HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1912-2-29, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS
Guests a Deaths Griffin.:
Tbs tree aavmeNdatioo provided
et the ooeoty jail has bests token Ad-
vantage of by era unusually large nom -
beg this winter. The s.mber who
•New Hospital Heeds* have registered there bas reached as
Jrttract ter Marine Tower. high as twenty, but st present ober•
of dr The lenewerned•il•v at Alaiandrs las silt eo K oma. Thera are ten
vagrants, two Mame sod four serving
'entree cue assault. It takes • little
over twenty -Ave ppoouods of brad Lo
supply this huusebuld every nay.
The contract for the erect
new marina towerWeimere �".o"'
elevator has been awaid to J. H.
,� estus a , of Tomato. Walt
will br cummeeosd on it. at our.
The Ouderich Lumber A Milling Do.
will supply the Pileg and other suer
u,atrrite required durioi the course
of the erection ut the tower.
bwpltal bee been cased to its utmost
Flty this winter and uu different
bra bran have bu turned
ay owing to the lack of suf%cieet
Mime. At permit Were are sight
patients reosiviug treatment ,.t Lisa
Tuesday's Horse Fair.
Considering the bad condition o
Polley'' Farm Sold. the country roads a goodly number
The property so � familiarly known in were in attendance .ttbewootbiyborse
Uoderieb as'•Pollees fano" bite been market in town IastTueedav Buyers
dor by the owner, A. M. Polley, to were present from Loudon, Winnipeg.
Hobert Wwmlll, who returned ascent- Saskatoon grid other places. At the
tee West. The purchaser aro amnion Bale roadsters brought Priem'
. ▪ high as 1$198 and • be•vy-dr ugbt
was knotted down at $Y36. Several
B ales were made privately. H. Ii111.
of denmiller. sold bis pacer to H.
Salkeld, of (lode,ich ip,and Dr.
Whitely disposed of hb y black
driving mare to Robt. McLean. who
Tureley ere March Sib, le the deli' purposes taking her to Wlonipeg.
or, which the C. P. H. instruction Tbr uext and last market ut the sea-
trein-tbs "better farming special"- coo will be on Tuesd•v. March 36th.
is to be at Goderich. Herren sad 511
persone interested in agricultural de- lions o England celebrate.
velopment should make a point of Lrerpool [.edge. Boos ut df',ogl•nd.
' •ting this train and if possible bear- bad a gala night io eeensctioa with
1. •l1 the farming implements on
the plane. Mr. W inmlll is iso .tr•a�ee
in the community, as be wee in lir.
Pulley's employ some year's ago. P14 -
will be given on Murch 16th.
Don't Forget This.
ing for lecturers who accompany it.
bee(ne, et
1`p Kirer on at 9 a.m.,advertised to leaving
at 11::111 a.m. for Blytb.
Train Lost Its Brakeman.
tine of the utast peculiar storm
stories of the arson resulted from an
Accident neer Godetieb gp Sundry.
Tr its
brakeman, train,
GeorgeSecu •d 7,
.He was
standing 00 the step bt the rear ran•,
and elide shutting off the steam be
was scooped off by • gigantic snow-
drift. This occurred about four miles
nut of Go itrirh, and the railway em-
loyee was able to get to the nearest
hut/house. 1)r. Taylor. of Goderich,
was Called, and found that although
no bones were brokenli. man
had had
a furrow escape from
J. W. Trustier Takes Photo Studio.
The Bropbeypi otograph studio,
which was purchased six weeks ago by
Olez. J. Miller, of Toronto, has been
sold to ' J. W. Tru.slsr, recently of
Walkerton. The new proprietor took
possession on Mooday. Mr. Trawler
is by no means • stranger previousto the e
of Goderich.
Yi1Ms's oomingleg to Ooderisb he had
charge of the semis stadia for _
over two
years for Mr. Beeprey.
welcomes Mr. Tnasslee back to town
and wishes him ewers its his new
business. Mr. Miller has . weed to
the installation of officers on Tuesday
evening. District Deputy H. Mew, of
Benn►iller, with a number of the
members of Barnstaple Lodge. Ben -
miller, was pretreat to perform the in-
tttallstiom, sod the work of the visit-
ing brethren was much appreciated.
