The Signal, 1912-2-29, Page 4District ��1Tews.
MONDAY. Feb. ' ILh.
The storm of last week again blocked
roads for a brier spare. They are
Nada in fair eonditeon.
Yr. sod Mra.. A. M. Treleaven, of
Ripley. and Mr. Lod Mrs, David Fer-
rier, of West Wawagosh, were guests
:lanes Out week.
We are glad to know that W. P.
nder,on. who has been seriou ly i11
and under tbe doctor's care tor some
throe or four weeks. ie in a fair way
again to !multi). We hope to see him
among to again shortly.
Molan.tY, Feb. 20th.
Mfrs Margaret Holmes, of Clinton,
wee the guest of Mies Gladys Holmes.
Capt. A. L. Grisdale, of Port Huron,
was visiting W. S. Holmes for a few
Dr. Patterson bad hie shoulder dis-
located when he was thrown from his
cutter the other day.
death of Hugh McDonald, a former
resident of Lncknow, occurred at
Winnipeg on Monday morning, 19th
inst. He had keen i11 for several
weeks. Mr. McDonald was born in
Scotland fifty-four years ago and same
to Canada with his parent" in 1873.
Be resided at Lecknow until 11481,
when be removed to Winnipeg. For
several years he was associated with
J. C. Orr in the plumbing business.
He retired from that partnership and
eince then he had leen a commer;ial
traveller for Gen. Valle It Co.. of the
Prairiepity. H1 in survived by big
widow. to whom he was married
seven years ego, and two small chit-
dren. He also ie survived by six
TUssDAY, Feb. 27th.
A WINTER D1FFIcvL'rr_Tom Smith
is the only one around here who is
able to keen his wind -mill in opera-
tion. Tom has made use of bis inven-
tive capabilities and devised a new
plan for opening -up frozen pipes. His
methods are altogether new a -d inex-
pensive. Full information given on
Baoree.-On account of ill health
Mies Margaret Murray has discontin-
ued her atodles in Winghaao Business
College and r.turned home Kenny
M►clnnis aryl sister Margaret are
visiting friend- in Kintail at present.
Mrs. n. Murray spent the week-
end in Wingbam The violent
,t.orm of la•t week made the reads
immoveable here for a sew days. Even
Will Martin's sturdy teem was held
fast in a enowhenk and had to be
shovelled out.
LUTKtLARY Sociwry.-The regular
wetting of the Paramount Li
.ociety was held in the school on IM -
day evening bit 'wing to the condi-
tion n' the roads the attendanos was
small. Exrellent paper" were read ou
the topic, however, but as some of the
debaters were absent judgment was
not given. At this week's meeting a
box social will be given, en interest-
ing feature of which will be another
debate. the topic of which is. "Re -
'solved. married life is superior to
single life." Eve h welcome.
Legal Questions and Answers.
Vrotn The Mail and F:metre.
J. W. W., Gndericb.-Qu.-Drs I
need a lirenae to.rondnet a mail order
business in Ontario? (2) Do I need a
license to ern through agents or to
agents Rods which bare been
brought from the United States into
Osnada P(8) If i manufacture a home -
hold article and canvass it from house
to house, meet I bale a license? (4)
Must an agent have a license? (5) Is
an agent limited as to territory? (6)
Dos. the law allow anyone to tree the
word 'company" wben there ia only
one in the Mutineer?
Ans.-You don't require a license to
f onduct a mail order business in the
Previao. ct Ontario. (2) You don't
require a license to sell imported
Roods to agents. If you .el) your
geode through agent.. that is by
mains of, •'hawkers" and "peddler..
who go from house to house. such
agents may require to have a license
from earl municipality through
which they travel selling goods. By-
laws may be petered by nnnncile for
lioensing and regulating hawkers and
peddlers ; the word "hawker," In-
cludes agents tor persons not resident
within the county. See erection 5filbf
the Municipal Act (3-4) Rut the
Municipal Act save no liernee shall be
required for peddling or milling goods.
wares of merchandise to any retail
dealer, nor for peddling or seeing
geads which are the Produce or menu -
facture of this Province if the same
are being peddled or sold by the man-
efacturer or nroduoer of the goods, or
by his bona fide servant, or emploves,
etc. (51 iJeenses are not Provincial.
