The Signal, 1912-2-29, Page 7THE SIGNAL GouERICH ONTARI 0
TheNewS of the District
40 44+x"
1gOtsDAY, Feb 11Dth. Tummae, Feb, 27th,
Johms. of Varna. viewed BLoceme BY Trus aeorate—The
Miss h:tWlviewedstorm al last week was °De •,f the
ear sister,Mrs Hocken. *at week.
worst of the season. blocking both
vie H. Dobbs has sold owe of his herd railways on Thursday. The G. T. R.
of Holstein coww� oleo bought big train got within two and a halt
of Hamilton. FaM miles of the village. coaling
[ 1M oovr being from Lon -
hackney driver. for dos at 2 a. m. Friday morning when
tbewoy faPrim b s1 sad it Wee stalled and the sew traveller*
the bores woo. bad to walk into town. 'rhe Country
Mr. and Mrs. John Burtch and Mee. roads also are had and most of the
(Dr,l eatrwk, of Vortical. Seek.. were roads have bad to be plowed out.
coeds ' ;oo tog eek."Mr. Burtch bwrY ebeeenn a 9iauvrday n oo of of their rowd not town
resident of the pealr* oouDt.rY fees fog able to get in during the week. ,
over ten years. DsATH OF MRS. Homes Rome --Tree
remains of Mrs. Hugh Roes, who died
at her brother's at Portage la Prairie
last week. were brought bore for
burial, the funeral taking place trout
the Presbyterian church on Saturday
last. Deceased was one of the old
residents of thew parts. having re-
sided here for a good many years.
Sbe left about a year ago to live with
her brother at Portage. Those Tett
to mourn her are the following fam-
ily : John. of Goderich ; William.
rat Hullett ; Murdie. who was in the
West and accompanied the remains
home, and Mrs. W. Kelly, a daughter,
wbo also is located in the West.
DEATH OF Mies SEt.iNA Bou.—Miss
**his Bell, who recided bece a. few
years ago, afterwards removing to
Toronto, where she had a good posi-
tion, pawed away last Friday atter a
very abort detente of typhoid fever.
The remains were brought here Satur-
day evening tr the home of T. W.
Scotto and on Sunday were removed
to Trinity church, where Rev. Mr.
Farr peeacbed a fitting funeral service
to a large congregation. The remains
were then eoeyeyed to Trinity ceme-
tery for burial. When Miss Bell lived
here .be was well thought of and her
many Mende were surprised and
sbueaed at the sodden news of her
death. • Mrs. W. Felker, of Goderich,
is a sister of deceased.
TUE•DAY. Feh. 27th.
Ravi -meta BagsZlm- — The Sturm
sister*. of Guelph, commenced • series
of evangelistic meetings here on Mon-
day night in the Methodist church.
For the past few weeks they have
been holding meetings hi Goderich,
where, we understated. they Dave
done I "0d work ... Rev. D. K. Grant,
pastor -elect of W illi church. Olintant,
pi -embed eloquent ee runts in Bt. An-
dree's church on Sabbath test. His
work in Clinton wee taken by Rev. A.
Macfarlane ..... Arley Attwood, wbo
bas been on the sick list for the past
two weeks. has almost 'veneered.
Miss Mary Reid. who has been. laid up
with an ulcerated tooth and swollen
fraee also is recovering Wm. Reid.
of \Winnipeg, is home for a abort visit
with his pnrerlts, Mr. and Mr* (Treas.)
grid The Misses Spaceman left
on Monday for Loddon ... Monday
morning's storm did considerable dam-
age to the telephone wires in the vil-
lage ,aid as a couaequerce some of the
subscribers are rut off from commune
ration for • few days.
TIIBSDAT, Feb. 27t.b.
Mir Tens 1feleewnen. wbo bas been
at Sault .te. Marie for sumn time. ar-
rived bomea few days ago. She was
a-companied by Miss Gruesome*. of
the wbo inteods i tayiDg here for
some time.