The officers for 1912 are : Past presi-
deyt, Thos. Hoggarth ; president.
George Synuood4 ; v i c e -president.
Will Precious ; chaplain. Wru. Dun -
midge ; secretary, Rolm. liedfern ;
tret.surer, Rich. J. Waiters ; 1st roar.,
Ben Hoggarth ; 2nd cum., Mark
Arnold ; inure guard, Wm. E. Dun-
nadgs ; outer guard, Wm. Wake-
field : audit -one Ben Hoggarth, Thos.
Hoggartb. Wm. 1)unnadee, Wm.
Wakefield: trustees, Thos. Kneeshew.
Walter Oram, Robe Symoods. After
the.work of the lodge the members of
Liverpool Lodge entertained their vis-
itors to a sumptnow supper. at the
nnoclusion of which District Deputy
Mew was called to the rbair and a pro -
grain of .00g, speech and.instru-
mental music was carried out. The
prognsur included eddreaes bythe
District Deputy. W. Wakefield, os.
Kneeshaw, Geo. Symonds and H. J.
Morrie; songs by Walter Oram. W.
E. Deensdge, .Win. Dunnadge, Ernest
Fraser and Harry Mew,; a recitatloo
by Master Harry Symoods : e noroet
solo by Mark' Arnold ; a maodolid se-
lection by W. E. Daonadue, •td as -
redoes on the gramnpunne. The
evening's proceedings were brought to
a dose with the singing of God Save
the King.
The Goderich Resolution.
Owing to the storm whish ben up
railway traffic for • day or two hat
week, the delegates appointed by the
Goderich Board of Trade to Attend tbe
matting el the Agsotisted Boards of
'rade of Ontario. bold etToersoto.
veer* unable to be present St, tbe
ing. As the resolution in favor of the
taxation of melt amber Mors was
ot►ed.M . irre�d
ian, M. P. Q., wbe wee le T mento,
Insisted to pretest it to the meet-
ing Mr. Freudian did so. sed alter
a tete[ discussion It was referred to
tbeezecutive committees for ooisider-
• Liquor Ceres.
Huron Old Boys o1 Torowto.
Tbe'twelttb annual at-bospe of the
Huron Old Boy: Associatiop of Ta►
Delo was a lest (Frida, eveoisg
at the Temple Building. e evert
beta ir
was the most suooaesfnl ever bee
the Aasoatbo, over five huedrrd(
being pregame Supper was served
during the evening in a room decor-
ated with pink sod white carnations.
Mora ose Present were Mayor
Geary._ Controller Foster, Mr. land
Mrs. W. W. S1ia•,, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Oluwa. Mr. and Mtn. E. Floody, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Holmes, Dr. and Mrs.r-
Stanburryy. Mr. and Mee W. Prende
gest, Mr. cod Mr.. Roger Crocker -
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Hodgson, Mr. and
. A. 0. Chapman. Mr. d Mrs.
Rest H. MoCreatb, Mr. and Mrs.
Young Dr. end Mra. W. J. R. Fowler.
Mrs. Reck. Mrs. &lis, Mine Dasotby
Edit. Mow Curren; Mies L Beck, Mien
B. Berk. Mew H. Rothwell, Mins A.
Rothwell. Miss M. Miller, Miss Gold-
thorpe. Mr. Langley. Major and Mrs.MemBeck. M. Hoover. Mrs. F'. Phillips,
Miss McMullan, E. J. B. Duncan, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Stewart, Dr. W. E.
Struthra, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Soole,
Mr. and Mr. 0. C. Rance. Mr. and
Mrs. T. W. Sent[, Dr. and Mrs.
Belden. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Cobhledick,
Mr. K. Mctrod, Mr. John Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. McTaggart, Mr.
and Mew. H e.
Stewart. Mr. and lir
M.Rlenv, Mr. and Mrs. S. Scott, Mr.
and Mrs. F. Hick, Mr. and Mra. H. J.
D Co.. Mr. y,rl Mr. W. E. Groves,
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Horton, Miss
t •amnbell, Mr. F. Saunders. Mr. Grant
Boyd. Mr. Inkster. Mr. H.intzman.
Mr. K Boyd. Mr. H. Smith, Mr. W.
Saunders, and many others. -Toronto
The anneal excursion of the
Huron Ot•t Beys to the home county
will ISA beld July 6th t. b 8th.