They are granted by the councils, Fri
counties, cities and towns. The
license only applies to the particular
county, city or town. The peddler
must obtain a license from the clerk
of each municipality. (8) Any person
who wishes may use the word 'atom -
patty" after his name, hot the
tratlon of Copartnership' Act" re-
quires that a eertl6cate shall he regta
toped in the registry offineof the regiar
tration division where the ?trainees I.
carried on within six mantle' after the
mmmenrem.nt of the hedeemee. A
proem neglecting to regretter within
that Bmo renders birdmen liable to a
Roe of MOO.
Before the fire on Christmas Etre
two rid maids were planning for the
-Sieve Mallin" .aid the ynnnger.
-would a foeg mocking bald ell you'd
want for • Christmas gift r
•'NoS Ware." said the older, "hut a
pair of socks wneld."
A Oeep On..
"Gosh all h-eilnck t" exclaimed tbe
lest brwree, "ain't per .truek water
vet 1 How deep hew ye gone r
•• 'Pinot a hundred foe." replied the
ether etae4dfy.
"An' aia't ye diarour•aged r
"Oh ! f dentin i i neo t say 1 ain't
Rdttln' a Wag well."
Aoy quantity of the best
Chestnut and Stove (kcal on
hand at Kingsbridge. 5
Farmers wanting Coal bad 1
better get in a moldy of trace, as 111
there is a likelihood of a coal S
strike and moat dealers in the Ji
surrounding towns are out.
1 0. Rus,,- HELL,
ThZ$DAT. Feb. 27th.
Mrs. 3. Pion, of Winnipeg, was vis-
iting Mrs. Wm. McCarthy last week.
Oyerint SOPPIER. --On Friday night"
1&.h intro, Rupert Bell. merchant of
Kingsbridge, handsomely entertained
his friends to the number of fifty.
The first part of the evening was taken
up with progressive euchr., twelve
tables playing until midnight. John
Courtney won the prize. After the
game oysters were served and cbe sup-
per was much enjoyed. Roy and Nei
McKenzie, of the 12th concession. en'
tertained the gathering with the hat --
pipes, others joining with violins.
After supper the cards were again re-
sorted to for entertainment until
nearly morning.
Settlers' Excursions to Canadian North
Cnrnmencing with the first Tuesday
in March and continuing 011 very
Tuesday thereafter .luring March and
April, the Canadian Pacific will run
settler% excursion trains to Winni-
peg and West
For the accommodation of settlers
travelling with their live stock and
effects a colonist oar will be attached
to the settlers' effects train. This car
will leave Toronto on regular
train at 1(1 20 p. m. ; arriving at West
Toronto it will be cut off and attached
to settler,' effects train as mentioned
For those not travelling with stock
and effects, special colonist cars will
be attached to regular train leaving
Toronto at 10.211 p. m and run through
to Wfnnipeg without change. No
charge is made tor accommodation in
colonist cora.
Tem•let ears are also run nn regular
train leaving Toronto at 10.20 p. m,
A small extra charge is made for
accommodation in these cars. Apply
to nearest C. P.R. agent for a "Settlers'
Guide" and •'Tourist Car" pamphlet.
Notes from the Legislature.
Mr. Proodfont, memfier for (`,eotr.
Huron, had several questions on the
order paper in reference to the astute
revision oommiwiote. "In reply the
Attorney -(h -neral gave the following
information : The present commis-
sion has root the Province to date $149,-
064.16. The revision commission of
1807 was appointed on December 11.-
181M and completed its work on Dec-
erereher 20, 1987: the onemission of
1897 was appointed April 21, 189& and
finished its work no December 211,
1887. The cost respectively in times
taws was $79,912 and *76 9198. The
present commission win
reach an end of it, labors this year.
The .upplerneotary estimates pre-
seem►ed in the Legislature this week in-
clude two millions for the proposed ex-
tension of the hydro electric system
thrnngb tbe counties of Huron Bruce
and Grey. .
