HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-29, Page 6111791TrafinaT. Ill avas'g!, lll12
t�CCoedh,ue1 fro • wtI
donsfatraigbtDM.saed blown a B
e woe Martng marvels, tough lar
from understanding them as let.
"A WWII" he repeatedly vacantly.
Had she said "a comet" It could not
have sounded more incredible.
"Tee. It might have killed yea ase -
seal of the !nen are dead. I myna
saw three of them kMed outright, and
two others are badly wounded.."
"Here you are, sir—drink this," end
a fireman. offering o paaniklO el beer.
It was unpalatable stuff, but it tasted
Ute the nectar of the gods to one who
had sustained a blow that world have
felled an oz Hosier bad almost emp-
tied the tin when an exclamation from
an Irish stoker drew all eyes to the
after part of the ship
"Holy war! Will ye look at their
shouted the man. "Sure the supper
isn't dead at a11, ,t au1"
Iris bad failed to grasp the mean-
ing of Coke's antics in the chart room.
bat they were now folly explained.
The bulldog breed of this self confessed
reseal had taken the upper hand of
him. Though he bad not scrupled to
plot the destruction of the ship and
thus rob a marine insurance company
eta consldetable seem of money, Uiough
at that very Instant there was actual
proof of his scheme In the preparations
be bad made to jam the steering gear
wbea the anchor was raised after the
tanks were replenished, It was not in
the man's nature to skulk into com-
parative safety because a foreigner, a
pirate, a not -to -be -mentioned -in -polite -
society Portygee, opened fire on him in
this murderous fashion. Moreover,
Coke's villainy would have sacrificed
so Uvea The Andromeda might be
converted Into scrap iron and thereby
glee back, by perverted arithmetic, the
money invested in her, but ber white
deeks would not be stained with blood.
Whatever risk was incurred would be
Ids, the responsible captain's, his oats.
It was a vastly different thing that
shot and shell should be rained on an
u narmed ship by the troops of a civi-
lised power when she was seeking the
lowest form of hospitality. No won-
oo-der if the bull necked skipper foamed
at the mouth and used words forbid-
den by the catechism. no wonder if be
tried to express bis belpleea fury in
one last act of defiance.
He rummaged the lockers for a
melon jack and the four flap that
showed the ship's name in signal let.
teas. He determined that she would
go down with colon flying if be wan
n ot put out of action by a bullet hie
fere be could reach the main halyard.
The swerve in the ship's coarse Y
she pealed the island gave him an ops
portunity. In justice to Coke it should
be said that be recited taught of this,
but It would have been bumanly Im-
possible otberwise for the soldiers to
have missed him. And now, while the
vessel lay with straight keel in the .et
of the current, the national emblem of
Britain, with the Andromeda's code
flags beneath, fluttered up the (mato-
As he lumbered along the deck be
mopped his face vigorously with a
pocket 'handkerchief, and this homely
action helped to convince Iris that else
was mistaken in thinking him mad.
His words. too, when he caught sight
of her were not those of a mauler.
"Well. missy." be cr{rd. "trot'll 'hey
say In Liverpool now? 1 e pose tbey'U
'ear of this some day," and be jerked
• thumb backward to indicate the un -
Mani ng hail of bullete that poured into
the after part of the able
The girl looked at him with an air
of surpra that would have beeo com-
ical under leas grievous conditions.
8he knew with a vague denouement.
that depth was near. perhaps unavoid-
able. and It hrd never occurred to ber
that she or any other person oo board
need feel any concern about the vlew
entertained by Liverpool .a to their
fate Before she could (rete. a reply.
' however. Hosier seethed to hoover
his fa/little.. He stood op. walked
unaided to the side of the sbip and
glanced ahead.
"8booldn't we try to tower a boot
eirr he asked instantly
"Wee's the neer' growled Coke.