A Deed of Heroism Recognized.
Duluth Papers record the recogni-
tion of a deed of bravery performed
by three lluperior Inco in the aping of
1910. The recognition took the form
of three caab prism amounting to
83,000 an�i�Cat-
� hithed, andD Addiwln the
Stales Government awarded
each of the three men a iia
gold medal One of the men is Wm.
Muuninge, a neelliew o Reeve B. C.
Munniogs, of this town. The other
two are named Connelly and Wetter.
The rescue wee performed April IOtb.
1910. when a crest of ice still dune to
tbe shore, and was • most sensatiooa
one. A heavy gale was Mowing from
the northeast on the day in question,
wizen John Anderson, of Walt Duluth,
while rowing from the wet upset in
bis light skiff while making the 'turn
at Superior Entry. Although numbed
by the ley water Anderson frantically
waved one hand end dung to the boat
with the otber. He was noticed by
two men on shore who launched a
boat and rowed towards the drowning
e lan, only to be thrown hack oo the
, bore by a huge wave, and they dared
not make another attempt. It was
then\that Wetter, Donnelly and Ken-
nings were attracted by' the man's
cries acrd. despite the fact • that to
launch a boat in the face of a north-
easter appeared to be certain deathe
they procured wheat and shoved off
from .bore. The uptnrned boat was
not far away. but the heavy sin forced
the [nen back again. Another at.
tempt was made and the drowning
man was reached just in time, as his
numbed hand, were slipping from his
grip. Wben all tour rea.1hed shore
they ware exhausted.
A stecial invitatino 1s eztleoded to
trove ro meet with the Lifetree Bible
clam in Cie Baptist church at 3 o'clock
afternoon.oast Suui ttlaey afternoon.
Thr rich Miuieteriel Age • iM
tioo will hold Its regular. rowtine •n
Monday. Marob 40, at 10 a. a.. iu be
pastor's vestry oirtiosox church.
le Koons (numb the seet•amet t t1!
the Lotd'e Supper will he di.peosed *ti
rhe morning service n1n'rodeo, March
3 id. Prepares service will be held
tonewrow :if day I R awning et 8
u'clock, wiser'w our -Orem will be
. In Victoria free[ church nez► Sun-
day forenoon. Rev. Dr. Medd will give
an addr,w on the proposed twasir of
union. In the evening he wll400nduct
an evengeliatie ,ervice. Thew services
are fnr the people and all who comes.
will find a cordial welcome.
The pastor, Rev. J. Fetlock. will oc-
cupy the pulpit of the Baptist church
et both serviees next Sunday", The
Lord's Supper will bre relebreted at
the dose of the morning service.
The station of the evening diaxouree
will he "Christian Ideals of Probation-
al and Business Houot."
The no ontAly meeting of the
Women'. Missionary rewire y of North
street Methodist church will be held
on Monday afretnoon. March 4th, at
4 n clock, at the hoose of Miss M.
Robert sem Victoria otrOrt. At 6
o'clock tee will be served, followed by
a good program A cordial invitation
is extended to all.
Owing to illuess Rev. Dr. West ler,
preeidrnL of London Conference, was
un elle tocewrretto (iod.•rirh t, preach
wrluatiooal in \orLh street
Meth disc •-'•arch la -t Sundsy as an-
nounced. The pastor, Rev. Alfred
Brown, al bough not fully t•re.vefed
from his recent illar: w.,s able to
ron:t•tct the .errierreel it Wit'. an-
nounced that Dr. Warner would be
here next Sunday.
At North street Methodist church
next Sunday the postponed education-
al anniversary will be held. Rev. Dr.
Warner. principal of Alma College,
fie Phomas, and preailent of London
C..nfe.rnce. will preach tnoruing mod
evening. The pastor. Rev. Alfred
Brown. will rent in the services and
cnrduct t hr :adult Bible class. Month-
ly fellowship meeting at 10 a. m.
For the second Sunday in Lent the
service -a in Si. George's church will be
WI («11 ova : 11 s. 111., worniog preyet'
and holy communion ; 3 p. m., Sun-
day .rb••oland Bible class; 7 p. w..
evening p boor. Thr rector, Rev. J.