The March Ani trican Fagszine con-
tains the first authentic report pub-
lished in this country of eertain highly
important discoveries in a London
laboratory as to the relative strength,
both mental and physical, of tbe
younger children of a family as com-
pared with the older children. After
examining thousands of eases the
evidenre seems to be that the first
two children in a family are not, in
the majority of cases. as strong
mentally and physically as those
that cone later. The point for
American readers of course is that
ec000mie premiurw which increases
the cost of living, reduces the size of
families and weakens the mental and
physics) strength of a nation. There
are many other important artiele• in
the March American. For example,
Stewart Edward White's story of a
lion hunt : Julian Leavitt's investiga-
tion of American prisons, in which he
reveals the practice of unheard-of hne-
Witless : Ida M. Tarhell'e paper nn
" The Business of Being a Woman"
La Follette's autobiography. and
Hugh S. Fullerton'+ amutsing. and yet
informing, article on " Eating."
mplendid fiction is furnished by Edna
Ferber, James Oppenheim. 0. S. Ray-
mond, Edith Ronald Mirrielees and 0.
G. Wells.
The Modern Method
"You don't meet any more bunco
steeper, or gold -brick men."
"No," replied Partner
•'when a man is after your money
now, be't take the trouble to be
enriaMe an' *how you a good time.
He res' addresses a few circulars an'
'motets you to send him the money by
Of the Nerviness Cure sf Mrs. Julien
Peterhead by Dodd's Kidney Falk
Whitworth. Temiw.nata ('n., Quo-,
Feb 26, - (Speniwf) -The mesa Lionel
air. of Mn. Julien Panchen(' bee
set this so tire nes try talk lag.
$h. inherited ill t• .tib {non hyr
Parente, which Ievektprd into a' a heart tr,gMe,
and di
or moven 'v. , . weary. drag.
ging days sod loopiest nlghty
made her life alms• intimal teissrs.
She was hardly able do her hone• -
Wert, when. astir no a neighher'a
advice. she et/woe! t.. ,..e Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills.
The lire hex," Mn. Painrh.nd
Onion, "relieved m.• o? e1) pain 1
tn..k six Arnow in all and am perfectly
w.11. e
Rom inherited kldeay disease . ep.
not stood brise, Dere Kidney Pilia
Wet Hurls Tttecbars' AsescisWo Plans
Caoaand bis Movement
The following circular letter it being
snot to tbe teachers thtoofrbout Went
Huron by the .eexretaty of the Wast
Huron Teacher" Assoc:iat teen It desks
with a subject which should have the
earnest attentiou of all citiseus :
Kippen. Ont., Feb. 10. 19
Urs. Teacher, -In 1910, In Goderic
the Went Huron Teas -hers' Institu
discuesad the subiect of improving t
epoearriruos of Weet Huron. Th
euhj.ct waited considerable Interns
but was lett over for further consider
Winn in October. 1911, when the lost
tate met in Exeter. At that meets
the committee appoloted in 1910 to
port on the subject brought in t
followiog report, which was ureas
mouldy .doptwd:
1. That In the rural muoicipali
shale trees be planted along the road
rides at least there rods apart.
trees should consist of sugar coapt
white ash, walnuts, hickories, oak
and other useful varieties on the sou
and west sides of the roads and eve
greens on the north and east sides
the rood• 1f owners object to t
hardwood varieties. Such trees
silver tu•ples, poplars. willows, an
beech.e should not be planted.
2. That the portion of road alio
ane• between the roads and fences
ploughed and levelled.
3. That weeds "honld he cut alon
roadsides and in the field.
4. That rarh farmer place his nam
on hie gate and that he be encouraged
id prune hit. orchard, improve his
fence. and buildings.
5. That in towns end villages shade
trees ire planted. parks opened and
cared for, gree it on the ,ides of
streets, weeds ei t rubbish removed
from vacant lots, . 1d fences removed,
..wners eneourege 1 to improve the
.,npeeranoe of their property and the
•ouncil recnmmendea to create one or
oenre beauty smote in the town and
where at all possible to erect one or
mere statues of prominent persons.
8. That in order to accomplish this
a strong committee of teat:berein each
municipality he appointed by this as-
sociation to interview their respective
monicipel rouncils and urge upon
them the propriety of reeking provi-
sion for the accomplishment of these
recommendation,. Also that a crtm-
mittee be appointed to interview the
county council at their December
session end urge that they take some
action in the matter.
7. That these committees nrge each
municipal council Co offer. snhstaotial
rewards to each school section that
accomplishes work along the lines in-
dicated up to a retain standard and
that very much better work should he
better rewarded. No awards to be
made sooner than flue years hence.
