ns.
At Prince Rupert.
At the Oran' Trunk Pacific Rall-
wsy'e termites' on February 1st. the
thermometer registered Jost 1(4
la the shed* and It is stated that Utare
has been only two Inches of snow
Were dwIrig the entire winter, while
the Wmp.rature has only been below
frsseina doting a elugM week.
The "Dally News" ander a heading
"Prince Hapset Tw•styyinutae Agit
. tomeeery trsuoisautly :-
r is tumble* meditated
tit Metsea, .righter. Rig morilles
sale of 'shekels ass over ohms."
Phos this It da very evident that all
co4stuctbn work. or Indeed work of
gay kind, sat be eatried on "hent rb-
WMShhee . snt4Tsars yIn this armorer
mitres f4, -Heavy stocks of
wheat palled dews prices to -day agate
and agate. each successive edvanoel
betag met by increased sella]$. Ttt.
chose was atea4y, but 1-Ic to $-lc low-
er thus 41 lours ago. (bra finished
1 -lo to to 1 -So to 1-40 down, oats WE
1 -to to thee and hog products with r
gala 01 b to lee.
The Liverpool market closed to•da7 C
orient ibd b %1d tSgber than Bat=N�=f�OosN
and Dora une.aaged. Pail. wheat
110 to lie beer, Antwerp 710 lower, fete
lin uaebansed, and Budapest li0 tower.
Winnipeg Outline.
Op. High. Low. Close Uses.
May. eta. 10111 1* 110 110111
May. new10041 » 1040 IN
July 141 Ism& tags m4 1340
Ila? 4111
July 4311
Taranto Grain Martial
Wheat, fall. bushel libto 3i
goose, Dtrb.1 •� ,...
B71:" bushel
Oaarmy, bushel el 3SP
ill i,
Belief. for teed • IS ilii
Bsoke►eaC bushel 0I 3
Tweeds Dairy Market
Butter. veaa.r7. ID. retia • le •0
may' y' solids .-00
separator. dairy. M. 3 M
¥utter. stem lets s a •
Cbash% now, Ie 51/x1
iloosrooaibe, dawn 1 0
ars-Laid •
I'entreat Grain and Predue4
1O1eTRLAL Ps0. 3a-Hsstae.e
grab over the cable manumit very meet.
there being us trsproeement ea the 4r
stead from br.tga bey5•a The rod
reeds la oats 1a tater, aettvs at ilea•
prices, but the dims** ser oder hese
of coarse grains was mist. Thea was
solos Iemaad tram 158.4.* Sumo toe
wetter swat Dour amid LMti bad as a.
tor w per mem whisk Is ad te le soak out of lbw la eprfag wheat graded
business la quiet tor aspen teat the Moe/
and ooaatry Mooed is esti A fair
Stam in nodal moo. s4
tiled. Mtge arts an 01 1/
was sot for the American stork ciao
forward prisma would be much ttlgaier.
as recetpta of Canadian are veryDressed
Dred ootboog. to good Minuend at as abs
ecru-American.��Ne. 3 7e1Iow, 7•a.
Os r
Mc: Canabiaa treaters western. ;cf141s 10
extra No. 1 teed. M to t1o, OM. I Hoy
vitae. its to Rite. Na L beat wake. MI
to lea. 4 local white. 4e0 to 0160.
nag. TLS r SUL
Itookyloost-No. k 71s to La
niPle K*: robs spieling wheat 773
ralght t �Loark� $1• de
340154 oats-atstr.t r Itis: sass is
Bran --004; shorn III: ettittnssrt
woai.4a 91 is 04.
Haar-l4a 1 ear toe oar Mote, Til to
atothoont w �7ltattstlithe t emiea Ida
crssa.ery, Tib to
seo5nda iso to Mo..
raga-Lhssh, 3113 to 441
Potatosr-Per bag, oar Iota T110
Union Flock Yerda
TORONTO, Feb. 96.-Beceipte
live stock at the Union Stock Yayde
were 36 carloads, comprising 563 cites
tie, 313 b419 sheep and lambs. IS
calves anff 5 horses.