B. Potheriogbam, will preach in the
morning "Jesus un "JesOur Example in
Prayer.' and id the evening un
"Caiaphaa, the Impious High«"
Service will he held next. Wednesday
evening at 7:30 p. or.
Thio puce is toasnn.4 to tell of all the attrac-
t=w aeod in .4c,ek, u Smith ..trt Store Kart
sttwaL To be app+adated they tout be ate..
Call any time : a pimoun• is 'bow goads.
Does this smother 'label' like spring/ Call at
Pvidbarn the Tslbr's and leave your order few
a spring snit. Beat materials, drstckas tonne.
her. nueYon . .tyle. perfect ts
it. What ars do
Greaten Burdette halt taken a posi-
tion as junior in the local branch of
the Bank of Commerce.
Polioe Magistrate Butler. who is
still at Alexandra hospital. to reported
to be improving steadily.
The quarterly official hoard of North
street Idetborhat rhumb bas voted on
church union -12 fnr, 8 against.
The ladies' anxiliary of the Y.M.C.A.
will meet on Saturday, March 2nd, at
4 o'clock, at the boasts of Mrs. Jas.
Mart y n, Emir r tree`
Mayor Reid gave We decision' this
afternoon It the liquor seer which
were beard before him last week in
the Police Court. In the &neon
against E. R. Swart, foe allowing
liquor to be drunk on bisbre
after hours the case wee dYeeiewd•
The "Indigo lister" was Aped $IC and
costs. The amused In the latter ease
admitted receiving the tiger and the
than who sold k to him tsetiAsd to
this effect but denied knowing that
his ouctnmer was listed. Orown At-
torney Seager tutor's, The Signal that
an appeal will be entered against the
Idec[non in tae Sweets case sod the
/pinion will 1» hard before the judice;,
in chambers.
A Manitoba Wedding.
The folicwiogg notion of a nuptial
event at Berssfoa'd. Manitoba. taken
1 rom The Brandon Times of
14th, will be of interval to
citizens, as lbs bri0e's parents are
well known in this community. The
bride Is a graoddaugbier of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Harnien, Napier street ; A
very pretty but gale( wedding took
place yesterday morning at 11:90
''clock at the home of Mr. end Mts.
Thomas Hamden, Beresford, whew
their daughter, Jeanie M., was united
in the holy boods of matrimony to
Rev. Rowland F. Jame, Methodistmin-
tater k Beresford. Triter Souris and
Brandon Hills The ceremony was
performed by Rev. G. A. hdmison,
and the bride sad groom were unat-
tended. After as egaMhet repast
there were abort eongratailatery
speeches and the bride's aidgroom s
be•Ith was toasted. Theonrng
couple left for Winnippeegg sod will re-
turn to live at Bamford, Alnoog the
emote present were Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. Hughes, of Breedon; A. Hamden,
brother of the bride, and Mr. Barber,
One of Brandon. end Mies Maud Bar-
bee, of i uekoow. Oat."
G. C. I. " Lit. -
The 0.0.1. Literary Society held it•
regular meeting in the .aeeebly hall
f the (:ollsgiate last Friday evening.
The martin opened with the newly -
elected pew�ent, Mies EdnaMcEwao,
in the chalr. and following bee
opening address a preemies *ea
tendered ao.slathsg of an teetsrmaetal l Iry by referring to tb. f•mOrrs I".
wl.etbs try Wages Field. reaffirm by minute Get tenter' address. which bee
Roby fitodd.rt eo/ Mary Tose, tette- Dome down to es as a maatarplsn• of
urns by Elsie Galt •n1 Stella Kirke, l o[aorical ro,epoeition. He spike of
.elect Wee by die Alam Obrbl, the 0.0.1. , the temancipattiowt tesniametinn as
Jnarnel 1504 by ��M.egry� m, . eneal 8leetrative i ( Linenln's clear-sighted.
by Mie. TlMhem 'NM
intra I far-reins,suate•rnanshlp and hie tear-
i.ad an address by Dr. Sesame. I Isames' in assuming numb reepeoslble
The ftnaia.l statement preeeeted by I ity. Dr. Hamilton paid a high trier*
the president arena• Hee the not I in Lincoln as a man sed •tat.eden le
premeds hulls the Mega% emcee 1 rompart.r'n with all other presidentsVictor*
George Hohmeter. suooerwnr to Muir
A Rnhmeier, calla attention to bia
well•.elected stork of furniture
and house furnishings. Give him a
During tbe last two weeks the
Blackstone Ovcbeere has filled en
a at Mitchell. Seaforth and
ilverton. The fame o this excellent
murices) orgwriz•tinn is extending.