8. net under the tearber'e direc-
tions a map of each school motion ha
Drepared showing where trees, grad -
lug. etc.. are needed and some Mon-
dani he adopted such as one mart for
eaoh tree needed. Bee marks for each
rood graded, twenty marks for each
sixty rods on which weeds are cut, eta
A basis may be laid anon which
awards nifty he offered and this com-
mendable work encouraged
In accordance with No. 8 of them
resolutions, Marrs. Tom, Tigert and
Johnston were /appointed a committee
to interview the county council itt
Goderieh during their December ses-
sion. This wen done, and the com-
mittee, along with Dr. Field, iospeetnr
of Beet Huron public soboob, urged
upon the county •onneil their taking
some action in offering rewards to the
tabool sections that planted 1,000
hardwood or evergreen tines and lev-
elled five miles of roadside between
the ditch and the fence. The whole
matter was referred to a special com-
mittee who reported, that, while
strongly in favor of the work ender -
taken by the teachers of West Huron,
they recommended that the matter I.e
laid over until the various municipali-
ties* in the county act.
This report was adopted, the county
council considering that they should
not do anything until the municipal
councils showed that they were inter-
ested by doing something to encour-
age the good wort.
It now behooves the teachers to in-
terview the municipal councils and
urge upon them the neceesity ei im-
mediate action so that work can be
started this spring.
In the Eaat Huron Teacher*. Associ-
ation. G. M. Holman. president. J.
Hartley, secretary. and Inspector
Field are in waren sympathy with the
movete.nt and doubtless every
teacher there will be glad to seated
their efforts, •
Every teacher in the county i.
earnestly urged to be a epeeial mis-
sionary in making this a live enhject
among the people, in making friends
for Improvement among young and
old, and in supporting the special com-
mittee appointed to interview the
council in bis or her municipality.
These committees are urged to at-
tend the next meeting of the council,
get as many inflakential men or
women al porafble to go with them,
and urge action upon the council's
Oonwiderahle latitude will he allowed
the committees in snaking their re-
quests'. Follow the line of the "Rerot-
utions" if you will, or urge that the
council ue.e the tnwnsblp
to level the roadsides if�
farmers plough therm. and pay
no muob for each owe planted in the
sera*, Mr• The roadsides should he
levelled borne, trees are planted, un-
li they Mae& the t elms to the time.
le Lamb nn county a publicity ag-
ent is appointed and paid • of
$1,900 a year to Forward the in�tersstss
of t'be roonty. in tee that. of New
Jersey, U. S M. ctwamieeineers ere sp.
pointed who here the authority to
plant ti.w sad rbarg. the cost against
the land H the owner meioses to plant
Obese. Lincoln rounty aM��orgi- 'ng
abase' es account of the torts&
beteg don. there along Olefin. M be-
nt. Penns there rile ah+ady
ree�'swtng in value The .►nse gond
essulte will follow here.
s -
w -
it isfrwaeation is needed, write the
O. A. C., (hieloh : the Rsperim.atal
Farm, Ottawa . the Forestay Depart -
meet, New Janney. B. 4 A., etc., ter
bulletins. at,..
Above all things instil Into the minds
01 your papas airse of the h aotifui
and a desire for impmvors.nt. in tbeap-
pearanoe of Ibis grand old Bounty of
Humor. sad ogee day the improve.
Wine Backache pie boas
Omer yea ss4=
seariZar r
bask. Gem tbs
Is only see Iddeneki=im bet
it sem lashectio aryl *we
meat will be *rester than we ever
dreamed ot.
All of which is respectfully submit-
ted by
Yours in this good work,
W. H. Jotutwrox,
Sec-, W. 11. T. A.
Says. Men Think They Clot Acquainted
Edna Ferber writes a flrtinn story in
the March American Magazine, in
which the poincipal characteris Emma
McChesney. a ,ravelling saleswoman.
On one of her tripe she took her Pon
with her, a boy of seventeen. "Thin
boy had to spend the night wi'b a
stranger in a country hotel. N-xt
morning big mother asked him about
his room -mate. The boy knew very
little, not even the name of the man
with whom be 'tarred Whereupon
Emma MoCbeaney broke out as
Men are the cusaedest ereatures.
This chap eccnpied the same room
with you last night and you don't
even know bis name. Funny 1 If
two strange women reed found them-
selves occupying rhe same room for a
night they wouldn't have got to the
kimono and back hair stege before
they would know not nnly each other's
amines, but they'd have tried on each
other's hats, swapped corset .,over
patterns, found mutual friends living
in Payton. Ohio, taught. each other a
new Irish crochet stitch, showed their
taaaif� photo repbe, told bow their
married sisters Hit le girl nearly died
with swollen rands end divided off
the mirrnr kith two sections to paste
their newly washed handkerchiefs on.