"Oda rile' 10 Mwer balite while them
blighters on the Inland are pimple'
lead into us? And woe gond are the
Amato w'en they're lowered? They've
been drilled full
of holes You
might ate well try
to Snot a niers."
"Ars sone of
the boat • em -
wort by r
"Noe one. They
are knocked to
pieces. Seery for
you. MINN Yorke.
Rut we're all
booked for Meg -
dots rnme In'arf
• eedaalt or leas
we'll be es the
reit, aa' the ship
sent begin to
break op."
net• was sal•
teeth. but Finder
Mg the piste
seal.* MAXIMS
het aft to make
*Wall. were that he was
b aaeaaafn[ the .swot .1 the
dtiraa It wee wires.
knowledge that the vees.l mt.e'l . keit ' she would bare salve. of fleet
that these wbu still Uvea when welter of angry foam beoesth ea ens
-w struck would have the alternative Hosier tightened a protecting erne
,•f being drowned or beaten to pieces round her waft
against the frowning rocks or shot "Stoop down," hs said.
_ the mainland like so many strand* She bad o dim knowledge that he
seals if some alliance of luck and unbuttoned his coat and drew um tag
Its folds over her bead. Alk the bless-
ed relief of It! Freed from the stifling
showers of spray. she drew a deep
breath or two. How good be was to
ber! How sore she was none that H
he had been spared by that disabling
shell he would have saved them a111
Kent and *brooded as abs was, ahs
could see quite clearly downward. The
ship was breaking up with faeoscdv-
able repldlty.
' Iris beard a ghastly yell from
neatb. and an eerie face appeared a v
was be doing? Why did be not come the stairway. It was Watts, mad
to her? Sbe felt a strange eonadeiee fright and drink. He scrambled up..
ts him. If he bad not been struck pitiable object A couple of rats ma
down by that calamitous shell be over hie body. and as each whisked
would have saved Lbs ship—easuredIy across his aboaldets and pert Ms cheek
be would have devised some meat of he uttered a bloodcurdling yell A big
ware surged op into the recesses
of the cleft and was Oeag 0t In a
'reaching Mower on to the foramens
h secured a momentary f009,
on os. of the tiny Wets that
tarred the way.
Some one threw a cork Jacket over
the girl's shoulders and bade her Cas-
ten 1ts straps around her waist 8M
obeyed without a word. ludeed, she
seemed to have lost the power of
speech. la a curiously detached way
she wondered why Hosier did not re -
tern. The prayers and caress of the
Noes surrounding bee fall unheeded on
her ears. When was Hosier? What
saving their lives. Perhaps even new
be was attempting horns desperate IMP
polant The thought mewed her lbs
an instant Then a rending. grlodlag
t old was followed by a sudden sweetie world, had it drove every rodent in that
and roll of the ship that sent bee 01141 exposed place back to the dry luterior.
geeing against a bulkhead. An 01111 'ib return they bad to use tbe un -
burst of cries and shouting MS happy chief officer as a causeway, and
Use poor wretch's despairing cries were
o eartrending. He was cingfng for
dear life to a bolt in the deck when
Coke joined Janda with a sailor and
was thus enabled to reach him. Coke
pulled him up until he was lodged In
Safety in trout of the windlass.
Jit nearly swept Watts tato the Deet
through her brain, and a shriek wail
wrung from ber parched throat
But the Andromeda righted Dorsett
again, though there was another sound
of tearing metal, and the deck heaven
perceptibly under a shock
Ah, kind heaven! Here came HaiMtIa
running, thundering some loud order. I
"The port lifeboat—.eeworthyr
There was a fierce rush, in widen
she joined. She was knocked down,
A strong hand dragged ber to ber feet
It waa Coke, swearing horribly. Elbe
saw Hosier leap against the flood of
"Carse you, the woman tint!" she
beard him say. and be sent the leaders
of the mob sprawling over the hatches
of the forebold.