ManagerGold' horpe announce,
that a children's carnival will he held
on West -street rink on Saturday
aftsrnonu. Gond prizes arse being
offered and sneer unique costumes
may he expected.
The regular mnntbly meeting of the
Children's Aid Society will be bell in
the court house next Monday after-
noon at 4 o'clock. A full attendance
of all interested in tbe wort of the
Societe is requested.
A 'meeting of tbe temperance
workers of Goderich will he -held in
the Tempe -ante Hall pext Monday
ev.sing at 8 o'rlock, to receive the
report o the delegates to the recant
convention hold in Toronto.
Athol McQnwrim returned Friday
night from his trip to Algonquin Perk
and R. R. Sallows arrived home the
following day. They had an interrrl-
ing trip, 01 which rattlers of The
Signal may learn something during
tbe next few weeks.
Dr. Hamilton's Address.
At an entertainment given under
the wispier of the St. Regis Falb
Aigh School, •t St- Regis Falls, N. Y.,
February 12th, the anniversary of
Abraham Lincoln's birthday, Dr. C. J.
Hamilton, o Cornwall. a Goderich
"old boy." delivered hie lecture on the
sweet American. The Adirondack
News, reporting the event, says :
"The feature of the program especi-
ally awaited by tbe endienoe, both on
amount cif the general interest in the
subject and the popularity o the
speaker, wee the address of Dr. C. J.
Hamilton. of Cornwall, Ontario. On
tbe subject, 'Lincoln. from the Cradle
to the Grave.'
"Dr. Hamilton has for many yeasts
mad" • study of tbe life and deed* of
this eminent Anterior'. sod was in a
pontloo to speak from a thorough
knowledge of his history . The ad-
dress wee simple, dire!, non-partisan
and inallia.nt diverging' the early
life and struggles of Lincoln for edu-
oseloo and knowledge. in touching
on Lincoln's public life, the speaker
railed atter eon to hie nratnrirel abll
with four compasses of which they
had need.
On the twelfth of July when tbe
Orange Order -were oelehratio(( �in�
town we held a "taw day," which
of substant si 'um to our funds .utd en-
abled us to incteaee our hospital build-
ing fund to the handsome sues of =1.-
For the hospital year which ends
September 30th we expended for the
hospital the .um of $66.70, as follow,:
r nal, *40.00 : drygoods, •15.45;
Christmas cheer, $10.00 ; hardware.
As we also received from Mrs. Min-
or, of Chicago, • donation of V2"5.00
fur the upkeep of the Minor ward, • we
planed in that weed a screen and an
easy chair which were required.
In order to augment our"own fund,
which was getting low, we at the be-
ginning of the present month held a
nrngreesive euchre p`:ty in the Odd -
fellows' Hall which proved 'successful
beyond our fondest hopes, increasing
our fund materially.
This report would not be complete
Without mention of a paper by
Miss Mabel Strang at our November
meeting on 'The Life of Sir John A.
MacDonald," also one roan at our
December meeting by Mrs. Ross, com-
piled by Mrs. Carrie. on Lord Barone -
field, for which we are deeply indebted
to the writer', and express the hope
that we 'nav antic• to similar pleas-
ures at future ngs.
Trusting that the coming year may
prove mare sOaeseifnl and proeperowi
tor .3117 (ibapter, I remain,
Vote of Knox Church Shows Large
Majority against ProposaL
The vote on church union was com-
pleted in KIND' church on Sunday
last, and ibis result N now announced.
The total Dumber of votes rest was
611, Of there. 139' were in favor of
union sod 473 reralbsr.
The vote of tbe sereno was a tie -
8 for and 8 *trainee. Of 463 communi-
cants 1(tt voted in favor and 351
against. Of lee adherents 28 voted in
favor and 114 against. It may be
oheerve i that the contrary vote was
proportionately lerge.t amongst the
adherents' and smallest anoog the
.memhers of seseioo.