Don't tell me men have a genius for
Lower Cost of Living.
Spend less for vour breathes -eat
more Kellogg'. Tnast.d Corn Flakes.
There sare tweet y g plateful* to the
+sciage----aaa p�
aokagitrcoats only
10 cenu.
Clever Mary.
Rev. Smartt -'Mary, if anyone calls
this afternnon and asks for me, just
give an evasive answer. You know
what I mean?"
Mary -"Yee, air."
(Half an hhur la'er):
The Biahop-"Ir your master in?"
Mary -"Ones your norther know
you're out?"
No Nay for Him.
French Chauffeur (to deaf farmer na
a Moine toad) -"Orn vert tell me, sere,
sere I get Note elf z' gasz.dine r
Farmer (with his hand to his ear) -
"Hey r
French Chauffeur -"Non, non, non!
Pint se bay-ze gessrlin.. Zits eea a
motor -car, not a bnrae."-Harper's
Use the oyster with the flavor,"Vir-
ginia sealed," at Bl.ckat one's. 'Phone
We are offering special hergaina In
hot water hotttes. R. R. W i$e,
druggist, Godericb.
For all occasions use Blarttitone'e
delicious ire cream in bulk 01 fancy
bricks. 'Phone 240.
trAt stakfirk
THE STANDARD is lbs National
Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion
of Canada. It la national In all Its
It uses the meet expeneive engrav-
ings, procuring the photographa from
alt over the world.
Its articles are carefully selected and
fte edttorial policy is thoroughly
A aubacripti n to The Standard
coot. KOO per year to any address" In
Canada or Great Britain.
TRY IT FOR 1912!
Mewb..l Standard Publishing t:..,
Limited. Publishers.
WE have ►)reedy ripened up arms of the dainUest and most fetching wattle fabric& to
be found anywhere, and not a bit digb-iteiosd either. The world's market has
contributed to make our spring offerings very desirable, both in quality,
newsmen and prices. The goods are walti.g your inspection and you will fled
them ail that we represent than to be. Just a few larding floss fur you to read about
Ode week. g
We have been aqd are
now bnldiug tires place to Priota
Over one hundred pieces of new
Prints to cbon.e from -CREW
•BRAND - no butter 1l igUsh
Print made -- and our price is
only 1Itio.
No wake-hetIeve, but reel
Scotch and English, with that
fineness of weave and delleacy of
color shat only the Scotch *ori
Engli-h can give them. 114a
and 15o are the prices.
Imported makes, fine cloths,
.superb pattern., fast rotors, full
width, .Immo equal to Zephyr
make ; and our price for theta is
jest 10o.
tome tor thill a g yY
whits moths, eatbeet amortenents
embroidery am Lrobwe clpths-
dVictoria lawns sed linea lawns
that we ever offered.
We are allowing a very oleo
41Cineb rloth st Os or Ave yards
for 15a. Ma is a reel soap.
Other snakes, 8e, 10c, 124c and
We never were In .o good a
pneition em now to offer extra
value. in our beet
makes are 96 inches wide, in taff-
etas, palletise, martini** and
marenleettas, at $1.00, 1/1.15
and 1111.50. Guaranteed not to
out and extra good to wear.
We IC aaNOre showing a
attractive Msortms t of white
Wattage in *Pot sad ,trip.
patterns, 1 *$o to *Off, You
will And our values all you
expect at our prices.
Just four nicer. in the lot,
very new and desirable to make
up • wash suit, (olo' fret leo.
Jost one dresses in each pinks
came this week. They are
among the moven things to hes
found for spring suit..
Men -finished is the make we
are offering - very desirable,
porfeart 'in weave and tintsh.
black, navy, blue and other
shades. $0o to 11 1.15.
Trimmings for the Warden.
Milverton Run : Wentworth Bounty
eouncilo.r., litre those of Huron, have
raised their own per di.m allowance
to flee dollars, and The Hamilton
Spectator, alter criticising the in-
comes,. ref.t-s thus to another innnia-
tinn adnp•rd, but one we are sure the
level-headed men of Boron will not
follow : "Incideetally the councillors
have decided that their Warden must,
when in the chair, wear a cep and
gown. It has not yet been anoouewd
what the nfllrial pattern is to he, bot
with flee dollars a day wlalise for the
conneitinr. nothing abort of a Worth
ereat.ion should satisfy the Warden.