Best heavy steers, 1441 to 0.1711:
butcbeas, R1; to: 41. O; loads or seed. If
Uo tl0,0; mediate. 0.10 to 4011; �.s
0 to 0A4; tarerior, 340 to 0; oon
.$.s: bulls. N to N60,
Milkers and Springers.
The market for milkers and petirawed
was utsc wnged at 3M to 312 seac" b. _
only one brought the latter ileure,
VeM Carves.
Pew veal calves were on sale. sad Wei
market was steady at M to fl per cwt
Sheep and Lambs.
[!beep, ewes, 14 to 0; ram■ and eu
SI 3t: lambs, 0 to $7.36, with cel
iota at IT.Ts.
W. J. Johnston quoted 4030 ter art
fed and wabsed at the market, and 03d
to drovers !ms, begs, f.o.b.. cars, at
try points.
Montreal LM Stock.
lOONTREAL. Web. 16, -At the Mo
Meek yards, Wert End Market. the
whits 01 live Steck for tba week
Jeb. iK were 1060 cattle, 176 sheep
lames, 1710 hogs, and FM caime. The of
swiss. an the diaries( ries morning
sale amounted to 400 cattle, le sheep
tombs. "160 foga, and 71 mires.
gathering of buyers was
large. Including some from Quebec.
ooneydre•tng that the Lenten season
now in tell force, "hers was • seed
«rand, but s• the quality of the stock
tiled did not salt beyers In all rasa*,
timer thettet mew pnrcbaaes. Good
tis *tears sold at 37 and full loads
Mors and heifers, weighing 360
snob brought NO to NU per 1e pounds.
Medium bulls were offend at from
to 0J0 per 1411 pound,.
The imply of hogs was very abort,
ssnaepuently • stronger t
ed. prices edvaotnss lis .1,421c par
.pends 'The demand was good and
et Wsetsd iota were made at 97.00 a R
and. 1a some eases as high as 37.16
Aksep and iambs were quiet. the
war good. limited. 'rhe demand for oat
d pries. ruled Mei
notouat of the ,a 1 officiate. �
!part cattt4 bulla 3f to TLS; bs4si
ew•• -
oust* med10ta. * 00 to �11e eatte.k•
ere MUM. n. 3a•• to It; ian.sr,
KS to �autchwr
PA; ba
eoes. OA` to i1,1t; enamors, Met%
team. M1 to Kis: butchers' earn& MIM
to Wile milkers, elegise, each, M
mama otesmon seed seem. enema
ta k yttaisra. MS to OW seem motra
two p•�eel% MU le OILS;
boaa & .a, St or
sAs: salvia it SI 03.
toe Sunale CNtie Mwhet
SLIM 11137733O. Pak 1► -.HIES..
hash. ma %10
M,�e�s glees. ass iia' ilk
lt,.MNf• �eosec. tell.
the names' a ebs4
mod Isalos-
to las: aaa.w 0tio
MM 9r
1• retistaalMr `
Mitt ismik
Itt as.
Oteasse7. Sidi.
Slit '!boss ear la WS;
sea olsoito. d Swam% Ili: wore is .
M1/ to osiets. ILA t„
M e1 aaera
Young and old have
them. Some abuse them.
They get tired, sftarved.
SYMPMSz--!Lass o/
.l«p and appetite, in-
digostlion, lrritaloiN4►,
eventual y wre chard con-
Alcoholic remedies
stimulate only.
Scott's Emulsion
soothes and nourishes,
feeds the nerves. A
natural nerve -food, con -
the salts of Hypo -
phos �
P s, Iodine and
AA& 01111111101M4 770
Washing Machines
and Wringers
A good Washing Machine sod 1Vringer i.an absolute
Ifo man ebouki allow his home to go unprovWed. There is a vv
iaiprovewsot in W,ablog Machines the past few years. We carry
a good sesurtment of the leading lashes and sell them et reasonable
We stock the New, Century, Oonsor's Ball-bearing Mom.
echo's, Snowball, Snell/Mt and Hamilton, ranging itt price from
N•00 to $10.00
Our special price sale of Ideal Fenc-
ing is on.