Owing to ber 'raothetes mosidents
Miss M:argsret Hardie baa returned
boat. from Chicago. wbete the 1. -
tended to take up the sunk* p
goo. Misr Hardie intends going back
to tbecity later on.
We mud congratubn• the Ldebalab
mrreapemdent cf The Luekaow Sen-
tinel as being an excellent punster. It
will be • pleasant vat4Atiow
daily arduous duties of developing the
young Hemlock City minds.
1 IHtrn!u BACK.—No doubt it would
be a great pleasure to the author of
the first section of the Laurier corrm*-
pondenee of last week's Signal (wbo:
by the way, is not the regular corns'
pondenti it we could inform him that
we were in great anguish of mind at
finding nut our delusion ire Wile -
erase to those soma leap -yeas propos-
als which we alb - alleged to have
boasted of. Bet. alae, we eau give tic
comfort to his desiccated maul. which
apparently takes a morbid delight in
the miseries of tethers. but beg to in-
form him that Ove GI the myth took
no pains to conceal their identity and
that three of them were simile. eight.
teens ear -old girls and two a few years
older. and tbey were all the faired of
the fair. Our friend sbould not listen
to those wbi*pen (were they from the
evil one h, but follow the good old in-
junction to '•rejoice with those Uwe
rejoice and weep with those that
weep." It ins! afford. however, a
little gleam of pleasure to him in his
despair to let him know that thew
nroptsals were offered in a spirit of
fun and were not at. all taken serious-
ly. but rather in the same spirit in
which they were made.
TUESDAY. Feb. 27th.
left for the le est on Monday atter
spending a roupie of months at his old
home bare Mies Lena Henderson
returned home last week atter *pend-
ing a month with friends iu Locknow.
Miss Jean Bgrge ie visiting triewds
at Amberley Miss Mary Swann
spent hat week at Lanes, the guest of
MIs. W. P. Sanderson.
A new organ has been installed in
the Presbyterian church at Egwond-
Wm. Nicholson bee sold his farm on
the Mb concession of Turnberry to
John Armour, of Wingbam.
Frank Wood baa disposed of his
butcher business in Exeter to Wm.
Riven, wbo takes possession on Manch
The death of Thomas Prior, an
esteemed resident of Exeter. oceured
on February flab. He wee sixty-
eight year, of age.
Peter Knehier, of Zurich, has dis-
posed of his residence in that village
to Rev. Peter Ropp, of Michigan. The
price received was x,900.
A pioneer of Crediton is dead in the
person of Jacob Hoist. He was in his
eighty-sixth year. A family of four
sons and one daughter' survive.
1'he death of Mrs. John Grieves
took place at the hone of her son is
Seaforth on Thursday, February 15th.
She was sixty-three years of age.
John J. Flannery has sold his term
on the Huron road east of $e*fnrtb
to John J: Ballge, of Linwood. The
property contains seventy-five acres.
Miss Kate Harbottle, of Brussels,
had ber lett elbow dislocated and the
ligaments injured while 'meeting on a
hillside in Grey townsbip a few days
Gunn, of Clinton was called to town Mrs. Margaret Renwick as former
Saturday to advise on the case of W. resident of Tuckersmitb, flied in Oalu-
Cuming, wbo with his wife arrived met, Mich.. et the home (ef ber soh,
herr for • visit from the West • Robert Renwick. Sbe was eigbty-
rwrpl* of week. ng.,. When Mr. seven years of age.
Ongoing arrived be seemed ell right,
but io • short time be was stricken
with an attack of peritonitis and
jaundice and it seems aa though his
hours were numbered sad it i• hardly
likely he will live till the end of the
week ... .John Heffron buried leis
baby at the R. C cemetery in Morris
one day last week Miss Ida Giebs,
who bay been engaged at Taylor's
restaurant for roue time. him re-
eigned her position and Misr M. Curter
has taken the position. While Miss
Gibbs bell the position she was well
thought of, bot she is going to fill a
more responsible place in the West.