But wby the important omissinn of
the hells from the cap and gown reso-
lution P if the thing is to be done et
all it should be done right
An elderly farmer ln.t his wife, and
his nephew was taking the old mar
bark to the empty fermhrw..,
"Well." amid the old man atter a long
dMner,'Korey-six years. I seppor
.be was a good wife to m.. She was a
gnrd nook, and a good housekeeper,
and sibs kept me well, but do
know," he added. "i Newer
her.". •
An English Chemist Has
Discovered How to
Urow Hair.
Ia Ragland the ladies have entirely
abandoned wearing rata, which is doe
entirely to this new discovery.
It has been proven that Henna
leaves contain 'he )ngrcdiente that
will positive) grow haw. That they
contain this long -looked -for article 1.
proven every they.
The Amerit•ansare now placing on
the market • preparation containing
the extract from Henna leaves, which
is bavdog a phenomenal side.
This preparation Is called Salvia.
and is being sold with a guarantee to
erre dandruff and to grew bats is
ahlrndance. Being daintily perfumed,
Salvia mak.ers a most pheasant bait
dressing. Dunlop, your druggist, is
the first to Import this preparation in-
to Goderieb .red a lergn, srenerners
bottle can he pur:based for tbnc.
Yell W. want es a eento.wr. Ant as fls
MINI �t is
sCatalogue. vis brims fps/ et
411 , � Supplies, slkteta.. eggeablea, PIM
boo* amigo. Pinata, amon Fruits. 4.sasttle,
Youotb Moronso b otos so ire tifm.4 s, oar the
Doer. Swim end Pekes, etwohr. AS R tet eat Ise
• ens melees N One see a mooed saeeese.
Waits at soar, tea tar sea am swiss tar.
D. !) �L■saaisa, C�1�
/ >a
!+ 1$ l A.eree mem,
. Mkeeitt s 61.0.. '!M[ ta. sem gees the bat
Death to Dandruff Germs
Life to All. Haire
No More Dandruff,' Falling Hair, Scalp
Heads or Dull, Faded Hair.
This is a free country. It's your
right, your prfvihege to dee any hair
tonic you desire.
But why continue to use • hair tonic
that doesn't do what it should do : kilt
the and banish all dandruff find
hair troubles ?
If you have dandruff, if your bale is
getting thin and felling out. if yosr
scalp itches and yam hair isn't bright
and lustrous, hear is mind this feet :
that Parisian Saar, now sold en over
America. is guaranteed by B. R.
Ingle to give the limit of satisfaction
Itch, Bald
if wed for soy of the above hair or
scalp trembles, er money back.
Parisian Sage is the most delightful
and refreshing hair dr•eesink for men,
wogtsa and chi dren, and fa psrticu-
lar7y In dsmaod by r deed women
who desire to increase tbeir bssoty by
acquiring an abundanoe of fascinating
hair. full of lib and lube.
A large bottle est Parisian Hage toots
bet 50 cents at E. 0. Willie's and
druggists everywhere. The girl with
the auburn hair is as ovary cart.e,
and bottle.
Vassar Shoes
ys as
Our styles and Lasts in ladies' "Vassar"
Shoes for this season are perfect. We
are confident in saying that this line
surpasses any other in style, comfort
and wear. If you have not worn
VASSAR Shoes, don't fail to try them
this season. We carry all lines in
patent, tan, gun - metal and kid.
Repairing carefully attended to.
W• l -f E R N 'Phone 226, the Square
and House Furnishinzs
Having purchased Mr. W. J. Muir's interest in
the furniture business, I will carry it on myself in
Thepeople of Goderich and neighborhood will
have at my hands the very best service possible.
Being a practical man in this business, I am in a
position to both buy and sell Furniture that will
meet every taste, at most moderate prices.
House Furnishings -Floor Rugs,
Window Blinds, Room ilouldings.
Frames and Pictures
Cali and see my stock. No trouble p show
you the best that can be had.