The regular mootbly meeting of the
Goderieh branch of the Woman's In-
.titute will be held at the home of
Mrs. Higglnano, corner of Bruce
street and Cambria mad, oo Thursday,
Match 7tb, at 3 o'clock sharp. All are
The bouse and lot of James Miller
on the Huron road next to the grove
ptr,perty bas been'pttrcbased b Geo
Johnston. of Goderich. Mr. Johnston
bought the grove some time ago and
purpo.ee starting a hennery in the
near future. His '•'aerials will be
L,gborns and Rhode island Reds.
Chas. C. Lea wa. in Buffalo on Wed-
ne'day ".potting" some cars of cosi
which were delayed there on account
o the lack of locomotives to keep the
traffic moving. He have' to have tour
cars of Scranton oral here in a few
days. He states that there is a line ocan nearly tour miles in length in the
yards there waiting to be moved to
their de•tinatiens.
The death 1. announoed of Waiter
M. I)ack, of Walkertnn, regi+trae of
dwede for Bouce enunty. r. Deck
had been ill for sonar time and paused
away on Monday last. The deceased
was for many veers publi.her of The
Kincardine Reporter end war .p-
poi.ted registrar after having nerved
two nr three terms in the Lefti.laWre
as the representative of Centre Brun'.
The Maple Leaf lfiiling Company
bee purchased tee ateatner Algntra n
and will operate it 1n reinsertion with
its Pnrt () thorn. floor mine. The
stancher will ply boween Poe tlot-
horee and Montreal aryl wi11 afcwd
the rospeny inrraa'ed ehinping
farihties for Its repot at teat pow.
pin ie well knownGoderle , having m •
N.TABi.leirltD 18 *
Paid - up Capital. Meet and
Undivided I'roAt. 48,181,1110
Total Aort.aloyers $08.000,fi0U
and risk the principal itself
by keeping a lot of inanity in
your house or your pockets.
It would be mu-a-7b� safer ie the Union Bank of Canada -less
likely to be spent --hid, instead oe being idle, would be corning
interest night and day.
if you haven't a Savings Bauk A000 unt already, come in
and open one.
Goderich Branch
Manager ]
Following is the ðeial report of
the Cbapter for the year February b1,
1911, to Febrdary 19, 191'2 :
%llanos m hand et 74 71
flirty fees, 1911. $13; two few IM9. 20s.. 19 he
Rex money. ............ .19' 10
Repaints tag daY for bo.pii•1
Reset s McCready' caratecls 30
Donation hem Mr., Wee 35 w
Donation teem Mrs. Heeley f.... to
Donation from Mu. Harris
Trams ion from Mis. Bass eu
Rank interest .i �
13.15 of ea/m.o... ark' at world 1 ro
(`cheated tor "aeie farad" ..... 11 7i
Collected ter tea pins
Tow . y 1111,50
Mr. Matra. tieswnr bsspltal bin/. Ike
fuel 39 90
Mrs. Bene", tr.arurer. Tsremok Wali/ I" -I
Anneal Meeting of Abmeek Chapter -
C }Frcers Present Reports.
The annual meeting of Abmeek
Chapter. Daughters of the Empire,
was bold on February 19th. The fol-
lowing report was presented by the
secreta+ y :
Goderich, Ont., Feb. 11, 1912.
In presenting to you this tbe elev-
enth annual report, I do to with feel-
ings of pleasure, knowing as I do tbat
this ban -tern a very important and
successful year in the history o our
During the year there base been
held twelve meetings in all. ten regu-
lar end two special, at which the at-
tendance hat. been one hundred sod
twelv or en average for each meet-
ing o poetically none. As we have a
memh rehip of sixty, ibis, it. seems to
me. is neo as it should he, showing as
it does that the work devolves on the
few, end I would suggest that an effort
he put loris to iodate our members to
turn nut to /he meetings in greater
numbers in future.
During tbe put year the Chapter
lost One of its most valued end active
rnembees in the rrmnval by death of
the late Mei. Monis, whom we all
miss meetly from amongst us for her
kindly edvlee and untiring energy.