There abs will have to serve the meals
for ose. Miss Gibbs went to Torooto
on Monday morning on a business
trip...... It is quite evident the Pres-
byterians are not in favor of church
union, judging from tbe votes that
was taken a short time ago. Rev. J.
L. Small announced the result on Sun-
day—Me against and 46 for. So it ie
quite evident that if it did pass this
church wonld not be aatisded. The
results of Methodist vote will be
announced soon A. E.
Cook is getting the Presbyterian choir
rap to a high standard of excellence.
He is not only increasing it in
strength but is also improving it in
tone A number from here are
attending tbe automobile show at
Toronto this week and Dr. Milne 1s at-
tending a meeting of the Municipal
Assoriatioo there at the same time
The Metbodistw started their revival
meetings in the church on Sunday
and there was a good attendance at
the start. They will continue all week.
Tbe evangelist is Rev. A. Weleb. a
former resident of East Wawan•eh.
whoa is well known by some of the
early residents, it being a number of
years since he resided bore.... . A
load from here drove out Monday
evening to Robert Tunny's at West-
field. where they had an enjoyable
time daoeing until an early hour.
Curtain Ingredieate That Really Promote
Hair Growth when Properly Combfaed.
Rc.orcin ie one of the moat effective
germ destroyers ever discovered by
M'ience. and in connection with' Beta
Napthol. which is both germicidal and
antiseptic, a combination is formed both Quick and Permanent Strength.
which destroys the germs which rob
the beret its natural nourishment. and
also creates a risme. bealthy'coOditlon
of the scalp, which Yenta the devel-
opment of new
Filocarpin, alt h not a coloring
matter or dye. is a well-known Ingre-
dient for restoring the balr to its
natural color, when the loom of bale
has been caused by a disease of tbe
These ingredients in proper combin-
ation, with alcohol added ea a slime
lent and for its well-defined nourish-
ing properttet, perfect perhaps tbe
most •1Yective remedy that is known -- •
for scalp and hair troubles.
We have a remedy whir► to chiefly
composed of theme ingredients, in awn'
bination with other extremely invalu-
able medicinal agate. We guarantee
it to postitivoiy cure dandruff sad to
grow hair, even though the scalp In
*Pots is ham of hair. if there le any
vitality left In the root.. it will
tivel), con baldness. or we will end
ynur money. if the eralp bas a glazed.
sbiny appewnnee, it's an ineicattoe
that haldeems le permanent, ►x4l to
other inetencea we believe holder*. is
We want everyone troubled with
wan) disease or loge of hair to try Eel-
" tiff flair Took. if it doom- net
el" dandruff and grow heir to the
mtiefaactinn of the user, we will web -
(mat etseation or quibble rearm ever,
e.nt paid us for it. We print teas
pimentos MI ovary bottle. 11 bee
effected • parities wee be Nasty -three
Per rent. of ea..m where put to a pro-
tirel test,
Recall '1111" Hair Tonic is en
shlik., ed we think. is *were
ruler. Meter then soytbiag etas we
know of for the foo wipe& it
1' Prearribed. W• urge you to try
[hi.prepsrstion at oar motive riot.
Genre n li ♦ we know of as fetter
gears nem to give _you. Remember.
Inn ran retake Wean Remerili s ht
south .Ida
• tn ' rh nttl st oar .toes ----The Reg-
'st %ewe. heli ieh. Delhi*
The Clinton Motor ('are Company
bard four cars—a five-partengcr tour-
ing car, a pew type rat roadster and
two one -ton trucks—at tbeatam:nobile
show in Toronto last week.
beater Snail • sew weeks prior to bar
death. when she was *sicken with an
attack of la, She was in boa-
arfifty-eight year aad is survived by
her busbiead, one eon and two daugb-
Dwntel Remick dive suddenly et ti ••
house of bb son, Freak, in Ushor-
1ogess.hip. on the 1ti inst. Ile
r +
im his eightv-Aret years and for fo
wean he had lived it Usborse toe 1 -
Maly. Ne was bort in Ooraw.11,
)1►tgland, and name to(�n oda with hie
reeenfa when but a !gene lad. A fam-
ily of seven children survive.