George Hohmeier
Apiary Ner./lsinee !Menus
Wasted immediately
toast, capable man, aelnt i�e�oesdwoe alpet
nieven. to
ma ea
rtes 1� fretted serrawfat tress int
avant,. W. two ascseding to stints. me
dedre best roan
,,the pesurakla
000 Acres •
et fruit trees from wadi to 5)1
reGulromeats. salas•aa aro
were to osp sly rtillebte, satlAaetery
stammer over 36 poser. Write :
Dass k[aata
It,slbar .marl ale.
N. B. -To castoarrsv 1 If mer revrems b.
*leen hare called, earls+ for catalse e
Business College
Stand. to the front as the hest Its
s.bsel of
kind tp the Provisoes per owrres
ba,ea•t thane of the otd1as Mehw+ col-
lege- lien s -V baa •ono tot meets -
Hoe three
b ip the
ar••at .xoerda es Jr. 9t ii.Os
see interim aadt week and teener y.a
, Get car See
c Warms at ears.
D. A. MCLAcst ax,
An English Chemist Has
Discovered How to
Urow Hair.
Ia Ragland the ladies have entirely
abandoned wearing rata, which is doe
entirely to this new discovery.
It has been proven that Henna
leaves contain 'he )ngrcdiente that
will positive) grow haw. That they
contain this long -looked -for article 1.
proven every they.
The Amerit•ansare now placing on
the market • preparation containing
the extract from Henna leaves, which
is bavdog a phenomenal side.
This preparation Is called Salvia.
and is being sold with a guarantee to
erre dandruff and to grew bats is
ahlrndance. Being daintily perfumed,
Salvia mak.ers a most pheasant bait
dressing. Dunlop, your druggist, is
the first to Import this preparation in-
to Goderieb .red a lergn, srenerners
bottle can he pur:based for tbnc.
Yell W. want es a eento.wr. Ant as fls
MINI �t is
sCatalogue. vis brims fps/ et
411 , � Supplies, slkteta.. eggeablea, PIM
boo* amigo. Pinata, amon Fruits. 4.sasttle,
Youotb Moronso b otos so ire tifm.4 s, oar the
Doer. Swim end Pekes, etwohr. AS R tet eat Ise
• ens melees N One see a mooed saeeese.
Waits at soar, tea tar sea am swiss tar.
D. !) �L■saaisa, C�1�
/ >a
!+ 1$ l A.eree mem,
. Mkeeitt s 61.0.. '!M[ ta. sem gees the bat
Death to Dandruff Germs
Life to All. Haire
No More Dandruff,' Falling Hair, Scalp
Heads or Dull, Faded Hair.
This is a free country. It's your
right, your prfvihege to dee any hair
tonic you desire.
But why continue to use • hair tonic
that doesn't do what it should do : kilt
the and banish all dandruff find
hair troubles ?
If you have dandruff, if your bale is
getting thin and felling out. if yosr
scalp itches and yam hair isn't bright
and lustrous, hear is mind this feet :
that Parisian Saar, now sold en over
America. is guaranteed by B. R.
Ingle to give the limit of satisfaction
Itch, Bald
if wed for soy of the above hair or
scalp trembles, er money back.
Parisian Sage is the most delightful
and refreshing hair dr•eesink for men,
wogtsa and chi dren, and fa psrticu-
lar7y In dsmaod by r deed women
who desire to increase tbeir bssoty by
acquiring an abundanoe of fascinating
hair. full of lib and lube.
A large bottle est Parisian Hage toots
bet 50 cents at E. 0. Willie's and
druggists everywhere. The girl with
the auburn hair is as ovary cart.e,
and bottle.
Vassar Shoes
ys as
Our styles and Lasts in ladies' "Vassar"
Shoes for this season are perfect. We
are confident in saying that this line
surpasses any other in style, comfort
and wear. If you have not worn
VASSAR Shoes, don't fail to try them
this season. We carry all lines in
patent, tan, gun - metal and kid.
Repairing carefully attended to.
W• l -f E R N 'Phone 226, the Square
and House Furnishinzs
Having purchased Mr. W. J. Muir's interest in
the furniture business, I will carry it on myself in
Thepeople of Goderich and neighborhood will
have at my hands the very best service possible.
Being a practical man in this business, I am in a
position to both buy and sell Furniture that will
meet every taste, at most moderate prices.
House Furnishings -Floor Rugs,
Window Blinds, Room ilouldings.
Frames and Pictures
Cali and see my stock. No trouble p show
you the best that can be had.
George Hohmeier
Apiary Ner./lsinee !Menus