Two of ..ur members aro have been
bereaved by the loss of their hue -
ands, viz. Mrs. Lee and Mee. Moore,
and to them we extend our heartfelt
rympst.h y and toot [bet the Good
Sbepherd will give them oetrength and
courage to hear un under this bevy
Another menibe- for oboes we ell
feel sorry and to w hoes we extend our
deepest sympathies is our zealous and
untiring member Miss Nkimings,
who was unfortunate enough to fract-
ure bet limb throw gh falling on an icy
pavement. We Trope ere lore to
welcome bar once mon to our meet-
As to our work during the year, we
hew" not bc.tn idle.
gaily In the yesr we roliortad tee
sites of $lb pill for the "Maty" fund,
shat s'., the tune teat wee collected
from all throe whose name was Mary.
the oughout Canada, to percher a
anent io 15' given to our beloved
Qtneen Mary on tite ocessioo n1 her
being erowned Quern Uterine t o the
British Respire and Dominion' brood
the seas.
Later on to Jan.. wh.n the swilitary
earn* wee heing hwid here. we pr• -
"vase in pile •m Oed HowM rsr'Wlihiare effete rsrfiend. The Alg^►tV 5.A fn+rptrent nettle 'sante•, a silveresi•jvelue •liblol to the
w tJss pupils 'tee wer U •eived I "With (l t Cornwall,
a weel of Mr 5.W. nrR- ham. hhT # vessel is tied up this winter I'd Hone Bt.Aet for ensepotitiee
tievwel sol Mtleaa were received leveret
d CwewaU, a b sheeting. tArr.t+v wr►Aewvo.4ng In
relaMve to the speeding of die uneasy, i leveret of atereoptieon reran were at Cowen Sound. 1
was Iib as enlarges
CO•Fuvre•r°11s think that we voice tet seen have e` gym• 4 e wIOr. (roes ebrmld it aver comre, which teed grunt
rnrtilla, lupine R11m. it orw. will.
Reeretary.for .tationery. re
F.xpen•ea of teaday
Expenses of ►'ttte►e rice socket
Wtroth fir Mrs. llaeris
Two telegram*
(:nn promoted to 33rd Regtftaot..corin•.rse• for 1toy Seo•te•..AllowConslt Toronto, twelve pleaPut special aosount Bank st Mee -tear 1NTnnsurer "Marie fund.' T•rsnta. is es
1 IS
�t * as.* eery ware for gifts for hospital, 1for hoopital Y 00Dryroods for bnapital Me 33Mooey orders and postage, tr asursrTaal , .... $ a1e 79
19 xo
Balaooe oo Mad
W 17
S 810sltMINt(1Z A. CLARK. Treas. D. 0. E.
The oMcers of last year were re-
elected, including Mrs. Taylor, re-
gent ; Mrs. Jas. Clark, treasurer ;
Mrs. Gallow. secretary.
'silver Plating. Gliding. Ete.Mirrors uuade or resilvered.
Picture Framing, Woud
Turning, Etc., by
germy 63 Fraser
Wert Street
Forth aide. corner Waterloo
Gne of Eastern Ontario'.+iiilh-Clara and
popular Busines' School. which keetwu.en throughout the year. Youna p�beeoo--
ple mal enter any time ano oamplete
their nurse without Interruption of
mWsummer holidays. You may study
eU at bon.o orpa rtly at nome sod finish
at the oolieae. Thirty Years' E.xppssrienoe.
LarIast Trainers 15. ('anada. Afftllated
with the Commercial Educators' Amine-
lat4a of Caoads. Write furpartieulars.
Cllaton Business ['allege
coo. 5POTTON,
8. F. WARD
W. C. T. U. Meeting.
The W.C.T.U. held its regular
meeting in the Temperance Hall on
Monday afternoon. February 26th.
The devotional hall -hour was conduct-
ed by Mrs. Davidson. The bnsinees
balf-hour was taker'u in discussion
o senor bags and Pocket Testament
Legg a also in arranging for • parlor
soci■ in the near. future. Law
Enforcement" was the subject for the
educational half-hour, and was taken
bbyy Mrs. Elliott, superintendent. of
that,d.pertmete. and afar readitg
some of the law and talking it over itwsa the general ninnies' of the meet-
ing that if fathers and mothers knew
the law, the good law, tbat we have,
there would be ,better enforcement.