On the eve of her approaching tner-
•risege Mise Annie E. Keys. of Stanley,
seam presented with a aanplieoentary
*dimes and a parse oerstaaining f50 in
gold as* slicbt reward for the services
she had rendered in the choir of
(ioeh•n Methodist church, also in the
Sabbath *Phone Epworth Inwgue aad
the Women's Miasiuuary Society.
Having attained to the age of
eighty-nine years, Mrs. Rohr. Herr
rased away et her home at Ethel on
Thursday.15th Inst. Old age was the
reuse n1 death. Deceased was horn in
Cornwell. Ontarin. and wee married
to her Iete hnshand in 1844. They
lived at Hamilton for five •ears, and
then lived in McKillop until the year
lfilm when they went to Grey towr-
aleir. A family of seven cbitdren sur-
"Jaek the Hugger" hasheen et work
in Hrumeie. A few evening. ago a
young lady .ncnuntered an unknown
gent .who deepest ber in his arms
when she waw not expecting such
taeetment. The Brass•I. Poet in re-
porting the amend* stated that "the
meeting was very brief. and the gait
atruek after this informal introduction
very rapid. the lady receiving a great
fright." - The guilty one bas not leen
tin a ."ens evening the members
of the Johnston appointment of tbe
Bluevela cir•ruit o1 the Methndi.t
Lhnrrh ass.eohted et the home of Mr.
and Mn. W. J. Jnhneton to hid tbem
farewell on the eve of their departure
for the West. The event was marked
by the preeentatinn of a betide -me
m■hneany rombined music and parlor
cabin.[, tng.tber with an ex-
pretwing the high esteem in which
they were held hy their numerous
friends and nee:bhore. Mr. and Mrs.
Johneator lee.. in the nurse of a week
far their new home at Gladstone,
Tbe drug store of W. S. R. Holmes.
of Olintoo, was broken into a few
evenings ago and • sum of money
taken from the till. The robbery was
made some lime between 8:30 o'clock
and midnigbt.
After an long illness John L.G.ddes,
of Belgrave, answered the final roll
call ran Sunday evening. February
18th. He was forty-eight years of age
and bad lived at Belgrave for tbe last
quarter of a century.
A complimentary banquet wilt be
tendered F. S. Scott, tbe energetic
president of the Brussels, Grey &
Morris Rural Telephone System It
will be held in the town hall, Brussels
of Friday of this week.
Death invaded the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Iddo Crich at Clinton on Sunday,
18th inst.. and took away their first-
born, Russell, who was only in bis
fourteenth year. The young lad bad
been ill for several months.
Alexander Hueter, a piowerr of the
township of Morrie, passed to the
Great Beyond on February 15th. He
was ninety-tbree years of age and
bad lived in the township in which
be died for the last half century.
The marriage of Miss F.. L. Camp-
bell, of Walkerton. formerly of Clin-
ton, took place at her home in the
Bruce county town on the 15'h inst.
The groom was Robert Dnnald•on, a
prosperous young mercbant of Tees -
1f you are run down or tired nttt, if
you take cold easily, have noapoetite.
are losing flesh or have other evidence
of lowaa.d vitality, t our MacLeod's
System Renovator a er our guaran-
tee ton refund the paid if the rem-
edy fail. to give entire satisfaction.
It aids digestion, tones tip the nervous
system and gives hnth quick and per-
manent results. One dollar a bottle.