Coke, almost carrying her in tela left
arm. butted In among the crew like en
infuriated buil. Some of the meth
shamefaced, made way for them. Ho-
der reached ber. 8be thought he said
to the captain, 'There's a chance if we
can swing ber clear."
Then the ship struck, and they were
all flung to the deck_ They rose. some
bow, anyhow, but the Andromeda. ap•
parently resenting the check, lifted
herself bodily, tilted bow upward sad
struck again. A male of spray dashed
down upon Lbs struggling figures 'tris
bad been driven a second time to their
knees. Thera was a terrific ezplesl.a
In the after hold, for the deck had
burst ander the pressure of air, and
another ominous roar announeed that
the water had reached the lumens.
Steam and smoke had dust mingled
with the incessant lashing of sheets ad
e pra7, and iris was tort from Colure
She fancied she beard Hosier cry
'Too late!" and a lightning glimpse
down tbe sloping deck showed some
of the engineer. and stokers crawling
up toward the quivering forecaatis.
COIL of stout rope fell o0 top of
the windlass and rebounded to
the deck. More that, that. one
end of 1t stretched into the in-
finity of dripping rock and flying spray
overhead. And it bad been thrown Dy
friendly hands. It dangled from some
anseen ledge.
Coke and Hosier recovered the use
of their faculties simultaneously. 'lbs
eyes of the two loan met but Coke waa
the ere? to 0nd his voice.
"Salvage. by Jover be cried. "Op
you go, Hozler! I'll sling the girl be-
hind you. She can't manage 1t alone,
an' It needs some one with brains to
rex things up there for the rest of eta"
And be added boareely in Philip's ear:
"Sharp's the word. We 'aren't many
Iris permitted Coke and a sailor to
strip off a life belt and tie bet and
Heiler back to back. It waa wonder-
ful. though bidden from her ken in
that supreme moment. to see bow they
devised a double slang in order to dis-
tribute the strain. When each root
was securely fastened Coke voetferat.
ed a mighty "Heave away!"
But Die powerful voice Ass drowned
by the incessant roar of the breakers.
Idiot even the united clamor of every
sew present fifteen ‘11 told, including.
the drunken chief officer, could make
itself beard above the din. Theo Ho-
o ke tugged sharply at the rope tors
times, and 1t grew taut Amid a jubi-
lant cry from the others be and Iris
Ws lifted clear of the deck. At Dace
Ory were carried Ball sweaty fest
Onward. As they swung Deck. not
Sae so far aid now well above the
IMO 0?,the wlndlaas from witch tbetr
perilous Journey had started. a ready
'Witted sailor seized a few coils of a
thin rope that lay tucked up 1u the
eagle of the bulwarks and flung tbem
aeon Holler's arms.
'Take a whip with you. sir!" be yell-
ed, and Philip showed that tie under-
stood by gripping the rope between bis
teeth. it was obvious that tbe rescu-
ers were working from a point well
overhanging the recess into which the
Andromeda had driven ber bows. and
there might still be the utmost diffi-
culty in throwing a rope accurately
from the rock to the wreck. As a mat-
ter of fact, no less than six previous
attempts had been made, and tbe suc-
cess of the seventh was due solely to
a favorable gust of wind hurtling Into
the cleft at tbe very Instant 1t was
needed. The sailor's quick thought
solved this problem for the future. By
Bing the small rope to the heavier one
those who remained below could haul
It back when some sort of signal code
Was eetabllshed.