Following are sone salient features:
Liquor Selling. -Any saloon -keeper
who gives or sella liquor to a youth
under twenty-one year* o ageliable on conviction to a penalty of
Tohacco.-Any person found guilty
by a justice o t e peace of giving or
selling tobacco to a boy under eighteen
year* muwt be Lntrd 810 and the sum
may be increased to $b0.
Pool Roums.-Tb. keeper of •
licensed pool or billiard room who
allows boys under ,ixteen years to
frequent his premise's may be fined
•10 by any justice of the peace. hall
the line to go to the informant.
School. -Every child between the
ogee of eight and fourteen years must
attend mesool, unless excused for
soma. gsad renWn.
Factory. -No chill under fourteen
years can bit employed in any factory.
_ ___-- _- yid • etmoo ns t.• {h • Manch of Indi-
ittilect4.db.wlar$.4tbtesrwet.n ore ,ca,eoynrv,ry [numrtgan.t t.•notport+sitof Dr. Bteaaa,the8oetety'eogee.rw,•mIre I .1Hcih.pl+••1nrmmtrghwrwd sknsaWe a1015.meiently �1 p ,l. for w�mindenawl '►rs'tne.rypeeoN.nt►.nki f
PIaoM ie Ike sessesMy �/. Tby ares of AlmMuds. F
of •N1
Empire and
Good Cheer
By purchasing either
of these types of stoves
you secure an ideal cook-
ing range.
..AiMcome iiiand'see them.
Plumbing, Heating, Electric
Fixtures and Metal Work
Hamilton Street Godertcb
Sturdy & Co.
The Grocers On the Square
i have purchased the
steam laundry busi-
ness on Hamilton
Street run for many
years be Mr. D. H.
Boss, and I am pre-
pared to attend to all
the wants of his cus-
tt mere and many
new ones.
I solicit your patron-
Satisfaction guaran-
George Pong
Successor to D. H. Ross.
Stearn (sundry ' Hamilton St,
wwr voted to tb• t an•dire 1 sat► d the Iwrge audience when weThe
l (blbng► MMelees b ree*o'w too q /sip Wer the pt'eRrsnt tows w Pr^ nth�r�t,lrwrs Ha ittt� an nese gee se to t"o birdr grnth.m
appeal evade Me. • few dale newer'
.,t mid w..i, ail be glad I;)odericb la tbeir good woi k we melee, Led them
ago when be .�sssl s s elaisate. b weico,na tb. Doctor Wahl.
The Half -Price Sale
goieg On at Camemu's is certainly an
opportunity for you to *eve a lot of
money in baying g••nds.
Iwo think of being &We to Ret new
sad up -tea -date goods for one-half of
heir rsealer valaes and in some dears
for Is..' 1t is a rb.nott that should
sot be noised by the people of tiode-
tie e
M«n's Orators* and Snits. ladies
('.tau and tuella. F,ir., etc., children',
'boats, .te . at half-price.
Ladies' Frir Mew . at 19r. Trim-
med Hat, s 44e and ate, only a frac-
tion,' nt th.ir actual wart h.
Trnlr the ore. should be crowded
with people for the nest few days.
The nnelersigned will pay
the highest cash prices for
all kinds of good logs, de-
livered at our m '14111
nortb of MacEwan's C
and general mill work done
promptly and at Ira.one.bes
For price, and particulars
inquire at office.
Lumber & Milling Cs.
Massey -
place to buy 511 kinds of farts
WAGONS from Bain's.
of Woodstock
BUGGIES from Grays,
of Chatham
Standard Fence Co.
from Torres
ILIZER from Detroit
- in fact, anything a farmer
needs or wants.
We have a few Cutters to
sell et Dost as loog as the stock
lasts, at
Robert Wilson's
Hamilton Street, Goderich
Join the
Any matt or woman whose
age is over sixty years has
the privilege of sitting for a
poetra3t, end each one will
be presented with a
Cables! - 5ised
oo care of the
latest mounts
free of charge
Call any time after the Wel'
Wet.. and early in the tom_ .
wed arrange err your sitting
T.Ne is very uncertain at aa)
tires. but the inflrmitir,, of
old age may prevent you
trot eoming at • later dale.
Don't preempt true but gins e
vnur Ewes and "iris motor -
thing by which to rrnlemiser
you le the shape of a gnat
Ilk of yours(' 11
R. R. Sallows
Pert rdt
sad Landscape Pbot+ge:t'si`her