Manufartured by MacLeod Medicine
Co., Goderich, Ont. For sale by E. R.
Wigle, druggist t
PANiON.—Th. March Woman's Horne
Companion i. it 1,ig sdvennm spring
fashion number and itis ailed with the
latent fashion new. from Paris, New
York and other tweet centres. Grace
Margaret Gould, the well-known
fashion authority, who .ditty this im-
portant department for The Com-
panion, hiss. se naume dnne her work
thnrrntehly, interwet.ingly and praetl-
rally. Women of ordinary meal , can
find In her page. ,uggestinns for marine
clothes that are artistic and up-to-date.
and yet .nartomical. The special
features of The Companion tela month
are nnunully entertaining and infgr-
Native. There la a great arrwp Jif
fletinn and a number of no
artlrle., titles of enema whieh Nine"
" *wed Mama." an illustrated des-
rriptir.e of the work of America's
leading aetresa : " liner Iowa Are
Mad.." as article by the Viee-Prvesi-
d.m of Ow United Mama : "The Girt
With • Yoke." being an areonnt of
tbe advweterne of • voting wnmanwho
Prepared for owes aiming A Bon -
wee Wcsaan in Polities." heitier a se•-
esiptkwe of the work .4 the ?rind
irst.tterttor of that city rat Tennis, who
is a wnet anMnd "When Baby 1. Meek."
an article on tb. Mamma of
by (lr. linger H. i eamet. The mom
n{twv department. Is Tbe Onmtrniow,
aside loam the faahloa d.tartment,
ere filled web farts sad idose otnd i had majored roywepwratiTely goad Iwls•e
ntgR.etions of interest and sal ``
A Close Call.
Mr. and Mrs. Jnhu Bedford and in-
fant child bad a close call from being
aanhyxisted by Ewe front a coal stave
in their home on the 13th conresaion
of Hullett township. Mrr. Bedford
was awakened by the cries of the baby
and when she armee she tell in a faint.
Mr. Redford was aroused by the noise
end menuged to get the windows
open. RIs wife and child were very
ill tor a time but are recovering.
A Plucky Girl
Seaforth Expositor : On „ Friday
mot ning laatas the Rayfield stage
Dame into town the .driver had oere-
sion to stop in front of Rill's hardware
store and he went into the store for a
moment leaving the hones untied.
Something had startled them and they
started to run un the street. There
was no Dison in the vehicle hut Mies
Miller, of Hensall. who was ait-
tiag on the hack Mat. Sbe climbed
.over the aeasa and getting into the
front got pnseeetainn of the Pool and
.uc'eeded in resting the frightened
tease under control and stepped before
Alley leeched tbe Royal hotel owner.
Min Miller is deserving of the greatest.
creeit for ber display of pluck and
Deatb.of a Wroahter Rssideat.
Alexander Munro. an esteemed
citizen of Wroxeter, wee called to the
Better World on Saturday evening.
17th inst.. after a prolonged and men-
ial illness of about eleven months.
The demised was born in Rombire.
Scotland. and with bio parents he
settled in the onnote of Perth a great
teeny veer. aao. Ah.xtt the year 1862
he came to Wroxeter and entered the
hardwire hominess with W. A.
Rutherford. Sight years ago the
narenrrehip wee dieenlved and Mr.
Munro began bedtime ea a general
merchant, which h. continued until
his The deceased was
a member of the velure library leotard
for many years : he held the mention
of Reeve of the municipality for
severe; terns, and woe nresident of
the Wr •xet.r Rural Tefephpr•e Co.
Hie widow, three sons and two daugh-
ters survive.
The Taylor -Anderson Clothing Com-
pany a Seaforth has dispraised of its
plant and husine.s to the W. E. Hand-
ford Company. of Hamilton. The new
proprietors are now in possession. it
ie under*tnne that they will enlarge
the eatahlishment.
Inca Trestcd with Morriecy's
N No lb."