Fib, felt herself clasped to HoateVI Once there was a check. They wait -
arms and knew that be was climbing. ed anxiously, but there was no sign
After a few breathless .ecoids ane Riven by the frail rope that tbey were
realized that they were standing on to hail in ngato. Then the upward
the forecastle, where the captain and movement continued',
many of the crew were clinging to the "Chunk o' rock In the way." ID -
windlass and anchor sod cable aid es -need Coke, glaring round at tbe
bulwarks to malatale thief, tootleg. survivors as if to challenge contradie-
Below, beyond a stretch of ,abeotea tile. No ole answered. These mea
deck. the .ea raged all that was. beginning to meesore their lives
was left of the ship. The brldgs jtsss ePlnst the Ilfe of the wedge of iron
',hewed above the froth and spume ed and timber kept In position by the
sea level. The funnel still held by rte erembnat frim. 0? the .hip. it we
stay., but the mainmast was gone sae a tat diminishing .rale. The figures
with It the string of flags. pdat d oe the Andromeda's bows rep -
The noise was deafening. overpower,
bag. It sounded like the rattle et some
resected sinew rather than feet
Watts was lying croscbad on deck.
Immense . factory. let a voice was sea -
his arms thrown found the wind-
through the din` for Hosier waa feta Lmotleg ever for a fresb Mcnr
trllnr ber not to abaodoe hope, as aha .dna of rev' he to be cheered
fon part of the amp wag emir ' 4 Ise tact that his dreaded aarallana
wedged le a cleft in the rocks Thorpreferred the lotertot of the forecasue
might still have a chance whin the 5. tis wave swept deck. He waa tea
Ude dropped. ealy man there who had oo fear oil
So that ezplalnad why 1t was sr I SSIP 8eddeoty be began a Croce a
dark where a few momenta ago all bag eadora chanty:
was light Iris pressed tete salt west
oat of her burning eyes aid triad to
look np. On both .idea 0i' the marrow
triangle et the forecastle ram ame.a
ererbaaghlg wall., Meek end drtmestd•
They were festooned with semweell
and every were that curled trip Mrweelle
the ehlp's plates mad the reeks war
throws beck over the Met, while
streams et water tell eee.taetly teem
the mums et west elso moped air
•rat%. The mere slgbt at ebft arm
dit with 1ts eepeesatlaaw airs epee,
wade* eke woe Mat ha10oatag 10 bo
seine t breather the eftnnu are
'7Mw, tits stag a save ea tea 0ese
sena'. rasa
Twit .ear sae 'ase assts. eh!
Weil* twesme sea rise ..' tar aldpgar.
YMea ei r tam asam'sl atrla. MI
Oats wr—
iting 10—
A sifter le Darr Jewel
anise ens sen Blas as' r .ala at the 1N1,
Aar up walk tea mai as' banes
Alter a lager and raster had than
bad bane mated pr reimi ty the rope
Weeded a see.td tiara Ivry see ex-
cept Wets wee wsmeYng the wide
'R7ean eh* gemir yelled the eater
di aha p et the aha Se Mime b
ISO is the sleet Me m madam
tTe hseeMasasie
dermatios oN'rARIo.
12 Tumors Removed
Without An
aM Dear
1 yrs amewia0.ttrel—I peered. lav
aastl tor premed health. had tel
' Sliver Fab, Oat.. rte 1e. less.
ter health than I have eight Years,
none of the old symptoms. I am very
Orange Lily le the greatest treatment
'IC foe women tie world knows. Its
tee start In all eases of women's d
wing$,. Itregul0Atles. leueorrhoea. etc.
1 will send a sample box containing 10 days' treatment absolutely free to an
suffering woman who has not vet tried It it she will rend tree ber address. Lrtelose
stamps and addrea., MRS. FRANCE* e. CURRAH. Windsor, Ont. •a
use In ay Daae caused 11 tun=
or growths of some port to ei
pelted. Some were rue s as a ea'.
Ka. and others sdown to
the ala. of a walnut. uu may use
my case in your advertisement. for
It fa the solid truth. and pen
cannot describe all the good it has
done for ole. Mrs. Louise E. Bote-
This letter gives an hid/cation of
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lu direct contact with the suffering
moans. 1t produces result• from
Including taintul period/. falling of
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Remember only 126.00, freight paid to
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This special offer gives
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A �M C°td., Aylmer, Ont.
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