_tt-win 31 inches high, 11
o per rod
7 -wire 40 inches high, doe per rod
ti -wire 47 limbos high, 27ic per rod
No. 8 beat Cleveland Moiled Wire
at FIR/ Per cwt.. ow.lie;.st.a
Heaters ile 7
The .81800 is towing to a close. We
have a few good. Heaters left ou wbirh
we can make Carrs special prices.
Were you to select the hest Rang.
L tbe country you would get a
_ International
Stock Food
This is the titre of the
year "tut it pays to feed
our Stock Food. .With pigs
I eternal conal Stock Food is
an almost absolute nec-
essity. Try a pail ma pigs.
20% Cash Discount
On Skates, H o c k e y
Sticks, Sleigh Bells,
Sleighs, Horse Blankets,
Winter Mitre and Winter
Good of nature ture we
will allow m per cent. cash
The Nowell Naiddware Co., Limited
Those who have not vet renewed their
subscription for 1912 should do so 'at
once if they want to get one of The
Signal Calendars. Only a' few left.
Sale Worth While
Three hundred and fifty Sample Dresses, Waists, Dressing Sacques
and White Muslin Undergarments for ladies and children go on sale
Saturday, March 2nd, at factory prices and less.
These are all travellers' samples, the leading lines of a factory famed
for making underwear of quality. All are 1912 creations and designs
made for the coming Spring and Summer season.
They are absolutely perfect in every way, save that some may be a
little soiled through handling. All are offered to you at the prices
merchants all Over Canada have paid for similar garments. in the lot
you will find
Muslin and Tailored Waists
White Mustin Underwear
Gowns, Corset Covers, Skirts, etc.
House Dresses, Dressing Sacques
Children's and Giris' Dresses
We consider ourselves fortunate in being able to offer our customers
garments of such undoubted worth at prices so decidedly saving. There
are many exceptionally handsome pieces in the lot, better by far than
we usually keep in stock. The selling will start on the morning of
Saturday, March 2nd. There are no two alike and early buyers will
have the best choice,
Still Good Buying in Coats and Furs
Many splendi3 chances to nave money buying (`.oats and Fars. Chances made phwible by our
determination to torn evere.garment into ready cash at once. Not mach thought of actual value in mak-
ing prices now. It is the thrifty buyer's opporumity to provide for next seeson'a wants. For instance, est-
ate offering
Ladies' Black A,strachan Jti ketg at $12.50
Ladies' Fur -lined Coats with sable collar for $25.00
Ladies' Long Muskrat Colas at $48.50
Ladies' Rat -lined Coats in black beaver. $34.50
Your choice of any LADIES' CLO tit COAT at exactly Half-price
Children's nobby Coats at $2.88. $3.88 and $4.S43
Many handsome pieces of Fur in Persian lamb, Heide. and all our moderato -priced Furs at very much
below wast prices.
Ili dsome Spring Suiting*
Sreciai showing of new Spring Nsitin•
Saturday and next weak. Exclusive sod dae
tinctive weaves and d.eIgns.peeialty Weeded and
confined to oarselvsa. No two alike in the entire
onllertion. Fresh from the caw. 13j. week. TIM
best riseie to *siert material for your Swing suit.
- /
Millinery and Dressmaking
Departments Ready for Rosiness
MIs. R,y*ohd..nd kits. (butte have retuned
from their halides+, and thaw ds artmwtta will M
open for business at crow of lfosdsy. March 4th.
Two Rags at $19.51
We "lave Mill two of the alightly imperfect
Reps advertised last week. These Rugs are hlgh-
grsdw English velvet, made without wefts. afar 84
x 4 yards: nee bas red grosrnd. UM other green.
The eternise pries 1. Well Roth art slightly
dameyr.d. het me le a way that will at ell affect
the wear. Ws nits you three at, ..e► --