RCVL.'VN. MAINZ. Sept. S. Irl•.
1 woo matertag terribly from uBlasd-
ing Cabinet ter • teas
lna and aull
triad swerylbtag without peewee rely
doctor meld set help a, and se I
tlleeia d to endere* treatment web
1 sa& IMert'taryveers faros `bad ex-
tended clear down bora 11 was a wino
derides ram me, because I scan began
to fed [ratter. and it was but a short
wee* otll the bleetrag stopped- bet
1 was ranged to ase tate Ointment N.
2s Ter sometime bosons I had had Me
Catarrh so lea. peat it would not y1SN
to tr••tene•t vary rant. I art new
entirely free hem Catarrh—thanks to
"Ne. 2t", and cannot let an opportu-
nity pans to recommend It to all be-
cause 11 cored me, and 1 give 1t all the
Mise Mamie Travers.
The above prescription Is net a "Conf-
ab" or so-called patent medicine. Dr.
MsYrisey prescribed It for t4 years. and
It cttrrd thousands after otber doctors
tailed. '
Price, Sec. for the eombined trest,nrnt
at your dealers. or Father Slurp Iscy
ModletneCa, l.rmited. Montreal lox
Said and guaranteed in Goderich by
F. J. Butland.
The greatest Cough Medicine ever
offered to the public. Every bottle is
guaranteed. Absolutely harmless.
25 cents a bottle. Sold at Dunlop's.
TICK/WAY, Feb. 27th.
Narreu —J. W., Nixon visited Wing -
barn and Blnevale friends last week
Raymond McConnell, of Londes-
borough, visited friends in this vicinity
last week ........ Thomas Johnston, of
Dungannon. visited friends in this
vicinity this week A number of
youngpeople from this vicinity
attended• party at Mr. Tisdale'* last
Friday evening. All report having
bed a good time Mrs. WUiiam
Finlay, of Asbfleld, visited ber bereute,
Mr. and Mrs. John'Craig, last week.
funeral of the late John Pollard, who
died in London last Tuesday took
place from the borne of his brothers,
Anthony and James, of Promierity.
last Saturday morning to the R. C.
, *met here. and was largely
blended by sorrowing friends and
relatives. Rev. Father Dean conduct-
ed the funeral services.
Councillor Miller, of Hullett town-
ship. Bold to C. J. Waili.. of Clinton.
a span of homes for whieh be received
the handsome sum of i1000. He *leo
*old a two -year -aid filly for 10225.
George Corbett, of the same township.
sold a horse. weighing 1,300 pounds,
for *1990.
The home of Mr. and Mr.. Ed.
ettothers, of Howigr was the.cene rat
a very pretty wedding on February
14th, when their only daughter. Nina
M.. was united in marriage to Marshall
Armstrong, a young man of the .mute
locality. Rev. B. A. Kinder, of Ford-
wicb, officiated.
An early .ettler on the Thames read
in Ushnrne township. in the nerton of
Robert Monteith. died on February
20th at the advanced age of eighty
seven year.. At the time of hie death
he probably web the oldest resident
01 that Zine. He im survived by hi*
widow. one .on and two daughters.
At the last meeting of the Ladies!'
Aid of the Ontario street church at
Clinton Mrs. Janet Rmith and daugh-
ters were, presented with cases of
ail ver knives and spoon. RP token. of
the high regard in whirl) they are
held by the ladies of that nongr•ra-
fio n. They are removing to Stratford
to reside.
11 was {Mind nereaeary last week to
rianove the great Inc nn the left fontnf
jos.Dh Smith, the oldest metier no
the ash line and a pinneer of Morrie
township. Mr. Smith iry eighty two
years rd ape but has teen wonderfully
active for his age. John O Smith. of
ibelnreine. Man., is home on a visit to
ivi. father.
A pioneer of the Huron trent. in the
The Seaforth Milling Company's
works are now run by hydro -electric
Dower. The entire plant Is operated
by one immense motor.
A Magistrate's Wonderful Experience
with Za.•n-Tisk.
Mr. J. E. Arsenault, w Justice of the
Peace. and station master at Welling-
ton. on the Prince Edward Inland Ry..
haw bad a wonderftal pnwef of the heal-
inp rower of Z•om-Rnk. He says :
Four yearn ago 1 had an accident"
1 .lipped in thes.aai»n and fell en a
freight truck, sr*•ainioR a had cut on
the front of my 1. g. i thought. this
would heal. hut inat.•ad tri doing so it
developed into a lea atleet and later
into a form of et -seine which spread
very rapidly and elan started nn the
other leg. Both legs become en swol-
len and more that I court only go about
my work by having them bandaged.
My doctor maid I must atop work and
lay up.
After mix months of this trouble
I committed another .inctor, but with
no better remit., 1 tried all the
salvos. liniments and lotions i heard
of. belt instead of getting better 1 got
'This was my cone item whom 1 got
my tint hoe of ?.am-Ruk. Greatly to
my delight that aria how gave ma re-
lief. i nnnt iniad 1" apply it to the
sore. and day hy dap t yr b.tter.
i amid see that at Int i baat bold
of.nm.thing which would care gee.
and in the end it did.
"it is wow over a veer since Zane
Bak worked • cure in sur ease, mod
there has herrn no return of the engem
or any thole et it."
phren r.f Mem Romeo/ lassoo pasted Mach is the names. ,i( the great ewes
away at the Annie of her danght.r In wblch Zaaa-Rek 1. alaily elteo ,
l7.bovtae township. Her d.atb dunk Pirie ee herbal in rnetpoeltion,
plane on the eom. farm on whieh groat halm tat tun . art for 41 Ws I
the and her hnehand settled when 81...... void owe,. eeeppee bald*1
they came to (anode neer sixty fere fro.' hair. news, blood p.ieotittig. I
sin. The d•reme'"'f was in her nine- vara he. ewe., Mimi. wale More& Ham
Leith year. j worm, inflamed sisal, bow, onto. burse
Th. dtstb ref bre. John McLean 1 end i•nrtase. All dreg/late and wormy 1
took pie se her home in Rowiek ren 1 MI id f1 b. hnxe di" poet free from 7,g
Katurd*y, 17th Met. The deeesaed Utak Oa, Throat.. upon reesipt 01
"I was Crippled
could hardly walk
and had to Crawl
down stairs at times on my hands
and knees. My doctor told me 1
had an acute attack of inflammatory
rheumatism. I wasin the hospital
for weeks, but was scarcely able to
walk whcn I left it. I read about
Dr. Males' Nervine
boughs a bottle and began to get
better from the start, and for the
past six months 1 have had scarcely
any pain and am able to walk as
well as ever." T.H. SANDE!' s,
P. 0. box 4, Rockaway, N. J.
Few medicines are of any hencfet
for rheumatism, but Mr. Sanders
tells plainly what Dr. Mlles' Re-
st:u-.itive Nervine did for it. One
ounce of salicylate of soda added to
one book of Nervine makes an ex-
cellent remedy for rheumatism,
which is now known to be a nerv-
ous disease and therefore subject to
the influence of a medicine that acts
through Luc nerves. as doe
Dr. Miles' Nervine
S,rflcrers from nccurnathm seldom
fail to find relief in the use of
i)r. Miles' Nervine, with salicylate
of soda.
So d under ■ pu - motes that assures
the return of tha once of the first toed*
.f It tails to bonaf t. At 511 Drupelets.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto. Cars.
Enough better than the average to comb :-d
immediate attention.
More Style, more Quality and more Comfort
than you ever knew bctore at moderate cost.
Nei) Styles
Now /n Stock McLean Bros. gents
Why Women Are Not RICH.
Man is a 'millionaire many times over in the possession of blood Dells. Woo-
s& is sot quite so rich, for scientists bare proven that the normal man has five mil-
lies—dee woman only four and a half million to s cubic millimetre of blood.
A decrease in number of red blood corpuscles and a person " looks pale "—ia
bat, is anaemic, the blood does not get the right food and probably the stomach is
Dr. Irl V. Pierce foasd years rlgo that • glyoseric extract of golden seal and
Oregon grape roots, gesso's rods and bloodroot with black cberrybark, would help
the maimiiistios of the toed in the stomach, correct liver ills aid in Nature's own
way increase the red blood corpuscles. This medicine M
called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. By sssimi-
Meng the food eaten the system is nourished and the blood
takes oe a rich red color. Nervousness is only " the cry
of the starved nerves for food," end wbea the nerves ore
fed on rich red blood tie penoi looses those irritable feel-
ings,sleeps well at night aad is refreshed in tlae morning.
•' I was attacked with a severe normae disown whirl was ceased By
a disordered stomach and liver,- write a. MJas. I/. Uttar,. d V,sab-
burn. Tana.. Inset 2, Box IL ' All my his•da tboogttt 1 would die sad
the oast Medical
Drs gave ma asp. 1 twos wash benefit'advised en sac y
Goldin ma es c se oho and derived
can had ria es ices, It load become se chronic that nothMa noels effect
• permen�t cure, but Dr. France's msdictme has dens much for MY and
I hiigghhly neommerd it. I hrrtny edeas Its use ss a apnea tsar. and
^. IArm *. furhar advise ailing people is take Dr. Pierce's medie$nes &tore their
• diee•ase beta ran w tong that there le ao thence to be cured.
Dr.• Pierce'+ Medial, Adviser, 50 stamps, to pay for stropping sad gashing only.
P11111111."'"" --
o al Lint
D. /KERN C.1RM Alit
TMk &ts. sir that Moes screw
Ido docks fresh from the bread
Adan* Is arse etaM pleauady
warm sad rhes wiish+d
Wee sash cable by t1. Then...
tell syn._ .d vMtis.Mw as
bora tie Rays) Nair tieas.,•
I Wes
A.y part .i rho stop is r •,shit -
1M sad iwiprwbag as ted dark
Mare without Wing ..1611. 7'b•
mew diem rasa. s. Esr7a freta
Caron lel anssshome
r.w fall trtf wraat+sa
•noir to eaaaeshf
WO+e�rwsttanrHr Btti'll
Lt ER oPmewl Aat.•st
steatite., Mor. w, w
ai ..sane. net.
�pr`e- .
We have a number of good eecond-hand Heaters and Ranges
which we are offering at great values.
McCormick Agency
We wish to announce that we have taken over the complete
agency of the McCormick Co. for their M7ewen. Binders, Plows.
Wagon., Sleigh.. Disc Harrows. Cultivators, Drills, Manure
Spreaders, Gasoline Engines, Cutters, Buggies, etc., etc.
You know as well as i ran tell you that it costs a lot of money
to put agents on tbe road to sell these goods, and i purpose, in
place of putting men out, to give you tha benefit of this by
Reduced Prices
We have just installed one of their gasoline engines in our
wnrk shop for running the skate and lawn mower sharpener and
pipe -cutting machine, etc., so if you are considering the purchase
of an engine. we can show you one in operation.
Skates Sharpened
Boys and girl., we can sharper your skates while you wait.
We have installed an outfit equal to the skate manufacturers.
rtgp�tewm Fitting, F.l.etri.- Wiring promptly attended
to and all
work fully guaranteed.
Scranton CoaI
We handle Delaware. Ino, t tt extern, `',wanton
Coal ezdnsi.dy, sad ail coal weighed on mutest scales, end. having
our own teams, we can give prompt d.liverv.
Terms --Cash
Store 22
House I I2�
===I ==I "t I de's"""''